Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 22, 1796, Image 1

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    i I • 1 - •. - .. . '
of the Bntf eu J§>tate.s ? Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nvmbex 1256-] ... ' SATUR DAT EVENING, OCTOBER 22, 1796. JJOLOMB X.
—• 1 t t-* r~i 1 t\ n a riTm /* to n •.< -n\ 1 t?v im t-»
Landing this day,
From on board the Brig Caroline, at Chefnut-flreet
London proof Holland Gin.
I'or Sale bj
Joseph Anthmy & Co.
October 2T.
Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbls.
4.7 bh!». prime Coffee,
UeU.Boilon !secf,
Cndfifh in hds.
SperrtiHceti Cant'fe*,
Spermaceti, and J OIL
Northern J t
Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior
A few boxes excellent brown soap, and
A few bales India Muslins.
O£lober 21. X dx |
. !
* Printed Calicoes.
Have received per the William Pcitn/ in addition to
their own pfTorment,
A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handsome
Buttons —Which will be fold at a short credit, on very
reasonable terms, by the package only.
1 o<st. 14. dtf j
Madeira Wine.
A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on
hoard the fchobner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Chcfnut
ftreet wharf, and for sale by the fnbfcriber.
Robert Andrews,
Oft. 14. mwf No. 86, So. Wharves
For Sale,
30 Hoglheads of choice New-England
Landing'frsmthefehooner John, at Vanuxem's wharf.—
For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Street, at the
head of the wharf.
Oft. 3. . dtf.
~ For Freight or Charter,
O-i The Ihip COMMERCE,
Almoftanew vefTe!, 244 tons burthen, and will
rea dy to receive a cargo in a few days. For
tertns apply on noara at Blight's wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
For Sale on hoard the above Vfffelj
A quantity of excellent COAL.
OhT Pcifoaiijpvinj gooJi on board, are earjiettly requeu
ed to fend their permit*.
Otfobcrzi. diot
l&lslok 7HE SHIP MART,
two hundred tons burthen. Apply to
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply is above.
OtSober 2i. diot
For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports
mouth, New-Hampshire,
■ The Schooner LUCY,
I *"* an ' e ' Prowfe, matter; will fail in
| course of a week, and take freight
moderate terms, for which, or
passage, apply on board, or to
joseph Anthony, Co.
Oiftobef rj. dx
For Norfolk,
1,1 jree Dr f our days)
The brig Zephyr,
Captain Hinchman; lying at LandenbergVs.wharf—
She has cxeeNent accommodations for passengers For
which or freight, apply to the captain on board, or to
Samuel Breck, jun.
No. 89, South fhird-ftree't:
Where may be had
A quantity of N. E. Rum, Sherry Wine
in quarter-talks,
Sail Cloth, Nos. 1 and-2, and a few hundred pieces
of Bandanna Handkerchiefs.
Oflober 30. 6
The Brig MART,
Lying at M-flrs. Willings and Francis's
wharf,burthen 2000 barrels,built in Philadelphia in 1793
of live o.ik and red cedar.—She is well found, and may
befentto Tea at a small expeHct. l"or terms apply to
- Gurney sff Smith.
° a - 6 ; dtf.
'^' le ca P ,ta ' ffiip" CE~R.ES,
C 0 s oon : — For freight or palTage
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
John Vaughan,
September io. Front-street.
• iT"'* For Charter,
D 3 "'" l Barque BewfTENTuw,
* Samuel Stub, mailer,
®35ci58564»A good of about two hundred
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N.
Sept. 17. dtf
i'or Charier,
S The Ship Dominici Terry,
Jaco!b Do Hart, maftpr • an excellent 1
j<effcl, of about 3000 barrels burthen.
JeJfe ly Robert Wain.
September ai. d
For Sale,
}reet Th'u day Landing from on board the Jhip Concord,
Captain Thompson, from Atnjierdam,
Gin, in pipes
' Empty Gin Cases
Hock in cases of 4 doz.
Glass Tumblers in chcft»
» Su'rct Oil in cafe.
