Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 08, 1796, Image 2
- - ■■■>—Wat—w»a——MH——ie—■——tr CHARLESTON, September 16. i he following anecdote is extracted from the rnal of the Patriots of 1789, by Real: "I . . d furnilh some curious aetails refpc&ing the d fortune accumulated by a certain bra\e Sans otte. BeFote the revolution he was a dealer -abbit Ik ins, and his wife retailed in the street e bottles of brandy, which her hu&and used ioy wholesale the evening before. This fortun family, after having been concerned during the thj-ee years in the purchjfe and sale of national 1, to the value of-feveraf millions, is at prefect prietor of one of the fined eftate6 in the neigh hood os-Paris which is valued at several millions ecus of 1790. —[t were to be wished that Real ! fpecified the ftrms. Several millions can scarce less than 2,400,000, which reckoning the petit of France at 8 to a pound sterling, will give us enormous result of £. 300,000. • * BOSTON, Oftobfv 3. Yesterday arrived the (hip Miner*, Capt, D. nner, in 44 days from London. She brought >ndon papers to the 9th August. .ondin prices current, of American flocks, &c. 3 percents, . - 50 5 1 5> do. ... . . 77 75 6 do. . . . 85 86 Deferred, . . . '62 63 Bank (hares, , - - 107 109 Merehandtzt. Shillings. Athes, pot, C. . - 48 52 Pearl, ... . . 50 59 Fine flour, bbl. . - 35 -Superfine do. - - 40 42 Carolina rice, cwt. ■ - - 20 22 Linfecd, qr. - . . jo 60 Tar, bbl. . - . '16 18 • Turpentine, cwt. - - 19 io Well-India cotton, lb; - 16 lo 24d. Eaft-lsdia, du. - 12 1-2 15 Georgia, do. . 16 Eaft.lndia indigo, - . very dull. Mr. Pinckney, the American commissioner and colleague of Mr. Gore, was arrived in London from Virginia. Do Aor Nichols and J)hn' Ac,(ley, Eftjuires, afre appointed commiffijners on the part of the king of Great-Britaiß. The king had not appointed the commiSioner on the Virginia debts. Insurance at Lloyd's, when ths Minerva failed, was done at 3 guineas on American (hips arfd pro perty ; but had been done at 4, j, 6, 7, and 8 guineas, in eonfequence of the capture of the Mount Vernon. Many of jhe richel and rnoft cautious writers, would not write on American (hips or property for several days. Money was extremely scarce in England, and the trade mueh embarraflrd. Many of the principal wanufa&urers had discharged the moil of their bands, not being able lo pay them their weekly wages, the consequence of the (hort remittance from America, and the many proteftcd bills. The losses sustained by the English, in the Me diterranean, tire great '; the fear of the capture of X.i(bon, and Of* a opamfh vv;ir fr raffed great alarmc, »t Lloyd's, and among tht mercantile part of the ■people. Many eonfiderable failures V.r.J .ak-n place in London, and many more in Ki-.nchiller, 1 d other manufacturing towns. TOE PANTHEON, And Rick tr «'s Amphit, Xs: for Equestrian i ; St. e p rformaiicej. ■ ,rr of Chcfnut and Six -ftn ;... '.c of ed )N ---DAY, OiT.ober ic . 'a Brilliant Di/hlay of Scner AND ORNAM L PA:NTi. • Nei*> lights ai-.J u tve ty of SUPERB D CORA ON P. Mr.Ki cketts wil fndti-.-or toffiajce the vnt'wtiin..l fflents of each evening ayrr h'« a, pofliblc, re-, fdlved to use his best ex;: ail or. 1 loajto his friends and patrons 0- The doors will Op at 6 o nek—Perfi .7 ate j commences at 7 —Boxes-;; 1 it 9.-;. Tickets to be had attht :rck-t • of .he Pi htm l . i and at CEllers's hotel. Evenings of Performant tfi mday, ' i .itl- | • diy, Thursday and Saturd; TAKE~N THE fubferibfr intends to malt. (<! * n lo: a - newa! ef the following ecrtifjciu, luppoite :u be loft on the paflage to Eiigland in April r7 /4 Certificate No. 1033J, dated ; 1 >lc..ruber, 179.!, for 2636 dollars and 91 cents—--ix »■ t. iitnC ; c debt, on books of thcTr«efi o: U:-: United States in the nimi of the Won. JolinTi -or. ROBERT EIRD ,u Jpin '• .trd r'j. Philadelphia, Augult 30th, I T)(. r.tifc*Vi For Sale, The remarkable fjft failing SCHOONER i mtL r, iiow lying at Hamilton's whatf, built li . by * Yard at Ker.ftngton, of live-oak and red-cedsr--her d.» inebfio;is are 68 feet 3 inches length on 19 feet C inches breadth, of beam—B feet 4 inch? ft >;<—i «- ries between 5 and 600 barrels flout.