Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 04, 1796, Image 4

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    V- FO R SAL E,
fv An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut
WHICH is 25 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with a y
lot adjoining, 20 1-2 feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inches 1 m
<lc:p. (This lot is back of the house occupied by
George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finifh- J n
ed in every Tt is 50 feet deep, has two afore
Urge p rlours, the front one 24 feet, the back one is
• 22 feet, by 18 1-2 feet, a handforoe drawing-room,
14 1-2 feet by 24 feet Th« ruora< below, the draw- r ; ver
i'jg-room and the chambers adjoining, have mahogany Q eor
doors, and these as well as the rooms above them have
a communication with each other. The height in the -
fifft and second llory is 12 feet, and have ftoco cor- r j V( , r
nices, and nine rooms up flairs, besides the garrets, q col
which arc divided into three rooms, a good kitchen,
ash-house, fnilk and bathing-houses, a lirge ice
house, a pump, hi the yard, and a 3 feet .3 inch alley,
that leads into Fourth-flreet, The cellars are laid with, and floored with two inch plank, apd plaflered.
The yard is well paved,, and the house .is clear ot
ground rent. All the rooms have bells in them, and *-aro
the thanjber bells ring in the garre:, as well as in the
down stairs. All the chambers have white tiles, In
e*iTpt the one neat to the drawing room, which has 1
a* vndUs the and the two parlours be
~m marble chii.Miey piccqj.. The drawipg-room, the pj
two parlours beli>w, and the entry, are papered up to
the third story: In the room oyer the kitchen is ail
open (love. In the wash room there is an oven, and 2
the btck buildings, from cellar, all the way up f orn ,
btivtf large clolVts, and In the cellar is a large bottle y ca y
rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar, and three c h a f,
bins to hold bottled liquor are made in laid room poui
with padlocks to them; ihe whole eellar and tht cock- requ
Toft ire as well plallertd as any room in the houie. the (
ll". flio'nf, the house is in every retneiit completely finilh- at 6
ed." Priffeffiorl shall be gis\ nin ten days after the house Cox.
is fold. Two brick llables in Walnut-street, with 'Bay;
two coach houles. one of them will hold two carri- of!A
ages, the other one. The smallest able has room for albg
tljree, and the lafgeft for four horfts. It is is 21 feet P a y
frout on Walnut-llreet by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. 1 hey tn 6
Tiave excellent lofts over them. The building is arched J
ind laid with lime and t*yo-inch plank, and the cellars ®
will-hokl about locf pipes of wine: Is clear of ground y .
rent, and has the privilege of an 11 1-2 feet alley, that
leads into Fifth-ftrcet. Also a brick store, 33 feet front
on Four'h-Ilreet, by 30 feet deep, which might at a cre( j
fma|l,ejtpeßCt beturned intoa handfomedwelling house tou ,
having been so contrived inthe bnilding. It has a yard ; n j
48 feet (1 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa- q oX
ter pump! and rtlier conveniences, and the cellar is laid ; tvv
with two inch plank, and is how rented at 40 dollars t rifl
per month. 'I his building is fubjeel to ( ground rent of evei
11 dollars 3-4 per annum. Theftore and stables I would I
give immediate possession of. GKOUGE MEADE, and
No. 78,' Walnut Street. the)
Terms of payment for the foregoing property, viz.—-
16301. may lay one year certain, after the sale and if p
the interest is regularly paid, that humane, worthy,good,
»Bd friendly fcian, Edward Sties, Esq. fays it may lay
as.long as the purehafcr pie'afes (purely he lays to oblige
me) the interest being regularly pan w h<
48001. to be paid in a; proved note , and approved in- the
Jorfers at J2 months, the remainder in approved notes in t
and approved inddrfers, at ij, IX, and 24 mon hs, the Fidl
property tobeYbcured for the payment. The ftablesmay for;
be p aid for «n like manner, and the (fore too. all but 4000 dan
dollars, which mull be paid in an approved note, and ap
proved indo.rfcr, at 6 months, the whole payable with j
' Oft. ig. - dx.
