Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 06, 1796, Image 4

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    For Sale,
AThrea story BRICK HOUSE and L#t, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second ftrscts, in which
• Messrs. James Calbraith 3c Co. Rave for man> years (and
now do) carried oh business.
i. PofTefljon will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM 2EI-L, or
April ti. ' }
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufaaory, filiate j
in a convenient part of the city ; the works alm'oft new, T
on an entirely original conftruftion, and built of the best 1
materials, and may be set tp work immediately. Pcrfons
whowifhto pur chafe, are requested to'apply at No. 273, .
\ bouih Second Street. c " n
September 13. t t f tf
Brokers Office, and
No. 63.'South Third ftmt,rppofite thf national new Bank. T7
O have entered into co-partnership, under the firm' of cen
: R A -UN CKS & VAN REED, in the bnfinefs of Brokers,
Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and
fijll on commiflion every species of Hock, notes of hand,
bilk of exchange, houses and lands, See.
Money procured on deposits, &c.'&c. all kinds c r i
■writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatness and 5
dil patch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the 2C
most correct manner. Constant attendance will be given. 10c
They'folicit a share of the public favor ; they are deter
mined to endeavouf to deserve it. —
N. B. secrecy observed. 23
Philad. AvgijS -1796. m&wtf 6^l
Valuable Real Eflate, >»g
Forfait at Auction by Cafptr Thtell, of Hamburg,
late the property of fames and William Kinnear. tfl ,
For faleby public auction, on the 9th day of November ; n 1
next ensuing, at the sign Gen. Wafliington, Wood's ; n 1
tavern, borough of Reading, Berks county,the follow
ing real e(late, viz. cor
j A TRACTof land containing 465 acres with raa
xX allowance for toads, called the Pufchafe, s ou
fiuated in Brunfwick fownftip, Berks county, patented, ets
iljth 01 Jan. 1788 This trtfi, of which about 15 acres ]
sre cleared,;.s of good foil, fuuated on the or
jilttle Sehuylkill, well waterad and timbered, on which is
eretfled a good log dwelling house and liable.
No. 2. A traftof unimprovedUnd, containing £84 a
cres, with allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented 2<ith —-
Odlober, 179 c, situated in Brunfwick townlkip, -Berks
county, foil good.
No. 3. A trafi M unimproved land, containing 376 a- D
cres with allov/ance, &c. called Hillfourg, patehted 48th
Oflober 1790, situation, &c. as No, 2. TA
No. 4. A trail «funimprovcd land, containing 38? a- cit
eres, with allowance, &c. patented 28th of OAober, 1786, '
situation, &c. a» No. 2 ami 3. ( dai
No. 3. A trail of land, containing 268 acres, and 57 tor
perches, with allowance, &c. situated ir. Brunfwick town- me
}hip, Berks county, on Tomagua, or little Schuylkill, 5 anc
miles above the town »f Hamburg, on which is ereiled a
well finifhed two story squired log dwelling house, 22 of
feet by 35, within the distance ofioo perchesfrem a forge, 'wi
with the advantage of a firry and public house; these ad- 1
vantages render this tracSt very valuable. tht
No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, with a Jioft ap]
and rail, or board fence, containing in front, 60 feet, and
in depth iße feet, fubje& to a ground rent of 7/6 per an- pr
No. 17. A town lot in Hamburg, enelofcd as 110 16, to |icc
which it adjoins, being of the fame dimensions, and fubje'd hoi
to the fame ground rent, on which is ere&ed a log liable, rej
16 by 18 feet • ..." at
No. 18. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No. 17,
a corner lot, fronting'tm Maift and Schuylkill llreets, di- tht
menfions the fame as No. 16 and above del"crib<d, sub- re<
jeclto 10J0 per annum ground rent. Op this lot is ex
cited a large 2 story dwelling house, 45 feet front on Main exi
street, by 34 feet in depth on Schuylkill street, pleasantly lar
asd advantageously situated for a ftorej hn
N. B. The above described three town lots wilt be (bid fer
feparatcly or together, as may best suit the purch fers. inj
Cdnditions of file—One third of the purcbafs money
to be paid to the lubfcribers, of either of them in Philadel
phia, at or before the expiration of one month frem the
Hay of sale, vhen a deed of conveyance v 11 be executed ;
the residue payable in2equalp*yments, at 6 and 12 months [S
with intereil.the payment whereof to be secured by mort- J
gage on the premises.
fames Henderfon, _ *1 Assignees to ' P '
Frederick-MontmaUin, '/the estate of -jS
Thomas Rogers, /"James &Wm. S( f
Jbftph D. Drinker, J Kinnear. ft
September a 6. m & th.
