Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 04, 1796, Image 3
« i 0f ' 1 AT i romeroßt meefinpnf eitizentof HiiWelpttia, htld on ( November s, at Mr Poor's fckooj btiulf. ,-onth Mulberiy Ward, ISRAEL ISRAEL was called to the chair. * The two t kett for eleAora of the Prefidrnt and Vke-Pre fldent of the UnHed*statei, which have been pubkfhed in the papers, having been read, the at a meeting n member* of-the Stale and Federal Legifhufre and other ciiizcn* from different parta of the State) having been stated to be composed of chaia&ert who would Support >Thomas ] Jj»l*a»ON, waa UNANIMOUSLY agreed >•« JsrrFßsoif Ticket. ELECTORS. Thomas M'Ktan John Whitehilt g Jacob Morgan William Irwin C( James Boyd Abraham Smith « Jonas Hartzell William Brown 0 Peter Muhlenberg John Piper }, Joseph SJifter John Smilie William M*Clajr James Ed jar f c James Hjiijna U| Publifhtd bx order of the Meeting, (Attest) BENJ. FRANKLIN BACHE, See. At a meeting of a number of ci:iren«, at Og den's Uivern, New-market ward, Oftobet 39, 1796. The two tickets for ele&ors, which have been pub lished in th« news-papers, were read, and it was una- 31 nimooffy agreed to support the following as a truely | " Federal and Republican Ticket> The fame having been framed and recommended r a at a refpeftable meeting of a number of the mem- i ber» of the legislature, and other citizens, the friends of order and good government, from different parti of the "date, immediately previous to the rising of { the a (Terribly, viz. Jfrael Whelen, Philadelphia, Samuel Miles, I | £0 Henty Wynkoop v Bucks, John Arndt, Northampton, Valentine Eckhart, Betks, I t |, Tftiomas Bull, Chester, ' J j- Robert Coleman, Lancaster, J WJ JohTi Carson, Dauphin, 1 William Wilfoa, Northumberland, j|| 1 Samael Cumberland, [)n Jacob Hay, York, I Benjamin Elliixt, Huntingdon, tw Ephraim Douglas, Fayette, John Waodfc, Allegheny, I "Thomas Stokely, Washington. [Ie O* motion Itj was resolved, that the following gr address to tHocitizens of Penrffylvania, be signed by tht chairman And published. ■ jda • " Fellovj- Cit I At a period. when the peculiar situation of our I an ' coustiy calls far no copmoa {hare of wifaofn, pa- I triotifm and firmnefs in the chief magtftrate of the I 011 United' States, are we fitmffioned to the choice of I nui eleAors of a. President aad yice-Piefidcnt, and on ithe piudeiiee of that choice, will in a great mea- j sure depend our future p. ace and happiness. Whilrt j . the defohtting sword ef War is destroying the fait eft countries in Ear ope—America is,kept in peace. The wife and prudent fyfteai of policy, adopted by ei cur present adaiini(lr«uon> di'fpelled the ciottds 0131 .whiftli for a while darkened our political horizon, I »ud'fecutfd to, our country profperiiy and happiness, ytc arc now fa-.'ereumiuc, wh«iji«r r approving j e Al* ef the meaiWrs adopted by George brtjhingioa, aud * fenftfeleof the bleißngs they hdv«. confer red on- our J L. coantry, we will.choose elefiors Who have uniform- e "^ l !y e*inc'ed an approbation of his cohd*f£t, and may I nna £ "therefore be 'expeded to give theirYufFtages jn fa 1 | Var of men who wifl probably continue the fame »; " system of wife and patriotic policy.