./Co hr. Sold, a°e C
Or. T'hurfday the 6th day of April next, at 1Z o'clock. an<
(it Dcughtrtyh tavern, in the town of Itinche/ler, ler,
in Virginia, the following lands, fituute in the [aid 101
fate, «,/*. 1 %
No. 1.—430 Acres, j ,
Of excellent land on the waters of fiack-creek, ins
Frederick county, on the great rVr leading to the ve ,
Seuth Branch, ten miles from Wincheller, too the
acres of which is rich bottom, a fine ftrejm running
through it, with several springs, the trees in the bottom
are chiefly sugar maple, black walnut, hickory andio
cuft. There is dwelling and out-houles, some
ra 4 adow made, and 40 acre? of upland cleared. On
this tract there is a gcod mill-feat, where an under- arc
Ihot-mill might be erefled. '4'
No. 2. —800 Acres.
Situate in Hampshire county, on the north branch f.
ef the Potownmck, and on a branch called Cabbin-run, ln
about eight miles from Fort Cumberland. On this
trail is a large quantity of rich bottom, fit for mtadow
or the culture pfh«mp, the upland remarkably good,
being chiefly timbered with walnut and hickory. The
■above trail is in two surveys of 400 acres each. aj
| No. 3. —200 Acres.
Situate in Franklin county, about ten mi!e6 from
Winchefler. On this tracl there is a dwelling house
and part of the laud is cleared, the remainder is finely T
timbered. - » "
No. 4. —A Lot of Ground. T.
In the town of Woodflock, Shanandoah county, cil
whereorf is erefled a Iwo flory house, and other im
provements, and a ten acre lot for the convuiiency of da
laid town lot. w
No. 5 —250 Acres. m
Situate about two miles from Woodllock. Part of M
this tra£l is in cultivation, is finely timbered, and a good
quantity c'f meadow may be made.
No. 6 —4091 Acres.
Situate in Hampshire county, on George Ai\drs's mill t y
run, on a branch of the Cafaprhon. I his trail is finely
timbered, there is good bottom land, which might be
tafily converted into meadow. p
No. 7. —One moiety oP 50QO Acres.
f.ying an the waters »f Hughes's river, in Harrifon a.
eotinty. Tli's was purchased at one quarter of a dol- h
lar above 8 yeai« ago. t
NiJ. 8.--^}1,900 Acres. a
Lying in the counties ot Wythe, Waihington, and
Grayfon (the preattp part in Wythe,) on the waters 1
of Cripple creek and Fox creek, branches of New Hi- r
vtr, and on the'foutb iork ot Holftein.
No. 10,000 Acres.
Lying in ihe couhty of Ha«ly,onthewa'ersof Great t
Cacapion and North River. v m f
The ;erms of pay.'nest will be one third part ps the i
purcl-afe mon?) to te pal.; ;n hand atthetimeof ex
•cruting the dtcti or deeds of convey a- ce, the remaining -
two thirds ip be paid in equal iti;Ulments, at 12, 18,
- and montl'.s thereafter Iceuring those payments by
mortgaging the premises.
Slioalrl any jvi lon wifli to purchafc at private sale,
appi—aion may be made to John Aolker, Esq. near
Winchrflier ; David Holmes, Esq. of Winchester j or '
v by letters, (poll paid,) to the fubfcribcr in Ph.ladel- '
i'.hia, being the owner of said lands, who will perioral
iy attend the sale oft the day abr^ementioned.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, 2<i of November 1796.
diw w&JiMdfA.
