Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 06, 1796, Image 1

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of the ?6 s Philadelphia Dally Advertiser.
'Number 1272.] ' THURSDAY EVENING? OCTOBER 6, 1796. [Volume X.
Washington Lottery. 1
The Twenty-fourth& rwenty-fifth Days' Drawing-os
tKe Waftmgton Lottery, No. ~ arc received at the office
No *14, Market-street, where tickets may be examined.
N. bT Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries may be procured.
paobcr 1, 1796- dt
Great is Truth and mufi prevail.
- •
Andforfa'-e at No- 41 Ckefnut-Jlrcet By J. ORMROD,
An Apology for the Bible,
By R- Watson, d. d. f. s. s.
Bi/iQfi of Landaff, &c.
Being a complete refutation of Paine's
Age of Reason,
Aid the only anl'wer to the Second Part.
August j°- dtf j
By W. Young, Mills and Son,
[Price 50 cts. in boards, 62 1-♦ neatly bound] j
, An Apology for the Bible,
In a series of Letter/,
Addressed to Thomas Paine, atithor of a book entitled ,
The Age tf Reajon, part ihe fecottd, being an in
iveltigation of true and fabulous theology.
By R. WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of <-
Landaff, and Regius ProfefFor of Divinity
in the University of Cambridge.
Sept. 16. 1 " t'j&f6
Epi/lle io Porcupine.
9pSK~. 'No. Sum!, FrDtdflicctj. 5
A congratulatory Epistle *
To the redoubtable Peter Porcupine,
On his " complete triumph over the once towering but
fallen and despicable fadlion in the United States."
A P 0 E M, t0
T 0 which is annexed,
The Vision, ioi
A Dialogue between Marat and Porcupine in the in-
fernal regions.
oa. 4- 3
By Mathew Carey, 118, Market-flreet, .£"
A Piflertation on Slavery, M
For the Gradual Abolition of it
In the State of Virginia.
By ST. GEORGE TUCKER, ProfeJJor of Laiv in
the Univer/ity of William and Mary, and one of
the Judges in the General Court in Virginia.
" Slavery not only violates the Laws of Nature and <"/
" Civil Society, it also wounds the bed forms of govcrn
« r>wm . in a Democracy, where all men are equal, flave
««' ry is contrary to the (pith of the constitution."
f xVlon tefqvieu.")
JfSept. 29. 6
'By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
(Price It l-a Cents)
The President's Address
To the People of, the United States,
Announcing his intention of retiring from public life V'
at the expiration of the present coriftitutional term of 1
September %0. d
By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, ]
Corner of Second and Chefnut Jlreets,
Price li 1-2 cents,
>,Xhe President's Address 4
To the People of the United States, ,
The resolution he has iermed to decline.feeing considered
among the number of those out of whom a choice is to
be made, at .the ensuing ele&ion of a Prefidcnt of the
United States.
Sep. 10 - ws6 Prii
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of thefhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal, .
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras r '"r
A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,•
Dorcas, tsV. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, T~
In boxes and bags—and PEPPER, .
ForSjleby ' thc c
Willings Ssf Francis, the
No. *i Penn Street. botf
June 8 § tick
India Tamboured Muslins. Po *'
A finally handsome ajfortment of Mujlins, and
viz. Cert
Fine tamboured Malda and Santipere Muslins, various
patterns and prices.
Plain 6-4 Jaconet. P
Corded and cross-barred Muflln Shawls.
Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas.
Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. Y/\
Japan Muslins, and * <
A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths.
roR sal E by mon
Thomas Tingsy, e ,
No. 121, South Third-ftrett. any
Sept it. tutf&f will
r_ r , HE fubferiber intends to make application for a r«-
1 newal of the following certificate, iuppofed to be .. .
loft on the passage to England in April 1794 : | j
Certificate No. i0;;35, dated 15th November, 1793, and
for 283# dollars and 91 cents—Six per cent, domcltic
debt, oft the books of the -Tre*fury of the United States, rtquc
in the name of the Hon. John Trevor.
ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's.
Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. *tu&f6w ' Se{
j For Sale,
feci' ea ds of choice New-England
ned. Rum,
ther finding fremthe fchoooer John, atVanuxem'swharf.
For terms apply to No. 71, Noith Water Street, *t the
head of the wharf.
_Ofl. ."!■ dtf.
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPI Ai,v CATHCART, si m A'i•: 2:; 1 and Lis
bon, ia:i ::ng at the fubfcribcfj'wharf—
28 Pipes of Brandy
!, 18 Bales of Spanish wool
3 do. of Annifeecf
7000 Bulheis of belt" Lilbon Salt
So'Boxet of Lemons
£ S For faie by WILLINGS Jc FRANCIS.
' Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the (bip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, ,
— from Kingston. 1
Sf yt. 13. d
From on board the Brig Domhic Davine,
p Master, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the
!ed London Particular Madeira WINE, t
„ In Pipes, Hogihcads and Calks.
There are in the above parcel 10 Hhds. of CHOICE
0 f OLD WINE, fit for immediate use.
Ribert Andrews, •
Sjpt. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves.
Thomas Ryerfon
TITAS ju/l received, by the liiips Molly and Hamburgh
' II Packet from Liverpool, and the JLight Horse from
Bristol, and is now opening for sale, at his store No.
177, Market-street, an cxtermyp afforttnerit of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware
at and Saddlery.
The (hip Caroline, pow on her passage from Liverpool
to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor
N. B. At fW above (lore may be had, a few elegant
Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good af
lortment of the best kinds of Knives and torks.
n . Sept. n. ' d C!
No. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies, a well fele(s!ed assortment of Silk
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdaftery Goods; which
ht will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowed terms ;
Some fine India rtiuflins embroidered with gold and (Hver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto
~ Do do do do Handkerchiefs
, Some extra black taffeties.iutsftringsanii colored i'crfiar.6
J Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and (hort Nankeens Ji
1 English Mantuas of the firft quality
1- Damask table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hoficry, an elegant aflortmsnt
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas—gracn 51k, oil'd do. and do clath , h
French cambrics, very fine
Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June ia <5
HOLLAND GIN, of tht firft qualities in Pipes.
Brokers and.Commi(fion Merchants, No. 63,Se.jj'd St.
e Who discount approved NOTES of hand.
lf N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. ra
Stptember T 4 - , mwf of
For sale by the fublcribers, 'J
130 quarter Chests fre>(h Hyson Tea ;f
i©o ditto do. freih Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes China, containing small tea l'etts of 41 bli
4co pieces Bandanoes.
Willings Francis. P
' January 30 tt&f cil
i BO R SAL E, mi
By N. and J. FRAZIER,
NO. 95, S. Front-llreet,
Prime Boston Beef, in barrels.
Georgia Cbttou.
Carolina Rice and fr\digo.
SKerry and Tcneriftc Wines, of excellent quality.
Ravens Duct. c,e
Indio BiTidanno*s.
Sewing Silks, various coloura. & n
s CoffahsandGurrahs. {
Sspt. 17. ttS4W. Re
,• Lottery and Broker's Office, P hi
No. 64, South Second strest. 1
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a
Check Book for examination—and prize? paid in i er
the late lottery. j Sec
Check, Books kept for eiaminatlbn and registering, for ! '
the City of Walhington, No. 1, and Pattefon Lotteries, ' Rr
both of whieh are now drawing—information where tlie
tickets are to be had, knd prizes exchanged for undrawn ! '
tickets. A complete lift o£ all the prizes in the late New- Lo
Post L©ng-W{iarf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for i at 1
examination. ; j je
The fubferiber foficits the application of the public ! 1
and his friends, -who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock?, t }, e
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Hou'fes, f e (r
&c. or to obtain money on deposit »f property. t | lL ;
Wm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, Auguf 18, 1796. mt h ho!.
