Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 28, 1796, Image 1

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    of the States, <£>» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser,
Number x 291.] •' FRIDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 28, -1796. X.
TT rANTS a situation at CLERK,in a mercantile house
V\ in this city, a young man who can be well recom
ms-ded: he is well acquainted with book-keeping, and
writes a good hand. Enquire of the editor of the a
. rtsu»f the United States. .
I Prober 13. 21.
Printed Calicoes.
JOHN jun. k CO.
r.ccivcd Pfr rhe William Pcnn, in addition to
iheir own I
A confinement of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele-I
• nt London patterns ; also a few cases of handfomfi J
Which will be soli at a short credit, on very
r.itor.abie terms, by the package only.
v o<i. j4. * I
Just Landing,
At South Jlrett wharf from on board the /hip SeJg- I
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peter/burg, I .
The following Goods:
Raffia Sail Dwelt, firfV quality. * 1
Do. Sheeting do.
Do. Diaper-
Do. Hucknback. I
Do, Crash. 1 r
Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. of the I
English size. I i
% Do. White Candle Tallow.
Do- White Soap in small boxes.
Do. Cordage of line yarn.
Ravens Duck. |
lfinglafs, Ift and snd fort.
Horse Hair uncurlcd.
Ruflia Bar Iron. >
Do. Hoop Iron. . I
Do. Nail Rods.
10 Tons Oakum and Junk. 1 | r
St. Peterlburg Clean Keinp. I r
For Sale by - "7
Philips, Cramond, & Co. I
. (
tor Charter, L
The Ship Dominick Terry,
D« Hart, mailer : an excellent *
vessel, of about 3000 barrels burtMen. I"J
"Jejfe Ss° Robert Wain. s
September 2T. d j I
or Charter, c
The Danilh Barqlie Bbnetentura I ®
Samuel Stub, master, j j
good veflfel, of about two J
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. 6
Sept- 17. dtf
The capital (hip CERES,
■'3' 0 Oon : —^ or freight °f paffagt J
apply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or I
John Vaughan, I _
September m. Ercnt-flreet.
— r ■ ■ ■&.»' I
' The Brig MARTi
■* wr Lyingat MefTrs. Willings and Francis's J
whnrf,burthen iCOO barrels,built iriPhiladelphia in 1773 I W
of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may j
be sent to sea at a small expencc. For terms apply to j
Gurney £9° Smith.
oft. 6. dtf. A
- . | L \
For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports
mouth, New-Hampshire,
JtThe Schooner LUCT, J 'j o '
V I^^/ ® an ' el Pfowfe, master ; will fail iji Q
1 r ,lle course of a wcelt > and take freight e d
t on moderate terms, for which, or Ui
" pafFagt, apply on board, or to 22
Joseph Anthony, S5 5 Co. 24
OAober 17 . » * H in
! ~ J (j C
Just arrived, and will this day be lan- a <
ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut fir
flreet wharf. nil
25 Tons befl Rujjict Clean HEMP wi
56 Tons old Sable flat IRON, I u '
*00 Dcil Ruflia CORD AGE, aflbrtcd sizes,
400 Pieces brown Ruflja SHEETINGS, I t^l:
100 Bolis RulTn DUCK, I lin
240 Pieces Ravens do. j T;
ao Half-diwn feather beds, and | gr
A few piecesafforted DI/> PER. j t j„
Joseph Anthony and Co.
The abovc mentioned BRIG Ij"
aew c ' a V s » anc ' tak- freight on I tu ,
moderate terms for Boston or Salem, for tI
or pair,ge ' af,ply on bo " d op,
c-ggv For SAL E,
Tl,e Schooner INDUSTRY, bin
j y- t vcn ton?burthfi n, almofta new wil
▼ci.vl and well found. Eor tarns apply to j loft
Joseph Anthony & Co. I'-1
If the Industry is not fold in a few days, & e will take ed *
freight very low for Bollon. ' " is :
_o£oW M . twi
For Freight or Z<
ihc fll ip COMMERC E I tro '
mMrj NATHANIEL CUR I IS, Master. 'h"
&mM veffeU 214 ,o,u w,cn - win! an .f,
% ready to rcceivc a car s o in a lew days, for VVi^
»pp'y onboard at Bright*, wharf, or to rcn<
Joseph Anthony & Co. lead
For Sale on Board the atone Vtj l '
A quantity of excellent COAL. hTvi
ed tiiftrd t°iei' r ' I pcrn?iu? OdS b ° ,rd ' 48 f
Qa ° ber2l - diot witl
FOR SALE, ~ i'j
hundred tons burthen. Apply to O
li the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take
Ircight for Hamburg. Apply as above. a
>Jc!o'j«r ai. djo£
house Just Arrived,
'"nd -B; the Fly, Captain Hubber, from London,
■ Ga- Double racked, Brown Stout Porter,
in hoglheads.
