Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 12, 1796, Image 3
*. A I/* v 'W. «' • r grtn, Wne eneifart and rendered high- i ly op venic-t for a moit « <»u« an Hence. The box d.mrs have each *pa icon device painted on ihcm. with their prof- r Ames and emblems, so that . it will be a »rea; coiive.iitncy fjr thole, who wish to fe-ar«.' boxes pricr to the perform; :-e, as the bos t» that are {» taken, will tfe known by their names as well it, their numbers. The Pit is ornamented in a (imple yet elegant style ; and so convenient that all the fi>e&ators may bare a good view without incommodiri;; eah other; the back of the pit and front of the cirrus is richly marbled ; the front of the circus is ornamented with pedestals, which arc conne&ed together by i scapulas and gilt chains. On the circus doors arc painted two warlike eqoeltrian figures. The pit 1 doors are ornamented with the tragic, and comic ' muses, properly delineated ; the whole forming a 5 " tout enfemlle" which does'great honoe to Mr. 1 Ricketts, wot only as proprietor but as contriver of the pantheon, it being built and ornamented on < an original plan of his own.-—This being the only building of the kind in America, and probably equal to any thing of .the fame natupe in Europe ; every friend of tafta cannot help feeling an interest ' /or the advantage of ttie equestrian manager, and 1 wishing him all the fuecefs that his endeavors to ' please the public so defarvedly merit. ' An AMATEUR. * - .. _ _ t Philadelphia, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER tl, 1796. I FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES. V Ext raft of a letter from the Ecflern shore of Maryland, " dated the yth infl. u j 1 congratulate you on the issue of our Elections in w I this quarter, Dodtor William Matthiws, a Fen f- deralift is eletSed a'Representative in Congress in the S I place of Citizen Christie ; and William Hin»- „ man, Eiq. is re-ele<£ed by a great majority. j ' a COMMUNICATIONS* C( It appears by late advices from Europe that, in eon- - ifequence sf France having taken possession of Leghorn, 1 Grcat-Bntain has helped herfelf to Porto Ferrajo, ano ther port belonging to the Grand Dyke of Tnfcany. r ' It is expected that thexxtlufi-vc patriots of Tufcanv, in " imitation of onrexctnfive patriots, will greatly rejoice ol at this event- 'I'hey will readily vindicate the conduit w ef Great-Britain by '« asserting her right to take a just ar vengeance for the fraudulentneiitralityof Tufcanv, and m the treachery of her pretended friends." See the Au rtra of Tuesday. P' — The arguments employed by the Jacobins of this f® - country to juftity the Frenoh in feiring our veflels, re- J ei minds us |of the ftoryjof two thieves in London. Ore lir •f them fnatchcd off the Hat of an honest trad'efman ah , and ran away with it; the tradesman was amazed ; the th other came up and enquired the cause of hisfurprize, why, fays he, that fellow has run away with ray hat, (V, md lam so aftoniftied, I don't knew whartodo ; don't r •you, fays the other, then I'll help myfelfto your IVi, ■ ?' so the other thief ran off with the wig of the afteni/hed ftl and plundered tradesman. w] BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. Z pr BOSTON, O&obe 7. w< PLEASING. pe Last evening's eastern mail brought us the pleas- L< ing information, that th# Newbury port committee a ' of health, finding the town removed from every an symptom of the late malignant fever, had difcharg. Ed themselves from their c«mmiffion. To their con. thi -ratulatory address on that ocsafion, they subjoined to I . t lift of the .'eaths in that town since S e r-if. Zy trrrr-sfit $ by which ir appears, 38 have cal he nr 'ign. i t fever, from July 3, to Odio -'d 33 by other d forders. ly NEW-i^RK, October it. to a litter trf.n* merchant in Halifax, to nui Knfrifttd ift rtvig «Hty. hir "An ; ■ prefa hat just arrived from St. John's in <• and) which fny», that g fail of tiiejinc H< arriv- i at Bull', bay, next one »© St. John's. an 4 have burnt and destroyed all that .