Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 14, 1796, Image 1
of the Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, ■ FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1 79 6 - [Volume X. 1279,] — — " ~~ ' n * ~ " * s~* 'r\ ta TT ATTC T7 i T Tr* \ tr*r Gt-rr nf ppn n fxrlvar:! For Boston, The Brig Diana, Lyi»JC at Chefnut-ftreet wharf; will <*» 'S ' > in a few days, and take freight on mode rate terms—for which, or passage, apply onboard, or to Joseph Anthony Iff Co, Oflober 10. For Sale, - Tht brig FAIR AMERICAN, Captain Richard Cai-iet, AN entire new vessel, and well finifhed built at Newbury-port, (N ! E.) her plank ' and timbers white oak : Sail* well, and is completely fitted—her dimensions are 57 feet keel, strait rabbit —«2 feet beam—B feet 8 inches hold, and 4 1-2 between decks. She is now discharging spars, near the Stil' u ntfe wharf, Southwark, and if not disposed of i« a be fold at public sale at the City-Tavern, en tiie evening of the 13th inft.—-Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jun. 5 South Water Street, lethmo, 10th. diw. The -Brig MART, Lying at Messrs. Willings and Francis's Wharf,bu'then ioo barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793, of live oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may 'be sent to sea at a small expense. For terms apply to ' Gurney ef Smith. oa. 6. dtf " ~ZZ ■FOR LONDON, * ail * oon :- ~ For frei s^ t or P assa g e |g*£|«ll2iapply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or "John Vaughan, September 10. . Front-street. , For Charter, The Danilh Barque BeKEventura, Samuel Stub, mister, good vessel, of about two hundre d tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT \V AI.N. Sept. 17. tf For Charter, Ship Dominick Terry, ' Jacob De Hart,-mailer : an excellent of about 3000 barrels burthen. I jfejfe & Robert Wain. September it. <1 Boarding and Lodging TBTO OBMTI.EMSM may He accommoda'ed with Boardin ; and Lodging, in a private family and pleafcnt part of the city. Apply to the Printer of the Gazette 6f the United States. Odober 11. tt&stf Walhington Lottery. The Twenty-eighth & Twenty-ninth days' drawing of the Washington Lottery, No. a, are received at the office No. 134, Market-street, where tickets may be examined. N. B. Information given where in all the other lotteries may be procured. OiSobcr 13, 1796. <1 Wm. HOLDERNESSk, No. 76 U'tgh Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe-and the East Indies, a'well feleiftcd aflortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowefl terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and friver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black tafTeticp,lut«fl:ringsand colored Persians Bandar,o Handkerchiefs / Long and ihort Nanki-ens Enpfiflj Mantuas of the firft quality > Damalk table linen and napkins, \y ry fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Iriih Linens, do. &c. See. June 14 § The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from AJicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubfetibers wharf— a 8 Pipes of Brandy , 1 18 Bales of Spanish wool 3 do. of Annifetd v 7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the (hip Dotninick Terry, Capt. Be Hart, ftom Kingston. Sept. 13. <i For Sale, 55 Hogflieads of choice New-England Rum, I,anding-fr»mthe schooner Jjhn, at Vanuxem's wharf. ■' For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Street, atth; head of the wharf. Otft. 3. , dt{ ; - —Qrjat is TjtilXff and nmit prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And far sale at No- 41 Cbrfnut-Jlreet by J. ORMROD, An Apology for the Bible, By R. II r 4TsoNy.ja. D. F. A. S. sis/bop of La\ inff, &c. Being a complete refutation of Paine's Age of Rea/on, And the only anf*cr to The Second Part. • Augu'.t 30. ( '4 t * To be fold by Au£tion, A Country Beat and adjoining Grass Lots, oj Qn the 14 th day of October, at 10 o'clock-, A. M it rllS pleasant and commodieus House, is situated on 0 a 40 feet public lane, leading from the Ridge or Wiftabjckon Road, betwean the third and fourth mils j stone, acrbfs ehe canal to a landing on thei-iver Schuylkil.. It is a twiVt'tory briek Hovfe, witli a, large, new, stone Kitchen adjoining: it contains two neat parlours, four bed-roon:?, and a Jigt't drefiing closet i over t»e kitchen are ta"o other beJ-roc-rr.s. in frotft and at the fonth end is a new piazia,. extending between eighty a»d ninety at feet, by nine and a half feet wide: adjoining the Kitchet) is a Pump of excellent and never failing water, With a (bed for washing; the whole llnder an agreeable fbade ot large trees. This situation has been ascertained to be more than one hundred and sixty feet in lyighth above the river. At a convenient diftancc is a frame - HouCe and Stables, in good order. Ob the south-west tn fide is an excellent Orchard, containing about eight acres, and upwards of one hundred and fifty apple and other j tn fruit trees