#a?ette of the Unites States, & Pbiladdpb la Daily Advertiser. , ~ • TUESDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER i, 1796. [Volume X, Number 1294.] A -' ' ' " ' " FOR NORFOLK, The Brigt. Olive Bxanvh, Powers F.theridge, Master. To fail ibmit the sth November. For freight, 4ec. apply to the captain .aboard, at Walnut-street wharf, or to Philip Nickhn £ff Co. Ofinber 31. - To be fold by auQioii, At the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe, mi 4th day, the fecund of next month, it $ o' WffiWfJ clock in the evening, Ship WILLIAM PENN, P jjidelphia boilt, of cedar and live-oak; burthen about 360 tons; (he is in good order, now ready to take in a cargo —This ship being wet) known, it is needlefe giving a detail of further particulars as any person in clining to purchase may be i a formed thereof by enqinr ine of the Captain on beard, Jeffe and Robert V> aln, er John Field & Son. The terms of payment will be approved notes it 1, 4, and 6 months. 10th mo. 49th. ° tw On TUESDAY, the ift November, at 7 o'clock, at the Coffee-Houfe, Will be Sold by Public Auction, ■ mm The ship DOLPHIN,, Captain George Graham, as she new jy lies at the Old Diflil-Houfe Wharf, near the Swedei Church —this vefTel it supposed to carry 1600 to 1800 battels—the inven tory maybe seen at the fubferibers', and at the Coffee- House. Eootman Es 5 Co. Auctioneers, Oflober 29. % ' ' for Charter, The Ship Dominick Terry y day Jacob De Hart, master : an excellent n*j»~n*veffel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. JeJfe y Robert Wain. September ft. d dC** Kor Charter, Barque Beneventura, Samuel. Stub, master, good vessel, of about two teas burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. Sept. 17. dtf FOR LONDON, ~ The capital ship CERES, * • fail soon:—For freight or passage to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or John Vaughan, September 10. Frent-ftreet. 7he Brig MART, Lying at Messrs. Willing* and Francis's wtlarf.burtiicn tooo built In Philiitefpltia in 1793 ' of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may be sent to sea at a small experce. For terms applj to Gurney & Smith. \ oa. 6. dtf. Just arrived, and will this day be lan ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut , street wharf. 25 Tons bejl Rujfia Clean HEMP, Tons old Sable flat IRON, *00 Russia CORD AGE, assorted fizei, 400 Pieces brown Russia SHEETINGS, 100 Bolts Russia DUCK, HO Pieces Ravens do. so Half-down feiiher beds, and A few pieces aflorted DIAPER. FOR SALE BY Joseph Anthony and Co. _ J* The above mentioned BRIG f<il in'a few davs, and tak- freight on rnoderate terms for Boston or Salem, for which or pafTage, apply on board or as above OftoVr 7ts d FOR SALE, the ship mart, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Oflober 31. d 1 For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports- i mouth, New-Hampshire, The Schooner LUCT, 1 Daniel Prowfe, master; will fail in ' J ( cour se °f a week, and take freight < ? on moderate terms, for which, or < passage, apply on board, or to ' Joseph Anthony, £9* Co. 1 Ofloher d £ &|pgv For SALE, * The Schooner INDUSTRY, t! sixty-seven tons burthen, almost a new v vessel and well found. Eor terms apply to p Joseph Anthony & Co. 1 If the Industry is not fold m a few days, she will take ® frelgSt very low for Bolton. Oilober 34. For Freight or Charter, f&L T he ship COMMERCE, A , Nathaniel curt is, Mader. 7 , ' ncw vcfrcl . *44 tons burthen, and will J ife r .i33®" e tretne a cargo in a few days. For «e"ns apply on board at Briglit*. wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sale cr. board the above Vijfel, A quantity of excellent COAL. fcj' Peifons having goods on board, are earncftly request ed 10 (end their permifi. Oflober it. A . di»t j VVafhington Lottery. ] The 32 aijd 33d Days Drav/ing are arrived at the t office No. 147, Che(nut-ftrect. v 1- For SALE or CHARTER, %m The Brigantine LIBERTT, JERIMIAH MURPHY, Master. 0 Now lying at Albertfon's wharf— is an excellent vessel, will carry a beut 1300 barrels flour, is completely found, and ready to receive a cargo. For terras, ap ply ac No. 149, South Front-ftreit. Where may be had by the package only, I, A small consignment of DRY GOODS, j*»ft rt < ctivCd —coafifting of, — Cloak. Superfine Hairbine, & >■ CAMBLETS. j China J „ Crapes, e Corded Poplins, s Sattinet Lasting, kc. Aljo a few boiet CALCUTT A GOODS, viz. Guzenihs, r Baftas, Coffaes, t Tiekerys, Funjim Cloths, Humhums, Gurrahs, Black Taffeties, » Barhar, ) Pullicat, & HANDKERCHIEFS. Bandanna ) Choppa Romals, ,■ Patna Chintzes, &c. &c. Likewise a few hhds prime MolafTes. 