Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 08, 1796, Image 4

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An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut
ftreet; Lying
WtllCH i« 15 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with a
lot'adjoining, v> i-a feet wide, by 7» feet 8 inches
deep (Thit lot it back of the house occupied by
George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finifh- ln *
ed in every It it 50 feet deep, hat two alortlaic
Urge p rlours, the front one 14 feet, the back one it
41 feet, by 18 i-i sett, a handforae driving-room, Lying
*4 feet by 24 feet Th« room® below, the draw- rivers, 1:
ng-room ar.d the chambers adjoining, have nsihogany Georgia,
doort, and these at well as the rooms above them have
a communication with each other. The height in the Lying
Srfl and second story it 12 feet, and have ltoco cor- rivers, i
nices, and nine rooms up ftairt, befidet the garrett, Georgia
which a. e divided into three rooms, a good kitchen,
walV-holiie, milk and bathing-houfet, ar l»rge ice- Lying
bouse, a pump in the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch a!Wy, Carolina
that leads into Fourth street, The cellart are laid with
lime, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered. Lying
The yard 11 well paved, and the house is clear ot Carolina
ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, and
the chamber belit ring in the garret, as well as in the j n
entijy down stairs. All the chambers have white tiles, .
except the one next to the drawtng room, which has
as well as the drawing room and the two parlours be- ,
low, marble chimney pieces. The dra»ing-room, the
two parjourt belcw, and the entry, are papered up to ■
the third flory: In the room over the kitchen it an 'Tj-.p
open stove. 'In the wash room there is an oven, and
the back buildings, from the cellar, all the way wp formerly
have large cloiets, and in the cellar is a large bottle
rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar, and three t, z e
bint to hold bottled liquor are made in said room P o '- 111
with padlocks to them ; ihe whole cellar and the cock-
loft art as wel plaflered as any room in the houle.
In short, the house it in every refpeifl completely finifn- so
ed. PoffeSon shall be given in ten days after the g ' r(1
it fold. Two brick stables in Walnut-street, with o) ffe ;
two coach houfet. one of them will hold two cam- jfljgnee
ages, the other one. The fmallelt able has room foi
par crtc
three, and the largest for four horses. It is it 21 feet tn g to ,
front oa Walnut-street by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. 1 hey g 0 the <
hare excellent lofts over them. The building it arc lie 11 c d 14 bi
and laid with lime and two-inch plank, and the cellart -hey w
Will hoM about too pipes of wine : Is clear of ground ble ifth
mis, and has the privilege of an 11 1-2 feet alley, that some th
leads into Pifth-ftreet. Also a brlci store, 33 feet trout him for
on Fouhh-ftreet, by 50 feet deep, which might at a creditoi
small expenre betumed into a handfomt dwelling houie co * nle '
having been so contrived inthe building. It hat a yard in <■ *■
48 feet 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa- 01 t0
ter pump, and other conveniences, and the cellar it laid it won <
with two-Inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars '"g
per month. 'T his bull'ling is fubjeel to a ground rent or
11 dollart t-4 per annum. The store and stables I would
give immediate possession of. GEORGE MEADE.
No. 78, Walnut Street. T
Terms of payment for the foregoing property, vii.—
'16301 may lay one year certai*, after the sale and if Phil,
theinterefl is regularly paid, that humane, worthy,go«J,
and frier-fly man, Edward Sties, Esq. fays it may J.y 5*7
as long as the<purchaf;r please' (purely he faya to oblige
*ie) the ititerefl being regularly paid. t jj e qj.
