Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 08, 1796, Image 3

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The rtiip Juno arrived at Baltimore from Brifto'
the 3d inttant, is Rated (o have had only 29 day's
passage, consequently could have brought London
papers to the fccond or third of O&obcr. The
Baltimore paperi however contain only Bristol aq
counts to the 24th September. London accounts
to the have been publilhed several days fine*.
The Courict Francois of this morning mentions
a chcck havfng been received by the army of Mo
>»u on the 12th of September, and a retreat in
The fam* paper fays that the salvation of Mo
restlV a7my dtpends entirely on Wurmfer's being
totally defeated by Buonaparte.
— <
We arc allured that' the following is taken from
the return of the ele&ion for electors of a
and in
Federal. Anti-federal. 1
Lancaster borough 1*47 *57 1
Upper Cross.Roads '170 62 I
Ephrata 164 19 I
New-Holland * 490 80 I
Lower Croft-Roads 71 195 <
2142 613 I
Federal - . -S3 3
Anti-federal . . * 333 '
< I
200 *
1 MM
WALPOLE, (N. H.) Oaober 18.
The expe&ed eleiftion of Pcleg Sprague, Esq. '
to complete the federal reprefeutatioa of Newhan.p
fllire—A tranquil session of a really patriotic Con *
jriefs —A better representation than heretofore of "
Pennsylvania. The decadence of new fangled de
mociaay. A majority of Americans voting that r
John Adams, (hall be their second Prefideht, and C
that the man who has so ably defended (hall be the
guardian of their constitution.
( hcjt-r, 08. 17, 1706.
LONGEVITY—-The Rev. Mr. Fuss, of
this town, was born in 1704, graduated at Har
vard College, in 1725* and is the oldest clergyman
in the catalogue. On Saturday last he rode half* 1
ttiile on horfeUack to dine with company. He re-
tains his mental faculties unimpaired ; hears and fees
wqll, and read* with geeat He is a fin- *
cere patriot in every sense of the word ; it very
much plealed with the friendly address of our iiluf
trious President, but is sorry for the occasion.
NEW-YORK, November 7. =
jgp of mo- ,
in the/uit brought Conn.aicuOkr,■ ,
Major Thomas Pirn kney, our late minister a; C
London, had taken pnlfagc on board the (hip Win- Ui
yavv, for South-Carolina, to fail about September ed
32d. r br
P r
The following person, are the e l e a o rs for prefldent
and vice-president for Conneaicut tio
Oliver Wei cot Eh'as Perkins,
Jeremtah, Jonathan Trumbull,
Ehjiur Goodrich, ' J c (Te R oot) <H=
Jeiwthan Stu s es, William H»rt.
Herman Swift,
Novemher 4. —
ate anc * Important.
Ey the juno, Captain Peak, arrived yef
ay from Brijtol, me have received the t_
Vrtjlol Gazette to the 24th September •*"
trcLuftve, from -which thefolio-win? ar- »
i teles are extracted
7he Juno had 29 days tafTate. %
V? £
five were received at the office of one of hi, majef. '
ty a principal of state. These paper,, the ~
writers of can scarcely be of 4ri
eating any thing in,mical to thecaufe of the French T
contain accounts from Jeurdan's army as late ai u
" the ' cc " un<s !t that ' Pic.
fee T J pu.-fi.ed bis flying |"e,
foe , that Jourdan, dnven back to the Rhine, at- i 'f 1 *
tempted on the Bth to make a (land on its right I d
' Austrian A ° f ' he The
Auftrtans, and again experienced a compleat defeat "'i 1
c ° m P l «r. thu it is rr?fonably concluded, his u 6
armyu a most wholly On the q,V bl.ft
. General Jourdan himfelf it stated to have crolTed the' th V
Rhine, with a small body of attendants. TheA U f
tnani were said. be in podeflion of Frankfort.
P i... j.r„,«i4s. 1 ~
So b ', 1 "" *"w" A 1
s "
* a ' c,^ u fce's pid filcccf., would be itftlf ln ", fl" ?, td "
!° ' a -n< .d,i„, b 7 ,1,;," '" h "
W/nail confirm this fappofition. ' H ' m - * S
the cco^!?J*^' bOVe - q,,oted ' fur,h " «»e
T I V,aory Sa " ed U the Tyrol, o-
Mlfc VI a ' my Und " ,he e <»®™«nd of Gen
!J' y ~N " P" ,cul ?" of last affair are gi-' To
„ * acco »"t is corroborated by advice re-
which ihi f k J '' hC Nea P olitan Ambassador,
'°™ e ,dvantJ C:fs gained by the Neapo- * •
°. Srm >'» a£l,n S: »" conjundion with the Auftri A
». .» «.«d.„bkr.,c. : ,h. French.
