Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 28, 1796, Image 4

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Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, South Frent-Jireet,
*tnve received by the arrivals fr«m London, Liver
pool, and Hull, and by the Ohi® Arrived at N. York No
from Glasgow,
A large & general afifortmentof Goods, m<
Suitable for the Season, ccnjjling of }
Duffle, Point and Rose Checks, in small packages Dit
Blankets Oznaburgs and Brown Hoi- Lai
White, Red, and Yeltow lands c An
Flannel Brown and white Russia Co
Bocklng ancl other Baizes , Sheetings Wj
Second and coarse Cloths Drillings and Diapers 3
Plain and mixed Caflimeres Calicoes and Chintzes Yo
Plain,"twilled, and striped Jaconet and Book Miiflins Ch
Coatings Do. do. Tamboured ,
Plains, ICerfeys, and Half- Do. do Handkerchiefs
thicks Printed linen ~nd check de. Dr
wfe:: & spotted Swanlkins Romal and Madrafs <\o. Di
Laintt and fwanl'down veO Muslin and Chintz bhiwb $jl
{hapes Bed Ticks & 1
Carpets'and Carpeting Table Cloths A
Calimancoce and Durants Laces and Edgings
Moreens a'pd TalSorcens Fashionable Ribbfofcs
ft .ns Spinning and Crapes Do Hats and Bonnets
Cam Wets'and Wildbores Cotten & Wo riled Hosiery
j3ombazeehs & Bombazets Gloves arid Mitts
w ttinets and Shalloons White & coloured Threads
J*?ain, Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silks iel
Velverets & Thicksets ivory and Horn Combs
7-8, 4-4, and H-8 Cotton Tapes, Bindings, Pins, &c.
They have pn hand a large assortment of India Muslins
and Calicoes, black and coloured Perfi&ns, Bartdanno and
Pullicat Handkerchiefs, &c. and a quantity of Nutmegs
and Mace
Q&ober 17. mwfim Fe
Madeira Wine. tic
30 Pipes of the very best quality, and fit for immediate
use, just imported in the schooner I .ucy from Madeira,
and for faie by
John Craig, Fl
No. 12, Dock-street.
Who has For Sab, _
Tineriffe Wine, is pipes, hoglheads, atid qr. calks.
Window Glass. .
Segars, &c. &c.
Two trunks of the best Cotton and Silk
oaober 4. Kivftf ™
Imported in the late arrivals, "i!
A-nH to be Sold by ere
* No. 49, Notth fide of High-street, Philadelpkia, q"
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c.
SMITHS' Anvils, Vices, and Files; Saw mill, Croft
<ut, Hand, and other Saws; Carpenters' Planes, Chisels,
and other Tools; Carving Chisels and Gouges; Locks,
Hinges, Bolts and Latches; Nails, Sprigs, Tacks, and * 4t ]
Screws-; Frying-Pans; Smoothing-irons; Shovels and
Tongs; Coffee Mills; Cdndldticks* Snuffers; Warming- P el
Pans; Table Knives and Fqrks; Riding Whips; Bar- *"1
low Pen, and other Pocket Knives; Razors; Sciffars ; 1111
Needles; Ivory and Horn Combs; best Kirby Fish
Hooks; brass Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes; Sheet
Rrafs; plated and tin'd Bridle Bits abd Stirrups; ditto V * l
Saddle Nails; Girth and Straining Webbs ,* —with mod vai
kindfe of Ironmongery," Cutlery, Sadlery, Brass Wares,
&c. &c. f ni
October 24. mwf&w in
— hu
For Sale, wl
A Complete' Font of Brevier, t0
ENtirely ne\» , and yet Unopened. The weight of this
font is abeiit 312 lb. It is From the Foundery of
Wilson & Sons,Glafgow,and willbefold at cost St charges. a '
AlfoferSale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. m
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United J*
States, 119 Chefnut-ftr<et.
