Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 22, 1796, Image 4

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~hy J. ORMP.OD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
¥ (Price 12 »-2 Cents) j
To the People of ths United States, • A g el
Announcing his intention of retiring from public life
at.the expirati&n of the prefcrtt conftitutlon&r term of R •
jgr Tr Juicy. .
SetfanLer 20. d
~ _ 7 FL
Watson's Answer to Gibson.
?Vnd for iale by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, £
Apology for Christianity, JjJ
hi a ferlct of Letters, addrejfed to Se
Edward Giebon, Es(j_.
.r the Hiftpry 01 the Decliue and fall of the
Roman Er,!; ;re: %
lii" R. WATSON, D. d. F.ti.s. Bilhop of LandafT.
> fl'rice 7.5 cent* bound) -T
Watson's Anfvver to Paine, • e P#
To be had at the fame place. #
C.jc enemies of .-Religion are awake ! Let not her (
"friends fietp.
. jy-nt.,l, . . mw&ftf 2 ' (
Philip Nicklin & Co. £
Sduchofif; -
Hyson Skin )
Young Hyson FRESH TEAS »1*
Hyson and \ 4Ci
..Imperial " —
Yellow Nankeens 63,$
China Ware, afTorted in Boxe* and Chests
Qujekfifver in £
Baadann'o Handkerchiefs of excellent quility in "*°
ehefti forc
London Market , } MADEIRA WINE |° f
* London particular >in pipes-, hoaffaeads, &•" '
New-York Market J quarter calks
Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogf*eads con
Sugar Candy by the Box ma ,
Sail Canvas No. x a 8 ( - on j
Lead 111 iheets
.3 Calks of Ciitlery afTorted J
"A few thefts of Manchester Goods, alTbrted.fhick
fets, cords, striped Nankeens,_&c.
3 SmMl packages of black sewing-silks
ii Tierces Virginia Snake-roat.
Nails afTorted hi' calks
t "July tS mw&f
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the beji quality and on reafon'able terms, ■
Philip Nicklirl y Co. c "?.
August 16. d'tf .
'For Hale, ">«
AThree-ftory BRICK HOUSE anif L«t, m Chefnut me i
ftrcet, between Front and Secdrid ttrsets, in which' an
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
now do) carried on befinels. 0
PolTeffion will be givefl in one month, or fdofter.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April ai ■ J__ a Pr
A Manufactory FOR SALE. pr<
A Vaiuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, 1
;n a convenient part of the city ; the; works almost new, ; j acc
on an entirely original conftru&ion, and built of the Left. k°*
waterss, and may be set to work immediately, Persons tog
v/Hc wilh to purchafej are requested to apply at No. 273, at 1
South Second Street.
13. t t f tf the
Brokers Office, and |"]
N®. 6 1 South Third {lreet,oppofitethenatioiitl new Bank. , ■
have entered into co-partnerlhip, tinder the firm of
& VAN REED, ill the bup.nefs of Brokers, ing
Conyeyanttrsaiid Commilfion nierchants. They btiy and _
fell on commifEon everyipecies of Hock, notes of hand,
bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c.
Money procured on deposits, &c. See. all kir.ds c' "N,
the conveyancing lidc, done with neatfiifsand J
difpatcjj; accaonts. adjuiled, and books fettled, in the jof
jnoft correit manner. Constant atfendance wU be given. ;p"
They solicit a lhare of the p'lMic favor ; they are deter- I
mined to endeavour to deserve it. 4 8
N. B. The utmo/l ai^
JOHN VA'N , pu
Philatl. AUgr;ifl: 27 ? 17q6. jm&wtf P^
Treasury I3epartment,
September 28, 1796.