<ttlemt ... "j»id knows here they are bound next, clu y — hope to; aj." ver ™• f Li; a don paper ef Aug. 23. of On Snno>; - -m'r duel was fougbt in Hyde pre Park, between Mr. Willtam Carpenter & Mr. John >!rr ' v f C ' ■^ m£ ricans. The meeting took place in «s ■ consequence of the affair, of America becoming the A* fuhject of convtrfatton at the Virginia coffee-houfe har on Friday I,ft. M r . Carpenter gave it as his opi- ] m°n, that Mr. Giles, a member of thecovgrefs o' the tne United States, was not so able a man as many tlu supposed b.m to be, a»d that he did not eonfider cua him as politically honest. At this observation Mr. bio, P.ide took fire, and gave Mr. Carpenter the lie. line A challenge ensued—the parties met on Sunday Let morning al: half past five, in Hyde Park. The fe. and conds used every means in their power to bring any the affair to an amicabh adjutf me«r, but in vain, fott Ihe dinance being measurers, they fired exactly at in e the fame inflant, when Mr. Carpenter received hii ever antagon.ft s ball tn the fide, which penetrated near- nutr ly through his body ; and notwithstanding it wai Cor immediately extrafled, he breathed his iaft yefler- 1 den' -8 ' I2 °' cloci ' at Riclj ardfon's, Covent Gar- refu No ammofity whatever had previeufly fubfilled s^p between them. Mr. Carpenter was about 21 year, T old and was brought up in EfTex county, in the ceur T)„ °n- ,r g ins father was a gentleman of ence ire, in £.ngland. Mr. Pride is a native of of S Amelia county, , n Virginia, 25 years of age. The •«nJf- Tt have L been taken V 'he public offices to ma c Wth,7 ° " P rmci P al ar >d his fecend, bat of tl futhertQ without effect. ' himf dav coro " er s ' n< l was to fit on the body this perfi „ mini -Dl> late arrivals at this port. Fran Th t; Y IENN A, August 3. ever, his a; j ° arc '' n ' a has notified, officially, by with trew V ° r ' tn 1 €m P er " r i the terms of the spirit the hmr r" 8 C<> "s with France ; declaring,'at of it which n ' me * 'at contains no secret articles affei3 or the fi;,V to 'f l6 prejudice of the emperor, diftin ° r the ftatts the empire, * der t( rh' v, V A 1"r my 10 Ital y Coßflfls - now, of 6S . The battalions, 68 squadrons, and 18 companies of ar- I 1,1 - me " i making together 100,580 men. ] vifh HESSE'DARMSTADT, August». j >ox- The Auftriana in their retreat, left beliind them mes marks, of their despair. In Franconii, the explo- ] Hon offeveral powder magazines, which they Wauld , ;.nt not fuffer tp fall mto the hand of the French, has nay reduced three or four villages to ashes, and killed b , ,er; canfideiable number of peifons 1 :hly At Wurtzbourg, «ne of their magazine, wa, g,V "K a Vr'e P °P' T' WhCn 8 ° killcd - by a greater number wounded. 