September 27. dtf
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, &
Ifcaluding the Northern Liberties and diftridV
SoUthwark, to
Published, and fold by
• No. 68, Hijh street, ' v '
, PI , IP , . (Price one dollar.)
rillS plan is 26 inche iquare, and has been en
graved by one of the fuitjtrtifts in the city, from a late
and accurate survey. frrchafers are entitled to a pam-.
phlet with each pla^.',giving " some accoont of the
city, its population, &c.
July 19 tu&ftf
To be fold,
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, comi
ty of Gloucester, and ftateof New-Jersey, contain
ing about one huadred and fifty acres ; a Cuitable proper- j!?
tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A
great part of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva- £e
tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover J
On said plantaticrr there is a genteel two-story brick honfe, l 0
with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under t a
the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage- he
house The garden islarge, and contains a gbod collec te
tion of the best kinds of grafted atid inoculated fruit trees; w
the orchaidtonliftsof about three hundred grafted app'e- la
trees. Any pcrfon inclined to purchase said premiles, may so
be infortacd sf the terms by applying to
Joly 49 f k'
To be Sold,
The Timeof a ftnart, active Negro Lad,
Who has Eleven years to serve.
Knquire at No. 58, South Front-street.
OAaiber 18. £
To be dilpofed of,
r r'HE'time of a healthy *'EGRO WOMAN, who
X has between fa'or and five years to serve: She
can be recommended for her i'obriety and honesty. For v
particulars enquire at No. 13a, Chefnut-ftrtet.
A "g ul-t v/jeftf n
To be Let,
Two Rooms, furnijhed. or unfurnrjhed, -
in a three-story Brick House, at a vtry small dif
fanc e from the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe. The use of
<he Kitchen may be had, and that of a Cellar.
Apply at this Office.
October 24.
Waeted to Rent, \
J convenient, lOell firxifiaj Bed Chamber,
With a good Sre-place, in an niry rnd hea!:hy part of
;he city. The person whe wants to rest fucn a chamber, !
would have no objeclion to board, or breakfaft only, with i
' "fe family occupying the house, 11 may be most agreeable.
Apply to the primer,
September ty. „ w
I m • * • ■' I
f ■ .
New Hat and Hosiery Srajts,
Wholesale, and Rktail, r
No, 134, Market Street, 3 d door from the corner
of Fourth, South Side•
Mens* Black American andfcnglih Hats, of various qua -
ities and prices. t.o
Ditto Drabs and Green-undsr3. m
Ladies' ditto black ar
And a large assortment of fancy ditto
l Coloured Beavers , , . oi
With a great variety of elagant and fafhionable trim- w
mings* &c.
Yoilfh's black and drab coloured ditto.
i Children's fancy ditto a]
All kinds of silk, silk and cotton, cott6ti and thread hose
Knit coloured Pantaloons p
. Ditto Drawers
Ditto Breeches Patterns a<
Silk Gloves hi
Knotted, coloured ditto, cotton.
A quantity of mehding cotton, sorted colours. al
N. B. Ihe hats finilhed in the newest falhon.
' ft. 17- eodim. tf
—u • " ' ' r<
' This Day is Published,
6 By William Cobbett, oppolite Chr fl-Church, l a
An Answer to Paine's Rights of Mah, h
By R 'Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. fe
To •which is added, 11
J A Letter to Citizen Swanwick,
s By Peter Porcupine.
The whole is dedicated to Do<s\or Joseph Priestley,
Fellov «f the Royal Socifcty of London, Citizen of
America, and Deputy Eledl to the National Conven-
tion of France.
; Oa.lß. ,
Valuable Real Estate,
Forfait at AuHion by Casper Thiell, of Hamburg,
late the property of James and [Villiam K'tnnear. g
For fafe by public auction,on the 9th day of November
next ensuing, at the sign of Gen. Walhingtdn, Wood's
tavern, borough of Reading, Berks county, the follow
ing real eftate,to.