•6d Painters' Colours, in i-x and 1-4 twt. kegs, packed in
I Copperas in hoglheads.
I Whiting, &c. . For Sale by
Peter Blight.
OAober 25. d*tts»w
, n t 0 —
] I Fof Sale,
some Thit day Landing from on board the Jhip Concord,
ver y Captain Thompson, from Amjlerdam,
I Gin, in pipes
I Empty Gin Cases
I Hock in cafos of 4 doz.
I Glass Tumblers in chells
I Sweet Oil in cases
icdg- I Patte Graffe Cheese in boxes, t£?c.
I Also Landing by the Louisa, Capt. Bell, Jfom Li/bon,
60 Quarter-cnflcs Lifton Wine.J
I On Hand,
I A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &c.
/ Peter Blight.
I 17. d2vv eoaw
r the The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
I /""'APTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif-
I V>l bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf—
28 Pipes of Brandy '
18 Bales of Spanilh wool
3 do. of Annifeed ,
I 7000 B'ifhels of belt Liftxjn Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
J received by the (hip Domlilick Terry, Capt. De Hart,
I from Kingston.
„ J Sept. 13. d
I ® ut °f different •vejfels from England, and for sale
by the fubjeribers on reasonable terms,
I Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers
Ribbed and striped do. do. c
llent ®' an ' :ct6 > mottled green and silk rugs. 1
n I Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings,
j Kerseys, Bear-lkins, plains and Halfthicks, \
I Swanftins, Serges aiyl Flannels,
British Ingrain Carpeting,
j HatsafTorted in 1 cases of 12 doz. each.
I Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs.
, RA I Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail,
» I Yarn, Worded, and Cotton hosiery,
Beavers, Tliickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &e.
I Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality.
J. I 6d. Bd. I#d lid. aod. nails, and frying pans,
An alfortmcnt of Ironmongerry, Cutlery and a variety
I of India cotton, and silk goods.
Thomas £2° JoJhua Fijher.
No. s> Dcck-fttrect.
fa I ( Alio by the Glasgow from Dublin,
I t-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens alforted in boxes of 30 pieces,
•OT j do. Brown, Glazed Liflnen.
oa - *7: dtf. -
fOftT WINE, and 1
HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in Pipes.
is's 1 Brokers and Cottimiflion Merchants, No. 6 5, So. td St
y 3 Who discount approved NOTES of hand. ' t0
lay | N- B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. th
September <4. - mw f
■ An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut- a
Ir. V I| HICH h25 feet / ront ' b y l n feet deep, with a
lot adjoining, 20 1-2 feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inches
in P eP " um J? b > ack ° f the house o «tipied by
in George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finij
or u C T ery ref P ea - h is J° fcet deep, has two
large p Hours, the front one 24 feet, the back one is "
" T'f 7k l 'c seCt ' .1 handsome drawing-room,
24 1-2 leet by 24 feet lhs'room< below, the draw-
he cha ™ bers adjoining, have mahogany
doors, and these as well as the- rooms above them have
a ~ si ft° m, !I U f niCa^ 0 n W ' th " Ch ° rher ' Tfce hei « h t in the
nut firft and feeond story is u f eet , an d have ftoco cor
n.ces, and nine rooms up. flairs, besides the garrets, '
which aue divided into three rooms, a good kitchen ~
waft.h<mfe, milk and bathlng-houfes, a hrge ic "_'
house, a pump in the vard, and a 3 feet 1 inch allev
hat leads into Fourth-street, The cellars Jre hid with ,
lime, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered T
The yard .« well paved, and the house is clear of F
j ground- rent. All the rooms have bells in a
the chamber bells ring in the garret a- w P 'l ' 'I 1
entry down Halts. A ll the ,he'tileT
TTu* e r e " ext t0 the d«wmg ,00m,
o" aH "^r7w°in P gtr r lom,.the"
the 0 tldZryf '
- Z £Zt % d B
hav-e large elofefs, and in the cellar is a Jar J L t fe* I
rack, a wine store is taken off of the cellar ?nH I
bms to hold bo.tled ltquor are made in fnin " I
w with padlocks to them ; the whole cellar and th r °T 1
- '
, ed <
>S fold. Two .brick stables in -"5
two coach houses. one of them will hold twn Wl • cnti
- j age 6, the other one. The fmalle'l rt-il I v n " S
three, and the largest fo,^fou"^TZ s? ~
, rent, and has the nf Is clear of ground p
With two inch plank a nd en,ences ' the Ce,lar is lai <> 0n
' Per month. This buHdin® JT r . ent ' d at d «",r S
« 1 dollars 3-4 per annum f ° P'" oUnd reilt ot
give immediate pofleffion of." '' flabl " 1 would '
George Meade, J
j OA. 26 N °' ?8 ' Walnut Street. r
: _J dx. ii
; 'A A* T F n
An APPRENTICE to the fir.-La p. p f v
Enquire at this oili«. ' Ejfnift. w
For Sale,
Carolina Rice in whole and half ticrces,
Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad,
> Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, »
Bo ft on Beef, and
m Mo#ld and dipt candles.—-Apply to J
lfaac Harvey, juri.