WHEREAS two notes drawn >y Benjamin Halkell e
and George W. Kirkland, dated Boston, the 24th
February, 1796, payable to Jefeph May, er order, in 18 ~
months after date, one for Or.e Thousand Dollirs, the *
other Fifteen D6llnrs, weie stolen with Tome other papers 10 r
out of a trunk on the Lancaster road It is requeftcd that Fri<
any person to whom thfy may be offered for negociation tic k
will give notice thereof to the fubferiber. S
30- ttstf *
Diflolution of Partnerfliip. ~ re< s;
•yilE Partncrfhip between' ROBERT ANDREWS and
DAVID MEREDITJi, under the firm of ANDREWS
and MEREDITH, being didolved. All person, „h0 are
indebicd to, or who have claims again!! the (aid house arc
requeued to apply for fcttlen-.ent to the '
No. 86, So. Wbaives. A
Sep 1.6,1796. d L{
John VVhitefides & Co.
H:ii>e fur Suie,
Vtnetitß Red,
lr f SpamfH Brown,
at t f,. W Ute lead, ground ill oil;
Shot, io. i, 1, 3, 4, 5.
Its. Lo/idc > Porter, in casks and bottler,
' Grccc
»nt Severn crates Queens Ware, irf setts, with aefert
~ ? t'itro cp> 3^le»t.
'4 cteel,
©ernjar, ditto.
Sept: ji.
For Sale,
s * An Invpice of Cordage,
Confiding of different fires, from 11 inch cables down
i ' to rrpe ul z inches, of different lengths: Imported in
1 ' the (hip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 27. dtf
ine » Of the frjl quality, FOR SALE BV,
For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li- 1
> beral credit will be given. R. &J. P. 1
September 11. T tf t
fCE ; .
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the bejl quality a?id on reajonable terms, <(
— Philip Nicklin y Co.
■ Attgtft 26. dtf «
It Philip Nicklin & Co. ;
Souchong -
Hyson Skin /
Young Hyson >- FRESH TEAS 1
,00l H y son a »d N a
sor- Imperial J I
Yellow Nankceps '
ant China Ware, aiTorted in Boxes .and Chests
as- Quiokfilver B
Handanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in 1
_ chtfts
London Market MADEIRA WINF.
London particular >in pipes, hipgflaeads, &
New-York Market ) quarter "casks
Teneriffe Wine in pipes aod hogfkeads ,
Sugar Candv by the Box
Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8
u . ch Lead in fteets °
' 3 Casks of Cutlery afiorted
ver A few chests of Mai(chcfter Goods, aflorted thick- i<
sets, cords, striped fvankeens, &c.
3 Small packages of black sewing-silks »
an 6 X Tierces Virginia Snake-root. «
Nails aflforted in calks «
July 13 mw&f "
' —— - (.
Wanted to Rent,
A convenient, well furm/hed Bed Chamber, "
Wkh a good fire-place, in an airy and healthy part of „
the ciry. ihe person vvh© wants [6 rent such a chamber, it
would have no objeiftioß to boarcl, or bteakfaft only, with
I t!ie faniily occupying tlx house, as miy be moll agreeable. ,
Apply to the printer.
Septeaiber 20. taw
{ .t ' in
Public Notice is Hereby Given, tii
St. r T" , O the Freemen of the City and Comity of Phila
• JL cVlphia, and the County of Delaware, that a gene
ral election v.'ill bt iield on Tuesday the eleventh {lay j. ,
of Oiflobet ntxt. —The ejeftipn to be opened oftween
the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one
o'clock in the afternoon.
When the freemen of the City of Philadelphia, are In
to meet at rfie State-hoilfe in the' fa'd city, to eleil
Six :V,presentativesfor faidcity in General Afiem
-41 bly,
One Representative for said city ia the House of Re-
ps tfte United States.
