v For Sale, A Thrff-ftflry BRICK HOUSE ahd Lot, in CheCnut street, between Front and Second ftrcets, in which £J; Mefirs. James Culbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on buiinefs. Pofleflioii will be given in one month, or sooner. ' ' For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or . HECTOR CALBRAITH. H April n. x § A Manufactory FOR SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufa&orv, fltuate j in a convenient part of the city ; the v. orka atmoft new, on an entirely original conftru&ion, and built of the bed materials, sud'm'ay be set to work immediately, f'crfons whovrrfhto purchase, are refuelled tb apj>ly at No. 273, South Second Street. September 13. t t f tf ent .. Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. No. 63 South Third ftreet,oppofite the national new Banlc. T, OAMUEL M VR-VUNCKS and JOHN VA,N REED, JC *3 have entered into co-pSrtnerHiip, under the firm of cei FROUNCES & VAN REED, in the buiinefs of Brokers, Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and fell 011 commmiosi every species of (lock, notes of hand, bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. procured. on dipofits, &c. &c. all kinds c' *vritiHg.s in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand ; accounts adj lifted, and books fettled, in the 2 most correal manner. Conflant attendance will be given. 20 "They solicit a (hare of the public favor ; they are deter 'aiined to endeavour to deserve it. — N. B. The utnioft secrecy observed. 2 3 SAMUEL M. rRAUNCES, 40 JOHN VAN REED. _ Philad. August 27, 1796. m&wtf gj Valuable Real Estate, .nj For sale at Auction by Cafptr TbttU, of Hamburg, late the property of fames and William Kinnear. t0 •For sale by public anilion, on the 9th day of November ; n next ensuing, at the (ign of Gen. Waffiington, Wood's in tavern, borough of Reading, Berks f ounty.t « follow ing real estate, viz. co ~ t \ TRACTof land containing 465 acres with mi ii. allowance for roads,called the Purchase, s Ol fluated in Brimfwick township, Berks county, patented, eti 18th o 1 Jan.yfjKX "Tiis trad, of which about 25 acres are cleared, is of good frm, situated on the Tomagua, or Little Schuylkill, well watered anfl timbered, on which is , crecled a good log dwelling house and liable. No. 1. A tr» and rail, or board fence, containi'ig in front, 60 feet, and in depth 18® feet, fubjeA to a ground rent of 7/6 per an- p num. No. 17. A town lot in Hamburg, enclofedasno 16,t0 ae which it adjojns,being of the fame dimensions, andfubjeil hi to the faipe ground rent,on which is eredted a log ftuble, re 16 by 18 feet a! No. 18. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No. 17, a corner lot, fronting on Main and Schuylkill streets, di- tl jn.nfions the fame as No. 16 and its, above described, sub- re je&toio/o per annum ground rent. Oil this lot is er efled a large 2 story dwelling house, 45 feet front on Main ei street, by 34 feet in depth 011 Schuylkill street, pleasantly la and advantagcoufty situated for a flora. h N. B. The above described three town lots will be fold fe tparately or together, as may bell suit the purch. fers. ir Conditions of sale—One third of the purchase 'money to be paid to the subscribers, Or either of them ia Philadel- - «hia, at or before the expiration of one month frem the Jay of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed { the rtfidue payable in 2 equal payments, at 6 and 12 month* 1 with intereft,the payment whereof to be secured by mort gaje on the premises. , 0 James Henderfon, ] Affigneesto *' FVeder'ick Montmollin, I the estate of - Thomas Rogers, r James &Wtn. a 'Joseph D. Drinker, J Kinnear. si September 16. m & th. Pr ———————r Treasury Department, " September 28', iys6. " NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury " until the expiration of the firft day of March next en- " suing, for the supply of all rations which may he required " for the use of tne United States, from the firft day of " Jtune, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both " days inclusive, at the places and within the diftriels here- " after finentioned, viz. At Ofwego; 2t Niagara ; at " Pjefque Me.; at Sandulky Lake, and on Sanduflcy " River; at Detroit; at Michilimaekinac; at Fort-Frank- " lin; at Pittfburgli; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ; " at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-JsfFerfon; at Grenrille; at " Piique Town and