Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 22, 1796, Image 3

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Mr. Fenno,
It is a common mistake for the writers who at
tack public chara&ert in order to depreciate them
in the eyes of their countrymcn, to go too far in
their criticisms, and to render all their arguments in
effectual by the falfehood or injustice of a part. Of
this defeription seems to be Phoeion, who is cm
, ployed at present in delineating the chara&er and
qualifications of Jefferfon.
Whether Jefferfon is an ambitious man or other
wise, a man courting or shunning popularity, 1 am
not fufficiently acquainted with his disposition to
determine, knowing him only from his performan
ces of official duties ; and as the degree of his am
bition is not thoroughly ascertained, Phoeion might j
have continued to impeach him on this head, with- ,
out rnii(?h danger of oppofitijn or detection. But c
wlitn be undertakes to question his political abilities, j
9r fie comes upon a ground where every American is r
prepared to meet him ; and so much do the fen- f
timents of this counrry differ from him as to this «
particular, that I question whether any ftridlures
of his will be read with patience, that are founded u
i poa a position so unfortunately singular.
The mind of Jefferfon is universally allowed to
take rank amongst the firft of human beings. He
poffeffet an undcrftanding at once vigorous and ac
tive, uniting solidity of reasoning and deep pene
tration with a happy pliancy of attention that qua
lifies him for any station, either of executing or de
vising. As aftatefmaii I believe he has no fupe.
rior either in this country or Europe, and here is
the branch of his reputation that Phoeion it now
attempting to undermine.
It can indeed offend no man of candor to have the
virtues and vices of a candidate fairly displayed, es
pecially of him who aspires to so high a situation
as that of President ; but the writer who piretends I
to dirtrnft the mental faculties of Jefferfon, is surely I
x a most unfortunate assailant. He spends his force I
sgainft rocks and mountains. J
As to his philosophy, it is necessary to define the
term, before we pruceed to condemn him for this
pursuit. There are various species of philosophy, j
and each branch requires a diffeient genius. The J '
astrologer, perhaps, would make but a poor natu
lalift ; and he whofelife is employed in scrutinising
berbs and flowers, would as badly ftuceed in deve- I A'
loping the etheraal system ; and, perhaps, all these i
qualities united, would not form a good politician. I
When we speak of Jefferfon's philosophy, we evi- I ■,
der.tly mean to designate the peculiar excellence of I t
hie mind, without alluding to his proficiency in anv I \
particular science. He may, indeed, fonietimes a- I
mtife himfelf with «•, differing butterfles," for I 1
aught we know ; but it is not there that his force
lies. We admire him, chiefly, for the proofs that Dj
he has given us of his political[abilities j and frjm ° u
our experience of his capacity in this way, we £ "
are now about to ftimmon them to new ftperations r'"
After all, Mr. Fenno, I do not profefs myfelf °
an advocate of Jefferfon : and if, as his opponents r '
alledge, his principles are white is called democratic
or antifederal, my heart reje<3s him altogether. It j°
is iffential, that a man be elected into that office, "'
11 who, like the great Waihington, can consent to de
liberate, before he relolves upon harsher measures.
If Jefferfon is of this cast, I know not what objee
tion can be formed againlt him ; at least, there is
nothing about him to be attajked with It fs profped
•f success than his talents or experience.
1 Mr. Fenno,
The " Certificate of Mr. Jefferfm's good bp- '
haviour" published in your paper of yesterday, as
coming from the Assembly of Virginia, is, I pre
sume, intended to repel .the charge against Mr. Jef
ferfon of having abandoned his poll when Governor
of that ftatc on an mvafion of the enemy.