1 A large quantity of bell Rhode-Island Cheese, 50 boxes Spermaceti candies, and A few barrels Beef. October 17. *eod 8t Sale by Au&ion. ' Tobefold evening tlie sth of November, at 7 o'clock, P. M. at the Merohants' Coffee House. TWO three (lory brick house, with convenient kitchens north fide of Seventh andEighth-ftreets, t each houi'e with the privileiige of an alley is 16 1-a feet front ; the lot is 150 in deptU. One two story brick house in Zaae-ftreet, commonly called Sugar alley. The house is 16 i-j feiit front, on said " alley, with a good kitchen ; the lot is 90 feet in depth. One vacant lot,adjoining the said house, in Zane-ftreet, 16 t-i feet front, and 90 feet deep ; at the end of 90 feet ' the said lot widens 33 ket, and runs back of the Market street lots lit feet, .y feet Wide. j One two story briek houi'e and kitchen in Zune-ftr , 16 i-z feet front; the lot 45 feet in depth. 45 acres of excellent meadow land in Greenwich, . which will be fold either by small parcels or 11 acre lots. 50 tons as excellent upland hay. Enquire of HENRY SECKEL, GEORGE COOPFR, e . HENRY SHEM F, ABRAHAM WILT, or EDWARD FOX, Auctioneer. October 19. FOR SALE, An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut ftreet; I WHICH is 35 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with a l->t Adjoining, JO 1-2 feet wide, by 72 f c et i iuclies deep. (This lot is back of the house occupied by George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finifh ed ill every refpett. It is 50 feat deep, has two large pjrlours, the front one 24 feet, the back one is 12 feet, by 18 1-2 feet, a handibme drawing-room, 24 >-s feet by 24 feet The rooms below, the draw ing-rooan and the chambers adjoining, have mahogany doors, and thefr as well as the rooms above them have a communication with each other. The height in the firft and fecund story is 11 feet, and have ftoco cor nices, and nine rooms up ftsirs, besides the garrets, which are divided into three rooms, a good kitchen, wash-house, milk and bathine-houfes, a large ice houl'e, a pump iu the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch alley, that leads into Fourth-ltreet, The cellars 'are laid with Ume, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered. The yard is well paved, and the house is clear of ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, and the chambcr bells ring in the garret, as well as in the enti>y down flairs. All the chambers have white tiles, except the one next to the drawing rtora, which has as well as the drawing-room and the two parlours be ■ low, marble chimney pieces. The drawing-room, the two parlours below, and the entry, are papered up to the third story: In the room over the kitchen is an open ftnve. In the walh room there is an oven, and the back buildings, from the cellar, all the wav up, l»ave large closets, and in the cellar is a large bottle rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar, and three . bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said room with padlocks to them ; ihe whole cellar and the cock loft are as well plastered as any room in the house. J D me h « !' m ev "y res completely Cnifh ed. PofleSon (hall be given in ten days after the houie is fold. Two brick fables ip Walnut-street, with two coach houses. one of them will hold two carri ages, the other one. The smallest «aV'e has room for three, and the largefl for four horses. It is it 21 feet front on Walnut-street by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. Ther have exceHent lofts over them. The bailding is arched and laid with lime and two-inch plank, and the cellars will hold about too pipes of wine: Is clear of ground rent, and has the privilege of an 11 1-2 feet alley, that leads into Fifth-ftreet. Also a brick store, 33 feet front on Fourth-street, by ;o feet deep, which might at a small expence beturned into a handfomc dwelling hotife having been so contrived inthe building. It has a yard 4 1 ' 'nches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa ter pump, and other conveniences, and the cellar is laid with two inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars per month. 