#a?ette ofthe Ullttetl States, 6- Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, ' Number 1297.] ' FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 4/1796. X. — ■ For New-York, v 77jr Schooner Mary, Jofiah Douglafs, master ; will fail in a few davs, and take freipht very low. A PPty ( ° Joseph Anthony iJ Co. Nov. 3. t. - ■■ * T 1 . " Tor freight-or Charter to Europe, or the WefMndies. LSSEfST"* The new Brigantine FAIR AMERICAN > Richard Calli-y, Master._ . "is in compl«t order, and in readinef* for receiving a cargo. She is a handy velTel, and has good accom rao lafions for paflengers. Apply to Captain Calley, « September 2T. d For Charter, The Danilh Barque Bkneventura^ 0 Samuel Stub, master, ii ' A good velTel, of about two ' tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N « Sept. 17. dtf £ FOR LONDON; The capital (hip CERES, h T° soon : —For freight or passage ' mA'"": fe&iUs»aapply ta DAVY, ROBERTS 3c Co. or | yohn Vaughan, h September 10. Front-ftrect. The Brig MARY, _ >-'-W Lying at Meffn. Willings and Francis's wharf,burthen 2000 fcarrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793 of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may befent to sea at a small For terms apply to Gurney & Smith. O St*6. .dtf. Just arrived, and will this day be lan ded. frool on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnul ' flreet wharf. 25 Tons befi Russia Clean HEMP, tS JontoldTSable flat IRON, - Ruflia CORD AGE, aflHrted (izes, aoo 1 - brown Ruflia SHEETINGS, ico fifrlts Ruflia DUCK, J 240 Pieces Ravens do. M 20 Half-down feaiher beds, and n( A few pieces afforked DIAPER. ■FOR SAUf BT 1 Joseph Anthony and Co. !*■ jV-» The ahove mentioned BRIG will f-il a few days, and tak- freight on -Amode^te terms for Boston or Salem, for •whi4h Or paflage. apply on board or as above . d FOR SALE, 7 HE SHIP MAR?, H SAMUEL PARKER, Master, Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold is a few days, (hewill take freight for Hambir g. Apply as above. 151 October 31. d *= For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports- ™ mouth, New-Hampshire, Pr ,r—- The Schooner LUOT, 1 Daniel Prowfe, master ; will fail in ! course of a week, and takff freight pa , moderate terms, for which, or ait '=»3>Diaa &r passage, apply on board, or to _ Joseph Anthony, & Co. October 17. For Freight or Charter, Hl £X-i The Ihip COMMERCE, A gM,. NATHANIEL CURTIS, Mailer. ! Almofta new vefTel, 244 tons burthen, and will -r-> be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. For n term > apply on board at Bright's wharf, or to i Joseph Anthony & Co. r For Sale on board tie abo-ue Vejfel, f A quantity of excellent COAL. • 11 C 3* P' tons having goods on board, are earnestly requcft- ' J ed to fend their permitj. -0a ii. dtot di^ Boarding and Lodging ent j Tvro GENTLEMEN may be accnmmo'da-ed with Bqarui". l and Lodging, in a private family and pleafunt part of the city. Apply to the Printer. Ofl.ij. tti W AN TED, ' 2 - As COOK, i(\ a private family, a woman of good eharafler a anm who can be well recommended. Enquiic of the Printer. - O °. go '" rS' d 7t . Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to Wat! their own afforment, - — A conf ? nmeHt of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele- , » £ snt5nt Eendon patterns j also a few cases of handl'omo- rr ..uttoiw A hich will be fel lat a Ihort credit, ori very ! reafoiiahle te-ais, by the patkiae cnly. 1 Q£L SA - dtf 1 N - " j This Day is Published, And fold by JOHN ORMROD.nNo. 41 Chdhut-ftrcet, (Price onejixteentb of a Dollar.) A P O£ M On reading the President's Address, WITH A SKETCH OF THE CHARACTER or A CANDIDATE, _ r r a r t ■ e a PRESIDENCY. This elegant little £o em is nrincecfin a form to"bcVour.d with tht P-R2SIJD£NT : S faffiWnl addrefs,lately pabliftiecfty T ToJm Gimrod. ' 5 r. ' : ] ri n g FOR $AL J£, ] A. very* Valuable Eltate, , ] till- /"CALLED TIVITrE NHA M, fttuace ill the VJ townlhip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware, 71-2 miles from Phiiadeljfbia, and half a mile from the 1 new Weftcrn road: containing 230 acres of »xcellent land, 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- < land, and the reft arable of the firll quality. There