f r Philadelphia, O&ober 19. Latest Foreign Intelligence. By the James, Copklin, at Ncv/-York from London, in 19 days, we have English papers to Sept. 10. Selec tions follow. LONDON, September 7. By the dispatches received from Mr. Hiroir.ond, we leirn, that his million has failed in toto ; the king of IVuilia. having Hot only rejected the proposal made to him 4>y our court, which went to guarantee to him certain very important territories and a tta-p»rt, but received Mr. Hammond in the mojt 1:1.1 mur 1 This is an insult not to be wondered at, after submitting to such an humiliation, as to apply to that very powir which deceived us, broke faith with us, and cheated us of our money. The object of Mr. Hammond's million isfaid to been 'Vtvo-fbld: firft, to aftertiin the final dete min.ition of the l'rench poveniment on the conditions of peace and secondly, if that determination Ihould prove to be such as to render the continuation of the war inevita ble, to detach the Prufiian monarch from hi? alliance with the French, and to induce nim to rejoin that con federacy which he w*s the firft to eftablilh, and the firft to clelert. In both these points,-Mr. Hammond has completely failed ; and the failure has jullified the ap prehensions of thof : who were capable of forming any judgment of the present slate of contiaental affairs. Some of our politicians are now convinced of what they ought to have seen long ag«, that the royal plan- ! derer of Poland is determined to take every possible ad vantage of the ? empcror's diftrefled situation. The petty Hates too, at least as many as are within his power will foot! participate in the blessings of his pater iul care and afteifhbn. The demands of the French diredtory, as communi cated through nur late faithful ally, are laid to be such as might be expcifled through such a channel, tn fa» .ro the last. It is natural he fhou'd do so ; but it is conlidently reported, that he has no intention to carry or) the war any lon'ger ; that he now labours to givepeaceto his dominions by a treaty with the French j and that, if nothing unforefeen retard the negociati ons, a peace between these two powers will be cun eluded before tb| end of next month. William Swift, a man of 93 years ps ag_e, was late ly committed to the house of corre&ion, at York, in order to take his trial at the next feffiois, for aflaulting, with intent to ravijb, three girls, the eldcft of whom is not twelve years old. The emoluments of the offices held by the late earl of Maisfield, amounted to upwards of 19,0001. per eifn. We do not complain that the moftof them were .jinecure places • every man ought to have places suited tn his abilities, and if Mr, Pitt has provided for many of his friends in this way, it ia a proof that tie knows exailly what they are fit for. < A baker was on Monday conri&ed in the penalty of jcfl. on 4ounces o brail ia -Two tei'y Cocknies, who are about leaving town for the fpo' ting season, actually bought two Bull-Dogs for f pointer!!, at a (hop in Holborn, last week One of the most firople and ufefnl difceveri'es in Agriculture, comprehending pasturage, is to mix green, or new cut clover, with layeis »f lfr&w,in ricks '!»and {lacks. Thus the sap and strength of the clover is absorbed by the 'straw, which, thus impregnated, both horses and cattle eat greedily ; shd thus the clover is dried, and prevented from heating. This pra&ice 15 particularly calculated for fccoftd crops of clover, or clover and rye-grass. A ICH A, (in Bav Aug. 15. 