A TRACT of land containing 465 acres with
No. I allowance for roads,called the Purchase, '
"fiuated in Brunfwick townlhip, Berks county, patented, _
18th o' Jan. 1788 Thistraift, ofwhichabout 15 acres
are cleared, is of good foil, situated on the or
Little Schuylkill, well 'watered and timbered, on which is
ere&ed a good log dwelling house and liable.
No. 2. A tra<s of unimproved lend, containing 284 a
cres, with allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented 28th
Odober, 1790, situated in Brunfwick townlhip, Berks
county, foil good.
No. 3. A tradl of unimproved land, containing 376 a
cres with allowance, &c. called Hilllburg, patented »Bth
Odlober 1790, situation, &c. as No,». _
No, 4. A tra<ft »f unimproved land, containing 3HB a -
' cres, with allowance, See. patented 28th of OcSober, 1786,
[' situation, &c. as No. a and 3. T
No. 5. A trail of land, containing 268 acres, and J2 1
perches, with allowance, &c. situated in Brunfwick towh- Q j
. ihip, Berks county, on l'omagua, or little Schuylkill, 5 p t
miles above the town «f Hamburg on which is ere died a
I well finifhed two story fquaredlog dwelling house, 27 a
t feet by 35, Within the distance ofioo perchesfrem a forge, a ,
, with the advantage of a ferry and public houjc; these ad- f v
t vantages render this trad very valuable. p
No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, enclosed with a post p
' and rail, or board fence, containing in front, 60 feet, and «
in depth lße feet; fubjeil to a grouHd rent of 7/6 per an- «t
- 110 m. «<
No. 17. Atownlbtin Hamburg, enclosed asno 16,t0 «
which it adjoins, being of the fame dimensions, and fubjeA «
to the fame ground rent, on which is eredled a log stable, «
16 by 18 feet «
r No. 18. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No. 17, «
' a corner lot, fronting on Main and Schuylkill streets, di- «
nitfnfions the farpc as No. 16 ahd if, above defcri'j"-d, sub- «
, je<sl to 10/b per annum ground rent. On this lot is er- <■
eiled a large 2 flory dwelling house, 45 feet front on Main «
street, by 34 feet in depth on Schuylkill street, pleasantly «
and advantageously situated for a store. <«
N. B. The above described three town lots will be fold "
separately or together, as may best suit the purchasers.
If Conditions' of sale—One third of the purchase money J
to be paid to the subscribers, or either of them in Philadel- n
phia, at or befsre the expiration of one month from the f (
day of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed ; p
the residue payable in 2 equal payments, at 6 and 12 months c
with intereft,the payment wherettf to be secured by mort
gage on the premises. ' g
» e Jamu Henderfon, "J Affignsesta
Frederick MotiimoUin, I the estate of J
ie ' Thomas Rogers, f & Wm.
Joseph D. Drinker, J
September 26. m & th.
I* \
lm LAST Wednesday Ev»ng, Oftobcr 19, between the E
hefcrsctf7 and ioo'clock r the bed room of Mr Rickett* in 1 a
O'Eller's hotel was entered, cither by means of falfe kryp, A
or at the window, by fotne villain or villains, who mull have 1 /
l ~ been acquainted wi h the situation of the house (as the door
r was fouiiH locked after they had commitfed me theft) who e .
e > took away from amongst several trunks, OWt which con- -
ir taincd a valuable part of Mr. Rickett's property, but of which
e " he is not yet able to ascertain the contents particularly. Af
c ter bringing the said trunk away, anjd emptying it of up
»; wards of a thousand dollars in cash and bank notes, the vil
e- lains left it behind the circus, during the timt that the pcr
iy formances of the evening were going forward-
It is earnestly requested, that all tavern-keepers oft the flage *<
rpads, and the ferry houses, as well as all civil officers, may i
be watebfal in securing suspicious pcrfoas, who may have a
_ redundance of cash, which their appearance wvuld by no
means bespeak them to be poffefTed of.
One Hundred Dollars Reward
i, Will be given for securing the thief or thieves, and a fur
ther reward for securing them with the property.
