Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 08, 1796, Image 1

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    of the lEntteu States, Philadelphia Daily Achertis
Number 1-74] SATURDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1796. -
Washington Lottery.
The Twenty-sixth & rwenty-feventh days' drawing of
the Washington Lottery, No. a, are received at the office
No. »|4i Mirket-ftreet, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries may be procured.
October », 1796. —
Just Imported,
Tin Plates in boxes
•sh,petan«i bar Le^d
Shot—all ftie* p*tcn' and common
Copper bottoms and flieets
Errglilh fuoes and boots in cases
Taunton Ale in calks of 10 doz. each
Jj::fkct Salt
Wool Ca*ds
Gold Watches.
For Sale by
Simon Walker,
O&. 7. mwfim f Dock-flreet
Sales of India Goods.
"Jlie Cargo of the (hip Ganges, sapt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
consisting or
A Large and general aflortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked, and plain Mujlins,
Doreas, izfe. Also,
A .Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In boxes and bags—3nd BLACK PEPPER, ,
For Sale by
Willings & Francis,
* No. i) Penn Street.
lane 8 §
GreaTis Truth and mutt prevail,
Andfor fate at No- 41 Chefnut-Jlreet by J. ORMROD,
An Apology for the Bible, r
By R. WATSONy p. D. F. ft. s.
Bi/hop of Landaff, bfe.
Being a complete refutation of Paine's 1
Age of Reason,
And the only aufwer to the Second Part.
August 30. dt
7be Brig MART, ,
Lying at MelTrs. Willings and Francis's 1
Wharf,burthen zoo barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793,
of live oak and red cedar. is well found, and may
befent to sea at a small exyeuce. For terms apply to
Gurney isf Smith.
OA. 6. dtf.
' " ' »
For New-York, Newport,
and Providence,
nc™ Sloop EA G LE,
John Earl, mufter-r-will \.i\ in a few elegant
accommodations for passengers, and will take freight on
jnoderate terms. Apply to the matter on board, or to
joseph Anthony & Co.
OiSober j. dtS
Pennsylvania Diflritf. j JJ'
I N pursuance of a writ to me dire&ed, from the
Honorable Richard Feters, Efiguire, Judge of the Dif
tri<st Court of the United States, in and for the Pennsyl
vania Diftti<S, will be exposed o Public Sale at the
Merchant's Coffec-Honfe, in the City of Philadelphia,
on Wednesday the nth day of Odtabej inft. at >2 o'clock
'at noon, the SHIP called
jtelggv The JOSEPHUS,
¥a3^N(Wg^ W ith fingulw her tackle, appa*
rel and furniture, as the fame now are,
tho said ship having been condemned to pay mariners
wages, &e. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal.
Marshal's Office, 4th fc)<itober, 1.796. d
For Boston,
-411 The Sch °° ner J 0 Hh>
A conflant trader. Peter Coffin,mailer, £
Ifinjj. tu Mr. Vanuxem's wlierf, will fail in all nest week. C
For Freight orpafiage apply to the Captain onboard or to <-
Edward Stow, jun. |
Who has received by the above vcfTel, j
. Some excellent Pickled Salmon, s
and a few quintals of the C
Very bed kind of Dumb Fish.
September 30. d 9
'^' )e ca P ,:a ' CERES,
T 0 f a " f° on : —For freight or passage
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or t!
■ fohn Vaughan, i';'
September 10, # Front-fuvet. ti
— . p
tryjjTl. for Cork, e>
Mary Ann, a:
Franei » StnlTt ' m » ft « : is a strong, good £
fh,p, fails fact, and has good accommo
Ja'i-jns for Great part of her cargo being
read), fhc will fail in to days. For freight or paftage
apply to the Captain on board, at Peter Knight's wharf, ~
Or to Stuart iff Barr. '
Sept. 29. dtf No. 100, South Front-greet. 1
yJTI for Charter, «
The Danilh Barque Bsneventura ot
Samuel Stub, mailer, ac
■?'- A good vessel, of about two hundred w
tor.a burthen. ' JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N.
s «T't- 17- dtf
i- or Charter, - f
Dotnittick Terry, , n
De Hart, maftfr : an excellent »«'
vefrcl, of about 3000 barrels burthen. ™
JeJfe y Robert Wain.
September, ii,
For Sale,
30 Hogflieads of choice New-England
Rum ' *
nc( j. Landing fremthe schooner John, at Vanuxera'swharf.—
t j ier For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Sticat, at the
head of the wharf.
oa. 3. f -
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Xif- '
bon, landing at the fubfciibers wharf—
28 Pipes of Brandy
iZ Bales of Spaniih wool
3 do. of Annileed
7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons "
Seventy Hogfhcads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, {
received by the lhip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, £
from Kingston.