11 The head-quarters of the archduke Charles are this day arrived at Sirigmjen, nar Neubourg, on the Danube- We are allured that the Austrian arrtiy will occupy an Intrench ed camp near Ratifb»n, whirber the 'French threaten to pene trate." STUTGARD, Augolt ai. « We have n» authentia news from the arihy of genersl Mcreau ; we only know, that the d vilior of the right, under general Ferinot, has made grest progref. towards Augftourg. In the last affairs wSiich took place between the »»th and 14th, this general took upwards of 32 pieces of cannon, ac cording to the repurt of persons arrived from Ulm. " Tne pealants who had atmtd themfclves in the environs ef Bregenz and Lindan, iri imitation of those in Tyrol, dif ptrfed at the approach of the French, and Returned to their homes, very glad to ,;et off so cheaply. t; There are hardly any more FrencKiheft at Lindau ; the corps that;captured that city advances, without obstacle, a gainst Fluff and the out-pofts are even reported to have reached iht 4 H defiles of Tyrol. *■ The aimv under the command of the Austrian general Wolf retreat 10 Wrlheisn, Murrau, and 'Vir'enklrcn." PAR 1, S. The executive dire£lery sent the iol! ii». meffige on the ft-!njrcl of the finances to the council of five hundred, on the 6th Fru&ioor («ug. *3 ) " Citizens Legislators, '• 1 he directory can no longer conccal from voti the afflic ting particulars which they receive from ail quarters, ol the filfcion of the troops, spread ofer the interior ol the re public. " For several months pall their conflancy has been put to 1 the proof by the rrtoft paintul pri\ ations ; and while they have/ deplored their distress, the dirt£lory have more than once ad mired the rr'fignation with which the French soldiers know how to forgot their wants, when those of the country ale re called to their minds. " So long as the directory could flatter themfelvei with the profpeflof amelioration of the finances, which could put an «nd to a situation so critical, ihey fuflaintd the couragc of the troepsby hope, ana lludiouflv concealed their alarms; but - the evils have become too great to he any longer disguised ; and however painlu' this revelation m«y be, it is no longer neflible to wiiliotd it. The present alarming circumllances demand it. »' T he pay of the troops, that facied debt «f the republic to theei: zens who devote their lives to her service, has not V»een di^harj;ed for ftA.ra' mouths ; nntwithllai>diug*be4e>li- citftions ofthegoveinmentj the trcafufy could not afford the necefury Supply—il had tot the means. " /li to.aie (nfpended from tte inability of the pubiic treasury 10 fulfil tlicir engagements ; the supplies of provisions arc exhaufied, and not a hope of recruiting tbrm ie»airs; in almost every pan they have been obliged to have jecourie :o lequifif ons; but this rt.rafure, the employment of «hich is taial, fopplied v« ry inefficient r*. fiiuices ; and it is psiticulaih dangero»s in those deplnments, in which civil war has made such lavages as will require a longtime to rt p is." j F . several pprt* of the republic the fubfi.lence of the tre op? has hern txpofed 10 failu'e, . hcdiflriLuiion has ai C- Iv been made in the jnoprnion determined by the law, and has often in-in wholly fnpprtired for several day?; the no*- Tiiltment «.i the noops, wi.eii moving frtni place to place, which huheiro has only bteii lujiported by the Advances made by persons in power, is on tlic point of failing in all t,he lief ,T. tails. Lastly, and this confeffion is the maj af ■fiiilirg to she dire&ory to make, iu feveial wf ibe Hofj|^^ they Juve l>cet»obliged to rcfuTc the Tick soldier the bod that wai neccflary for the ie-efl.abiifhm.int of his healih. 4< Discouraged by the diforgaoizuion of all pans of the fervicc, the agent* abandon their yofts, to ci'cape the nume rous compla ; nts thai are preferred, and which they are unable to answer. In many place 3, money defined for otler pur poles, hat been taken by force from tiie public-chest. to lup ply the wants of the troops, and iWe iflagal proceedings have found in the imperious law of teceflitv. Every day couriers arrive to bring to the dirt&ory aid 10 the War Minifterthe news of iome new calamity or rhe dread of some new danger. " )he directory conjure y6u,c itizens reprefentitives, to fix ydtir whole attention on the affli&ing pidure which thev now present to -you, -and to devifc lome mean* for supplying the public treasury with the nectllafy refouices (or the fubfif trnceof the tr 'Opttl* the interior : the most ri<>id tie ortdmy rhali be- f'u the expenditnre of such funds, nid the reform# which the directory are preparing, wiil loon cfcftTinilh the expences and the demands. u The armies which are out of France, nomifbtd \y vic - tory, uo longer occupy the thought* ol the government, ex cept by the recitai of their fucrtfie* all their solicitude then mud be di.rested to the troops nf the interior, who have claims equally trrong on the gratitude of the country, and who can only obtain from tb£ country the relid which (be owes to her deienders. •< REVELLIERE-LEPAtJX, P.efident, 44 LEGARDE, .Secte^ly-Gelleral.