Admitting the certificate to begen nine, of which, c "mt
however, we have no proof, it is well known how k'd <
easily fwch ceitificates, or votes of thanks, are ob
tained ; generally at the close of the'/effion, when
the principal opponents of the measure are gone
home, and when others wishing to part in goo d hu- Ertn
mour, are easily persuaded to withdraw their oppo- I /
fiti n ; measures thus frequently pass nem. con. bc
caufe no member is willing to go into a difagreeablc C
debate, when if a debate and division took place, the W ,. hlcl
vote would probably be loft. I 1 " e 0
Besides, the certificate proves nothing as to the!" 1 ""
point in queftion,'for the charge was a want affirm- f""' °
ness; there was no crime in that ; the vote of p
thanks has very cautioufiy avoided this point-, it 11
only speaks of Mr. Jeffeifon's ability, integrity and
rectitude ; his ability antl integrity as Governor were
not called in question ; the chaige was timidity, and '
vet the vote fays nothing of Wnfrmnefs, fteadin-fs
and perseverance which was the only material point
He might have made a good Peace Governor of 1
Virginia, for u,« w tll known their Governors hare BAI
little or nothing to do : Mr. Jefferfon himfelf in On
b » Notes on Virginia, f. ys th „ the governor<i s a of his
" ler e c VP her ' legislature dire* all hi, fident
operations. His friends m the legislature, cempaf. com
nona'.irg a man of weak nerves, whom they did mand
rot consider as criminal, had mteieft enough to mo- Tohn
cure tnu vote, wfcich leave, ,he charge just where w» a<
It was before.
Ql A,
■— bringt
50 Dollars Reward. under
Loft, a red Morocco Pockei-Book P arb *
BKTWEEN the Center House and the White Horse in fl
Market-street; containing two 20 dollar bank-notes, «nc f.
of jo dollars, and one branch-banki-uote of one dollar • " ,3 wa
George Weed's rote of hand for *50 dollars, endorsed °f veff
A. Joseph ; a note of Jackson for 100 doKars; a Ab<
note of Mr. Carr for too dollar.; a note for 7 c dollar? si
and one of Mr. Drate for 6< dollars-and several other f°!
nete;, belonging to the l'ukfcriter. P olc "
Ihe Public are refpedfuliy desired not to reeeive any that ca
of those notes, as they can be of no use to any perfoß hut Tf
the owner, payment being ftopred, Whoever will deli- !?
V•. the fame at the officc of this Gazette fliall rcceive the ™
above reward. AARON JOSiPH Field J
° atlt " !r *3 ' the At
Washington Lottery. peTrs"
JThe 30th sndyft Days Drawing are arrived at the the cou
oftcj. No. 147,' Chefnut-ftreet. eminenl
ATKS. 1 1 '
who at-
► rar in ,
CntJ Of letter from New-Yotk, dated yesterday, in*'
rt ." forms, that a vessel had arrived there fa seven days
, ' '* from Halifax, and btings letters which state that I
er an the French fleet had not been fecn there, n«r had t
any intelligence been received refpeftitig it, finee f
0 er " they heard of its being at the Bay #f Bulls, P
ara Newfoundland.
tion to b
01 man Extra<ff of a letter from Loudon, Sept. n.
his am- « The supplies of foreign wheat hcing much j-'
1 might greater than the confurnption can take off, and the a i
,with- ncw Enghfh wheat crop proving remarkably pro- la
' . du&ive in quantity, and fine in quality, the wheat w
btltlies, market this'morning was considerably cheaper; and "I
ican is no progref* could be made in the sales of the in
rie fen- fcrior forts of foreign wheat.
o this «« American wheat, 30 a 47/ per qr. of 8 bush.
j j'" Uoui, 20 a 24/"fine, per bbl. 1961b. m
u " ditto, 24 a 2yy"iup. fine, per do.
rye, 18 a 21/ per sack of 8 bufll. mi
to barley, 18 * 25/ per do. m '
Indian torn, 110 buyers. an
ac " ditto meal do.
P ene * 184 per bufhcl."
a - ha,
ere 18 Northampton County,
now Governor—Thomas Mifflin '387
Gongrefs—Samuel Sitgreaves 1307
' e l ' le John Richards 663
'» Peter Miihlenberg
atlon j John Chapman Fa
tea ds I Robert I„nllar 1^
u rely I JJfcmbly—Abraham Bachman 930 wh
f° rce j Thomas Mawhorter 507 ' !Cl
Stephen Balliou difj
John Coolbach 684 con
, ' l '* j Abraham Horn 590 Fort
p'>y. Jacob Eycrly J73 gen
' George Grass 541 foif
lalu - John Starbird 483 tere
iling p an
leve- I AT a Meeting of a refpe&abte nomber of the ci
hefe tizens of Philadelphia, held at Dnnwsody's ta- wa »
:ian. vcrn, for the purpose of felefling suitable persons 4
evi- as electors of a President and Vice Prelident of 'I
.e of I the United States——the following procccdin r s
any! were reported, to wit. h part
* s a " I At a meeting of a coufiderable number of the f° l!
or members of the legislature and other citizens (>F the . rC
that CODnt _'« "f Pennsylvania, held in the rity " CB ,
rSm I l,n evening 011 which the le rif- V
' m latuie adjourned, Samuei Postlethwaits,' of ?