8 arc Between Wurtzbourg and Bamberg, 40 vessels r pit tich.y laden with the ornaments and treasure, of all ( «.c he convent, and churches in the deflorate, of Co- i, i* M hand* of : ver f T, his '"'"able capture is estimated at nine mjllion, [, on or German florins. nly P b]y BRUXELLES, 46 Thermidor, Aug. 12 ,e; , 4 mon S the ba ge a g= taken by tbe French troop, i •eft at W urtzbourg wa, that of the imperial envoy at in d the court of the pnncc-bifhop j all the plate be- r t0 longing to the churches, and to the former prince- ' biftiop of Liege, and a great quantity of effect, the religious houf« in B e l g rum had sent into 1 Uermany a, a place of fafety. - — tc Th o LOND ? N ' Aa g«S <5. Ihe Oporto merchants were received by Mr. n • Put *,th great politenef,. He owned to them veay frankly that though the public apprehensions, f r with regard to the meditated attack of the French ID U P. On f-!? nu ß ' h,d bcen magnified in the usual in "ay, flill ,t was certain, that a request had been ta £ ade .£r thc French fo r a fr « through the ar he Spamfli tetrttory, unless an exorbitant demand of money from Lifoon wa, complied with ; and that „ either they meditated such an attack, or, what was more likely, wished to excite an alarm of it in this ~ country. He owned he had heard this, but he did / not attach much credit to the infotmation. It was a ruse de guerrt, not incanfiftent with the Ficnch character; but even if thev /hould attempt to car. v. r y their menace into execution, it was net the ope- In ration of a day, and we were not without the means i ce or effectual ftfiftance. It was a rumour, therefore ,A which he lamented to fer propagated with indultiy' lft and which he wished to silence. It ought not to « S "'r t i ,Cm a!arm ' f ° r 31 an >' rate ,hc 7 ml g ht have perfect confidence in the attention and adivity of government. Sufficient convoys would be appoint. iis ed to bring home their property, and lie saw no ob e- to permitting their wines to be bonded for a e limitted time, until it (hould be appareat that the m alarm was groundless ; but he wished them t 9 put is theii;propofitioii on this fubjefl in writing. e. Thus, amidst the pain, which he took to dispel •I r f om L , the mindß of tlie gentlemen, the apprehension _ ot th"., new attack upp 3 n our trade, he in fact con-' :d fe ff d the of the danger by the concession which he made with refpefl to the duties Our port, will in all probability be opened for the leceipt of wine, from Lisbon, without paying the duties uatil they (hall come into consumption j and in the present critical state of thc commerce of the world, we fee no other means of securing to England the permaneacy of our advantages, than that of making f. London at least {if not all the principal haibuuisj e a free part, not for this emergency, but forever— j j and apian of this kind 1, in contemplation. 1 r . It was probably with this view that he desired j. the mtrehants to put their idea, on this fubjed in d to writing ; and accordingly the deputation met the e general body of importer, yesterday, and commum c catedtothem the observation, of the minister. A proposal has bcen made for calling Dr. Frieif\ ly fiom America, as head profeffor of the univerfi-jl ty of Leyden. One motive, besides doing jufticrf! to his philofophica! abilities, i, the hope that X} n number of manufailurcrs and other, attached tJ him by friendfhip, and by a fiiaularity of opinioiß| s in rcligiou, affairs, will be induced to follo\v him tJj 3 e Holland, and benefit thc country by their ' e August 8. t The New-York paper, to the 27th of June ia , clufive wert received this morning. They cantain very little, except account, of the flourifhing state i of the American commerce, and of the jßcreafing ; prosperity and wealth which the United