■PRICES CU'RREN T. > Philadelphia, Oft. 28. ?T.R —DOLLARS AT 100 CENTS. Dol's. Cts. Da!is- Ci J JXCJJORS, pr. lb. II Nails, %d, IC\7, lief, F.ngl:Jl>ypr eivt 7 75. and 20d y per lb. 13 r'l'9, Rbshy pr lb. II per lb. 12 Ajbcs, pot per tarty 170 0/7, linseed, per gall, 133 — 'Pearly 150 0//w, Arrack y per gallon y ditto, per cafe, 9 Rr/fltf, SJ?ouldzry~pr.ib. to -Sweet* bej} % "in FlUdeSy 1,5 Jlajhsy per boy, IO firifriyy cwmoriy I 60 -ditto bafketSy 12 - - Con'taCy 2 25 bottles, 7 -VViY?, per 'torty 90 ——Spermaceti pr frail I 06 J?+£cir* ffr AT. ~ 'train,pet bbl. 18 lh< J!;ipy per ctvt. 6 ■» IVbale, per gal. 4O piHOy 'pilot 9 s°. Porter, ptjr cash, J so Ditto y small ivater London,per d:x. 2CO ; .fr 9® "' American do. halt. American, ffl /»#/•» infl. - 2 fifty per dvztny % 9ot- Pitchy per bbl. 4 'Vr included, I 60 Pork, Burlington, per Til perlarrely 6 barrel, If) to 29 ' 7 i r. J s,Cedar fcrMfeet 30 Lonuer county, 19 —— Ifeart, 30 Carolina, 16 Englartdy 9,6 80 Peas, Albany, pr bujb. 9 1 per ton 133 33 " ■ AAould tallow iB/® 19 —Croiuley's, pr fav«6t . ■ Jtiipptd I'S Snabe rooty per lb. 35 " Cbeeje, Englijh, per lb. 38 .W/, bro-.vn per lb, II K Country II 13- —IVbite 14 r Obscolatc »5 *Ji —Ca/ffi/- if 1 f, Cinnamon 66. SiarcM 14 ■ CUvet IgO Snuff.pr Jo'z bctt'l 50 CBcoa, ifr ct\l. to Sperwatett refinefpr lb. Cope, per lb. ij /o 30" 5,,;/ c/,/4, A r «. d C.al, per biijbel, 40 per yard, 23 11 Cipperat, per civt. ,3 No. 1, do, 30 "// Cordage, American, per 4 \&. z, Jo. eivt. 16 « 18 lump, per to. 2 ~ V "Motion, per lb. 33 tr> 5° Jingle res. 27 Currant, 16 Ditto double ditto 01 7W, RuJJia,perpiece, 15118 Havannab, xvbitt 40 tf 1 Ravens II jo 1 'Ditto broiun 16 J. Dutch Sail Duel 11 —'Mu.fcovadop.euit II«r? 67 Feathers, per lb. 66 Eajl India, pr. Flax, ditto II £T,'/. j4, fr ' Fltxfeed, per bujbel I ,T/i. Turpentine pr gall. 66 pi Flour, Sup. per b!. 10 S° Salt, allum, pr bujbcll 60 in Common 10 —Liverpool Bur mitidl. bet, 6 a'o —C.adyz (jf-j , Meal, Indian 5 ->-LiJlorl jfi ditto Rye, 6 Ship building it 7 . 0. jf* &bip Qt/ffp ct. 3 frames per ton- 1Z 67 FuJlic p/r ton, 25' Ditto Live Oat, 26 »•; Qin, Holland per £nfe, 7.?0 Do. Red CeJar pr foot .1" 2>o. X 40 Shingles 18 inches,pr Glue, per lb. 18 M 4, rI J Ginyr,wL'tc rate,pmutls Ditto tfeet 9 12 t>ittt, common T6 Ditto 3 feet drejfed 17 22 'h Ditto, ground 24' Staves, pipe pr 1000, 65 I ■ Ginseng, p/r lb. 30 — luhite-oakhogshead 45 33 p Gunpowder, cannon,per ——^Rcd-oat ditto* 28 ? r - . Leogan 2 6 33 m fine glazed, z'6 Barret JO ,13 ' Wbtatpr i 1 88a2 Heading 44 th ~~*—Rye, I' Otter, be!} pr piece tTt 1 * • Otb, 40 —Minis , ,( —Indian Corn', I 10 —fa*, grey' »9 /o J4 * Barley, r 20 —Ditto red I 20 « bejlfbelledpt.lb. —Martinr - c P« • Buclivheat- per —Filers' cl< ' 75 — 3 w j JUms,pr.lb. T3 —Racoons 60 imported, per —Muji-rati, yj ' SCO —Heaver, eer fir t6» "" American, per Id. 10 —Deer, in hair 25 i 3 1 ittrrings, per bbl. 6 Tetr, tli Hides, raiu pr. lb. 8 <09 —Canlina, 31 gall. 2co W ; c t s ' IO Turpentine, per bbl. 320 j n ihvjbeud hoops per M. 30 Tobacco, Ji River befl Indigo, French per lb. 125 lOO.'i. 7 a '' ; Carolina, I Pete,jiurg 646 50 Irons, fad per ton 133 33 PetoiumXc 3 ' pr, Tron, cajlings per cmt\ 4 Georgia- 6, 7 f t] —I'cnnfylv.bar fcaree 4,5 120 m 1-26 67 Tcti livfvn;- per lb. I to 2 ' Rvjfia per ton t 97 —Hyson Jin, 83 'P n 5 * —'Souchong, Ia 1 13!