* , CAMBRIDGE, Augufl 27. Brutal Outrage at Yarmouth, Mr. Thelwail, who has been for some tiifie delivering z Course of Lectures on Civil Hiftorv, and particularly on the laws and revolutions ol Rome, at Norwich, rec. ived a lUong invitation frotn (everal of the rincipal inhabitant* of Yai fnoath to repeat them m that town. Mr. Hurrv, one of the firft merchants in that place, having lent one of iiis wareboufes for the purpole, and feveiii gentlemen having entered into a fubfeription to fit it op in a proper way, Thelwall accepted the invitation. On theftfftand second nights, a oarty was formed, con fining of two or three Clergymen, some officers df the Mi litia, (moftof them dilguifed in coloured elbaths) a fellow employed to look after the emigrants, and a hangerou or two (place expe&ants) of government, who attempted to bree* a dillurbance in the le&ure-room, while a pared of Uoys without, irrigated by a naval officer, wno offered them five guiueas if they wod»d pull down the hou s e, co-operatea with the detachment within, by all the noise and uproar they were capable of making. The difturbfrs, novtfever. were put to complete confufton by the firrnnefs, geneial concord, and discreet good humour of the cotupuny. The thfrd atak irnvedj and a tremendous night it was. Up wards of two hundred auditors, of both sexes, and of all ages, molliv of genteel people, aflembled, and the k&ure proceeded for some time with the utmost trartqnillky j but about eight o'clock a banditti, con filling of upwards of sixty faTltfrs, amjfcl with blui?-eons, who came on fliore (evident j ly for the elpecial purpose) from a frigate and a cutter lying in the roads, iuddicnly rushed into the room, attempted to leize the orator, a:id having put oM the lights, theypromif. | cuouflyand unmercifully beat »*moll every pcrfon prefect, without relpeft either of age or sex, there being between so and 30 well-dress d ladies among the audience. Having completely c 1 eared t'hc room a Maltlnmfe ficuated on the walls, they broke to pieces the tribunal and benches, dcltroyed the orator's books, the •' Roman antiquities ol i fius HalicarnalTenfis," " Plutarch's Lives, v and Moyle's trea ifeon " the Lacedemonian govcrnmeut" ; and after sing ing Gpd save the King, returned to the sea ftiore, whqje sig nal lights being hung out from the above Oiips, they all im mediately took to their boats, and re-embarked on board their refpeftive vrfiVls. They were oblerved t% be headed by two persons who z&ed as officers, and about fix of them had cutlaffcs, who guaided the outer-door, whilst thole with bludgeons entered the room, and one of the former deiperadocs wantonly aim ed a bl<>W ai a pcrlou, which cut through the silk handker chief about his neck, and would probably have fatally wound ed«fc:m bat for the fluffing inclosed therein. The situation 0t thole in the room was too horrid for de scription ; tiie Oiric'ks of tiie women, wi;o were brutally af filed v> ith the moti. violem blows equally with the men, and the rushing forward towards the dooi, everyone trying to efFe&heir escape, created a fceiieof confufion fcarCcly to be -Mimy' lotl I Heir Rats p intt Tome ~*T fielr wigs.