—The L:vs!y be .rg well known here, any further defcriptioo ui htr is u»ir. - Ct'flary—-fuflice it lo lay, that ihe is not inic or o ~/ vefid of her fi4e in any rti'pect whatever~-For terau ap X&y to EDWARD DIJ&ANT, No. 149, south yon*.c » - e t 4A*ho will have landed on Wednelday morlui ■ i.r-c,.-from, ©n board the lingantineXliiEß l Y, 'TitPH c } (aid wharf. Ht&fbead* prime Havarina isEt/tllis. IMe1 Me has liktwile tor ' LGVTfA GOODS—C» cf, A few packages ' Bafn. C-,G j, rui:gim Cloths, -"H:rrfhiefs, . Fullicat and Bandan?° tx ~"~ , T > blatk 1 affaiies, Choppa Romalls, ?urran ' * i See. See. Alfn, jbuCCmC^ A quantity ol Rhode-Ifla/>d CHEESE, 1)1 ES, and alcvf barrc's BEE J'. i " i ■ —j- Lctter\ r - /_• ' The twrnty-Cxth and «aJr» arc arriTt-d at the Officc tic. 147, Chuiiut-drect. i »i Piizui in the above Lottery arc cxclunged for tit warranted widrawn. vJmB .'l, Oct. 7. £d&Wi" ——M——■—BM—Wl—— miimwi ■ ■ - IV BY THIS DAY's MAIL. 'j NEW-YORK, Oaober 7. f t *7 T II- '' > Latest Foreign Intelligence) f ( sr THE HOPE FROM LOUDON. 0 — a FRANCE. g 1 OFFICIAL DETAILS. t tRMY OF ITALY. . Buonaparte, commander in rhief of the army of r s Italjr, to thc.executivc dirc<ftory. 1 " Head-Quarters at CajitgHonc, • 19 Thermidaf, Aiigajt 6. {| / " Our%\ilitary achievements have fucceded one j. s another so rapidly ft-x-c the rrth, that I hqve found u it impotiible to traijfmit you an account of them * before this time. j ( " A few days ago, the reinforcement t>f 20,C00 j men, which the Aaftrian army of the Rhine had j j sent to the-army of Italy, ari ived, which, united . to the numerous recruits, and a very eonfiderable p number of battalions from the interior of Auttria, rendered this army extremely formidable. The ge -1 neral opinion was, that the Aufltianswould feou be f i in polTtffion of Milan. On the 11 in, at 3 o'cloek v 3 in the morning, general Mafiena's divifiao was at- - 3 tacked by very numerous forces, >nd compelled to ~i give up the important io(k of Corona. At the . fame time, a detachmei • of- 15,000 Auftrians fur -1 prised general Soret's division at Salo, and obtain ) rd possession of that important pelt. Guieux, ge f neralof brigade, with 600 men of the 15th demi- 1 bi-age of light infantry, shut ttemfelves Up in a j l very large house at Salo, and thence braved the ef- 5 forts of the enemy, who furrouuded tbtir position. I Rufca, geneial of brigade, was wounded. 3 "While a detachment of the enemy's HiviCos ( j . blocked tip general Guieux at Salo, another pro j ceeded to Brescia, surprised the French who wete * S there, took four companies, whom I had (tation- . ed there for the defence of the plact; 24 men be- j Urging to the 25th regiment of cbaG'eurs, two ge* jj 1 nerals, and several officers ®f diitinftion, who re mained on account o{ ir.difpofition. General So c ret's divilion, which was to have covered Brescia, V r retreated to Defenzano. In this dilemma, and preflVd by a formidable army elated by their recent r success, I felt-the necessity of adopting some prompt and vigourous expedient. The enemy, in their de ; scent from the Tyrokfe by way of Brescia iisd the j Adige, placed mc in the ccntre of their force.