' §>2 Hllitet* States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Numbkr 1299.] MONDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1796. [} r 'olvmk FOR SALE, • THE SHIP MART, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, ■ hundred tons burthen. Applyto JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. OS nber 31. d For New-York, r The Schooner Maty, Joftab Dmelafs; matter ; will fail in a few days, and take freight very low. Applyto Joseph Anthony & Co. Nov. 3. r Tuft arrived, and will this day be lan ded from on ftoard the brig FAVORITE at Chcfnut flreet wharf. 25 Tons bejl Russia Clean HEMP, 16 Tons old Sable flat 1 RON. *00 Coils bell Ruflia CORD ' GE, allotted sizes, 400 Pieces brown Rnffn SHEETINGS, ,co Bolls Ruilia DUCK, 24,0 Pieces Ravens do. »0 Half-down feather beds, and A few piecesafforted DIAPER. FOR S.4LE ST Joseph Anthony and Co. J*—, The above mentioned BRIG * n a ew days, and take freight on moderate terms for Boston or Salem, for whigh or paflage- apply on board or as above October 31* d' -" — -' ' ■ For Freight or Charter, fll The Jhip COMMERCE, ' M ,THAN:EL CURTIS, Maftcr. Almoftanew veflel, 844 tons burthen, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. Fo; terms apply on board at Bright's wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sale on board the above VeJJcl, A quantity of excellent COAL. fjdT Persons having goods on board, are earncftly requeu ed to fend their permits. f i O&oberai. diot For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports* mouth, New-Hampshire, The Schooner LUCT, • Daniel Prowfe, matter; will fail in the course of a week< and take freight ff on moderate terms, for which, or - -KJciSfte; paflage, apply on board, or to Joseph Anthony, Ssf Co. Oflober 27. 'd For Freight or Charter to Europe, or the Weft-Indies. jyERSSK""' The new Brigantine 1 T WSjgijV FAIR AMERICAN, ' IS in complffat order, and 111 reaclinefs for receiving a cargo. She is a handy veflel, aitd has good accom modations for paflengers. Apply to Captain Calley, N e» board said veflel, laying the upper fide of the Still- House wharf, Southwark. or to Isaac Harvey, jun. i No. 3, 50. Water-street. uthmo. ift. diw. * or Charter, The Ship •Dominick Terry, f^-^£c*sU 9C °b De Hart, matter: an excellent Jfc>«i"--IS®j3Ssveffel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. JeJe & Robert Wain. September 21. d or Charter, The Danish Barque Beneiventuiia '* Samuel Stub, matter, «2a good vessel, of about two hundred y tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. 1, 1 7- dtf .} FOR LONDON, ~~ ' Tbe capital (kip CERES, ll ty^ oon : —For freight or paflage ~ to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or a i John Vaughan, ei September 10. Front-street. The Brig MARY, Jsb&Lyingat Meffri Willings and Francis's wharf,burthen 2000 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793 of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may ft be sent to sea at a small expence. For terms apply to v 1 Gurney & Smith. m Ofl. 6. ' dtf. A v=*- For BRISTOL, S THE SHIP p Mmp HiLADEL PHiA, s Theodore Bliss, matter. A; A new ship, on her second voyage, wit,h the bett accommodations for paflengers, and is intended to fail with all expedition. For freight or palTage apply to < ~ t tbe Matter 011 board, or to * m Thomas & John Clifford: % Wh6 have jutt imported in fitd .veflel, and hav.e for an ' sale, besides (heir general alTnrtment rj <-f IRONMONGERY, A nf fine drawn snd common ttiarp and flat point NAILS ; double & Angle rell'd Sheet Iron • — Iron Pets, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes • London ami Bristol Pewter in casks, assorted ; tioxe; <,(■ Tin Plates; cases of Men's, Women's and Boys' Co Hate ; crates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crates pai of Phials: boxes of Window-Giafs ; boxes of Ion" fbert Pipes ; Copper in Sheers ; Oval Qnart Bot tles In ha"ip?rs; also, a few c?.ROAD and narrow CLOTHS, to -D Plain and twill'd COATINGS,, q Rose striped and point BI.ANKETS, FLANNELS and B AISES, HATS alTort«d