Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 05, 1796, Image 4

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    For Sale, - J'
A Three (lory BRICK HOtTSETm4 J-ot, in Chefnut
jl V street, between' Front and Secor.d {&»<ts, in which Have 1
' ; MeEr«. James Calbraith «c Co.-.have for many years (and
110 v: do) carried on business. A geHei
Poffcflion will he given in one month, or sooner.
: For terrtis apply to WILLIAM BELL) or TJRO
§ Rose
—— FLA
Amphitheatre of Arts. ind
r © THE public. Co ™
IMPRESSED with the most lively gratitude for psft Q'ng
favors, Mr. Ricketts returns his most sincere thanks entl "'
to the people of Philadelphia, for the kind patronage and . be P t
liberal encouragement they have hitherto (hewn him,
and again folic its "their attention for the>enfuirtg feafos.
He takes this opportunity of informing the Ladies and 0R
Gentlemen of this City, that the Amphitheatre -has jin- dc
dergoae a complets >and. alteration since the lalt cent f r(
season, (orfan original plarf<*f his ewn) so as to make it
■aerfe&ly convenient for a nufticrous audience; and or-
lamented, in the most superb style, with SCENERI ,
DRESSES and DECORATIONS, entirely new.
He allures the public, that no pains nor expense what-
everhave been spared, to render it one of the most beau
tiful places of public amusement of the kind here or in
any part of Europe. # '- 2000
The public are further informed, that the Amphitneatie
of Arts will open on the evening of the toth oi October, _
1796. The particulars of thfe entertainments of that
evening wili ke announced in the different daily publica- f
tioris. J' B * R * Z.
September 28. % eo - 6^o
Valuable Real Estate, ingj*
For sale at Audion by Casper Thiell, of Hamburg, f or#g{
late the property of fames and William Kmnear. torefi
For sale by public audion.on the 9th day of November '; n t he
next ensuing, at the sign of Gen. Walhington, Wood s j n {hj
tavern, borough of Reading, Berks county, the follow- rhi
ing real eftate,viz. contir
\ TRACT of land containing 46ja*rcs with ma y 1
I. allowance for roads,called the Pnrchafe, south
fiuated in JJrunfwick townlhip, Berks county, patented, e[s m
18th 0' Jan. 1788 This trail, of which about 15 acres Da
arc cleared, is of good foil, lituated on the 1 ©r
Little Schuylkill, well watered and timbered, on which is
ereiled a good log dwelling house and stable.
No. 2. A trait of unimproved U nd, containing 284 a
cres, with allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented 18th —-
C&ober, 1790, lituated in Bruttfwick townlhip, Berks
coHnty, foil good .
No. 3. A trail of unimproved land, containing 376 a- n ,
cres with allowance, See. called Hillfburg, patented 38th JX.
Oilobtr 1790, situation, &c. as No, 2. TAV
No. 4. A trail ®funimproved land, containing 388 a- c ; t y ,
cres, with allowance, &c. patented 28th of OAober, J7S6, T j
situation, &c . as No. 2 and 3. daily
No. 5. A trail of land, containing 168 acres, and 57 t0I1)
perches, with allowance, &c. lituated in Brunfwick town- merc
(hip, Berks county, on Tomagua, or little Schuylkill, J andi
miles above the town of Hamburg, on which is ereded a T ,
well finiftied two flory squared log dwelling house, 22 of F
feet by 35, within-the distance ofioo perchesfrem a forge, w ;u
with the advantage of a ferry and public house; these ad- q
vantages render this trail very valuable. _ the <
No 16. A tovVn lot in Hamburg, enclofcd with a pod
and rail, or board fence, containing in front, 60 feet, and -j
in depth 18a feet, fubjeil to a ground rent of Jf6 per an- p ro(
num. L
No. 17. A town lot ift Hamburg, enclosed asno 16, to acco
which it adjoins, being of the fame dimensions, andfubjeil hnn
to the fame ground rent, on which is creiled a 1 log stable, te^
16 by I* feet • " at tl
No. >'8. A town lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No. 17, -j
a corner lot, fronting on Main and Schuylkill streets, <li- the
mentions the fame as No. 16 and Tjj, above described, sub- re q,
jeil to ic/o per annum ground rent. On this lot is er-
ciled a large 2 story dwelling house, 45 feet front on Main exe(
street, by 34 feet in depth on Schuylkill street, pleasantly ; ar £
and adyantageoufly situated for a {lore. him
N. B. The above described three town lots will be fold p cn
separately or together, as may best nut the jjurchyfers. ing
Conditions of sale—-One third »l the purchase money j
to be paid to the fubfenbers, or either of tflera-in'PKifadd- ' - _
phia, at or before the expiration of one month frpm the
day of sale, when a deed of conveyance will he executed ;
the refiduepayableinaequalpayrrtents-at6 *2 months
with intereft,the payment whereof to be fefured by mort
gage on the premises. * of
James Henderfon, Affigneesto P"
Frederick Mtntmollin, the estate of 1
ThomaSßogers, James Ac Wm. 28
Joseph D. Drinker, Kinnsar " g
September z6. ta &th. p U
Treasury Department, :
September 28, 1796. „
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re- ,<
ceived a', the office of the Secretary of the Trcaluty j «
until the of the firfl: day of March next en- «
for the supply of all rations which may he required «
for'the use of the United States, ffom«the firft day of <1
June, 1797, »o the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both «
days inclusive, at.the places and within the diftriils htr«- u r
after mentioned, vii. At Ofwcgo; at Niagara; at «
Pjcfquc lfle; at Sandulky Lake, and on Sandtriky ..