"\TOTICE it hereby given, that propofats will be it
_i > eeived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury "
BBtil the e*piration of th- firft day of March next en- "
fu'.ng, for tkefupply of all rations which may he required "
for the use of <he United BtatSs, frotf. the firll day of "
June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both "
aays inclusive. at the places and.within the di(lfi£ls h_re- "
Kjter imentioned, viz". At Ofwego; at Niagara; at "
Patftjue lfle; at -Sand'aiky Lake, and on Sandufky "
Rival- -, at Detroit; at Michilimacirinae; at Fort-Frank- "
-lin--, at Piftihurgh ; at Cincinpati; at Fort-Harailton-; "
at Fort St. Clair; at Forr-Jv'f-Vrfon; at Grenville; at "
Pietjue Town and I.oramics Store; at Fort Adams; at
-Fprt Wayne ;at fort D.efiarice ;at any place bslow Fort - r '
on t-ie Mianli River to*Lalfe Eric; at tort ni
Stauben ; at Fort Maffas ; at j|pp place from Fort MaiTac Jc
to the south boundary of the Unitad States on the river P 1
1 Mjffivippr; at Fort Knox ;at Gniaunoft. C 1
x If supplies ihall be required ior any pofls or places not ' s
nietitioned in this notice, all such supplies shall be fur- g
uilhcd at prices proportioned to thofe'to be paid at the
polts before 'recited, or as may be hereafter /greed cn 1
between the United States and tjie. Coptra&or.
The rations td b<r fupplicd are to confiiJ ps the f®l
lowtng articles, viz. /<
One pound two ounce* of bread of flour. 0
One pottnd two ounces of -s:ef, or fourteen otiitces of f
pork or bacon. '' I
Half a gtiljii rum, brandy rr whilkej'. \
Ore quart *nd half a pint of salt."> 1
Two quarts of Vwejpit, C per httndre4 rations a
T wo pounds oft S<jin, ( 1 r
pn. poutul of Cfitidk'S, J> 1
'Ihe radons are to be.turruiiid in inch quantities, Ss'that t
there ibali at all tir.ics duriiif; the said term, be fufficient I
.lor the eonfuTfiptionofthetroopT at Michilimackinac, De
troit, 1* i'.'.gara, and Ofwego, far the term of fix niohths in
advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of
s"t least three months lii advance, in good a»d wholesome
1 j)iovifions,if the fame feall be renuired. It is tQ.beun
<jerfto4d, that the ContrSSor is to !>e at the exyence and
ri& of i{fuingtJ*e fupplijs to the troops attach post, and
that all loffesTyftained by tHe depredations of an enemy, or
bv n leans oi" the troops of the United States, {half be paid
far atihe price of tht arricks captured or destroyed, on
the depofitior.s os-two ormbrc persons of creditable clia-
Yaiters, and die ccrtiScatc of a com:ni3ioncd officer, af
certaiuing the circttnifianccs of the loss, and the amount
th- ait;cle6 for which comj rnf&iim Aa 11 be claimed}
Seerstary of the Treaft ry.
;' ' *
1 JOHN MILLER, fun. & Co.
Have Imported in thc.late vefiV'.s from Euroj#, •
A geiseral affortraent of GOODS, fuitablc to tlie fcafon— Coi
which are, ol
BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, .
Plain and twill'd COATINGS,
Rofc striped aed point BLANKETS, °*
liA'l'S affortud in cases, '
INDIA GOODS, generally, mc
A Confijjned InA»ice of IRONMONGERY, an
' CohiprifiHg a capital aflortment to open a {lore —iuclu- *
ding Thirty Catfk> of NAILS. This'invoice wilf be fold on
entire i;n very advantageous terms. _
September 20. . _ d \
Lottery \
f. POR railing fix thoufind fix hundred and fixtf-feven
i? dollar 1 ; aadfiUy cents, by a dcdudlion of fifteen per j'.
; cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a priz.a. viz
I Prize of S.OOO dollars:. doiUf 5000 J. 1
x 1000 1000
r 1 S° o SO o(y
5 SCO 10CQ it ' ;
_ | io io„ icOo w
99 JO 4950 b;
200 1.5 5.900 nc
zooo 10
, 5 Last drawn number, of 1000 dollar: e»ch, 5900
" he
Prizes.. 44i45<> co
4018 Blanks. Ll f
63J0 Tickets at Seven DollarseaA, 44.45 a ; u
By,ord<r of the of the Society for cftabliih- j;
tng IXeftr! Manui'aS4res, the fuperintendants of the Pat- f a
j n erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the j..
forogoing Sriietne to the public,- ahd have diredled tl,em j 0
to refund the money to those persons who have pur?hafed w
— in the former Lottery, or exchange tie Jicketi for titJtseSs t0
in ai
The lottery has aStially commenced dfawing, and will
continue until firiilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes t0
may he seen at the office o( William Blackburn, No. 64 p (
sooth Second ftrcet, wio will give information where tick- t(
its may bs procured. er
oated this 17th day of June, 1798. „
k - J. N- CUMMIXG, q,
JACOB R. HARDENB&RQ, >-Managers, fu
dtf eo tr
1 — —— ' ~ la
Samuel R'chardet, |j
Respectfully informs the Gentlemen 0 :
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia. • ' ' ei
- The Subscription Room will be furni(he4,>vith ail the th
_ dally papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- w
ton, Baltimore, together with these of the principal corn- vt
u mercial citiiss of Europe—They will be regolarly tiled
"e and none perriiitted to be taken aWay on any account. w
C a Tei, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety bi
' of French I.iquors; together with the usual refrelhments, tl<
will at all times be, procured at the bar. tt
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with o
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Lhfbors fropiLondon and otfier breweries. R
— The Larder will befupplied withlhe prime and earliest
productions of the Sealon.
. te ! Large and small Parties, or finals Gentlemen, may be
" Wi ! accommodated with 1 Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at P
hours most convenient to thtnifelvcs--a cold Collation is
10s regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had tc
13, at tha bar. E
The Lodging Roortrs will be completely furniftied, aad ; r
the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other
' requisite. y
j 0- Samuel Richardet will behappyto receive, and j
execute the commands of his Frit'nds, and the Pubhl at
, large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges „
'k- oifclf that nothing 011 his part lhali be wanting to pre
; fervethat patrsnage with Whieh hehasbeen so diftinguilh- c '
ingly Jtcriorsd.
TS .' Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
nd — — 1 1 1 —
nd ' Treaiury of the United States.
' "VTOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or
nd IN may he Creditors of the United States, for any sums >
the of the FurM Debt, or Stcei, hiring a frefent hiUnJi of Jix \
en '■ per centum per annum. . J,
e -_" j ift, That purfiiant tb an A& of Coogrefs paflid on the
l?th day of April, I796,intitlcdan ail in addition to an
aA, intituled " An adl inaking further pfovition for the
support of public cr«dit, and for the redemption of tire
public debt," the said debt or itock will be reimbursed and
paid ia manner following,to wit. " Firfl, by dividends
— " to be made or. #Ie last days of March, June and Septenv
" ber for the present year, and from the year onethoufaud
" feve.n hundred and nincty-feven, to the year one thou
r<;- " sand eight hundred & eighteen inelufive,at the fate of
ur "y " one and one half per centum upon the original capital.
en . " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day cf
re j " December for the present year, and from tlie year One
of " thoufar.d seven hundred and nincty-feven, to tha year
ot h " one thoufend eight hundred aud seven teen inelufive, at
re . « the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
at " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma eon the last
,Ik,. « day of December, "in the year one thousand eight hun
nt_ " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then aJe
on-- " quate, according to the contrasSl, for the final
at " tion plthe said Hoc If."