— Sept. 13. d
:al- From on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Davijie,
Mailer, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the
lras London Particular Madeira WINE, j,
- , In Pipes, Hoglheads and Quarter Casks.
There are in tlie above parcel 10 Hhd>. of CHOICE
tS ) OLD WINE, fit for immediate use.
Robert Andrews,
Sept. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves.
Thomas Ryerfon
HAS jnft received, by the (hips Molly and Hamburgh
Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Hor r e from
— Bristol, and is now opening for falc, at his store No.
~ -i 1 /■, .t. aj. «tteqGvc aflortment of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware
and Saddlery.
' The (hip Caroline, nov/ on htr paflkge from Liverpool
to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fail iir.por ■
' tation.
N. B. At the above store may be had, a few slegant
Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture ; also, a good af
>g fortment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks.
Sept. 23. d c }]
— No. 76 High Street^
HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies, a well feledled aflortment of Silk
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdafhei y ; which
s's he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the loweii terms;
iy Some fine India mullins em'oroidersd with gold and ffiver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black ttiffetiesjuteftrfngsand colored Peyfians
_ Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and Ihort Nankeens ju
I Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality
Damalk table linen and napkins, very fin«
Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflortment
Thead and cotton do
Lmbrellas»—icreen (ill., oil'd do. and do cieth ,
French cambrics, very nne - — tni
)n Iriih Linans, do. &c. &c. June $4 ?
FOR sTTSr 4 " A :
-- HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in Pipes.
Brokers and CommilTion Merchants, No. 63,50. 3d St,
le Who discount approved NOTES of hand.
r . N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. _ ,
1- September [4. mwf
' a e _ For sale by the fublcrjbers,
:t IN PE|ln. STREET, 01
13s quarter Cheils frefh Hyson 'Pea ;i
100 ditto d«. frefh Souchong Tea; 10
300 Boxes China, containing Small tea setts of 41 ~
2 . pieces; b )
e 400 picces Bandanoes.
" Willings Ss 5 Francis. pn
January .30 tt&f cil
F O R SAL E, mi
By N. and J. FRAZIER,
Nd. S. Front-street, t0
r> Prime Boston Beef, ia barrels. t Wy- i
t. Georgia Cotten.
to Carolina Rice and Indigo.
Sherry and Teneriffe Wines, of eicell.nt quality.
Ravens Duck. , ele
Indio Bandanno's. i
Sewing Silks, various colours. fen
ColTahs and Gurrahs. (
S'l"- *?• Us 4 w. Hr
Lottery and Broker's Office, phi
No. 64, South Skcond stxsst. (
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale a
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in ber
the late lottery. g £t
;e Check Books kept for examination and registering, for
, r the City of Walhington, No. s, and Pattefon Lotteries, R c
both of which are now drawing—information where the
tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- I T
Port Long-Wharf, Hotel ar.d Public School Lottery, for ' ,
examination. ! a ' '
The fubferiber foKcits the application of the public i t! ' e
and his friends, who wiih to purchase or fell Bank Stock ' , '
a Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands! i ' ,®
&c, or to obtain money on deposit of property.
g Wm. Blackburn. tlu
e Philadelphia, Augufl 18, .796. mth t„i,
Notes lost. ~
"\X7"HEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Halkell Rt,t
. V V ana George W. Kirkland, dated Boston, the 24th S
February, 1796, payable to Joseph May, or order, in i 3 —
m ?° * r <Ute ' one for ° ne Thousand Dollars, the *
other Fifteen Dollars, wete stolen with lo#ie other pap«r= t0 r
' outof =; tr «nk 06 the Lar.cafter road. It Urtqneftirfi that Fri(
any perr„n to whom they may be offered for negociatioa, tick
, Will give notice thereof to the fnbfcriher. S
JW-JQ. _ ttstf *
Difl'olution of Partnerfhin. re< i ;
T^ E ..^ rt " erlhi P '"-'ween ROBtRT ANDRI 'vS srul 111
, ?^Y > I ?rxV undfcr lhc of ANDREWS
and MLREOITH, being dillolved, All perfcns who a-e S <-n '
' lndeo ' c^ to, ° r whoha'e claims againU the (aid houfc aic S
requclled to apply lor fcitiemrnt t. fublcriber. '
c c 1: No, 86, S>. Wha*vei. J.
5ept.6,1796- d \ f
John Whitelides & Ce,
id Have for Sale,
I Venetian Red,
Spanilh Brown,
White Lead, ground in oil:
Shot, No. x, ;, 3, 4, j.
London Porter, in calks and bottles.
— Green Copperas.
{ Several crates of Queem Waie, in fetls, with desert
...' ditto compleat.
,a * Steel,
tf<taion ditto. *
Sept. 2T. - diw
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
„ Confiding ol'different sizes, from >1 inch cables down
' to rope of a lichee, of different lengths! Imported in
rt ' the (hip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 17 dtf
, e ' Of tit firji quality, FOR SALE BT,
* c RD.'smd JAB. POTTER.
