j ' ) i ®a?ette ./>& ©ntteO States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. , _ THURSDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 1796. [Volume X. NUMSIR 1290.J . 1 ' ■ l —. • _ _ — I -n 1 r~r\ 1 f 11 For Freight or Charter to Europe, or the Weft-Indies. .■■gag-— > The new Brigantine FAIR AMERICAN, Richard Callby, Matter. "iS incompUat ord.r, and in readiness for receding a cargo. She is » handy veflel, and ha, pood accom r-sojK*£ZS££a&*j~ wo hundred tons burthen. Apply td JOSEPH ANTHONY, &Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take freight for Hamburg. Apply is above. Oflober 31. d For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports mouth, New-Hampftiire, The Sehooner LUC J", V Daniel Prowfe, master; will fail in ■ t ' lC CoUr^e 1 wce k» intf take freight £ on moderate terms, for which, or - passage, apply on board, or to Joseph Anthony, & Co. October 27. j ' For Freight or Charter, The ship COMMERCE. NATHANIEL CURTIS, Master. Altnofta new vefTel, e i4 tons burthen, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a few davi For terms apply on board at Bight's wharf. or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sale on board the above Vejj'el, A quantity of excellent COAL. (S3- Per foils having goods on board, are earnestly request ed to fend the;r permits. 1 Ofloberu. d , ol Boarding and Lodging TWO GfcNTTEMEN may be accornmoda'ed with BoardiriK and Lodging, in 1 private family and pleasant part of the chy. Ap"ply to the Printer. Ofi. n. tts ~W ANTED, As COOK, in a frivVc family, a woman of good eharafler ar«l who Can be well recommended. of the Primer. October 3,. d jr For SALE or CHARTER, . -n-_ The Brigantine LIBSRTT, JEREMIAH MURPHY, Master. Now lying at Albertfon s wharf— she is an excellent veflel, will carry a- 1300 barrels flour, is completely lg found, and ready to receive a cargo. For terms, ap n- ply at No. 149, South Front-street. y, Where may be had by the package only, 11- A fma'.l configtimcnt of DRY GOODS, just re ceived—consisting of, Clsak, } Superfine Hairbine, & CAMBLETS. China 3 _ Crapes, Corded Poplins, Sattmet Laftiog, &c. vlirj a few bales CALCUTTA GOODS, viz. Guzenihs, to Baftas, Collies, ) Tickerys, Punjim Cloths, Humhums, Gurrahs, Black Taffeties, th Barhar, ) o* Pullicat, & [ HANDKERCHIEFS. Bandanna J T Choppa Roraals, ' Patnj Chintzes, &c. tec. Likewise a few hhds. prime Mohflcs, ie A large quantity of bed Rhode-lilaud Cheese, 50 boxes Spermaceti candles, and n " A few birrels Beef, r " October 17. *eod 8t For BRISTOL, p HI L ADEL P HIA , Theodore Bliss, master. A new {hip, on her second voyage, with the best accommodations for paflengers, and is intended to fail with all expedition. For freight or pafTage apply to the Master on board, or to Thomas & John Clifford : Who have just imported in said vefTel, and have for sale, besides their general aflortinent _ i»f IRONMONGERY, A quantity of fine drawn and common sharp and flat point NAILS j doable & single rell'd Sheet Iron ; Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes ; London and Bristol Pewter in calks, afloi ted ; boxes , of Tin Plates; cases of Men's, Woman's and Boys' c Hats j cilates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crates of Phialst; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of long _ and short Pipes ; Copper in Sheets ; Oval Qnart Bot tles in hampers; also* a few calks of bottled Beer, and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli meres. re Oftolser 17. m&th2w A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. John Miller, jun. 3c Ct). Extlufive of their own Importation now opening, H»V**4U ky the woiiam Pcnn. Caroline aud Diah» 1 CONSIGNMENTS, *s Which comprize a capital alfsrtment to open a 5 Dry Goods Store. ■y —Amongst them art— Common, super and fuperfine Cloths, Plain, twill'd and ftrip'd Coatings, Baizes and Flannels, | _ Point, rose and duffil Blankets, ' ~ Plain and punted Caflimeres, " Swanfdowns, it Printed Calicoes, Scotch Threads, Hosiery. They