—— — f
Treasury Department, [[
September 28, 1796. «
N'OTICE is hereby gi\-n, that proposals will he re- j "
eeived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury '«
until the expiration of the firft day of March next en- «
luing, for the supply cf all rations which may he required \"
for the use of United States, from the firft day of "
Jnne, 1797, the thirty'-firft day of May, 1798, both "
indufive, at the places and within the dillriils here- «
.Uter mentioned, -viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara ; at «
Pjefqije 10e', at Sandufey Lake, and on Sandufky "
River . at Detroit; at Micliilimackinac; at Fort-Frank- "
. un; at Pittlburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hanailtoa ; «
at Fort St. CLiit; at Fort-J«fFerfon ;at Grenvillc; at kl
Picque Town and i«raniie« Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort W<yno; at Fort Dsfiancc ;at any place iwloftf Fort I,
Defiance on the M ;i, mi River to Lake Eriej at Fort n:
;at Fort Millie ;at any place from Fort MafEac fc
(o the south boundary of the United States on the river p
Mituf.ppi; at Fort ICaox ; at Ouiatanon. ci
If fuppltcs. Iball be required lor any polls or places not is
rcqutioned in this notice, all such fti-pplies shall be fur- g
Bifhed at. prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
'polls before recited, wts maybe hersafter agreed on j
■ between the United States the Contractor.
The rations to be flip plied are to consist of the fol
l«-vi(ig viz. ■ t / c
One pound two onn-rss of bvead or flou*. ol
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen o*oe«s of ft
pork or bacon. ij
Hair a gill of rum, fe.rdj cr whifcay. v
Oat quart and half a pint of salt."> n
"Vv. 0 quarts of Vinegar, ( , , ~. . a
, „ , > per hundred rations a
1 wo pounds or Soap, \ »
One ptawd of Candfet, j
The ration.iare to be furnifbed inluth quatftities, asthat c ,
there (ball at all'times during the said terra, be fwfiicient' /j
for the ct)nuimpi-< n of tbe'troops at Michiiiitiackinac, De
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the terfti of fix months in
Iv.ince, and at each of th: other posts, for the term of
at least three month; in, in guod and wliolc'fome
provisions, if the fame Rwil be required, it is-to be un-
Hrllood, that the ContraiSor is to beat the ex »e nee and
. ;»v of ISuir-r»be fuppli.s to the troops ateach foil, and ,
that all loffci fufiained by tbe depredations of an enemy, or I
by means of the troops of the United States, shall be pai4
for at the price of the, erticlcn captured or on
the depolitions-pf tv.o or more person-? cf credttable ch .-
■ jelese, andthe certificate of a commiffioncd oCioer, as-
the ot the lols, and the amount
•fft * ai'ides lor whith compiufation fliall be claimed.
Secretary of tht'i reafHry.
JOtiN MILLER, Jun. & Co.
* Have Imported in the late vefTels frem Exope, &c.
A general afforttHent of GOODS, suitable to tit Teafonj— W
Amongst w'hich are,
BROAD and narrow CLOTHS,
Plain and twill'd COATINGS, St;
Rose striped aad point BLANKETS,
HATS alforted in eases,
n INDIA GOODS, generally, \
1S A Confijned Invoice of IRONMONGIRY,
. Comprising a capital alTortment to open a npro—> nc ; u "
ding Thirty of NAILS. This < invoice will be fold
entire on very advantageous tcinar.
Septchiber 29.
