•' V \ m '' of the tHnitftJ o 5 P Advertiser. Number 1280.3 - SATURDAI E; ENING, OCTOBER 15, 1796. \Vqlume X. For Freight, or^Charter, The Brig ZEPHYR, Ca p t - hinchman. This ve/Tcl is about 3 years old, staunch, wr |j fotmdj has two decks, and is bunhened aboui 1200 barrels: lying at firft wharf below Cbefnut-rtreet. If not fold or chartered on or before the soih inft.wt, she will take freight for Norfolk* For terms apply te the captain on board, or to SAMUEL BRECK, jun. No. 89. south Third-ftrcet. 22 hhds. New-England RUM, May beiiad on board said vclTcl. Paiiad- Oftobcr 14, 1794. d6t For Boston, The Brig Diana, ' WW Lying at wharf; will fail I in a few days, and take freight on mode rate terms —for which, or pafTage, apply on board, or to Joseph Anthony Eiff Co. O&oicr 10. ' d 5 For Sale, The brig FAIR AMERICAN, Captain Richard Calley, . I AN entire new vessel, and well finifhed J |.)VV fl 'Sy. built at Newbury-port, (N* E.) her plank ' "**- - ' and timbers white oak : Sails well, and is completely fitted—her dimenSons are 57 feet keel, strait rabbit—si feet beam—B feet 8 inches hold, and 4 T-2 between docks. She is now discharging spars, near the Still-honfe wfiarf, Southwark, and if not disposed of i« t a few days will tje fold at public sale at the City-Tavern, on the evening of the 1 ;th inft.— Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jun. \ $ South Water Street. f ( lothmo, loth. „ diw. "" ~ ~ ~ ,'J % h < Br, g MART, * ( Lying at Messrs. Willings and Fraricis's ' Wharf,burthen zoo Warrek, built in Philadejphia in 1793, •f live oak and ted cedar.—She is well found, and may feefent to fca at a small expencc. For terms apply to Gurtiey & Smith. o<ft. 6. « dtf. FOR LONDON, £ The eapital ship CERES, foen :—For freight of passage giglsksSSsapply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or John Vaughan, September 10. Front-flreet. . Cc For Charter, °et The Danish Barque Bineventura-, «< Samuel Stub, mailer* .j. good vessel, of-about two lid , tons burthen. JES6E & ROBERT WAI.N. tor Sept. 17. dtf me — . —... ■ , an^ !or Charter, j one The Ship Dominic! Terry, —- Dc Hart, master : an excellent veflel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. Jeffe Robert Wain. l September it. d Boarding and Lodging TWO GENTLEMEN may be accommodated with Boarding and Lodging, in a private family and pleasant part of the city. Apply to the Printer of the Gazette of the United States. Qdober 11. tt&stf ( Washington Lottery. The Twenty-eighth & Twenty-ninth days' drawing of the Washington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office Feb No. 134, Market-flreet, where tickets may be examined. MiT N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other lotteries may be procured. ou * O&obcr 13, 1796. d an y — _ will Wm. HOLDERNKSSE, _1 No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latefl arrivals from Europe and the-Eaft Indies, a well feleftcd assortment of Silk Ti Mcrcsry, I inen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on theloweft terms ; °' * AMOMOST WHICH ARE, t' re ' Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and fiiver t ' le 1 KuperSneßook, Jaconet, and Mulntul ditto ' ow '- Do c!o do do Handkerchiefs " Some extra black tafietiesjuuftringsand colored Per Cans " ittl Bandano Handkerchiefs " m Long and short Nankeens > " a>s English Martuas of the firil quality " eo Damask table linen and napkins, very fine °f Si'.;-. H-ofiery, an elegant affortmsn't !n Thead and cotton do " vi( Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cleth wl French cambrics, very fine " ws lrifti Linens, do. See. Sec. June I 4 5 "of I or Sale, 'p-« 30 Hogsheads of choice New-England i«l? Rum, the a I.anding from the fchooncr John,atVanuxem's wharf— tU " C For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Street atth head of the wharf. ' , Jt- Great is Truth and mutt prevail. F JUST PUBLISHED, InC ' l Judfor sale at No- 41 Chefnut-jlrcet by J. OR AT HO B An Apology for the Bible, By R. IVaTson, d. d. f. x. s , Br/hop of Lar.daff, Ciff. XI Being a complete refutation of Faine's g " v Age of Reason, Amtl the only anUer to the Second Part. cit- August 30. dt yj The Members of the Society of the Sons of St. George, eftablilhed at Philadelphia, for the advice and afiiftance of Englishmen in distress, are reqQeflcd to attend a quarterly ' meeting of the said Soci«Ey on Monday the 24th inft. •ne o'clock P. M. at the City Tavern.