at zd. All diftinSion between payments on account of -
?ort Interef. and Principal being thus aboliflied by the cftablilh- :
i ort nient of the permanent rule of 'reimbursement Stbov« de- f
ilfac Jcribed, it has become neceflary to vary accordingly the 1
ivar powers of attorney for receiving dividends ; the public '
creditors will therefore observe that the following form '
not is eltablilhed for all powers of attorney which may bs '
fur- granted after the due promulgation ol this notice, viz. '
cn I . of
da tfidU, conjlltuie ahd appoint
ffll- 6j- my true and Lrtuful At
torney, for me, dud in my nam:, to recaivt the dividends ivhiefi are,
or Jhall he payable according to low, on the (her* describing the ,
C 3 'of ftotk) jhindihg In my name in the (here dcidfibmg the
book* of the Treasury or the Commifliohcr of Louns,
where the flock is credited) from (here nlfevt the com
mencement and expiration ot tkae for which the power of
attoi'ncy is ;o corttinac) power an akerpejr or atfir
tlC>n> „ifj undif htm, for that tQ make andfunjhtutc> andt» do all
lawful ads requijit'for rfftcVing thepremifes, hereby ratifying and
5 that confirming all thai my said Attorney ct bisfukJlituteJbaH ia-ufui
cient ly do, by virtue hereof.
I>e- ' In Witness hereof \ I lave hereunto set try Hand and Seal the
;h'i in day of in the
m of Sealed ana Delivered
;fome it prefenc^of,
»e un- I T KNO WN> that on the day of
e and efore meperfonally came
, and ivithin named and acknowledged the above Ultef of attorney to he
r.y, or his aft and d>ed.
e vyaid In tefti worry •whereof J have bercunfo set my Hanimnd affix
•d, 011 id Seal the day andyear last ufcToj'aid.
e clia- Given tVidsr my Hand at Philadelphia, this txven
cr, as- tieth as July 1796, pqrfiiartt to oiredions
nount from t}>c Secretary of the Treasury
t lrtqfurcr rf the United States.
>ry. j
Loft Lalt Evening,
At Ric!-'tts's Amphitheatre, (fuppofcd to be taken by
iome villain out of a gentlemin's pocket)
A red Morocco Leather POCKET-BOOK, -
Containing about 185 dollars in bank notes; throe notes —
of hand of Rofsand Simfon, No. j324i 305 and 306, da
ted I2th.|sft Augult, payable 60 days alur. dat'-> to the
order of Paul Sierae'n, together for 51.50 dollars; anorquf
of Mrs. Ann Vacphcrl'on, from Paul Siemen, 011 Lach :
Un Mac Njeal, Esq. at Port-au-Princo, [of 100 dollars; l>c
fidts leveral. letters and papers, of 110 ufv but to the propric- Soft
tor. The notes of Iran*) and order arc without endorse
ment. EIGHTY. DOLLARS RpWA&D is< offered to
any perfsn who will dilcover ana ftcure the thief, and ,
. FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti
] oned notes and papers at-No. 129, corner of Front and °|
M'ulbcrrv ftrictn. . d . Oct. 11. |
1 ' <
- so the Meidiant's of the United States. ]
TN the ye;ar 179.1, a French gentleman at Bourdeaux,
1 fliipped on.boaM an American vefTcl ICo toils ol rner
" chandizc, to be delivered at Cape-i v ra»cais, either to
f.imfetf far hi, orders. The captain figntd the bill of la
ding; amiiuftead of proceeding to Cape'Prancais, wen-t
0 diredlly tb Aux-Cuyes; and there, instead of depofrting
0 the whole ps the said in the hands of the admiral
0 ty, or any other person law, he concealed
° its belonging to a F.'Culli gentleman, and Ibid it, ;
0 withSut "orders, power, or authbrif/, as belonging &,
0 bimfeli. After remaining five months at A-ux-Cayes, and
not being able tel.lei the whole ®f laid merchandize, he
0 left twelve tKcjuknd dollar* worth'of unfold 111 the
0 hands of an at faiu-place ; ol which
~ he passed a pretffided l'r.le, for fear ttat tins owner lhould
0 come and claim it, or have it months
after his departure from Bourde iux, tile said captain ar
rived on the.Suitiuent, where the owner of said catgo
a had gone in pursuit of him. He produced his bills of la
ding, invoice, &c. and demanded their content,. Th« fitii
said captain rnlwered that he diel not ki:ou him* that he lift
l£ had lie papers, Sic. he was arretted, and gave security Oc
11 for his appearaacc. After eiglr.ecn months, during 01,
ewhif.h the feiicaptain had been urged to leave the affair
to arbitration, to which he would "never confeut ; Lutjuft y,
as the {Jiperior court were about tu pronounce juSgilieiit, -J t
liis attorney, &c. infilled that this buiuicls ihoi'.ld be left ,•.