To be Sold,
60,400 Acres of Land*
1 Lying on the river Alleghany, in the county of Nor
-5 thumberland, inthe State of Pennsylvania. gjj]
{ 400 Acres Land,
In Bald Eagle town (hip, Northumberland county
f aforefaid. VVhl
s 60,000 Acres Land,
' Lying on the waters of the Oconee and Canouchee
rivers, in the couuty of Walhington, in thtt Hate ot '
y Georgia. Di
e 174,000 Acres Land, Di
c Lying on the waters of the OhcJpee and Canouchee T .
rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in. the Hate 01 d;
'* Georgia. Di
'• 31.033 Acres Land, M
Lvine in Orangeburgh diftnil, in the state of South Sil
? Carolina. And,
Hj.6,986 Acres Land,
,1 Lying in Charleston diftria, in the'fjud state of South M
j Carolina.
e An Half-acre Lot of Grond, t —
5, In tl* town of Richmond, Virginia.
is The above Lands will be fold low.—App.y to J^ (
i- George Meade.
,e Philadelphia, ad November 1796.' diw w&stf.
:o ' -
d The Creditors of Scott and M L Michael,
P formerly merchants of this city, and who failed in the Jy
le year 1763, or 1.764, (ani from whom the iubfenber pur-
- e chafed bills of exchange -to amount «f several hundred
rH pounds flerling, whjch have lain by hiiji ever lince,; are JjgJ
k- requeftcd, e'verv wan of them that is living, to meet at £
"e. the City-Tavtrn on Tuesday, the 15th of November next,
b- at 6 o'clock in the evening, in order to oblige Charles y
fe Cox, formerly of this city, now of New-Jersey, and John C
th Bayard, formerly*f said city, and speaker of the House C
•j. of AlTembly «f said state, now of Bruufwick, New-Jersey, 5
or aflignees offaid Scott & M'Michael, to-come forward aad g
Pt pay over the monies they have had in their haiids belong
tng to the creditors these 32 or 33 years. Some years a
J.\ go the creditors were called together ; Mr. Cox appear- JV
ed in behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, and alleged that
they were apprehenfivc they might be brought into troti- p
_ bie if they parted with the money (which I apprehend is &
1 some thousands,) as his BritannicMajefly had ;» debt due
Bt him for government bills: it was however agreed by the .
5 creditors met, thit the assignees Ihould take the opinion of
lfe counsel; they did so, and it was that thiy w.uld be fafe
fd i n dividing the money among the I urged Mr.
a " Cox to bring the bufirtefs to a final close ; his answer was,
'id it would be but a trifling sum; nay reply was, if ever so _ 0
irs trifling, I would have my proportion of it. It has how- -
of ever lain over.
lid 1 therefore hope the creditors will now come forward
E. and oblige the afligntes to divide whatever they have, and
they onglit to pay interefl too. At 1
— George Meade.
jf Philadelphia," ad November, 1796. dtljN- I
ge The creditors of the late Abel fames, 0 f \
who stopped payment in 17841 arc riquclled to raeet at ted
in- the Cicy-Tavern, on Tuesday, Bth November, at 6 o'clock ordt
tes in the evening, in order to oblige the affigneei, (John of I
he Field and others) to close their affairs: My demand is lin 1
lay for a balance due on a returntd bill of 10001. ilerling, colls, fide
00 damages and interest. t°r
ip- George Meade. mel
ith Philadelyhia; Navtmber 2d, 1793. dtBN.
~~~~ one
_ The Creditors of Van Vleck and Barton, m»
and William Barton, & Co. (who failed in the year 1784) —
are earncllly requelled to maet at the City-1 avern, on
Wednesday the 9th November, at 6 o'clock ln the evening |
in order to oblige the surviving assignees, StepheH Aullin, ,
and Andrew Hodge to close those affaits. John Chand- £ or
!er, ' ler, deceased, who was one of the aflignees, once offered g an
a iJ to the fubicriber ufb in the pound for his debt, which is w j t
1 for a returned bill of 8000 guilders, with colls damages j
and and the aflignees have never paid but i/"io the mo
pound, thotigh they advertised goods belonging to William mo
m S Barton & Co. in the year 1784 or 1785, and allowed » j
the : ver y the liberty of buying to the amount of 10/ in (
'00 , the pound of their debts. ——
in s George Meade.
°' a Philadelphia, November ad, 1796. dtgN.
