For one Night only—being positively the ' lajl Night, On TUESDAY EVENING, Oflober iB, \ __ ->4t the Affimbly-Rotm, Oellers's Hotel, Will be presented, by way of an Evening Lounge, S A ■ Or, A Touch at the Times. With alterations and additions. Confifling of various Comic Delcriptions, Recitations, Songs, &c. By Mr. Bates and Miss Broadhurft. ) part the vitsT. SKETCHES OF CHARACTERS ; In whieh Will be introduced, Remarks and Obferva iions, fatiiicalf whimsical and laughable, on the dif ferent chara<3ers, profeffions and passions of mankind, (a j altered and modernized fiom George A. Stevens's tenure on Aeads) with the following Portraits— Alexander t'.ie Greit; with observations on the mad ambition hf Kingl. A Cherokee-Chief. J A celebrated Quack DoAor, with his coat of arms. < A Cornuto, whp pockets his disgrace. / A Lawyer, with the inferefting cause of Nullum versus Boatum. Song, " Amidst the illusions that o'er the mind flutter"—Mifs Kroadhurft. A Lopdon Buck going to keep it up. A Courtesan. A married Buck returning from a frolic. The smooth face ot Courtship contrasted with the four afpe of the United States, in his letter to the negro Banncker, acknowledges himfelf converted from all his former opinions, refpefling the inferiority ot . the black race, and declares himfelf convinced " that nature has given to his black brethren talents equal to those sf other colourt, and rkat the appear ns ance of a want of them is owing merely to the dt ' graded condition of their existence botU in Africa and America." He concludes his fraternizing epis tle with these words, " I can add with truth, that nobody ivi/Les more ardently to fee a good ffliem commenced fur raising the condition both of their vi- body and mind to what it ought to be, at fajl as the iif- imbecility of their present exillence and otl)tr tircvm 11 c |' fiances which cannot be neglected, will adianit 1" 18 s Notwitkflanding the caution and cunning with which j the latter sentence is worded, to admit of a double interpretation, if necefiarj, it cannot be denied jhat, taking the whole letter together, it meant to ms. express to the negro, Benjamin, an ardent wi(h to fee an early system of the southern um states: he bad jurt said, that nature had given to n l his black brethren talents equal to those of the whites, and that the appearance of a want of them was ow ing merely to their degraded condition; he immedi ately ardent wish for a good system for raising the condition both of' their body and mind t6 ne i- 'hat it ought t> be, that is, in plain English, " from an ' the degraded condition of slavery to a Rate of free dom." The qualification subjoined, viz. " As fad as the imbecility of their present cxiftence, and other circumjlanees which aannot be negleSed, will admit was introduced as an artful salvo, not too ] far to commit himfelf: behind these equivocal ex- ; n '' preffions he thought himfelf fhcltered from an at- ] ~ tack in the southern states ; he might, if pushed, , j or construe them into an opinion, that for ccnturies j U p to come, emancipation would be impolitic and dan* ; 1m gcrous, because other circumJlances would not jufti- ] til- fj the measure. But this is certain, that had fee | } viewed the measure of emancipation as a dangerous j r s one, either he would have difeountenanced it, or at , lealt, on so delicate a fubjeft, kept Went. Why ] such an answer to the negro* letter ? Why not , eonfine his anfw«r merely to the almanac, and to ] the usual compliment on such an occasion ? Why an make a parade%f his opinion, by extolling the na- j tural genius of the blacks, reminding them of their } 'b- degraded condition and expressing a wifl» to fee it f t0 " changed ? Either he was a friend to emancipation, j jj- s or he was not : if the former, then the qualifies- } tion refpe&ing othermrcunfluncss was absurd and un eft meaning; if the latter, then the encomiums on the 1 :o- talents of the blocks, and his ardent with for their J ' r - release from their degraded condition, were equally : absurd. Again, he tells Baniieker, and through j him all the negroes in Americai " I an fatisfied l, e that your natural talents are equal to those of the , whites, and that the appearanceai a want of them in you is owing merely to the degraded eonditiun of your exigence now what does he mean by ad j ding, " I wish to fee you emancipated, as fooH as the imbecility of your present existence will admit ?'