48C0I. to be paid in approved note 1 :, and approved in
dorfersat 12 Bionths, the remainder in approved n«t«s a
and approved mdorfcrt, at 15, sB, and 24 months, the £ ora [j.
property to be feeared for the payment. The (tables may dimie'
be paid for in like manlier, and the store too, all but 4000
dollars, which mufi be paid in an approved note, and ap
proved indorler, at 6 months, th« whole payable with Phil
OA. »6. n
— = — „d w
To bo Sold,
, , , and A
On ThurftUy the 6/4 day of April next, at 1 Z otlotk. kr> 4
at Dturforty's tavern, in the town of Winchtpr, t othe
in Virnnia, the fallowing lands, situate in the said for a 1
°. and in
Jlate, w*. pound
No. 1.—430 Acres. Barto
Of excellent land on the ,waters of Back-crtelt, in vefy (
Frederick county, on the great road '"ding to the p (
South Branch, a out ten miles from Wmchefter, 100 1
•icres of which is rich bottom, a fine flream running 1
through it, with several l'prings, the trees m the bottom
are chiefly lugar maple, black walnut, hickory and lo- I
cult. There is a log dwelling and out-houies, lome 1 .
ro-adow made, and 40 acres of upland cleared. On are n
this tract there is a good mill fe.t, where an under- 14th 1
(hot-ihtll might be erefled. ol th
N'j. 2- —800 Actet. 'he
Situate in Hampfliire county, on the north branch bug,
of the Potowmack, and on a branch called Cabbin-run I
about eight miles from Fort Camberhnd. On this py
trail is a large quantity of rich bottom, fit tor meadow
or the culture of hemp, the upland remaikably good, j <r,
being chiefly timbered with walnut and hickory. Ihe ajfig,
aWove trad it in two l'urveyt of 400 aeret each. I
Np. J. —»oo Acret.
Situate in Franklin county, about ten milet from J
Winchefler. On this tra<ft there it a dwtllinj house A h
and part of the land it cleared, the remainder ia finely "Z 10
timbered. , FP ;
No. 4. —A Lot of Ground. fcta ,
Tn -the town of Woodftocfc, Shanandoah county, I
wherecn is ereaed i. two story house, and other im
provements, and a ten acre lot for the convtniency of
said town lot,
- No. 5 — 2JO Arret.
Situate about two miles from Woodftock. Part oPI
this trail is in cultivation, it finely timbered, and a good
quantity of meadow may be maiie.
No. 6—400 Acre*. j j
Situate in Hampfliire county, on George Andet't mill 1 —
run., on a branch of the Cafapchon. This trail is finely |
timbered, there is good bottom land, which might be
easily converted into meadow. I
No. 7 One moiety of 5000 Acres.
Lying an the wateri ef Hughes's river, in Harrifon j
county. This was purchafctl at one quarter of a dol- 14"
lar per acre, -c i(h above 8 year« ago.
No. 8—41,900 Acres. Sb
Lying in the counties ;'f Wvthe, Washington, and 1
Grayfon (the greater part in Wythe,) on the waters
ef Cripple creek and I'ox creek, branches of New Ri- j
ver, and on the sooth fork of Holltein. | .
No. Acres. I
Lyingfin'the county of Hardy, on the waters of Great J
Cacapion and North River. 1
The terms of payment will be one third part of the I
purchase money to be paid in haHd at the time of ex- I
erutihg the deed or deedt of conveyance, the remaining
two thirds to be paid in equal iiiflalments, at 12, 18, d
and 24 months thereafter tecuring those paymenti by r
mortgaging the preiuifes. .
Should any peilon wilh to purchafc at private lale,
•pplicstion may be made to John Holker, E»q. near
Winchefler ; David Holmes, Esq. oY Wincheller i or .
by letters, (pofl paid,) to the fubferiber in Philadel
phia, being the owner of said lands, who will perfoi.a!
fy as.end the lale on the day abovementioned.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, ad ol November 1796.
diw wks 1 Mdt.V.
To be Sold, JiSni
60,400 Aem of Land. ley,
Lying on therivef Alleghany, in the county of Nor
; thumberland, in the State of Pcnnfylvaaia. Raffia
° 400 Acres Land, Do.
In Bald Eagle townihip, Northumberland county Do.
e c a
> Do
, 60,000 Acres Land, Do
, Lying on the waters of the Oconee and Canouchee
- rivers, in the coauty of Washington, In the lute o.
y Georgia. Do
e 174,000 Acres Land, pO
- Lying on the waters of the Ohopee and Casouchee R 3ve ,
- rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in the llatf 01 IGnp-l
', Georgia. 1 '"J*
1, ji 053 Acres I.and, Rutlii
Lying in Orangeburgh diftnfl, in the fta'e of Sou J: Do.