River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank- <1
lin i at Pittlburgh ;at Cincinnati; at ; «
at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jefferfon; at Grenville; at «<
Picqne Town and Loramies Store; a* Fort Adams; at
For* Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place b«low Fort /,
Defiance on the Miami River to Lalt£ Erie; at tort
V St»ub«n 5 at Fort Maffac ; at any place from Fort Malfac .fc
to the south boundary of the United States.on the. river p,
Miffifippi; at Fort Knox ;at Omatanen. a
If supplies lb all be required for any posts or places not ; a
mentioned irt this notice, all such supplies ftiall be fur- g
nilhed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
polls before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed ofl /
between the United States and the ContraAor.
The rations to be supplied are to confilt of the fol
lowing article?, viz. . - h
One pound two ounces of bread or flour. ,
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of jj
J>otk or bacon. b
Half a gill of rum, brandy cr whiskey. ~ v
One quart aad half r. pint of _ p
T-.vo quarts of ( hondrcJ a
Two pounds of Mis, I ' n
One pound of Caru'ies s I
The rations are to he hirniflief in fcch quantities, asthat c
there ft all at alj times the laid term, be lufficient I
, for the consumption of the troops r.t MicKHimackinac, De
troit, Niagara, andOfwego, far the term us C* mohthu in
ad vance, and at each of the other for the tcrmVif
at least three months in advance, in good wholcfomi <-
-jiroVifions,if fhcfame lhall be required.. !t is to bhODr'
dcrllood, that the" Contractor isto iic atjhixjrjMca and
riPs cf itVllirg the fupplUs to the troops it each p.ift, and •
•hat all loffcs sustained by the depredations of an enemy, ot J
by means of the troops of the United (hall be paid
for at the price of the articles captured or detlroyed, -
■hd depofitioos of two or more perform of cwAtable ch :-
railers, and the certificate of a ccmmiflicncd officcr, af
ter taloing the circumftanccs of the Iof», sad the amout
of tb-, ai tides fcfcv. hich compensation Oiall be claimed.
; 1 Secretirj of cbe.Treaf*tv.
Have Imported in the late vefleis trotn Europe, See.
A geHeral aflbrtmeht of GOODS, to tic .e .on 1 ici
Amongst which are, All'
BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, _
Plain and twill'd COATINGS, tat^s
Rose striped and point BLANh.£TS, e P
HATS affortsd in cases, cr>T
INDIA GOODS, goneratly, . ...
A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGER >
Comprifmg a capital affohment to open a
ding Thirty Casks of NAILS. This invoice will b. fold A ,
entire on very advantageous tcrm6. dwe
September ao. —
FOR railing fix thohfand fix hundred and fiity-feven
dollars andfifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per
. centfrom the prizes, ind not two blanks to a prize, vifc
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000
j 1000 1000
i . ,JOO 500
c 200 ICCO
■ 20 ICO . ' '
• 99 JO 4950
2000 ip . 20,000 r 5) ,
5 Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, jooo
' , ITS,'
2332 Prizes. 44)450 •
•4018 Blanks.