®. to arbitration. The said owner, at the reque'l of many
4 pcrfon-, at last iHrtfented 30 this new arrangement. *i he
*" court appointctttive arbitrators, of which notice was giv
en. them ten times, put «!f the five, I'eirce three mat to
gether at a time, twiijpin £*. months, Iho' earncftly re- a j
qnettcd to da'it. —The' arliuators decide, tint not being *•>{
5. furnilhed With fufiicienf proof, 011 each/ide, they touKl
not cofne.tea finaldecifion. >"his feutciVce was patted at tcr
the momt|t when the court wa, lifting, when it was too _J
~. late to have the cause the present court; so
it mutt fee poftponcd another fix months, which will make I
thirty months, detention iq obtain iipon a-oid
n of lading, invoice, Sit. j ■
Y ' The arbi£ratofs,j[ecide, that a bill of lading, itltoite, &.C. \
ie l to which, tlw captain makes no olqetition, are riot a lulli-
Cient proof for condemnation. The laid proprietor will , '*'
le thank, any merclunaof the United States to ixiforni him
f- what further proof it will be neceflwy to .pre-. . tw
1-1 vent another detention of thirty months.
:d N..,iSv;At -New-York, a- charge <>f a similar natura : .
witl.oijjt.any prooi than was
y brought againtt the fame c3jJtairL.byi laiothcr J reuch g'*u
s, tltman ; which Was deci.'.ed by,three arbitrators, in fit-, .
teerf*days ; and said capjtkin was condemned to pay with-- •
h out reply—which he drvi.
ft -\qy.cdntmunicA~ion on t,h« above lubjeil, adJrGlTsd to
s. Race-llreet, No. 90, will be thankfully received,
ft Philadelphia, pft. ,17 3^
at PeiißfyJvanifl ©iftrift. § ■£>'
is NOTICE is hereby given, that pursuant to a writ
id t0 nib, direifted from 'the honourable Richard Peters,
Esq. Judge of the DiftriiVCourt of the United States,
in and for the Pennsylvania Diftrifl, will be fold at
er public l'ale, at the Custom-House floras, in Front, below
Wilnut-iireet, on Monday the -24tii inlt. at Li o'clock
'. a't noon. dt
thirty bags coffee, 2
" The fame libelled againtt, prosecuted, and
1 condemned as foi.eited in the said Diftriiit Court. j,
WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marflial. - th
Marthal's Office, Bth of Odfober, l/fy 6.