of the best kind. On the north-east fide is a be fisld us Clever and Timothy, put in lad Spring, with a tii space fenced off for a Garden—the-whole containing be- ' fj' tween fever teen and eighteen acres. < „ At the fame time and place will be fold, the following ex Lots, adjoining the premises and each other, viz. Nos. I, i, 3, 4 —Four Lots, each measuring in front ar on the Wiffahickon road, about sine perches, by about sixty-one parches deep, and about twelve perches wide at « the south-west end, each Lot containing nearly four acres—Clover and Timothy put in lad year. No. 5 Fronting on the above-mentioned lane, con- :l taining upwards of f«ur acres—Clover and 1 iruothy put in last year. Nos. 6, 7—AJfo fronting the said forty*feet lane, and each containing about seven -and a half acres; Clover and Timothy put in last year. No. B—Contains about sixteen acres, all in Clover, r bounded by thcfikl hnc »nd another lane leading te Jo. Nathan Williams' house : it is an elegant situation, com- t0 manding a view of the neighboring feats on both fides jr of the river. On this Lot" is a very large Hay-Heufe, ; n capable of containing one hundred and fifty tons, with a p, pump and yard opea to the south, calculated to flail-feed y cattle. " at A Draft of the whole will be produced at the time of sale, describing the contents of each Lot, and the con ditions will then be declared ; a fart only of the payment will be required on delivery. N.B. The above-mentioned lane now communicates with the path of the canal, which is a good road to town in all fcafons. For further particularsapply to EDWARD BONSALL and Co. in Dock-street. 7 RICHARD FOOTMAN, Au&i»neer. - c Oa. IQ. dtl4. Loft last Evening, tc At Rickettsia Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by some villain out of a gentleman's pocket) A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK, Containing about 185 dollars in banknotes; three notes of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 304, 305 and 306, da ted Ifcth last August, payable 60 days after date, to the order of Paul Siemen, together fpr 5150 dollars; an order * of Mrs. Ann A from Paul Siemen, on Lach lin Mac Neal, Esq. Ut Port-aii-Prhice, for 100 dollars; be n.-Uc rrv/»ral l«ttr»f£ r.nH nf Vin uft* hut to t!iC prcpriS- _ tor. notes of'-hand and order are without endorfe-r ment. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to any perfofc who -Will dilcover and fecurfi the thief,' and V FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti oned notes and papers at No. 129, corner of Front and Mulberry streets. d Odt. 11. just Imported, Tin Plates in boxes Sheet and bar Lead .Shot—all sizes, patent and mon Copper -bottoms and Sheets __ Eiiglifh fcoes and boot 3 in cases Taunton Ale in calks of 10 doz. each Baflcet Salt Wool Caids Gold Watches. For Sale by Simon Walker, b Ofl. 7. mwfim Dock-street. NOTES LOST. WHEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Hafkell and George W. Kirkland, dated Boston, the 24th ( February, 1796, payable to Joseph IWay, er order, in 18 mmiths after date, one for One Thousand Dollars, the other Fifteen Dollars, were stolen with some other papers " but of a trunk on the JLancafter road. It is requeued that any pcrfon to wlfom they may be offered for negociation, will give notice thereof to the fubferiber. GARRETT COTTRINGER. ; ■Sept. 30. 1 ttstf No 152. Dflricl nf Pettnfylvania, to wit : BE it remembered, that on the seventeenth day of Sep tember, in the twenty- rft year of the independence of the United States of America, William Mitchell of the diftridt, deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author,'in the words fol lowing, to wit: " A new and complete system of boofc-keepino-, by an ° " improved method of double entry, adapted to retail, do " meftic Undforeign trade; exhibiting a variety of tranf " anions whicn usually occur in bufineis. The whole '• comprised in three sets of books; the last fct a copy "of the ffcond, according to th'ofe fyft t s ls mo st generally « m use, .s given in order to exhibit, by a. comparative " view, the advantage? of he system how laid down To '• which is added, a table of the duties payable on goods, " wares and merchandise imported into the .United States "of America. The whole in dollars and cents. f " By William Mitciiell.". In conformity to the a<ft of the Congress of the United State® , intituled," An a<ft for the encouragement of learn ing, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books to 1 the authors and proprietors of such copies, durinjr the times therein maitioued." SAMUEL CALDWELL, elk, dift. vr nt' 1 -n , Pernfylvania, ,S- Th " ih ° v ' Book ,s BOW P u hlilhed, and may be had: of the Eookfellers Oaoberj. * 4 wiaw t Plans of the city ; -Including the Northern Liberties and diftria of SOOTHWARK , and fold by benjamitFbavies, No. 68, High ftrest, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan, is *6 inches square, and has been en ; graved by one of the hrft artist, in the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchafer.s are entitled to a pan,- phlet with each plan, giving « fo mc account of the city, its population, trade, government, &c. J' J| V Iq tu&ftf A GOOD HOUSE, FOR SALE, THE fub'fcribcr, intent on moving to the country, offers for sale, the HOUSE in which he now resides.