63 ?o Tickets at Sievsn Dollars each, „ 4 —
By order of the Qireilors of the Society for ellablilh- N
ing Weful Manufailures, the fuperifctendants of the Pat- Ticke
erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the t 'j c^e(
' Ssheme to the public, and have direaed thM"
to refund the money to those persons who have purchased oj .
r 'in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets any n
s in this Lottery. , Th
The lottefy has ailually commenced drawing, and will vato |
continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes -j- wo
b ma y be fe«n at the office o! William Blackburn, No. 64 f r < Dnt
e > south Second street, who will give inlormaticn where tick- is,p
1) ets may be procured. ss fo<
= s Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. them
«- J. N- CUMMING, 7 then
!s JACOB R. HARDENEERG, > Managers. Ane
a- dtf eo W ;U
th —■ 1 _ ' ~ Univ
ks Samuel Rrchardet, ti
a- "n ESPECTFULLY informs tke Gentlemen
ih JX. Merchants, that he has this day roened the CITY num
a " city of Philadelphia: the f
, The Subfcriptioo Room will be furmhed with all the
daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, lew-York, Bos- ing,
57 ton, Baltimore, together with those of th; principal com- r;
n " mercial cities of Europe—They will hi regularly filed 3rc ,
5 and no»ie permitted to he taken away on 3iv account. of ,
a Tea,'Coffee,loupes, Jellies, Ice Crearts, and a variety mou
Of French Liquors; together with the uftal refrefhments, .j.
S e > w ill at all times be procured at the bar. t j, e |
'd- Gentlemen may depend on being accomodated with j_j Qt
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquor., and ,the most a fei
011 - approved Malt Liquors from London ani other hreweries. j )IT
nd Thc Larder will be supplied with the )rime and earliest fr j el
in " pi-oduilions of the Scafoß. jefl.
Large and small Farties, or single Gatlemen, may be
> to I accommodated with Bfeakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at q ( , v
j honrs most convenient to themlelves—a ctld Collation is j. uv
jJe, re gglarly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare tobohad ( j ra ,
at the- bar. caul
J 7">' The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and
di- the utmost attention paid to cleanlitiefsj aid every other
er- gy S-vmuzl RrcBARDETWiII behappyto receive, and
lain eX ecute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
itly large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges Cu(
himfelf that nothing on his part lhallbe wanting to pre- —
[old s erve t {i a t patronage with whieti he hasbeer so diftinguifh
ingly fionored.
"ey Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
dd- I c
t j, e Ai:
;ed; Treasury of the United States.
nths JOTICE is hereby given to il persons who are or
ort- may be Creditors of the UiT.ed States, for any funis
of the Funlci Debt, or Stock, teariig a prtfent iiHereJt of fix
£S to P er cat*™P cr annUm ' L
.„f ift, That pnrfuant to an Ail ofCougrefs passed on the
Vm. »Bth day of April, 1796, intitledm-ail in addition to an B'
ail, intituled " An ad making futher provision for the -
support of public credit, and for he redemption of the
public debt," the faiddebt or ftockwill-te reimbursed and
- 1- paid in manner following, to ivit. " First, by dividends
" to be made oh the lalldays of Ma ch, June and SepteitV- fr
« ber for the present year, and Iromtheyear one thousand
'I fereti hundred andninety-feven, t« the year one thou- _
e re- <c j an( j cight'hundred <Sc eighteen mi J ufjte,at the rate of
I'.'-fy I « on e and one haif per centum upon the original capital,
t en- u Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last. day ,of
lired « December (or the present year, and from the year one
y " thousand seven hundred and ninetT-feven, to the year " l
both « ope thousand eight hundred and fejenteen inclusive, at
aere- u t {j e rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
• at " ginal capital; and by a dividend to le made oa the last
irfky « day of December, in tke year one taoufand eight hun- 16
ank- « <} r eJ and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade
ton ; « quate, according to the contrail, for the sinai redemp
• at « tion of the said stock.'