— 1 ; The republican army was too wea(t to make a Hand e againtt the enemy's two grand divisions ;it might, I however, engage them fepaiatelv, and this mode of i conduct fcemed preferable, as my position was be tween these divisions. It was therefore possible, by e a rapid retrogade movement, to surround ihfdivi -1 vilion «n its maich to Brescia, to take them pri- ® v foners, or detest them, and thence return with f equal celcrity to the Mincio, at Wurmfer, and o s blige him to retreat to the Tyrolefe ; but in order to carry this projedt into effect, it v.ould be necef - firy in 24 hours, to raise the siege of Mantua, £ f which was on the point of being taken, as the gaur- j. risen did not pofleji the means us defence for fix e hour? longer. "-For the completion of this enter- j prise, it would be necessary to recrcl's the plains of n Mincio, and prevent the enemy's divisions from fur- v " r rounding me. Fortune has favouied the tnterprifr, and the battle of Defenzano, the two battles of C t Salo, the engagement at Lonado, and the brilliant ! vidlory at Calliglioue, are the effedfs of it. "Untheizth, in the evening, all the divisions C were on their march towaids Urefcia. The Auf if trian divilion, which had taken poffrffion of that ° - place, was now at Lonado. •' On the IJth, 1 ordered guneral Soret to re- ' pair to Salo, to relieve general Cuki.x, and general Dailemange to attack arid retake Jionado at any c price. Soret succeeded completely in extricating, Guieux at Salo, after having beaten ta ken two ftandatds, two picces of cannon, and about two hundred prisoners. General Guitux, and the v troops under his command, had remained 48 hours , | without biead, continually fighting again ft the ene- c ■ m y* _ h . ! " General Dailemange had not time to- attack f< the enemy. He was in fact attacked himfelf. An c ; ftion commenced of the raoft obltinate natuie, and n -vliich was for a long time utKhecided ; but 1 was n tonquil: the biave 3zd demi-brigsde was there— t] In the end, the enemy wa6 completely beaten.— g Tli y left 6co dead upon the field, and we tosk c ~ 900 pn'foricrs. t! s> "On the 14th, at noo«i, Angercau entered Bref- v cia. We tliefe found all our, See, which p •he enemy had not time to removA d '• On the 15th, the division of general Angc- reau i :urncd to Monte Cliiaro. Mafft nii took post h at Lonado and Pont St. Murco. I had left at Clf- n t.gliost geneial Valette with 1800 men. He was t< to defend that important post, and thereby to keep ht >< >!':: 11 of general Wurmfci at a diltance from n 1 ~ Bu: on the ijth in the evening, general Va- d lette aba idoned the place, with half his troops only, ]: jnde.imi to Monte Chiaro, to bring the alarm, fay- f ingi vh-. ?he reft of his division were taken by the f 5 -uieuiy. 'i'hcfe brave tioops, however, though t - t'-and--:: :i')y*heir general, njade.good their retreat t V.' . r.' Marco, ipftantly ; end before his divi- fc * I 'u(, -nded from his faudion* this general, v. Vo ha.! already (hewn want of courage at the at- g ta. Ct<i<ma. t ' t v.v.i Soret had also abandoned Salo. I or. t d; r the general Guieux to go and xttake -r ' this i.pouar.t pofitioA. , '■* f - the ih, at break of day, wc found our- r in prefcnce of the enemy. Guneral Guieux, t wiili the ; was to attack Salo; general ' McTc <$, with the centre, was to attack Lonado, f 1 TTi e. 1 Aflgcrtau, with the -iglit, was to bear v daw? Of t. : u&uc >e. 'i'lie enemy did not wait our f. I . ppn. ch. Thfy ere ihll to attack the advaneei) \ • I .ve.,erai K.ilfena, which was at Lonado. » y, •. 3 !Ui gencrel Pigeon was made pri t 'iad liktn from us three picces r j rtilltry. 111 the 3th and 3 2d demi-bii'- t idc( _■ and rrhilft tkey advanced c / to pierce through the the latur opened -their file* for the putpofe of furroundii g thtm.— This manoeuvre of theirs gave me an. afiurance of victory. Mafi'eaa contented himfilf wish finding feme'riflemen to retard the enemy's wings on their their march. The column arrived at Lomtdo, and forced the eaemy's poiition. The 15th regiment of dragoons attacked the Hulaus, and r«took our pieces of artillery. I ordered my aid-de-carop, Ja > not, to put himfclf at the head of my company of guide*, to observe th: enemy, to get befote them if pofiible, Ltefenzano, and to oblige them by that means to retreat towards Salo. On his) arrival at DJfenrano, he there found Col. Bender with r{y of his regiment, of Hulans, v.hom he attacked. Janof, not widiinjj raeiely to cfct off their rear, made a circuit with a part of his troop, took the regiment in front, wounded the co lonel, arid was about to take him prisoner, when he wjis himfelf surrounded. He killed fix men wit,h his ownbatid, but was a! lingth overpowered, thrown into a ditch, and received 6 wounds, of which lam given to hope none is mortal. The eutnuy ef fected lheir retreat to Salo; but finding that placc in our power, this division waudered through tlje mountains, and was for the greater part taken.