> Carolina. And,
h 146.986 Actes Land, l °
Lying in Charlelton diflridl, in the said ftateof South
11 Carolina.
u An Half acre Lot of Grond,
e In the town of Richmond, Virginia.
'' The above Lands will be fold low.—Apply to i
'* George Meade.
,e Philadelphia, 2d November, 1796. 'dlww&stf. corfi
0 •
,d The Creditors of Scott and M' Michael, naxt
n formerly merchants of this city, and who failed m the uyer
le year 1763, or 1764, (and from whom the l'ubfcn <* pur- ing ,
chafed- bills of, exchange to amount ot several hundred
pouudt fterhng, which ha« lain by hun ever since,) are No.
l. requested, xvikt man ar thim that is living, to n»ect at Q uate< i
• the City-Tavtrn on Tui-fday, the 15th of November next, ©
l," at 6 o'c ock inthe evening, in order to obUge are cltf
Cox, formerly of this city, now of New-Jersey, and John Little 3
f Bayard, formerly of said city, and fpcaker of the Houle
. ot Assembly as said ft-te, now of Brunfwick. New-Jersey, Nc
aflignees of said Scott fe M'Michael, to come iorward aad crfl w
or pav over the moniesthey have had in their hands belong- g^obe
iet tng to the creditors these 32 or 33 years. Some years a- countJ .
ey g 0 the creditors were called together ; Mr. Cox appear- Nc
ed c d 14 behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, and alleged crJ , w ;
lr » they were apprehensive they might be brought into Irou- 0( < lo i ie
ud ble if they parted with the n>oney (which I apprehend is No
at some thoufauds,) as his Britannic Majesty had a debt due creS)W ;
4t him for government bills: it was however agreed Pv tiw fjtuat 10
a creditors met, th it the affigiees thuul.i take the opuuon of No
ife couniel j they did so, and it was that they would beiafe perchcl
rd in dividing the money among th« creditors. I urg*d Mr. . j
, a . Cox to bring the butinefs to a final close ; hit aufwer was, , milcs a
,jd it would be but a trifling sum ; my reply was, if ever lo . well fi|
lrs trifling, 1 would have my proportion of it. It has how- feet by
_f ever lain over. , ' witbtt
, H I therefore hope the creditors will now come forward vaJl(
'' and oblige the affigneos to divide whatever they have, and
*"' they onght to pay intwcll too. and ra
_ George Meade. indepi
if Philadelphia, td November, 1796. dtijN- n«m.
j No
|' ; t The creditors of the late Abel james, b^ h
lge who flopped payment in 1784, are requested to meet at .
. the City-Tavern, on Taefday, Bth November, at 6 ocloci No
in the evening, in order to oblige the alßgnees, (jonn s corn
'* S Field and others) to close their afifairs: My demand is j m;r fl(
for a balance due on a returned bill of lOOOl.d.erling,coits, j e( g. to
'Jl damages and iatet-ell. eded;
George Meade. stree t,
rilh Philadelphia, November id, 1793. dt*
—-1 vr vrTdifors of Van Vleck and Barton, fsp^
tad William Barton, & Co. (who failed in the year 1784)
to be ]
are sarneltly requested to meet at the City-r avern, on phU|
Wednesday the 9th November, at 6 o'clock In the evemng o
in order to oblige the surviving aflignees, Stephen Aultin, tllc r(
. and Andrew Hodge to close these affairs. J°bn Chand-: with
ler, deceased, who was one of the assignees, once oßertd ,
Itr, tothe fubferiber 12/6 in the pound for his debt, which is
f,aid for a returned bill of 8000 guilders, with costs damages
and interest, and the aflignecshave never paid but if is the
pound, though they advertised goods belonging to William
. Barton & Co. in the year 1784 or 1785, and allowed o
> very creditor the literi Jof buying to the amount of i</ in
1 the pound of their debts.