Loramics Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayne; at Fort atany place bslow Fort 1 -Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Erie; at Fort r Steuben ;at Fort Maffac ;at uny place from Fort Maffac C to the south boundary of the United States on the river \ Miffifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. c If fupplics lhall be required (or any pods or places not i mentioned in this notice, alj such supplies lhall be fur- t tiiflied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the' posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on j between the United States and the Contractor. The rations to be supplied are to coilfift of the fol lowing articles, viz. f Ofle pound two ounces of bread or flour. One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of { pork or bacon. Half a gill of rum, rr whilkey. , One qtiart .ind half a piiit of falt."N , Two quarts of Vinecar, ( , , , . 1 wo pounds of Soap, ( P cr | One pound Of Csne'le-, J - „ j The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities, as that 1 there (hall at all times c'uring the said term, be fuflicient 1 for the consumption of the troops at Michib'mackinac, De troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix month* in advance, and at eachoflhe other polls, for the term of at least three months in advance, in good aad wholesome provifions,if the fame (Hall be required. It is to be un ditrflood, tjiat tile i to beat the expence and rffc of iffuirgtl efuppli#? to the troops at each poll, and ♦hat all losses ftiftaintd by the depredations ofaa enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, (hall be paid for at the price of the artichs captured or destroyed, on the deposition? oft\/o or more perfonsof creditable cha racters, and the certificate of a conimiflioncd officer, af cci taining ti c circumflances of the loss, and the amount •f the ai tides for which compensation (hall be claimed. j OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury., JOHN MILLER, fun. & Co. No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Hare Imported in the late vefleis from Europe, &c. »- AND HAVE LOR SALE, A geseral assortment of GOODS, faitable to the fcafon — V Amongst which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, Plain and twill'd COATINGS, St Rose flriped a»d point BI.ANKETS, FLANNELS and BA.ISES, ~ HATS alforted in cases, IRISH LINENS, g INDIA GOODS, generally, A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY, Comprising a capital assortment to open actore —inclu- ding Thirty Caifics of J>IAILS. This invoice will be fold entire on very advantageous terms. ( September 20. d Lottery FOR raising fixthoufand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents, by a dedu&iou of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollar» 5000 I iooo 1000 t 500 soo 5 200 loco 20 ICO 1000 9? jo 495° 200 2.5 • 5000 2000 IO " 20,000 5 Last drawn numbers of 1003 dollars each, 5000 _ 2332 Prizes. 44,4j0 4018 Blanks. ' 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44AS 0 By order of the Diredlors of the Society for eftablifh mg Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the Pat erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the j foregoing Saheme tAthe public, and have directed them to refund the money,to those persons who have purchased in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in this Lottery. The lottery has a&ually commenced drawing, and will y . continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Priaes p may be seen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64 jr south Second street, who will give information where tick- j ets may b« procured. * s Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. J. N- CUMMING, ~) .< JACOB R. HARDENBERG, >-Managers. JONATHAN RHEA, ) ,1 dtf eo w Samuel Rfchardet, 0 RESPECTFUI.LY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY a TAVERN and MERCHANTS OOFFEE HOUSE in the " ■ city of Philadelphia: J The Subscription Room will be furnilhed with all the daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal com- 11 merciai citi«s of Europe—They will be r-gularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety 0 of French liiquors; together with the ufiial refrefhments, 11 , will at all times be procured at the bar. . Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mofl approved Malt Liquors from London and br.her breweries. * . The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest productions of the Sqafon. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be > accommodated with Broakfdfts, Dinners, fir Suppers, at hours mod convenient to tkc-mleWos—a cold Collation is S* , regularly-kept for ccnveniency, the iSillof Fare to be had at the bar. , The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and c ■ the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other • requlfite. S\muel Richardet will be happy to receive, and i execute the commands of his Friends, and tie Public at J r large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges ° himfelf that nothing on his part lhall be wanting to pre- I ierve that patronage With he has been so diiiinguifli ingly j'ionored. r Philadelphia, April 19. tows • Treasury of the United States. J ' TOT ICE is bereliy given to all persons who are or IN may be Creditors of the United States; for any sums of the funded Deit, cr Stock, tearing a pr'fent intereji oj fix per centum per annum. i > 1 ft, That pursuant to afi Acl of Congrefi pal Ted on the f sEth day of April, 1796, intitledun a on the (hci i describing the t >f itock) Jland'ing in my name in the books of (here dcfcribing the j books of the Treasury or the Commiffioncr of Loans, where the stock is credited) fiotn (here insert tke com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney i? to continne) ivitJj poiver alfu an attprney or attor niet i under hint, for that purpoft to male and and t» do ail lawful a£h reyuifitefor tjfttHing thepremifes, hireby ratifying and it confmirrg all lhat my fetid Attorney cr bis lawful- It ly do, by virtue hereof. \ e- In IVitnefs hereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the in day of in the year of Sealed and Delivered ' le in of, n- BE rr KNOWN, that on the day rf id efore me person ally came id -within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to 'be or bis nSI and deed. id In teJHmony whereof I have hereunto set my Han i and ajfix 3rt od Seal the day and year lap afortjaid. a- • Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, ;his twen if- tieth day of July 1796, jxurfuant to dire&ions nt from the Secretary «f the Treasury SAMUEL MEREDITH, Ircafvrcr of the VniUd States. July 23. *»& »* 1 J. For Sale, A Complete Font of Busier, ENi.'rely new , and yet unopened. The weight of litis font is about 31a lb. It is from the Poundery o ■ WiHon &Sons,Glal'gow, ?u! j will be fold at cost & charges. °< Alio for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chaics. ' Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United n< States, 119 Chcfnut-drtet. J" September 17. r . Ic ~ r TCit) Cf Wathington. p! SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, _ (OR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 t THE FEDERAL CITY i Atfnagnificent 7 ao,ooo doffars, & 7 - 0 QOO C dwelling-houle, ) calk 30,000, are 5 ' ) I ditto 15,000 & cafli 15,000 40,000 C r ditto 15,000 & raft 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 , I ditto & calh 5,000 10,000 cli r I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 ' u I cash prize of 10,000 (( 3 i do. 5,000 each, are • 10,000 (I d 10 do. 1,000 - • 10,000 0 10 do. 500 ■ - 10,000 0 00 do. 100 - - X»)OUO g t ~ 100 do. JO 10,000 3 4CO do. »5 * " 10,000 t l, 0 1)000 do. 40 - 20,000 3 15,000 do. 10 • * 150,000 0 ' 16,73$ Prizes. 3 3i,»6i Blanks. p 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 g , lo N. B. To hvour those who may take a quantity ol in " Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn c ticket, awd the 30,000 the last but one : ™ And approved notes, securing payment in either mdncy or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for 5 any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of thepri vate buildings to be erefled in the City of Washington— :s Two beautiful deGgns are already fele&ed for the entire _ 4 fronts on two of the public squares; from these prJwings it ispropofed two centreand four corner baildings, as fiion aspollible after this lottery is fold, and to convey them, when comple»c, to the fortunate adventurers, in V the mannerdefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. * '• A nett deduiljon of live per cent, will be made to defray tv the necessary Cipenfes of printing, &c. and the surplus a will be made a part of the fund intended for the National t0 Usiverfity, to be creeled within the city of