* If' the appearance of {heir want of talents wasjpw- i ing merely to their condition, the sooner they errwrg ed from that condition the better; if their imbe cility wa3 produced solely by their degradation, that imbecility would cease the moment they were emancipated ; what kind of teafoning is it, to charge their imbecility altogether to (.heir coßdi- v tion, and yet to expert an amelioration of their w reason antecedently to their change of condition { ai It is no better than the blunder of the Irijhman, P who would not fuffer his son to go into the water, jj until he could swim. According to our author'* tt mode of reasoning, the negroes could never be e mancipated, his ardent wish could never be gratifi f- ed j the fl»very of the negroes he fays is the sole a t cause of their imbecility ; but he immediately adds fa they might remain in slavery 'till their minds are >!< '' enlightened. How arc they to acquire this neceflary Q | pie-iequifitetoemancipatio», when,according to his te j. dodlrine, that pre requilite can only be obtained st! after emancipation ? Here is such a jumble of ideas, fl ia such a confousding of cause and effeil in this letter, j r that the production of it by a man of common la undcrftanding can only be accounted for by afcrib lf ing it to a pitiful grasp at popularity from a class which he had dcfpifed, and to an ardent wish for C c the emancipation of the southern negroes, fliroud '• ed in the cautious and ambiguous language of one, P r s who thought the times not yet ripe enough for a jfj full difclafure of his dangerous views.—Another A qualification in his letter refers to " other circum- bu Jlances, which cannot be negle&ed 1" What cir- a ' cumltances had he in view, ta prevent the immedi- an y ate emancipation of the blacks ? Does he allude tr; to the difficulties which would oppose his tranfpert- m Is. at ion scheme ? Sure the negroes would not thank him for their liberty on such terms ; but in his fu Notes on Virginia he is decidedly of opinion that the negroes ot the United Statee, when freed, [ rl d rnufl be removed beyond the reach of mixture ; ra ;s ther a treatment for his black brethren 1 Whence proceeds this right of transportation tc (without a crime or convifkion) llur philosopher Ii has not informed us, and on what pretext of law S or justice, freemen, not even charged with any of. tl r- fence, are to be shipped off, like cattle, lam una- h: ble te discover : had he proposed shipping them C c off, while slaves, there would be more sense in the projeA, but firlt to erAancipate and invest them , e with all the rights of free citizens, and then forth. with to treat them as slaves and cattle, is altogether fu unintelligible. 4K r v ie Perhaps the projeWwas, to make it a preliminary ar condition fiue qua non with the Africans that they m iiould be free, lubjeft to immediate transportation : fe but when free, it is doubtful how many of them fa would confidtr themselves bound by such a coßdi- S tion ; indeed it is questionable whether many of fa them would accept their freedom on such terms, hi But waving thtfe difficulties, how impolitic would n< it not be to banish from the country feveial hun- pi dred thousands of our black brethren, to whom na- R lure has given talents equal to our own, and who in spite of their monotonous colour and offenfive few . fictions (circumflances common to thousands of tl ' colours) might become very ufeful citizens, a \ " who according to the JeeTrtery's letter -,v®u!d rank, with 'the whites in point of genius and nieri.,.Ht the very instant of their emancipation. It the se cretary of (late meant in his letter to allude to his {hipping project by the words eircumflances, ro jt would have been but can3i'd in 'him to have un m folded to his black brethren the whole extent of his views, that they might be fully apprised of the terms.on which they had his ardent r/ifhes for eman 'ts cipation. Having omitted so efTential a part oi r- the plan, it l's to be presumed that he has abaudon lt- CC I it. and now wishes for their emancipation, as fajl as other circumflnnces will allow it to be accorr.