;. TT'OR raifmj fix thoufind fix hundred and sixty-seven
), I. dollars sr.dfifry cents, by a dedu&iaii of fifteen per
if cent from the prizes, and not two blanks toa prize, viz
s,' 1 Prize of 5000 dollars is tlvliars 5c:00
d I 1000 I°°°
1, X joo 500
J 200 IDCO
20 100 acoo
d 99 $0 495°
ie 200 25 jooo
1. 2000 10 « 10,000
j Last drewn numbers of 1000 dollari aach, 5000-. _
2332 Prizes. 44>450
401° Blanks. J
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars eacfi, 44>45°
By order of the Directors of the Society for eftaMft
mg WefulManul'aiSlures, the fupericitendants of the Pat
erfon liOttery have reqUeftcd the Managers to offer the
' for»g(»ing Scheme to the public, and have directed them
to rf fund the money to those persons who have purehafed o _
T in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets tor tickets _
s in this Lottery.
she lottery has aiStually cqhimenced drawing, and will
continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blar,ks and Prises .j."
h may be fe«n at the. office ol William Blackburn, No. 64
-> south Second street, who will give information where tick-
I> ets may be procured. ' ■ as
;s Dated {his 17th day of June, 1796.
r J. N• CUMMING, 7 th
15 JACOB P.. HARDEN BERG, > Managers. .
; a " atfe,> w
Samuel Rfchardet,
Respectfully :nfor ms tbe Gentfemc.n <«
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY * x ~
- city of Philadelphia; .
>, TJiC Subscription be furnifhed wit! all the
daily piipers published in Philatfelphia, NeVz-YorV, Bos- ,
7 ton, Baltimore, together with tHose of the princip-«l coir> - n
1- merciai citi*s of Europe—They will be regularly filed
5 and none jpermitted to be taken away on any account. 27
a Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety ot
2 of Frefluh Liquors; together with the ufuai refrefhments, m
c, will at'all t*nes be procured at the bar.
I- Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with ™
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod
ft apppcrved Malt Liquors from London qn\l other breweries. J
d The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earlleft '
i- productions of the Season. , r
Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be J 6
:o accommodated with BreaVfafts, Dinners, o * Suppets, at
A hours mod convenient to themfelve*—a cold CoilatioT. is
e, regularly k«pC for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
it'tnG uai. _di
7, The Lodging Rooms completely hiriiifhed, and cs
i- the titrioft attention paid to cleanliness, and every other
5- requisite.
r " Samuel Richardet will be happy to receive, arid
in execute the commands of hrs Friends, and the Public at J :
ly large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges o:
himfelf that nothing on his part ftiall be wanting to pre- C
Id serve that patronage with whiah he hasbeonio diftbaguifh
ingly i'loncred.
:y Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
:1- —
Treaftlry of the United States. a
VTOTICE is hereby given to all pcrfons who are or
, t _ i\ may be Creditors of the United States, for any funis
of the Funded Debt,l>r Stock, bearing a pMfent intenji of fix
■per centumper bHnum. .
t" ill, That pursuant to an Adi of C««gre£i palfed on the
iSth day of April, T796, intitlcd an a<sl in addition<o an -
n. S( «i j intituled " An aCI making further provision for the
fypport of public crtdit, and for the redemption of the
public debt," fee faiddebt or Hock will be reimbursed and
— paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends
" to be made <>n the lallfiays of March, June and Septertv
" bet for theprcfentycar, andfrom the year Ofiethoufand f
" seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou
e- j « sand tight hundred & eighteen indufive, at the rate of ■
ry " one and one half per centum upon the original capital,
n- ! " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of r
ed December for the present year, and from the year one
of " thoufapd seven hundred and ninety-fever., to the year r
th " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at (-
"e-' '• the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
»t « ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma eon the last f
cy " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- $
k- «« dred and eighteen, of such liira, as will be then
»; " quatc, according to the ctj'ntraA, for the finaj redemp
at kl tion of tl'.c faii ftodk."
at . 2d. All diftinftion between payments on account of
irt Inter'H and Primifrl being thtis abolished by the eftablilh
)rt mesi of the permanent rule of reimbursement abova de
iic fcrfted, jt Iras become ueceilary to vary accerdingly the i
'er powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public "
creditors will therefore observe that the following farm 1
lot is eftublifhed for all powers of attorney which may b» f
it- granted after the due promulgation ot ihis notice, viz.