555? Jordan's defeat and retreat are painted in Ml!
ftrong'er colours than they have yet appeared in this
country. The left wing of his army is said, in a
letter from Wefel of the loth, to have been entire
ly cut off, and that it was not known what had be-
Brifto come of it. The less in artillery and baggage fuf
day's tained by the French, has been very great.
ondon Letters from Cologne of the 9th, Hate, that a
The P al "t of Jourdan't army had then began to cross the
al » Q . Rhine.
:ounts A n article from Ratilbon of the 2d, contains the
nee. account of an a&ion having taken place on the ift
ntiont inflant, between the Auftrians and the French ar
: Mo- my under general Mareau. This a&ion took placa
rat in between Ingolltadt and Geifenftjdt. Morea* was
comple.ely defeated, and the loft is stated to have
Mo- been conliderable on both fides.
being This mail fifeewife confirms the report of general
Maffena's defeat in the Tyrol.
An intimation has been given to our ministers
from from the rmprefs of Rufiia, through the medium of
fluent her ambassador at our court, that Ihc is ready, if a
peacc should no: be immediately concluded, to march
an army ol 50,000 men into Germany, toatS s^ainft
deral. the French, in conjunction with the Auftriaiit. This
7 circumftanie is by no means an unpleasant one, even
2 should a negociation take place. To obtiin fair and
9 honorable terms of peace, it is essential that we
0 (hould be prepared for a vigorous prosecution of the
5 war.
Letters have been received in the city from Leg- -
3 hoi n, dating, in pohtive terms, the death of general
Buonaparte ; but no particulars are mentioned.
3 Mr. Hammond, under secretary of state landed at
3 Scarborough on Monday. He brought over with
him captain Anllruther's dispatches, which be for
-3 warded to town, and arrivtd morning.
No passport, nor any an{wer to the application
said to be made for one, has yet reached this coun
try Whatever that answer may be, it cannot be
Efa '' la! '^ e have rajhlygiven it.
ao.p- The Paiis papers fay, that general Moreau tus
Con ROt P offeffiol, RaiiflMMi, from whence the
re of WerC msul,ln g t0 ta^e archduke in the rear.,
j d e . A" express was re eived la.e lalt night from Pa.
ns, with an account of iume &gnal viaories obtain-
ed hy the French army in Ltaly".
. jhj. — t r
6. — f
ar . Eleaion for Congress.
man Counties. Mr. Harper. Gen. Butler. Majority.
lalf a Edgfield, 35 z 3,6 36 V
: re- rrn f> 355 3°® 55
1 fees Abbeville, 391 66 331
fin. Newberry, 9 8 42J ~
\lul- J6lB 774 g 54
774 t
3392 whele number of votes.
For Mr. Harper, ifiißj for frensial Builgj,
774. Major's «ir. ridipei, £"55. - - 7g
Lw Book Store,
,' C No. 3-3, HIGH-STRKET, ™
. BnVTH announces to Im profeflional friend-, ...
at V-T and the Grntlcmeri of rhe Law generally thro' the
/ill- Union, that his late imputation of BOOKS it now arrung
bcr ed, and ready for Sale, from a Tingle volume to au entire li- "
brary, wnhout any advance upon his former exceedin K low 49
prices, which for fc-ver.l ycai, paA have in so dilltnjrui(bed a 15
manner recommended them to notice.
lent Printed Catalogues combining the most cxtcnGve collec
tion cHha latest Engliih and Irish Editions ever importf-d C)
into thi« country, and will be delivered cutis
on application. 6 ,
Orders addressed to G. D. ia writing frooi »ny distance J-
Ihall be pundtually attended to*
A number of 1 RUNKS for Sale.
A convenient LOFT, near Ma.ket Street Wharf.
NOV " '• .n&f 3 «
'he TTAC- ft No 3S. CHrsNUT-SxRiETi "•
ftV rge lnd ele B ant "fTortment of
,er ~.x RE and J Ew ELLI:KY, jappan
ir- H " y™'- patter.,, ivory :
Handled Knives and Porks, Knift Cases, See. —
the above articles (paticularly the plated) are of a very
fupenor quality, it is presumed they will merit the at
tention ot thoie who >vi(h to purehale, to whotn tbev PT
"* equitable terms.
tJit* »V Uof S,lvcr l"e, Mourning rines and •
, Settings, and every thing iu Gold
| u . Md Silvtr, made us the best manner. 6 l m f
c f. Nov. 8. ' Sup
h e —_____ Ro]
ri - T RF r , TAKE NOTICE. , Der
:h * 1 Daunh^n"'r'" f ■ Gr Painc ' lite of Lancsfcr, or Thi
2S ,ht °c fu ' e ! ch,nu s*» hereby informed, Ditt
.at Plea,of Vt 'r a PP°'" tcd b v 'he Court of Common Ett.
