Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 29, 1796, Image 1

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    <ga?ette »/•<& States, if Philadelphia Daily Advertise.
n SATURDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 29* 1796. [Volume X.
Number 1292. J - — — — ■
■ — —- ■ - " r m *t r* r it I r« * t t * /-v m tt \T7*# \ln *nC\
a The Brigant'we L r BE Rffl,
Now lying at Albertfon's wharf—
it an excellent vessel, will carry a
beut 1300 barrels flour, is completely
found, and re.dv to retire a cargo. For term*, ap
ply at No. 149. South Front-street.
When may be had by the package only,
A small ccpfignment of DRY GOODS, just re
wived —eenfifting of,
Superfine Hairbine, & > CAMBLETS.
China J
Corded Poplins,
Sattinet Lasting, &c.
Ms. a few bales CALCUTTA GOODS, -vrx.
Punjim Cloths,
Black Taffetiei,
Bandanna J
Choppa Romalt,
Patna Chintzes, Ac. &«.
Likewise a few hhds prime Molafles,
A large quantity of best Rhode-Island Cheese,
50 boxes Spermaceti candles, and
A few barrels Beef.
Oftobera?- eod 8t
For Charter,
The Ship Dominick Terry,
Jaeob De Hart, matter: an excellent
vessel, of about 3000 barrels burfhen.
JeJfe & Robert Wain.
September ?T. d
tJCT For Charter,
The Danifti B»rque Bsnsvestora,
Samuel Stub, matter,
good vessel, of about two
tent burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WALN.
Sept. 17. dtf
The capital (Jiip CERES,
To fail fo*n : "For freight or passage
W&fSlMsi&Zz*pply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
*John Vaughan,
September lo> Front-street.
* ' The Br 'v mar?,
Lying at Meffr!. Willing* and Francis's
wharf,bnrthen 1000 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793
of live oak and red cedar—Slit U well found, and may
be sent to sea at a small eipeecc. For terms apply o
Gurney Is Smith.
OA. 6. dtf.
Forßofton, Newbury-Port and Ports
mouth, New-Hampshire,
The Schooner LUCY,
Daniel Prowfe, matter; will fail hi
I ,®sjaV the eourfeof a week, and take freight
g on moderate terms, for which, or
* passage, apply on board, or to
Joseph Anthony, & Co.
Oflober 17. d
Just arrived, ahd will this day be lan-
Hed from on board the brig FAVORITE at, Chefmit
street wharf.
25 Tons btjl Rujjia Clean HEMP t
56 Ton»ol4 Sable flat IRON,
too CmU"heft RufTia CORDAGE, aflorted fizei,
4CO Pi flees brown RuiTia SHEjiTINGS,
jc® Bolts Ruflia DUCK,
940 Pieces Ravens do.
a© feather beds, and
A few pieces aborted DIAPER.
Joseph Anthony and Co.
V le above mentioned BRIG
t 'O * few<iavt. and tak; freight on
"l.lirlWr"'"' 1 '" 1 ' terms for Boston or Salem, for
«*JsS«ssi!r-.which Of pillage, apply on board or as above
October 24.
The Schooner INDUSTRY,
sixty-seven tons burthen, almost a new'
vessel and well found. Eor terms apply to
JoJeph Anthony & Co.
If the Industry is not fold in a few days', ihe will take
freight very low for Boston.
O&ober 24. £-j
For Freight or Charter,
r&i The {hip COMMERCE,
J®' A,moftincw ve ff el > tons burthen, and will
be ready to receive a in a few days. For
Urnu apply on board at Bn-hl'i wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
I'or Sal.e on board the above Vejfel,
A quantity of excellent COAL.
63#" p e'fons having goods on board, are earnestly requcft
ed to ftnd their permits.
October 7i. d, ot
ihe ship mart,
tScfcK Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, lbe will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
o<fh>ber»i. <frot
WANTS a situation as CLERK, in a mercantile house
in this-city, ayounp man who ean be well recom
mended : he is well acquainted with book-keeping, and
writes a good hand. Enquire of the .editor of the' Ga
zette of the United Statts.
CsSeber 13. <j 6it
I Out of different vessels from England, and for sale
by the fubfcrilers on reaf enable termr,
Superfine and common cloths, and cafiimers
~~ Ribbed and striped do. do.
Blankets , mottled green and silk rugs.
■y Superfine blue, Claret, and common costings,
P* Kerfsys, Bear-flcins, plains and Halfthicks,
Swanlkins, Serges and Flannels,
Britiih Ingrain Carpeting,
e- Hatsafforted in cases of i» doz. each.