On The Creditors of Clement Biddle & Co.
ler- are requcftcd to meet at the City-Tavern on Monday the ,
14th inft in order to oblige the assignees to a fettlemcpt —
ef thcii affairs, which have lain over these twelve yc-Jfi':
nc j l the fhhfcriber's demandis for a returned bill of i,oool. flef
ling, damages 40 per cent, and interest.
this George Meade. ~
low Philadelphia, 3d November, 1796. dti4N. *•
Fhe The foregoing advertisements are a good Jpecimen of Ar
ajjignees. I could give a further one if it <was necessary.
'tfe Samuel Richardet ° -
nely "O ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
f*- Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
nty, city of Philadelphia. te
im- The Suhfcription Room will be furnifhed with all the
y of daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- '°
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe—They will 'be regularly filed ~
• t o £ and none permitted to be taken awav on any account.
, Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, a variety
»°° of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, he
will at all times be procured at the bar. O
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with or
mill the choicell of Winet, Spirituous Liquors, fnd the mofl be
inely approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries, w
bt be The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliell lo
productions of the Season.' ta
Large and finall Farties, or single Gehtlemen, may be '
rifon accommodated with Breakfalls, Dinners, or Suppers, at te
1 dol- hours moll convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is J* 1
regularly kept for convenieUcy, the Billof Fare to be had /
at tha bar.
an( j The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and r|
' the utmost attention paid to cleanlinefa, and every other 1,
, j' 3 re.quiflte. , r(
' Simuei. Richardet will behappyto receive, and u
execote the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
■ 1 ; 'Cat himfelf that nothing on his part fliall be wanting to pre
fervethat patronage wjth which he hasbeen so distinguish- '
if the ingly honored.
if ex- Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
lining —~— * • . *
'3, Mr. FRANCIS,
nub y • {Of the New Theatre)
" sale T AKES t ' l ' S °PP ortun ' t y °f returning thanks to his i
near scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca
ladc-1- tm y for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
■Vonif fl Jtters himfelf. tliat his attention to his pupils hi
' therto renders any promises of condudlmg his future
fehemes ou the nvilt liberal and flriOeft terms, of pro- '
'• priety, totally u<nieceffary.
A. B. Private tuition as ufytl.
\*A. June 3 law
'* *
Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, I
Has received by the late arrivals,
A IVell Selected Assortment 0/
Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
, Haberdashery Goods,
Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, the very
low eft terms; anJ a
A*tons ft lobich are nhlet
Some elegant 4-4 7*B Chintzes and Cottons, new P.^
patterns J"
Ditto Furniture ditto
Ditto Dimity '
Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslins
Ditto in Gold and Silvei T^O
Ditto Necl&joths, very fine » H
Mantuas of the firft quality '
Silk and Cotton Hosiery '
Umbrellas of the firft quality, assorted
lrifli Linens, very fine, and Table 1
Marseilles and Cotten Counterpanes i
Rose Blankets afforted—&c. Sec. S
OiSlobir 46. 30
(FT D &
London Particular IVladeira Wine, *000
In pipes, hogtheads and quarter-calks, ■
Landing this day at Chrfnut-ftreet Wharf, an
for fait? by 4018
Jofepk Anthony h Co.
Nov. I. d By
- uig I
Best Bolton & Nova-Scotia Mackarel, enon
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbls. to re]
47 bbls. prime QolFee, in th
Best Boston Beef, in th
Codfifh in hds.
Spermaceti Candles, nl , y
Spermaceti, and 1 OIL. fou'h
Northern J . ets n
Meuld and dipt, tallow candles, of a fupenor D;
qirtlity. ,
A few boxes excellent brown soap,
' 6 Bales of Corks.
[ 40 Pipes excellent Lilbon Wine.
c A few sacks of Feathers.
! A few bales India Mufliju. V
' Oflober 31.