in cases, IRISH LINENS, c ft. INDIA GOODS, generally, A (Jonfigned Invoice of Cortprifing a capital assortment to open a ftore—inclu r ding Thirty Caiks of NAILS. This invoice will be, fold entire on very advantageous terms. September 20. _ d The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, in /CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- VJ bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— ' 18 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanish wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bulhels of bed Lilbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. or ALSO,' Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. DeHart, from Kingston. » Sept- 13. d ' ~ Cctibrated Nczu Work. . 1 "S — v ~ This Day is Publiftied, U- JOHN ORMROD, No. 41, in Chefnut Street, (four volumes in two, neatly bound and lettered, price a I dollars and jo cents,) THE LOOKER-ON, A PERIODICAL PAPER. — Bytheßsv. SIMON OLIVE-BRANCH, A. M. Ore teres modicq Pallenies rqdere Mores Doftus, et ingenao eulpam defigrre ludo. AUL. pers. Nt -My business in this State . Made me a Looker-on here in Vienna ; Where I have seen corruption boil and bubble, Till it o'er iuh the flew ; laws for all faults ; — But faults so countenanc'd, that the flrcng ilatute* c Stand like the forfeits in a barber's lhop, "•> As much in mock as mark. I S Measure for Measure. ".t appears from the dedication, that the editor of this r , publication, is the Rev. William Roberts, A. M. F. R. S ■ f a ' low Cor l' us Chrifti College, Oxlord ; and from the ' last number, that the labor, and confcqueutly the merit of f _ befe papers, ha-ve reft ad with the editor, excepting only p a few contributions particularly mentioned. The editor's , design hat been, as he himfelf represents it, "to substitute J the forfaken topics of morality, life, nature, and taste, in ,e t " e room of Ihallo vv 4 politics and news-paper philosophy, and to betray men, under the maik of amusement, into serious >r and manly thoughts. This design was laudable, and the execution was meritorious. As literary productions, these periodical papers are entitled to diflindion ; but their high- 1 _ eft pr C ?| I le ' n 'on on the Yellow Fever, 7/6 ; Chaptal's Che- " miftry, 3 vols, in I, 22/6 ; Prefirfent's Address, inl; . oem on do. jd. 1-2; Britilh, Algerine and SpaßiCi — 1 reaties, ratified, 2/4 l-z ; Travels of Cyrus, French and iingbfh, » vole. 15/; Win erbotliam's Hiflory ~f China, 2 vols, ty/i Winterbotham's Iliftory of Chi na, 2 vols. 22/6X-&C. &c. "1 ; Nov - 3- • r d6t- J Boarding and Lodging ' r 'j° GENTLEMEN may be accommodated with ?h( lioarduiß and Lodging, in a private family and pleasant 1,01 1 P art °f tne city. Apply, to the. Printer. Pel. 11, t ts tic Just Arrived, Po By the Fly, Captain Hubber, from London, ex ' Double racked, Brown Stout Porter in hoglheads. ' a f < In 1 - 1 and " 4 LWt ' U &c Copperas in hoglheads. Whiting, &c. For Sale by ? — the Peter Blight. ■ ° ±>ober *5- dxttww ] 1 FOR SALE. / PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of rhe firft qualifies in Pipes. FRAUNCES acd VAN REED. Brokers and CommiflSon Merchants, No. rfo. 3 J St. Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Warned. September 14. mwf ~ Madeira Wine. A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on board the Ibhooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Chefnut ftreet wharf, and for sale for the subscriber. Robert Andrews, « 4 mwi No. 86, So. Wharves Madeira Wine. 30 Pipes of the very belt quality, and fit for immediate use, just imported in the schooner J .ucy from Madeira, aad for sale by "John Craig, No. 12, Dock-street. Who has for Sale, _ Teneriffe Wine, in pipes, hog&eads, and cjr. calks. Window GUfs. Segars, &c. See, ■ '• Two trunks of the best Cotton and Silk Hosiery. n Oiftober 4. mwftf n . - — Brokers Ofhce., and COMMISSION STORE. No. 63 South Third ftreetjoppofitethemtiona) new Bank. lt C AMUEL M FRAUNCES and JOHN VAN REED, . O hare entered into co-pa rtnerfhip, under the firm of j FR*UN£ES & VAN REED,in the/business (if Brokers, Conveyancers and CommifTion merchants. They buy and ■ lei, on cofMßi&u» 1! ilock, no'.es of hand, bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. Monet procured on dspofits, See. See. all kinds c? writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand - difpatdh; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the most torrefl manner. Coßllant attendance will be given. 