3fV I ,n the chair, and Robeut Fraie*, wrl . r '
3 f If l Chelt,r ' Secretary, it was unsnitnoufly agreed wh ! c
to recommend the following named persons for elec- " aIK
s tors of President and Vice President at the election
to be holden on Friday the fourth dij of Novcm- ° r : y
. A J ber next. <■
'f"' I ELECTORS. ol " ;
j Israel Whelen, Philadelphia, ''
Samuel Miles, Montgomery, 1
Henry WynJcooji, Bucks, 1 "e
---e Jofi" Arndt, Northampton, ky tl
,eu Valentine Eckhart, Berks, m «"
Thomas Bull, Chester,
Robert Coleman, Lancaster, s°'°'
J"hn Carson, Dauphin, vldc^
William Wilson, Northumberland, '
Samuel Polllethwaite, Cumberland,
3f- [ John Hay, York, fuedl
as Benjamin Elliott, Huntingdon, !,on
ire- Ephraim Douglas, Weftmoreland, ® orln
'ef- John Woods, Allegheny, ,
101- I homai Stokely, Washington.
Whereupon, it was unaitimoufly agreed to re- w
c h, timmend and support the foregoing ticket at the . \
ow I t.hc r
Attest. J. BIDDLE, Chairman. '
DANIEL SMITH, Secretary. ™ rC '
, nc ' relum
, u . Frtm llcG(neral Awtertiser of , 1792, ""! 6
'"j Pub, 'ifl>" i b Benjamin Franklin Bachk. blifht!
blc " a uecon^,c 'e r atien of the various advantages ana tQ
h J which have been derived to United America from "lied
the operations of the Federal Government, there
cannot be a friend to his* country, that will not ex- All
I ert every neivc to perpetuate such great and solid a '
benefits : but more particularly are the people of f roI « 1
■ t 1 f.NNSYLVANiA called upon to invigorate i fyf. tains ;
! Cm ' ,hat has ln f u P cnor a degree contributed to "ant c
re a : There i, nc ea ll,„g, B0 frnfet nants,
id J 10 ". "f if' that bus not experienced its pro- a "d I
f s t'" oui '"f""'Ct. r ,he en
t. woun^
of From '^ e St - vhriflopher'i Royal Gazette Four 1
re BASSETERRE, (St. Kitt's) September „ f""
m On Sunday lali departed this life in the 61 ft year r '
a of his age, the hon. Archibald F.fd.ille, Efq Pre i V'
it fident of his Majrtfy', council ofthi, ifl a „d and •" 1
f- commander in chief for the time bring. The corn C °'" a '
a mand of the leeward islands devolving on ,h e hon
3 - John Smith Ihomas, Efq, a.oldest Counfellur, he GAZE '
■t was actually sworn in on Tuesday last.
A vefTel which arrived this day from Martinique P
. brings intelligence, that the fleet froii, England The
Barbie a arrived at' laware,
fn,.ad ?, 22d mft : aud that a dmiral Colpoys's Septem
n ed Th' ■ 4, °r° o l WCre hourl y Br 'g
ed. The captaur of the above vessel fays, that in A iar
. his way yesterday from Martinique, he saw i - fail ,he Ca P
dos vessels between Guadaloupe and Montferrat. her H
3 About two iL 0 , ner malt
s > fired on tl eaV rr iu f enoon an alarm was and on t
r , u e u V<;£r^ be,n 2 difcfrned - We f G p. mad.—A
P m obe the ships belonging to Jamaica am °ngti
r that came out with admiral Bligh. ' ral Waft
- Field Marftial Clairfayt once tr.ore at The head of
the A uftrian army on the Rhine To V, " r wate. oi
him to resign the command in chiW e f thatYrmlln C ° lOU ','
pears to u. on.! of the gr.atcft fault- committed
the cou.fe of theiprefent extraordinary war- 2S th! a
eminent talents and great experience 0 f that ger, c . board^t
—' n '» fared Germany last year by the mod /kff
ful manoeuvres, am] whose name struck as much
terror into the Republican! as it inspired confidence
into the Austrian troops under hii orders.