- if- plifhed, that is, £\s feon as he (hall find it conveni at ent todifpofe of bis own, and as soon as the mea m fures which are now pursuing for that purpose in ' r f;vera) of the states, even in some of the fotithern ,e states, and the principles which have been trarf " planted from the French colonies ihto America, and his countenance as Prrfidcnt of the United Slates, (hall combine to make the measure appear pra&ica k ble in the eye* of its promoters. d It appears almost incredible sand could not he 0 credited had we not the facts before our eyes) that 0 the fame Thomas Jeffetfon, who not many years ago n ptibliflicd to the world his opinion, '* that there 0 " were powerful obstacles to the emancipation of ®» " the black?, because deep rooted prejudices en " tertained by the whites, ten thousand recellefii " oris by the blacks of the injuries they have fuf )r " tained, new provocations, the real diftindlions 6 " which fiature has made, and many other clrcum -71 " stances, will divide us into parties and produce E " " Convul/ions which will never end but in the exter '' " min/ition of the one or the ether race," (hould have d recently, declared his ardent -with forfuch emancipati l! on, at thep(k of all the horrid consequences which ® he had himfelf so strongly depi£ted. ■" if such a wonderful change has been wrought in ■* his mind, to what are we to impute it ? I can find '» no other clue to it than the delusive and visionary principles which he has imbibed ®n that fubjeft by J" his rtfidence in France. It is to be remarked that he publilhed his natfes en Virginia, after spending e greatest part ®f his life in Virginia, among N_e 18 gree holders and Negroes, and at a period when he ' be presumed to be pretty well acquainted with Y Negroes, and aware of the cosfequences of their i 1 emancipation; he wrote his letter to Banneker, the 0 Negro, soon after his return from France. y If his sentiments on thisfubjett were not chan- ] gcd w hen he wrote to the Negro, then his letter to 1 r him is a piece of gross hypocrisy, calculated t» '< 1 filch a little .popularity from a few free Negroes, '• '» and the friends ef emancipation at the expence of ' l - his own chara&er and of the peace of his country. ' Whether the Secretary complied with the pro- 1 e mife made in that letter to Banneker "of fending r his almanac to the great philofc: Condurcet," as y a testimony of his black brother's extraordinary ge nius, we have never learnt. J PHOCION. C —Ihjum f OElober 17. Latest Foreign Intelligence. \ By the fiip Philadelphia, capt. 3lift, arrived on Sa. j turday afternoon, in 42 days from Erijiol, we received London papers of the lqtb of Augvft (ttv, ] days later than those received ly the Franklin) J ■which afford the following Intelligence. A.D.A. J BASLE, August 16. \ Ths Grifons have addressed to each of the belligerent pow ers a declaration of neutrality, in which they protqfl that they will give to neither party a pa%c through their territories, 1 and it either of. them attempt to employ force, it will be re- • pelled as well by the inhabitants as by the troops of the o- ' »hcr power. It isaffirmed thaa it was in confequerc. of this 1 declaration that general Buonaparte withdrew his troops from < the Lake of Como. LONDON, August egj ' Yeflerday capt. Home, of the Africa, of 64 guns, arrived at the admiralty-office, with the pleasing intelligence of the < sale arrival in th? Downs of the homeward-bound Jamaica fleet of meichantmen, under convoy of that (hip. ' Advices were slfo received ycfterday of the fafe arrival of ' ot the principal part of the leeward fliand and Medi terianean fleets at the fame place; the Liverpool, Bristol 2 f"i at * g proc " dcd undtr efeor ' of 'he Doris , An order of Council will be shortly ifTucd to permit jEaft- ' India goods to be (hipped in neutral bottoms direJt for Hoi- « land. A notice tothiseffea has been polled at Lloyd's Thirteen thousand five hundred vefTels. freighted with pro perty to of between «xt? and seventy millions fter- 1 ling, failed from and arrived at the port of Loudon, in the course ot a year. j Yeflerday arrived at Poole, a cartel from Cherbourg with priloners—they bring an account that a gieat number ef pri- Vateer»%re at sea They likewise fay, that they are preparing all along the coast of France, for some important exoedition. And that at Brest, and in its neighbourhood, there were one hundred thousand men assembled, for the purpose of makin z , a descent upon England or Ireland. " An order has bet 11 sent by government to the lord lieuten- ® ants of counties in £.igiand and Wales, enjoining them to a transmit with all pcflible speed, an account of the number of n men .n their fevers! rountics capable ot bearing arms, diflin gu.lhmg, at the lame lime, their ages and occupations. This 3 return is fuppof, d to be required preparatory to foine mean fures for the mcrenfe of the national force. }, r ® rd Ys h f e fem u t>Ut ' , a " d a m 'P is sftual| y dispatched tj from Gibra tar to bring home fir Gilbert Elliott ar/J his fuitc . from the prccious iflana of Corsica, which isfound'to be uu- J 1 tenable on the event of the total loss of Italy to our allies. Admira! Colpoys' squadron, which has returned £ to Plymouth, alter enfu'ring the fafety of the Weft- d India fleet, looked into the harbour of Bred on b Sunday the 21ft inft. where he saw twelve fail of ft the line and eleven frigates, ready for sea. That I harbour is blocked up by the fquadion under the tl command of admiral Gardner. The Paris Journals, of the 23d and 24th inft. leached us yelterday. By a letter from -eneral Bu- e, miaparte, it appears that the French still continue p (uccefsfu l in Italy. On the nth instant, gjncral J M attacked the Imperial troops at Coronna and Montebatdo where they appeared desirous to E make a (land—they were defeated with the loss of feveu pieces of cannon, and 400 prisoners, were forced to retreat. On the fu.ceeding day g encral St. Htlaire forced the Atiftrians from Roque d'An t( Uce, after an engagement, in which he took their h baggage, 6 pieces of cannon, and , ,00 men. d" I neral crofTed the-Adige, taken ico if Roted,', 3 C ° mPelltd back on a, ,w j r of a. J+l ,„ , k „ -1 ;I •• " wh,cll took place oimhc 11 th, a[) j j a 4 ed I k far 17 lirors, in which ;be Au.lrian J were at ft it facctfsful but afterwards dereated, promised to ft ) the particular* of this and t«yo other obltinate h is t'es in which he had been engaged. In vam [ lr , v . we examined all the papers that have reached us | > i- find the promised. account. The last letter tro, i is tfyit general dated the 13, arrived in Paris on th» e 18th, and thelapfe of fix days without the prom - 1- fed details, ivc reason to suspect that the Aullu if ans have cut out itidre work for him than lie has 1- been willing to coulefs. It is manifeft that the Em rj peror had feat strong reinforcements both to the - Archduke a-d Wurmfer, t coloured horses, grown old in his service, had been , applied, immediately ordered t^jtm ta be bought tip rat ® n 7 P r ' ee > at, d allowed Jo spend the remainder of f their days in ease. The two which had been fold , to a backney-coachraan for seven pounds, were ljtt week purchafcd from him for forty guineas. 1 PARIS, 6 Frc&idor, Augufl 23. A geneial offiser of Buonaparte's army arrived , yesterday witkthe colours takes from the army of Wurmfer. Terror prevails throughout Germany, The cm pire, hke Italy, is at our feet. Letters from Zuricl>> dated August 13,4at,e that a column of the French army had arrived at Fuld kirch, in Tyrol. The armies of Italy and of the Rhine and Moselle are upon the point of formin- a ■ jUrtdlian. Ihe valu# of the Austrian magaxinea which ' have fallen into ourtrsnds, from the banks of the Sieg to Wurtzbourg, amounts to 40 million, of equal to qq millions o£ our nioncy. 7 Fru&ldor, August: 24. We are assured that M. Sandos, the Pruflian mi , mfter at Paris, has received dispatches from Madrid, ■ announcing, that the court of Spain has declared . war upon England, and that the Engh'fh ambassa dor has in consequence left Madrid, ca/r.ying with < him the Spamfh manifefto, which contains 62 arti cles of complaint. This declaration of war, if it be true, must pro duce new changes in the politics of Europe The ' French marine, united to the an 1 ordered general Soret, and br. Hiiaire, general of brigade, to march to Roque d Anionce, of which the enemy seemed desirous to keep possession. This operation succeeded ; we have forced Roque d'Anfonce; engaged the enemy at I.odron, and after a flight action, got poiTtffion of their baggage, fix pieces of cannon, andtioopvi loneis. " Angereau has pasTed the Adige, driven the , enemy to Roveredo, and made some hundreds of prisoners. j. he,enemy has 4000 sick ins Mantua. (Signed) « BUONAPARTE." Buonaparte, commander in chttruf of L\ to £he "ecutive directory, dated Brescia, 47 1 hermidor, August 14. * " 1 ave reived with gratitude, citizens direc tors, the frefh teftimoßy of youreaeem, which y< u have given me by your letter of the 13th Thermi cor. Igo not know what the o-entlemcn Journal llts mean to do wish me : they Lave attacked me at f?me time with the Auftrians ; you have fi ■eticed them by the publication of your lefter. 1 have completely beaten the Auflrrans-, fa I that hitherto these double attempts of our j ,ave P r( ' v "d equally abort! ve. (Signed) " BUONAPARTE."