For any quantity absvjrPive Tboufand Pieces, a li
beral credit wif be givefl. v R. & J. p.
September ij. T. tf
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Qf the bejl quality, and nr reasonable term},
108 9AJLC BT
Philip Nicklin Ef3° Co.
16. dtf
t Philip Nicklin & Co.
Souchong 't
Hyson Skin /
Young l. yion j- FRSSH. TEAS
j'/ Hyson and \
Yellow Nankeens
it China Ware, aflbrted in Boxes and Chefti
f- Quiektilver
BaHdanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in
London Market MADEIRA WINE
London particular >in pipes, hoglkeada, &
New-York Market J quarter calks
, Tencriffe Wine in pipes and hqgfiiaadt
; ; Sugar Camly by the Box ,
j. Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8
Lead in sheets (
3 Calks of Cutlery assorted
r A few cheftsof Manchester Goods, aflbrted tbick
fets, cords, Itripcd Nankeens, &c.
3 Small packages of black feuing-Glkj
s !! Tierces Virginia Snake-root. •
Nails aflbrted jn calks
T tjlv ' raw&f
Wanted to Rent, a
J convenient, well fumifbed Bed Chamber, ;
With a good fire-place, in .in airy and healthy part of a
_the city. Jhe per/on \vh® wants to rent such a —
would have noTobjcSTon to or breakraifonly, with
. the family occupying the house, as may be moll agreeable.
Apply to the printer.
September 19. taw
Public Notice is Hereby Given, ' 1
TO the Freemen of the City and County of Phila
delphia, and the County of Delaware, tnat a gene
ral eletftion will be.held on Tuesday the eleventh dav
of Odobei next.-—The election to be opened between
the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one
o'clock in the afternoon.
- When the freemen of the City of Philadelphia, are
to meet at the State-house in the city, to cleft -<■
Six Representative! far said citv in General Affein
One Representative for said city in the Iloufe of Re
prefentaPlWi ef the United States.
Twenty persons lor members of the Common Coun
Twelve persons for members of the Seleifl Com
The Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia
to elect '
One person for Governor
Two perfQnsfor Coroners
Onep' son for County Commissioner rt
The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to "
Six Representatives for said County in General As
sembly. _
One Representative for said county in the House of
Rrprefentatives of the United States.
The Freemta of the City and County of Philadel
phia, and County of Delaware, to elect
One Senate* for the State
The Freemen ol the township of the Northern Li
berties are to hold their eletßicn at the town-house in
Second Street continued, above Coats's Street. 1
The Freemen of the townlhips of Germantown,
, Roxborough and Briflol, arc to hold their election at >jr
j the Union Srhool House In Gerraantown.
The Freemen »f the townlhips of Oxford, Byberry,
j Lower Dublin and Moreland,are to hold their eletSlio'n
; a; the houle of the lare John tSamfley in Bufsletown, in
| the tewnlhip of Lower Dublin. -
i And the Fi-cemen of theDiftrift ofSoathwark, and
the town&ips of Moyamehfmg, Paflyunk, and Kii'ig
fefling, are to hold their efeaion at the State-Houf; in „
the City of Philadelphia.
The Cenflables of each Ward, Dif!ri<S, fee. ?feto
hold their elecalon, in the different diliritfs to ciigofe
their infpe&ors for the ensuing year, and to give their A
attendance at the time and refpe&ive places. °
Sept. %(,. JOHN BAKER, Sh,riff.
*'** The Eletfors of Cheftcr county are r eauefted
to meet at Hunt Downing'*, in Eift-Calhtov /r.lhip, on
Friday, the 7 th day of OAober eafuing, « x form a
j ticket for the eofuing election* S<
September ia, 1796. o{
— , tt
Ihe Inhabitants of the county of Chester are
requefled to meet at the house' of AbraV tl
in Ijie township of Wtft /iradford, in f Ald eanr-tv J
the 7th day of October /iext, in order to coafu 1 • Irf " "
general ticket for the ei,l"uiiig eleaion. ('
September 14, j 790. — ",V. . .•
... C
Vt r A *.V 7* £ D. ~> W'—-
Enquire atthi. Olfmr. ' f jßafineft,
University of Pennfylvani
Oitaber 5, 1796.
The MedicaiLetlurei wiU commence the firft JMu.2;. r
in November. t»Xv
India Tamboured Mufli is
f' A jmall y handfsme afortnienfref M< 7/.
Fine- tamboured Malda and Santipore }
patterns aud pvicef.
Plain 6-.) Jaoohc*.
' Corded and cross-barred Mwflin Shawls.
Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcat,
0 Muflln Handktrchicfs, fine and coari'e.
u Japau Muslins, and
A few pi«ces extraordinary fine Long Cloth#.
