7,7 th• Printer of the Gazette of the United States. Sir, Miii'tcr Adet fays—" The flag of the French republic will treat the flag of neutrals, 'in the fame ml n»er aathey shall fuffer it to be treated by the £ ; iglilh —He maintains that France is juftilied in taking American veflels to prevent the Briti(h from profiting by taking them.—Now, according to the rules of this diplomatic logic, England ought also to take our vtffela to prevent their falling into the hands of the French, who may profit by their capture, to the detriment of the British, who might urge, in citizen Adet's own language,— •' the flag of the Briii/b nation will treat the flag of neutrals in ihe fame manner as they shall iuffer it to be treated by the Frineh." If the fame argument can possibly jaftify the French m-nite inftnnce, it will, on the fame princi-' pic, jnfiify 'he Britijh.— But, when the British take Amciican vcflels, and the capture is illegal, there is an appeal from their court of admiralty to com iriiffioncis, delegated by both parties, to arbitrate and determine upon the terms of indemnification. —But, what appeal, what mode of redrsfs—let me a fit, have we from the arbitrary and illegal cap tures of the French, if minister Adet'a memorial is to be ftri&ly adhered to ? If these questions cannot be answered in favor of th' French, what rauft every man in his sober senses thidk of the modejl^of a diplomatic appeal to the people of America, through the medium of a netuf paper? » Fellow-citizens !—is this calculated, do you ihink, to excite your friendjhip, or your indigna tion ? Those who begin to blush at it, now endea vor to apologize it away, by hinting that it is only an (kctiorteering manauvre ; but sooner would I be lieve that Dumourier (who is fafd to be in this country)—or that the your.g duke of ©rleans (who lately arrived at Philadelphia) had brought over minister Adet's letter along with his own pnffport / from the French directory, than attribute the publi cation of it to any such unminifter-like and inter meddling motive with the governmental affairs of our country. A LOOKER-ON. *,• our readers are requested to corr-cft the following errors of the press which occur in the eflay iigned " Uni m," pnVililhcd in Saturday's Qizcttc. Insert the word even before it, in gth line. f id paragraph line 14, for this book read kit book. Same pai agrah, 31ft line, for continued m France, read continued in force. 4th paragraph, 16th line, for Government read Go vernments. Same paragraph, - Two light riding waggons, with harness. One Sleigh. Rye in the ground, and in the bulhel. A quantity of hay. Indian corn, and all kinds of farming utensils. The sale to begin at ten o'clock on said day. Atten dance will be given, and rhe conditions of sale made known by RICHARD TITTERMARY. N. B. Said farm to be let on a lease for one or more years Nov. 7> *mS;w. ' 1 ' TO BE SOLD, A LEASE for faun years, from th? 2stb March next, in that capital and beautiful FARM, called P R O S P E C T-H I L L, Situated within one quarter of a milt from the Braadywirx Mills, and half a mile from the borough of Wilmington. HPHE dwelling house ii built of (lone, two stories high, * gemeely fimfhed, and contain s four handsome rooms on a floor, befrdes an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient cellar*. It is generally thought to command the moil a giceable profpeft of the Delaware, froip the source of that liver to the Capes. This profpett ia gieatly e.nbcllifhed By a Full view of a vafl bodv of meadow, through which ChriilianS and Brandywine crceks are leen winding in beau tiful meanders. Near the houfo arc a Kitchen, a spacious (lone flable znd hayloft, i barn, a carriage house, milk houfe, &c. aftd a well of as puie water as any on the conti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a boundhg with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of 1 the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and in full bear ing. There is, moieover, on the place, a young, apple • orchard begining to bear, and leveral old trees that produce abundantly, befidea cherry and other ornaqie>>:al trees, in 1 great numbers. The farm contorts of near sixty acres of land, of good quality,'and clear of incumbrances, except taxes, twenty of which are now in excellent clOves afid timothy, and ten more will be ready tor (owing next spring. A re fydeiice of nearly 8 years has convinced the fublcribet that the situation is remarkably healthy. The great post load fi-om Philadelphia to the Southward runs within seventy yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and conveni ence of this fituatinn cannot be enumerated in ati advefivie ment, and when examined, will probably command the at tention of any person who is desirous bf living at one of the moA ry fpais on the Continent. The purehafer may enter cn the premifrs next fpnng, or perhaps, this fall, if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS WAY, in Philadelphia, to Do&or WH on the premises, or x in his absence, to Mr. GEORGE TRUI IT, in Wilmington. A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, fame Stock, &c. tnay be had by the purchaTer at the time of sale. Nov. 7. eodcf FOR SALE, AT the Horse Market, on Wetlnefday next, if not before disposed of at Private Sale.