#a?ette of the States,& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. - T -j TUESDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 1796. Nvmbmx 1300.] . „ a- —— for sale, 1 HE SHIP MART, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, hundred tons burthen. Apply t° JOSEPH ANTHONY,*Go. If the MARY is not fold inafew days, (he will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. October 31. ,~£"g-v For New-York, t - SS* ~ The Schooner Mary, Douglafs, mailer ; will fail in a fc.v dijs, and take freight very low. Apply to Joseph Anthony & Co. Nov. _A Tuft 1 arrived, and will this day be lan- Jed from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut street wharf. ' _ 25 Tons best Ruffta Clean HEMP, 16 Tonsold Sable flat IRON, goo Coils'bcft Ruflia CORDAGE, assorted fixes, 400 Pieces brown Ruflia SHEETINGS, too Bolis Ruflia DUCK, Pieces Ravens do. to Halt-down feather beds, and A few pieces assorted DIAPER. FOR SALE Br Joseph Anthony and Co. !■'"A—* The above mentioned BRIG will fail i* a few days, and tak.: freight on moderate terms for Botton or Salem, for or padage, apply on board or as above OQober .Tl. d For Freight or Charter, The ship COMMERCE, (SM'T.. NATHANIEL CURTIS, Master. 844 vnil be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. For w terms apptly on Woard at &righL*s wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sale on board the above Vrjfsl, A quantity of excellent COAL. (f!T* Peifons having goods on board, are earneftJy rcqucft cd to fend their permits. OAoberai. diot f- For Freight or Charter to Europe, or the Weft-Indies. 1 The new Brigantine FAIR AMERICAN, Richard Calley, Matter. IS in compleat order, and in readiuefs for receiving a cargo. ' She is i handy veflel, and has good accom modations for passengers. Apply to Captain Calley, os board said veffelj laying the upper fide of the Slill- House wharf, Southjvark, or to Isaac Harvey, jun. No. 3, So. Water-street. nth mo. ill. diw. j-~ —jrft ,K> * i r » ML', 1 J —" The capital (hip CERES, fgsS&fJijof*'! sOon : —For freight or passage "i j."*!" , r. _ John VUughan, September 10. Front-street. • The Brig MART, : ; Lying at MelTrs. Willings and Francis's wharf, burthen 2000 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793 of live oak and ted cedar.—She is well found, and may be fertt to fes at a fmail expener. For terms apply to Gurney & Smith. OA dtf. * For BRISTOL, the ship 1 p HIL ADEL pHI A > Theodore Bliss, mailer. A new ship, on her i'econd voyage, with the best accommodations for paflengers, and is intended to fail with all expedition. For freight or passage apply to the Mailer on board, or to Thomas & John Clifford: Who have just imported in said velTel, and have for ! sale, besides their general affortinent IRONMONGERY, A quantity of fine drawn and common Ifiarp "ifid flat point NAILS ; doable & single rell'd Sheet Iron ; Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes ; London ar.d Bristol Pewter in casks, aflorted ; boxes of Tin Plates ; rases of Men's, Women's and Boys' Hits ; crates of earthen and flint Olafs Ware ; Crates of Phials; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of long and Ihort Pipes ; Copper in Sheets ; Oval Quart Bot tles in hampers; also, a few casks of bottled Begr, and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli oieres. Odlobers7. m&th2 TE A Souchong j 4®,000 pieces Nankeens of the firft quality. 19 tubs Qjjiekfilver. a cherts Bandanao handkerchiefs. A few chests Maschefter goods well assorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinet?, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing fiik. ISo crates Queens ware well aflorted. I* tons Iheet lead, J. Nails aflorted, flat and lharp points. London Particular,, Madeira Wine in pipes London Market, > d hogfh , lds> New-York Market, J 6 1 40 pipes and i* hoglheads Tenerifle wine. 11 8 tierces Srtake Root. 13# lors Mahogany. ■ Nov 7* tth&ftf. For Charter, j CjL+t The Ship JOHN BULKELT, » I. Ayriis Stockley, Mailer. " ■ An excelTeiit five-oak" aiia cn • ,: .Hgivv« in mv i month,.®r. iooner. _ For tcritff? aJTjily to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. April a. 5 — — : —: i —n 7-: : William Gardner, No. 62, SOUTH FRONT-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals from Liverpool and Glasgow, An effort ment of DRT GOODS, 0 Which he will difrjole of upon low terms, for cafli or the usual credit, by the piece or package— ie G° n ]\fl Ln Z of ] y CAMBRICKS, Printed Calinops and Chintzes Printed Handkerchief# and Shawls Jaconet and Book Muflina, well aiTorted "* Di>. do. tamboured do. 1 Do. do. Handk's aad Shawls do. White and coloured tlire ds Di&perand diaper table cloths Co,tton check and check handkerchiefs 1 coloured nankeens t I Tapes anri.tr»rifrs. ' - , ' Cotton counterpanes Mens and wnmens gloves Plpts and Itockings . bed-ticks and brown Hollat.d Sriitionjrv, &c. &c. &C. : November