!°° George Meade.
t!"m Philadelphia, November 2d, 1796. dtgN. At F
ome The Creditors of Clemeirt Biddle & Co. A
On are requested to meet at the City-Tavern on Monday the Cont
ider- 14th inft in order to oblige the assignees to a fettlemuit 0 f h
of then affairs, which have lain ever these twelve years : t ,d 1
the fubferiber's demand is tor a returned bill 01 ipod fter- or d e
inch I ling, damages 20 per cent, and interefL of ft
■run. George Meade. Hniv
this Philadelphia, 3d November, 1796. dtMN.
,dow I - me | )
;ood, j The foregoing aA-v*rtifcmtnts are a good specimen of 1
The afzneel. Icouid £, - a further oneifitwus necejar * po ' f
I j ontt
from To be Let,
house I A large cellar, in Walout-ftieetjuft above Foarth-Street, that
finely I's Bo<"«d with two inch plaak, and will hold upwards ot too
pipes of w ne. , . '
Also, a Stable and Coach-house, that will hold four bor he '
I fesand iwo carriages; and several floret in Fourth Street — for
wty, Apply w gas
rim George Meade. wh
lCy ° f Who has for sale, J
s| boxes of Cattile soap } roc
'art Hcd Lisbon Wine I 1
a o-ood A few P'P" of bi " of exchange wine j <
I A few barrels ol Uilh mess beef I _
I And a few barrels of Qtip bread.
, .J Nov 4-
i s mill 1 _ T
s finely Irish Linens, ccc.
ight be
Imported per the ships Glafgoui, from Duilin, Liter
8* tj, front C»rlt, axd trig Mentor, from Be fa/I,
4 - 4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, A
In whole and half boxes,
J Assorted from I id. to 4s. flerling —Also J-4 wide j
, I Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worfttd Host. I _
5n ' and On Hamd,
: waters I , ,
-_ w 1 7.0 Wide Lawns.
I Dupers and Table-Cloths |\-
{ A few boxesTickens and Checks | c
. _ I A few bales Flannels j 0
jf Great I Cork an d Belfall Sail Clotlj, No.. 1 and 6 1 b
I 4j Boxes f 6by 8, I v
rt of the 10 Ditto [ Window Glass, <7 by 9, It<
le of ex- I s Ditto J i. Bby 10. It.
imaining I The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the I h
t 12, 18, drawback, and will be disposed of by the package on j t
nucnts by reasonable terms.
James, Clibborn & Englifti, ,
rate sale, No. 6, N. Front-street. 1
ifq. near lot jj mo joth. dtf I 1
eller; or __________________ I ]
SSS" To be Sold,
The Time of a smart, a&ive Negro Lad, I
ide. Who hat Eleven years to serve.
Enquire st Na. ;8, South front flrcct. |
Mdt.V. OAoher 18. I }
Just Landing,
At South Jlrtet- wharf, from on board the /hip Sedg-
lej, Captain Hodge, from St. PelerJ lurg,
The following Goods J city of
Raffia Sail Duck, firft quality. } ho
Do. Sheeting do. daily pi
Do. Diaper. Wn > Ba .
Do. Huckaback. m « c,al
Do Craft 111 noi:
Do. Mould Candles, A, S 6 » 10 the lb - ' f *** .
English size. r
Do. White Candle Tallow. Wl ',
Do- White Six-P in small boxes. °^' t
Do. Cordage of fine yarn. thc cho
Ravens Duck.»»P r
lfinelaf., ift and r- nd fort - , ,
llorfe Hair uncurled. pro Juc
Russia Bar Iron. *' ar S!
Do. Hoop Iron. acconir
Do. Nail Rod*. hours r
10 Ton? Oakum and Jinrk. regular
St. Feteilburg Clean Hemp. at r* B
For Sale by The
Philips, Cramond, & C*. «.
