Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 04, 1796, Image 4

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    . ■- » ' -j- -. - ' .W? -
This Day is Published, -
And Sold hy J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chef nut-1
Jlrett, and 'WILLIAM COBBETT, oppofiu Ha
Chr'fl Church,
Price only 25 cents, g
V/at/on's Letters to fiibbon, or
An Apology for Ghriftianity, £>
... ~ In a series of Letters,
Aadrcfted to Edward Gibbon, Ejtq. author of the Kifto- j.
ry of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. •}]
By k. WATSON, t). D. F. R. S. i
Lord Bishop of Landaff, and Riegius Profeffbr of Divihity
in the University of Cambridge. (
Like wife a $ei:oncl Edition of din;
An Apology •'for the Bible, en^
By the fame celebrated Divi'ne. —
Prir e 37 1-2 cents.
These Pamphlets are printed to match, so that
they may be together—and contain the most pow
•erful and tort-/ , riC j n g arguments ever advanced in x
■*£ Chri(li3nir y . together with a complete refutation of C en
Ddiim and infidelity.
Th« Political CenFor for September;
The Life of Thomas Paine, <
And Remarks on the Pamphlets lately
published agaihfl Peter Porctipine.
September 30. mwf —
By Mathew Carey, i 18, Market-street,
A Diflertation on Slavery,
For the Gradual Abolition of it f*'
In the State of Virginia. to
By ST. GEORGE TUCKER, Profeffor of Law in in
the Vniverftty of William and Mary, and one of in
the fudges in the General Court in Virginia.
" Slavery not only violates the Laws of Nature and
" Civil Society, it 1 also wounds the best forms of govern-
" mfent: in a Democracy, where all men are equal, {lave-
41 ry is contrary to the Spirit of the cdnftitution."
[ M.ontefquieu.]
Sept. 29. 6
- 1 ' ' —
Amphitheatre of Arts.
rOTHS public. r
IMPRESSED with the aloft lively gratitude for p*ft a
favors, Mr. Ricketts returns his moll firicere thanks x,
to the people of Philadelphia, for the kind patronage and
liberal encouragement they have hitherto {hewn him,
and again solicits their attention for the erifuing fLafon. da
He takes this opportunity of informing the Ladies gfid t 0
Gentlemen of this City, that the Amphitheatre has un- m
dergone a complete and pleasing alterati6n fiftce the. lad an
season, (on an original plan of fiis own) so as to make it
perfe&ly convenient for a numerous audience; and or- of
jiamented, in the most superb style, with SCENERT, y w
DRESSES and DECORATIONS, entirely new.
He assures the public, that no pains nor expense what- th
ever have been fparcd, to render it one of the most beiu-
tiftil places of public amusement of the kind here or in
any part of Europe. 4 pi
The public are further inforified, that the Amphitheatre
of Arts will open on the evening of the 10th bf Odlober,
1796. The particulars of the entertainments of that
•vening w:li be announced in the different daily publica- lt
tions. J. B* R. at
■ September aB. eo.
1- •" • 1 th
New-England Rum,
In hdgflfesds, ea
Welsh's best Boston Chocolate,
, n:
And f
HYSON-SKIN TEA, in quarter chests, ir
No. 60. Dock-street.
Sept. 14. . . » eo6t.
(Of the New Theatre) 0 I
TAKES this opportunity of returning thinks to hla p,
scholars and to the public. Ms. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, tb open a public aca- i
demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He a<
flitters bimfelf tint his attention to his pupils hi- si
therto renders any promises of conducing his future p
fehemes on the moll liberal and ftrifteft terms, of pi c- P
priety, totally unnecessary.
N. B. Private tuition as usual.
June 3 * taw "
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- u
cutta and Bengal, u
A Large and general aflortment of Bengal and Madras „
A variety fine worked and plain Mif/lins, <.
Ddreas, i&c. Alio, 41
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
la boxes and bags—ar.d BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by 1
Wiliings lit Francis, {
No. 21 Pcnn Street. c
June 8 § i
— . i
For Hale,
flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Ghefnut
fcrect, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which
MelT™. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and /
n6w do) carried on buimefs. i
Pelfeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. I
For terms to WILLIAM BELL, or ]
April 21. § j
Brokers and
No. 63 South Third street, oppoiilc the national Bt'W Bank.
have entered into co-partnerlhip, under the firm of
FROUNCES & VAN REED, in the bulinefs of Brokers,
Conveyanceirs and ConimifTion merchants. They buy and
fell 011 eommiHion every fpteics of liock, notes of hand,
bills of exchange, houf :> and lands, &c.
Momv procured on deposits, S<c. &c. ali kinds c'
writings In the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand
accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the
most corrtct ttianneti Costiant attendance will be given
They folic if a ihare of the public favor ; they are deter
mined to endeavour to deserve it.