No. 5, South Watcr-ftreet.
roth mo. 17. djw.
SaJes of India Goods.
The fcargo «<i' the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cai- F
ordy t cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general alTortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked andplain Mufti lis,
Doreatf, t3*c. Also,
fy on A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
la boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings & Francis,
No. 21 Petan Street. j
w June % §
"[(•' Irifli Linens, &c.
. . IV
Imparted pet the Jhips Glafgaiu, from Dublin, Liber-
tj, from Cork, and brig Mentor, from Betfaj?, j
4.4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In whole and half boxes, ft
Assorted from ud. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide T
3. Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose. R
On Hand, V
RS, 7-j Wide Lawns. t Q
[art, Dupers aiid Table-Cloths
A few boxes Ticlcens and Checks
A few hates Flannels .
Cork and Belfaft Sail Cioth, Nos. t and 6
IS f 6 by 8,
fate 10 Ditto > Window Glass, -i 7by 9,
5 V itto J < 8 by 10.
The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
drawback, and will be disposed of by the package on
reasonable terms.
James, Clibborn & English,
1 No. 6, N. Front-street.
loth fno. 19th. dtf
eft. Just Imported,
Tin Plates in boxes
Sheet and bar Lead
Shot—all sizes, paten' and common
Copper bottoms and sheets
Englifli {hoes and boots in cases
ety Taunton Ale in calks of io doz. each
Basket Salt
Wool Ca*ds
Gold Watches. 4
FOf Sak by
:e £ , Simon Walker,
Oct. 7» niwfim Dock-street
For Sale*
An Invoice of Cofdage, pia
St Confiding of different ftzesf from 12 inch cables down sa!5 a !
to rope of 7, inches, of different lengths: Imported in
the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 17. dtf Sw
— . M — — Pri
Landed this Day, Ho
't- At Morion'J Wharf from the brig Fame, Captain
Knox, P ac
, a A quantity of Rarbadoes Rum & Sugar.
Ifs For Sale by
!?? Kearny Wharton,
Oflober 24. (16
•: — —-—- ;
For Sale, '<
ny By *Jebu Hall ngfworth, Co. ;
vc hhds. Wed-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, '
lie 5 Barrcls he(l indigo, and, 1
A few thbufand bulhcls of Turk's lfland fait. I
£ oft *1- -a. iqua
n, ~ j
«- Wants a Place, &
Y> Either as Clerk Or Book-Keeper in a Store, a Person 4
1 whe can produce good references as to character, & c .
; Apply at th Office of this Gazette; "
Oiflober 14. 0
id — u — '
* I JOHN MILLER, J un . & Co. c
as No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, £ "~
e- Have Imported in the late vcfTcls from Europe, &c.
Ie amd have lor sale, Fro>
:o A general aJTortraent of GOODS, suitable to the season
1 . Amongst which are,
d TJROAD and narrow CLOTHS,
?t 13 Plain and twill'd COATINGS,
Ie R<>fe Uriped and point BLANKETS,
~ HATS assorted in cases, 0
. INDIA GOODS, ganerall*,
e Co " l P r 'fing a capital affortmentto open aftore—inclu
h dmg Thirty Cast s of NAILS. This invoice Will b-fold
. entire 011 very advantageous terms. 1 A
* September sc. d I rcpa
t — ■ — also
y A CLOSE COACH, which has rim about 7 months, — n( 5
i -I X an ; a pair of brown, able-bodied HoKsrs, for sale or
on rcafonable terms. Apply at No. 63, south Third- Ville
j O
P S The coach is more particularly calculatcd for the
winter season, having large glais lights and Venetian blinds.
1 r 84 "- d»w
1 On Monday, the 3 ijl injl. mailt be Sold Co *
at Public Sale, at the Store sf Mejfrs. of h:
1 George Hunter Sff Co. No. 1 ci, Pearl ted , l
Jireet, New-Tori, 53 ° 0 ?Z
275 Pieces of the Best
Englifli Weft Country Sail Cloth, toT
By w"nV V P sf° nS T Cil . ,ed £aft Coken ' and ' h y °thers any"
, '-"ken-—lt is ol known excellency; wtars FOR
white, and does not mildew. 0n ., (1
d„ 9 t k us
' * " ' " '■<
Wm. Holpe-rnesse, No. 76,
Has received by the late arrivals,
A IVtil Selected Assortment of
Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, ansj
t Haberdashery Goods,
kV> Which he will fell, wholesale a«d retail, oh the very
low eft terms ;
Slmontrjl lubich afe
Some elegant 4 4 jmd 7-8 Chintzes and Cottoni, new
Cai- P'ttcrns
Ditto furniture ditto
Ditto Dimity
,dras Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Mucins
Ditto in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
>, Mantuas of the firft quality '
» Silk and Cotton Hosiery
Umbrellas of the firft quality, afTorted
lrifli Linens, very fine, and Table Lirtens
Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes
Refe Blankets assorted-—Sec. &.C.
o<slobtr 26. d
t, "
* Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and the
u Wej}-Indies,
Holland Gin, in pipes
Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaflas, IS hog/heads
Choice old I.!fbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-cafka
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks
MaJmfey Madeira Wine, in pipes and fluarter-cafks
nde Teiieriffe Wine, in pipes
Russia & Flemish Plieetinjr and Ravens Dusk, in cafe*
Window Glass, & by la, in boxes
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in caflcs
Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes
Also, on band,
A few chtfts of ftohei Tea ; JefJitu Bark ; AfT3fre
tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of ColTaes,
Baftas, Gurrihs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker
chiefs, and a complete aflbrtment of 5-4 and 6-+
t j, e Bjulting Cloths.
ou For Sale by
, Pragers £9° Co.
Oflober 20 d2wm&tham
Country Rum,
— And a few pipes* of Vinegar,
For Sale by
Ezekiel Hall y
At the stores of Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. 4, South
Water-street. October 10. d
■ ,
John Miller, jun.. & Co,
Exchifivc of their own Importation now opening,
Have received by the William Penn, Caroline acd Diafi*
Which comprizo a capital ailoi titrent to open 1
Dry Goads Store.
'g —Amongst them are—
Common, super and fuoeaine Cloths^
Plain, twili'd and (liip'd Coining*,
„ n Baizes and Flannels,
; n Point, rose and duffil Blankets,
Plain and puntea Caftimeres,
_ Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
in They* will he fokf either in whole, or in part, fey the
package, on terms which-render them an objed worthy of
attention to purchasers. dtf Oil. 21.
i•' * #
Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Maekarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbls.
47 bbls. prime Coffee,
Best B oft on Beef,
Codfifh in hds.
Spermaceti Candles*
Spermaceti, and 7 . T
Northern J OIL,.
Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a home#
, quality.
A few boxes excellent brown soap,
6 Bales of Corks.
n 40 Pipes excellent Lilbon Wine. a
A few sacks of Feathers.
A few bales India Mtidins.
(j x
.. Landing this day,
From on hoard the Brig Caroline, at Chefnui-Jlrect
_ wharf,
London proof Holland Gin.
For Sale by
yo/eph Anthony & Co.
October it. g
/ To be Rentedj
I A Small and Convenient BR E IV ER T, at
i 1 Morris Ville," opposite Trent en.
1 ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and irt good',
repair: A number of Barrels and Half Barrels will
also be rented. Pofleffion may be had at any time.
Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia,
. or Mr. Robert Morris, jun. or Daniel Mun at Morris
. Ville.
j Odlober 20, 1796. mth&saw
!-" — '
Loft Last Evenings
At Rieketts's Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by
losne rillain out of a gentleman's pocket)
f A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK,
Containing about lßj dollars in banknotes; three note#
of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 304, 3°J and 306, da
ted 12th last August, payable 60 days after date, to the
r™ P : ul S ' emcn > together for 51,50 dollars; an ordor
of Mrs. Ann IV acpherion, from Paul Siemeri, on Lach
lin Mac Neal, Esq. at Port-au-Prince, f r 100 dollars ; be
letters and papers of no use bat to the proprie
tor. The: of hand and order are without endow
ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to
FOrIy DOLI ARS fecl,r!> the thief, and
OR 1\ DOLLARS for only bringing the above meuti-
M 1 ° A a " paperS at N °- COTD " F>ont an 4
Mulberry streets. 4 Oft n