Patte Gra/Te Chcefe in boxes, 53"c.
, Also Landing by the Lonifn, Capt. Belt, from Lisbon,
-I 5 60 Qnarter-caflcs Lifaon Wiije.]
On Mar*,'., ,
A quaulity-cf Brandy, Haclc Nuts in lacks, &e.
Peter Blight.
October 17. dzw eolw
This Day is Published,
By William Cobbett, opposite Chr'ft-Church,
Ail Answer to Paine's Rights of Man,
r,cr By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh.
To which is added,
A Letter to Citizen Swanwick,
By Peter Porcupine.
The whole is dedicated to Doflor Joseph Prieftl?y,
, Fello vst the Royal Society of London, Chizen of
America, and Deputy ElecYto the National Conven- .
tion of France.
Ofl. iß.' ••
On Sa.urday, the 12nd instant, at 6 o'clpck in the
evening, will be fold by Public Vendue, at the City
to Tavern, (it not befbre difpofctl of, at private sale) "
An Elegant H»ufe, No. 78,
In IVnlnut flreet; J
ime , WHICH is twenty-five feet front by one hundred and
ery seventy-one feet deep, with a lot attpmaag, 10 1-2 feet
wide by 72 feet 8 inches deep—(This lot is back of the
__ house cccupied by George Willijig, Esq.) The house is
completely finilhed in every reipcS. It'is fifty feefdaep,'
has two large psrlonrs, rlic front,<rnc Tq back —
one ai feet by 18 1-2 feet; a .handfeme
24 1 -feet by 24 feet. Therootris below, the drawing
on room and chambers adjoining, have mahdgany doors,
lU '" and thufe, as well as the rooms abeve them, luve a com-,
raunication with each other. Tiic heighth in the firil aad
second llories is twelve feet, and have floco cornices, and
ve3 nine rooms'up-ftairs. befidet the garrets, which are divid
— ed into three rooms: a good kitchen, walh-hflufe, milk
and bathing-hoafes, a large ice-hoilfe, a pump in the yard,
, and a three leet three inch alley that lends into Fourth-
Ilreet. Ihc cellars are laid withlime, and floored with
two inch plank, and plafter'ed. I'he yard is well paved '
and the houl'e is clear of ground-rent. Two brick ltabjcs
the in Wainut-UJcet, with two coach-houses, one of them will
hold two carriages the other one. The smallest ftiblc' hasl
room for three, the largest for four horfjs. It is 21 feet
— front on Walnut-street, by 30 fact 3' inches deep. Vhey
have excellent lofts over them. The building is arched
|T al,d laid with l&W a nd two inch plant, and will hold _
' about one hundred pipes of wine ; is clear of gromyd
rent, and has the privilege of an u and 1-2 feet alley
that leads into Fifth-ftreet.
'° r Alfa, a large, Brick Store, 33 feet front on Fourth- h<
street, by 50 feet deep, wbich might, at a small expeuee, O
0. be turned into a handsome dwelling house, having been or
so contrived in the building. It has a yard, 48 feet 6 bt
inches deep, by 24 feet wide ; has a rain water pump, w
and other conveniences, and the cellar is hid with two 10
inch j»utnk, ana it, novV rented at 40 dollars per month.
This building is fubjsa to a ground-rent' of 113.4 dollars .
per annum. Purchalers before the sale >nay apply to
the fubferiber, GEORGE MEADE,
Or R. FOOTMAN, & Co. Auctioneers. so
Conditions of sale ate—cn the House and Lot in Walnur
?.ieet 163® pounds on mortgage to be paid, this sum upon , 0
1 .lythgthe interelt regularly, may lay for one yar certain, k c
jA(i tor a furthertinie 011 the parties ajrefting. ,
4800 Pounds on the firft of Augutl, ijp7; the remain- ra
der of the putfhafe money will be uken in approved inaor
-1(6 fed notes at 6, gi and 12 months.