=r No. 76 High Street,
ns TTAS received, b)' the latest arrivals from Europe and
'* iTI the haft Indies, a well felefled aCortiiicnt of Silk
Mercery .Linen Drapery and Haberdafliery Goods; which
' lt he will fell, Whole!ale and Retail, oil the loTveft terms ; _
; Some fine ladia mullins embroiiiered with gold and Ever
" ' Superfine Book, Jacontt, and Mulmul ditto
3 , Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Sfme extra black taft'eties,luteftringsand colored Pcrfians
ll " Bandano Hantflterchiefs th
Long and lhort Nankeens
u ". Knglifn Mantuas of tiir tirftquality th
° Damaik tabil linen arid napkins, Very fine b<
' Silk Hosiery, an elegant alfortmiint ti
01 Thtad and cotton do ti
~ Umbralla.-—green flik, oil'd do. and do cloth P
:aI Ffeucii cambrics, very fine ej
3 } Iriih Linens, do. &c. &c. Tune 14 5
ri- ai
F 0 R S A L E. c
ABOUT ia mUe« froi* this City, situate in Abhig-
ton Townlbip, Montgomery-County ; containing '
*h- 70 acres, a new flune houfc, two florici high, 2 rooms on a
de- fire placcs cach, a (lone kitchcn and itonc spring
tFj.c houfc, over au excellent spring of .water, a barn, (tables,
s ii c fhtds, barracks, icc. A large apple orchard, and a variety oi
rm othcrtruit, about i 2 acres of good meadow well watered,
and wood' for firc,aud fencing the place. Polfdfii
on ipay be bad tht- id <>£ next. Property in this eky
, will he take, 1 , in or MOKRlSand
teat Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Street.
Philadelphia, "cntemOcr 13, 179b. ttfrf 7
' To be Sold, f,
At No. 12S, North Stcoiul-Street-, aud by federal oj 0
t r e ' the Apothecaries in ibis Cl:y. 0
, n • of the riahtto remove pains and inflamrna c
' y *- tions from the humaii fxjdy, as secured to Dr HLJSMA a
\ P£RKINS, bv. pater*, with instruments and direfHons uc- j
11 cedary tor the -jraciioi-. This msde of tre?.tmcwL is particu-
'larly utefui in relieving pains in tne head, lace, teeth, brcaU, •
Ja " ftde, llomach, back, r.heumatifms, recent gouts, &.c. &c.
amt ilotwithftartding th<! utrlily of this pnaftice, it is not pre- c
•fui- Turned but there are .cases in which this and every othei N
remedy may sometimes fail.
I the June lj. law c
To be ciifpofed of, (
r j > ll£ time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
1 has between t#ur and five years to l'ervs: She '
can be recommended for her iobr iety and honesty. For
I" I" enquire at No. 132, Chefnut-ftreet.
Ansruft .1- w^ftf
affix- —
To be Sold,
lions Time of a f&ajt, active Negro Lad,
Who has Eleven years to fcrve.
, rs Enquire at No. 58, Sourh Front-Rrcct.
'j _ Odiober 18. J
tJniverlity of Pennsylvania,
OSober Si 1796.
The MaiicalLt&ures will commence the firft Monday
November. «avv»Jw;
■ — —
By Authority.
Schuylkill. Bridge Lottery. ' 1
— Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64,
Stuff) Secondjlrect.
For raifmg Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an A&. of
the Legislature of Perinfylvaaia, patTed during the iait
leflion, for building a SCbrte Bridge over the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, ia the County of
Berks. l>o,t a n.
, 1 Prize of 20,009 Dollars - # 2u,00«
1 do. of do. - - lo.ooa
3 3 do. mf 5,000 do. - v' ts - • *kIOOP
4 do. of 2,000 do. - 4,000
f 20 do. of I,OGO do. - 000
§9 do. of tjQ\ do. - . 3®
80 do. of 260 do. - - i6,0c0
. 200 do. of 100 do. - 2!>-OCO
300 do. of do. - - 15,000
1 do. of 500 do to l>e paid the jjoflcf-)
j ''r iat the fit dra .v'm no, J
5 do. of 3,Cf00 do. to be p&td fjoftefTors }
otthe hvii iait drawn aoa ) % 6>°~°
9,400 do. of 15 do. : - 141.000
10,054. Prices
5 Kiauki . r
> 30,000 Tickets at Ten DolUts goo,ooo
AIF Prizes (hall be paid fifteen days aftet the dra wing. i»
5 finilhed, upon the/demand of a poirefloi of a fortunate
1 Ufjktjt, to deduction of twenty per cfc. f .
c , Drawing will comn>eiice a& soon as, the Tickets ar<ftdifpOfed
r of, O! ]. ciiiaps so )ner. of which public notice will t?e given.
r Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William Witmajt,
1 fofipb Hitjhr, James Diemer, Thomas Dt/nJas,
' jeutns May, John Otto, _Jo/6n Kiim, Daniel Gra-jf,
MaWon Miller, Commissioners.