-the clozths were nearly rent off the backs of several, and these, with some of the ladies' cloaks and shawls, many covered with blood, were carried off in triumph by the sail ors Mr. Samuel Hurry, a ship owner, besides beat, losing his hat and wig, and having his coat torn, had his poeket-bppk and money flofen from hi*v The number of broken lieads was innumerable, few efcapin? without some blows ; atnong thole who received much ir.jn/y were Chriilopher Atkinfon, £fq. M. P. Ebenescr Hollick, Esq. of Whittlesford near Cambridge ; Capt. Flynn, of the pack et ; Mr. Bell, Colle£l tof the Customs; Mr. Burrctt, sur geon ; an officer in the Oxfordfhire militia ; and a lady in a liatc of pregnancy. A young man who lives with Mr. Fer rier, woollen-draper, and another perfnn; are so much hu«t from their skulls being fra&ured, as to excite great apprehen ftons for their fate ; ai«i it is next to a miracle that mauy pcr lons -weienoi murderat. The design of the wa*evidently to feiie on Thelwall, and carry him on Hiip-board, and they had twice nearly fe cured h«m, but on the firll attempt he .presented a piifol to ! the head of otic of them, exclaiming, offer, the lead vio lence and you arc a dead man tiicy then desisted, and he escaped. He was a second time attacked coming out of the room, but was rescued -by some fpirired young men, who lately condnfted him 30 the house of a friend, which the afterwards threatened 10 enter and destroy, but did not proceed. One of the g««g is said to have been carried off dangerous ly wounded, some fav killed, by blow s fuppofrd to ha.e been received from his companions in the general fcuffle. The firlt perfot'.s who Scaped from this long corflift, ap pliea immediately to the Mayor, then at the Affqmbly, for afi»fiance to fupprels the riot ; but, instead of beinH attend ed to, one of litem was threatened himfelf \\»th commit ment, and otic of the persons in company with this chief magtmate indecently exclaimed, and met with no rebuke, th2t " ii fcrvtd the people right, and rs for the damn'd ' Lec iu'er, they would beat him to piece*.*' At length the Mayjjf anlwcrcd to one of the app]ica?ions that wasmpe —"Well, lord Spencer may fend the foldiors if he ple-yT'. But as it is weli known that the military car.oot aftWrifhoutthe pre fence of the Magiftiate, l«»rd Sjencer, who e/reffed his reatiioeTs to on a legal requifi:ion, was o. b/iged to decline making use of thk verbal pcimifSjo, A French paper relates the following anecdote : — Few people new remember, that on the id of March, 1784, the (. mans .Aeronaut, Blanchard, drew an lmwcnfe coneourfe of people to the Chavif de Mars, in Pari3, to lei him ascend in a balLori?— Every thing was prepared at twelve i 'clock, Blan chard was abrmt to get into tiie boat, when a young scholar of the military febool ruthed forward with his lwwrd in his hand, with an intetiu'on of attend ing with him ; Blanchard y wo»ild not consent, but neither his intreatiet, nor the exclamatieo of the croud, whose curiosity was delayed by thi« circum (lance, could induce young man to gT»e up bts dtfigh A prrfon went to inform the Governor of the military fehoo!, who immediately ordered him to descend from the balloon, which he refufed, and evtti attempted to cut the cord with his sword, but was prevented. The ci-devant Marquis de Valerie seized him, and dragged htm out of the balloon.— In spite of the delay which his obitinacy caused to the publ'ic,,his courage and enthusiasm excite admi ration. llifc event cauled much conversation at Paiis ; it was forgot, because every thing is forgot ten in lime. Do you know citizens, who this .young adventurer was, who (hewed so much cou rsge !—lt was Buonaparte. This trait calls to mind the childhood of Alcibiadc6 —It frequently happens, thai in the infancy of great men, are given of their future glory. t N Ft May a Boy ahwt three ye-ys ©I<\ son of a labouring man, at St. Geotgci s, C-.U-.utci tcrlhire, went into a neighbour * houle, win v ft «e poifotred vvztter was for deft toy ing flu's, whici! hting within reach of he child, In took it tip, and dtank it, and'not with Handing every mcJical afiiltance was immediately given Irsni, he expired, rnexft ex cruciating agonies about four liouis after. The following accident happened lately at Jour dan HoulV, near llmiuilcr. A woikman, iion! j LonJon, employed on the building there, Ind paid Hiis addresses to a young woman of the neighbour hdod, who having a fufpicioit that he was a marri ed mfi, took an opportunity on Su.iday fc'nnight to question mmrlofely refpectisg that circumstance ; he dented it with oath?, and called stir the venge ance of heaven if he was not 2n unmarried perfoh : However Angular it may appear, it is a fa tife to us, having been throws, into the river. 