1 his building is fubjeel to a ground rent of 11 cioltars 3.4 per annum. The store and stables I would give immediate possession of. George Meade, No. 78, Walnut Street. ° a - dx. For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. »J hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, S Barrels best Indigo, .and, A few thousand bulbe'i. of Turk's lfland fait °*- I - d^_ Three 100 dollar Notes. Nm? Wica bt Ti n Ba " kS ° f P " a llr or i cVf 'a 7 ' eads ' nto Chcfnut fhem « 0 L " 8 Ch Who "" will brin, them to No. 48 (hall be i„ a dfo m e. y rl ».iciobcr 29. j* For Sale, Carolint Rice in whole and half tierces, Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad, Soal ! .either, entitled to drawback, Boston 3eef, and Mould ittd dipt candlel—Apply to Ifactc Harvey, jtirt. No. J, South Water-street. totli inc. 17. d.jw. 1 For Sale, By y. WARDER, PARKER W Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different fiics, from i» inch cables down to rope of I inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. *7. dtf JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late veflVil from Europe, &c. AMD HAVE FOR SALE, A general affortnaent of GOODS, suitable to the season— Amongst which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, Plain and twill'd COATINGS, Rose striped and point BLANKETS, FLANNELS and B AISES, HATS assorted in cases, IRISH LINENS, INDIA GOODS, generally, A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY, Comprising a capital assortment to open aftore—inclu ding Thirty CatftKof NAILS. This invoice will be fold entire on very advantageous terms. September 20. d Sales of India Goods. The Cargo, of the ship Gsnges, capt. Tintrny, from Cal cutta and Bengal, consisting or -■■••• j A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARC A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, t3V. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, V or Sale by Willings Francis, No. ai Penn Street. J«neß . § For Sale, A7hrec-£ory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, fietween Front and Second ftrsets, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on buftnefs. Poffeifioirwill be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. April 21. f, 70,000 Pieces NankeeAs, 0/ the bejl quality and on reasonable terms > FOR SALE BY Philip Nicklin & Co. Augu£ 16. dtf For Sale, This day- Landing from on board the Jhip Concord, Captain Tbompfon, from Amjlerdam, Gin, in pipes Empty Gin Cases Hpck in cases of 4 dft. Glafe Tumblers in ch'.fts Sweet Oil in eufe. Patte Graffe Cheese in bores, tS*c. Also Landing by the hotSfa, Capt. Bell, from L\jbon, 60 Quarter-ciflcs Lift on Wine.) On Hand, A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &e. Peter Blight. O&cber I 7» daw eoaw Just Arrived, . By the Fly, Captain Hubber, from London, Double racked, Brown Stout Porter, in hoglhcads. Painters* Co!o*rs, in »-» and 1-4 ewt. kegs, packed in hoglheads. ' Copperas in hogflieads. Whiting, &c. For Sale by Peter Blight. Qfiofcer 15. dxttsiw The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— a 8 Pipes of Brandy * ' 18 Bales of Spanish wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bufliels of heft Liibon Salt 80 Boxes of Lernous For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hogfheadsof prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the fbip Dominisk Terry, Capt. De Hart, From Kingston. Sept. 13. d LANDING, " Out of different vej'els from England, and for sale by the fubjeribers on reasonable terms, Supeifine and common cloths, and caflimers Ribbed and striped do. do. v Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs. Superfine blue, Claret, and Commons oatings, Kerseys, Bear-ikins, plains and HalShicks, Swanikins, Serges and Flannels, British Ingrain Carpeting, Hats aiTorted in cases of 11 doz. each. ' Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs. Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, • , Yarn, Worftcd, C«tto& holiery, Beavers, Tbickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &e. Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality. fid. Bd. iod I4d. 2Cd. nails, and frying |>ans, An assortment of Ironmongerry, Cutlery and a variety of India cotton, and silk goods. Thomas & JoJhua Fijher. No. $, Dock-ftti-eet. Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, 1-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens assorted in boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. Q&- 17- dtf. University of Pennsylvania, Ofieber $, 1796. The Medical Lftlure/lriil commence the firft Monday in N.vemfer. ta W3 w Country Rum, And a few pipes of Vinegar, For Sale by Ezekrel Hall, At the stores ef Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. 4, South Water-street. October 20. ' d Imported in tSe late arrivals from Europe and the Weft-Jniies, Holland Gin, in pipes . Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique MolaflVS, in hoglheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-ca/ks " London Particular ti London Market Madeira Wine, 11 in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-cases Malmsey Madeira W in«, in pipes and quarter-cafeg Teneriflfe Wine, in pipes Rul£a & Flemilh Sheeting and Ravens Duck, in cafe» Window Glass, 8 by to, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in cases . Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saw 3, in boxes Also, on hand, . A few chtfts of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Aflafa tida and TapiOGa ; and a few bales of Coffaes, Baftas, Bandanna and Muslin Handker chiefs, and a complete a (Tort merit of 5*4 and 6-4 Bjulting Cloths. For Sale by Praters Co. Ofloher 10 diwm&thim A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT QF I DRY GOODS. \ John Miller, jun. & Co. Exclusive of their own Importation now opening, Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Diana, CONSIGNMENTS, . Which cesiprizc a capital aff.rtment to opea a - Gorf. fiw**. s —Amongst them ar«— Common, super and (uperfine Cloths, Plain, twill'd an<l ftrip'd Coatings, Baizes and Flannels, ' Point, rose and duffil Blankets, Plain and puntea Caflimeres, Swaafdowns, Printed Calicoes, Scotch Threads, Hosiery. They will he fold either in whole, or in part, by the package, on terms which render them an'ohjeift worthy of attention to purehafers. dtf Oct. t Just Landing, 1 At SouthJlreet-nuharffrom on board the fbtp Sedfi ' ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterjhurg, The following Goods: Raffia Sail Duck, firquality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. 4 Do, Crash. Do. Mou'd Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. »f the English size. Do. White Candle TalloW. Do - White Sosp in small boxes. Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Dock. _ Isinglass, ill and end fort. 1 Horse Hair uncurlcd. Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum, and Junk. St. Peterlhurg Clean Hemp; For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & G®» > Oitober H. , Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, A Well Selected As so ktmeut as Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on the very ! lowest terms j Atnongjl nihich art S(.*ie elegant 4-4 and 7-t Chintzes arid Cottons, new patterns Ditto Furniture ditto Ditto Dimity Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslins Ditto in Geld and Silver 1 Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firfl quality , Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrellas of the fir ft quality, alforted Irifc Linens, .very fine, and Table Linens Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets alTorted—ice. sct. OAobcr 26. '< d Printed Calicoes. ► JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the Wiiliam Pcnn, in addition to their own afforment, A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele-. gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handfotne Buttons—Which will be fold at a short credit, on very reafonahle terms, by the package only. Oft- M. dtf Irish Linens, &c. Imported per the ships Glafgonv, from Dublin, Liber ty, from Cork, and brig Mentor, from Self aft, 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH.LINENS, In whole and half 'boxes, Assorted from lid. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide Sheetings, and low priced yarn and vrorfted Hose. On Handy 7-g Wide Lawns. Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxes Tickens and Checks A few bales Flaf.jiels Cork and Belfaytt Sail CJloth, Nos. I and 6 »5 Boxes } / f 4 by J, 10 Ditto > Window Qlafs, < 7 by 9, ' S Ditto 3 C 8 by lot The above mentioned Goods are all entitled t«% the drawback, aniS will be disposed of by the package on Ireafonable (erjnj. j\mes, Clibborn & Englift, No. 6, N. Sront-ftr r"t. 10th mo, i;tAk dtf \ .
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