—The members art" inch, requested to be pun<slf.al in their attendance, as the rules 1 15 and regulations of the Society are to be considered. e A. Humphreys, Sec'ry. erms Q,St ' Printed Calicoes. :t. ' JOHN MILLER, jun. & COv Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to ; their ewn afibr raent, A consignment «f twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele gant London patterns ; also a few cafe* of handsome Buttons—Which will be fold at a (hort credit, on very reasonable terms, by the package only. Oil. 14. dtf f a jl — t On Tueftlay next -will be published, r to By William Cobbett, opposite Chrft-Church, * An Answer to. Paine's Rights of Man, t l By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. 10 <whicb is added, f A Letter to Citizen Swanwickj e »t By Peter Porcupine. ' The whole is dedicated to Dosor Joseph PHeftley, ® Fellov ef the RoyVl Society of London, Citizen of le d America, and Deputy Eledl to the National Conven jnlt tion of France. ind I 4* !j i-a Benjamin and Jacob Johnson, the No. 147, Market-street, i« Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and ■n, Hull, A very general ajforiment of DRY GOODS, p Wellfuitedte the approaching which they will fell on the leweli terms by the piece or pavkage. Oiftsber 14. taw4w g ■The Cargo of the Polacrelndependent, in /CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif v_>( bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— l ; 5 > s a 8 Pipes of Brandy ~ 18 Bales of Spanish wool ~ jy 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLTNGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, Jj from Kingston. Sept. 13r- d Loft last Evening, t0 At Richetts's Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by th< some villain out of a gentleman's pocket) A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK, _ — Containing about 185 dollars in banknotes; three notes of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 304, 305 and 306, da ted nth last August, payable 60 days after'date, to the xh «rder of Paul Siemen, together for $ 150 dollars; an order of Mrs. Ann N acpher.'on, from Paul Siemen, 011 Lach j iin Mac Neal, Efq.at Port-au-Prince,for ioodollur* ; be- . L . fides several letters and papers of no use but to the proprie- / tor. The notes oi hsui<J and order arc without rnaoric ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to j any person v/ho will dilcaver and secure the thief, and r FOR FY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti oned notes and papers at No. 129, corner of Front and Mulberry streets. Qfl. n. lt just Imported, Tin Plates in boxes Sheet and bar Lead Shot—all sizes, paten" and oonimon , ] Copper bottoflis and flicets Engiiih Ihoes and boots in cases Taunton Ale in caflcs of 10 doz. each Baflcet Salt , Wool Ca<ds Gold Watches. j For Safe by Simon Walker, e < Oil. 7. mwfim Dock-street. — : " NOTES LOST. ~ IT rnEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Haikell lf VV and George W. Kirkland, dated Boston, the 24th e ryary, 1796, payable to Joseph May, or order, in 18 mamlis after date, one for One Thousand Dollars the A r other Fifteen Dollars, were stolen with some other papers out of a trunk on the Lancaster road lt is requelh d that any person to whom they may be offered for negociation will give notice thereof to the fubferiher. GARRETT COTTRINGER. 