^ 22»t 33 Congo, 50 Ipt Nail rods', li;-, H —Bobea, >/.i„ per cut. S Tall™, refined, per 18. 14 .T1 , i-ir..', io.e' /!"• tf. 14 7f», 16 5 o ;w " ' lead in pigs, per c-tLt. J35 fW.'A7,. />,,«, of '»7 Per ■•'gfeafc, d'j. , j 1 ■white, ~3 33 frniiliiM, Jt , Jy ~ , 'V Vanityper gallon, " lv| Leather, foal per lb. 20 :Vax, Sees, ber lb. , vitee peribn, *4 IVLale-bone. lm>,p r IS. 12 4_J IVine, Madeira', p. 226 | . Mace, per lb. 13 Z'/ion, xv; las, Maeiarel, tef, per bbl H Tenerif-,vrgal. ,5 ! TO; ' second quality g f.iya/, ,5. Madder, befi per lb. 20 r F,rt per pipe 160 Mcl-ble wrought pr foot 60 . Do.in boU. p, do- 6 Mast spars d.tto 60 Claret,perea/i 50 of per gall. 56162 AWv, iter gallon ,1 40 to Muf.ari, per lb 46 ' t(; y*ury m bottle* dor. 1 20 y per doz.cn, I 20 — — obj \ The S übfenbers have for fate mc The following GOODS: li& C. hsrer in h opflieid? Do. of the firft.quality, in bottles >5 J Malaga wine ' its CM red Port do. c jjj Madeira (Xondcn partuufar) fit for immedi- l, u ateufe. j Philip.j, Cramnd iff Co. c)^ 27. „ j LOST, yetlerdav 'afternoon, £<*■ A BUNCH of KEYS, of which will be I w t tiiantlul te any person who may have- found the fame, to I ' J ave thuvrwuii the printer. Od. 27. 2 !as , W A N IED, ~ 1 A WOMAN who is capably of taking eare 06a Child and ivjio will occafionaHy do other ltivicc in a imall fa- ner J.iily; a pood chara&er wid be necessary. Apply a t to Ko. icq. ?r-race-ftreet. pa » 7 . 4 cur b'niverlity of Pennh vania, • tcl Oiloicrs, 1796. to Th t Medical Lcduxcs will cunuucuce t:e firft Monday /*' :i t»w3w cur 1 . For the Gazette of the United States. ' < PHOCION—No. XI. ' ' THE opinions of Mr. Jeffcrfbn, relative to the ' present conjlitution of the United Stalci, ate nextjh) 1 order to be con(id:ied. : r . If he is not aut'ifederal, it will not be denied that he entertained very conlidt'rable objc&ioaa to the ' 33 constitution, -and that his advice 'to call a second 1 convention, if adopted, would have prevented our having ever obtained so good a one. ' Some of his opinions, relative to the constitution/ e are to be found in a feiies of letters, written from 1 Paris, in the yeai3 1783 and "Partial extracts ' from these letters were publiftied in 1 j, by s ffrend t of Mr. Jeffcrfon, as a vindication ot his ferferalifm. r How far they eflablifhed it will now appear. a eo Is>"a letter, dated 20th December, 1787, after o e'xpriflinfr his approbation of some of the leattites < of the new conllitution, \yhich had been generally & approver of, and which he could not well object to, g he fays, " I will now add what Ido not like i firft, ' the orr.iffion oi a bill of tigh'ts, £tc. &e. The fe cond feature i diflixt, and greatly dislike, Ts, tile d >3 in every inftanie, »f the necessity of f' ' rotation in office, and mojipjrtfciildrly in thecafc of ti the Prefider.t. Smalfer ohje£tions srff, appeal '< in fad as well as law, and the binding all periods, ti legislative, executive, and judicial, by oath, to main- ei tain that eanjiiititi-.il. 1 do not preiend to decide "1 , what would be the bed method of procuring the tl o * (tablifhttient of the manifold goo.i things ip tbi's tt 0 Conltitutuin; -and of getting Vid of the bad. Whe- qt 7 