States have i I'enved from their system of neutrality—a system 1 as wife a, it i, humane, and as honourable to the : American government a, it is conducive to she 7 ■ happiness of the American people. Letters from Leghorn of the 14th u!t. state, the Fregch have still a gar.rifon of 2,200 men in 9 that city ; a former statement ol their having eva- n. cuated it, is coiifequently untrue. The harbour is blocked up by a squadron of fix British fiiipsofthc line. Our navy, by all accounts, is spread from 1 Leghorn as far as Toulon along thc Italian coali, and does not fuffer a vessel of any nation to enter any of the Italian harbours. Thc French garri- 1 loft of Leghorn is making preparations of defence, in cafe the Englilh (hould bombard that port, an event highly probable, and to aid iB which a great Di number of gun-bpats arc fitting out in the iUandof Dc Corsica. Dc The motive assigned by the French direflory for _ refufing to receive M. de Rchaufen, as Sevvdiih charge d'affaires, wa,, that they ~-onfidcred him as Do a spy of the court of Peter/burgh. ■ Ra The reiterated remonftranaes of the Swedifli '^ r court in favor of this gentleman, prove the infiu- ence which the court of Russia has gained over that p 0 of bweden, by some late political arrangement,. Do The duKt regent is tow placed in a strange dilem- iQ ma on tHis fubjefi. If he yields ts the demands ®' - of the dire&ory, he is in danger of committing himfelf- with Rufiia ; and if on the other hand, he persists in refufing to appoint any other Swedish 0,3 minister than M. de Rehaufen, a rupture with France seems unavoidable. It would appear, how ever, that the directory does not wifii to quarrel OI with Sweden ; as, in its usual (tile, and in the true E? KS spirit of French rebellion, it blends with the recal of of it, minister at Stockholm, the profeflion of its c affeiSion for the Sw«di(h nation, which it carefully urt diftingui(he, from the Swedish governpnent, in or der to render the latter odious aud suspicious to th» jof f9B | people. It ; s however worthy of notice, that far- I Sweden, which was thefirft European Hate to ac knowledge the power of the French republicans, u now likely to feel the venon of the ferpetit (he has feftered. hem There has been another diffurbance at Lugo, in : P°" I,a] y- The inhabitants of this town, which is ii* ®"d the dotchy of Ferrara, had attacked a body of 60 > as French dragoons, and killed sos them. General cd 6 Angcrrau advanced with a body of .troops, on hearing this intelligence, and dispersed the inflir giv- gents by a fsw discharges of cannon loaded with arid grape thot. There are now at "Havre, and other French e » ports tn the channel, a number of Americans, 'a> (many of whom have been lately in this coantry, °* in the chara&er ©f merchants) fitting ot»t small *at row-boat privateers, to interrupt our unarmetkoaft eri. These boats come out ih the evening, run 'on* immediately over to this shore, and watch their op portunity to hoard such vessels as they think they can t*ke. If they meet with Britifti cruizers, or ' armed, vessels, they pass for Englishmen or fifher °P S men. 