>wn rOR sale BY
1 in Thomas Tingey,
No. lai, SouthThird-ftreet.
. Sep't tutf&f
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
1 li- Sold tj WILLIAM BLACKBURN, A?o. 64,
•. South Second-Jlreet.
For raising Sixty Tfcoufand Dollars, agrciably to an A&. of
ib« Leniljature of Pennfyivawia, palled duting the last
ftlfion, for building a Stone Bridge over tlie River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Rcadinp in the Qounty of
Bcrkj. Dollan.
—a* > Prize of so coo Dahart - sto,ooo
1 do. of tO,cco do. - - jo,coo
g do. of 5,000 do. - - >5,000
4 do. of 2,000 do. « - S.oco
to do. of 1.000 <30. - - - 80,000
39 do. of 500 do. - . 19,500
8c do. of aoo do. . i6,oet>
teo do. of too do. » . .
300 do. of 50 do. - - 15,000
t doj of 500 do. to be paij the jjolTtf- )
for ef the firft drawn no. £ ,^ 00
5 do. of 3 oco do. to be paid possessors )
of the five last drawn nos J 1
9,400 do. of 15 do. : - 141,099
in — ' —
10,054 Prices goo,coo
10,046 Blanks —-r*
** 3° 800 Tickets At Ten Dollars 300,00 a
All Prizes lhali be paid fifteen days*after the drawing is
finilhed, upon the demand of a pofleflor of a fortunate
ticket, fuhjcil to a deduSion of tweniy per cent. The
Drawing will commence as soon as the "tickets are disposed
ot, or perhaps sooner. of whifch puWlic notice will'be given,
k _ Philip MiUcr, Peter K'rfhner, William Wiimar.;
Jofcph Hiejler, James Dtemer, Thomas Durtdas,
JaMes May, Jchn Otto, J e h n Ke'im, liar.lel Crc.J,
Sebqfiian Milltr, Commissioners.
Reading, May the gth, i7§6. *
Tickets in the Cnnal I ottery, Nc. 1, to be had at the>
above office, where the eaUielt-intormatioli of the draw
ing of the Walhingtoi! No. «, aud Pattcrfon Lottery's,
o; - are received, and check books for examination and rcgif
tfringare kept.
OctoScr~7; law tf
By W. Young, Mills and Son,
[Price 50 cts. in boards, 62 t-j neatly bound]
• An Apology for the Bible,
In a series of Letters,
" Addressed to Thomas Paine, author ps a book entitled
lv 9 f Reajon, part the second, being an in-
Teßigalitn of true and fabulous theology- *
fly R. WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Biihop of
Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity
in the University of
e Sept. 16. . tu&f6 -
By Mathew Carey, 118, Market-llreet,
A DifTertation on Slavery,
fat the Gradual Abolition of it
In the State of Virginia.
ia By sr. GEORGE TUCKER, Profeffor of Law in
t'S Unii'crfty qf William and Mary, and one of
the Judges in the General Court in Virginia.
" Slavery not only violates the Laws of Nature and
rt Civil Society, it also wounds the bell forms of govern
-0 " m :nt: in a Democracy, where all men are equal, flavt
" ry is contrary to th« spirit of the conllitution."
f- • \Montcfquitu\
}iy W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son,
Corner of Second and Cbefnut fir eels.
Price i-z cents,
; The President's Address
To the People of the United States,
;t ' The refolutioa he has formed to decline being considered
among the number of those out of whom a choice is to
'> be made, at the ensuing eleition of a Prelidcnt of the
n United States*
n Sept. so. ws6
®y J- ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
(Price ia 1-1 Cents)
The President's Address
° To the People of the United States,
" r Announcing his intention of retiring from public life
at the expiration of the present constitutional term «f
presidency. _
September 20.
d ~~ No. 153. r— r
n DifirtS of Pennsylvania, to cpit.
a BE it remembered, that on the tv/cr"-
Septcmber, in the twenty-firft v- .y-fourth daylof
Oi the United S'atcsol A -ir 0 f the independence
the said djftri J * l ~"* t . anerica, William Cobbett of
• e uie in this»office the Title of
" the words foil- whereof he claims as proprietor, ia,
" The to w't
-- " re**' Political Censor, or Review of the m#(l
a -ing political occurrences relativs to the states
rt» f A " ,er j C3 .-'sy Peter Porcupiae"—JonlarmUy to
" A A .»° - ' be ean g rcfsot . «B"&aited States, intituled
_ tJ " . for the encotiiijement of learning by securing
Copies of Man*, Chatts and Books to the authors.
"<i proprietors of luch Cnp-r.s, during the times therein
1 '"{■ntioned." SAMUKL CALDWELL, Cleric
I Diilriit Ptii fylvanii.