'They solicit a (hare of the public favor; they are deter mined so endeavour to Jeferve it. ] N. B. The utmoil secrecy observed. SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, JOHN VAN REED. Philad. August 27, 1796. m&wtf Benjamin and Jacob Johnson, No. 147, Mark,et-ftreet, < Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and 8 Hull, A very general njpirtmint of DRY GOODS, Well suited to the approaching ftafon, which they will fell on the lowed terms by the piece or package Oflaber 14- ' taw4w Caution. The following NOTES have been STOLEN from the subscriber, on the evening of the 31ft ult. allper fons are hereby forewarned from receiving the fame. One, Robert Morristo Jo!:n Nicholfon, dated March 3d> IJ9J, and payable April 8, 1?96, for dollars 813. 93. And one JOVI Nicholfon to Robert Morris, dated and payable as jiiove, and for the fame sum. The above notes with other papers were contained in a Green Morocco covered almanack, and were stolen with a quantity of clothing, from the piazza of the fab fcriber. The clothing confided of one drab coloured greatcoat, 1 do. clofp coat, 1 dark mixture do. 1 olive mixture do. 1 brown silk morning gown, 1 old.black silk cloak, I child's gtent coat, coating, 1 do. cloak, cloth. A handsome reward will be given for the Pocket Book aud papers, by James Todd, No - z6, So. Front-street. nth mo. jd. > —— — ——________ , Imparted in the late arr'r»ntls from Europe er-d the Weft, dies, Holland Gin, i\ pipes . Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum ; Martinique MolaflVs, in hogsheads 1 Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-calk* t London Particular & Loudon Market Madeira Wine, ) in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks t Malmfev Madeira V\ infi, in pipes and quarter-calks , Teneriffe Wine, in pipes Ruflia & Flemilh Sheeting and Ravens Dusk, in cafe* Window Glass, 8 by io, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes Also, on hand, A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; AfFafia tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of CofTaes, , Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Mullin Handker chiefs, and a complete alfortment of t-4 and 6-.1 Bjulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers Co. Oclober 40 dawm&th2m LAND I N G, * Out of different vessels from England, and for fait by the fubjeribers on reasonable terms. Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers Ribbed and striped do. do. Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs., Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings Kerseys, Btar-lkins, plains and Halfthicks, ' Swanikins, Serges and Flannels, Britifli Ingrain Carpeting, HatsalTorted in cases of 1 2 doz, each. Cbocolat" chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchief* v. car let Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, \arn, Worded, and Cotton hosiery, Beavers, Thickets, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c BufFand drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality. Jd. Bd. iod 3 2d. iod. nails, and frying pans, Anaffortment of Ironmon rry, Cutlery and a variety of India cotton, and fi'k go nis. * Tljovius & JofJiua Tijher. .... , . _. No. 5, Dock-H'treet. Also by the Gtnv om Dublin, '' ;ens aborted in boxes of 30 pieces do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. P ' 0& - 17 -: _ atf. Washington Lottery. e 34th and 35th days* drawing of the Walhinirtnn Lottery, No. a, are received at the office No. Mai ket-fircet, whe r e a., «» may be examined. , , N ' . Bt ln,or , mat ' on B ,y f n wiwre tickets in all the ether otteries may be procured. Novwnber 3, 1796.