• WILMINGTON, (Del.) Oflober t».
e that r WH ® REA J a tertlin young man, calling himfelf
i j [ HvDe ' was * m P io r fd by the Editors of
,r had the Delaware and Eafteru-Shore Advertifcr to collect
, finoe lulitcription money, &c. clue to the fame, and for this
Bulls, P llr pofe went down the Peninsula on the oth day of
August last, where he made collections to i. confidera
bje amount •—And whereas the time appointed for
his return elapsed near fix weeks ago, the i'ubfciiters
"much fre b^.M me aß * iou * for tl) e frfetv of laid Hyde, unwil
i . „ bny&U to fufpeil him of basely betraying his trull,
and going off with the money. Allow the nth of
pro- last month he was at DucWrerk Crifs Roads; since
wheat which time he has not been heard of. Whoever will
; and a pprcliend him, or in orm the Editor! of said paper
he in- JJ' T ' le ' s > belides the latisfaiSioa they must feel in
napping the career or f<> dangerous and base an enemy
to lociety, will receive the fineere thanks of the Edi
tois, and be chearfullv reimbursed any expence they •
90 10. may incur 011 the occasion.
°* • :a ' d was h °m in England, is but a few ]
ulh. months in this country, and taught school near Wil- .
mington u about s feet, 9or re inches high ; has 1
an agreeable countenance ; (hort, lightish coloured '
hair ; Mp S a little j is well fpokeu, and somewhat -
commanding or authoritative in his address; is ftronp
an ! adhve. He wore a light-blue cloth c«at, round
NEW-YORKTcVSoher ,q. *
No Eastern m lil this day. Passengers in the stage
fay there 1* no further information refpeftinir the
French fleet off Halifax.
The celebrated but unfortunate, Chevalier d'Eon,
who has recently attracted the public attention by j'
he. laudable support herfelf, has been ,
difftaying her lkill before a cro»d«d and genteel V
company in the rooms at Southampton. An un.
fortunate accident damped the pleasure which the -
general admiration of her skill had excited. The ~~
toil of her antagomft breaking as (he parried, it en
tered four inches above the right breast. The com
pany present seemed to take'a lively part in the p
ci- misfortune of the Chevalier, but medical afliftance '
ta - was at hnnd, and it is hoped the wound may not
'ons be o.„ger ow Lnudon
of Ihe council of elders has rejefied the refolytion
tjg 6 of th.-council of five hundred, for paying a small A
pan of the demands of the Hate creditors in specie •
the 0 ,hxt ' hl f, ur,hfl PPy t-lafs of men, many of whom E 1
the ave a s" all y dlcil tor w a»t of the common necefTa
itv TZ r' 3rC aga ' n lift thc m ° a deplorable ilate
r j£ of dtilref*.
' of Some observations of Maillet Lacefte, a French »
;a, W ['. ter ' c] , Wlth lkufe rf markable expreflions,
red c " I m l Y <W«ribe the present state of thc
on V" ;<,e B ur history into two parts ; examine o
|B _ only the annals of the interior, and we are the low- Y
el. ot all people ; call yout eye on the journal of
0111 armies, and we arc the firtt nation in the world. ,
— Honour, then, be to Vi&.iry."
Some printed accounts from Vienna, by way of P '
I nefte, represent thc aids offered to the Emperor
by the Hungarians, as far beyond any former state- I
mem ; the auxiliariei from that kingdom only (it is pril
arc to , bc "'"reafed to 150,000 men, including upc
50,000 cavalry, which the Hungarians were to pro
vide with forage, &c. The
Ihedivifion of the French which has en'eted
Mini leh amount! to 22.000 men. ThSfcle&or has
tied tor a pease ; but, as a preliminary, a contribu
tion haibeen demanded of thirty-two million! of
PARIS, September ?.
e - „ . bulletin.
«v. r " re L l ' vfo ' mcd b y ' ctcer s of a late date, that
the trench have re entered Nuremberg, which they Ma;
had evacuated, in confluence »f the affair of Neu
marck, and that the Sambre and Atfeufe army has , *
relumed the politions which it occupied on the cth
and 6th. r l he head quarters are again at Bambetg.