— During this time gen. Arigerauattacked C*ftiglione took that place, and in. the courfc of the (lay he sustained feviral-obilinate eftior.s with the enemy, who were double his number. Artillery and in fantry all did their duty, and the enemy on this memorable day, was completely beaten ou all fides. They loft 20 pieces of cannon, from two to three thousand men killed or wounded, and we made four thousand prisoners, amonpft whom are three gene rals. We loft the gen. Beyrand. This loss is much felt by the army, and particularly by me. 1 esteemed most highly the warlike and the moral cha-; rafter of this brave man. Potrrallier, chief of the • 4th demi-biigade of infantry ; Bourgon, chief of the firll regiment of huflarj, arid Mermet, chief of the 22d regiment of chaflcurs were also killed Tire 41 h derm-brigade, attbe head of which adjutant gen. Vcrdicre naade his » J «»«lr glory. ' _ " General Danimaitin, wha commanded the light artillery, difplaycd equal cou.age and ability. " On the 15th, 1 ordered gen. T)'Efpin»y-rtj penetrate into the Tyrolefe, by theioad of Chiefa. He had ptevioufly to defeat sor 6000 of theenemV wbo were at Gavardo. Adjutant gen. Herbin had greatfuccefs. He overthreiv two of the enemy's battalions whom he found in his way, and reached as far as St. Ozeto Gen. D'Allimagnr, at tire ; head of a battalion of the 11 th demi-brigade, mareh ! Ed to Gavardo, defeated the enemy, and made a great number of prisoners. But not being properly supported by the lcftofh/s division, he was sur rounded, and could not effect his retreat but by cut ting hie wsy through the enemy. " I sent gen. Hilaire to Salo to aft in concert with gen. Guicux, to attack the enemy's division at Ga vardo, ana so free the road into tire Tyrolefe. Af ter a briflc action we iefeated the enemy and made 1800 prifoncis. " On the whole of the 17th, Wurmfcr was em ployed iu coilefting the remains of his army, in bringing up his reserve, and drawing what 1 en forcements he could from Mantui. He then drear nparr order on the plain between the vil lage of Scsßnelof, which supported his right, and Chiefa, vhitfe covered his left wing. " 't'he late of Italy was not yet decidcd. The enemy collected an atmy of 25,000 men, a nume rous cavalry, and fcemed to leave the result in d%ubt ful leaks. On my lide orders were given to con centrate all the divisions of the atmy. l( 1 haftencd to Lonado to ascertain the number of troops that could be detached from it, but how great was my furpnze, on arriving at that place to receive a deputation who had ccme to fumtnon the | governor to Surrender, because said the officer it is completely invefled, and cannot be relieved. ttcm the pickets of cavalry I Concluded that different columns were approaching our principal guard, and that the road from Brcicia to Lonado was already intercepted at thp bridge of St. Marco I was then convinced that the communication could only be intercepted by the wrecks of the van. quiftud division, who having collided after the de feat were endeavouring to effect a passage. The conjuncture was extremely embarraffirrg. At Lo nado 1 had not abow J2OO men ; 1 ordered the meflVngtr to be brought to ree, and made him take the bandage off his eyes. 1 told him, that if his general had the effro levy to take the cammatidcr in chief of the army of italy, he had only to advance; that he ought to know that I was at Lonado, as e very one knew tlijrt the repubh an army ,va» at placc ; that