Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 17, 1796, Image 1

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    • . 1 - • ~3 , . ( V
of the ®nttcaH>tates» <£>» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.^
Number 1281.J — —— — —
J. * _ „ . r i c CO. t7> A /-N /~v TV TT f~\ TT O T? I -n A 1
For Sale, Freight, or Charter,
The Brig ZEPHYR,
This veflel is about 3 vears old, (launch,
L-and well found, has two decks. and is
bitrinened about 1200 barrels: lyin ? at firft " hjr f bel °"
Chrfnut-ttrett. If not fold or chartered on or before the
loih instant, she will lake freight for Norfolk.
■ppiy t« the captain on board, or to .
Vr ' S AMUIt. BRECK, iun ;
No. 89. south ThnH-ftreet.
"22 hhds. New-England RUM,
May be had on board said veflel.
Philad.Oflober 14, »794- d6t
For Portsmouth, Ncw-Hampfhire,
- The Schooner LUCT,
Daniel Prowfe, master; will fail in
\ the course of a week, and take freight
on moderate terms, for which, or
5 ci«ssSf£? paffagt, apply on board, or to
Joseph Anthony, & Co.
OtSober 15* { * x
For Sale,
Captaiß Richard Cailey,
AN entire new veflel, and well finifted
fcmlffl' 'j£V* built at Newbnry-port, (N - F..) her plank
" "-*■ i- 'S and timbers white oak 1 Sails well, and
is tompletely fitted—her dimensions are 5 7 feet keel, draft
jrabbit—«2 feet beam—B feet 8 inches hold, and 4 1-2
between decks. She is now discharging spars, near the
Still-hoife wharf, Southwark, and if not difjpofed of i«
a few days will be fold at public sale at City-Tavern,,
on the evening of the 1 jth inft.—Apply to
* 5 South Water Street.
lothmo, joth. diw.
The Brig MART,
Lying at MeiTrs. Willing# and Francis's
Wharf .burthen *50 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793,
of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may
be sent to sea at a small expence. For terms appl} to
Gurney CfT Smith.
o&. 6. dtf -
The capital ship CERES,
X?ff?7p s is^>T o fail soon : —For freight or pafiage
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
John Vaughan,
September to. Front-street.
jJT** For Charter,
The Danish Barque Beneventura,
Samuel Stub, master,
good vefTel, of about two hundr«<*
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N.
Sept. 17. dtf
for Charter,
The Ship Dominict Terry,
£i'i' Jacob De Hart, master : an excellent
vessel, of about 3000 barrels burthen.
Jeffe y Robert Wain.
September 21. d
Boarding and lodging
TVTO &ENTLEMEN may be accommodated with
Boarding and Lodging, in a private family and pteafant
part of the city. Apply to the Printer of the Gazette ot
fche United States.
October u. tt&stf
Waftiington Lottery.
The Tventy-eighth & Twenty-ninth days' drawing of
the Waftiington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office
No. 134, Market-(lreet, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the othct
lotteries may be procured.
October 13, 1796. d
No. 76 High Street,
H4S received, by the latcli arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies, a well feleifted assortment of Silk
Meresry, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which
he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, dn the lowtft terms j
Some finelndiamuflinsemhroideredwith gold and silver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aid Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkcrehiefs
Some «xtra black tafFcties,lut«ftrings<ind colored Persians
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and (hort Nankeens
English Mantuas of the firft quality
Daiuaik table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oit'dd#. and do eluth
French cambrics, very fine
Jrifh Linens, do. &c. &e. June 14 5
For Sale,
30 Hogsheads of choice New-England
Landing frumthe fchotiner Jdhn, at Vanurens's wharf.—
For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Street, at the
head of she wharf.
oft. 3. dtt
Great is Truth and mufi prevail.
jlnd for fate at No- 41 Cbefnut-Jlreet by J. ORMROD,
An Apology for the Bible,
By R. Watson„ d. d. f. r. s.
Bi/bop of Landaff, Vic.
Being a complete refutation of Paine's
Age of Re of on,
Aid the only anf*er to the Second Part.
, Augiift 30. dt
The Members of the Society of the Sons of St. George.
I eftahlilhed at Philadelphia, for the advice aciuffiftancc of
1 Englilhmenin distress, are requested to attend a quarterly
meeting of the said Society on Monday the 24th inft. at
one o'clock P. M. at the City Tavern.—The members are -
h i requeued to be in their attendance, as the rules
15 and regulations of the Society are to be considered.
w A. Humphrey*, Scc'ry.
I! Qft - 14 ' 1 7 »6- 1
Printed Calicoes.
JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. i
Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to ;
their own alTor ment,
A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele
gant London patterns ; also a few cases of handsome
Buttons—Which will be foi lat a ihort credit, oh very (
reafonahle terms, bv the package only.
n o<a. 14. dtf
it — ; 5
>r On TuefJay next will be publijhed,
By William Cobbett, opposite Chnft-Church, j
An Answer to Paine's Rights of Man, t
By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. t
To which it added, I
A Letter to Citizen Swanwick, 1
By Peter Porcupine. ,
The whole is dedicated to Do&or Joseph Priestley,
Fellow of the Royal Society of London, Citizen of ,
d America, and Deputy Elect to the National Coaven-
tion of France. j
Oift. 14. t
2 Benjamin and Jacob Johnson,
No. 147, Market-street,
a Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and
A very generalajfortment of DRTGOODS, \
Well suited to the approaching season, which they will
fell 011 the leweft terms by the piece or p&rkage. t
Q&aber 14. taw4w j
The Cargo of the Polacre Indep«ndent, '
CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- \
bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— £
s 48 Pipes of Brandy
l, 18 Bales of Spanish wool r
y 3 do. of Annifeed £
7000 Buihels of bell Lilbon Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons /
Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the ihip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, j
from Kingston.
Sept. 13. . d
r Loft last Evening, t
At Ricketts's Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by t
some villain ovt of a gentlerlian's pocket)
A red Morocco Leather POCKET-BOOK,
Ccmtaining about dollars ill banknotes; three notes
of hand of Rofs and bimfon, 305 and 306, da
tod 12th last Angtlft, payable 60 days after date, to the 1
7 order of Paul Siemen, together for 5 ijo dollars ; an ordar
of Mrs. Ann \ acpherion, from Faul Siemen, on Lach
lin Mac Neal, Elq. at Poft-au-Prince, f>r 100 dollars ; bc
fid«s fcveral letters and papers of no use but to the proprie- u
tor. The notes of hand and order are without endorfe
mertt. SIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered tc>
any person who will discover and secure the thief, and J
FORTY D"OLLARS for only bringing the above menti
oned notes and papers at No. 149, corner* of Front and
Mulberry streets. d Oct. ii.
t Just Imported,
Tin Plates in boxes
Sheet and bar Lead
Shot—all sizes, patent and oommon
Coppier bottoms and flieets
ihoes and boots in cases
Taunton Ale in calks of 10 d©z. each
Biifket Salt
\ Wool Ca*d^
t Gold Watches.
I For Sak by
Simon Walker,
OA. 1. mwfim Dock-street.
WHEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Haflcell
and George W. Kirkland, dated Boston, the 74th
e February, 1796, payable to Joseph May, or order, in 18
riianths after date, one for One Thousand Dollars, the
r other Fifteen Dollars, were ftoltn with some other papers
out of a trunk on the Lancaster road. It is requtfttd that
any person to whom they may be oflered for negociation,
• will give noticc thereof to the fubferiber.
Se P'- 3°- ttrtf
No 153,
1 Diftrifl of Pennsylvania, to wit i
C rcmemhereci > that °n the fevenceenth day of Sep
-1 13 tember, in the twenty- ,rft year of the independence
of the United States of America, William Mitchell, of
the said diftriift, deposited in this office the title of a book,
r the right whereof he claims as autfior, in the words fol
lowing, to wit:
" A new and complete fyflem of book-keeping, by an
5 " improved method of double entry, adapted to retail, do
" nieftic and foreign trade; exhibiting a variety of tranf
" anions which usually occur in business. The whole
« eomprifecl in three sets of books; the last set being a copy
" of the fccond, according to thofefyftems most generally
in use, is given in order to exhibit, by a comparative
" view, the advantages of ihe system now laid down. To
'• which is added, a table of the duties payable on goods,
" wares and merchandise imported into the United States
14 of America. Ihe whole in dollars and cents.
" By William Mitchell."
In conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United
States, intituled," An act for the encouragement of learn- |
iug, by fccuring the copies of charts and books to i J'
the authors and proprietors of fiich copies, during the ■
times therein mentiooed."
SAMUEL CALDWELL, elk, dift.,
N. d. The above Book is now publithed, and may be
had of the Boskfelltrs Ofloberj. •" 4 wiaw tl
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, I
Including theT>roRTHERN Liberties and diftria of /
, PublifhM, and fold by '
No. 68, High street,
titto , • p rice one dollar.)
TITTS plan is 26 inchcs f q , !am and has been en
. graved by one of the firfl artif!, in the, from a late r
and accurate survey. Purchaser, are ent.fled to a piim . j
phlet with each plan, g.ving «« fo n , e account J the •
city, its population, trade, government, &r.