'fa 3 ' Dr. Schiller, the editor of the Imperial Frahk- a . ice i - ? a " t,c > f lß ' received orders from the French ~ j cl * ,l2en Simon, fccretary of legation of Caffel, to " , ave on f future the words, " with the mod gra -0 cious privilege of his majesty the emperor," an the top of the journal, and to substitute, V by permif- Gon of the generals of the Freneh republic." The other Frankfort papers are to follow the fame in nr* ftruftions. em The populace of Vienna have become vociferous ' h P face 5 tn.y lately surrounded the house of ba 1C , ron Fhtigot, and cried out for the speedy return of p " a that bit fling ; but were soon dispersed by the mili- c ■®" tary, who, when employed to- fapprefs a jiot, are a ln ® armed only with dubs. Louis XVIII is arrived at Dresden, and in a way of perfedt recovery front his late attack. c ras a his Mjpa,,,^ L,ST "f P *'" S a " d Bla * ks '» the Wa/bington * Lottery No. a. c " sSih Diy's Drawing, Oft. 1. ar - Ai. Oil,. No. Doh. n,. DiU. AV D.t, 3C * *52 ' 3 VI B ® s s4 378 a? ins 7«» 8 4 « is 3s s re, ,f 7 ? " '4°34 437 383,4 10 „ '*>* S*S 580 J' 6 * B f4 m 74 , N Ik 3 ,O « " V * 73 ' 77' 10 F ive 969 10 i, 5 a 5 6 » 5 ,8,06 6 F of ,6 ;' 4 w u- "e 1,1 0 29294 " 473 i' 4 3°5 «• sßq r lb " , 797 ft 7 '4 4°»6t ~ ra 3373 878 20 ,o 4 8C 0 »c T * ,«51: 6 " ® 300 1817© lo y x2 to 414Q0 ut 480 10 r h 9 839 & » c n .» * S4# € y J )d 871 10 377 «° 96a 42 , 49 10 959 20 ao©Bi 31( , 48 H an 5=47 434 '» 543 qgV ?£? 33 ' 7 t 43156 H 3tl n 57 5 2 9 '• n ur A V 808 l» 566 10 B ' 762 10 to 340 * - X P« 9*4 888 ,0 677 45495 cs 7 'l* 10 »" /J 603 A* |, 388 20 916 g fc3 6 3 , M d V 6 a ' 3 '3 »« iS*3° 498 , V, £ " c< ig a 3> 704 36048 844 n t) 10 *S a6 S 509 48348' .0 V' 4 1 545 73 1 10 388 to Li 10150 io 565 37098 10 404 , S &1 "4 49574 .0 rd 6io 54347 zo „ 5 o 75 „ t9 n. tl 6 ® 7 '5496 3 8 5 77* B ' 747 *0 499 co ie s°j t6o 9 6 10 Sis £7ih Day's Drawing— Monday, Oftobtr 3. K - A7e - D °!'- N »- D*h- Nc. Dd*. No. Sol,. Sc 1-1 111 t'l* * 4 ° 5%36 io 1 t «>»*s 356 37004 .■all •»« 4»» 909 , 2q »5'3 *5 "3'9 »8» ,83 10 »°7' 961 56413 333 <11 09a ic is, 39 . 28529 I 9 38213 Sic "I 9'5 13633 to? yg <J 3 2 4® 16'5» 783 '710 io "■ 4222 10 3 8 3 29*81 ,83 ' 444 482 18 153 998 thi ®97 •10 SQ'-'35 10 A 1 .. 554 .0 8o g 3002s S9^f n 817 *6 160 i4 >• 187 4 0 59 0 i'3 l 10 >59 760 4l « 7 o anc , |97 »o 238 Jion 42844 he. 1 BSB io f 9 75 2 973 the c 868 10 694 32336 10 43065 , • „ 94J 18245 »° 54a 098 P h ' - 99 64> 675 ,6a 10 ] 787 >0 6jo 10 719 Be 6ie bev e 7<>49 10 >48 ,0 44600 < „4®4 *0234 77' i® 76S . ' 8695 10 }S 5 , 3J3J5 79g in t > 908 22225 3479' '• 47408 10 it, „ 9®99 »4°«6 33842 10 799 t j, r , - '" 1 111 wit! ! Just landing, 5 SouthJlreet-'wiarf, from an board the /lip Sedr- ,u ( hy, Captain Hodgt, from St. Peterjburg, r The following Goods : SII Ruftia Sail Duck, firft quality. ?' ae ' Do. Sheeting do. 1 Do. Diaper.. Do. Huckaback. f Do. Crash. a Do. Mould Candles, 4, j and 6, to the lb. of the ,iJ Englilh size. Do. White Candle Tallow. = 1 Do- White Sosp in small boxes. Do. Cordage of fine "yarn. Ravens Duck. O lfinglafs, lft and 2nd fort. brcn Horse Hair uncurkd. a del Russia Bar Iron. A li Do. Hoop Iron. be a Do. Nail Rods. Q Xjb Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Petersburg Clean Hemp; For Sale by Philips, Cranioad, Sc Co. Tt O(Sober is. {he - < - Nj) _ , A Quarterly Meeting , ot^; OF the.;Soeieiy for-the itiftitution and Support of ck FIRST-DAY or SUNDAY SCHOOLS in tfcc City of Philadelphia and the Diftrifls of Southwark and the Nortkpfn Liberties, will be held at John Ely's School-Roorfl, in Cherry-street, betwee* Third and are ai Fourth-streets, This Evening, at 7 o'clock. Prp r GEOKGS WILLIAMS, Sec'ry. warr loth mo. lath, 1796. 04 5< 1 ( ELECTION. ' is the itaie ot the votes for iff* • ans > undernamed candidates at the cl«»fe of the PuU La tnas night in this city. Governor^ m Thomas Mifflin. ,s 1" Gongrefs, :60 John Swaawicki j <ol icral Edward Tilghman, |r,?" Majority for J. S'wanwkJt, 70 AjJimUj* "Wi' George Latimer, Lawrence Seckel, I^4 inch Ja-eb Hiltzheimer, 1714 ans, Robert Wafa, try. Francis ,G jrney, I; . 