3°- ' ttstf Na 1521 " D'jlriß of Pennsylvania, to wit ; T> H it remembered, that on the seventeenth day of Sep- XJ 'ember, in the twenty- rft year of the independence °[ t r he , Umted States of America, William Mitchell, of tliL .aid diftr:(ft, deposited in this office the title of a book the right wheteof he claims as author, in the Words fol lowing, to wit: « A new and complete system of book-keeping, by ah ° htfl " ™ 1 ?, rOV e,hod * f d ? U V e entr y- ada P ted retail, do „ '' c ,»- rei o" lu » "h'bitmg a variety of tranf aaions wl*n usually occur in business. The whole " c ° m P rifed in th t ee lets of books; the last set being a copy of the ftcond, accordiag to those lyftems most generally in use, is given m order to exhibit, by a comparative i view, the advantages of _he system »ow laid down- To ' „ whlch 15 a , ddcd - a tablc ®f the duties payable on goods, .< war " and nierchandife imported into the United States of America. Ihe whole in dollars and cents. sets. " By William Mitchell." In conformity to the adt of the Congref, of the United State, mtituled," An act for the encouragement of learn ii.g, by fecunng tl )e copies of maps, charts and books to July tl.e authors and proprietors of Aich copies, during the ■ tunes therein mentioijed." ° c SAMUEL CALDWELL, di, dift. had T 'of B th Ti ß a tf V || B ° ok ' S "° W P ub,ifted / a " V «t a "'ay hi Wi — the jookfellers Ofloberj. . 4Wl aw the c Plans of the city of PhiJadelphi.i T o "'' Including tteNoRTHERN Liber T i ES ail) j S J" SOUTHWARK, Pirfilifhcd, and fold by ' benjamin davies, - No 1 . 68, High Hreet, T 5 T .. TO , . (Pnce one dollar.) *- i LIS plan is 26 inche square, and 0 graved by one of the firft artifl t ' he cltv f rol l " Ce and accurate furvev. Parchaf-s 1 for z phlet With each plan, z ci,y.i„p.^- f "" ' ,tc&ftf Ph * Z S oi A GO O D HOUSE, rtcrlv FOR SALE, id. t; THE subscriber, intent on moving to the country, rs are offers for file, the HOUSE in which he now relides.— . ruies Its healthy and beautiful fituation,oppofite the gardens H of Bingham, needs neither cettiment oreulagiura. ry. Pofiefli,on will be given on or befoi e the 15 th cf the ensuing month. — THOMAS TINGEY, No. 121, South 3d Street. ffe lai also fir Sa!;* tc A fftiollhandfome aifortment of work'd and plain 01 INDIA ML..LINS, which he difpefe of realm- a' n to ably. dtf. Oflober 10. v ' ju Lottery and Broker's Office, ™ very foutk Srccnd street. fa r 2 'ICKETS in the Ckmal Lottery, No. 2, for fale—n X Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in —- the late lottery. ( , O Cheek Books kept for examination and for the City of Washington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries Si! nre now drawing—information wher"e 5 ! tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. The fubferiher solicits the application of the public j! tley, his f r^en d c ., who wish to pufchafe or fell Bank Stock, ° n of Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, f 0! ven . c - or to obtain money on ctepofit of property. y *** Also 1 icketa in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for i Gn sale at J en each, which will be drawn early in I the Spring. I ro< Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Avguji 18, >796. mth (fee and " * ; I nil UNITED STATES, \ rr ed Pennsylvania DiftriiSt. J JU' lanI an Wl. NOTICE is hereby given, that purfuarat to a writ to me, dirtfltSd from the honourable Richard Peters, Uv Esq. y-üßg?-of the Diftria Court of the tfhited States. aK , n {. in and for the Pennlylvania Diftrifl, will be fold at in Lif. P u hlic faie, at the Custom-House floras, in Front, kelcw jhs Walnut-ftrect, on Monday the 24th ink. at la o'clock I rot at noon. j f ro THIRTY BAGS COFFEE, lu< The fame having been libelled aeainft, profeetitcd, and an. condemned as forfeited in the fai.l Diilrifl Court | abt WJLLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. r « Office, Bth of Oilober, 1796. 