— 4 IM healthy and beautiful situation.opposite thegardens of Mr. Bingham, needs neither eorament oreulogium. " Possession will be given on or before the 15th of the 1,, enfuinir month. . 7< THOMAS TINGEY, |C ' - No. 121, South 3d Street. lr Ht has alio far Sale, . _ n A fmiil haaafom/ assortment of work'd as& plain d rNDIA MUCINS, which he will dispose of reason- - y ably. dtf. . Offtober xo. rj —— * 5 - ~ * Lottery and Broker's Office* ie No. 64, South Second street. e in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for faU—a X Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in ft the late lottery. .. , , , Chitk Books kept for examination stiq registering, tor T the City of No. 4, and PattefOn Lotteries, a I both of which are now 1 drawing—information where a tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn .. tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for g examination. Pr The fabferiber solicits the application of the public q, it and his friends, who wifti to purchase or fell Bank Stock, £- it ] Certificates, Bills of Exchaftge or Notes, Houses, Lands, gj, it &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property f>, ir %* Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for In sale at Ten Dolbrt each, which will be drawn early in Se J. the Spring. C< ;y Wm. Blackb^n. Philadelphia, Augtijl iB, i 79&» id ! d UNITED STATES, 1 p r, Pennsylvania Diftrift. \ df' j- NOTICE is hereby given, that purlWamt to a writ „ '■ to me, directed from the honourable Richard Peters, ' ' s Eitj. Judgt of the Diftriil Court of the United States, e > in and for the Pennsylvania Diftri&, will be fold at a public sale, at the Custom-House fibres, in Front, below Walnut-street ? on Monday the 44th intt. at la o'clock Ft . at noon. 51 THIRTY BAGS COFFEE, The fame having been libelled strain(i, prosecuted, and condemned as forfeited in the fai.t Diilrict Court. • WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. n Marfhil's Office, Bth of Oilober, 1796. l , For Sale, By J. IVARjDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different sizes, from 11 inch cables down to rope of % inches, ef different lengths: Imported in , . 'y the (hip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. %"] . dtf ( ■ , L_ ! es . ' Sales of India Goods. 3r - The Cargo ®f the ship Ganges, capt. T.ingej, from Cal cutta an Bengal, c _ CONSISTING OF A Llrge Md_g«oeralafrortment of Bengal and Madras ft t\ COTTON and SILK GCTODo. ~ m to AMONG WHICH Awfe E id A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, ° :i- Doreas, Wr. A lfo, ld A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, I - In boxes and bag9—and BLACK PEPPER, J For Sale by i Wiilings Francis, No. 41 Penp Street. Jene 8 § a NANKEENS, Of the jirjl quality, FOR SALE BT, ' RD. and JAS. POTTER. For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li beral credit will be given. R. St, J. P. September 13. T. tf 1 " iii. ——_ — ■ j - 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, 1 e jl Of the bejl quality and en rtnfcrtabh terms, For sale ev ' 18 Philip ' Co. he August lb. d$ era ~ 1 " ' — < £ Philip Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, j Souchong - Hvfon Skin / Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS Hyson and \ p- Imperial °c Yellow Nankeens of China Ware, afforteJ in Boxes and Chests Qtiiikfilver >1_ Bandanno Hartdkerchiefs of excellent quality in chests , ' ' a " Lordon Market MADEIRA WINE ° f " London particular S-in pipes, & ' >le New-York Market Jl quarter' calks Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hoglieads jy Sugar Candy by the Box ve Sail Caiwas No. i a 8 p 0 Lead in (heets < j s 3 Calks of Cutleryafforted :es A few chests of Mauchefter Good's, assorted thick sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks ed 8 Tierces JTirginia Snake-root. n- Naifs assorted in calks }° J" 1 ? 18 / mw&f he ■ . ift. Wanted to Rent, A convenient, well furnifhed Bed Chamber, be With a good fire-place, in an airy and healthy part of _ tne city. The person whe waijis to rest fucn a chamber,' would have no objection to board, or breakfaft only, with the family occupymgthe house, as may be mofl agreeable, or Apply to the printer. . September 2Q. taw TAKE NOTICE. TFfp. fubferiber intends to make application for a re of the folloTving certificate, supposed to be loft on the pafTage to England in April 1794 : Certificate No. 10335., dated 15th November, 1703, for 2830 dollars and 94 rents—Six per cent, dorttcitic debt, on the books of the Trcafury of the United States tic in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. ROBERT BIRD, at jotp Warder's. Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. *tu<i£6w , » ' University of Pennsylvania, Ofiober 5,. 1796. The Medical Ledlure J will commence the firft Mender in November. taw~w FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of the firfi qualities in Pipes. FRAUMCES aild VAN REED, Brokers and Commission Merchants, No. 63,50. 3d St. Who d'fcount approved NOT ES 01 hand. N. E. An APPRENTICE. Wanted. September T 4'. rnwf For fa!e by'the fublcnbefs, '• IN PINK-STREET, 130 quarter Chefls frefh liyfcn Tea; 100 ditto do. frefli Souchong Tea; 300 BoXes China, containing small tea fctts of 41 pieces; 400 pitccs Bandanees. Willings f Francis. January 30 f'&f ' F O R 8A L P, By N. and J. FRAZIER, • No. 95, S. Front-street, Prime Boston Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice arid IndigoJ Sherry and Teneriffs Wines, of excellent quality. Raveps Duck. Iniiio Jte'danno's. Sewing Silks, various colours. CofTahs and Gurrahs. Sipt. 1.7. tt»4ly» By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Sold ly WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 6+, South SecondJlreet. SCHEME of I LOTTERY/ For railing Sixty Thousand Ddllars* agrct ably to an AB of the Legifiature of Peniifylvaßia, passed during jhe last ftfTion, for building a Stone Bridge \ over the River Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of Berks. l>ollars. 1 Prize of 20 000 Dollars - 20,009 1 do. of i©,ooq do. - - io,coO 3. do. of 5,000 do. - - 4 - 15,000 4 do. of 2,000 do. • - 8 000 so do. of 1,000 do. - 20,000 3g do. of 500 do. - - 1,9.500 80 do. of 200 do. - - 10,000 - 200 do. of 100 do. - ' 20,0c0 300 do. of $© do. - - 15^00 1 do* of 500 do to be paid the poffcf- £ , . for ©f the firlt drawn no. { c do. of 3,000 "do. to be paid poflefibrs ) cf the five last drawn nos ) 0 9,400 do. of 15 do. : - 141,006 10,'054 Prizes 300, coo 10,046 Hlanks y— 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars goo,coo All Prizes shall be paid sis een after the drawing is frnilhed, upon the demand of a poffeflor of a fortunate ItcKeT; lubjeft to a deduction of twenty per cent. The Drawing will commence as Toon as the Tickcts are disposed of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be givfen* Philip Peter Kerjhner, William lVitman 9 Joseph Hiejler, James Dlemer, Ihuidas, James May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Graejf, Sebajian Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May the 9th, 1796. Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, to be had at the above office, where the earjieft inlormation of the draw ing of the Washington No. 2, and Patterfon Lottery's, fire received,, and check books for examination and regif tcring are, kept. O&obef 7. 2aw tf Thomas Rvorfon ✓ HAS just received, by the ships Molly and Hamburgh Packet .from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from Bristol, and is now opening for fa!e, at his No. 177, Markot-llrret, an extensive afTortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. The ship (Caroline, now on htr from Liverpool - to Philadelphia, brings the.remainder of his fall impor tation. N. B. At the above (lore pay be had, a few elegant Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture ; also, a good as sortment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks. Sept. 23. . 4 *• 1 v THIS DAT IS PUBLISH E D, By w. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Chefnui firects, Price 11 1-2 cents, The Prefidt nt's A ddrefs n To the People of the United States, INTIMATING k The refolvtion he has farmed to decline being considered among the' numb&r of those out of whom a choice is to • be made, at the ensuing ele&ion of a Preftdciit of tUc United States. Sept. 20. we 6 rms DAT PUBLISHED, By J,. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, (Price 12 t-j Cents) The Presid! nt's Address To the People of the United States, Announcing his intention of retiring from public life ( at the. expiration of tiae present conflitutionai term of presidency. September 20/ d >f , . No. 153. r, ■ ' Jd'iflrid of PtAnfylvania, to 10 h BE it remembered, that on the twenty-fourth day of s. September, in the rwcnty-firft year o? the independence of the United Spates 6f America, William Cobbett of the said diftrift hath deposited *n this office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the vtords following, to wit. r- " The Political Censor, or Review of the most intc le " refling political occurrences relativa to the United States " of America—By Peter Porcupine"—ln conformity to 3, the AS of the Cangrefs of the United States, it#ituled ic - t( An A A for the encouragement of learning by securing s, the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the authors and proprietors of i'uch Copies, rfuvii g the times tiiereic mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk DiilrifS Per.i£yLvarJa. ■ -<' 4