5 The emperor has ifltied a proclamation, in which he calls upon his fubj'Cts to take up arms, to avert the danger*which threatens them, from the destruc tive progress of the French ; but e* prefies his reso lution not to have recourle, but in the lait extremi ty, to those violent mealuics to which the enemy have beerr £>lely indebted tor the fuccefi of their arm's. He profeffe# a, jutt reliance on the fidelity of his fubje&s, for whom he avows a firm I meiit. By the mail from Lisbon,. information is said to i have been received, that tjie Portuguese eourt have agreed to the demand made by" the French of tweti ty-lve millions of crulades, but has refufed to bieak off the commercial intercourse with England. LONDON, September 9. " PRO SP E'er 4) p PEACE. The indirect attempt of minifiers to negociate with the French republic, having failed, we are happy to hear, that, waving every tittle, pilrry consideration of etiquette oa a feufinefs so fericufly momentous, they have, with muth wisdom and propriety, final 1 )' deter mined to meet the question of WAR or PEACE, in the rr,oft fair, open ahd honorable mann^, or iiticinMfrailei, by the intervention of any other power. Mr. Hammond's interview with the king of Prnflia, although it did not produce the advantages which were expefled to result from it, nevertheless enabled that geutlrm?n to afcertam at ieaft one very, material and important fatf, namely, '« That the French go vernment had not the smallest objeflion to treat with this country —but that, for the purpeft of Supporting their eonftltution in the eyes of their country, and of proving to all Europe the ample coni'ohdation of rhe republic, any p rope fit ion the BriuCi cabinet might have 10 make on thefubjeifl of PEACE, muff be made m a direct and unequivocal manner to the diredlory it- In coifequence oAhis intimation, the csbinet im mediately proceeded to deliberate on the queflion ; and, after coniiderable debate, it was at length decid ed that an accredited agent (hould be sent immediately «o Paiis, inverted with all the neceflary powers for opening a negeciation with the executive directory, and (empowered to submit to them iiich terms ts our mini llers an willing to agree to, for the purpose of restor ing psacc to Europe. Those terms are already drawn up.—We ire well allured they have been diaated by finc«rity, and that they are at once so liberal, wife, and honor 'ble, as to afford the molt rational ground of hope that thty cannot fail to produce the moil favora ble imprefiwn not only upon the membersof th* French government, but upon the French nation at large, es pecially when it i considered that the executive direc tory, (owing to the j#-feit ruinous Hate of their finances, and the diftrefled condition of their affairs, independent of the recent check they have experienced in Germany J ruiiif be as anxious to bring the war to a speedy termination, as either of the powers with whom they have to contend. Of thr Mature of the Vv'c u;e not yet 1 onvCl■ y informed—but it has been hinted to us, from a quarter,of the greatest reipeftabiiity, that the grand balls of the proposed ne* gociat.on is lii.c.y to be, a restoration of all our con queffs in the Weft-Indies, during the present war, and a'fornaal cession of the whole of the conquered territo ries on the left- bank of the Rhine. The eRCmy, on their part, to tvaeuate the Miianefe, and all the other countries of Italy now in their power. Ihe ptrfon vhoni miuiflers leave made choice of to into e: vcution this important objciil, is the Hon. 1 ho mas Grlnvillk, a gentleman of acknow- I ledged abilities m the diplomatic line, and every way -qualified for the weighty trufl, adding to a profound i and exienfive knowledge, an elegance of address and | manners, that has ever rendered him rrfpeifred and I admired.