; ,1, iri t l ' dd f l " Coua 'y< " Commiflioners, t. se t . Ditt
"B ! b' y P iI JU S ol Mordccai Lew,,, trurtce, Foli
"* 1 thfuid PrJrr J L * btDcfilof ihc creditor, of Qua
"■ h
I ; "'^"V r e"ue a^d"o7re?eV»t[% t ia. t
;; rtine -^ ifc A,
£^ V 'D H. CON YNGHAM. t ff or
, , ~ FRANICS WESV. i. ,
t. Philadelphia, Bth November, 1796. *eod 31
" an< *i
... Philadelphia, 6th Nouember, 1706. red r
■" mrflf tl-fii jc ! 11 to contra<a t0 f urn fh for the Ar- ot «
0 tion of tates, thc follow in g articles, or any por- the h
tionoi them, are requefleJ to fend in their propofaisfeal i
fed#n or 15 th December next P P f rom
Tench Francis, Purvey
qj. I penei
7 5 1 Pairtjf leather breeches, ' Al
252 Pair of boots, [ , The patterns maybe to on
E 104s Artillery hats, I viewed at Samuel Hod*- ofhai
sicß Infantry,ha:., } don'., Esq. public ltore feama
4600 Pair of /horj, No. >; | Ol > the firlt wharf above At
Bo»o Pair of rtioe», No. % J Arch-flreet. o[ Gr
; Nov,mt * r8 ' > tu 4 f tDi
FOR SALE, la /
A T f" on Wedsiefday next, if not Bvo. ,
COACH 0 " tt , r Pnvate Sale.—A haudfome Not
CUACH having falfe Venetian Blinds, and lartre
1 of BROWN HORSFS f< "' 'T -P™
fct Lie « ' '* P°°d condition. Terms
of Saie half eafh and half in an approved Note at 60 Alt
, November 7. ,
inthi* j nc } RickettS's Amphitheatre,
''? For Equestrian and Stage performances, Corner of
cntlre " ChcTaut and Sjxth-ftreets.
ad be-
jc fuf- TO-MORROW EVENING, Wedncfday, November 9,
The Public are refpt<jtfully informed that
hat a Mr. FRANKLIN, From Loudon,
fs the Bnt 'he Managers of the Royal Cireus, will
make his firft >ppeara»se in America, and exhibit fe
, rcral pleasing feat« in
"'Vft Horsemanship.
placa By Signior Spinacuta, who will dance on the rope '■
1 was Woo^en Shoes, and perform several other wottder
bave el "' P ecll l' Jr to himfelf. •
Master Franklin, 9 years old,
rneral (Ffcm Aftley's Amphitheatre, Loudon)
Will perform several Pleasing Feats
11 ers On a fmgle Horse, in full speed, for the. third time
im of m Amerka.
if a JVlr. RICKETTS", Mr. V. RICKETTS, Msfter
narch HU7 CHINS and Mr. SULLY, Clown to the Horfe
tn«n!hip, will go through a variety of
This Equestrian Exercises,
even The whole to conclude with the Grand Serious Pan
r aH< * toiaime, under the immediate dirc&ion of
t we MeiTrs. Sully and Spinacuta,
'fthe The DEATH of CAPT. CQOK, .
In the liland of Owyhee, in the Pacific Ocean.
ncral ° ri S inal Mufie, Dances, Decorations, &c. J
The Scenery Painted by Mr. Shaydore. r
e<s at Captain Cook, (of the Resolution) Mr. Sully
with First Lieutenant, Mr. Ricketts
: for- Milfhipman, Mi. F. Ricketti
r . and Marines, Supernumeraries ' -
Ktion Tereboo (King of Owyhee) Mr. Tompkins
K>un- Perea, (the favorite lover of Kmai) Mr. Daraiif
t be Priest, Mr. Duraag
Warriors, Supernumeraries.
Koah, (revengeful lover of Emai) Mr. Spinacuta
1 ha ® Emai, (the King? daughter) Mrs. Spinacuta
Female Wanders, 1 M "- Tompkins, Mrs. Durang, _
r * • 5 and Miss Robinfoa
• In I- the method of cosrtfhip and ma-riage ce
remony in Owyhee, with a beautiful View of the
Manner of a Single Combat, with Battle Axes.