OAobcr l»- tgf
Valuable Real Estate,
For f, tit at Auflion by Casper Thiell, of Hamburg, himleli
late the property of James and William Kinncar. lerve
For sale by public a«aion,on the 9th day of November
' next ensuing, at the iign of Gen. Waftiington, \\ ood s _____
: tavern, borough of Reading, Berkscouuty.tfte fo}low
' ing real estate, vii. . . ... AM
1 \ TRACT of land containing 405 acres witn Wa[er
: No. I J\ a Dowance for road., called the Purchaft, j- ame T
' Cuated :'n Brunfwick townihip, Berks county, patented, nonh
' ,3th o Jan. 1788 This trad, of which about aj acre. | dweHi|
' are cleared, is of good-foil, situated o» the Tomajjua, or c
1 Little Schuylkill, well watered and timbered, oa which is wtUp ,
" created a good log dwelling house and ftaule. stores,
'* No. a. A trail of unimproved Und, containing a»4 a- rj
1 ere., with allowance, &c. callqd Hopewell, patented aßth thfrJ
' OAober, 1790, situated in Brunfwick tewufliip, Berks a fram
sounty, foil good. ... . ■ bound
No. ?. A trad of uuimpi-oved land, containing 3, 6 a- .My,,,
1 ere. with allowance, &c. called HilHburg, patented aßth q{ (hf ,
" Oiftober 1790, situation, &c. as No,a. COCK
® No. 4- A trail «f unimproved land, 38S a . ]
e cres,with allowance, &c. patented »Bth of Oflober, 178*, Thf
* situation, &c. as No. land 3. b«(l fu
No i- A tracl of land, containing a6B acres, and 3a
e perche., with allowance, &c. situated inßrunfwjcktown- yy
■ I ihip, Berks county, on Vouiagua, or little Schuylkill, 5
5 ' miles above the town of H.mburg.on which u ere&ed a
0 I well fimfhed two story fquaredlsg dwelling houfc, a; IT7
'■ i feet by within the distance ofioo perche.from a forge. VV
. j with the advantage of a ferry and public houfc; these ad- two h
, vantages render this trail very valuable. a Car
d No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, enclosed with a poit tomac
and rail, or board fence, containing in front, 60 feet, and
in depth igc, feet, fubjea to a ground lent of 7; 6per an
""no. 17. A town lot in Hamburg, enclosed as no 16, to
. which it adjoins, being of the fame dunenfions, and fubjcA
' to the fame ground rent,on which is ereSed * log ftab.e,
Vl6 by iS-feet . „
No. 18. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No IJ,
,n a corner lot, fronting on Main and Schuylkill ten d,-
" I menfions the fame as No. 16 and'. 7, above described, lub
' ie<& to 10/0 per annum ground rent. On this lot is «-
eiled a large 1 ilory dwellinghoufe, 4J feet on Maia
street, 34 feet ia depth on Schaylkill flrcet, pleasantly
' J4. B. The above defenbed three town will be fold
fsparately or together, a* may best fu t the
' Condition, of sale—One third »>f the purchase «*eaer g>-
4) t0 be paid to the subscribers, or cither of thun in Phllader-S
---on phia, at or bef ire the expiration mniih Ir^LJ^gO-^w-r
ng day of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed ; n
the residue payable in aequalpayments, at 6 and ia month, delaj
* i with interell.the payment whereof to be secured by mart- notic
' ; gage »n the premises. Sv
1 " fames Henaerfon, 1 Affigneesto draw
Frederick MontmolHn, I the estate of the 1
am Thomas Rogers, f J- i . rtlCT f Wm -
JtJtpb D. Drinker, J K ' nn « ir -
September a 6. m t^> -
"" Loft Last Evening,
At Ricketts's Amphitheatr', (supposed to be taken by
some villain out of a gentleman's pocket) c
~",0. A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK,
the Containing about 185 dollars in bank notes; three note*
pnt 0 f hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 304, 305 and 306, da- '
irs 1 t# d tathlaft August, payable 60 dafs after date, to the XI
order of Paul Siemen, together for i 150 dollars; an order i 1>
of Mr.. Ann acpherfori, from Paul Siemen, on Lach- ; unti
lin Mac Neal, Esq. at Port-au-Prince, f.r 100 dollars; be- fu.r
fidus several letter s and papers of no use but to the proprie- for
tor The notes of hand and order are without endorse- Jtin
f ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to day
" a ny person who will difcove- and secure the thief, and aft;
ar J~' FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti- , Pje
ontd notes and paper* at No. 119, corner of Front and Ri\
Mulberry flreets. — ' ' OA,Jt. -
[ ! »o» ~ |
BEGS leave to inform the La<Jie« and Gentlemen, that
bor he wUI open his RIDING SCHOOL on the ijl of Nov. gu
ei— for llic inf;ru3ion of Ladies and Gentlemen ir. the.ele
gaat accomplilkmcnt of riding and managing Iheir horses M
-with ease to themfelvcs.