N. E. The ntmod iecrccy ablerved.
Phihd. August 17, 179 6 - ■ <• 3i&wtf
i Have Imported" in the late veflels from Europe, &c. y
\ general aflbrtwent of GOQDS, iuitaule to tlte feafon — w
Amongst which are,
BROAD and narrow CLOTHS,
Plain and twill'd COATINGS, St
Rofc striped aad point BLANKETS,
HATS assorted in cases,
INDIA GOODS, generally,
J A Consigned Invoke of IRONMONGERY,
Comprising a capital aflortment to open aflore —inclu-
ding Thirty Caiks of Tius invbice Will be fold
entire on very advantageous terms.
September ao. d
lt Lottery
'• TT'OR railing file thousand fix hundred atld sixty-seven
>r J; dollars and fifty cents, by a dedu<sfion of fifteen per
of cent from She prizes, arid not two blanks to a prize. Viz
I Prize of 5000 dolhrsis dollars. 5000
1000 1000
t sod joo
> 5 soo loco
ao 100 2006
99 50 49J°
v 100 ?5 5 000
J , jooo 10 >io,ooo
j Last drawn numbers of icoo dollars eacli, 5000 _
— 1331 Prizes. 44,450
4018 Blanks.
6356 Tickets at Sitven Dollars each, $4.45°
By order of the Dirc&ors of the Society for eltablilh
ing UfcfulManufai&ures, the fuperiotendants of the Pat- y
> erfon Lottery'hive requested the Managers to offer the
* Seheme to the ptiblic, and have directed them
to rsfund the money to thnfe persons who haVe purchased e[
in in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets a ,
of in this Lottery.
The lottery hasa&uilly commenced drawing, and will . y .
f cijptiuue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes f,
may be fe«n at the office ol William Blackburn, f*'o. 64
south Second fireet, who will give information wheretick- j t
ets may be procured. as
Daudthis 17th Jay of June, 1J96. ,v
Jonathan rkea, ) tl
dtf co w
Samuel Richardet,
RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
n< l city of Pkiladcljhia. t [
m, The Subscription Room will be furnifhed tvith 411 the t j
daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- ■
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com- I
m- mercial <jiti«s of Europe—They will be r«gularly filed
aft and none permitted to be taken aWay on any account. Q
'it ( Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety n
or_ of French Liquors; together with the usual refreihtnents,
will at all times be procured at the bar. .j
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with j
W- the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most a
u " approted Malt Liquors front London and other breweries.
in The Larder will bsfupplied with the prime and eutlieft
'produflions of the Season. •
tre Large and fmill Parties, or single Gentlemer., may be
'er, accommodated with Breatfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at q
!ia- honrs most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is
ca-* tegHlarly kept for convenieficy, the Bill Sf Fare to be had
at tho bar. c
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and
the utmofl attention-paid to cieanlinefs, and every othef
Sitenii. RickARbET will be happy to receive, and ,
execute the com mam's of his Friends, and the Public at
"large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges f
himfelf that nothiag on his part lhall be wanting to pre- _
serve that patronage with whieli he has been so diiiinguiih-'
ingly iionored.
Philadelphia, 19. mV.f
Treasury of the United States.
NOTICE is hereby given to all perl'ons who are or
may be Creditors of the United States, for any films
of the Funded Debt, tr Slut, itjfit-g a frefent InUnJ} vj fix
frta per tcntumbcr annum. <
ids, ift, That pursuant to an Act of Ccmgrcfs passed on the
c»- 18th day of April, 1796, intitledan att in addition to an 1
He aft, intituled " An aft making futthor provision for the
hi- support of fublic credit, and for the redemption of the
ure public debt," the faiddebt or stock will be riiimburfedand
lrc . paid m nrrnner following, to wit. " First, by dividends
" to be made on the laii days of March, June and Ssptem- t
" ber for the present year, and from the year one thouf..nd
v " seven hundred and nSnety-fevcn, to the year one tliou- .
" sand eight hundred & eighteen inrlufive, at the rate of
« one and on« hr.lf per centum upon the original capital. f
" Secondly, hy dividends to be mad? on the lift day of
, " Decenibsr for the present year, ar.d froin the year one
" a •• tlioufand seVen hundred and Rinety-feven, to the year r
" one thousand eight hundred and fa-vepteen inclulive, at *-
j " the rate of three and one half per centum upon theori* 3
" rlB «< ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma e Gr. the last
" day of December, in the year one thousand eight lun- *
" dred and eighteen, Of such sum, as will be then iiie
ns } 11 q u ate, according to the contrast, for the rcdeiip
" tion of the said stock."
id. All diftinftlon betwceil payments on account of
Interefl and Principal being thus abolifbed by the eftabifh
mer.t of the permanent rule of teimburfement abova de
scribed, it has become necessary to vary accerdingly the T
powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the pualic t
t. creditors will therefore observe that the following fcrm
§ is eftablifhedfor all powers of attorney Which may be [
granted after the due promulgation ol this notice, viz. (
r 1 •/ ]
Inut Jo mate, conjiitute(tnd appoint
hich , my iruc and Lawful At* .