■ ■ two 1
Loft Last Evening, I torn;
At Ricketts's Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by
some villain out of a gentleman's pocket)
A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK,
Containirtg"about lßj dollars in banknotes; three notes
5 of handofßofsand Simfon, No. 304, 305 and 306, da
t ted Ilth last August, payable 60 das s after date, to the
k order of Paul giemen, together for 51 jo dollars ; an ord«r
n of Mrs, Ann Vacpherfon, from Paul Siemen, on Lach
is lin Mac Neal, Port-au-Prince, for 100 dollars ;/be
s, fides several letters andpapers of no use but to the proprie
tor. The notes of hand and order are without endorse
ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to
any person who will dii'eover and secure the thief, and
lORTY. DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti
oned notes and papers at No. 149, corner of Front and
Mulberry streets. ( d Oct. ir.
■ Mr. RICKETTS ~ thc ,
S BEGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that
j l ' he will open his RIDING SCHOOL on the Ift of Nov. no ti
for the inftru&ion of Ladies and Gentlemen in the ele- Si
gant accompliftment of riding and managing their horses d
18 with ease to themselves. tht
es Mr. Ricketts has well tiained Horses for the accom
1C modation of Ladies and Gentlemen for exercise, to pay
monthly. Pupils to pay by the season, or by the lesson.
Horses trained to the road or field.
10 O&eber 24. d
To be Sold,
The Time of a smart, a&ive Negro Lad, c
Who has Eleven years to serve. ~
Enquire at No. 58, South Front-flreet.
ae OtJlober 18. «
P.t —— x .
*• By J. ORMROD, No. 4 r, Chcfnut-ftreet, „ m
(Price I a i-% Cents) f u j r
The President's Address'
To the People of the United States, <Jay
°f Announcing his intention of retiring from public life aft<
7- at the expiration of the prsfent conHitutionaFterm of Pj<
_ prciidcncy. ' , r Ril
v| September 20. 4 i lin
2 —__ ; — at
fn Walhington Lottery. Pic
fY The 34th and 35th vys* drawing of the Walhington
Lottery, No. 2, received at the office No. 134, Mar
ket-street, where ticket* may be examined. *>M
h e N. B. lnlormation £iven where tickets in all the other t0
of. lotteries may be procured.
m . November 3, 1796. d
led ; m <
LAST Wednesday Evening, Q6tober 19, between the be
'ts, haurj ot 7 and 10 o'clock, the bed 100 mof Mr Ricketts in
O'Kller's hotel wli emered, either bv means of falfe keys, j O ,
ith orat the window, by some villain or villains, who mud have
10ft been acquainted win the fixation of the house (as the door
ies. was found locked after they had committad thc theft) who
ieit took away from amongst Teveral trunks, ONE which con
taiued a valuable part ef Mr. Rrckett's property, but of which
j, c he is not yet able to Ihe contents particularly. Af
,at ter bringing the faio nunk away, and emptying it of up
-lis w ? r ds of a thousand dollars in cafli and bank notes, the vil
laint left it behind thc circus, during the time that the per
formances of the evening were going forward
ar.d Itiscarneftly requested, that all tavern-keepers on the stage th
her roarls ' an 4 tlle ferry houses, as well as allcivil officers, may so
be watchfjl in iecuring perfotis, who may have a tr
redundance of calh, which their appearance wuuld by no ac
arKl means bespeak them to be poffelTed of. at
jg" One Hundred Dollars Reward P'
pre- w ill be given for securing the thief or thieves, and a fur
lifh- ther reward f or securing them with the property. ri
OS. et- j. tf
r f ■ b
— Univerlity of Pennsylvania, f ;
ORober J, 1796. \
The Medical Ledlures will commence the firft Monday c
> his in No « mter - uw 3 w
«•- Madeira Wine.
Rle -
1 hi- , ——
ture A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on I
pro- °° ar d the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Chefnut
ftreet whir-t, and for sale by the fubferiber.
Robert Andrews,
I*w Oft. 14 m*. No. 86, S o. Wharves.
Plans of the city of Philadelphia,,
theNoRTHSRN Liberties and diftria of
Southwark ,
Published, and fold by
No. 68, High street,
( Price one dollar.)