™ I a s I
do make, ecfijiitute afJ appoint
oj my true and lawful At
torney; far me y and in t/fy name y to receive tbe dividends nvbtcb are,
or jbnti be payable according to laiv y on tit (here, dcfcribing the 1
ftoclc) fl.i>td:nr in my nxrhein tbe booh of (here delcribiflg the £
books of the Treasury or the Comniifiioncr of Lc£s,
where the llock is credited) from (here mfert tiie com
mencement and expiration of time for which the power of
, ns attorney is to coßtinue) ivitb po-iver also an attorney or atior
nies lender him y for that purpefe to make andfvfylilttfe, a/idt<9 Jo all
Lrwful acls r^qmfitcfor ejfc&rng tbsprcmifcs i hereby ratifying and
confirming all that my [aid Attorney or bitfubflit:itc Jball taufui
ent ly do, by 4/irtue hereof. ,
De- in IVitnefs hereof I lave hereunto set my Hand et-.d Seal tbe
* in Jjy of in tbe year j
of Sealed and Delivered c
>nie M prcp-fuccfy ]
un- BE rf KNOWN, that oa tie day of i
an<l cfcre «< perfanally earne
and wit bin named and acknoivledged -4be above IcUr of attorney to be '
'• or bit act and deed. 1
>ai4 In tejlioiony rvbereof 1 have hereunto set >ny Hand mnd affix
on /./ Seal the day and year afcrefaid.
:ha- Given under my Hand at Piiiladdphia, this t^ren
»af- tieth day of July 1796, purfuaat to direelions
from the Secretary of the Trealury.
Ireafurcr ef tb} United States.
f. July w & >t I J.
For Sale,
A Complete Font of Brevier,
T?Ntircly ne« , and yet unopened. The w «'g ht of t! " s 1
Fj font is about 3.* lb". It is from die Foundery of
Wiifon & Soirs,Gtafj*ow,and will lie fold at colt & charge . t
Alio for Sale, a pair of Super Koyal Chafes. a
Enquire art the Office of the Gazette ol the Unite t ,
States, 119 Chefnut-ftrcet. ■
September 27, _ ill—
City of Waihingion.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
federal city.
A" magnificent 1? 20,000 dollars, Sr. ? <0,000 -
<Jwellii)g.-houle, 5 "ft l 3°j° o0 > are 3
1 ditto 15,000 & cast 25,000 40/100
1 ditto 15,000 & csfh 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 & call) 10,000 20,000
1 ditto 5,0h0 & cash 5,600 10,00®
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
1 cafli prize of
a do. 5,000 each, are * 10,00®
to do. T,ooo - • 10,000 ■
ao do. 500 - - 10,006
Co do. 100 - - 10,000
ioo do. 5° * *■* 10,000 r
400 do. a 5 - 10,000
1,000 do. 20 - ,10,000 (
y,00<3 do. 1 Jo " -150,000 t
i15,7,-j9. Prizes.
3.iz6i Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollan, 400,000■
N. B, To favour those who may take a quantity of
Tickets, the pi ize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn
ticket, arwl the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, fecttring payment in either monsy
or prizes, in ten day? atter drawing, will be received for
any numjprnot less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri
vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Wafhingtcn— (
Two beautiful designs are already fele.<fted for the entire (
fronts on two of the public squares; fromthefe prav'ings I
it is proposed to erect two centre and four Corner buildings, 1
as soon as pofiible after this lottery is fold, and to convey - (
them, when cotr.pletc, to the fortunate adventursfs, ]
the manner described in the fchemcfor the fiotel tottery. t |
A nett deduflion of five pet; cent. Vill be made to defray
the necelTary exper.fes of printing, &c. and the surplus *
will be trtade a part of the fund intended for the National '
Unjveriity, to he erected within the city of Washington.
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
f<*ld off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days -
sifter it is firtifhsd ; and aHy prizes for which fortunate ,
numbers aie not produced within twelve months after ths (
drawing is clsfed, are to be confiiered as given towards j t
thefuni for the Univerfityj it being determined to fettle ;
the whole bufuiei'i in aye ir from the ending of the draw- (
ing, and to take up the bojid» given as security.