On the Store in Fourth-street, pounds, ten shillings,
due 7th November 17^6; the remainder in approved indorled 1,1
notes at 6, 9 and 12 Vnonths,'with security on the premilcs
!l» till the whole is paid.
October 14.
The Members of the Society of the Sons of St. George
eflablilhed at Philadelphia, for the advice andaiTiftance of
'n Englilhmen in diSrcls, arc rcquefted to attend a quarterly
ht meeting of the said Society on Monday the 24th inft. at
or one o'clock P. M. at the City Tavern.—Tht members are
requeued to be punctual in.their attendance, as the rules
and regulations of the Society are to be considered.
A. Humphreys, Sec'ry.
Oct. 14, 1796. —
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- T1
_ bon, landing at th»fubfcribers wharf—
28 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales oi Spanifli wool J
' 3 do. of Anhifeed
7000 Bulhels of best Lisbon Salt , ,
80 Boxes of Lemons
:e ALSO,
Seventy liogfheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
cs received by the Ihip Dominick Terfr, Capt. Be Hart,
from Kingston. -
1.3. d
Just Import'Ld,
Tin Plates in boxes
Sheet and bar Lead 1
i's Shot—all ftzes, patent and o.immen
3 Copper bottoms and fheeta,
ty Engliih Ihoes ahd boots iri.- J ~&:t
Taunton Ale in calks of 1/ dez. each v
Balket Salt >
Wool Cards j;
_ Gob! Watches.
For fiale by
r Simon Walker, E'
O-t. 7- mwfim ( . "- - Pock-street A.
or F6r Sale, w
_ An Invoice of Cordage,
Confilling of different sizes, from t2 inch cables down Al
to rope of » inche*, of different lengths: Imported in
the finp Swift, .roij; Hull, and entitled to'drawbacK S
> Sept. 27. «(f Di
e d FOR SALE, k!
By N. and J. PKAZIER, . A
_ »>''Front-.lreet,
Prime Boftov barrels. —
Georgia Cotton. .
Carolina P-ice and Indigo.
Sherry aivd Teneriffe Wi»es, of excellent quality.
Ravens puck.
n Indio BF*dann6*s. '
Sewing~ilks, various colours.
C and Glirrahs.
I 7" tt!4W, ""j
For Sale,
d, By Jehu £*f Co.
115 hhds. Wefolndia Rum, 3d and 4th proof,
5 Barrels heft Indigo,- affd,
A few thousand bufheis of Turk's lfland fait.
Oft 17. d.
IrifiK Linens, &c.
%mpot%'d per the Jhtps Giajgrtv-. from Dublin, Liber
ty, 36 **» Cork, and 'b<ig Mentor, from Be/fhjfl,
•4-4 arid 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In whole and half boxes,
Afiorted from lid. to 4s. ftcrling—Alio 5-4 wide
— 1 Sheitirigs, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose.
On Hand,
7-£ Wide L'awns.
1, Diapers andTable-Cloths
A few boxctTickens and Checks
A few bales fianpcls
Cork and Beifait S*il Cloth, Nos. I and 6 1
IS Boxes "J C 6by 8,
10 Ditto > Window Glass, < 7 by 9,
y> 5 Ditto J C ? by 10.
ot The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the '
ti- drawback, and'will be difpofed.of by the package on
reasonable terms. !
_ James, Clibborn & English, !
ie No. 6, N. Front-street. <
, v loth mo. io'th. dtf '
J j
Just Landing, j
At South Jlrect-wharf from oh Icard the Jhip Scdg- '
id I'y, Captain HoJgs, from St. Pcterfiurg, [
ct The following Goods : i
" RtifTu Sail Dsck, firft quality. I
Do. Sheeting do. I
k n °- P' ' 4
Do. Huckaback.
r _ Do Cralh. , 0
' Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. of the
,1 Engltfli Czc.
j' 80. White Candle Tallow. (
Do- White Soap in small bores.
I Do. Cordage of fine yarn.
j. Ravens Duck.
[ lfinglafs, Ift and and fort.
I Horse.Hair uncyrkd.