Mr. Ricketts has well tiained Horses for the iccom- m ,
raoditiou of Ladies and Gentlemen for cxercife, to pay
monthly. Pupil, to pay by the season, or by the lefTon. po
Horses triined to the road or field. be
O&eber a 4.
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
(Price 1* i-a Ceou) pi
The President's Address
r " To the People of the United State«,
.L c Announcing his intention of retiring from public life
No, - t the expiration of the present constitutional term of
wide Stpkmh,r ao. d
LAST Wedncfday Evening, Oaober 19, Dctwecn the g
hours of 7 and 10o'clock, the bed room of Mr Ricketts in
O'E'nrr'a hotel w«s «mered, cither bv means of falfc key ~ •
1 or at the v. ir»dow, by some vHlain or villains, who wuft have '
been acquainted wi h the situation of ihe house (as the door
was found locked after they had commi'-ed the theft) who *
took away from amongst several trunks, ONE which con
tained a valuable part of Mr. Rickett's property, but of which
to Ac he is not yet able to afo rtain the contents particularly. 1
age on ter biiliging the said trunk away, and emptying it of up
wards of a thou (and dollars in cash and t\ank notes, the vtl
n lains left k behind the circus, during the time that the per
' foimances of the evening were goinj» forward
:-ftreet. j t j 8 carneftly requested, that ail tavern-keepers on the ftaj;e
tf roads, and the ferry houses, as well as all civil officers, may
■ be watchful in teeming lufpicious persons. who day have a
redundance of calh, which their appearance would by no
means bespeak them 17 be pofleffed of.
Lad, One Hundred Dollars Reward
Will be given for securing the thief or thieves, snd a fur
ther reward for fecaliog then with the property.
f Odt at- i
Samuel Richardet
Respectfully informs the Gentkmm
Merchants, that he has this day opened the GJTY
city of Philadelphia-
The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the
daily papers published in Philadelphia, Niw-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal coi*>
mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the nfual refreihments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
GoJtlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the nioft
approved IMalt Liquors frootLondon and o'her breweries.
The Larder will befupplied with the prime ami earliest
produflions of the Season.
Large and small Parties, or fiugle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or tfnpptrs, at
hours mod convenient to themfelves —.1 cold C .ation is
regularly kept for conveniency, th« Billof Fare to be had
at the bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifllcd, and
the utmost attention paid to cleaiiliiiefs, and every other
requisite. •
tg? Samuel RicHARDETwiII bchappyto rcccivc, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledge#
> himfelf that nothing on his part fhalihe wanting to pre
serve that patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh
ingly iionored.
I Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
. A lOT of GROUND, 164 feet 7 inches front on South
, Water-street, and bounding on the Delaware about the
' fame width, with a whari thereon in good repair On the
' north fide adjoining Pun alley, i» a large and well built
1 ! dwelling h«ufe, and counting house, communicating with
! r each other, 47 feet wide, afpaciois kitchen, and other
15 well planned accommodations, and below these a stack of
stores, 62 feet in front, by 9J feet in length, built a few
years ago; on the remainder of the lot on Wa:er-ftreet,
there are two ancient brick dwellings, a Cooper s shop, &
' S a frame {lore, now occupied by Mr. Alexander Tod, and
bounds adjoining the stores of the heirs 01 the late Joseph
J* Wharton. It will be better described by droits and p.ans
of the ground, and buildings, to be fcen at JOHN V> IL<-
COCKS's tempting hoofe, ore tHei-rewifes, aiKlof whom
!" particulars of fa!e may be obtained.
