CXX * FOR SALE, i\n elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut ftreet ; WHICH is «5 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with a lot adjoining, 40 1-2 feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inches deep. (This lot is back of the house occupied by George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finifti ed in every refpe&. It is 50 feet deep, has two . larg« p irlours, the front one 24 feet, the back one is 22 feet, by 18 1-2 feet, a handsome drawing-room, 24 1-2 feet by 24 feet. The rooms below, the draw- 1 ing-room and the chambers adjoining, have mahogany { doors, and these as well as the rooms above them have a communication with each other. The height in the firft and second story is 12 feet, and have ftoco cor- , nices, and nine rooms up flairs, besides the garrets, 1 which are divided into three rooms, a good kitchen, ■wash-house, milk and bathing-houses, a large ice- Jioufe, a pump in the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch illey, , that leads into Fourth-llreet, The cellars are laid with lime, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered. The yard is well paved, and the house is clear of ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, and the chamber bells ring in the garret, as we" as in the entity down ftaii s. All the chambers have white tiles, except the one next to the drawing room, which has as well as the drawing-room and the two parlours be low, mirble chimney pieces. The draw ing-room, the two parlours below, and the entry, are p.ipered up to the third story: In the room over the kitchen is an open flove. In the wash room there is an oven, and the back buildings, from the cellar, all the way up 1 have large closets, and in the cellar is a large bottle rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar, and three bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said room with padlocks to them ; the whole cellar and the cock loft areas well plastered as any room in the house. Jr. short, the house is in every refpeifl completely finKh ed. Possession (hall begiven in ten days after the houie is fold. Two brick llables to Walnut-street, with two coach houses. dhe of them will hold two carri ages, the other one. Thefnialleft able has room for three, and the largell for four horses. It is is 21 feet front on Walnnt-itreet by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. They have excellent lofts over them. The building is arched and laid with lime and two-inch plank, and the cellars . will hold about 100 pipes of wine: Is clear of ground rent, and has the privilege of an 11 t-2 feet alley, that leads into Fifth-ftreet. /Vlfo a brick store, 33 feet front on Foilrth-ftreet, by 50 feet deep, which might at a small expence be turned into a handsome dwelling house having been fd contrived inthe building. It has a yard 48 feet 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa ter pump, and other conveniences, and-the cellar is laid with two inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars per month, 'i his building is fubjeel to a ground rent of 11 dol.ars 3-4 per annum. The store and flables I would give immediate possession of. GEORGB MEaDE. 3 No. 78, Walnut Street. ' , Terms of payment for the foregoing property, viz.— 16301. may lay one year certain, after the sale and it theintereft is regularly paid, that humane, worthy,good, and friendly man, Edward Stiies, Esq. fays it may lay as long as the purchases pleases (purely he fays to oblige , me) the interest being regularly paid. 48D0I. to be paid in approved no'es, and approved in- 1 dorlers at 12 months, the remainder in approved notes 1 and approved ißdoj-fers, at 15, 18, and 24 months, the 1 property to be secured for the payment. The fta'olesmay be paid for in like manner, and the store too, all but 4000 *■ dollars, which mull be paid in an approved note, and ap proved indorfer, at 6 months, the whole payable with interest. OA. 26. dx. To be Sold, ' AT PUBLIC VENDUE. ■ On Thursday the 6tb day of April next, at iz o'clock. ® at Dougherty's tavern, in the to One Hundred Dollars Reward Will be given for securing the thief or thieves, md a fur - ther reward for focurirg them with the ptopexiv. oa ««- ' d Samuel Richardet f- t> ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen , Merchants that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The Subfcriprion Room will be furnifhed with all the daily paperi published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos '.on, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal corr.- mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Ie Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with thechoiceft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mofl approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earlieil produ&ions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or Cngle Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or at hours mod convenient to themselves:—a cold Coition is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at ths bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, acd . the utmoii attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. £/■ Samuel Richakdet will behappyto receive, and execute the commands of his FricnJs, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledge*. '» himfelf that nothing on his part fliali be wanting to prc fcrve that patronage with which he has been so distinguish- T ingly honored. ■ 5 Philadelphia, April 19. mwf - TO BE S£)LD, ij A LOT of GRSUND, 164 feet 7 inches front onSonth Water-Greet, and bounding on the Delaware about the I fame width, with a wharf thereon in good repair. On the , s ' north fide adjoining I'un alley, i> a large and well built r dwelling heafe, and counting howfe, cemmunicatißg with s each other, 47 feet wide, a fpacio is kitchen, and other ! well planned accommodations, and below these a flack of _ stores, 61 feet in front, by 93 feet in length, built a few ■ t years ago; on the remainder of the lot on Water-street,' 3 there are two ancient brick dwellings, a Cooper's fliop, Jc a f.-ame store, row occupied by Mr. Alexander Tod, and _ bounds adjoining the stores of the heirs of the late Jofcph , Wharton. It will be better described by drafts and p an» of the ground, and buildings, to be seen at JOHN WLL . C 1 Tickets, each j ,0 35,c00 ' 6 ditto X,ooo 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 ' to ditto 100 1,000 5J ditto jo *,750 v 5750 ditto *' It 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,150 5850 P*izes, 1.75/300 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 175°0 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 The Cemmifiioners hav» taken the Securities re ■ Jjiurcil by tl.« ■foufdid fortiu. pmwiOlal pj; i ijut df the prizes. ' The drawing ef this Lottery wiH commence, without I delay, as soon as thr Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th* ) drawing is finifhed, shall be considered as relinquished for f the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed j NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Washington, Feb. 11. § Treasury Department, September 28, 1796. NOTICE is hereby given, that prcpofals will be re ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury until the expiration of the firft day of March next en suing, for the supply of all rations which may he required for the use of the United Statas, from the firft day of ; 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both days inclusive, at the places and within the diftridts hure -1 after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at • Pjefque Isle; at Sandufky Lake, and 011 Sandufky i River ; at Detroit ;at Michilimackicac; at Fort-t 1 rapk lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton; - at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-JcfTerfon; at Grenville; at Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at t Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place below Fort Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Erie; at Fort | Steuben ; at Fort Maflac ; at any place from Fort Mafias ' to the south boundary of the United States on the river Miffifippi; at Fort Knox ;at Ouiatanon. If supplies fha.ll be required for any posts or places net mentioned in this notice, all such fapplies shall be fur nifhed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on between the' United States and the Contractor. The rations to be supplied are to consist of the fol lowing articles, viz. One pound two ounces of bread or flour. One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces 'of pork or bacon. ' c Half a gill of rum, brandy cr whiskey. One quart and half a pint of fait.") Two quarts of Vinegar, ( hundred e Two pounds ot Soap, f r )f One pound of Candies, j The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities, as that there shall at all times during the said term, be fufficient _ for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in advance, and at cach of the other posts, for the term of at lead three months in advance, i a good aad wiiolelbaie provifions,if the fame stall be required. It is to be un derstood, that the Contractor is to be at the ex»ence and )r rifle of ifluirgthe fuppli«s to the troops at each post, and o that all loftes sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or ■)- by means of the troops of the United States, fliali be paid h for at the price of the articks captured or deitroyed, on f- the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cha -- rasters, and the Certificate of a commiiHoncd officer, af -- certaiemg the circumstances of the loss, and the amouat r ~ of ths ai tides for which compensation (ball be OLW OLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. •y . ■ a _ t »p "■ ■ >■■■ 11 10 PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, 119 — r- f CHESNK T-S TREtT, ' [Price Fight Dollars per Annum.}