Russia Bar Iron. T
I Do. Hoop Iron. J
s Do. Nail Roilb.
U ,10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
s : St. Petersburg Clean Hemp: r
t. For Sale by . w a
1 Philips, Cramond, & Co. I
1 , 0
1 i —
LAST Wedncfday Evening, O&oher 19, tier ween the
hours of 7 and 10 the bed room of Mr Ricketts in
? O'Eller's hotel was entered/ either by means of falfe key*,
j orat the. window, by fom? villain or villains; who mud have
been with the fit nation of the house (as the door r
was found lockfrd after they bad Committed the theft) who
' too.k away from aropngft fever at trucks, ONE which con-'
t_.; < ' at v.ihohle part rf Mr. Ricketi's property, but of which
he not yet able to a r c:rtain the contents particularly. At-i
5 ter blinking the said trunk a way, and emptying it of up.
* wards of a ihoufand dollars iu cash and bank notes, the vi 1- •
lains left it b"ehin<s tftecircus, during the time that the per- a
formances of the evening were forward*
It isearoeftly rcqueftcd, that all tavern-keepers on the flage
1 roads,, and the feijry as ; well as all civil officers, may
> be watchful fufpiclous perfcuis, who"may luve a c
redundanre of cash, which their appearance would by no
means befpfak ihem to-'be 'pofTtflTcd of. «
One Hundred Dollars Reward c
Will be given for the thief or thieves, and a fur
j ther reward for securing them with the property.
» °A> ' d.
—— — r
, Fcr Sale, «
Carolina Rice in whole and half tierces,
[ Cotton of Gaycfene and Trinidad, I ]
r Soal Leather, entitled to drawback,
t Boften Beef, and
, Mould and dipt candles.—pply to
s lfaac Harvey, jitn. ti
No. s> South Water.street. cr
iQtkmo. 17. ; dsw. i'jj
Sales of India Goods.
1 The Cargo ef tke ihip.G inges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and»BengaJ,
A Large and general afibrtment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Muslim,
Doreas, l!fc. Alio,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar J }
, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
, For Sale by
Willings Sjf Francis, c
No. SI Penn Street. jy
J*ne 2 § C
New Hat and Hosiery Store,
Wholesale, and Retail,
No. 134, Market Street, 3d door from the corner V
of Fourth, South Side. C
Mens* Black American and Englih Hats, of various qual-
ities and prices.
Ditto Drabs and GreeM-und«rs. A
Ladies* ditto black \
And a large aflartment of fancy ditto
Coloured Beavers
With a great variety of elegant and sash ionablc trim
mings* &c.
' Youth's black arid drab coloured ditto.
fancy ditto
{ All KiiitU of silk, silk affd cotton, cotton and thread hose
, Knit coloured Pantaloons
Dit*a DriivVrs
Ditto Breeeh«c patterns
Knottecl, cotton. 0
Ar quantity of cotton,forted colours.
N. B. ihe hats finifned in the newest faihos.
— r l 7' eo<jim.
Washington Lottery.
The 30th and 31ft days' drawing of the Washington
pottery, No. a, are received at the office No. 4, Mar
ket-street, wiiere tickets may be examined. B'
N. B. Information given where ticket# in ail the othe
•otteries may be procured. ,
Goober ao, 1 4
' • 1 11
John Miller, jun. & Co.
Exclulive of their own Importation now opening,
Have received by the William Peon, Caroline and Diaoi
Whit!; cosuprize afifortment to open a.
Dry Goods Store.
Among!* t)iem are—
r' Common f per und luperfinc Cloths,
k Plain, twill'dend llrip'd Coatings,
>5 Baizes and Hsai:cli,
Point, rose and dufFil Blankets,
Je Plain and- puntea Caffimerei,
I Swanfdowns,
Printed Calicoes,
Scotch Threads,
rliey will be fold either ifi whole, er in part, by the
package, terms which render th«m an object worthy gf
attention to purehafers. dtf OA. 21.
it ® ut °f different vejelt from England, and for fall
in by the fuljcrilers en reajtnable terms,
Supeifine and common cloths, and calltmers
Ribbed and striped do. do.