' The whole will he fold together, or det»ched as may
„ b«it suit the purchaser.
J : Wafhmgton' Canal Lottery,
nO. 1.
17 THEREAS the State of Maryland has authoriftd
e, VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
1- two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the puijpofe of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, from th Po;
tornado the Eallern Branch Harbour.
id The following if the SCHEME of No. I.
u- Via -1 Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10,000
I ditto 10,000 *0,000
S —
le, 6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 41 300
7i 40 ditto 100 a,OOO
55 ditto JO »>7J°
ib- J 7jo ditto ii 69,008
tr * To be railed for ih« Canal, 16,1.50
ua ___
'IT jSjO Pri»«s, *750°°
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
>Id _
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars. - 17^,000
IST &j" The PammiffiwlfP " " '■' '
"fpjtrra ny atafewM SffT lor the pnniftual payment »I
jiT** >h4 |l| illlißi ——■ - -
; The drawing of this Lottery wiH commence, without
th' ; delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
,rt " notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
sto drawing is finilhed, shall be consider. das relinquished for
of the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accoidmgly,
> m . (Sirntd) NOTLEY YOUNG,
City of Wafhiogioß, Feb. 11. 5
Treasury Department,
d a . . Siflemler 28, 1796.
the XTOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re
rder ceived at tlie office of the Secretary of the Treasury
ach- until the expiration of the firft day of March mat en
be- suing, for the supply of all rations which may he required
>rie- for the use of the United States, from the fir *1 oay of
>rfe- June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both
1 to days inclusive, at the places and within the diflrids
and after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; ;t Niagara; at
EHti- . Pjefque ltle; at Sandufky Lake, and o 1 Sandufky
and River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-trank
_ li», -it Pi. .ft..... I. ..■ nil. »■ 1 1' — «"1m 1 "
at Fort St. Clair-, at Fort-J-fferfon; at Orenvitte; at
Picquc Town and LoramiesStore; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any placj below Fort
that jj e g-,^ e OB t he Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
, ' | Steuben ; at FortMafTac ; at any place from FortMaiUe
;-ele- j to the south boundary of the United States on the river
01 Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ;at Ouiatanon.
If fusplies (hallbe required lor any poftsor yfjees not
com " mentioned in this notice, afl such supplies shall be iut
' P ay nifhed at pricos proportioned to those to be pjid at the
polls before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
between tlie United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of the Id
lowing articles, viz.
One pouod two ounces of bread or flour.
et, One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces ef
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy rr whiskey.
It# 00 Q ne q uar t half a pint of falt."^
Two quarts of Vinegar, C per hundred ration*
ic life Two pounds of Soap, {
■rm of One pouud of Candles, J
Therationsare to be furnilhed infuch quantities, astnat
there shall at all times during the said term, be fuScicnt
for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Vc
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix month* m
, advance, and at each of the other polls, for the term of
" cn lht a . Jeaft three months in advance, in good and wholelome
"V* provisions, if the fame fkall be required. It is-to bernv
"fl derllojd, that the Contra&or is to be at the expente and
j Vf 1 ifk of iffuirgtlie fuppH«s to ths trooys at each pod,
Fa who that all losses sustained by the depredation, of an enemy.
■1, con- by means of the troops of the United ■ ' Pon
,f which for at the price of the arfchs captured or jeftroy ,
y. M- the depofitiom of two or naorc pirfons of creditrtl
tof un ractcrs, and the certificate of a commiffioncd _o®«. ■.
the vi'l- cextaining the circumstances of the loft, and the '
the per of the ai ticks for which compensation fhal. bed.»*ie
the flaise Secretary of the Treasury.
ers, m»y — — ■* —
' ' IiVC a — VT rp.
d —No. 119 —
id » fur - CHESNb'T-STREET.
( [Prioc Fight Dollars per Annua!.)