ther by adopting it in hopes of future amendment, ci or, after it has hew duly weighed and canvafled by pi the people, after feeing the paits they generally so and thjfi rhey generally approve, ro fay to at 4 them. " we fee now what you wish r feud together k 4 your deputies again ; let them frame a conjlttutiun fa' it, 3 you, omitting what.you have cmdenmed, and ejlallifh hi ? ,n S ft powers you apfre-Oe." Even-thtfe will be a -2 great addition to the energy of your governnirnt. fee 1 At all events, I he lia»Ja of governmerit, prevent iiifur- ha ; ™9i«n«. France, with all its despotism, and two wl or three hundred thousand men in aims, has had fid \ thrce infurreaions in the three years 1 have been tta I he t e > ln "t'7 °"c of v. hich', greater ltumbm were 'm, engaged than in Maflachiifetts, and a great de«l *h: ; more blood fpift. Compare again rht: ferocious de- a r , predations of thrir infurgeKts, with the order, the Pr' > moderation, and the almoit felf extiDguiflimcnt of P es ; uart -" another letter, of 6lh of July, 1788, i hc fcy«. " Lam glad to hear the new conltitution dtp ip received with favour: 1 fincercly wifli, that the fla nine firft conventionun y receNe, and the four hfi " ' rejea it. The former will secure it finally ? while pea the latter will oblige them to offei a decleralion of nat . rights, in order to complete the union." Jn arather of son the 31ft feme month, he fays, "The abandoftiug the the principle of r.toeffary rotation in the senate. has, dilc I fee, been aifapproved by many—in the cafe of the r>< Preftdent, by none. 1 readily, therefore, suppose the my opinion wrong, when opposed by the majority ; Tvh ?V'' 'he former mflance,. and the totality as in oh, oL at, u r r In a ktter of the 18th No'vember, po F 1 7 J■?' u S ' "AS t0 tlle b!U of n 'tf b,s ' of I Aril think it fltould be atlded ; and lam glad to 1 lee, that three dates have at length considered the Vir. perpeuial re-ehgibtlity of the President, as an arti- pie: cle wh.ch ffioufi be amended. I ftould deprecate ptin with you, indeed, the meeting of anew convention.» Jef, How far these extracts may have been altered or 'con/, mutilated, K liable to quedion and doubt, from the awt manner of their appearance. It is observable, t4at wifl thc extract qf t lie letter of the 6th July, lhou h colli was intended as part of the one which is mentioned con, in the debates ot Ihe Virgitna convention, does not ced ( anlvver- to the defenption g,\en «f i, by Mr. Pen- ame diet on, piofelfes to have fe-en it f or . hj ex- '■ n preWy Hates, with regard to that letter,, that M, » o Jeffcr.on, after hav.ng declared hi, wish, icfpcfting « It the issue of the delibcrationsoipon the constitution, '• f, , Proceeds to enumerate the amendments which he " « ef.curt ,c cxttad which was published, "It m P ,f. OI J as the essential amend. •' f, ment to be obtained by the rcjefUn of four .lates, " i by no mcstu, agrte. with the account ,i,e n » of if by Mi. Pendleton. n Such ntverthelefj as they are, .htfe extracts f u J- «r! i * l,a ; Mr ; advised the people of V \ .rgima to adopt tue cotijli'.ution or not to adopt it «' it upon a contingency; and that lie was opposed to it' « J tU "' ojl ""p"'""" falurcs, lo much. f u , .. oi 1 »at «rft, if, dtJCoufilename it s adoption