all tile of&ctrs belonging to the division should be rciponfible for the persona! inlult . he had been guilty or towards me ; and 1 allured : him that if his did not in the space of 8 mi- < . nutcs lay down their i'tms, I would not flvew mtrcy 1 to one of them. " The mcffengf, appeared- confeunded at finding r me there, and in en iultant the whole column laid . down their ana's. It-confiited of 4000 men, two , pieces of cannon, and feme cavalry. It had come ■ I from Gervado, ana was endeavouring to find a pal ■ sage to efteft their efcapc ; having failed in their at -1 tempts to penetrate by way of Salo in the morning, . they were now making a dcfperatjS effpit to tfeape by Lonado. 44 N on live 1 Sth, at day break, we were conti ■ guous to each other, yet at fix in the morning no- 1 thing was attempted.' I ordered the whele army ! to make a retrogade moveoieal, with a view of : -making the enemy .approach, while general Serru- : rier's division, which I expeftcd every moment, was ■ mar«s«s#Jrom Marlearia, and then I hoped to i , turn general Wmmfer's left wing. I " This movement had, in feme the de , fired effect. YVurmfer extended his right wing to watch out rear, 'l'he moment that v\e perceived 1 general. Sen urjer's division, under the command of ' I general Florella, which atmckcd the left, 1 ordered 1 . adjutant general Vcrdicr to attack a redoubt which I the enemy had constructed in the middle of the * plain, lo support left. 44 I oicicied my aid-«ie camp, Marmont, thief i or battalion, to take the cocidudl of twenty pieces ] artillery, acd comj el the enemy, by ihcru i I alone, to abandon this imporUmi pod. Altar « Imart and .veil directed cannonade, U,s icii of the [ enemy was completely routed. " General Angereau atta ked the enemy's cea tre, which prefled on the castle of Scagucliu. I Mallena attacked the right. Adjutant-geneiil Le : clere, at the head ot sth demi brigade, marched - to the relief of ihe 4th demi-brigade. " All the cavalry under general Beaumont acted t on the right, in order to support the light artillery 1 and infantry. We were ev«ry where vi£torious, and in all points our fuccefa exceeded our molt fan-' Ruin? expc£tations. We have taken from the cue . ir ylB pieces of cannot., and 12© caifi'oos for am , munition. Their loss in killed and prifoncrg is a i bout 2QOO naen, and the rrlt ate flying in all di. » ret'tions: but our troops, h«rra(Ted by fatigue, could ■ not pursue them above three leagues. Adjutant g'eneial Fnnjrn is killed. This gaHaat officer fell 1 in front of Ihe enemy. 1 "In five days another campaign is terminated i 1 Wurmfer has loft in thaj lliort interval 70 fieid • pieces, all his caifTons, between twelve anii ti;:oen tiioufand men, who have been made prisoners, 600& killed and woundeS, and almolt all #he troopi on . thair march from the Rhine. ; To these lnfles may be added, a very ponfidera. : ble number of men dilperfed throughout the coun , try, some of whom we pick up daily, in ouf pur - suit of the enemy. All the soldiers, officers and j genera's, in this arduous service, have univcrfally . dilplayed feats of conduct, courage and petfever* : ante. I have to folic it the general ofbri gade.for adjutant-generals Verdier itid Vignolles. . Ta the exertions of the former we are, in a great 5 degree, indebted for our fticeefs. At tire battie of 1 Caftaglione, he had a horse (hot under him. .: 41 The latter, who is the oldeli adjutant-general : in'the aimy, combines with the malt steady and de f termined coinage the most tranfeendatit profcffional f talents. I have likewise to request the rank of . chief of battalion for Ballet ; that of general of t division for Daliernagrne ; ar-nttaJ siS brigade, and r -rtirnnrfc of brigade in the aitillery, for citizen Songis, chief of battalion. r (Signed) "BUONAPARTE." t slrmy nf the Sambre and Mtuje. ICleber, general of division, commanding the right wing of the Sambie and Meufe, to the exe. [ eutive