—lf /uch. be Ia K' > our determination, the person* now recommended 1 < - will naturally become the obje£g of our choice. COMi To the prudence of those republican cititens, fin I for ;cere!y attached our national goyernroent, we maty 1 (afely cntruft the power of making ap_pointmejitß I 10 important and interesting. Sj „WiJh no defjre of dilating to par fellow-citi- * ' tens, and with no interest but what is common to " ,jll, Jo we iddrtfs you. The happiness of our coun-1 S 9r ' s try is involved in the choice that (hall be made, and f£ d , j * • we therefore solicit your warded exertions in iup- beso ; P«rt ot characters whose fuffrages witl ensure the ortie ' 'fence and profpenty as the United States ac " GI.tDRGE LA ' tMER, Chairman. HV- Atfell \ JOSEPH HOPKINSON, Sec'v. eleav far. Printer, ■ '»'►> Voyr inserting the incfofed acruffie in your enter-j ' Gazette, will very mfith oblige • *• a female friend. , R* eHirn onee more and bless our ravifh'd fight, lin " I nfpire our fouls with ever new- delight ; ' ,C harm os igaJo—• with more than magic art, f Sam K now that you captivate each female heart. ~L ' lc haEtiflg youth, »ijr throbbing bofomi prove, f 'rr u '' ;5n S , * la ' t °f those who fondly love. I an ■ T hen ah return, dear youth, and with thee bring j C< ° nly f [° m thy P refelK ' e f P ri "g- Gent retcrftjurg, Virginia, Sept. 15. • by THIS DAY'S MAILS. £; RUTLANDi (Vermont) October 74. . J Tfee honorable Moses Robinson, late fenater in sth o : ' slate In congress, on Saturday the 15th inft. 'he t communicated tq the goven><»r, the following refig. O r nation of. that important office [claim D „ , the ot ' Xut/atd, oHoler 15, 1796. Admi „ Dcarr,r >. , tobri Kavjrg received an appointment to the office of pers a a .tnator of the United States, it was my intention capto / to have lerved lb< whole term for which I was eleo the ill ted ; but the ciicumftances of my domestic affairs- and tl are such, as reader it wholly incompatible with" ei- th.ey < ther my interest or duty, any longer to h.old that was ' ofiice. . • duced 1 therefore take this method to communicate to Do • the fegiflature, from whom 1 received the appoint- and meat, a resignation of fa'id office. However defir-1 ca P tor »ble popular applause may be, yet the consciousness of having aded with integrity, and from the purest TCc principles of love of our country, affords a confo- - iatio* highly t«r he pteferred. nut tti The /lie fuffrages of my fellow-citizens, for s rubber of years past, gave me an opportunity to express my attachment to their interest j and be as- 'j r fused, fir, that a just feufe of my obligation to Grey my ccanjry,' {5 too deeply impressed on my mind have d 1 e!d po ever to be ess. ccd or t(5 be in indifferent fpeftator f its profpeijty or misfortunes. I am, dear sir r with refpeft, e - Pre - and sentiments of high cfteem, ,n ? hc Your excellency'smolLobedient an d v e f y {rumble servant, ft«ed MOSES ROBINSON. omas His excellency 7'homes Chittenden. Hereafter there can be no question as to the fede lalifm of the state of Vermont.' On Ttiefday last, the general afferably of this slate, chose the hon. Isaac Tichbnor, senator to congress, in the room of Mr. Robinson, tefigned. Mr. Tichenor is eleiled to serve at the next session of congiefs, and foi the fix years succeeding, and has accepted his appointment. The legislature of Vermont cboofe the drifters for that slate. That they will be true fedetalifts is undoubted. EC " NEW-YORKTNavcmber 2 , 0 Legislature of New-Tori. ' g Yesterday, both hcufes of the legislature coh- 1 vened at the City-hall, in this city, agieeably t® 1 jna at 'j our " rricrft - There being a quorum present in 1 n»-lv 1 cac ' l ' 10u^e » ,h «y proceeded to oreanife their refpcc- ' 7 live houses. < Guilian Verplanrk was appointed fpeajcer, and 1 det * j James Van Ingen, clerk. el j" j Robert Hunter was re-chosen matter at arms. 1 n 8 Ihe usual mutual commuuications were had be- ' art * I tween the two houses and the executive. . 0 At half past ene, his excellency the governor J appeared on the floor of the great courtroom, both J hooles being present, and ftiade his fpcech at the op- t j ening of the felTion- f November 3, y I Yesterday, the assembly went into cornmlttee of j the whole houle oif his excellency the governor's c I speech, Mr. Barker in the chair, when the speech c I was read, and commutes appointed, by diftitift re- t 1 fclutions, to take into 9eniideration the different f I dirtinti articles in said speech refpefiively, and re- c port thereon to the house. 1 J A nteffage was received from the senate, with rt I two tefolut(onß, requeuing the concurrence ef she t< I assembly, viz. h I. Resolved, that the two honfes will, cm Wed- ri I tiefday next, proceed to cleft a senator in th« c«n- r ' I grefsof the United States, in the place of Mr. King. ; Bed 2, Resolved, that the two .houses will, on'l'ucf day next) proceed to the cle&tonof elc&ors, on the the part of this state, for the election of Prefideut dui j lee P'efident of the United States. pa- I JS&ics Kent, esq. i; appointed to pronounce an the I oratlon before the Agricultural focicty, a!; their an- w o rj nud meeting on Tuefdajr next. pt on I ——— j { . a . j TRENTON, November 1. ' v Hit I TueTday last beinjg the day appointed by the con- "ff ili. I littition, for the meeting of the legislature of dc :e. I a quotum of both houses accordingly ;ifk-m- ; ' by bled at the State-house, in this city. Tht l auivtil 0 ' lds made choice of James Linn, esq. as vice-ptefident*} (h >n, j 2n d John Bealty, efq clerk, the affemhly, of Jartts , P JI fs, I' r, ' 3 y» a* speaker, and MafkclVEwing, trc .g cf l- clark - i> ud ln j° lnt meeting, last Friday, Richard Howell, ur J was re-appointed governor of this (late, for the p i». I cfmig year, and James Mott, esq. trealuicr, koth a y j ananimoufly. ■a- A bill is before the assembly, for ending free riC schools throughout this slate, to be by be : ,j J One Godlip received lentence of death at the lafl> F" c comt of oyer and terminer, in Sufi'ex county, for n J for the nsurdcr of his wife. He was executed co IV ' ,>■ Friday last. 'a; ts h 7 WINCHESTER, Oftobev »8. fhc Extratl of a Letter from a gentleman in Maryland to hit cor- hat I reipondent here. ry to | '' We have had a very warmly contested eleftiou in Ha- . H- ja r fowti. Sp—g, with #11 his influence, supported Ring-' a j| , gold, as an artti treaty man, against a plain, honed German. fS/ He it a fpmted young fellow, and supported himfelf with a Jn p- beeonnnc digrtty. He publicly avowed himlelf a friend to J IC order "4 1 g"od govermtient, and to that Great Man who, by * UI a certain party, hat been so much insulted and vilified. The ' . young mao wat fuppotedhy the Gernrant, hiatt.unchfrieadt, j it- —who, v. hen they Mndetftood the qatare of the difputc, . cleaved to htm as one man For, being a plai*, sensible pen- la s? pie, and finding themfelveshapjfy and thrivingunder the Dre- .to I U """tlifhmcnt, they did not Jviih to rua the rifli of a J change." r-1 — _ « the AMERICAN CLAIMS.. y lln the High Court of Admiraltj. Sir Jamec Mar riot, J Sarmiel Bayard, agent of the United States, &c in ma behalf tf Messrs. John and Thomas Stephens and er ' i Israel Thorndtke, citizens of the Un.ted States, mo and owners of the schooner Relief and cargo, Asa W ; I Cole, mailer:—Claimants—against a "° General Sir Charles Grey and Admiral Sir Jphn Su • • Jarvis. joyi . .