1 'ha " For Sale, By J. IfVARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, and CanCfling of different Szcs, from 12 inch cables down I '»cl to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in I i'hi by the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. per &pt -17 dtf the sa e - Sales of India Goods. til Cargo D f the ship Gangas, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, j CONSISTING OF I . ,V* A Lar S e an d gcseralaffortment of Bengal and Madras ! — £ CO r i ON and yfLK GOODS. AMQJJx; wmci nd " variety fine worked and plain Muslins, ti- Dorcas, 13V. Also, «j nd A Quantity of f Excellent Sugar, wh^ _ In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, N Fc)r Sale by j i Willings Francis, No. 21 Penn Street. June g , §_ Nankeens, Of the firjl quality, FOR SALE Rr, 4( RD. and JAS. POTTER. For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li- r, beral credit will be given. R. &J. p. | September 13. ' T tf ,70,000 Pieces Nankeens, AI / 11 Of the befl quality and on reasonable terms, W ■ h U FOR sale BV A ls o 8 Phi lip Nicklin Sis Co. leav< le August 26. ' dt f their l Philip Nicklin Sc~Co. | hafe for sale, , 0 Souchong ~ I .''7" Hyson Skin ) j " Young Hyson I FRESH TEAS be at llyfon and \ I q " Imperial •' e Yellow Nankeens I 'f China Ware, assorted in Boxes and CheGs tt -> Q'.iiekfilver I j-j " chests BaHdinn ° Harw3kerchiefs of "cellcnt quality ia Brift, ' London Market } MADEIRA WINE I '111 London particular pipes, & iFC iJJar^ ar ! cet . 3 quarter cask» , Fenenfie Wine in pipes and hogfkeads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. ia 8 I r " . \ - Lead in fheet9 j tat i? r , 3 Casks of Cutlery assorted I Mah ' fete i fe rl T C^ft3l^M la f hefter Ported thick- forrr, lets, cords, striped Nankscns, &c. j Sep 3 Small packages of black fewine r filks f 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root. I tj Nails assorted in calks 1 . I jJ_ mw&f Wanted to Rent, 1 A convenient, well fimi/hed. Bed Chamber, To the dtt a The 5 e r P in an ;liry and health )' of f'V- Ihe rerfon whe wants to rent fyh „ I would have no objection to ttfard, or brcakfaft only, wi t h The " the family occupying the house, as may be moil agreeable Apply to the printer, « a reeaDie. |j e r September 20. I Urii — 2- taw I g take notice. —- rHErabfcriber intends to make application for a re- By loft ofX rr foUoT/1! *ertificate, fupnofed to br ft on the passage to England in April 1794 : -pi for »8-o C d»ll I0 ,«5. dated ijth November, 170, Tfii »Oi ZSjO dollars and 02 «»cnts Sir r»rt- j Philadelphia, *<*» * 's.l! A few pipes of Madeira Wine, Brt dens boar<3 the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, atNiv, ( f nut . uin. " rect whirl, and for file by the fubferiber. \ the Robert Andrews, o<ft. 14. rnwt No. 86, So. Wharve* iet. The Subscriber requelts every Man to whom he fiands indebted, to meet at the CityTave-a lain on Thurfdsy -''tcrnooji, at fguk o'clock, frecisklv, sim- a> be wiffi,viti tl.t: •course of-rhe tveniftg, to con vince every imeartiu man he moans to dp him flrift justice. He will personally attend and bring his books with him, and fee, ptepared to m ike luch propofaU to hi! creditors, as will, he hopes and flatters hirtifelf, he fatif faa°r)'- GEORGE MEADE, —a Fonrth-ftreet, Philad. 14th Oftali-r. 1796, ' n On Sa urday, the 22nd inliaat, at 6 o'clock in tha 'for eveigng, will be fold by Public Vendue, at the City -ie'£, Tavern, (if not before disposed of at private sale) >ere An Elegant House, No. 78-. Z" /« ikaltiuijlrti t f for WHICH is twenty-five feet front by one hundred and seventy-one feet deep, with a lot adjoining, 20 1-2 feet blic wide 72 feet 8 inchcs de q>—(This lot is back 01 the >ck, house occu P icd b y George Willing, Efq.