Washington. "She Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are n fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days j after it is finilhsd ; and any prizes for which fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed, are to be conlijcrcd as given towards e the fund for tl . University ; it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year from the elding of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. j The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a ■ mount ot the lottery. ' The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of i, the late Commissioners aflifled in the management of the U Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk s a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num p ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National Univerlity and the other federal ok- jeSs may continue to favor the delign. lt By accounts received from the different parts of the . j s Continent as well as from Europe, where the ticket! J have been sent for l'ale, the public are allured that ths n drawing will speedily commen«, and that the can: and , J caetion unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal, of th« tickets, has rendered the Ihort fufpejifion indispensable. SAMUEL BLODGET. d *§# Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; o James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, Bolton „ 5 of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wnlls .. Cpoper's Ferry. eo Watson's Answer to Gibbon. JUST RECEIVED, And for sale by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, j Apology for Christianity, . lb In a feriet of Letters, addrejjed to I £dward Gibbon, Es<^. Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the f Rofnan Empire: Bv R. H'ATS ON y d. d. f. r. s. Bilhop of Landaff. ° T (Price 75 cents bound ) ,d Watson's Anfwcr to Paine, p is To be had at the fame place. t< 1- The enemies of Religion are awake! Let not -her id friends Jleep* •*- Sept. 1. * nvvv&ftf t ~~ NOTICE. ' 1 'HE Subscriber, having been rcduced in his circum " ,e X fiances, by fuudry misfortunes, and being thereby u ar nuablc to fitisfy his just debts, Hereby give« notice to his 1 Creditors and to all pcrfons concerned, that he intends to 1; apply to the General Affcmbly of Maryland at their next b fcllion to be held on the firft Monday of November neat. {! n " for the benefit of an act of insolvency. o e " WILLIAM JZDMONDSON a P" Eafton, ift of the Qth month. 1 7q6. 0 To be fold, 1 j\ "PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coHn -1 il tyof Gloucoter, aud ftaje of New-Jersey, contain |ic ing about one hundred and fifty acres; a suitable propor tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A k great patt of th« arable land is in a high state of Cultiva tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. On said plantation there is a genteel two-flory brick hosfe, I "**' with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole ; together with a barn, corn-..ribs and carriage- j Ihe g rden islarge, and contains a good collec tion of the belt iJnds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees; 1 the orchard confilts of about three hundred grafted apple- ( jj e trees.. Any perlon inclined to purchase said premiles, may ( be informed of the terms by applyiuj to ANDREW HUNTER. ' of J-''y *9 J i 7u To be Sold, ! ' nJ At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by federal oj ( the Apothecaries in this City. TRANSFERS of the right to remove pains and inflamma tions hv>m the human at tecured to Dr. ELISHA 1 PERKINS* by patent, with instruments and direst ions bc> 1 cetTaiy for the practice. This mode of treatment is particu- < larly ufefnl in relieving paios in the head, face, teeth, brcaft, fide, stomach, hack, rbeum fumed but there are cases in which this and every otbei remedy may fometvmcs fail. fix. juue i. en _ To be disposed of, on , ' I time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who X ,ias between f®ur and five years to serve: She can be for her sobriety and For particulars enquire at No. 137, Chel'nut-ftrcct. y. August j. 1 \,Altf 1 Mr. FRAN C 1 S, (Of the' New Theatre) this opportunity of returning thapks tc hh> 1 fdidlars and to the public. Mr. Fr.uic:s intends, on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He flatters hin.li.