altogether '« tl without previous amendments, u/greatfy d£j the abandonment of the ptinciple of nefejary rcta- " *\ Tp TP, oJ t' "I nof ' in the- cafe » (i Of President , he wifl.ed the principle of rotation << to extend not only the executive, hut ? c Z " tali" T- tl ; C >'° V ' rr ' ment ' 'he senate a- » iralt, as is explained in a iubfequenr letter, 'j'hia <• „ objedtongoes ,0 the very figure of tb , gove/n! « I Z 1 V t r - y ' m l nrtant article, and while it iut '• tifces the afferuon that he was opposed ,0 the " '° n ' " lfu " :e ; ,f 1,8 ™>si important features it »Kr :: * tr f Which are incompatible with the Irincibles r7ft tl government, and disposed to mdtrdv t'l- / "° r ' wb jit"l**: :: | The extiadefrom Mr. Jefferf«„' s le, (er f t Da „i a l *1 as they arc, prove then that he, at firll : nanted the adoption of the conflitntion '' ■ " °^' ni live form. Xny ner, and with the force n- .«• ... s rna »- H to pronounce that he wiP-ed" 1 !' ' lrfiUle l!mei currence to a fetand convention VhZT'VI *"> he takes, while , f" J to remove the alarm n.tutallf inured hi','" 0 "' * furreSion in Maffachufett,, which had recently c -red, a flrong confitmatioo of thj o p io L % S It 19 Rot eafyto ondcifliud wlist other ol hi» • comments on that circumlfince crfuld have, l/at to . obviate the anxiety which it was calculated to iiifpirc in the people for an adoption of the eonffiiution, i the without a previous attempt to amend it, and to re- Jt-j move all apprehension of internal convul/tint from the dangerous expesiine&l of a second c««iveution. hat It is not poflible to avoid remaiking, \>y the way, th& that t'hefe comments of Mr. Jcffeifon oiuhe rebrl >nd !>•') afford a cmious and char aft crif/it faaipie of la ,j aur S ,c ar, d calculation. " One rebellion in thirteln Hates, in the course of eleven ycais, is but one for i on/ eat; h ftiSe in a century and a half," while France it < om seems had had three infurredfions in three years, its In the latter inltance, t\u: fubdivifioiis of the en- t •lid tire nation ait confounded in one mass, in the for- c m. roerj the fuiaivmons are the ground of calculation, j: and inns a inferable sophism. is gra»-ly made a bafij ter political tonfuiation and donduft ; for, according t t«B to 'he "data flared, it was as tiue that the United g Uy Statis had lwrd owe -rebellion iit eleven years, eiidan :o, gering their common fafety and welfare/ as that vi ■ft, France had had three infufie£tio»s in three years. p fe llrus it appears from the Very doc.uteauts pro- tl tie duced in exculpation of Mr. JfefFeiTon, that he in of fadt difcountenaiiGcd, in the firit instance, the adop of tiom of the ctii.Siiution, favoiing the idea of an at :al tempt at previous amendments by a second conven i», tion, which was precisely the line of, policy follow 'a- ed by ill those who were at that time denominated de anl'tjedtral, aitd who have generally hnce retained | t e their original enmity against the constitution. As j' us to>thofc letters of Mr. JefFerfon, which are /utfc e- quent to his knowledge of the ratification of the U it, confiitution by the requisite number of Jfatet, they 4 >y prove nothing', but that he was willing to pldy the , j |y politician. They can at best ®nly be received as j to afl.B ot fulmijjion to the opinion of the majority, •r which he profelTes" to believe infallible, resigning to d r it, with aH pofiible humility, not only his conduct, but his judgment. a. it will be remarked that there appears to have t. keen :s:> want of verfatUity in Lie opinions; they ,• (i kept pace tolerably well with the progress of the )f buliijcfd, and were quite as accommodating as circum- j i. fiances leemed icquirt.