; i 3t ad. All diftin<aion between payments on account of
fr" ort Intercft ar.d Principal beinf thus abolifhec by the establish-
Fort nient of the permanent rile of reimbursement abovs,de- j
taffac . scribed, it has become neeffary to vary accordingly the •
r ' Ter powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th-r public .
creditors wilt therefore olferve that the following form '
,not iseftablilhedfor allpowets of attorney lAich may be
; f" r ~ granted after the due promulgation of this notice, viz. f \
d on 1 of
Jo vonjiitute and appoint
ie aj my true andlaivful At- t j
ntc, and in nry name, t» \ccc:ve tb: dividends •which are,
cr Jhali he payable wording to Hit (here deferring the t
ces of Jlanding in my name in the bojes of (here defcribmg the
books of the Treasury or the Commifiioncr of Loans,
where the dock is credited) fret). (here mfert the com
mencement and expiration of time for which the power of
Itions attorney is \6 continue) with p<rxvcr also an attorney of
mes under bim,fcribjl purpose to male andfubjlitute y and t» do all
iatvful aQs requisite for effeding tie premises, hereby ratifying and
M that all that my said Attorney or bisfubfhtvte,fball lawful
licient J of By virtue h;reof. t
c, pt - In hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the
V-ht ir. day of in the near
-p-: T'f * Staled and Delivered . «
UCorrift in '
_fi»E If KNOpVN, that on the day of
eg aad tfere mrps/fonalfy a*me
it, and nitbir named znd she above Utter of attorney to be
my, or bis at! and deed. _
JC paid ivberftf I have hereunto fti my Hand *nd ajfx
rd, tiA ed Sea! the day and year lafi afoiefaid.
Ie ch > Given my Hand at Phi&deljJhia, this t'.vexl
ccf-, as- tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to diretfllons
imosifit from th< Secretary of the Treasury.
2"reejmtrr as the United States.
r*sy. |
For Sale, W
A Complete Font of Brevier,
«iX-»' bt <*2, T * tt " s "- «»• ta
Also for Sale, a pair os-Super Royal Chafes. a Can
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United tomac
States, »19 Chefnutrftreet.' •„ ( , tf
September 27. ■■ -
■ City of Waflrington.
SCHEME of the LOT i ERY, No. 11,
A magnificent ) 10,000 dollars, & >
dwelling-house, 5 calh .w.coo, 2re y
I ditto ij,ooo & oa(V»5,o<o0 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10, 000 & c'afl) 10,000 ao,ooo
1 ditto 5,000 & cacti 5,000 10,00®
1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5.30° I0 > 000
1 cacti prize of - 10,000
4 do. j,OOO each, are • 10,000
10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 the
i jo do. 5 00 • " 10,000 Th
> 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 d .
» * 200 do. 56 - • * 10,000 BOt i c<
> ' 400 do. is " ' 10,000 Su(
> 1,000 do. 10 " ao/'oo draw,
' 15,000 do. 10 '•> " 150,000 the b
> _____
16,739 Prizes.
1 •' Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Deliart, 400,000
N. B. Tofavour those Who may take a quantity of
* Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn £ J(
: ticket, and the 30,000 the last btt'one :
] And approved note?, securing payment in eitner money
or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for
s any number not less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will a.fford an elegant fyecimen of the pri- Nx
vate buildings to be ereited in the-City of V/afiiington— Chin
s Two beautiful defignfc are already feledted for the entire Qui,
* fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings liiap
■ it ispropofed to erect two centre and four corner buildings, JJafta
as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convcy ojft
them, when complex, to the fortunate adventurers, in jjand
the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. Roll
» A nett deduction of fivd per tent, will be made to defray Se
the neteffary eipenfes of printing, &c. and the surplus . ~
will be made a part of the fund intended for the National ■«»
University, to be ere&ed within the city of Wafhin'gton. re
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are m
fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days
" after it is finifhad ; and any prizes for which fortunate
numbers aie not produced within twelve months after v e ; n ,
lC drawihg isclofed, are to be considered as given towards\ of t]
the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle ; Mo
' e the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw- c
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. v
l " The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, * 0 at
are held by the President and two Diredors of the Bank A
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- —.—
y mount of the lottery.