—He was employed on a very important mis sion to France towards the concluhon of the laftwar, and proved himfclf, altlipugh then very be perfciSly adequate to the taik. Mi. GrenviUt i> to or accompanied by an ofikial gentleman a» his fecictary, and as soon as the necrflary passport is procured for him from the Krencfi govern ment, it it intended he fhal) embark with his suite, oa board a frigate at Brighton, for Dieppe. By this determination of miniflcrs to reflore the bl.-ffings of peace, they at on e refcui tbemfelves from the injurious imputations daily laviihed againfl their intentions, and demonstrate to their countrymen the sincerity of their desire to relniquifh a coutelt, the fur ther prosecution of which, whatever necessity there was for,its rominenceixent, can be deemed neither ex pedient, prefitable, or fafe. That perfect fnceefs may I attend their commendable efforts, must be the earnest prayer of evsry Kriton, ailuated by » regard for his country, or a wish for its proi'perity and happinefa. Ihe bank has lately fefuled ro difcounl the bills of some of the inofl refpe(£lable houses in th . cuy. Th- otifr of council for permittir be nude from Eng.,uw, to ciiamr; „ . of the French, is chiefly intended •m 5 , chafers from lioi!»nd, for the imm goods with whi. h the ware-houiet ou company are filled, and lor which : - ' diate dem nd in 'I bis r ;1 , j. a> ly, but ralhly, to be a fymptu, of ißg peace. Its objefl is i'oleiy a commercial .'w/'-hw of inducing covntntt to rm.ki piyi..eft't here, whi'h would of course withho.d them, it they were prevent ed Rem receiving.-iny in return, September 10. Hismajefty, we are. afiined, is decidedly in fan*, of an anajias exprefccti u is deter mination to use every means in his power to hri bout that delirible object, with at little delay as uo < bi«. ' H Mr. Ellfworth, a treafurr niefTeaj-er, wW lafti night difpatchetj with letters to the court of Iv'aplef, Whirl* arc said to be of "the greau.t impaitance. flic j; u ■. ral report at the trcafwy they contain the u r;;j which this court intend to .pr. ; pofe ?u the French ihu tory, in order to obtain a geneial pc-aco. A messenger was sent off to Vienna on Thurfda, with the determination rf o_ur cabinet to prnpofe ttrm» of peace to the French government. The party w. iters are now n.ore enraged at Mr. Pitt's condiiel than e»er, becaule he is fltiermined make proposals to the irciicb of so liberal and cogita ble a nature, that if peace doe* not reiof* from them, the failure will not be imputable to th: ilritilh cab.net. i Ji* indirect means lately had recourfc toby miuillcr* to obtain peace, was declined by those writer.', arrogant and filly, and the open and honorable line of iinnluit, now adopted by them, it termed a degrading humilia tion. Say, gentlemen, which way v.i,l you have it' lltcre ij fomethmgf extraordinary in the present t.f pc£l of our affairs. If appearances are to bt truiled, we ate offering peace to France, and about to engage in a wir ft ith Spa.u 1 Is it to be expe&ed that the ur mer will accede to any terms of peace in which the latter is not included? Would Spain engage in a war «i>h Great-iifilaia, if not weli allured of the aid of France ? There is but one m#de of solving these difE calties, which is by iuppofirg that our miiuflers, pro per y faerificiiig ali punctilio, are determined le tiy whether all differences may not be fettled at the feme time, and the complaints of-Sj*a»n I— y i*t congrcfs at Parit. -i— September o. It appears at present to be Cf mi. nifters to assemble parliament on the 47th inlt. unlefr some new occurrence fliouJd intervene to render it tie- ' ctflary to postpone the meeting to a later period ■ The proposed negociitiont with the French directory are intended, in the mean time, to be carried on with the utmost zeal. Brussels papers to the .3d inft. have been re«eived. which state, on the authority of a letter from .hat the Prussian