Q6t. 21. v v 7
BEGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that
he will open his RIDING SCHOOL on the ift of Nov.
10 for the inilruaion of Ladiss end Gentlemen in the ele
gant accompliflimcnt of riding and managing their horses
or with ease to themselves.
Mr. Rieketts has well trained Horses for the accom
modation of Ladies and Gentlemen for exercise to pay :
- monthly. Pupils to pay by the season, or by the lcffon •
Horses trained to the road or field.
Oiteber 24. j
'if- F0 R SAL E. ~~~~
A ®° U J 12 ™. i!es^ rom this City, situate in Ahir, K
__ 11 ton TownCiip, Montgomery-County ; containine
70 aer«, a new stone house, .wo stories high, a rooms on f
floor, hre places in each, a stone kitchen and Tlone fprin.
bouse.over .n excellent of wat.r, a barn, stables,
as t l"£e apple orchard, and a var.nvof
about ift acTes of good meadow well waipr^
ith * nd W °°u fuftcieot for fi,r » an <* fencing the place. PofTeiTi'
b l bld ' hr Ift of A P"' ««'■ Property in thu cit
betaken 111 exchange, or MORRIS and NICHOISO'"*
Enquirc " No " 37, Arch-Strett.
Philtdelphu, Srptcmb« 13, jj g 6, tl f t f
Samuel Riciiardet
F) ESPECTFLJLLY informs the Gentlemen
IV Merchants that he has this day opencJ dje CITY
eity of Philadelphia: . ,
T!ie Subscription Room will tie furmfned with all th _
' diijy papers published in Philadelphia New-York Bos
ton, Daltimore, together with thole or the pr.ncipnl com
mercial citii. of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on'any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soups", Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefiiments,
" will at all times be procured at thenar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicoft of Wines, Spirituous, Liquors, and the molt
approved Malt Liquors iron*. London and other breweries.
The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earlielt
productions of the Season. -
Large and fmali Parties, dr single Gentlemen, msy be
accommodated with Breakfalls, Dinners, or Suppers, at 1
hours moll CODV. nient to'themfelves—a cold Collation is J
regularly k*pt for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had u
at ths bar. , f l
The Lodging Rooms will be completely fufmfned, and. 1<
the utmost attention paid to dcSnlinefs, and every other J
r*quifitc. .
S\MutL RicHAßaETwill behappyto receive, and a
execute the commands of his Fiicnds, s and the Public at I
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
> himfelf that nothing 011 his part shall be wanting to pre- u
fervethat patronage with which he has been so diftinguiul- a
ingly honored. '
Philadelphia, April 19. mV '__ *
Wa TS on's ANS WER tO GIBB ON. s
■ And foriale by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
Apology for G hriftianity, "
In a ferie< of Letters, adireffed t» £
Edward GiSbon, Es<^.
Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the j
' Roman Empire:
Sir*. WATSON, d. d. F. k. s. E'ilhop of Lsiidaff.
(Price 75 cents bound.)
Watson's Answer to Paine,
To be had at the fame place.
, The enemies of Religion are awsake J Let not her
) friends sleep.
Sept. r. mw&ftf
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftitet, f,
(Price Ii i-» Cent») , tl
The President's Address »
i . .
i 7'o the People of the United Sfates, p
Announcing his intention of retiring from public life d
at the -expiration as the present constitutional term ef r
i presidency. tl
September 20. d b
Treasury of the United States. ti
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or r
may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums Cl
" of the Funded Debt, or Stock, beiring a present interijl of fx 0
' per centum per annum.
1 i ft, That pursuant to an Ad of Congress pafled on the _
' 48th uay of April, 1796, intitled an a& in addition to an
> ad, intituled " An ad making fuither proviGon for the
" support of public cradit, and for the redemption of the T
public debt," the said debt or flock will be reimbursed and J
I paid io manner following, to vyit. " First, by dividends c.