In adl 11. the arrival of Captain Cook in the (hip S
Refuliitibn ; his reception by thi King and Warriors
x ut Owyhee ; a War Dance by the Natives , thetr
Preparation for War, and manner of with
r ;,y exact repre/entation
; Of the- Death of Captain Cook, by
the Warriors. p "
In afl 111. the Funsnl Ceremonies made use of
at Owyhee, with a Proctflion of the Natives to the
Monument of Captain Cook, with Military Honors.
Tiie whole to conclude with
An awful representation of a Burn
ing Mountain.
' ■ takes this opportunity of inform
— School, that r he R d '""
Mr. Franklin, to give lefibns in the art
> manatring Horfci, as he finds it impossible to attend to
itjip.eff, in confluence of a variety of bufinef*- I
tfc'- •'■l ™ at P rel ' ent ""gaged in. I
sne , i ' ' JC ancl Gentlemen who fecurefeats in I r
e I,- I,,< "^ a )" t'mc, are requc-fted to attend punctually at 7 ,
low * s , Performances are f > arranged as to conclude by j
:d a 10 n clO'-k—the doors will open at 6. I
Box, 7s. 6d.—Pit, 3s. 9 d. J
Jr t0 he kad of Mr - Foid > at ticket office in —
"• from ten to three o'clock each day. Be
Stis 0- Silver«.v to admit for the fenfon, to he had
by applying to Mr. !»icketts at tkc Pantheon, or at o=l
- lcrc's Hotel. » j 4
1 3y '° C to be Monday, Wednef- J
<lay t Ihurfday and Saturdar* I (
a For SaleT" ~ ;
— TheSl, 'P CHyf R LOTTE, )
f to ut vcflel, about 150 tons bur- | «
luund and may be sent to I
t'ea at a fmali expence. qv*
of Apply to i
an- Jofepb Anthony and Co. 6
>ry N «• dx. J
■ry w. Young, Mills, and Son. >
at- Have for Sale, a , ITortment of
Which will include joo reams of fine demy were print *"
ing paper, r —
a Imperial Folio and Quarto Poft.gdt,
Super-Royal SmallFol.e foft, -in,® J
_ R°r a l Ditto gilt Boat
Medium BloiToiii paper aflTorted part
Demy Transparent Folio Post
or A' p m ' Sup.fiatJccommon Foollcap I
:d, Ditto in 410 Il'larbled papers
r, n Estta large folio Post COARSE PAPERS. r\
:t- Ditto 4to London brown alforted
Folio Post wo T e Log-book paper
of quarto ditto Hatters' paper I Pain'
Its Folio wove post lined Stainers' paper
e ; Quarto ditto do. Common brown I Cop F
a ""'ogiltdo. Pateut &eathing paper Whit
"■ Common size Folio Post Bonnet boards
a _ Oitto quartopliin Bookbinders'boards. Qi
fe ALSO, I ,
A variety of other Stationary Articles:
Viv Wedgwood and glass philosophical Inkstands well
ported pewter mk-chefts ol various files, round , t£r J
ink-stands. paper, bract and pohfhed leather ink-lHnds for x/
— P °t Ct 'J h,Llßg , faDd and sand boxes, pouuee
andpouuee Wes, mk and ink-powder, black lea her and
red morocce pocket books with and without inflrum.nts Mcns
' si! w CS ' coul - tir: g-h'.ii(e avd pocket pen-knives of itie
" r 5 üblet and memorandum books Ditto
" frnmT W4 / cr, » tommcn foe office do. quills Ladiei
otn half a collar to three dollars per hundred, black lead And a
pencils, mathematioal inilruments, &c. &c Coloui
All forts and fizesof blank-books ready made or mad- Wlth
Clf h r n ?' bank : h " ki - Wink bill « of «=hange, «nS note!
. ofhaiid executed in*tes, bills of IaSL, manitefts Youth
f seaman's arricle, and journals, &c. &c. * ' Childr
r r W s C v colle<a '°n of mifcellaneovs books. Also A " kil
of GreEk Lat.n, and Englifc Claflics, as are now in use' Koit «
in th« colleges and schoOls ol the United States. Ditto :
«... Pr:.; ""
T " 6 ~ tiwjw. 1
A Urge-quantity of Double-Refined Salt Petre f.r
l»le at No. » Jf Swuth Third-Urce:. olE = e . 1
November ?. . . Pri^
atf warran
" For Sale.
E t 7 Cases coarse hats
uer of Copper bottoms ami flicets
Shot, all Gzes, patent and common
Sheet and barr le»d r
. F.nsrlifh ftocj afld boots id cases
lW 9. Tin plate.