—A haudfome COACH, having falfc Venetian Blinds, and large Glass Lights, with Harness for two horses—Also a pair of BROWN HORSES, m good condition. Terms of Sale half cash and halfin aa approved Note at 60 days. November 7. 2 Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Hat received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and ilriped Spaniih Swaniaown Clouded Errainatf and Mole(kin» Striped do. and d». Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminets Printed Florinetta Do. Csffinets and CaSmeres Superfine printed Qijiiltingi, newest pattern! Also, per different arrival*, A large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the pfefent and approaching season. dtf A few Pipes of WINE, Imported in the brig FAME, from Madeira, to be fold by MORDECAI LEWIS, Who has also to Jifpofa of on reafonablc terms, JRISH LINENS, well assorted BANDANNA HANDKERCHIEFS WIDE NANKEENS COSSAS AND BAFTAB RAVENS DUCK DIAPERS QUICK SILVER CHINA ROLL BRIMSTONE, &c. Ober 27. tawim Univerlity of Pennsylvania, Oflober J, 1796. The Medical Lectures will eoirimence the firft Monday in November. taw This Day is Published, And fold by JOHN ORMROD, No. 41 Chefnut-ftreet, ( Price onefifteenth of a Dollar.) A POEM On reading the Pr*sidint's Adarcfo, WITH A SKETCH OF THE CHARACTER or A CANDIDATE, r O R THE PRESIDENCY. This elegant little PoiMi»printedin a form to be bound with the Pkisibent'» farewell acldrei»,lat»ly publilhed by John Ormrod. November J. lo hogflieads St. Croix Rum, S Pipes Vinegar, , For Sale, by j E-zekiel Hall, No. »o, Penn Street, j Nov. 7. For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, e Samuel Pile, Master, Burthen 105 47-9$ tens regifttr, built 111 i Philadelphia in the year 1791, of live oak and? red cedar, and was fke.rthed 13 months ago, she has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at a very trifling expence. .. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Ci). Who hsvt fur j'slt on hard fuid vejjtf> 57 rtflu x>f fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and li bundles of writing states. 1 bt?x ink stands and note presses. 14 bales of fail canvass. And on hand> Imperial Hyfiin, and, > TEAS. Souchong ) 40,000 pieces Nankeens of the firft quality. 19 tubs Qii'ckGlver. a chests Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few chests Manchester good, well alforted in Cdr doroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, &c. ( 1 boxes black sewing filfc. 180 crates Queens ware well assorted. 1 10 tons iheetTead. Nails afl'orted, flat and (harp points. e London Particular, ") London Market, i l i New-York Market, > lnd 40 pipes and tohopfheads Teneriffe wine. 8 ticrces Snake Root. 330 logs Mahogany. Nav 7. tth&fif t For Liverpool, - The Ship DOMINICK T-ERRtA Ir- -Jacob D*ha&t, Mailer. . Has a part of her cargo engaged. — flight or passage apply to the mas , •; ter bn board, at the whar of the sub » fcribers, or, Jeffe & Robert Wain. • Nov. 7. _ ri d- For Lisbon, TheDanifh barque Beniventura, ' Samuel Stub, Matter, good veflel of about two hundred ~ tons burthen. For freight or passage ' apply td r Jeffe W Robert Wain. ■ Nov. 7. very filitable far a country feat. The foregoing is part of the estate awelling-hoflfe, j ca(h 30,00 ft, ire J ,00 ° 1 dso is,ooo & calh i.;,0a0 40,000 ' 1 ditto 15,000 & cafii 15,600 30,000 I ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000 . 20,00®* I ditto j,OOO & calh 5,000 to,coo 1 ditto 5,000 Two beautffijl designs are already felefled fflr the entire: fronts on two of the public fquarcs; from these it ispropofed toereel two centreand four corner buildißert, as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to csnrey them, when complex, to the fortunate advenftirsrs, i» , the manner Jefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery* A uett deduction- of five per cent, will be mide to defray the necessary expenses of printing-, &c»<*nd the furpln* will he made a part of the fund intended for .the National Univerlity, to be creeled within the City of Wafliington. The Drawihg will commence as soon as the tickets are fold off.- -The money prizes will bepayableia thirty day* after it is finifhed; and any prize* for which fortunate nambers are not produced Within twelve months after ihjf drawing is closed, are to be confijered a, given toward* the fun dtf : 1