Blankets , mottled green and fi!k rugs.
Superfine bltite, Claret, and cemmon coatings,
, Kerseys, Bear-ikins, plains and Halfchic:.;.,
Swanlkins, Serges and Flannels,
British Ingrain Carpeting,
r. Hatsaflortcd in cases of 11 doz. each.
Chocolate chintzes, printed t'allicoes and Handkerchiifs.
Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail,
Yarn, Worftcd, and C<-tfpn hosiery,
Beavers, Thickfotts, Ivets, -Corduroys, &c. See.
Bull and drab Genoa Cords of si iunerinr s*—
<jii; S<l. .lOtt 110. 7CO. na>ls, and fryibg pans,
An aflbrtanciit of Ironmongerry, Cutlery and a variety
of India cotton, aud silk gouds. r >
e Thomas & JoJhua Fijher.
' No. 5, Dock-fttreet. '
Also by the GlaTijow from Dublin,
1-8 and 4-4 Irish io boxes of 30 pieces,
do. Bfown, Glazed Linnen. <
17. Its
To be Rented,
A Small and Convenient •6 R E IV ER T, at
Llorris Vi lie, afipoftte Trent an.
ALL the Apparatus for Brewing new and in gotri
repair: A number cf Barrels and Half Barrels will
also be rented. Pofleflion may be bad at any time.
. Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia,
or Mr. Robert Morris, jun. or Daniel Mun at Mcrris
, Ville.
Oaober 20, 1796. tnthftitw
By Benjamin Davies,
* Ac. 68, Higb-Jlrstt,
0 The American Repoiitory of ufeful
1 information, for 1797.
A Calendar for the year#
A complete Regiflerbf the Executive, Legislative,
and Judic ; ary Officers of the General Government.
e A of tlie Military Fa»ce* of the United States.
1 oft-Ofiice Eflabhlhment—times of receiving and
a closing the Mails atThiladelphia.
o The post roads and towns, and their diltftnccs
Times of holding the Supreme, Circuit and DiftriA
A taiAe of Impost duties, alphabetically arraaged.
A lift of the cyltonvuoufi bfficers and their fcer.
Rules for reducing the currencies of the several
- ftatcs into one another, and all of' them into tbe mo
ney of the United State*.
Ufeful tables of-the of pounds, fliillin*-s and
pence, in dollars and cents.
A register of the officers of tbe civil government of
A gardiner's caVndar for Pennfylvanil.
Aft'd a great variety ®f other articles of ufeful informa
tion. Embellilhed with twelve elegant vignettes, an en* ,
graved title-page and frontispiece,— making together, a
handfoine, as well as very ufeful, little pocket companion.
OiStober 20. aawtf
Country Rum,
And a few pipes of Vinegar,
1,1 > For Sale by
Ezekiel Hall,
At the stores of Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. 4, South
5 Water-street. Odober 20. d
Imported, in tbe late arrivals from Europe and the
Holland Gin, in pipes
Choice St. Croix»Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaflis, in hoglheads
Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pip«s and quarter-calks
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
in pipes, half-pipes and qßarter-cafts
Malm fey Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks
TenerifTe Wine, in pipes
Ruflia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Dusk, in cases
• Window Glass, Bby 10, in
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in casks
. Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes
Also, on hand,
A few chtfts of Bohea Tea : Jefnits BarkAflaftt
tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of Coflaes,
Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Handker
chiefs, and a complete afiortment of ?-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths.
For Sale by
Pragers Ess Co*
20 (fowm&thim
On Monday, the 3 \JI injl. Sold
at Public Sale, at the Store of Messrs.
George Hunter £sf Co. No. 153, Pearl
Jlreet, New-Tork,
175 Pieces of the Best
Englifii Weft Country Sail Cloth,
By some persons called East Coken, and by others
Weft Coken.—lt is of known excellency; wears
white, and does not mildew
°<£lober 18 «h,9 t h