are < on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms I on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well J of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, (labLs, < ' and other convenient buildings; a smoke-house and stone, 1 spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach- I fto es. The fields are all in clover, except tbofe immediately 1 under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage ol watfrin each of them, whiclt tenders k peculiarly con- 7 venient for grazing. Tta situation is pleasant and healthy, aild from the high a cultivation of* the land, the good neighbourhood, anil the I vicinity to the city,'it is very suitable for a gentleman's a country fest. The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman. cn deceased, and offered for sale by Mordecai Lewis, Ovsl. 31. iaw Surviving Executor, To be fold, /\ PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun j XJL ty ©f Gloucester, and ttate of New-Jersey, contain ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propor red tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A great part of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva tion, and very natural to the produ&ion of Red Clover, cl On said plantation there is a geateel two-story brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a -good dry cellar under the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage houfe- The garden is large, and contains a good collec age tion of the bsil kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees; or the orchard consists of about three hundred grafted app:e trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premises, may be informed of the terms by applying «s* ANDREW HUNTER. J"'T *9 F f e Just Liiported, j ß ' g Tin Plates in boxes Sheet and bar Lead la y sizes, patent and oommon . Copper bottoms and ftieets Englifli {hoes and boets in cases Taunton Ale in calks of 10 d«z. each S Balket SaJt Wool Caids 1- Gold Watches, iut " For Safe by - * Simon Walker, f ■ oa - 7' mwfint Dock-street. For Sale, AThree-ftofy BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftraets, in which MeUrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (-and now do) carried on b-ufinefs. PoffelEon will be given in one month, ot sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. . April 21. »" A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF Z DRY GOODS. -*• John Miller, jun & Co. ~ Exclufiye of their own Importation now opening, 3 Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Diana — CONSIGNMENTS, 5 . . Which comprize a capital assortment to open a — to Dry Goods Store. ] —Amongst them are— Tic ce *- OI ) :nnon > super and luperfine Cloths, ticl Plain, twill'd and ftrip'd Coatings, Baizes and Flannels, or - Point, duffil Blankets, am f. Plain and jiuntea Caflimeres, Swanfdowns, vat Printed Calicoes, Tm Scotch Threads, c rn , Hosiery. ; t - r in They will be fold either in whole, ®rin part, by the as i 1 package, on terms which render them an obieift worthy of the >r attention to jpurehafers. dtf OA. 21. the JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. the No. S, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late vefTels from Europe, & c i AKD HAVE lOR SALE, fold A general assortment of GOODS, suitable to the season— afte 1 Tlsnan j whifh are, nun r K narrow CLOTHS, drai JJ Plain and twili'd COATINGS, the Rose striped and noint BLANKETS. thc FLANNELS/aud BMSEg, HATS assorted in cafcs, r IRISH LINENS, 3re INDIA GOODS, generally, of 1 A Configncd Invoice of IRONMONGERY* mou Comprising a capital assortment to open a store mclu- T ring irty Calflfs of NAILS. This invoice will be fold the 1 entire on very advantageous terms. Hot< September 20. » r - »■ . — d- * lee For Sale, ~ wL hy Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. j c » Suit/ibie for the Serfon., confjting of Duffle, Point and Role Checks, in imall packages Blankets Oznaburgs and BrownHol (smid White. Red, ,-.nd Yellow lauds :d*by Flannel Brown and white Ruflia Socking ar.d other Baizes Sheetings Second and .coai ie Gtoths Drillings Diapers • • Plain and mixed Caflimeres Calicoes and Chintzes Plain, twilled. uikT striped Jaconec and Book