The real Securities given for the payment of the Prizes, t
are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank i
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- -
mount of the lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen tfho by appointment of
the kite Commissioners afiilted in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are Yequefted to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf ef the public ; a fuffici<i«it num
ber of these having kipdly is hoped that the,
friends to a National University and the other federal ob
jedls may continue to favor the design. ,
By accounts received from the different parts of the ;
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets ;
have been font for sale, the public are assured that the ]
drawing '■ '11 fnee*"-'v eommrhap, arrri that the cart and
caution unavoidably n;ceilaryToTnfun: a laic unpuiai
th« tickets, lias rendered the Ihor; fufpeufion indispensable,
„§, Tifkets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; o
Janies Wcfl 3c Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilman, Boston
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Walls
Copper's Ferry. eo
Watson's Answer to Gibbon.
And for laic by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Cheftmt-flreet,
Apology for Ohriftianity,
In a /trie 1 of Letters, addrejfed to
E3ward Gißßoto, Es<^.
. Autitor of tbe History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire:
; By R. WATSON, d. d. f. k. s. Bifliop of LandafT.
. (Price 75 cents bound.)
1 V/at lon's Answer to Paine,
> To be had at the fame place.
; , T^~ : °f Rfligion are awake ! Let not her
1 friends jlccf.
j Sc ° t ' I- mwftftf
• noti c e.
I 'HE Subscriber, haviag been reduced in his circum
; 1 fiances, by sundry misfortunes, and beinir thereby
. nuiblc to latisly his jiift debts, hereby t<f his
Creditors and tball pcrfens concerned, that lieintendi to
" apply to the General Affcmbly of Maryland at th-ij next
feliion to be held 011 the firll Monday of November ne»t.
for the benefit of ti: aA of insolvency.
t(1 of ■ g;h month. 1796. lawtiftMN
!!- Tobefold, ~
A PL ANT AT. ON, in the town of Woodbury, coun
ty of Glnucclter, and itate of contai'n
c IU S about one Kindred and fifty acres ; a faitable proper
-1 tion oi wnieh is woodland and improved meadow. A
„ great part of the "rablc land is in a high (late of cultiva
tion, and very tiatural to the prdduflion of Red Clover
* °" f a ' d plantation ihfre is a g.-ntcel two-story brick honfr"
with four rooms ..n a fl«or, and a goed dry cellar under'
the whole? together with a barn, cern-cribs and carriacre
- hsulc r f h f w .l a, «e» and contains a goSd collec
tion of the bcit Kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees •
e the orchard consist. of abo.t three hundred grafted applet
e " C "' r P" ! ° n iHdined 10 Purchase said premifes,may
be informed of the terms by applying to
f *9 j
dt AO. 128, North Second-Street, and by feneral oj
tbe Apothecaries in this City.
'|"*R AN >FF.RS of the right to remove pain, and inllamma
pcd ™»!'» thehuminbody, asfccared to Dr. ELISfJ A
irA I l y P alcnt ' wllh i'lfttuments and direftionj „e-
C 'i r°c i'^ e l 5"" - r h,s mo<}c us treatment is particu
larly ufeful is rthev.og pains in the head, face, teethrbrcall,
lice, ltomach, back, rheupiatifnis, recent eouis, &c. &«
Notwuhftanding the utility of this practice, it is no't pre
w Turned but there aie cases , a which thi, and every othc.
remedy may fometimea fill.
r- l une x .
— ■ ■ — ■ ... - law
1- A o be disposed of,
„ '-THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
A has between f»ur and fiv< years' t,. fc rv , • She
can be recommended for her sobriety and For
particulars enquire at No. ijz, Chefeut-ftrcet
AU * Uft3 - wjUtf
Waihington Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland hi* sat horifaj
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fin tll.oufand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the puipofe of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, from, tk P»-
tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME oi No. I.
Viz -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, K5,( joo
I ditto 10,000 K>,(X)9
« 7lad drawn}
Tickets, each } s ' ooo JStooo
6 ditto 1,000 6^ooo
10 ditto 400 4,500
10 ditto 100 lyooO
55 ditto 50 a, 750
S7S° ditto 12 69.004
To be railed lor the, 2<i,yo
5850 Prizss, If} ,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.'
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
The Comniiflioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid ail for the pun&uai payment oi
the prizej.
The drawing sf tins Lottery will commerace, without
delay, at soon as tl*t Tickets are fold, of mi hich timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months aftef the
drawing is finiihed, shall be considered as reisnquiftied for
the benefit of 'the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
(Signed) NO-TLEY YOUNG, °
City of Waihington, Feb. fcl. $
iViordecai Lewis
NANKEENS, 10115 and fkort.