Otner tetters inform us, that the French have efta- r
bl.lhed, notwithstanding the effons of the Aullri- T
cs ana to prevenrthem, a battery upon the heights Chel
n called ijv/inbiache. 6
e September to. a l
c Alexander Berthier, general of, has sent k %\
d a lift of the prisoners taken by our troops i„ l ta |„ d
,f from the third to the ninth of August. It cou-
f.j tains general prince Belkin, 3 colonel!, 4 lieute
„ nant colonels, y majors, 59 captains, 66 lieute
r nanta, 25 sub-lieutenants, 33 ensigns, 1 adjutant,
and 13,450 non-commissioned officers and foldien • „
the enemy have also 7 or 8,000 men killed or
wounded, and loft a great number by desertion.
tour hundred horses belonging ,0 the Hulans, 82 A
pieces of artillery, and 210 ltore waggons have LAN
been taken. bb one n
r Jourdan is about to aft on the offenfire. His
head quarters are at Cheweiufurt, a town in Fran
. COI " a " f I'd Ser.tintlle.J O&
; S/,zeTTS or TH E united states marine list.
p m-LAD £LP Hi' J, October 21.
• The brig Betsey. M'Crea, arrived at Port Penn, De-
Ssar""""" '»"• •'« sr.
Brig Ann, Cowperthwait, from Russia, i, below "ol
A largefh'p and 3 brigs, we re fee), ftlnding —
the Capes, last Wedneiday. 0 "a
The iloop Prudent, bound to Teneriffe, carri d awav Sit ,V 7
her mail m the latitude of Bermudas, on the inth Seot
and on the 15th imt. was in Hampton Road ViUTa \
ad—About x 9 fail go t «ut of the Capes last Mondav • Cll
raTw g ft c " c (b'P 5 Hambwrgh Packet, Aurora, Gene-
Waflimgton, brig Sally, &c.
r;ff c :r u r fl ey - ti,e bris J en "y» fr ° m T?n C - oa„
the 7th Augu.., Sept. 2, lat. 20, 23, Jong.r
69, favv a wrwk, the letters MORE out of The
wate. on her Hern, which was pa i n , cd of a crtam
] r C " rta " lS ' 3 " d Whi,e " reak riiU ' ld
gunnel, her water-ways a»d inside of the taffrei PI »'"
red, Cdes turpentined, a small head with creen Sittin S
drapery a nicc laid quarter deck, no person on
board, blowing frefl. impolTibl# to boar.l her. | ""ffi
nofl ftfl. September 30, Ut. 3 j, it, lon*. 73, spoke t4«-
*s much j (loop Lovma, from St. Domingo, for New Lon
nfidcnpe don, out j days*
October 1, spoke brig Sally, of Baltimore, front
Sr. Bartholomews, 14 days; fmce saw a number
B , °f vedeJa on the coast working to windward.
On the 15th of September, admiral Cr Hyde
himfelf Parker, in the Quees, of 90 guns, vice-admiral
litoi-6 of of the red, with the Valinnt, of 74 gun*, arrived
1 colled! at Barbadoes and failed the next day. They had
tor tins parted a fleet from Ireland, under the convoy of
r.lidera- adm,rai B1 'g h » vvho arrived there oa the 25th, in
ited for a 4°g u nf"'gate, with 26 fail of trarifports.
fciibers _ New-York, Oflobersj.
unwil- _ _ Arrivals at this port. Days.
is trull, Ship Friendship, Orange London —
ath of Amfterdatn Packet, Henderfan, Glafrnw sS
i since Ai ■»«, Seaman Cadiz —.
Vvc'r & "'"'if' 1 S;o " Guadeloupe —
feel in • Schuoner !■ ri'-ndfhip, Goodrich Anguilla
enemy Hero, rsrnham Liverpool 3S
e Edi- Blazing San, Leonard St. Croix g
f they Sloop Brothers, Fairchild Jamaiea J?
Ship Hare, of New-Yprk, Capt. farrier, from
rWiT Bat "!' a » was f P the English channel, bound
' ; has" v " a ® JUr S h - Shf P F °*> of and from New
loured boun < 3 to Hamburgh, wa» spoke in lac. 40,
ewhat 3®> lo"g- 6, 42.
strong Norfolk, October 20.
round ARRIVED.
US. Ships.—Polly and Nancy, Smith, Liverpool;
J Hannah Fryer, ditto; Indultry, Vickcry, ditto j
Jane, Noble, Cadiz; Sifters, Eveleth, Grsnada.
_ Bng,.—Chance, Almy, St. Bartholomews ;
Eag'e, Gamble, Cape-Francois; Swift, Luke,
stage ®°"* Vl(k * Pe Sgy» Whidbio, Cape-Nichola
glUC Schooner.—Bet fey, F.irbank, Cape-Nickola-
Eon, , 1 Fai ' P ia y. Williams, Jamaica ; Nelly, Brown,
Jti bv i CrCn,IC T ' J? ne ' Welj b. Jamaica ; Marcus Moudr,
been n' Bct %' '"»fon, New Providence ; Sal
nteel y ', oberts ' Jamaiea. '
i un- Sloop.—William, Rogers, Nevis.
1 the 11 ■»——g
C °th' And RlcKErTS ' s Amphitheatre,
e For Equestrian and Stage rierfeimances. Corner as
a "« Chefnut and Sixth-streets.
r. THIS EVENING, Odlober aa,
ition Will be presented,
A variety ofpleafingEntertainments.
hom Equestrian Exercises—by Mr. Rickctti, Mr .F. Rickctts
efTa- Master Hutchins, and Mrs Spinacut*.
ate Clows to the horfemaufhip—Mr. Stilly.
(For two nights only)
■nch ic , Tl Afler whlc h will be prefenred,
A Scotch Pastoral Dance, under the dirtflion of Mr.
j ' Durang, called
n J ne Principal Characters
ow- Durang, Mrs Tompkins and Mrs. Durang;
Mr F. Ricketts will pick up a watch from the
ground blindfold, the horse in full speed.
Ground and Lofty Tumllinv.
By Mr. Kickeits, who will perform fcveral fur.
it is prising and fportimanlike leaps, over one and two bars
nig upon two and three horses.
>ro- And, for two nights only,
The whole to conclude with a New Pantomime, called
led mirth'smedle y,
has Or, The Magic Pie.
bu- Harlequin, M r, Sujly
-1 of Pantaloon, Mr. Durane.
Lover, Mr. Tompkins. 1 4
D " arf \ Master Hutchins.
1 Speaking Witch, Mrs. Tompkins.
2nd Ditto, Mr. Collie.
Clown, Mr. Spinacuta,
■ . Columbin «. Mrs. Spinacuta.
,ey Magician, Witches, &c. by the reft of the company,
eu- % * Pantomime to conclude with a Dance,
las , * ladies and Gentlemen who secure leats in
■th ' he^ a y are requcftctj to, attend punts ually at 7,
' as the performances are so arranged as to conclude by
8* 10 o clock—the doors will open at 6.
'a- Box, 7s. 6d—Pit, 31.
»- _, T ' cket * t0 he had of Mr. Ford, at the ticket office ill
Us Chdnut-flreet, from ten to three o'clock each day.
, Tickets, to adroit for the fesfon, to be had
by applying to Mr. Picketti at the Pantheon, or at Oei
lers's Hotel.
HI A Ev^ ng « f P " f ° rm3nct t0 b « Monday, Wednef
tly day, Thursday and Saturday.
u- —-
e- Sheridan's Dictionary,
"1 Is this Day Published,
» Br IV. roUNC; MILLS & SON,
Corner of Second and Chefnut streets,
n. In one large Zvo. volume, price X dollars
P. E i bo r th w,lh to found and meaning,
one ream objed of which it to eftabliih a ph„, and per
i* aZfod^»lr'° nWnC " £ion - J9 wh ' ch »P"«x=d,
r " na U Br THOMAt SHERIDAN, A. M.
October iz. .
lost, yesterday7~*
A Note of Hand,
Given in favour of William Wright by John Curt;,
{ar £ '30, or thereabout,. Al! n,rfo,K %r, „
against receiving said Note in payment—lf fßund'"^
' Sr
It. can be of no use to any „ne but the owner. ' '
, r ~2±. 22 - 3 FOHN CURTIS.
Will be Landed on Monday next
the brig Fame, Captain Knox,
. A quantity of Barbadoes Rum & Sugar.
For Sale by
■ oa. k r„. Kearny Wharton.
—— J6
Plainly furniflied, (bedding excepted) a P, r V.,r
Sitting Roam, two Bed-Cnambcs .» 1 = x ! ° cr
I o<2.obcr %%,
I 1 r d