Chocolate chinues, printed Callicoes and Handkerciiefs.
Scarlat Csrdinils, and Scarlet Snail,
Yarn, Worded, and Cotton hosiery,
Beavers, Thickfetfs, Velvets, Cprduroys, See. See.
Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality,
fed. Bd. lod lid. 2od. nails, and frying pans,
An a (Torment of tronmoneerry, Cutlery and a vatiety
of India cotton, and iilk gojds.
Thomas & JoJhua Fijher,
No. 5, Dock-fttrect.
Also by the Glasgow from Dublin,
1-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens affortedin boxes of 30 pieces)
do. Brown, GUzed Linnen.
Oa. 17. dtf.
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
/CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis
bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf—
18 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales of Spanish wool
■ 3 do. of Annifecd
7000 Bushels of best Lifbnn Salt
So Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hogflieadi of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the fbip Dominick Terry, Qapt. De Hart,
from Kingftoji.
' Sept. 15. d
Just Arrived,
By the Fly, Captain Habber, from Linden,
" Double racked, Brown Stout Porter,
in hogsheads.
Painters' Colours, in i-t and 1-4 cwt. kegs, packed in
_ hogsheads.
Copperas in hogsheads.
Whiting, See. For Sale by
*» Peter Blight.
O&pber, «5. dxttsiw
c d
For Sale,
— This day Landing from on board the ship Concord,
Captain Thompson, from Amsterdam,
Oin, m pipes
Smpty Gin Cases
re Hock in cases of 4 doz.
)r Glass Tumblers in chefl*
Sweet Oil in eases
)*atte Graffe Cheese in boxes, (Sfc.
Also Landing by the Lotufa, Capt. Be//, from Lijbon,
60 Quarter-casks Lisbon Wine.]
On Hand,
A Quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &c. '
Peter Blight.
OiSoier 17. dlw co2w
For Sale,
By Jehu Hollingfwortb, & Co,
_ 45 hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d a»4 4th proof,
5 Barrels best Indigo, and,
A few thnufand bushels of Turk's Island fait.
OA. 17. d.
* Ap - elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut
r street;
WHICH it as feet front, by ijt feet deep, with a
lot adjoining, ao i-a feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inches
-» deep, ( lhis lot is back of the houfc occupicd by
» George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finifh
ed in every reipecl. It is JO feet deep, has two
large p .Hours, the tront one j 4 feet, the back one it
zz feet, by 18 j-a feet, a handsome drawing-room, ■
24 i-» feet by 24 feet. The rooms below, the draw
ing-toom and the chambers adjoining, have mahogany
doors, and these as well as the rooms above them have
a communication with each other. The height in the
firft and fecoud story is ia feet, and have ftoco cor
nices, and nine rooms up stairs, befidet the garrets
which are divided into three rooms, a good kiteten '
wash-house, milk and bathing-houses, » la r » e "j ce ! 1
house, a pump in the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch alley,
that leads into Fourth-ilrtet, The cellars are laid with '
lime, and floered with two inch nlank, and plastered.
„ The yard 11 well paved, and the houfc it clear of
r ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, »nd
e the chamber bells ring in the garret, as well as in the
. entry down stairs. All the chambers have white tiles,
except the one next to the drawing riom, which ha.
as well as the drawing-room and the two parlours te
m,,rble chimney pieces. The drawing-room, the
*' IriT hT t W ' u lDd the entr V> are P*P cre d up to
the third story : In the room over the kitchen is an
openftove. Inthewafh room there i, an oven, and
. the back buildings, from the cellar, all the wav up, .
- have large closets, and in the eellar is a large bottle
rack, a win, store .. taken off of the cellar, and three
bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said room *
with padlock* to them ; fhc whole cellar and the e®ck
aftcred 28 an y roonr) in the house.
1 u lnev,r s' re Completely r.nira- .
1 f" I f g A V I*? m te " dj y 5 after the house 1
W °r br " k ,n w »lnot-ftreet, with
co " h h ° ure »- one them will hold two carri- •'
ages, the other one Thefmalleft stable ha, room for
' J. h,ee ' a " d l ' h l e 'argeft for four horses. It is i, tl f crt 1
front on Walnut-street by 50 feet, 3 inches deep. They -
°T thera - The builrimg I arche J
" win 1i k • 1 WB - intth plank, and the cellars
rtm , and Lr.i; ° o f f r;, :
h™" 1 'T""f
having been so contrived inthe building. It has a yard
48 feet 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deeps ha, a rain wa '
er pump, and other conveniences, and the cellar it laid
1 with two inch plank, and i, now rented , ! ' *
per month. This building is fubjecl to a ground ren Tf
George Meade,
Oa. 16. N °' ?8 ' Wa,nut Street.' v
j ' dx.
w anted
An APPRENTICE to the Prirting Buffnefe.