* On the 31ft July SB, C ' ■e when the udopiion of the constitution was knttun, s, the various and weighty objections of Maich 1787, h a d rdolved themselves into rbe fmple want of a ,f bill cf rights, and even that defedl alarming as it bad been, might be supplied at a future period, t 0 vvhcji it fh6jld be sou id ncceflai v. November 1 tollowing, 011 the strength of the authority of three " |^ re s (overruling, in that instance, the maxim of , e implicit dcfeieftce for the opinion of the .Jhajoiity) 1 tnat lately folitarv defect acquires a companion, in . a revival of the objection to the re-elegibility of the ; Present. And another convention, which had ap- 1 .• speared 110 very alarming expedient, -while the entire 'r. , constitution was in jeapardy, became an o§|f It appear, fro«r the debates in thfc conventioa of Vug,ma, that Patrick Heftry, at that time the ch -m pioaof rhcantifdera! patty in Virginia, ami the on tl pr.ncpa] opponent ot theco, (litution, quoted Mr. "Ji JeJjcrJons npimsn, as an authority for reteflin-r the 1. • constitution. Mr. Pendleton 7JaZ T aivay Mr. J.flerfon's opinion s he (fated it to be " a win, 1 l,ut tl,zjirjlnmc inventions might accept the T'" because it would fccure the K containsd, and that the four LJ might refJe xa ac- r cede till they Compelled the others to" accept esttain amendment*." Mr. Henry replied, " the gentle- M m *l n . h:,s . c,M * c »*«ureJ to eteplain Mr. Jefferfon's opin on, into an advice to adopt. He wifhen I Jates to adopt, and that "tIZ fomewhete to reject it. Now, ifJZZII ( to prefc, fo,m to sub £ .. / w forgive me leave to afl { , what is the ' fubjlantial pari of his counfcl ?ft is rl, af f ""7 ft "l U ' d rt *' S ' thfy ,cU ,ha ''' from ''he tD' (l accounts, New Hampshire will g ' .. !U T V whn V hen will follr be found to S"" 1 fjiit f rf tvs adopt it ? 19 U R What fays Mr. MaJifon in reply to this-" // " ?fi < h "> "»* -- It ffollov our Pr ° V ' own reason } is u proper to adduce tK, " ner * • o! rcf P men,, not within these wfl'lsMf the , op,", 01) u s a[l i mportant chlraa were ' to mad 4 on tl., s occasion, could we not adduce a """I, .. f'^f er Kteat fid, > are w - U " ho a 7 ch 'V he R opinion) are not to fe gaici « 1 J'' '■ "' S VV , l " ki ' "° W to f ui ™ to thf o pi ,• «"f fU " : " n be y"" ! the "''antic ? I believe t°" ° that were gentleman now „ n this fl uo , he T" " ' rorthc /^ :io " of tin's conftiiui&'n ; °" I «.(h h, f ~,ne had never bee,, memic!U j j " ' every ttuhg fpoksn here relative to his man> S y d bC/ F r^V lF ° Ur dfbalCS 5e S Magi (< . 1 3111 nie measure acquainted with ° U ' " his icntijTtenta on this fuhjett •it i t t ■ 1 r ;; unfold what he has informed Ifi «- 4^». "or denies the ju.Ws of Vhaf of Mr" < l'J-icitude appears te be to defltoy tfee' i,!P ' f ' what he impliedly admits , a !It !"J uen " of prove .. ,i 3 trr ' f r! r - L'*' 11 opinion, and to get ri* cf thc fuSirfl. f 1 41 fible. bjec. as faff as po f. hope He confefles a knowledge of Mr Teff, r r„ > r °/,f Tt ™«« .» » n, rl Uri,„. „t„{ T, 58 (,n *■*.