^ clief was « n American vessel seized by ' the Britifn forces at Martinique fhortiy after the ba d J capture of that island. On the iptho* April 1 enci ffie was libelled in a pretended Court of Adrni/alty P«m J at Martinique by the captors. On the , sth of May the vessel and cargo were fold, and on as a , the 14th they were condemned. ar ; . On the a Bth of Feb. 1795, Mr. Bayard filed his h claim in the High Court of Admiralty on behalf of grar the owners; and a monition thereupon issued against Had I Admiral Jarvis and General Grey, dircding them 0 f n .t0 bnh « the registry of the court the ship's pa- ,S tat pers ana ail depositions taken in preparatory. The F captors, though a year had elapsed from the time of ,i,° r tlie ifluing of the monition, brought in no Papers • / ■ 1V 1 , f jf kin S' s adv 'ocate and proctor admitted, that tKey did not expect to bring in any. The cause ! , 8 was therefore heard on the ex pane evidence pro- , duee<j by the claimants. t»w 3 a n^fwS Ch °c a " d for the claimants, thr " and btr Will,am bcott, the king's advocate fcr the M I captors. treat Or. the 2 d of Feb. i 7969 6 Sir James Marriot deli- bivi " 1 vered his opinion as follows: obtai ■?'" ce ,h . e kin S' s advocate and proctor both ad- of «■ mn that there is no profpeft 0 f shortly, if at all, «cif< ' dlemS an >' f urt her papers re- F' fpeflirg these American vtffels seized at Martinique, "to ; .fef" 11 ' r^ 8 vcflcl to be one of tliofe seized that I and f o ld by persons under the orders of Sir Charles Oiail Jf n J arvis ' " the claimants A have done all in /Wpower to have the lhips papers tion, 1^ , ' •• / / / %sin« of a decree which had foi a rhofner t fw/fjended rf r 'i Y ere <!>e now rh-iofca to consider it as working umqualt 4 ' , r * and a^ftrt3 that a the iCafon Lr.'its thraate.icJ via -1 and laioi. The executive dire&ory, (taking a very differenf U 'tid f f rom '' lf Apolojfill fn the Aurora,) ll.itt-s nt"of ,lle . , f , » violation, to reil " Oil t lit detriment VSJ. France rfiay receive from the advantage# duty W * MC * l '"adby her treaty faureJ to the United yto Stau '»-" grie ' aw °f furnilhes ntr juftification of lain- 'he kind ; the books, on the contrary, fay, «' that In " f " e '"jury a nation may tujlmrt from a treat}', is rourt " not a reafori for such nation to refuse fully " complying with ih conditions," 0 di- Mat-tan's, law of nat'or.Sj p £2. but "Real treat tea never cease to be (..Minatory, ax* to in cept in cases where all treaties becortie invalid. : e " Id' p- 55- lem- " The maritime powert hawe begun to iftue Jt new cuiraliofts to advertise the neutralpowcis, that they nfti- shall look upon lush and such merchandizes as con pur traband £ but the effed)s of these declarations can* - } a\e n«t by any means be extended to those neutral pow ™s j er6, vii/h which the towers that iflue them have .are treaties of commerce f in which this matter. Is 'ok SETT \ E6/> . Id. p. 321. . re _ " tJne of ths parties has not a right to swerve , 2VC f rom a trcar 7' other wife valid and obligatory, except in ea,r °' * collili or>, or in 1J1*: of all i»fra£lioa " s by tht other." iear ' it is , Id. p. £{.. _ Bcfides, I' ranee, herfelf previous to her ireaty. ttle W !?