directory. " Head-quarters, Adalfdorf, August 7. ' " I had the honor of informing yu'u, citizen* diredtors, by my letter of the 3d ir.ft. that the ar • my was to march the next morning towards the 1 Rednitz and the Upper Maya, and by that of the 4th I announced to ypu the entry of the republi can troops into Bamberg.' " General Lefebvre, who had taken a pofitioti behind the Upper Mayn and the rivfcr Itz, had or. 1 ders to march a part of hii troops towards Cobourg • and Lichtenfels, in order to obtain (he belt informa • lion refpe&ing- the column which the enemy had : detached to these points. " I was soon infoimed that these troops, after remaining a short time in these two plates, conti. 1 nued their route towards Egra ; thus, having no thing to fear on th s fide, 1 did not hesitate imme diately grrirTg-xjrdtrrraTvvo divifiorrs 0:i my left to crofs-the Rednitz, in orcler to proceed to Fcrcheim ' and Ebcrmanftadt, whilst the division on my established themselves on the river Rauh Eberach. ' This movement was executed on the 6th, -when a moll bloody engagement totik place between cavalry of the enemy and that of ths division of general Lefebvre. The enemy occupied a camp at Ahendorf, and pushed their advanced potts trom Strullendorf to a league and a. half beyond Bijre* ' berg. The plain beyond tiiis village vias very ex ' tensive, and prefeuted the great eft advantage to him who should employ the greatest natnber of cava'.ry. 1 Under circumflandej the enemy anticipated' the moll brilliant fucccfs. " In the mean time, however, the cavalry of general Lefebvre ai rived ; it was composed of three '■ fquadrona of the fir It regiment, of three of the ninth regiment of c l iffeurs, and of the eighth re -1 giment of cuirsffiers; thfy had scarce taken brea:b before they formed into a column, and gave (ignal ■ of battle. They advanced jvith the grcateft impe- ' tuofity on the viHage of Strullendorf. attacked and ■ carried the fitft ports of ihe enemy, crofTtd the village- of 1 Herfcherd, and appeared .011 the plain before an enemj- far iiipeiiot in numbers. Here i they charged, and the enemy not being able to re sist the firlt check, gave way and retreated in difor ; <ier, but soon profiting of their fapeiiotity, they felkupon our left, and threatened our flank. Ge- ' neral Jlichpanfe, who perceived it, advanced with foiae companies to meet them ; the conflict now was most obtlinate, and the eonfufien extreme; in the mean time each rallied at the voice of his commander, and were soon found at their proper flat ions. " We charged a second time,-a»d the enemy \vereahout to carry the village, when Captain Prud hemme, of th? full regiment of Cha'fleurs, by hit voice, his course and firmnefs,,prevented this re tiogade movement, and ;igain rallied the troops to battle. Notwithftandirag the valour of our troops, the enemy by a Jaft attempt, had nearly determined the vittory on their part, if in ludt ibftant the Bth regiment of Cuirassiers had not appeared. Thiy • advanced from the village of Herfctieid with an impetuosity not to be described, revived the cou rage of the Chafieurs, fell upon the enemy, repul sed v them and put them to flight. The Ctiaffcurs soon took the advantage, they were for a moment about to lose, and pursued the er.cmy, who, So pre vent our pursuit, fired without dillinction upon their troops and ours, both from mtilquetry and from the artillery which they had placed at the village of AlteiidorlF to piote£t their retreat. " General Lefebvre, having obtained his object, put an end to the' action, and contented biniMf with making t!i* troops of the division which had begun to defile, take, under the fire ut his artillery the ground which he had ordered them to occupy. " Whilst this was pafllng on the a bod£ of t*.ocps, both infantry and cavalry, deLachcd trom his division, turned the mountains and marched {t lenlly towards Ebeimanltadt, which they wcte to attack on the following day.