Muslins Coatings Do. do. Tamboured i ' Plains, Keffeys, and Half- Do. do. Handkerchiefs , the thicks Printed litven »nd check d». j fare, White & fpottedSwan&ins Roma! and Madrafs'do. 1 i the Lainet and Iwanfdown vest Muslin 2nd Chintz Shawls land, shapes Bed Ticks oed- Carpets and Carpeting .Table Cloths : are Calianncoes and Durants Laces and Edgings rams Moreens and Taborcens Pafhionable Ribbons ■well Joans Spinning and Crapes Do. Hats and Bohnets bl.s, Camblets and Wildberes Gotten & Worst-ed Hosiery ione, Bonibaieens & Bomjbaz.ts Glovts and Mitts :ach- Rattinets and Shalloon's White & coloured Threadt i itely Plain, Genoa and printed Italian Sawing Silks tage Velversts Sc Thicksets Ivory'and Horn Combs con- 7"8, 4-4. and I j-S Cotton | Tapes, Bindings, Pins, &c. have on hand a large affortraent of India Mtiflins bigh an °°° . 500 . 10,000 p, I 00 do. ioq - * 10,000 _ I J '°° do. 50 10,000 C 4C-o do. 25 - 10,000 W I 1,000 do. ao - jo, 000 I iJ>ooe do. 10 • » 150,00# I 1^>7 39 Prizes. 33,261 Rlanis. T 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollan, 400,000 c j N. B. Tofavour those who may take * quantity of I Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will bethe last diawn j ticket, and the 30,000 the last but out : And approved notes, securing payment in either money or prizes, in ten days after drawing, will be received sot I any number not less than 30 tiekets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri vate buildings to be ereded in the City of Whfhington— Two beautilul defi s ns are already feleded for the entire fronts on two of the public squares ; frflm these prawings it is proposed to ered two centre »nd four corner buildings J lie ] as soon as poilible after this lottery is fold, and to convey of j them, when complele, to the fortunate adventurers in the manner defpribed in tlie fcheine for the Hotel Lottery - Th - A nettdedudion of five per cent, will be made to defray the necessary expenses of print,ng, the furplu. r V ; iU b =. ma de a part of the fund'intended for the National A University, to be a cited within the city ef Wafhirvnon r will commence as soon a« the tickets are fold off.--rhe: money prizes will be oayablt in thirty days A - after it is fimlhed; and any pr zej for fortunate j numbers are not produced within twelve months after the idrawmgi,, dosed, are to be confidcred as given towards the fun« for the University ; it being determined to fettle the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the draw- I mg\ and to take up the bonds given as security. I 31 ll j cur,tie '" given for the payment of the Prizes are held by the President and two Dirtflors of the Bank' ot Columbia, and are valued at more than half the -1 j mount ot the lottery. T ™ e ,tmy i° Ur ntlernen vl 'o l>7 appointment,of I ij C /t Conulll "' oncrs afiifted in the managemen; of the By Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time oh behalf e f the public ; a fufficient nun. ber of thefc l.aving kindlyaccepted.it is hoped'that the C j friend* to a National University atid the other federal oh. to 1 Meets may continue to favor the design. the By accounts received from the different parts of the S Continent as Well as from Europe, where the tickets — have been sent tor sale, the public are assured that the drawing will speedily commence, and that the car. and caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of S th* tickets, has rendered the fhor- suspension indilpenlable c st- i . , , SAMUEL BLODGET. ' ' ,§. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia • of fTv, W u Ba,rimore > Peter Gilman, Boston • of John Hopkins, Rickmond ; and of Richard Walls | Cooper s Ferry. co I ' iC VVadiington Lottery. -«» - jsaaer L °"" r ■" —■«"V ««. 1 ■- J —— r—^ Caution. The following NOTES have fceen STOLEN from iver- the subscriber, on the evening of the ;?tft t:!t. all ptr.- L'ork sons are hereby forewarned from receiving the fame. One, Robert Morris to John Nicholfon, dated March ds, I 79Jr in d payable April 8, 1796, for dollars 823. 93- a „ es And one John NichoHVj,h to Robert Morris, dated rlol- atid payable as ab > ve, ami for the fume sum. Tht ibove notes with other papers were contained in uflia 1 a ©reen Morocco covered almausu k-, and Wire ftoleri with aquintity of-cfothii.'g, from the piazza ofihefub fcriber. The clothing eonfiited of one dr«b coloured greatcoat), 1 do. cIof»- coat, 1 dark mixture do. 1 olive flins mixture do. 1 brown lift morning eowti, 1 old Mack. silk cloak, 1 ehitd's gie*t coat, coating, 1 do. cloak, 1 cloth. d». ' A handsome reward will be given for the Packet Book _ nfl papers, by w!s ' James Todd, No- 26, So. Front Street. ntfa mo. id; drw. Imported in the late arrivals from Europe ar.d tht . , • Weji-Tndies, Hollaiid Gin, in pipes :a£U Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique Molaflis, in hogsheads Choic'e old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and cc- London Particular & London Market Madeira Xyiue]fP ® in pipes, half-pipes and quarttr-caiks £n ~ Malmsey Madeira Win*, in pipes and quart«r-caiks Teneriffe Wine, in p pes — Russia & Flerni!a Sheeting and Ravens Duek, in cafej Window Glafcj 3 by 10, in baxes Coffee Mills and Stray? Knives, in casks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes Also, on hand, A few cliefts of Bohe» Tea ; Jcfuits Bark ; AfTafe?* tida arid Tapioca j and a few bales of Coffaes, Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna arid M'ujlin Handker chiefs, and a complete affortcierU of Dr'4o Bjulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers & Co. 111 Oflober 20 d2wm&t|i2m : LANDING, - " Out of different vejjels from. England, and for fait by the fubjenhers on reafonahle terms, Superfine and common cloths, and cafiimers Ribbed and flriped do. do. Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs. Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings, , lierfeys, Bear-&ins, plains and Hnjfthicks, c " Swanßcins, Serges and Flannels, British Ingrain Carpeting, Hatsaflorted in cases of 1 2 do?, each. Chocolate chintzes, printed Catlicoes and Handkerchiefs. Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, Yarn, Worded, and Cotton hosiery, —. Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. See. BufTand drab Genoa Cords of 1 superior quality. 6d. Bd. lod I2d. 2od. nails, ar.d frying pans, .1, An affortaicnt oflronmongerry, Cutlery and a variety of India cotton, and silk gowds. Thomas iff °Jcfhua F'tjher. No. 5, Dock-fttrcct. Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, 1-8 and 4-4 Irilh I.i'! or : s affortedin boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Linoen. OS. 17. dl f. Just Arrived, By the Fly, Captain Huiber, from London, • Double racked, Brown Stout Porter, in hogsheads. 0 , Painter j' Colours, in t-a and t-4 cwt. kegs, packed ia hogflieads. Copperas in hogsheads. Whiting, &c. For Sale by Peter Blight. October t Sr - dxttsaw. 1 he Cargo of the Polacre Independent, pAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant a ß d Lif' landing at; the fubferibers wharf-— 28 Pipes of Brandy °f 18 Bales of Spanish wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Salt ■y 80 Boxes of Lemons * 31 For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS, ii ALSO, Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, re 11)111 JD ° min ' ck Terr >'' Ca P l - De Hart, *, - Se °°' d I Sales of India Goods. Y : The Cargo of the ship Ganges, eapt. Tmgey, from Cal. y cutta and Bengal^ '» CONSISTING OF II A Lir S e a " d general afTortment of Bengal and Madras ■L X COTTON and SILK GOODS. e ( AMONG WHICH ARE '! A variety fine worked andplain Mu/lins, g Doreas, b*c. Also, A Quantity of Exce'hnt Sugar, e In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER For Sale by 1 Willings Francis, - J Mngß No. 2! Penn Street. f For Sale, ; By 7' WARDER, PARKER Iff Co. An Invoice of Cordage, : Confißing of different sizes, from .1 inch cables down ' •?" 'u s ,f ifferen t lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, .rom Hull, and entitled to drawback. ■ 1 "— — ' For Sale, Carolina Rice In whole and half tiefcts, Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad, ' Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, Boston Beef, and Mould and dipt candles.—Apply to Ifaae Harvey, jun. No.'s, South Water-flreet. iQthmo.iy. d 3T y. 70,000 Pieces-Nankeens, N Of the bejl quality and on reafonahle terms, FOR SALE BT Pkillp Nicklin y Cf. August '-a 6. dtf 1