Erijuir: at this Office. 4 r
Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76,
J Has received by the late arrivals,
A lVtll Stltcled Assortment of
j Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
Haberdashery Goods
Which he will fell, wholefile and retail, on the very
Inneft terms ;
Amotlgjl lubicb ftrt elegit 4-4 Ind 7-8 Chintzes and Cottony ir»
s Ditto Fnrnjture ditto
Ditto DjJhnity
Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet MuCin*
Ditto in Gold and Sjlyet
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
Mantua* of the firil quality
' Silk ami Cotton Hoficry
tjmbrejlas of the firft quality, afiorted
t lrife Linens, very fine, ajirt Table Linens
MarfeHles and Cotton Counterpants
Rose Blankets aiTorted—&c. &e.
O&obtr 16. d
——*— . ■
Imported in the late arrivals from Eutope and the
Holland Gin» in pipes
' Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaffts, m hogfheadi
Choice old Liibon Wine, in prpas and jqnarter-cafks
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-eafks
Malmfev Madeira Wi"n«, in pipes and quarter-calks
Teneriffe Wine, in pipes
Rufiia St Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Duck, id cases
(. Window Glass, Bby 10, in boxes
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in casks
Mill Slws and Croft-cut Saws, in bexea
>s Also, on handy
A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Afiafcs
tida and Tapioca ; and a fevr bales of Colfaes,
, Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandannn and Muslin Handker
chiefs, and a cemplete afiortment of 5-4 and 6-4
Bjulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers Ess 9 Co.
Prober ao dawm&tham
Country Rum,
And a few pipes of Vinegar,
For Sale by
Ezekiel Hall,
At the stores of Mr. Edwsrd Stow, iun. No. 4, Sooth
Watet-ftreet. October 10. d
John Miller, jun. 8c Co.
Exclusive of their own Importation now opening,
liuve received by the William Penn, Caroline and Cull
Which comprize a capital assortment to open a
Dry Goodi Store.
—Amoogft rfiem ar*-^
Common, fupir alid fuperfine Cloths, ,
. Pliin, twill'd and ftrip'd Costings,
, Baizes and Flannel*,
Point, rose and duffil Blankets,
Plain and pihtea Caffimerej,
• Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
" Hosiery.
They will be fold either in whole, «r in part, by th«
package, on terms which render them an abject worthy of
attention to purfchafers. dtf Q&. 11.
Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackare),
Excellent Halifax -Salmon in bbli.
47 bbla. prime Coffee, ,
Best Boston Beefy
Codfifh in bds.
Spermaceti Candles,
Spermaceti, and 1 ~. r
• Northern J °1 L '
Mould and dipt, tallow candle*, of a superior
i quality.
1 A few boxes excellent brown {bap,
< Bales of Corks.
40 Pipes excellent Lifton Wine.
A few sacks of Feathers.
A few bales Isdia Mucins.
Oflober n. <jx
Landing this day,
from on hoard the Brig Caroline, at Chefnttt-Jlreel
London proof Holland Gin.
For Sale by
Jofepb Antheny & Co.
October it-. , 6
To be Rented,
A Small and Convenient BRE IV ERT, at
Morris faille, oppofile Trentsn.
ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and in goo !
repair: A number of Barrels and Half-Barrels wiH
also be rented. PofTefllon may be had at any time.
Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia,
or Mr. Robert Morris, jan. or Daniel Mun at Merris-
October ao, 1796. mth&sgw
Loft Last Evening,
At Rkkrtts't Amphitheatre, {supposed t-be taken by
some villain out of a gentleman's pocket)
A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK,
Containing about 18j dollars in banknotes; three note,
of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 304, 305 and *06, da
ted lath last August, payable 60 days after date, to the
order of Paul Siemen, together for 5150 dollars ; an ord«r
of Mrs. Ann IV'acpherfon, from Paul Siemen, on Lach
lm Mac Neal, Port-au-Prince, for 100 dollars; be
fid«s several letters and papers of no life but to the proprie
tor. The notes of hand and order are without endorfc
ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to
any person who will diicover and fecute the thief p.,,1
FOR 1 Y DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti
oned notes and papers at No. ti 9 , corner of Front and
Mulberry ur«ets. <1 Odl. 11