Twenty persons for members of the Common Coun
~ Twelve persons for members of the Seletfk Com- L
The Freemen of the City and £ountyof Philadelphia
to eleifl
One person fpr Governor
1 Two persons for Coroners
One person for County Commifiion;-
The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to
eledt f-j
Six Representatives for said County in General As- J
fembly. on
One Representative for said county in the House of Jei
Reprefentawves of the United States. A al
The Freemen of the City and County of Philadel- the
phia, and County of Delaware, to eledt f c j,
One Senator for the State •
.» The Freemen of the townlhip of the Northern Li- Pn
in ; berties are to hold their eledlion at the town-house in
I Second Street continued, above Coats's Street.
or | The Freemen ps the townships of Germantown,
-S, Roxborough and Bristol, are to hold their elefliou at
re the Union School House in Gcrn*intown. (
•n ! The Freemen of the townships ef Oxford, By berry, ed
v. Lower Dublin and Moreland, are to hold their election 'cr>
x at the house of the late John riarnfley in Bufsletown, in
the township of Lower DubJin.
ic ; And the Freemen of the DiftrWt of Southwark, and
k\ the townships of Moyamenfing, Paflyunk, and King- 1
s > fefling, are to hold their ekaion at the State-Houfc in
the City of Philadelphia.
The Constables of each Ward, Diflrifl, tic. are to , F
hold their eledlion, in the-different diftrids to choose c .
; 1 heir infpeflors for the ensuing year, and to give their rf'
; attendance »t the time and refpedive places. '
" Sept. 26. JOHN BAKER, Sh.riff. _
Bi' ■ -
e * ' The Electors of Chester county are requefled
:s to meet at Hunt in Eaft-Caln township, on -r
lt I'riday, the 7th day of Oiflobcr ensuing, to farm a ; n x
j, ticket for the ensuing cle&ion.
September 12, 179 6? 7T"
** The Inhabitants of the county of Chester are
requested to meet at the house of Abraham Marshall,
.n the township of Weft-Bradford, in said county, on
the jth day of, in order to consult on a .. '
p gfnetal ticket for tue ensuing eUdVion. ®
September J4, 1796. and
rr a w t e d, tbe „
An APPRENTICE to the Printing Business. Z
En«jinre atthis o®te. y yea ,.
GOOD steady workmen will met: with conftait em
ployment, and good wages; by applying to JOHN
.CURTIS, No 43, Noith Fourth-fired.
N". B. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches,
exscuted with neatness and dispatch. Public and private
lib raries rtpaii c.d in the naatefl and bed manner.
September 20. t & 2*v
r •
New-England Rum,
__ In hogfhpsds,
Welih's bell Bpfton Chocolate,
r> And
■ HYSON-SKIN TEA, in quar-.e'r chests,
I in No. 6c. Dopk- ftrect.
Sept* 14. co6t.
— No. 154.
DiJlriß of PennfyivSnia, to wit :
f "O R it rcmemiiered tha; on the 26th dayof Sep.
j seal 1i t ember, in the twemy-firft year of the Inde-
CWJ 3 pendenee of the United States of America, A-
L li- braham Bradley, junior ©ftl|E laid Difti i<3,hath deposited
in this office, the title of a Map, the right whereif, he
f claims as author in the words following to wit,
« Map of the United States exhibiting the fixations,
" connexions & diflarrcei of the Poft-Oftkes,
" Counties, Ports of Entry and Delivery for Foreign, yd'
" lcla, and the principal rivers,
In conformity to the A& of the Congrels ofth« United
States intituled " All a,5l for the encouragement of learn
lnS by fecuruig the enfiesof maps, charts, and books to
the authors and proprietors of luch copies during the
times therein mentioned. - '
Samuel Caldwell, Clerk,
Diftrha as Pamfylvania.