'9 tn^ftf
lt THE fubferiber, intent oil moving to the country,
e offers far fair, the HOUSE in which he now resides. —
:s tts healthy and beautiful situation, opposite the gardens
of Mr. Bingham, needs neither comment oreuiogium.
Pofleflinn will t>e given on or before the 15th of the
ensuing month.
No. hi, South 3d Street.
H* bat nlfo fur Sale,
A fee all handfhme aflortment of work'd and plain
INDIA MUSLINS, which h« will dispose of reafoa
-9 ably. dtf. October 10.
Lottery and Broker's Office,
04, South Sf.COND STREET.
' j 'ICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale—a
J. Check Book foo elimination—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
Cheek Bonk? kept for examination and r.jittering, for
the City of Waftington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information where
' tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New-
Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
The fubferiber folic its the application of the public
snd his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
£ Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houfcs, Lands,
&c. or to obtain money on cepoftt of property.
*,* Also T ickcts in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
faje at Ten U<>llErs- eacti, which will be drawn early in ,
_ the Spring.
Wm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, Augufi 18, >796.
[ : ; — ;
Per.nfylvania Diftrifi. J JJ'
' NOTICE is hereby given, that pursuant to a writ
to me, directed from the honourable Richard Peters,
Esq. Judge of the Diftrift Court of the United States,
in and Itfce Pennsylvania Diftri<fl, will be fold at
' public fafe, at the Cuflom-HotlTe Itfc. as, tft Pr6ot, holow
WaJBUt-Jlrett, on Monday the 14th inft. at 12 o'clock
it noon.
The fame having beefl libelled against, prosecuted, and
condemned as forfeited in the said Diftridl Court.
Marshal's Office, Bth of October, 1796.
, For Sale,
> By J. WARDER, PARKER b 5 Co.
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different sizes, from 12 inch cables down
to rope of 1 inches, at" different lengths: Imported in
r the fliip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 17, dtf
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of (hip Gftngcs, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general affqrtment of Bengal and Madras
AMOtfc WtfrCM ARE /? •
J A variety finis worked and plain Mujlins,
Dorcas, cs"c. -Also,
i A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In boxes and bags—and BLACK. PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings y Francis,
No. »l Penn Street.
June 8 §
Of the frjl quality, FOR SALE BT,
For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li
beral credit will be given. R. Sc. J. P.
September 13. T. tf
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the beji quality and cn reasonable terms,
Philip Nicklin & Co.
■ -flHguft 2b, dtf
Philip Nicklin Sc Co.
Hyson Skin /
Youn? Hyson > FRESH TEAS
Hyson and \
Yellow Nankeens
China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Chests
. Quicksilver
Baadanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in
chests ' H '
London Market MADEIRA WINE
London particular >in pipes, hocfheads, &
New-York Market ) quarter caflcs
TenerifiFe Wine in pipas and hogsheads
Sugar Candy by the Box
Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8
Lead in sheets
3 Calks of Cutlery afTorted
A few chests of Mauchefter Goods,
sets, cords, striped Nanlc#cns, &c.
3 Small packages of black sewing-silks
8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root.
Nails aflbrted in caiks
! J ul y 18 mw&f
Wanted to Reht,
A • •
A convenient, well furnijhed Bed Chamber,
With a good firc-place, in an airy and healthy part of
the city. The person who w:«k to rest such a chamber,
would have no objection to board, or breaklaft, with
the family occupying the house, as may be moO. agreeable,
t Apply to the printer.
September 19. taw
rHE fubferiber intends to make application far a re
newal of the following certificate, supposed to be
loft on the pafiagc to England in April 1794 ;
Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 1793,
- for 2830 dollars and 91 cents—Six per cent, donu flic
debt, on the books of the Treasury of the Onitad States
■ in the name of the Hon. John vor.
ROBEKT BIRO, a* Jorrn Warder's.
Philadelphia, Auguil joth, 1796. " 'tuicfCw
For Sale,
50,000 Wt. Black Pepper, and a quan
tity of Mace, Nutmegs and Cloves,
s Imported in the brig Mary, from Batavia, and entitle J
• to the drawback. Apply to
e John Wikocks,
t South Wharves, adjoining Ton Alley.
Who has te l^et,
Thai fpacicul and convenient, three-story, Brick
HOUSE, Nos. 59 ;'nd 61 South Water-street, lately
occupied by Isaac Hazlehurft, Esq. and admirably cal
culated for the accommodation of a dry good men
chant in an retentive i; nc . Also, several excellent
Warehouses adjoining. '
Ofl. 15. d 6
Madeira Wine.
A few piptss of Madeira Wine, landing from on
board the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at Chcfnut
ftreet wharf, and fat file by the fubferiber.