China, well allotted.
. Bandano Handkerchiefs.
Roll Brimstone.
Sept. 6. tt&fim
At a special meeting of the Bdard. of Du
rcdort for ejlall'ijhmg ufeful Manufactures fholderi
at Paterfon, July 8, I 796,
Tj ESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock-
J\. holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday,
being tha third ay of O&ober next, at I'aterfon, by tea
of the clock of the fame day; then and- there to take
into confidcrdtion the propriety of dissolving the said
corporation, agreeably to the law in such cafe made and
provided—and the Stockholders are earneflly requefled-,
to'attend the said meeting in "person or by proxy.
August 17 dt.;4thO
. i/or Sale,
Three-itory Brick House,
(The late refTdehce of General Walter Stewart)
WITH a LOT of GROUND thereurtto belonging
the weft fide ef Third-ilreet, nuar Union-itreet
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to aa
alley leading into Cnion-ftrcct. The house is 32 feetfrent
» and 50 le£t deep $ the feveVal rooms contained in it are
large, commodious, and completely finifhed; the two firft
ft° rtes are cac h 13 feet high; there arfl-ao.mahiiiianjT
' - 1390r5-irr d. c--hu-rrt", gunneri-icTTt iTirtrcafc, with mahftga
• ny rails and a grjod iky-light. The kitchen is in the cell
ar., whioh is spacious and. convenient, and finiihed with am
1 oven, and pantries, a servants* hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, ia front 'of which is an
» area in which there w a pump The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the fajd building is a neat three-flory
brick hovfe, on the north fide of Ujiion-Oreet, contain
ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which
is at prcfent pccupied as a coxnpting-houfe, and the upper
part divided into well-linifhed large chamber#. This house •
f may at a small eXpense be converted hjto a convenient
dwelling : The ftrpet door is very handfomfc, and the front
and back have Venetian wii}dow-lhutten»* Adjeining the
last koufc, upon the lot belonging to the fir A, are erciled
bathfiig-roonis, &c. There are liftewife very good couch
; house and stables finiihed equal (or nearly so) with any in
the city, on a lot containing on Unipnftrect 30 feet, and
in depth on the weft fide of said alley 52 feet. There vrc
good cellars unde* the whole of the buildings, and a wine
ro®m over part of the (liable, with a hay-loit over there;
niainder. For further particulars enquire of
At their Office No. 64. Dock-ftjeet. between Walnut & Pear
t&f ftreeu.
6fb momh 24th, 17^6.
F 0 R S A L E.
ABOUT 11 miles from this City, situate in Abing
ton Townihip, Montgomery County ; containing
70 atrcs, a new Oone house, two (lories high, 1 rooms ona
tloor, lire places in each, a Hone kitchen and Hone si ring
house, over »n excellent spring of water, a barn, fbWea,
(heds, barracks, See. A large apple orchard, and a Variety of
other'uit, about 12 ocres of good meadow well waicrcd,
and wood fufßciewt for fire, and fencing the place. Poitefli
on njay be had the rft of Ap: il next. Property in this city
w ill be taken in exchange, or MO-RRlSand NICHOLSONS
. Notes in pavmcnt. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Street.
Philadelphia, September 13, 179b. ttftf
A very Valuable Estate,
CALLED r IVI rrEN HA My situate in the
township of Upper Derby, and county ot Delaware,
_ 71-2 miles from Phiiadelphia, and half a mile frogi the
new Wtftern road: containing 23© acres of excellent land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of pi ime wood
l land, and the relt arable of the tirft quality. There are
y on the premifec a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms
on n floor, a*id cellars under the whole, with a pump-we3
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, tables,
and other convenient buildings ; a fn\oke-houfe and Itone,
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
es. The fields are allin clover, except those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid put as to have the advantage
1 of water in each of them, whick renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing.
l.'he iituation is plcafant and healthy, and from thehigk
cultivation of the land, the gjood neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it is vary luitable for a gentleman t
- country feat.
' foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harmani
_. deceased, and offered for sale by
. Mordecai Lewis,
Oft. i). tt&f Surviving Executor.
® —No. 119 —
C H E S H W T-S T R E E T.
[Tricc Eight Dellarj per Annum,}