May tbe'gth, 17€jS.
Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 1, to be hscf it the
. above office, where the earlitil information of the driv
... iag of the Wa&ington Mo; a, aitd Patterfon l.&ftery'a,
'J .tr.e and checkbooks for examination and regif
tcring&re liept.
3 O&sfter 7. ' law tf
= W afiungtoft Canal Lottery,
,! „ !n t 0 . 1.
■ the State of Maryland has authorised
VV the underwritten, to rsifc twenty-fix thousand,
1 two hmidrid, aiid'fifty dollar., for the cutting
a a Ca;ial tfrfough th. City xii. Wafhingtofi, froxi th
tomacto theEailern Branch Hari>our.
The following is ;he SCHEME .of No. j. >
Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollar., 10,000
j I ditto 10,060 10,000
7 lafl drawn )
Tickets, each J Uf^o,
. ® 6 ditto 6,03 d
10 ditto ' 4CO 4,00 a
0 no ditto 100 2,C00
55 dittb 50 2,7 50
5750 ditto ri
•To be railed fur -he Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, 175,000
[. 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
s ' 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 775,000
a t C"?' The Conimiffioners hava taken the Securities it
w Quired by the aforcfaid for the punctual fgyment of
the prizes.
The drawing of tins Lottery will commence, without
delay, 5s foo/i as tWr Tickets are fold, tff which timely
, Siotice will be given. '
1 Such prize* as are net demanded in fix months after th«
drawing is finiihed, fhatl be eonlidcrod as relinquished for
, 'the benefit of the Canal, and approprfatcd aecoriinj'lr
Cttv of Walhin ' .oh, Feb. XI. ?
er Lottery and Broker's Office,
A'o. 64, South SscCnd street,
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 1, for sale—«
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in
the liate lottery. , .
Ch\h Books kept for examination and r g-ifterin?,' fir
the City of Walhingron, No. 2, *nd Pa«tfon. Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information whtre
tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New-
Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Publit; School Lottery, for
The fubferiber solicits the implication of the public
— and his friends, who wish to purehafe or feli Bank Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or -N Aes, Houses, Lands,
&c. or to obtain money on deposit of property.
*.* Also I iekets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
sale at Ten Dolltrs each, Which will bp drtwil early i.
the Spring.
sis Wmi Blackburn.
ing Philadelphia, Auruff iS, 1 , 1 m th
C 5, " ■
•of r' 0 Ji SAL £,
nu A very Valuable Eitate,
/CALLED r WIT -r E A' H A M, CtMte in the
Vj towr.i'.ip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
7 j-a miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the
— new Weftera road: containing 230 acres of oieel!cnt land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime w®od
'and, "and the rell arable of tjw firft quality. Therj are
°J on the preniifoe a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms
on a floor, aud cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
la of excellent wster in front j a large irame katn, liabks,
and other ennvecicut a iu*n.e a
MC " fpi iHg-hmrfe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peuch-
es. The fields are all in clover, except those ii»»nediately
' ur.der tillage, and areib laid out as to r,.,vu the advantage
lrc _ of water in each of them, whicti, renders k peculiarly con-
j lCl vcniuit for grazing.
* i lic Utuation is p'eafant and and from the high
v . eultivati&n of the land, the good and the
vicinity to the city, it is vary faitsble for a gentleman's
country feat,
0 The foregoing is part of the efiate of Jacob Harman,
jjj e deceased, and offered for sale by
For Mordecai Lewis,
OA. 9. tt&l' Surviving Executor.
ldj —No. 119-
[I*ric« Eight Dollars per Annua.}