#afette States, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. , WEDNESDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1796. • (Tmiw/S X. Number 1295. J _ _ .. ■ " " — I f-. 1 T»L!. T\ * TO" 1- 1 */l . J " For Freight or Charter to Europe, er I the Weft-Indies. The new Brigantine AMERICAN, is in romyl'at w-'.-r, and in readme!* for receiving raodations for pKen- Apply to C.lley, o» hoard said velM, laying Ae upper fide of th_ iall- Iloufe wharf, Southwark, or to Isaac Harvey, jun. No. i, So. Water-street. . ,0 diw. nth mo. lit.. FOR NORFOLK, Brjgt. Olive Branch, ' Powers Etheridge, Matter. To (in about the sth November. For freight, apply to IhecsDtainon board, at Walnut-ftrect wharf, or so philip Nick/in & Co. October 31. ' To be fold by au&ion, rfTft-. At the Merchant's CofTee-Houfe, on 4th day, the second of next month, at 6 o' clock iii the evening, |BjfjzThe Ship WILLIAM PENN, !•, Philadelphia built, of cedar and live-oak; burthen about 360 tons; flic is in good order, now ready to tulce in a cargo —This ship being well known, it is needless giving a detail of further particulars, as any person in l dining to purchase may he kite" d thereof by enquir- ing of the Cap'ain on h -it I Robert Wain, er The terms' nfnavmcnt will be approved notes at fa, 4, and 6 months. »orb too. 59th. dtW Bor Charter, "The Ship Domtnick Terry, Jacob De Hart, matter : an excellent vessel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. Jeffe & Robert Wain. September 2T. d Gr Charter, The Danilh Barque Benhvfntura, Samuel Stub, matter, good vessel, of about two hundred tons bnrtheu. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. Sept- 17- ' dtf jr-* FOR LONDON, The capital ship CERES, &V*j] T° fail soon :—For freight or passage j to DAW, ROBF.RTS & Co. or \ John Vaughan, 1 September in. ' "mnt-flhjd* ' For Sale, X' : 7he Brig MARY, It*- I.yingat Mcflrs. Willingsand Francis's wharf,burthen zoo? barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793 J. . of live oak and ted cedar.—She is well found, and may be sent to i'ca at a small expence. For terms apply to Gurtiey & Smith. * oa. 6. dtf . d Just arrived, and will this day be lan- e ded from on board the brig FAV ORITE at Chefnut 1 street wharf. ' 2 25 Tons bejl Rujjia Clean HEMP, 2 s 6 Tons old Sdble flat I RON, 11 too Coils'bell Ruflia CORDAGE.'aflbrtcd sizes) '' 400 Pk'ccs brown Ruflu SHEE TINGS, a 100 liolis Ruflia DUCK, ti 240 Pieces Ravens do. u 20 Half-down feather beds, and v A few pieces assorted DI PER. v FOR SALE BT h Joseph Anthony and Co» tl rO-v The above mentioned BRIG I fi''o 3 fev.- days, and tak- freight on 1 terms tor Bnfton or Salnm, for K wife»iSiji'-r*,which or pa(fc<>e apply on board or as above FOR j -1 he SHIP MART, t fUkll'd S AMU£L PARKER, Master J •wo hundred tons burthen; Applv to tl „ i „ . J° SEPH ANTHONY, & Co. h, h the M. iR {is not fold in a few clays, she will take ra freight tor Hamburg. Apply as above. ■ hi C)d>ober jr. * j a w For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports. }° mouth, New-Hampshire, e.-i J"" The Schooner LUCY, l \ \ ® aniel Prowfe, matter; will- fail J„ ag J ', thtf cour,> of Y veek > and take freight th f' on terms, for which, or frc - panage, apply on board, or to ha Qflober,,. J ° feph Amhon 7' CO. an For SALE, ica Schooner INDUSTRY, fm , »■«.JtttLi'Jtyv c '-, 4 freight very low for Boston. ' 1 take , OAobcr 24. [ " ' "* d 7 ' 1 ' For Freight or Charter, " jGKL Ihe . f] "P COMMERCE NATHANIEL CURTIS vn ' t r eam. v terms apply on board at Bright'. w h a ,f " nr f Joseph Anthony & Co J -or Sal.' on bout J the above Vefjel \ A quantity 0 f excellent COAL. S ed mfod th"*r'perafiu 4re e " ncftl y "quest- Oißobci 41. diot r er at* For BRISTOL, ™ e sHip PHILADELPHIA, J Therfdore Bliss, miller. A new (hip, on her second voyage, with the heft accommodations for