*' ld a ' w »7> eXefcifed the fame tight, a» and re^u tln S f ron > ibe hw of nations, by feiasing enemy'# red P ro P erl y ' n neutral bottoms, where not secured by treaty., (See Marine Ordinances, under the ar tbe prise.) • the And at the very moment that flie complains of *t 0 theexercif* of this right on the part of Great-BriV he tain, she has made a pra3ical comment 011 the law# this of nations, in this rcfpe£l by feiiing enemy's pro ses. perty, s»s_n on neutui tsrritory ;in the caf« pa- of. the seizing of Britifli property at Leghorn: fr ) I Hus we fee that before and subsequent to her ley commercial treaty with the Unitej States, she has u - prhilised upon the fame principle which she fee«n» ' a low disposed to force the United States into a War to cotiipet England to renounce* == 7 hc f° r<; gy'ng remarks, and the authorities which have bfen jeferred t.o* leave np ropm for doubt in the mind of every independent American, that if the threat of the French government (hall be carried into execution, the United States will he ||» ve . learnt a new leffou in- politics—that the jnoit fill hbetal, sincere and faithful obfervanet of «« the mod generous conHru&ion of the laws of neuf ° n ti*lity, I,ay, even an cxpofure to danger, -by mea nt. Tfr not warranted either by our tteaty of the lsw» a ot neu;iality, arc noi sufficient to r«nat«th< friend -I't ship of that nation and to preferTe inviolate her fti- J-'X pulations when the feels from a momentary in r id- whrvb she had fully cqtiicmplatsd at tlyt re- time they weir made. AN UNSHACKLED AMERICAN, This Day is PubiiQied, . f* r the -Author, /price jr cents) and rL N °' 6? ' High-ltr^ •' s and by the other Eookfellcrs in the City, TIT for TAT, Or, A Purge, for a PHI. oi Being an answer to a fcurril out pimpll |et, lately put* id lilhed, entit ed, " A Pill for Poreupinc."' y. To which is added, n A roetical Rhapsody on the Times, D ejcribing the Difaflers of an Emigrant. s, To bear an open slander is a curse, SI " But not to an anfvrcf it a worse." 3t "Ihi» you get, Booby Squirt, ' ' " U«»ufe you wou 'd dialler 1 " Since you're for Hinging din, IU " We'" 'ry who beil can fpatier." • C - \Pnd,U d E2EKIEL FREEMAN, . FPJ 1 *? f " cce , edcd t0 the diflillery in New-fireet, ins o dby Mr Thomis Cav * informs the public he has for sale, " an Rum, Gin, Brandy, 13e. All persons having any demands upon the said difliU d f Cry r°l j ndebtcd thereto are tequefled to apply to him d pose nt ' k eil 'S du 'y authorized tor that pur -0 Ph'lldelphia, Nov. 4 th, 1796. dtf r i t> be Let, .A 1 " 8 ®,® 41 !"' lnW,,aut -ftreetjuftibove Fourth-Street that e ,We inCh « d -»> How -ptardToS ° fc.aodtwf«rn/ nd Co " c^ ho «fr .that will hold f ou rhor leiand tw d c»rna g e» j and several Horc in Fourth Streee— 1 Apply to rTT , , George Meade. Who has for sale, •5 boxes of Castile soap \ Red Lilbon Wine A few pipei of bill of exchange wint . A tew barrels ot Irilh rtiefs beef | And a^ew barrel* of ship bread. ' glass engraverT^ MtjS. DiESCAinrs, from Paris. ' North TL the / ÜbUC x that fte ha " J ust °P e,led her (lore, North Third Street, No. 95, where Ae engraves with border,, flowers, garlands, cyphers, figuret, efcmche °ns, &c. m the moll elegant, fafhionable, ueat. and M° rt6 0 glifics> lnd glaft wares on the most reasonable terms. All order, will b c thankfullr received and punAuaily executed. tJl^ie?^" 1111 " eXeCUte ' a " y thikg In ,he I!ne of * Nov. 2. tuR sale; *—;* w ™ out 1 >60° acres of Land, 1. o Uat , td ' la >j n g on and between Marfk four P ' C ° Un( y> P'nnfylvania, in eparate Patents. For terms of sale apply to Wm.- Blackburn, oaoher 31. No ' 6 Ssuth Srt ' ond ;' irsct > — ■ ■ J - mwttf NANKEENS, .. Of the firfl quality, FOR SALE BY,. R'D. and J.AS. POTTER. b T, "" f '" R d IT',: * " ( September %, * . T. i