4 John btcmraetz, '' Matthew Law'ler, i o 6© run Benjamin Say, UoI op- irracTWaelj So hey Fergufon M'Uvarhej )o^o or Jacob Lawerfwyltr, IJo , lcr . The firft fix arc chefeti. The county returns were not complete!! ; tmt jfc hk- a PP car * that Blair M'Clknacha.n is elefled for nch Congress, to 1111— ' r ra- , ' t j le GAZETTE er THE UNITED ST/tTff MARINE LIST. nif- ' rhe - PElt-ADELP 111 4 t O&ober 1%. ARRIVED. n av , Ship Louisa, Bell, Lifcon s g »us Delaware, Cooper, Liverpool 45 a Rebccca, Hughes, London 84. Brig Mercury, Davidfon, do. j s 1|1 " Schr. Enterprize, Anderfon, Virginia 17 are Sloop Lively, Bunker, Rhode-I£Jand 4 1 a The following veffch arc behno. Ship New-Jersey, Hefs, Liverpool ■* Suflex, Atkjns, do. Roba & Betsey, NimnjOj Briftsl ca davs, to * Liberty, ——Ireland Brig Anthony, Miller, . Bordeaux Faithful, Dickfou, An^liilla. * • Frtm Lloyd's Lift Aug, 2. 1 GraTEShnD, July XI. ARRIVED. 73 I N^ c y.F r anklin, Feterfbcry , Frtendfhip, Hunt, TeterO>ur f »- Merchant, Bates, B 0 tto» p , failed for Galen, Eddy, Boflo(i Triumph, Hazard, New-Yorfc Falmouth, July 3s. » Cbriftiana, Hafttel, 'vtrgiuit Liverpool, arrivedfrom H °P C « Calia g haD i Virginia H I' Mll arrivedf'crjf Hannah. NQHer, WifcafTet Betsey, Marquis, Vircfoia Two Sifters, d o Vtne, Green y, Peterflw* Convert, Miller» Newfoundland P Cad ' X - , r „ arrived fro*. Commerce, Tallman, New-Yortt Levant, , „ . . t New-Yoek, Oaober ie, Brig Ann, Jones, Cur.-acoa ?7 Abigail, Scott, Cape-Francois Eunice. Jamaica _ 51. v Y T Dt : aggarti d - a Schr. Federal, Kinn, Regulator, Brown, do fff H " b . b / rd ' Anguilla 2 C Indulby, Baldwin, Cade-Francoi, 2Z Vulpus, Smith, Port-au-Prince %S Sloop Dblphin, Trueaian, Guadaloupe JL r Ifr ku"' Gunaives — Capt. Webb, of the Cleopatra, who arrived at th.s port on Sunday, left Bourdeaux on the 10th August, and Rochelle or the jfith, Capt. Webb, left (hip Westerly, of and from New-York, who was t. fail for Italy with, her cargo of flour, not being able t Q get any price theie j two other American vessels from Fhilaiel phia, were in the lame predicament. fcound ft home ArUdnC> ° f New * York ' in tbe "vcr in f(f°R 3 fr!ga . te '' ÜBder Stench colours n the Bay of B.icay Aug. 3 t, 1„. 4A 2J) l ong # r», 23, who fuffered him to pass, after forn* threat, Wa, boarded bv the Asia Britilh 74. - with the new Governor of Bermuda on board, on cS $ir u 4 °' 4 '' long - 3h 10. -,K Y f Wl . lh '» w , ho arriv ed here last Sunday, in A Lifton .'"forms, That Snp t tbere, Aug. 10, a very hot PRES. SING of men, for the naval and land forces took piacc* iARNEYfc H fgre -' a' "' e Ab, ' Sa:i ' th " T'ft fj! " Cd «Cape Francois m a most wretched filuatton, having been difmalled i* ■ a late gale of wind. (^ aj ) A Young Woman OF unexceptionable charadiei", and who has hf-1 brought up genteely, would be willing to en K 2 ?n' a decent family asohambermaid, and assist in fewfnf sjar« 0&. 1%. Washington Lottery. * Twenty-seventh days' drawirm- „ J M !1 h T" r ' No " 4 > are r «"ved at the olfe N B 4 'I feC ' ' Wher f tickets ma y b = examined, N. B. Information given Where tickets in all the oti c • lotteries may be procured. Qfiober 1796. df Waflhington Lottery. The twenty-sixth and twenty-fovemh dav, are arrived at the office Ne. , 47l Chtfnut-ftrWt. warrantcd^nslrawn' 6 i ' tt " y £,Chin « fd OA. 7. , „