-lf that his attention to his pupils hi therto renders any ]fi»uiifes of conducing his future schemes on the moll liberal and ftriclcft terras, of pro priety, totJiliy unnecefiary. A r . B. Private tuition as ufoal. Jane 3 n w No. 154. DiJlriß of Pennfylvttnia, to luit ; f T> Eit remem eredtha; on the 26th dayof Sep. < seal V O tembcr.in the twency-firll yc.,rof the Uida- C j peiulence of the United States of America A. braham Bradley, junior c.i'the said Duui.sl,liath • _____ law6w. IV ANTE L>, sir. APPRENTICE to the P rifting Buftnefs. Enquire atthis Office. AU K-J> ; YVafhington Canal Lottery, nO. r. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoul'and, twohundred, and fifty dollars, for the purppfe of cultinj a Canal through the City of Walhingtou, fro>.i th touiac to the Eastern Branch Harbour. The following is the SCHEME of No. 1. Viz ■ -i Prize of ip,ooo dollars, »0,000 1 ditto 10,000 . 10,000 7 last drawn "> Tickets,each j ■*' 000 35,000 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,00® 30 ditto ICO tfiOO 55 ditto 50 4,750 5750 ditto II 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,150 5850 Prizes, l?5,Coo 11650 Blank?, not two to a priz*. ■' ■ * 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 0" The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re * quired by the aforefaid ael for the punilual payment cf the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without ~ delay, as soon as th* Tickets are fold, of whiA timely . notice will be given. J Such prizes as arc not demanded in fix months after tha f drawing is finifhed, ihall be consider.d as relir.tjuifced for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordiiwlr. (Signed j - NOTLEY YOUNG, . DATCIEL CARROLL, of IS. LEWIS DEBLOJS, s GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M. DUNCANS ON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Walhingtoo, Feb. 11. £ :, At a fpscial meeting of the Board of Di rectors for ejlablijhing vfeful Mmiufaclurcs, hold:* at Pat erf on, 'July 8, I 796-, ESOLVED, That a fpecnil meeting of the Stock iv holders of the Society be called on the £r(t Monday, e being the third ay of Oiiober next, at Patcrfon, by tec r of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take ! - into cenlidcration the propriety of dissolving the f'aii corporation, agreeably to the law ja such cafe Made and provided—and the Stockholders are earnefily rccjvelled to attend the laid meeting in person or by proiy. Augull 2,7 ckJOthO FOR SALE.' A PLANTATION, ABOUT in miles from this City, situate in Abing ton Township, Montgomery-County ; containing * 70 a*rr», a new (lone houie, two ftorits high, 1 rooms 011^ 0 i!oor, tiie places in each, a (lone kitchen and Hone ftrin% t Louse, over an excellent fprinj of water, a banrt, .. Ihcds, banacks, &c. A larce orchard, aifd a 1 varicivirf otherfruit, about is acres of good meadow well artl wood fufficient for fire, and fencing the placc. * vj on may be had the 3ft 'of Ap,il next. Pr«perty in thi* city ~ will betake,, in exchange, or MORRIS and NICHOLSONS Notes in payment. Enqui.e at No. 37, Arch-Strect. Philadelphia, September 13, 179b, ttftf FOR SALE, A very Valuable Eitate, CALLED TJVI7TENHAM, situate in the towr.fhip of Upper Derby, aiidcounty6f Delaware, r 71-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half *a mile from the "" new Weftcrn road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, 45 of which are good watered mcedow, 90 of prime wood - 5» land, and the refl arable ©f tha firlt quality.' I hefe arc on the preroifes a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms i y on a floor, and cellars under the whole, witty a pump-weH of excellent water in front; a large frame, barn, ftablcs, and other convenient buildings; a /moks-houfe and (tone, spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of poach es. The fields are all in clover, except thole immediately under tillage, and are so laid oat as to have the advantage of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con venient for grazing. j The situation is plcafantandhealthy, and from the high eultivitioii of the land, the go,od neighbourhood, and the -- vicinity to the city, it is vary suitable for a gentleman's I. country feat. ' 11, The forgoing is part of the ellate of Jacob Harman, deceifed, and offered for sale by c " • Mordecai Lewis, CI ' Oil. 9. tt&f Surviving Executor. PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, 10 J be No. 110 or * CH ESNWT-STREET. ["Pricc Eigkt Dollars per Ano not.] 1