Robert Andrews,
os. 14. mwf No. 86, So. Wharves
By N. and J. FRAZIER,
No. 95, S. Kront-ftrcet,
Prime BoJlon Beef, in barrels,
Georgia Cotton.
Carolina Rice and Indigo.
Sherry andTeneriffe Wines, of excellent quality.
Ravens Duct.
ludio liaK-Janno's.
. Sewing Si\ks, various colours. (
Coffahs and Gtirruhs.
Sarit. 17. tts4W,
t The, Subieriber requeits every Man
to whom be Hands indebted, tu meet at the City Tavern
en Tluirfdijy afternoon, a: four o'clock, rasciseiy,
as he ay on Id in the courffi of th« evening, to con
vince every impartial mam he means to do him llriift
justice. He will personally attend and brhig hi"; hook*
with him, and be prepared to make I'uch propofalj to his
creditors, as will, he hopes and flatters himfclf, be fatif
faflory. GEORGE MEADE.
Fonrth-ftreet, Fhilad. 14th Oiteber, 1796.
On Sa'.urday, the 32nd instant, at 6 o'clock in the
evening, will be fold by Public Vendue, at the City
Tavern, (if not before disposed of at private sale)
An Elegant House, No. 78,
In IValnut Jlrtet;
WHICH is twenty-five feet front by one hundred and
fevtnty-one feet deep, with a lot adjoining, 20 1-2 feet
wide hy 72 feet 8 iuches deep—(This lot is back of the
house occupied hy George Willing, Esq.), The house i»
completely finifhed in every respect. It is fifty feet deep,
, ha» two large parlours, the front one 24 feet, the back
one s2 feet by 18 1-2 feet; a handsome drawing-room
24 i-x feet by 24 feet. The rooms below, the drawing
room and chambers adjoining, have mahogany doors,
and these, as well as the rooms above them, have a com
munication with each other. Thcheighth in the firll and
second ftorics is twelve feet, and have ftocO cornices, and
nine roouis'Up-ftaits befidea the gairct*, which are divid
ed-into three rooms: a good kitchen, wafli-houfe, milk
and bithing-hoiifes, a lirge icc-houle, a pump in the yard,
and a three feet thfee inch alley that leads into f'ourtb
ftreet. The cellars are laid with lime, and floored with
two inch plank, and plastered. I'he yard is well paved
and the house is clear of groUnd-rent. Two brick liable*
in Wainut-ftreet, with two coach-houses, one of them will
hold two carriages the other one. The fniallefl liable has
room for three, the largest for four horfe3. It is 21 feet
front on Walnut-street, by 30 feet 3 inches deep. They
have excellent lofts over them. The building is arched
and laid with liirie and two inch plank, and will hold
about one hundred pipes of wine ; is clear of ground
rent, and has the. privilege of an 11 and i-i feet alley ■
that leads into Fifrir-ftreet.
Also, a large, Brack Store, 33 feet front on Fourth
ftreet, by 50 feet deep, wbich might, at a fniall expenee,
be turned into a handsome dwelling house, having been
so contrived in the building. It has a yard, 48 feet 6
iiaches deep, by 24 feet wide ; has a rain water pump,
and other conveniences, and the cellar is laid with two
inch flank, and is now rented at 40 dollars per month.
This building is fubje& to a ground-rent of 11 3.4 dollars
per annum. Purchasers before the sale may apply to
the fubferiber, GEORGE MEADE,
Or R. FOOTMAN, & Co. Auctioneer*.
October 14.
University of Pennsylvania,
OBobcr 5, 1796.
The Medical Leisures will commence the firft Monday
in November. < taw3W
HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities io Pipes.
Brokers and Commiflion\Merchants,No. 63,50.3d St.
Who discount approved NOTES of hand.
September T4. mwf
n For sale by the fublcribers,
, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;
* ieo ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes China, containing fmail tea setts of 4»
400 piectfs Bandanoes.
Willings £ff Francis.
_ January 30 tt&f
Thomas Ryerfon
HAS just received, by the foips Molly and Hamburgh
Packe-t from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from
Bristol, and is now opening for sale, at his flore No.
177, Markei-flreet, an extensive alTortmcnt of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware
and Saddlery.
The (hip Caroline, now on hex passage from Liverpool
'f to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor
"> tation.
I" 1 N. B. At the above store may be had, a few elegant
:• Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good as«
fortment of the bed kinds of Knives and Forks.
Sept. 23. d
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
e (Price 12 1-2 Cents)
The President's Address
c To the People of the United States,
>, Announcing his intention ©f retiring from public lift
at the expiration of tfce present constitutional tern*. •£
79, 4