THIS plan is 16 inches square, and has been en
graved by one of the tirft artists in the city, from a late
and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam
phlet with each plan, giving " lbme account of the
city, its population, trade, government, &c.
July 19 tu&ftf
FOR raising fixthoufand fix hundred and sixty-seven
dollars and fifty cent», by a deduction of fifteen per
centfromthc prizes, and not two blanks toa prize. via,
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 50c®
I 1000 1000
i 500 500
5 aoo xoco
10 100 aSoo
99 jo 49S°
100 5000
1000 10 40,000
5 Lafl dfawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
»33» Prizes. 44,450
4018 Blanks.
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,4 JO
By order of the Directors of the Society for eftablifh
uig U'J'eful Manufactures, the fuperiutendauts of the Pat
eri'on Lottery hive the Managers to offer the
foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have directed them
to refund the money to thtil'e persons who have purchased
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery.
The lottery has actually commenced drawing, and will
continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
may be fcen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second street, who will giveinformatiou where tick
ets may be procured.
Dated this 17 th day bf June, 1796.
dtf eo
Washington Canal Lottery,
No. I.
WHEREAS the State erf Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thouiand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, fro>.i th Po
tomacto theEafteru Branch Haroour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
'Viz -I Prize of 30,000 dollars, 10,000
I ditto ro,ooo 10,000
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
jo ditto 400 4,000
ao ditto 100 1,0*50
55 ditto 50 1,750
5 7jo ditto II 69,008
To be raised for thi Canal, ,16,150 j
, 5850 Prizes, 175,-^0
11650 Blanks, not two to a pVize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 1-75,00p
rfj' The Commissioners hav» taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aiS for the punctual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
■ delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold,-of which timely
• notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
' drawing is finifhed, shall be considered as relinquished for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
} City of Wa(hir>g'_ofi, Feb. 11. 5
Treasury Department,
September 28, 1796.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re
ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the expiration of the firft day of March next cn
fuing, for tliefupply of all. rations which may he required
for the use of the United States, from the firft day of
June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both,
days inclunve, at the places and within the diftriils h-re-
Fe after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at
as Pjcfque l£!e; at Sanduiky Lake, and on Sandufky
River; at Detroit ; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank
lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
- at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-JcfFerfon ;at Grenville; at
PicqueTown and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
)n Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ;at any place bdow Fort
r _ Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
Steuben ; at FortMaffac ; at any place from Fort Maffac
er to the south boundary of the United States on the river
Miffifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If Supplies (hall be required for any poftsor places not
_ mentioned in this notice, all such supplies (hall be-fur
nifeed at prices proportioned to those to be paid as the
posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
he between the United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be fupplicd are to coufift of the fol
>"a> lowing articles, viz.
lve One pound two ounces df bread or flour.
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of
' ° pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy or whiskey.
(•_ One quart and half a pint of fait.")
ip . Two quarts of Vinegar, ( hundred ration ,
ril. I wo pounds of Soap, ( r
cr _ One pound of Candles, J
Therationsare to be furniflied in such quantities, as that
age there fliall at all times during the said term, be fufficietit
lay for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De
e a troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, fer the term bf fix months in
no advance, and at each of the other posts, for the terra o
at lead three months in advance, in good and whclefome
proviiions, if the fame feall be required. It is to be un
ur. derftood, that the Contra&or is to be at the extents
riik of iffuirgthe fuppliss to the troops at each poll, an-,
th&c all losses sustained by the depredations of an enemy, c?i
. by means of the troops of the United States, shall be pai
for at the price of ; the-articles captured or dellroyed,° fl
the depositions of two or more persons of creditable l >•
ra&ers, and the certificate of a ccmmiffioncd officer, -
certaining the circumstances of the lot's, and the r.niou*£
of th« articles for which compensation (hall beclaimedj
Secretary of the T"reafury.
lilt- XT
119 —
ves. [Price Fight Dollars per Annum.)