6 ' The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commiflioners assisted in the management of the r
■Jf Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient number
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is htiptd that the 'TTT
friends to a National U.niVerfity and the other federal ob- V'
jeiSts may continue to favor the design. com
By accounts received from the different parts'of the allc
at Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets and
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that thft )ar o
a drawing will speedily commenee, and that the care and dor
caution unavoidably necessary to Insure a fafe disposal of doo
0 the tickets, has rendered the iltgrc ftifpenfion indifpenfaWe. Ny 1
»§» Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columliia ; o ove
n James Weft & Co. Baltimore ;of Peter Gilman,. Boston wii
at of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells are;
es Cooper's Ferry. eo COl
re- E !—-
Watson's Answer to Gibbon. ; ng
f —— is a
— And for lale by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, ma
Apology for Christianity, tZ
im s a feriei of Letters, addrejfed to ' a "
r, x Ebward Gibbon, Esq;. ° at
Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the ' 10 '
the • Roman Empire: t " c
an By R. WATSON, d. d. f. r. s. Bilhop of Landaff. ' n
the • (Price 75 cents bound.)
the Watfoti's Answer to Paine,
1 ' lilt
To be had at the fame place.
The enemies of Religion are awake .' Let not ber Ai
= j friends Jleep.
an Sept. 1. mw&ftf
10U- r —
,0j ' I 'HE Subscriber, haying been reduced in his circum
onc .L stances, by sundry misfortunes, and being thereby
year nuahle to fatisfy his jtiil debts, hereby gjive? notice to his t
at Creditors and to all pcrfons concerned, that he intends to 1.
r j_ apply to'the Genera*" Assembly of Maryland at next 7c
l a fl. session to be held on the firft Monday of November nest, fit
for the benefit of an ait-of. insolvency. h(
m p. Eaflon. ift of the (jth month, 1796. lawtillMN 01
t of To be fold, I
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun- I
|(^e " il tyof•Gloucefter, and ftateof New-Jersey, contain
ttic ing about one hundred and fifty acres; a suitable propor
tion oY which is woodiaiid and improved meadow. A
orm great part of the arable laud is in a high state of cultiva-
X tion, and very natural to.the production of Red Clover.
17- On said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house, J
' t^et with four rooms on a floor, and a goad dry cellar under ,
the whole ; together with a barn, carn-cribsand carriage- '
heufe. The garden is large, aiid contains a good collec r
' tion of the best kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees ; j
" ar '' the orchard consists of abo*t three hundred grafted apple- '
§ ' trees. ' Any person inclined to purchase said premises, may '
K l he i n f ora i e d of the terms by applying to
com- , ,
/er of J ,
doaii TQ BE Sold,
tg and /it No. izß, North Second-Street, and by several of
rwful- the Apothecaries in this City.
TRANSFERS of the right to remove pains and infhmma
tions from the human body, as secured to Dr. ELISHA
PERKINS, hy patent, with instruments and directions ne
ceffatyfor the practice. This mode of treatment is particu
larly ufeful in re!ie»ing pains in the head, face, teeth, breast,
fide. Jtomath, back, rheumasifms, recent gouts, &c, &c. -
Nalv. ilhltanding the utdity of this practice, it is not pre
y to ie turned but there-are cases in which this and every othei
remedy mjy fomftimes fail.
J affix- l u "~ '• »
tweii- To be disposed of,
;iftions time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
JL has between faur and five years to i'ervs: She
,can be recommended for her iobtiety and horiefly. For
Ww. particulars enquire at No. 131, Chefuut-ftrect.
17- { Aoguft 3. wsc(tf
' 1
Washington Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
s "?T THEREAS the State of Maryland hm authorised
f W the underwrittee, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Walhingtoil, Po
tomacto the Eaitern Branch Haruour.
The following is ihe SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,000
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
7 last drawn")
, Tickets,each j J >°°° 00 °,
6 ditto 1,000 • 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,0a0
io ditto i(so 1,000
.55 ditto 50 2,750
5750 ditto 12 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,250 -
5850 Prizes, .. t;,s,oco
I *650 Blanks, not two to a prize.;
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
The Coinmiffionera have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aift for the pun&ual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing ef tins I,ottary will commence, without
delay, as soon •as t'sr Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not dcfnan led in fix months after th«
drawing is finiftied, fliall be considered as relinquished for
the benefit Of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
n City of Wa(hingto«, Feb. 11. §
J IVlordecai Lewis
■i- NANKEENS, long and (Wt.
" China, well affortcd.
re Quicksilver.
KS Diapers '
gift is.
;r. coißsr- r **•..