patTengers, and is intended tofai l with all (XDeditien. For freight or palfagf apply c , , tt.e Matter on board, or to < ,u! Thomas & John Clifford: Who have just imported in fiid vefftl, and have for sale, besides their general aflortment <-f IRONMONGERY, A quantity of fine drawn and common fllarp at d j flat point NAILS ; double & single rolled Sheet Ire 15 Iron Pot 3, Kettles, and Iron Weights, ot all ftz-3; ( London and Briftoi Pewter in calks, assorted ; br te: r, of Tin Plates; cases of Men's, Women's and H ys' Hats ; crates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crate.* yto of Phials; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of ong and short Pipes ; Copper in Sheets ; Oval Quart Bot tles in hampers; also, a few casks of bottled Ileer, and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Caffi meres. Oflofcer 27. m&thaw 4th For Sale, ' °' By Jehu Hollingjworth, & Co. 25 hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, W 5 Barrels best Indigo, and, . A few thousand bufliels of Turk's Mand fait. h f n oa. 17. ' i. ake l . Sale by Audion, lir- — 1 er To be fold on Saturday evening the sth of November, at 7 o'clock, P. M. at the Merchants' Coffee House. '■. 'Itt» j u;v^r4f inch aliev - 1 that leads into Fourth-flreet, The cellars "are laid with _ lime, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered P on The yard is well paved, and the house is clear of „ or S rou " d -rent. All the rooms have bells in them and bells nr.gin the. garret, as weltas j' n .j, V flairs. All the chambers havet hte" e, : xCe Pf, th - n --t to the drawing room, M a» w ell as the drawing-room and the two parlours be low, marble chimney pieew. The drawing-room, the 1 » jf« b, k i,uii£nj.* ' t ?,™ ;£"■ 'iiTh/™;, *" d tsrift-T ,i,u " r •" ;::L - , w ' h ; (he whole cellar and the ceck - t n" e a V V t P ' aftcrtd any room in the h ou £ ed P°offi.ffl e fl!'« ! f ev(,ry , ' tf P ea completely fr,i(h- I f g ' ven in te " da Y s the ho; . e re ' S fold. Two brick liable, in Walnut-street, with two coach houses. one of them will hold two cl n ages, the other one. The smallest 'tahu ar ' — r front on Walnut-ftrefer by 50 feet, , inche- rle P n TV, Oi have excellent lofts over them. The buiMin ' S Sr? :r "°-™ h '■ 4 - ren riflb 1 P 'P eS of wina : clear of ground' * on Fourth-ftrpflf Kxr c 1 ' '''• «eet riont on rourtli ltreet. by 50 teet deep, which might at a K < fnwl. expence beturned ihtoa handfomcdwelling house Sw having been so contrived iathe building. ItZiVv°"rd 48 feet 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deeps has a rain wm . er pump, and other conveniences, and the celhr is la,d Ch with two inch plank, and is now rented a' 10 <] II tfca per mo nth . This building i.s fubjecl to a Sos Ya ■1 do lars 3-4 per annum. The i ore and LhWT wl U Bt: give immediate pofleffion of. re and ltables I would flu George Meade, 6d _; oa. 26. No " Walnut Street. of I FOR~salet~ — ~ f l ' 6 °°. acres of Land, and Beech C^eks/ifficounty/s^ 1 C four separate Patents, for tern"' I [" ~ Wm. Blackburn, Otfofcirjr. *4, S»uth Second-, 'Ireet. 1 ir-vftf j For Sale, Carolimßice in whole and half tierces; A Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad, « > Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, Botlnn Beef, and ; U M.mld _*!id dipt candles.—Apply to V|l Isaac Harvey, juh. c No. 5, South \V»tor-ttr*st. For Sale, ° By f. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Conftflhig of different ftzes, from 1 z inch cables down „ # to rope of 2 incites, of different lengths: Imported in ; the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. P Sept. 27. . dtt " £ JOHN MILLER, Juu. & Co. of- . No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, er. Have Imported in the late vessels from Europe, &c, AND HAVE 10 R SALE, \ general assortment of GOODS, suitable to the feafori— Amongfl which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, Plain and twill'd COATINGS, Rose striped and point BLANKETS; FLANNELS and B \ISES, HATS assorted in cases, IRISH LTNENS, INDIA GOODS, generally, _ A Confignrd Invoice of IRONMONGERY, Compriling a capital assortment to open a {lore—inclu ding Thirty Cadksof NAILS. This invoice will be fold entire on very advantageous terms. at Septgmr.fr 10. d Ad. Sales in India Goods. tc The Cargo of the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal l>ct cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF l] 7 A Large and general afloetment of Bengal and.Madras a,d l\ COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE «t variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, e t Dorea;, life. Also, A Quantity of Excellent .Sugar, » In boxes' and bags—and BL'ACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willfngs & Francis, * No. ai Penn Street. J«ne 8 § For Sale, AThree-ftory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftrcets, in which JamesCalbraith & Go. have for many years (and now do) carried 011 buftnefs. PcffMlion will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or a * ' HECTOR CALBRAITH. " April 11, « ch ——« - —; !e - 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, ZQ • / Of the bejl Quality and on reasonable terms t or s • 1. r. B Y Philip Nicklin Co. Auguf* s6; dtf For Sale, This d Just Arrived, '> By the Fly, Captain Hubber, from London, Double racked, Brown Stout PorTer, in hogsheads.' J. Painters' Colours, in 1-2 and 1-4 cwt. kegs, packed in hogsheads. Copperas in hogsheads. \ ' Whiting, «c. For Sale by £ Peter Blight. is O&ober i 5. t dxttsaw ; e " The Cargo of the Polacre Indeperfdent, 0 pAP TAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- 1 n VJ bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— .{ i 8 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanish wool R e 3 do. of Antiifeed K „ 7000 Bushels of best Lifbnn Salt n , So Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hoglheadsof prime JAMAICA SUGARS, . recen-ed hy the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, L t from KingUon. - d 4 ; landing, . Out of different vrfe/s from England, and for file SI __ h 'be fubjeribers on reasonable terms, 1 Sup;ifine ar.d common cloths, and caflimers Ribbed and liriped do. do. Blankets , mottled green and silk rugs. Suptrfine blue, Claret, and cemmon costings, Kerseys, Bear-flcins, plains and Halfthicks'/ Swanikins, SergC3 and Flannelsj British Ingrain Carpeting, jlatsafforted in cases of 1 z doz. each. 3 ChocoluL- chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchief: C Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, \arn, WoHlcd, and Cotton hosiery, *6e, Beavers, 1 hickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, £cc. &c. BuFapd drab oenoa Cords of a superior quality. 6d. bd. iod 12d. aod. nails, and frying pans, An assortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery and a variety — of India cotton, and silk goods. Thomas & JoJhua Fisher. «,r , , No - 5, Dock-Rtrect. ofl Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, 1-8 ajid 4-4 Irifli Lirens affortedin boxes of 30 pieces, we do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. oft - r ?- dtf. - University of Pennsylvania, F Oflober 5, 1796. 