troops have received orders to aft of- /Ny fenlively againfi any armed body that may enter Fran-1 conia, except the I rtneh. It is understood in the bell informed circles, that i the principal part of the supplies for the erluing are to be railed by borrowing three (hillings in th (found on all landed property above 4001. per annum/ This forced loan the, minifier proposes to pay off in three years. By the return of the several regiments of militia in J this kingdom, which has just been made to the war office, it appears that the eftabliSiment is beyond tx- j peftation rcfpeftable and foi midsble. Mr. Jackson who is going to Paris on the important pacific million, is son to Do&or Jaskfor., Ptebcnd of it, Panl\ and the Protege of the Duke ef Leeds, who is his godfather. This gentleman is laid to possess th* most iplendid alilities; though^a youne; man he ha bien 1 "cutiD [1 sa"Wfthf ant iiegociatiiin.., which ie flefted the hipheft honour on his talents and discretion. A Ibort time after he had been introduced into the office "■*" oi fccretary of state for foreign affairs, at the aga of eighteen, he was appointed lecretary of legation tp the Coui t of Berlin, at the time when a rupture was expect ed with the Emprels of Ruflia, on account of the dispute refpoitirg Oczakow. He his lince been employed on a ipecial million to the Court of Vienna, previous to the meeting ol Parliament last year; and he has aifo idled as fccretary to theenibaffy, and Mmifter Plenipotentiary st the Coprt oi Madrid, previous to tfcie arrival there of Lord Bate. y Sir Sydney Smith, it is reported, is at present closely confined in the prifou of the Temple at f'aris. / PARiS, Ayguft 31. In the fteret committee of the Council of Five Hun dred, th? Treaty of Alliar.de, offenCv* and defenfive, between France and Spain, wa» read It is no other than the family Compadt under a new form, and accom» aiodated to present circumftunces. It is agreed, that whichever of th« two powers (hall be attrcVed, the other lhall immediately furnift IJ fail of the line, 18,000 foot, and 6000 cavalry to the aid of its ally. The vcffels ft-.all aft either separately or united ly, at the will of the power which demands alfiftance. The 18th at tide imports that it is particularly agaiaft the F.ngli/h that these united fortes are to art : This treaty may therefore be regaroed as a declaration of war on the pert of Spain England. This treaty, which was ligned at Madrid by General Perignon ana the Prince of Peace, wes referred to a fp«- cial committee. / Irilh Linens, &e. Imported per the Jhipj Giajgoiu, from Dublin, Liber ty, from Cork, and brig Mentor., from "Be/aX, 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, In whole and half boxes, AfTorted from lid. to 41. ftcrling—Aifo 5-4 wide Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worflcd lick. On Hand, 7-g Wide Lawns. Diapers and Table-Cloths A few.boxesTickens and Checks A few bales funnels Cork and Beliait .Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6 15 Boxes } (6 by g, 10 Ditto £ Window Glass, J 7 by 7, 5 Ditto j C 8 by ro. The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to th« i drawback, and will be dilpofcd ol by the package on reafouable terms. James, Clibborn & Engiifh, No. 6, N. Front-firect. loth nw. 19th. dtf DANCING SCHOOL. WILLIAM IVI'DGUGALL will open hij&h«ol on Mon day the 31 ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, athii Elegant JSew Ball Rooms, In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets. Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o'clock on Mondays, Weducfday, and Friday mornings; and for young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evenings o the fame day s. In additien to a number of new cojllions, he metns to introduce a variety of Scotch Reels. Note. The firft praitifißg ball to be on Tuesday e vening, die fir It of November, and to be continued every Tuesday, during-the leafou. vFor tcrrr.% ice, enquire st bis bsufe, No. IJ4> Market llreet. 04i. 17. eetf- 0.3. 17, % s si m •'«'-i ; J V *"■*Jr