a. mts ' -2 __ f Imported in the late arrivals, \ And to be Sold by 1 JACOB PARKE, [ ,f No. 49, North fide of High*ftreet, Philadelphia, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ] - Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c. AMOVGST WHICH ARE SMITHS* Anvils, Vices, and Files; Saw-mill, Cross cut, Hand, and other Sa\Vs; Carpenters' Planes, Chisels, and other Tools; Curving Chisels and Gouges; Locks, A Hinges, Bolts and Latches; Nails, Sprigs, Tacks, and Screws; Frying-Pans; Snaoething-Irons; Shovels and Tongs; Coffee Mills; Candlelcicks ; Snuffers; Warming- Pans; Table Knives and Forks; Riding Whips; Bar low Pen, and other Pocket Knives; Razors; Sciffars ; Needles; Ivory and Horn Comb#; best Kirby Filh Hooks; brass Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes; Sheet Br^afs; plated and tin'd Bridle Bits and Stirrups; itto Sa die Nails; Girth and Straining Webbs; —with mo ft kinds of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, Brass Wares, I •*» The Elephant is returned from Ba!ti~ t - more. THE public ve„ refpeftfully informed, tjjat this animaj is to be seen cyenr day, from 8 o'clock; iii the morning till fun. ek>wn, in Market eer, N*. 106, south fide, between Third and i Fonrth-ftieefs. Admittance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci , tiien may fee Lira. C 3" At the reqaeft of many persona it will be ekhifcittfd on .five to eifl.t c'ciock, at hef a dollar each.-*—The icom will be well lighted. * i November f. d a'• - ■ - Madeira Wine. 30 Pipes of the very beit quality, aqd St for immediate ' us: r jafl,imported in the fchconer I .ucy from Madeira* and for £ilc by John Craig, No. It, Doek-ftrefct. Who has for Sale, Teneriffe Wine, in pipes, hogfheadi, and oj. calks; Window Glass. Segars, &(. &c. , Two trunks of the bed Cotton and Silk Hosiery. l oaoier 4. , mwftf Brokers Cftice, au) rl'i — 1 Caution. • The following NOTES have bten STOLEN from the fubfcribcr, on the evaning of the 31ft ult. allper fons are hereby forewarned from receiving the fame. - One, Robert Morris to John Nicholfon, dated March ?r 8 ' r do " ari And one John Nicholfon to Robert M'orria.uatSt and payable asabovt, anil sos the fame sum. above note* with other papsfs were conuinediti a Green Morocco covered almanack, and were ftolsa with a quantity of clothing, from the piazza of thefub fjriber. i'he clothing coe lifted of one drab coloured greatcoat, 1 do. close coat, 1 dark mixture do. I.olive mixture do. 1 brown silk morning gown, I old black (ilk cloak, 1 child's great coat, coating, 1 do. doth. A handsome reward will be given for the Pocket Book and papers, by yames Todd, No; 26, Sp. Front-street. nth mo. *d. Imported in the late arrh'ils from Europe and the _ Weft- dies, Holland Gin, it pipes Choice St. Croix Sugar and Kum Martinique Molaffus, in hogsheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quartcr-caflcj London Particular & Lohdon Market Madeira Wine, in pipes, half-pipes and quafter-cafks Malmsey Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-casks p Teneriffe Wine, in pipes Rufiia & Flemiih Sheeting and Ravens Duc-k, in cafe* Window Glass, 3 by 10, in boxes » Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in casks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes Also, on hand, A few chtfh of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Aflafat* * tida arid Tapioca ; and a few bales of Colfaesj , Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Hairdker chiefs, and a complete afTortment of 5-4 and 6-4 Boulting Cloths. ' For Salt by Pragers tsf Co. Oiflober ao diwm&th2m ~ LAND IN G, Out of deferent vejfe/s from England, an J for fait by the fubjeribers on reasonable terms, Supeifine and common cloths, and caffimers Ribbed and striped do. do. Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs. Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings, Kerfcys, Beafr-flcins, plains and Halfthicks, Swanskins, Serges and Flannels, ' Britilh Ingrain Carpeting, Hatsafforted is cases of 11 doz. each. Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs. Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Spail, Yarn, Woffled, and Cotton hosiery, Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c. Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a fuperidr quality. lad. 2od. nails, and frying pans, Analiortrncnt oflronmongerry, Cutlery and a variety of India cotton, and silk goods. Thomas Sis fofhua Fijher. ait t , No - St Dock-fttreet. Also by the Glaigow from Dublin, 1-8 and 4-4 Irifli Linens aflbrtddin boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, (Jlazed Linnen. ° & ■ *7- dtf. Washington Lottery, t? e 34 nt H and 35 ' h dayS ' of the Washington . Lottery, NO. 2, aie received at the office No. 234, Mar ket-street, where tickets may be examined. N. B. Inlormation given where tickets in all the other lotteries may be procured. Novembar 3, 1796.