£rz ass tt •thrfc J his ever is seen J,ojsllify the lanciufwi), that if Mt. ? e f.- *t-t« ferlon's advice had ptc vailed* Vugiuia, Norih-Ca. fpirc rolina, New-York and Riiode-lflanri, would have tion, ' hen thi own iherttfelves out tf the union. And whe j re- ther, in event, they would have been at this from day reunited• to iu or wlwther there would be now/ ion. any union at all, i™iappily a speculation which need *ray, only be 'purfu d, to derive from it ther pleafjng re. sbel- Scdiions, that the dang-r was wifely avoided, by unt flo pursuing Mr. Jtfferfon i advice. rteln We may now far'ely pronounce that, while the r for conflitution was depen/iing before lhe people of tins ce it ccrtiiitiy, for their coulideration and decilion, Mr, :ars. Jefferfuii was opposed to it in fame of its mcjl impor en- taut futures, that he wrote his objeiftknis te iome for- of his friends (leading and men.) in Vir- Hon, gin fa, and at Jirft, went so fur us .Wdfjutilenunct i/f >aii.i tho' he cfteriJirds, finding it received irt ing the United States with favor, recommended it on the ited ground at exp diency, hi tenaii. iOi.ti'igeucies. ian- It may be added that '(oirie of his ul ji ">ion#» hat which? went to the very jlruliurf *f tlie 't.n.ipit i. parts of toe government, huvc nut been removed b f ro the p, opofed amendments. in ' " riiociON. op sft. 10'h tHE GAZETTE Of TliZ UNITED STATES. Mr. FerUO, j j AS Mr. Adams and Mr. Jcff'ifJn are he'd as t lie candidates for the fVtjld.uey of the Unite J States, and as the advocates of the u let are taking , thij tnoft adtive meafuies to ensure luccefs, hy cir filiating hand hills, containing libels on Mr. Adams, and by all the other devices which the ingenuity the raa '"-' e °f 'he democratic locieties can invent, the si.ends o£ that citisoeu and of good order, are seriously called upon to cae-t themfelvrs, and have io expert f rom ev on t ' lc properly filling of which t the future happhicrfs and peace of America so cf. g feiittally depend. 1 1 herewith transit* with that view, the opi nions of Mr. Jefferfon on the fubjeQ of American " d manuf of our fellqw citizens, wh<; are here likened to thr seres' of,-rile humau body. Will not the ratfmg ® > man, who entertains sueU apimons, to the Chief M.>gi(lracy of the Union, be a death blow to alJi our infant mannfuSures ? NEW-YORK, October i 5. T he removal of the elegant fiatues and painlingt fioin Italy to Paris, inilead of .honouiiug Franc* and enkindling emulation, will have the contrary ef» fe£ts. Lrd Kaims temark-s, that Newton's im» provemcms in mathematiclss, had a great effed in V rendering ihut science stationary for a time in Great Britain, by destroying competition—for who could hope to exceed him ? The maHeily monuments of arts, removed te Paris, will have the fame effcs. All will lauguitli undei the blaze of Italian giory* 1 he Argu: this morning lets otu a hint of an ia uruetion in Canada, and an expectation of further news. The arrangement then ieemt to be wellun a-ijieodhf our patriots. A line of agency between- g N w- 1 onk and Canada is doubtleU'cftablifhed by roitiv of the iulutrcftion.