Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 03, 1796, Image 1

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    j ' )
i ®a?ette ./>& ©ntteO States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
, _ THURSDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 1796. [Volume X.
NUMSIR 1290.J . 1 ' ■ l —.
• _ _ — I -n 1 r~r\ 1 f 11
For Freight or Charter to Europe, or
the Weft-Indies.
.■■gag-— > The new Brigantine
Richard Callby, Matter.
"iS incompUat ord.r, and in readiness for receding
a cargo. She is » handy veflel, and ha, pood accom
r-so<lAti«ns for paflengers. Applv to Captain Cai fv,
on bnard said velW, laying the upper fide of the Stall
•House wharf, 3»uthwark, or to
IJaac Harvey, jun.
No. i, So. Water-street.
nth mo. ift.
Brigt. Olive Bxanch,
Powers Etheridge, Master.
To foil about the sth November. For freight, &c. apply to
the captain 00 board, at Walnut-street wharf, or to
' Philip Ntcklin & Co.
October 31. d
To be fold by au&ion,
__ At the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe, on 4th
JSkmL- day, the second of next month, at 6o'
clock in the evening,
Philadelphia boilt, of cedar and live-oak; burthen
ahoHt 360 ton,; she is in good order, now ready ti take
in a cargo —This lhip being well known, it is needless
giving a detail of further particulars, as any person in
clining to purehal'e may be informed thereof by enquir
ing of the Captain on board, Jefle and Robert Wain, or
John Field & Son.
The terms of payment will bg approved notes at
t, 4, and 6 months.
loth mo. 19th. dtW
For Charter,
7"j4< Ship Domtnick Terry,
Jacob De Hart, maftet\; an excellent
veflel, of about 3000 barrels hurthen.
'JeJfe & Robert Wain.
September 21. d
For Charter,
® an '" l Barque Beneventura,*
Samuel Stub, master,
ly s ~ x good veflel, of about two
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WALN.
Sept. T7- ' dtf
The capital (hip CERES,
fail Toon:—For freight or pillage
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
"John Vaughan,
September 10. Frcnt-ftreet.
The Brig M.-iRY,
I-ying at McfTrs. Willing* and Francis's
wharf,hurthen 1000 barrels,built in Philadelphia in 1793
of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may
fee sent to fat at a fmail expencc For terms apply to
Gurney £3° Smith.
Oft. 6. dtf.
Tuft arrived, and will this day be lan
ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut
ftreel wharf.
25 Tons befi Russia Clean HEMP,
«6 Tons old Sable flat IRON, i
»oo Coils'beft Ruftia CORDAGE, aborted (izes,
400 Pieces brown lluflia SHEETINGS,
ico Bolts Ruflia DUCK,
94Q Pieces Ravens do.
,0 Half-down feather beds, and
A few piecesafforted DIAPER.
Joseph Anthony and Co.
» The above mentioned BRIG
will { il in * fe<v diy», and tak* freight on
moderate terpis for Boston or Salem, for
which or pafl'age, apply on board or as above
O&'iher it. d
. . — j.-. _ . < —
' for sale,
*£>jK*£ZS££a&*j~ wo hundred tons burthen. Apply td
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply is above.
Oflober 31. d
For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports
mouth, New-Hampftiire,
The Sehooner LUC J",
V Daniel Prowfe, master; will fail in
■ t ' lC CoUr^e 1 wce k» intf take freight
£ on moderate terms, for which, or
- passage, apply on board, or to
Joseph Anthony, & Co.
October 27. j
For Freight or Charter,
The ship COMMERCE.
Altnofta new vefTel, e i4 tons burthen, and will
be ready to receive a cargo in a few davi For
terms apply on board at Bight's wharf. or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
For Sale on board the above Vejj'el,
A quantity of excellent COAL.
(S3- Per foils having goods on board, are earnestly request
ed to fend the;r permits. 1
Ofloberu. d , ol
Boarding and Lodging
TWO GfcNTTEMEN may be accornmoda'ed with
BoardiriK and Lodging, in 1 private family and pleasant
part of the chy. Ap"ply to the Printer. Ofi. n. tts
As COOK, in a frivVc family, a woman of good eharafler
ar«l who Can be well recommended.
of the Primer.
October 3,. d
. -n-_ The Brigantine LIBSRTT,
Now lying at Albertfon s wharf—
she is an excellent veflel, will carry a-
1300 barrels flour, is completely
lg found, and ready to receive a cargo. For terms, ap
n- ply at No. 149, South Front-street.
y, Where may be had by the package only,
11- A fma'.l configtimcnt of DRY GOODS, just re
ceived—consisting of,
Clsak, }
Superfine Hairbine, & CAMBLETS.
China 3
_ Crapes,
Corded Poplins,
Sattmet Laftiog, &c.
vlirj a few bales CALCUTTA GOODS, viz.
to Baftas,
Collies, )
Punjim Cloths,
Black Taffeties,
th Barhar, )
o* Pullicat, & [ HANDKERCHIEFS.
Bandanna J
T Choppa Roraals,
' Patnj Chintzes, &c. tec.
Likewise a few hhds. prime Mohflcs,
ie A large quantity of bed Rhode-lilaud Cheese,
50 boxes Spermaceti candles, and
n " A few birrels Beef,
r " October 17. *eod 8t
Theodore Bliss, master.
A new {hip, on her second voyage, with the best
accommodations for paflengers, and is intended to fail
with all expedition. For freight or pafTage apply to
the Master on board, or to
Thomas & John Clifford :
Who have just imported in said vefTel, and have for
sale, besides their general aflortinent
A quantity of fine drawn and common sharp and
flat point NAILS j doable & single rell'd Sheet Iron ;
Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes ;
London and Bristol Pewter in calks, afloi ted ; boxes
, of Tin Plates; cases of Men's, Woman's and Boys'
c Hats j cilates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crates
of Phialst; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of long
_ and short Pipes ; Copper in Sheets ; Oval Qnart Bot
tles in hampers; also* a few calks of bottled Beer,
and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli
re Oftolser 17. m&th2w
John Miller, jun. 3c Ct).
Extlufive of their own Importation now opening,
H»V**4U ky the woiiam Pcnn. Caroline aud Diah» 1
*s Which comprize a capital alfsrtment to open a
5 Dry Goods Store.
■y —Amongst them art—
Common, super and fuperfine Cloths,
Plain, twill'd and ftrip'd Coatings,
Baizes and Flannels, |
_ Point, rose and duffil Blankets, '
~ Plain and punted Caflimeres,
" Swanfdowns,
it Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
They will be fold either in whole, er in pai*t, by the
package, on terms which render them an objetffc worthy of
attention to purahafers. dtf QA. SI.
Have Imported in the late ve(Tel« from Europe, &c.
A general afTortment of GOODS, suitable to the season—
Amougft which are,
, n T)ROAD and narrow CLOTHS,
, r J-* Plain and twill'd COATINGS,
Rose ftripod and point BLANKETS,
HATS aflortfd in cases,
INDIA GOODS, generally,
A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY,
_ Contprifitlg a capital assortment to open a store—inclu
ding Thirty Caflcs of NAILS. This invoice Will he fold
entire on very advantageous terms.
September 20. d
Printed Calicoes.
Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to
their own aflorment,
A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
n gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handsome
t iiuttons Which will be fold at a (hort credit, on very
r reasonable tenns, by the package only.
° a ' J 4- ' dtf '
For Sale,
By Jehu Hollingfivorth, & Co. 1
IS hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, '
5 Barrels best Indigo, and,
' A few thousand bushels of Turk's Island fak.
1 o<9, d.
Country Rum,
And a few pipes of Vinegar,
For Sale by
. Ezekiel Hall,
■ wje^r of Mr Edw ta s ow' r No -" d Sonth .
Washington Lottery.
, 4
-"" J: I
At No. 63, N. Seventh-street, "
our entlemen may be accommodated with ri
md . <
For Sale,
Carolina Rice in whole and half tierces,
Cotton of Cayeßnr and Trinidad,
Soal Leather, en'j'-ljd to drawback,
Boston Beef. anA
Mould »Bd dipt candles.—Apply to
Isaac Harvey, jun.
No. 5, South Watcr-flreet.
Tothmo. I?. dyv.
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding c*f different fires, from \2 inch cables down
to rope of 7 inches, of different lengths : Imported in
the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 27. dti
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo as the {hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
consisting or '
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,
Doreas, 13* c. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
!n t>oxe< and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings Sff Francis,
No. 21 Penn Street.
\ J«ne 8 §
For Sale,
AThree-flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second streets, in which
Meflrs. James Calbrairh & Co. have for many years (and
now do) carried on buGnel*.
Pofieflion will be given in one month, or sooner.
for terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
. Aprfl 41. '1 §
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of tie left quality and on reafonciblc terms >
Philip Nicklin & Co.
Augqft iS. dtf
Just Arrived,
By tie Fly, Captain Hubier, front London,
Double racked, Brown Stout Porter,
in hcvjfheade.
Painters' Colours, in t-x and t-4 ewt. kegs, packed in
Copperasin hoglheads.
Whiting. &c. For Sale by
Peter Blight.
O4ob<r «j. dxttsaw
Th<f Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATHCART, froKh Alicant and Lif
oon, landing at the fiibfcribers wharf—
a 8 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales of Spanifli wool
A do. of Annifeed
7000 flulhcls ot liefl Lilbon Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the fbip Oominiek Terry, Capt. Be Hart,
from Kingston.
Sept. 13. d
Out of different •vejfels from England, and for fait
by 'the fubjeribers on reafonablt terms,
Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers
Ribbed and striped do. do.
Blankets , mottled green and fifk rugs.
Superfine bide, Claret, and camcioll coatings,
Kerseys, Bear-skins, plains and Halfthicks,
Serges and Flannels,
Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
Hats snorted in cases of n doz. each.
Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicocs and Hasdkerchiefs.
Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail,
Yarn, WoHlcd, and Cotton hosiery,
Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, ttc. tic.
Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality;
6d. Bd. jod. Ltd. aed. nails,and frying pans,
AnafTortment oflronmongerry, Cutlery and a variety
of India cotton, and (ilk goods.
Thomas & Joshua Fisher,
No. 5, Dotk-fttrcct.
Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, t
1-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens afTortcdSn boxes of 30 pieces,
do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. *
o(ft. 17. dtf.
Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and the
Holland Gin, in pipes
Choice St. Crqix Sugar arid Rum
Martinique Molaffys, iri hoglheads
Choice old Lilbon Wine, in pipgs and quarter-eases
London Particular Sc London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-casks
Malmfcy A' de"ira Win*, in pipes and quarter-calks
Teneriffe Wine, in pipes
Russia & Flemish Sheeting 2nd Ravens Dusk* in cases
Window Glals, 8 by 10, in boxes '
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, is calks
Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes
/Hjo, on hand,
A few chtfts of Bohca Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; A/Tafcs
tid» and Tapioca; and a few bales of Cpflaes,
Baftas, .Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker
chiefs, and a complete afiortment of 5-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers Ssf Co.
O£lober 20 ' diwm&thjm
Mrs. Dsscamps, frem Paris.
Informs the Public that ftie has just opened her store,
North Third Street, No. 95, where she engraves with
borders, flowers, garlands, cyphers, figures, escutche
ons, &c. in the mod elegant,, neat, and
new stile, all forts of glafles, and glass wares oa the
most reasonable terms. All order* will be thankfully
received and pun£lua'fy executed.
M. Deframp* executes any thinj In the line a
Nov. m » 3 t.
To be Sold,
On ThurfJay the 6tb day of April next, at i 2 o' flat I,
at Dougherty's tavern, in tit town of H inchrjler r
in Virginia, the following lands, fuuatc in the /aid
Jlate, viz.
No. Acres,
Of excellent lnnd on the waters of Back-cretk, in
Frederick county, »n the great road leading 10 the.
South Branch, about ten miles from Wincbelter, ioq
• acres of which is rich bottom, a fine stream running
through it, with fevoral springs, the trees in the bottom
j are chiefly fegar mapie, black walnut, hickory and !o
, cuft. There is a lop dwelling and out-houfes, (ome
m-adow made, and 40 acrts of upland cleared. On
this trail there is a gcod mill-set, where an under
fhct-mill might be trebled.
No. 2.—800 Acres.
Situate in Hampshire county, on the north branch
" of the Potowmack, and on a branch called Cabbin-run,
about eight mile* from Fort Cumberland. On thi*
trail is a large quantity of rich bottom, fit for meadow
• or the culture of hemp, the upland remarkably good,
being chiefly timbered with walnut and hickory. The
above trail is in two surveys of 400 acres each.
» No. 3 —200 Acres.
Situate in Franklin county, about ten miles from
Winchester. On this trail there is a dwelling house
and part of the laud is cleared, the remainder is finely
No. 4. —A Lot of Ground.
In the town of Wuodftock, Shsnandoah county,
whereon is ereiled a two story house, and other im
provements, and a ten acrc lot for the cuuveniency of
said town lot.
t No. 5 —250 Acres.
1 Situate about 'two miles from Woodftock. Part of *
; this trail is in cultivation, is finely timbered, and a good
quantity of meadow may be made.
No. 6.—400 Acres.
Situate in Hamplhife county, on George Andes's mill
run, on a branch of the Cafapchea. This trail is finely
timbered, there is good bottom land, which might be
ealily converted into meadow.
No. 7 —One rtpoiety of 5000 Acres.
Lying an the waters ef Hughes's river, in Harrifoa
county. This was purchased at one quarter of » dol»
lar per acre, cdfh above 8 yet/* ago.
No. 8—41,900 Acres.
Lying in the counties of Wythe, Washington, and
Griyfon (the greater part in Wythe,) on the water*
of Cripple creek and Fox creek, branches of New Ri»
1 ver, and on the sooth fork of Holftein.
No. 9.— 10,000 Acres.
i Lying[in the county of Hardy, on the waters of Great
Cacapion and North River.
The terms of payment will be one third part of the
purclui'e money to be paid in hatid at the time of ex
ecuting the deed or deeds of conveyance, the remaining
two thirds to be paid in equ&l instalments, at 12, 18,
and 14 months thereafter securing those payments by
( mortgaging the preraifes. i.
Should any person wiih to purchase at private sale,
application may b- made to John Holker, Esq. near
Winchester ; David Holmes, F.fq. of Winchester ; or
by letters, {pofl paid,) to the fubferiber in Philadel
phia, being the owner of said lands, who will perfonli
ly attend the sale 011 the day abovemestioned.
George Meade.
Philadelphia, ad of November 1796.
diw w&s 1 MdtA.
} -
To be Sold,
$0,4(50 Acres of Land.
Lying on the river Alleghany, in the county of Nor
, thumberland, in the State of Pennsylvania.
400 Acres Land,
In Bald Eagle townihip, Northumberland county
60,000 Acre* Land,
Lying en the waters of the Oconee and Canouchee
rivers, in the county of Walhington, in the state o£
174,000 Acrts Land,
Lying en the waters of the Ohopee and Canouchee
rivers, in the county of Montgomery, in the state of
3 1 »°3S Acres Land,
Lying in O.rangeburgh diftrtil, in the state of South
Carolina. And,
146,986 Acres Land,
Lying in Charleston diftriA, in the said state of South
An Half acre Lot of Grond,
In the town of Richmond, Virginia^
, The above Lands will be fold low.—Apply to
George Meade.
Philadelphia, ad November, 1796. diww&stf.
• 1 " * "■ • ——. - . .. . .. .
The following NOTES have been STOLEN from
the fubferiber, on the evening of the 31ft ult. allper
( sons are hereby forewarned from receiving the fame.
( One, Robert Morris to John Nicholfon, dated March
3<U *795> and payable April 8, for dollars
823. 93.
And one John Nicholfon to Robert Morris, dated
( and payable as.above, and for the fame sum.
The above notes with other papers were contained in
a Green Morocco covered almanack, and were ftolan
with a quantity of clothing, from the piazM of the fub
feriber. The clothing eonfifted of one drab coloured
greatcoat, 1 do. clof«coat, 1 dark mixture do. 1 olive
mixture do. 1 brown silk morning gown, 1 old black;
silk cloak, 1 child's great coat, coating, i do. cloak.'
,A handsome reward will be given for the Pocket
Book and papers, by
James Todd,
No- s6, So. Front Street.
11th mo. 2d. diw.
Just Imported,
In the fchoouer Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Maderia,
and to be fold by
Best London particular Madeira Wine
Three years old,
In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter caflts, fit for im
mediate use.—They have also for file,
A few bags of Juniper Berries.
Oilober 28. wfcs 4 w