will be fold either in whole, er in pai*t, by the package, on terms which render them an objetffc worthy of attention to purahafers. dtf QA. SI. JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. iVb, 8, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late ve(Tel« from Europe, &c. AND HAVE FOR SALE, A general afTortment of GOODS, suitable to the season— Amougft which are, , n T)ROAD and narrow CLOTHS, , r J-* Plain and twill'd COATINGS, Rose ftripod and point BLANKETS, FLANNELS and BAISES, j HATS aflortfd in cases, IRISH LINENS, INDIA GOODS, generally, A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY, _ Contprifitlg a capital assortment to open a store—inclu ding Thirty Caflcs of NAILS. This invoice Will he fold entire on very advantageous terms. September 20. d Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to their own aflorment, A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele n gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handsome t iiuttons Which will be fold at a (hort credit, on very r reasonable tenns, by the package only. ° a ' J 4- ' dtf ' For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfivorth, & Co. 1 IS hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, ' 5 Barrels best Indigo, and, ' A few thousand bushels of Turk's Island fak. 1 o<9, d. Country Rum, And a few pipes of Vinegar, For Sale by . Ezekiel Hall, ■ wje^r of Mr Edw ta s ow' r No -" d Sonth . Washington Lottery. , 4 -"" J: I At No. 63, N. Seventh-street, " our entlemen may be accommodated with ri md . < 3 For Sale, Carolina Rice in whole and half tierces, Cotton of Cayeßnr and Trinidad, Soal Leather, en'j'-ljd to drawback, Boston Beef. anA Mould »Bd dipt candles.—Apply to Isaac Harvey, jun. No. 5, South Watcr-flreet. Tothmo. I?. dyv. For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding c*f different fires, from \2 inch cables down to rope of 7 inches, of different lengths : Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 27. dti Sales of India Goods. The Cargo as the {hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, consisting or ' A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, 13* c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, !n t>oxe< and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Sff Francis, No. 21 Penn Street. \ J«ne 8 § For Sale, AThree-flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second streets, in which Meflrs. James Calbrairh & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on buGnel*. Pofieflion will be given in one month, or sooner. for terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. . Aprfl 41. '1 § 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of tie left quality and on reafonciblc terms > FOR SALE BY Philip Nicklin & Co. Augqft iS. dtf Just Arrived, By tie Fly, Captain Hubier, front London, Double racked, Brown Stout Porter, in hcvjfheade. Painters' Colours, in t-x and t-4 ewt. kegs, packed in hogflcads. Copperasin hoglheads. Whiting. &c. For Sale by Peter Blight. O4ob and payable April 8, for dollars 823. 93. And one John Nicholfon to Robert Morris, dated ( and payable as.above, and for the fame sum. The above notes with other papers were contained in a Green Morocco covered almanack, and were ftolan with a quantity of clothing, from the piazM of the fub feriber. The clothing eonfifted of one drab coloured greatcoat, 1 do. clof«coat, 1 dark mixture do. 1 olive mixture do. 1 brown silk morning gown, 1 old black; silk cloak, 1 child's great coat, coating, i do. cloak.' cloth. ,A handsome reward will be given for the Pocket Book and papers, by James Todd, No- s6, So. Front Street. 11th mo. 2d. diw. Just Imported, In the fchoouer Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Maderia, and to be fold by ELLISTON if JOHN PEROT, Best London particular Madeira Wine Three years old, In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter caflts, fit for im mediate use.—They have also for file, A few bags of Juniper Berries. Oilober 28. wfcs 4 w