Gold watchfi
Taunton ale in calks.
'• w ' Apply to
" f Simon Walker,
1»4, bo. Fourth Street.
N° v - 8. di4t.
UNI I fcD jiis i ts, I it
: rope Pennsylvania District J
ittder- >» hereby given, that purfumt to a writ to me
diieArd, item the Hon. Richird Meters, Efq i f
the Diflnfi Court of the United States, in and tor ihe Peon,
ijlvaniadiftnil, » ill be ex poled to fit, oo Thuridjy the lotb
tnft at il A.M.
1 B»at,
eatS i Kcdgr Anchor)
.I™,. I N f ' w Mamlaii,
time „ , *
s Hall worn do.
, . s Forcfail,
Ijfter , Jik>
lorfe- j flying do*
1 Topsail, and
l Square fail with a bonnet, together v'ith ftindry fltfl-iin*
»nd running ringing, and cables.
Pan- The fame having been libelled against, and condemned sos
the payment of faivage, See.
Marfhtl'a Office, 8i h Nov. 1796,
I fcc* A few hogftieads of choice New-England RUM,
A number of barrels of PORK,
And a few kegs of L.ARJD, of a superior quality.
Enquirt at No. 71, north Water-ttreet."
November 8, 1796 dtf
• - For Sale,
"f By "Jehu Ho!l:ngjwortb, & Ce.
S5 hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d amd 4th proof,
5 Barrels bed Indigo, and,
II ta A few thousand buihols of Turk's Iflind fait.
OS X 7, 4,
Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76,
HI Gli-STM £ ET t
Mzs received by the late arrivals,
A IVell SeltUed As so KTUBMT Of
(hip Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
[heir Haberdaihery Good",
with Which he wili fell, wholesale and retail, on the very
leu eft terms ;
, AmongJ) i.-bieh nre
uV elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new
Ditto Furniture ditto
eof Ditto Dimity
the Tamboured, Book, aiftl Jaconet Muslins
>r». Ditto in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
rp, Mantuas of the firft quality
Silk and Cotton Hosiery
Umbrellas of the firft quality, aiTorted
I rife Linens, very fine, and Tabic Linens
Marfcillas and Cotton Counterpanes
I Rose Blankets affevsed—&t.
<■, I Odlob«r 26. 1A
>»Cll 1 "
am! I — m
ito I & £j JD
«M London Particular "Madeira Wine,
•in ! ..^ n P l P. e *' hogsheads and quat ter-caflw,
t ? Landing thi* day at Chefnui-ltreet Wharf, an*
hy I for fdle by
j Jofepb Anthsny & Co.
. Nov. !.
Kad Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackard,*
)el- I Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbla.
I 47 bbls. prime Coffee,
ief. I Best Bo ft on Beef,
Codtifh in hds.
I Spermaceti Candles,
, Spermaceti, and 1 _, „
I Northern j OIL.
7c <s J^' ld <%> 'allow candles, of a fuperio#
/V w boxes excellent brown soap,
6 Bales of Corks.
40 Pipes excellent Lisbon Wine.
_ A iew sacks of Featlfcrs.
I A few bales India Mullins,
it- O«ober 31.
dt, Boarding and Lodging- ~
BoJrT° GE i N T L f MEN be accommoda'ed with
Boarding and Lodging, ,n a private family and pleafaat
j part of the ctty. Apply to the Printer, gfl. u tu
a P Jult Arrived,
n \[ he Fl J\ Ca Pta>», from London,
Double racked, Brown Stout Porter
I in *
? ™Z£T'- "- 1 10(1 tW£ " ke S'. P-ked ia
j Copperas in hogsheads.
Whiting, &c. For Sale by
M.W „ P " tr fV"-
I a^ttß2W
: I -Wfio Hat and Husmxr Stoke,
111 Wholfsale, and Retail,
C I 134 ' Z d door from the corner
dI .. , , °J Fourth, South Side.
) "Is fndprfcr aod EDg,ih Hi "> rf '
j I>itto Drabs and Green*undsrs.
j Ladies' ditto black'
j And a large assortment of fancy ditto
Coloured Beavers
; ° f fafliionable trim.
• t J h '* l ) 1? ck 3ni drib coloured ditto.
Children s fancy ditto
Ditto Drawers
Ditto Breeches Patterns
Silk Gloves
Knotted, coloured ditto, aottoa.
A w UI n tIC L° f " ,cn l in K cotton, sorted colours.
N. B. The hats finilhed in the newel! lalhoa.
- >r eod, m .
Washington LottervT"
•JssrAsr 1 °"" ■" fete.