* " to be made on the last days of March, June and Scptenv
- " ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand
" seven hundred and fiinety-feven, to the year one thou
-3 " sand eight hundreriic eighteen inclufive,at the rate of
" orie and one half per centum upon the original capital.
> " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of
" Decembar lor the present year, and from the year one ■
> " thoufar.d seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year 31
- " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at
" " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori- _
- " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be maJc on the last a
» " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- 4 <
1 " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade- _
" quate, according to the contrad, for the final redemp- /.
d " tion of the said flock."
ad. All diftindion between payments on account of | r
1 Ifterefl and Principal being thus abolished by the establish- c ,
- ment of the permanent rule of reimplement abova de- j,
escribed, it has become necessary to varvaccsrdingly ,thc tc
i powers of attorHe*4» rcc^w^ijiviUk^ds; (he public ir
:S creditors will therefore obferv'etfut th®. folWjng form ; r
- is eftabliflied for all powers of attorney whichmay be
granted after the due promulgation of this notice, viz. c ,
f 7 °f fc
1. do mate, conjiitute and appoint el
V my true and laivful At
torney, forme, and in my name, to receive the dividends vih ':eh are,
_ or Jhall be payable according to law, on the (her* describing the
stock) jiandintr in my name in the books of (here defcribinf»the'
books of the Treasury or the Commiflioncr of Loans,
where the dock is credited) from (here insert the com- -
e mencement and expiration of time Tor which tke p«wer of
" ! attorney is to coHtinoe) -with power also an attorney or attcr
*' , un < ler him, for that purpc/e to mate andfuljlitute, and to do all
„ lawu 'f ul " 3l requifttefor effeShg thepremifes, hereby ratifying and
Q confirming all that myfaid Attorney or hisfulfitute,Jhall lawful-
1 _ {y ty virtue hereof. t ,
h la iVitnefs hereof, I lave hereunto set ay Hand and Seal the a
f. day of in the near t ,
j. Sealed and Delivered
J- in P re f e » c Wf>
r- BE IT KNOW Nytbat on the day of
efore me perfonal\y came
V- Y'"'"' namcd and "'""■vl'dged the above letter of attorney to le
ty bis mSI and deed.
a In tejlimony -whereof I have hereunto fct my Han land affix
, Seal the day and year last aforJaid.
Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen
tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to diredions
r- »rom the Secretary of the Treasury.
„ 1 reafurer of tlte United States.
- July wis" st I J
>t A Manufactory FOR SALE. t
. A V.luable SOAP and CANDLE M anufa a o ry, situate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost new,
e8 on an entirely original conftrudion, and built of the bell
«v!l CT,a !v,\ r" fct to work ■mmediately. Persons
- ,o " N °- »73.
n. Septensber 13. ttf t f
- TZ^ h 7> - avins been reduced in h; » eircum
.L stance,, by sundry misfortunes, and being thereby
unable to fat.sfy his just debts, hereby gives notice to hf S
Creditors and to all persons concerned, that he intends to
apply to the General Alterably of Maryland at r
session to be held on the firft Monday of November next
lg for the benefit of an ad of insolvency.
„ g Ea ft on, Ift Of the 9 th month, , 796. iawultMN
of nankeen s,
n' °f the f ,r M quality, FOR SALE W,
Ity RD. and JAS. POTTER.
" :s ,Ff an J. Five Thousand Pieces, a li
beral credit will be given b & r p
L September 13. T tf
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the heft quality and on reafonabk terms,
Philip l icklin & Co.
Augud a 6. dtf
For Sale,
; A Three-dory BRICK HOUSE and Let, in Chefnut
11 street, between Front and Second druets, in which
Meflrs. James Calbriith & Co. have for many year* (and
j bow do) carried on business.
Poffcflion will be giveu in one month, or sooner.
1 For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April »i. §
' Treasury Department,
: September 28, 1706.
t XTOTICE is hereby given, that propofab wt() -Iktk
s X ctived at the office of the Secretary of the Trealury
1 until the expiration of tfte firfi day of March nest eri
fuing, for thefupply of all rations which may her quired
1 for the use of the United States, from the iiriL iy of
r June, 1797, to the thirty-fird day of May, I7yß, both
clays inclusive, at the places and within the didricls htre-
J after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; it Niagara; at
t Pjcfque liie at Sandufky Lake, and on Sanduflcy
s River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank
- lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
- at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jtffftrfon ; at Grenville; at
Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place b«lo\y Fort
Defiance 6n the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
Steuben ; at Fort Maffac ; at any place from Fort MaiTac
to the Jouth boundary of the United States on the river
Miilifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
t If supplies (hall be required lor any pods or places not
mentioned in this notice, all such supplies ffiall be fur
niflied at prices proportioned to thole to be paid at the
pods bsfore reciteu, or as may be hereafter agreed 011
between the United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to consul of the fol
lowing articles, viz.
One pound tiyo ounces of bread or flour.
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy rr whilkey.
One quart and half a pint of falt.~\
r Two quarts ef Vinegar, ( ■ » , .
Two pounds of Soap, > per hundred rations ,
One pound of Candles, J
The rations are to be fnrnilhed in such quantities, as that
there (hall at all times during the said term, be fufficient
for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De
. troit, Niagara, asia Ofwego, for the term of fix months in
j advance, and at'each of the other pods, for the term of
at lead three mSnths in advance, in good and wholesome
provisions, if the fame ffiall be required. It is to be un
: derdoud, that the Contractor is to be at the exjenc« and
f risk of ifiuirgtlie supplies to the troops at each post, and
that all lodes fivdained by the depredatiblls of an enemy, or
by tnsansof the troops of the United States, {hall be paid
for at the price of the articles captured or dedroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cha
racters, and the certificate of a commiflioncd officer, as
. certaining the circumdances of the loss, and the amount
of the-ai tides for which compensation fball be claimed
: Secretary of the Treasury.
FOR raising fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven
dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per
i cent from the prizie, and not two blanks to a prize. viz
I Prize of jooo dollars is dollars jooO
I I 1000 1000
■ i 500 500
• aO 100 Ijig;" 2COO
99 jo 49J0
; soo 25 5 000
3000 -j 10 20,000
' S Lad drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
1 »33» Prizes. 44,450
• 4018 Blanks.
6jjo Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450
By order of the Directors of the Society for eftabliffi
ing Uifeful Manufactures, the fuperintendauts of the Pat
erfon Lottery have requeded the Manager* to offer the
; foregoing S#heme to the public, and have directed them f
- to refund the money to those persons who have purchnfed
- in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
1 in this Lottery.
1 The lottery has actually commenced drawing, and will
continue until finiffied. A lid of the Blanks and Prizes
/ may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second dreet, who will give information where tick
ets may b« procured.
Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
■i JACOB R. HARDENBERG, > Managers.
' dtf eo
{ Washington Canal Lottery,
■1 n°. 1. .
J "\T rHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
e a Canal through the City of Waffiington, frosi th POS
tomacto theEadern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz .1 Prize of ao,ooo dollars, ao,ooo
I ditto 10,000 10,000
7 lad drawn ■) _
•t Tickets, each J s>° oo 35>°o°
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
20 ditto 100 ' a,ooa
1- 55 ditto jo a,750
18 J7jo ditto 1 a 69,008
To be raised for th« Canal, a6,2j0
5 Bjo Prizes, 1,7j,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.J
17joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
te £5° The Commissioners have taken the Securities re
if, quired by the aforefaid aCt for the punctual payment 01
ft the prizes.
is The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
3, delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
• , Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months *fter th«
drawing is finiffied, shall be confidercd as rclinquiftcJ fop
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
' (Signed j NOTLEY YOUNG,
City of WafhipjtoD, Feb. 11. §
• : —No. 119 —
, chesnht-street.
Eight Dollars per Anns 14.j