4 T he MedicalLedurertcill commence the firft Monday in Novsmber. taw 3 w This Day is Publifhsd, And fold by JOHN ORMROO, No. 41 CI» Triut-ftr«t, f Price oneJixteenlh of a Dollar.) A POEM ' On reading the Prisident's 4 .ddrefs, WITH A SKETCH OF THJ CHARACTER of A CANDIDATE* r o -a rue. P RtSlVt % ft C Y. This elegant little Poem is printed in a form to be bound , with the President's fareWeil adiireis,lately published by John Orrarod. November i. vn Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and the Wejl-Indie.', Holland Gin, in pipes — Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique Molafiss, in hogsheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in jjipes and quarter-calks , c London Particular & London Markef Madeira Wine", in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks Malmsey Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks Teneriffe Wine, in pipes Russia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Dusk, in cases Window Glass, 8 by 10, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in bo*es Also, or. hand, A few cherts of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bjrk ; Affafce tida arid Tapioca ; and a few ba ! es of Cofiaes, Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Mifflin Harcdker !u- chiefs, and a complete aflortment of 5-4 3'.J 6-4 Did Botilting JCloths. For Sale by Pragers £f? Co. Oflober djwmJt'hirr al- A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. ras John Miller, jun & Co. Exclusive bf their own Importation now opening, r Haye received by the William Penn, Caroline, and Diana CONSIGNMENTS, Which comprize a capital aflortment to open a Dry Goods Store. —Amongfb them are—» Common, Fuper and fuperfine Cloths, Plain, twilL'd and Itrip'd Coatings, Baizes and Flannels, Point, rose and dufifil Blarikets, — Plain and puritea CafTimerefc, Swan/downs, lUt Printed Calicoes, Seotch„Threads, nd H°fiery -1 hey will be fold either in whole, or in part, by the package, on terms which render them an ebject worthy of attention to purehafers. dtf Oil. 21. Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGHr STJfEET, Has received by the late arrivals, A Well SeltSed sfsSOKJTAtFVr rf Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, en the very lowest terms ; "> Amongjl which are Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Furniture ditto Ditto Dimity Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muflini Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine n> Mantnas of the firft quality Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrellas of the firit quality, afTorted lriih Linens, very fine, and Table Linehl Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets afTorted—&c. &c. Oiftobsr 26. j Country Rum, And a few pipes of Vinegar, ' For Sale by n Ezekiel Hall, At the stores of Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. 4,' South Watcr-ftrcc-. October to. d Printed Calicoes. : JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. f. Hav e received per the William Pcnn, in addition to their own alTorment, A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handl'ome •iuttons Which will be fold at a short credit, on very reasonable terms, by the package only. ° a - T 4- dtf Irifli Linens, &c. Imported per the /hips Glajgozo, from Dublin, Liber ty, from Cork, and brig Mentor, from Bel faff, 4-4 and 7-8, Wide IRISH LINENS* In whole and half boxes, AfTorted from i id. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 w ide f Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose. * On Hand, 7*B Wide Lawns. Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxes Tickens and Checks A few bale' s Fir anels Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. 1 and 6 25 Boxes } f" 6 by 8, 10 Ditto J. Window Glass, < 7 by o J Ditto J C. 8 by 10. \ t . Th , e above mentioned Goods are all entitled to ths 'drawback, and will be disposed of by the package on 0, -afonable terms. v James, Clibborn & English, . , No. 6, N. Front-street. 10th mo. 19th. Washington Lottery. The 32 and 33' d Days Drawing are arrived at the office No. 147, Chefnut-ftreet. Prizes in the above Lottery are exchanged for ticket* warranted undrawn. ° a - *7- tt&s At No. 63, N. Seventh-flreet, Four Gentlemen may be accommodated with Boarding and Lodging. November 1.