-f The house is ids' com P ktel y in evel 7 refpeiS. It is fifty feet deep, ' has two large pnriours, the front one 24 feet, the back, for ona 22 feet by 18 1-2 feet; a handfoine drawing-room •inl 44 feet 24 fcet - The rOB ITS below, the drawing room and chambers adjoining, have mahogany doors, I and these, as well as the rooms ?beve them, hj.ve a com- I munication with cach other. The iieighth in the fir It and i I second stories is twelve feet, and have ltoco cornices, and — I nine rooms up-ftairs besides the garrets, which are d'ivid led into three roomti a good kitchen, wath-boufe, milk I and Ivathing-houfes, a large ice -house, a pump in the yaru, . j and a three feet three inch alley that leads into Fourth ■'rit llreet. The cellars are laid with lime, 'and floored with ;rs, I two inch plank, and plastered. ihe yard is weii paved :es- j and the house is clear of ground-rent. Two brick tallies at J in Walnuc-ftreet, with two coich-hi uf«s; one of theia v.ill csv J hold two carriages the other one. The smallest fcaulc hag ick < room for three, the largest for four horses. It is 21 feet j ii-ont on Wainut-ilreet, by 30 feet 3 inches deep. They have excellent lofts over them. I'he building is arched ,nd j af, d laid with lime add two inch plank, ancf will hold j about one hundred pipes of wiua ; is clear of ground j rent, and has the privilege of an ij and 1-2 feet alley 1 that leads into Fifth-ftreet. — I Also, a large, Brick Store, 33 feet-front on Fourtfr- I I'.reet, by 50 feet deep, wbich might, at,a small expeaee, j be turned into a handsome dwelling house, having been '0. jf° CQnt rived in the building. It has a yard, 48 leet 6 j inches deep, by 24 feet wide ; has a ram water pamp, I and other conveniences; and the cellar is laid with two vn I inch plank, and is now rented at,4o dollars per month, in I his building ufubjedtoa ground-rint ol »i 3.4 d«llir» I per annum. Purchasers before the sale may apply t» the fubferiber, GEORGE MEADE, I Or R. FOOTMAN, & Co. Au&ioncers. I Odtober 14. J University of Pennsylvania, I Odober 5, 1796. The Medical LetSlures will commence the 'firft Monday in November. , aw . w FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and j HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in Pipey, J FRAUNCES and VAN REED, Brokers and Commiflioh Merchants, No. 63,30. 3d St, Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September 14. m^f for sale by the fubicribers, ' IN PENN-STREET, , 130 quarter Chests frelh Hyson Tea; j ieo ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; I 300 Boxes Chjna, containing ftnall tea setts of M I pieces; j 400 pieces Bandanoes. WUlings Francis. January 30 Loll, last Evening, AT RJCKETTS'S AMPHITHEATRE* A new, red Morocco Potket-Book, With sundry Papers of no value except to-he owner— Also, about Fifty Dollars in Ban* Notes Whoever wilt eave the fame at this Office fiull receive the fconey for their trouble, and no queftior.s aflced. October 13. A Young Woman OF unexceptionable and who has been brought up genteely, « ouldbe willing to engage in a deaent family zschambermaid, andaffip. in sewing, &c. A line left at the Printers hereof directed to A B will be attended to, ° a - ,t " ' d«. Thomas RynTon TTAS just received, by the (hip, Molly and Hamburg ! , e ! ° m Llver P° o1 ' and the Light Horse from 1 Briltol, and is now opening f«r fate, at his Sore No. I 177, Market-street, an extensive alTortment of t Ironmongery, Cutlery,' Hardware and Saddlery. ™ C Ca r °line, now on her pafTage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor j tation. , 1 . . N - B ' At '¥ aboTe store ma >' be had - a few eieganc Mahogany Cases for Table Fornuure ; also, a K ood af iftrtment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks Sept- *3- d | ~ THIS DAT 1S PUBLISHED By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Chef nut Jlreets, Price 13 i-2 cent., The Preficknt's \ddrefs To the People of the United States, I IRTIMATItoG I The resolution be has farmed to decline being considered among tne numbe-r of thofc out of whom a choice is to Umg ° leai ° n ° f a Prefidcnt of the I Sept. 20. V , J ws 6 DAT SUBLIShhD, ~ I By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnat-ftreet, ( p "ce is 1-3 Cents) The Preside nt's Address T" the People of the United State., Announcing his intention of retiring from rublie r.'f. z&nr*-""" SefUmbtr ' ' \ ■ . "• •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers