Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 25, 1796, Image 1

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    ."ajcttt rn tanttettStates,if Philadelphia Daily Advertiser,
■niESDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 2J, 1796. [Volume X.
Numbs* .288.3 _ — 7— ~ 7T, —— r . H n ,w ia
Landing this day,
From on beard thi Brig Caroline, at Chefnut-Jlrcet
London proof Holland Gin. w
for Sale by fel
Joseph Anthony h Co. _
OSober it. . **
Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbU. (ai
47 bbls. prims Coffee, th<
Bnfton Beef, A;
Codlrfb in bds. _
Spermaceti Candles,
Spermaceti, and J Q[ L.
Northern J
Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a luperior
quality. ft r
A few boxes excellent brown soap, and
A few bales India Muslins.
October 11. dx ft
Tuft arrived, and will this day be lan-
J ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut
street wharf. to
Tons bejl RtiJJia Clean HEMP, th<
.6 Tonsfcld S»ble flit IRON, _
toe Coil. bell Ruff.. CORDAGE, affbrted file.,
40® Pieces brown Ruflia SHEETINGS,
too Bolts Ruflia DUCK,
340 Pieces Ravens do.
»o Half-down feather beds, and
A few piecesafforted DIAPER. Ii
Joseph Anthony and Co.
The above meotioned BRIG g
will fail in'a few davs. and tak~ freight on
moderate terms for Boston or Salem, for
or passage, apply on board or as above —
October 24. 101<i
The Schooner INDUSTRY, I
fizty-feven tons burthen, almeft 3 new M
vessel and well found. Eor tcims apply to he
Joseph Anthony Es* Co.
If th« Industry is not fold in a few days, she will take
freight very low for Boston.
Aug. 24. d7t
For Freight or Charter,
jrari The fti P COMMERCE,
Almofta new vcflel, 244 tons burthen, and will
be ready to receivea cargo in a few days. For
terms apply on board at Bright's wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
For Sale "on boavtl the above Vcjfel, _
A quantity of excellent, COAL.
6ST Peifons having goods en board, arc eameftly re<jucft- j
tj* u> r#«d their permits. *
O&ol)er21. ri!» f
"Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to
Jf the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
October 21. diot
For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports
mouth, New-Hampshire, \
The Schooner LUCY,
, Daniel Prowfe, master; will fail in
■ 'jijV the course of a week, and take freight
P on moderate terms, for which, or
A- passage, apply on board, or to
Joseph Anthony, fs 5 Co.
15. dx ,
For Norfolk, ft
(Te fail in three or four days)
The brig Zephyr,
Captain Hinchman; lying at Landenberger's wharf— „
She has excellent accommodations for paSengers—For *
which or freight, apply to the captain oh board, or to
Samuel Breck, jun.
No. 89, South I hird-ftreet:
Where may be bad
A quantity of N. E. Rum, Sherry Wine
in quarter-casks,
Sail Cloth, Nns. 1 and », and a few hundred pieces -t
of Bandanna Handkerchiefs.
Oilober 2®. 6
The "Brig MART,
Lying at MefTrs. Willings and Francis's
wharf,burthen 2003 barrels, built in Philadelphia ill 1793
of live oak and ted ccdar—She is well fOHnd, and may
be sent to sea at a small expencc. For terms apply to 1
Gurney & Smith.
o». 6. dtf.
The capital ship CERES, £
Oon : —^ or f re '?ht or paflage j
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or t
John Vaughan,
September 10. Front-ftrcet.
jM&Tp. Charter, 1
Barque Bzneventura
! lwy%rPst' Samuel mafler, ]
good veflcl, of about two hundred
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. 1
Scpf. 17. dtf !
i' or Chatter,
The Ship Domiriict Terry,
1)6 Hart » maft ' r '• an excellent I
V>fcTafisSgveffcl, of about 3000 baxrels burthen,
JeJfe Sis Robert Wain. ,
September si. d
Benjamin and Jacob Johnson,
No. 147, Market-flreet,
Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and
Avery general of DRY GOODS,
Well suited to the approaching season, which they wilj
fell on the I«weft terms by the piece or package. 4
October 14. taw<w
To be Let,
Two Rooms, furnijhed. or unfurnifhcd, j
In a three-ftjry Brick Houfc, at a very small dif
taucc from ihe Mcrchanta , The use of 4
the Kitchen may be had, and that of a Cellar*
Apply at this Office.
Oiftober 14. 4 £
Madeira Wine.
A few pipes of Madeira landing from on
board the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Cheftiut
ftreet wharf, and for sale by the fubferiber.
Robert Andrews,
OA. 14. mwf No. 86, So. Wharves
For Sale, - <
By J. WARDER, PARKER bf Co. ■'
An Invoice of Coifdage,
CJpnfifling of differerit Czes, from 1 a inch cables down
to rope of 2 inchcs, of different lengths: Imported in
the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 17. '
Printed Calicoes.
Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to
their own aflbrment,
A oonfignment ef twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
jriftt'fcwtiiw? -partem* 5 alio a few cases of handsome
Buttons—Which will be fell at r. ',tm credit; on "very
1 reasonable terms, bv the package-only.
: oa. t 4 . dtf
No. 7.6 High Street,
HAS received, by the latelt arrivals from Europe and
the Eafl Indies, a well feleiSed aCortment of Silk
r Mercsry, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which
he Will fell, Wholesale and Retail, an the lowest terms ;
amoVjgst which are,
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and fHver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black colored Persians
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and short Nankeens
' English Mantuas of the firfl quality
Damask tabic linen and napkiits, very fine
' Silk Hosiery, an elegant afTortment
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green Clk, oil'd do. and do clsth
French cambrics, very fine
Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 §
-———— . , ,m
.Just Imported,
Tin Pistes in boxes
Slieet aad bar Lead
Shat —"li sizes; patent and common
Copper bottoms and flteets
English shoes and boots in cases
Taunton Ale in caiks of ,10 d»z. each
ißafket Salt
Wool Caids
> Cold Witches.
For Sak by
; Simon Walker,
Oil. >. mwfim DpcWlreet.
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and JLif"
bon, landing at thefubferibers wharf—^
28 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales of Spanirfi wool
3 do. of Annifeed . /
1 ?000 Bufliels of best Lisbon Salt
r 80 Boxes of Lemons
For sale by WILLINGB jk FRANCIS.
Seventy Hogfheadsof prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the (hip Deminick T«rry, Capt. Be Hart,
from Kingston.
Sc Pt- t3- d
For Sale,
ir This day Landing from on board the Jlip Concord,
Captain Thompfor., from Amjttrdan,
Gin, in pipes
Empty Gin Cases
Hock in cases of 4 dos.
GJafs Tumblers irj chest*
2 Sweet Oil in cafei
Patte Graffe Cheese in boxes, fcfe.
s Also Landing by the Louisa, Capt. Bell, from Lijbon,
60 Quarter-calks Lisbon Wine.]
On Hand,
A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &c.
Peter Blight.
Oflober 17. d 2w eolw
, 5 This Day is Puhlilhed,
y By William Cobbett, opposite Chrift-Churrh,
An Anfvver to Pained Rights of Man,
By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh.
To which is added,
A Letter to Citizen Swanwick,
Ey Peter Porcupine.
The whole is dedicated to Bo&or Joseph Priestley,
Fello v of the Royal Society of London, Citizen of
: e America, and Deputy Elect to the National Conven
>r tion of France.
WILLIAM M'DOUG ALL will open his school on Mon
day the 31ft inft. at ten 6'clock in the morning, at his
Elegant P\etu Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets
- d of tu , kio " young ladies, frpm 10 t B , o'clock
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
- rsrr 6to 9 ° ,cleck ° n the evcnings °
In addition to a number of new cotillions, he means to
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Node. The firft praitifmg ball to be on Tuefdav e
at th f firft of November, and to be continued every
tuesday, durmg the season. '
For terms, &e, enquire at his house, No. 134, Market
I 041, ir.
For Sale,
By Jeha £oWngpworth, Iff Co. 0>
is lAds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof,
5 Barrels be ft Indigo, and, I y R .
, A few thousand bufhclf of Turk* a Island fait.
' 0£l " *>• Su
' 1 ■ ■ ' ' ' "
Irish Linens, &c. sv
t ' B.
Imported per the Jhips Glafgonv, from Dublin, Liber- H
ty> fr-jm Cork, and brig Mentor, from Be If aft, CI
f 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, y
h» v/li®le and half boxes, g,
AiTorted from nd. to 4s. Kerling-r-AK# 5-4 wide jj
Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose.
On Hand,
7-3 Wide Lawns. of
Diapers and Table-Cloths
j A few boiwsTickens and Checks
„ A few bales Flannels
Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6
55 Boxes f 6by 8,
10 Ditto S Window Class, < 7 by 9,
s 5 Ditto J C. 8 by is.
The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
drawback, and will be disposed of by the package on
reasonable terms.
James, Clibborn & English,
No. 6, N- Jjjdnt-ftreet.
n loth mo. 19th. dtf
a r > — ' h
Just Landing,
- At South firtet-tuoarf from /in board the (hip Sedg
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peter/burg,
The following Goods : c
Ruflw Sail Dwelt, firft quality.
0 Do. Sheeting do.
Do. Diaper.
Do. Huckaback.
e Do. Crash. ®'
I>«. Mou!tl Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. of jlic **
Enghlh size.
Do. White Candle Tallow.
Dq- White Socp in fmsJlhaxet.
Do. Corda*e of fir.e yam. P
Ravens Dock. , *'
lfinglafs, ill and end fort. -
d Horse Hair uncurlcd.
k Ruflia Bar Iron.
h Do. Hoop Iron.'
Do, Nail Rods.
10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
'r St. Petersburg Claan Hemp. ri
Fof Sale by a
Philips, Cramond, & Co. E
16 OAober ia. °
LAST Wednesday Evening, O&ober 19, between the
ioo'clock, the bed room of Mr Ricketts ia
O'Eller's hotel was entered* either bv means of falfe keys,
or at the window, by some villain or villains, who mufl have
been acquainted tvi h the Giuation of the house (as the door n
was found locked after they had committed the thef:) who i
took away irrrv amongst several trunks, ONE which con
tained a valuable part of Mr. Rickett's property, b"*t of which
he is not yet able Jo as the contents particularly. Af
ter bringing tlie said trunk away, and emptying it of up
wards of a thorifand dollars in cash and bank notes, the vil
lains left it behind the circus, during the tim# that the pcr
{•jimafites of tlie evening were forward*
It is earneflly njquefted, that nil tavern-keepers on the flage
roads, and the ferry houses, as well as all civif officers, may '
be watchful in fcainng iufpicious perfoos, who nlay have a C
redundance of ca(h, which their appearance would by no
means bffpeak them ta be pciTclTed of.
One Hundred Dollars Reward <
Will be given for securing tbc thief-or thieves, and a fur
ther reward for fccuring them with the property.
Ott. a> d.
-f f
1 For Sale, i
Carolina Riee in whole and half tierces,
Cotton of Cayenne arid-Trinidad, I
Soal Leather, entitled, to drawback,
Boston Be«f, and 1
Mould and dipt candles.—Applj to
Jfaac Harvey, jun.
No. 5, South Watcr-ftrett.
roth mo. 17. d3W. £
5 i 1 '■ ■ •• "" 1 " 1 ■ 1 '■ •* 1
£ ' Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo ef the fliip Ganges, capt, Tingty, from Ctl
— cutta and Bengal,
consisting or
A Large and general aflortment of Bengal and Madras
A -variety fine worked and plain MuJ!im y ,
Doreas, ft. Also,
\ A Quantity of Excellent Sugar y
In botes and bags-—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
«» Willings ?sf Francis, (
No. 21 Peon Street. 1
June 8 § ,
New Hat and Hosiery Stoke,
Wholfsali, and Retail, ;
No. 134, Market Street, 3d door from the corner
' of Fourth, South Side. 1
Mens' Black American and Etiglih Hats, ef various <jual- ■
ities and pricej;
Ditto Drabs and Grecn-undera.
Ladies' ditto black
And a large aflortment of faiicy ditto
Coloured Beavers
With a great variety of el«gant and falh ionable trim
mings' &c.
Yoijfch's black and drab coloured ditto.
Children's fancy ditto
All kinds of fiik, filkand cotton, cotton and thread hose
Knit coloured Pantaloons
Ditto Drawers
Ditto Breeches Patterns
Silk Gloves
l. Knotted, coloured ditto, cCtton.
;k A quantity Of mending cotton. sorted tolours.
or N. B. The hats finilhed in the newest falhon.
0 °ft- >7 ' codim.
to iWafhington Lottery.
c- The 30th. atid 31ft days'drawing of the Walbington
ry Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 134, Mar
ket-street, where tickets may be examined.
:et N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries may be procured.
O&oht: io, 1796. 4
Out of different vejfcls from England, end for sdk
by the ftibjcribers on rtafonable terms,
Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers
Ribbed and ftripcd do. do.
Blankets , mottled green and silk rugs.
Superfine blue, Claret, and cimmon coatings,
Kerseys, Bcar-fltins, plains and HalMvick*,
Swanskins, Serges and Flannels, *-
Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
Hats assorted in ca&s of n doz. each.
Chocolate chinties, printed CSllicqes and Ha*dkercWfs.
Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Saail,
Yarn, Worftcd, and Cotton hoficTy,
Beavers, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. See.
Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality.
6d. Bd. lod 3 4(5. add. nails, and frying pans,
An afTortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery and a variety
of India cotton, and fiik gouds.
Thomas Iff \JoJhua Fisher.
No. Si Dock-fttteet.
,Also by the Glasgow from Dublin,
1-8 and 4-4 Irilh Linens aflorted in boxes of 39 pieces
do.' Brown, Gla-zed Liimrn.
<s<st. 17. dtf.
11 '1
John Miller, jun. & Co.
Exclusive of their own Importation now dpesir.g.
Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Diana
Which comprize a capital aiTortment to opea 1
Dry Good* Store.
—Amongst them are—
Common, fnper and fuperfine Clothe,
Plain, twillM and Itrip'd Coatings, (
Baizes and Flannels,
Poitit, rofc and duffil ElankeU,
Plain and puntea Cafimeres,
, Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
They will be fold cither in whole, «r in part, by
package, on terms which render them an •bjeil worthy of
attention to purbhafers. dtf OA. 11.
- , A
To be Rented,
A Small and Convenient BREWERY, at
Morris Ville, ofpoftle Trent in.
ALL the Apparatus for Brewing ne,\* and in good
repair: A number of Barrets and Half Barrels will '
alio be rented. Poffei&on mty, be. had at any time.
Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia,
or Mr. Robert Morris, jan. or. Din id Mun at Morris-
O&ober io, 1796. mth&s2w
By Benjamin Davies,
e No. 68, Higb-Jireet,
n The American Repolitory of ufefttl
* information, for 1797.
L Calendar for the year
A complete Regiitcr of the Executive, Legiflatiy*,
and Judiciary Officers of the General Government. '
e A Lift of thd Military Fortes of the United States*,
y Poft-Office Eftablilhment—times of re jiving tni
a clpfing the Mails at Philadelphia.
o The poftrostds and towns, apd their distances
Times of holding tfei Supreme, Circuit and DiftriA
A table of Impost duties,, alphabetically arranged.
A lift of the cuftom-houfs officers ind their fees.
Rules for reducing the currencies of the fevefal
- states into one another, and all "of them into the mo
ney ef the United States.
Ufeful tables of the value of pound*, ihillings and
pence, in dollars and cents.
A register of the officers of the civil government of
A gardinar's calefrdsr for Pennsylvania.
And a great variety of other articles' of ufeful informa
tion. Embeilifhed with twelve elegant vignettes, an en
graved title-pagf and frontispiece,—making together, a
handsome, M well as very ufefu>, little pocket companion.
Ofiober so. aawtf
Country Sum,
And a few pipes* of Vinegar,
a# For Sale by
sEzekiel Hall,
. At the ft ores of Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. South
* Water-street. OSober 20. d
Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and the
Holland Gin, in pipes
Gh»ice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaflis, in hoglheads
Choice old Lilbon Wme, in pipss and quarter-calks
London Particular ic London Market Madeira Wine*
in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-casks
Malmsey Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks
Teneriffe Wine, in piprt •
Rufiia & Flemilh Sheeting ahd Ravens Dusk, in caf<#
?f Window Glass, Bby 10, in boxes
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in caflcs
J. Mill Siws and Crols-cut Saws, in boxes
Also, on band,
A few chtfts of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Afl*f«-
tida and Tapioca ; and a fe-jr bales ps Coffaes,
Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker
chiefs. and a complete aiTortment ef 5-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers & Co.
Prober 10 d2wml{thim
On Monday., the 3 ijl injl* will be Sold
at Public Sale, at the Store of Mejfrs.
George Hunter Sis Co. No. 153, Pearl
Jlreet, New-York,
275 Pieces of the Befl
on English-West Country Sail Cloth,
By fomc persons called East Coken, others
let Weft Coken.—lt is of known excellency; wears
white, and does not mildew.
October ti dtl9th.