H! Bandano Handkerchiefs. T ~ 1
T- ioll Briraftone.
tt y. Sept. 6. tt&fim 1
,"i At a /fecial meeting of the Board of Di
rednm for eJtatWjhing ufeful Manufactures, holden
re at Paterfon, July 8, 1796,
T s ESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock
ite holders of the Society be called orr the firft Monday
* 18 ., being the third nay of Odober next, at Paterfon, by tei
, of the clock of the fame day; then and there to taki
into confederation the propriety of dissolving the fair,
corporation, agreeably to the law m such cafe made am
provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requsftei
e '> to attend the fai\meeting in person or by proxy.
nk I August 27 dt,;othO
a " For iSaic,
afc Three-story Brick House,
tm J (The late reHdence of General Walter Stewart)
thC ITH a LOT Gf GROUND thereunto belonging,
ob- \ V the weft fide erf Third-street, near UmOn-ffreet
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 leer, to a
the alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The .house is 33 feet front
tcts and 50 feet d£ep ; the feverarrooms contained in it .arc
the hr^ej commodious, andcomplc&ely finifhed; the two fir t
and 1 stories are eacK rt*i~rr-<rx^ 1 -u amiy
I °f doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga-
Me, ny and a good sky-light. Thekitchen is in the eel- •
ar.» which is spacious and conVeaient, and finilhed withatt
i o oven, stew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large
ton wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen,, in front of which is; rt
r ells area in which there is a -pump. The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said building is a neat threc-fh>» Y
I brick*ho«fe, on the north fide ,of Uiaion-ftreet, contour
ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; theloweT part of whic.i
is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upp» •
I part divided into well-finiftied large chambers. Thishouie
reet, I may at a small expense be converted iirto a conveniei c
I dwelling : The street is very handsome, and the front
1 and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjeitimgt.
I upon the lot belonging tot the firft, are ered
I bathitig-rooms, &c. There are lifcewife very good coac
• t j lc 1 house and stables finifhed equal (or neajiy l'o) with any
I the city, 011 a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, a
daff. I* n depth 011 the woft fide of said alley 52 feet. There r
' I good cellars unde* the whole of the buildings; and a \vi
I ro#m over part of theftable, with a hay-loft over the:
1 mainder. For further particulars enquire of
her I At their Office IVO. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut <Sc P
t'&f - street s
ftf I 6<b month 24th, 1796.
" F0 R IE~
;™ y A PLANT A T it) N,
o his A BOUT 12 miles from this City, fitua:te in Abi -
ds to I jLX. ton Township, Montgomery-County ; contain g
next J 70 acres, a new stone house, two stories higVi, 2 rooms e 1
neat. J floor, fire places in each, a stone kitchen and stone ff:
J house, over an excellent spring of water, a barn, stab
I sheds, barracks,* See. A large apple orchard, and a variei . c*.
RMN I other fruit, about 12 acres of good meadow well wate. • .
1 and wood fuflicie«t for fire, and [encirtg the place. Poff-ih
lon may be had the ift of Apiilnext. Property in this • ity
I will betakeu in exchange; or MORRIS and NICHOLSC "TS
coun- I Notes in payment. Erqaire at No. 37, Arch-Street.
ntain-I Philadelphia, September 13, 1796, ttfrf
F 0 ft SALE,
lltiva- I A very Valuable Estate,
house C* ALIED IV ITT F. NHA M, fittate in h
under i townihip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaw y
■ria c- 1 1 " 2 m^es rom Philadelphia, and half a mjle from
collec 1 new e^crnroa(^ '• containing 23® adres of excellent 1 id #
• I w^*c^are good watered meadow, 90 of prime w< xi
app'e- I re ara hle of feha firft quality. There 2 c
•s ma I° n premises a good two story brick house, with 4ro ;i
V 'lon a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump- v
los excellent water in front; a large frame barn, fta} v
J and other convenient buildings; a l'moke-houfe and it >r
. I spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peaciv
I es. The fields are all in clover, except tfiofe immedia
| under tillage, and are so laid fcavc the advanr •
'ral oj I oi water in each of them, which renders k peculiarly c
I venient for grazing.
bmma j he situation is and from thehi ; 1
LISHA cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and
>ns ne- vicinity to the city, it is very suitable, for a gentlem;.
Darticu- country feat.
breast, The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harir
' c - deceased, and offered for fah by
v othci , Mordecai Lewis,
9. tt&r Surviving Executor
law ' ,j tZ _
si.who pr INTED BY JOHN F£ N N
®"• No. II Q
y. For
'Fricc Sight liciJuj per 4<w«jb.]