The above map may he had of the author at .the General
'Poft-Office, next door to the War-Office in Fifth-Street,
and at his houf-, No. 78, corner of Crown Street and'
Brewers Alley between 4th and Jth, and Vi'n» and Cal
lowhill Sreets. Prices from 3Jto 5 dellars each, accord
ing to the manner in which they are finilhed. The pro
gress (or arrivals ani departures) of the Mail on the Main
Line may be had separate for J; 1 ccents.
in . , OA. 3. iaw6w.
& No 152.
lyijlrtd of Pennfftyania, to ivU t
BE it remembered, that oil the fcvenceenth day of Sep
tember, in the twenty- rft year of the indt jwndenee
of the Unitpd States ps America, William Mitchell, of
thefaid diftrift, deposited in this office the title of a book,
the right whereof lie claims as author, m the words fol
iowing, to wit:
« A new and complete fyftcm of bookkeeping, hy as
" improved mcthod.of doable erttry, adapted to Mail, do
" racftic and foreign trade; exhibiting a variety of 'tranf
" ailions whicn usually occur in bufine/s. The whole
" comprised in three sets of booksthe tail let being a copy
" * '-of the f.comi, according to those fyftenw 'moil generally
" in use, is given in order to exhibit, by a comparative
" view, the advantages of Ihe fyftcm now laid down. To
of " which is added, a table of the cities payable on goods,
" wares and merchandise imported into the United States
"of America. The whole in dollarsimd cekts.
" By William Mitahpll."
c ' In conformity to the a'cft of the Congress of tht United
States, intituled," An aft fer the encouragement of lcarn
_ hig, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books t9
the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the
times therein ihentiofted."
a . SAMUEL CALDWELL, elk. did.
N. B. The above IJook is now publilhed, and may be
v hid of the Booksellers O&ober j. *iaw4w
' e Plans of the city of Philadelphia,
re Including theNoRTHESN Liberties and diftrift of
Sour H war k ,
1- Publilhed, and fold by'
No. 68, High flreet,
(Price one dollar.),
THIS plan is 2,6 inches square, and has been en"
graved by one of the firft artifls in the city, from a late
and accurate fiirvcy. Purchafsrs are entitled to a para
phlet with each plan, giving some account of the
II city, its population, trade, government, &c.
J u 'y '9 tn&ftf '
0 _ (Of the New Theatre)
r 'X'AKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his
- A fcholart and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca
demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
flatters fcimfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
therto renders any pcomifes of candu&ing his future
schemes on the molt liberal and ftriaeft terms, of pro
priety, totally unneceflary. /
N. B. Private tuition as usual.
' J" ne 3 law
OF 1 ft and 4th proof, and equal in quality to that imporr
' , from France, may be had of the fubicribcr at his Diftil
-11 l^ ry ' u n' 115, Story or between Third and
1 where the public, upon application, may
Judge for thcmfelves, and will find it an obieft well worth
j their attention. 1
RUM and GIN in any quantity, for expsrtation'or homt
conlumption, and of superior quality— by
Thomas Cave.
J K P ' S MA V T ' . BaRLEY ' ai; d MELASSES, will
be pur chafed, or taken ,n exchange for fpiriti, upon appli
r fnTr d l tto,'on A "° aßy qUa<Uity ° f ° r —
Auguftsgh, 1796. m . 4W
University of Pennfykania,
• October 5, 1796.
The Medical Ledures will commence the'firft Monday
1 >n November. tawjw
Society for the relief ,f dijirefed Pi lets,
their Widaws and Children.
0- Agreeably to the aft incorporating
the S.ciety for the relief of diftrefWPilot., their Widow,
and chddren, the Members thereof are requ'efled to at
tend their general meeting at the Carpenters'-Hall i„
the Court leading up to the Bank «f the United State,
on Monday theioUi mllant, (OJtober) at fix o'clock in
the evening, in order to eled their officers for the enfuW
year, ani traufacl ather b«finefj of said Society.