(and ttrney,for me, endiii my nanie, U receive tie dividends which are,
or foall be payable according to law, on the (herfc the {
stock) J}and/ng in my namein the bosh of \ (here dcfcribitjg the 1
books of the Treafbry or the Commiffioncr of Loans,-'
"L where the flock is credited) from (here liilert tki com
§ jneneement and expiration of time for which the power of
attorney is to contimre) with power <21/o an attarney or atlor- •
met under him, for that putpofe to maie dnd fubjlilute, and to do ali
lawful aiit requj'tlefor rjftdin* theprtm'fei, hereby ratifying and
confirming all tint nffoid Attorney tt bhfubjlitule,JbM lawful
i*nk. ly do, by virtue hereof.
JED, In Witmefs hereof, I have hereunto fit my Hand and Seat the
n of day of in the rear
ikcrs, Sealed and Delivered <
and in prefent^of,
band, BE IT KNOIVN, that on tie Jay of
efore me personally came
ds e' within named and acknowledged tie alovf Uftrr if attorney to be
fs and hie atl and died.
;l the In te/iimory whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and afjiic
riven ed Seal the day and xearla/2 aforefaid.
letcr- Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen
tieth day of July 1796, purfiant to directions
frim the Secretary of the Ticafury
IT reafurer of the United Stater.
f "fin 7.
For Sale,
A Complete Font of Brevier,
ENtircly new , a:,dyet unopened'. The weight ol this
font is about 311 lb- It from the Foundry 0
- Wilson & Sons,Glafgo\v, and will be fold at cost & charges. t
Alio for Sale, a pair of S\iper Royal Chafes. a
Enquire the Officc of the Gazette of the United t
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreep.
Septcfnb'cr 27. .
City cf Walhington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent ) ao,ooo dollars, & ) 00(J
ikve'l ing-houl'e, ) .10,000, are $
_ I ditto & calk 15,000 40,000
I ditto 15,000 & raih 15,000 30,000
X ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000 40,000
, n I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 lo,oo»
er 1 ditto 5,000 &. cash f.ouo !0,000
I of - 10,000
30 1 do. 5,000 each, are • id,ooo
>0 10 doi 1,000 - - 10,000
x> 20 do. 500 - - 10,000
:o 00 do. 100 - - 10,000
4iW do. jo - * 10,000
f° 400 do. 45 * - 10,000
30 1,000 do. so - 20,000 (
:o 15,000 do. 10 - 150,000 t
;o .
— 16,739 Prizes.
! ° Blanks.
5C 50,0c0 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
ll " N. B. To favour those who may tike a quantity of
Tickets,theprire of 40,000dollarswillbethe last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but ON! :
™ And approved notes, securing payment in either money
er prijes, in ten days alter driwing, will be feceiVed sot
tb any number not iefs than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford *n ekgstit fpeeimen of thgpri-
Vate buildings to be erefled in the City of Walhington— {
, es Two beautiful deiigns are already for the entire (
, 4 fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings j
it ispropofea to creel two centre and four corner buildings, ;
as soon as polfible after this lottery is fold, in'd to convey (
them, When to the fortunate adventur«rs, in ]
the manner defcHbed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. |
s> A nett deduction of five pet cent, will be made to defray
. the neceff&fy eipenfe» ol printing, &c. and the surplus
_, will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
University, to be erefled within the cfty of Walhington.
The Drawing will coihmence as soon as the tickets are
fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days
aft'cr it i> finiitwd ; and any prices for Which fortunate
numbers ate not produced within twelve months after ths
' ' drawing is closed, are to be confiJered as given towards
, the funJi for the Utllvcrfity ;it being determined tofettle
e the whole bufnefs in a year from the ending of the draw- !
ing, and to up the bonds given as security.
1 '" The real fccurit ies given for the payment of thePHzes, ;
e are held by the Prefidelit and two Direislors of the Bank '
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- 1
mount ol the lottery.
ts ' The twenty four giyitleftien who by appointment of 1
, the late CdmmilFtoners aflifted in tke management of the •
. Hotel Lottery arc to undertake this arduous talk '
" a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufiicicnt num
bcr of tliefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
e ' fri«ids to a Nitional University and the other federal ob- 1
. je<3s rtiay Continue to favor the design.
® By accounts received from the diftereht parts of the
Continent as Well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the !
1 drawing will speedily commence, and that the cart and
, castion unavoidably neceffafy to illlbre a fafe disposal of 1
D _ the tickets, has rendered the lhor; fufpenliou indi'pcufab?e. :
n(i ,§» Tickets may be had St the Bank of Columbia ;0 ;
James Weft & Co. Baltimore jof Peter Oilman, Boston 1
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells 1
Cooper's Ferry.
Watson's Answer to Gibbon.
And for lale by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftrnet,
or Apology for Christianity,
mi In a fir in of Let ten, ciddrejfed to
fix Eowarb GißßOfe, Es<^.
Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the
:hc Roman Empire:
an By R.'IVATSON, b. d. f. k. s. Bilhfip Of Laudaff.
the (Price 75 cents bound )
Watfon > s Anfwcr to Paine,
lds ■ To be had at the fame place.
enemies of Religion are a-makf ! Let itot ker
ind ri l ndi J 1 "?'
jc- "'P 8, *• mw&ftf
tah NOTICE, pr -
of ' I "HE Subscriber, having been reduced in his eircum
jne llanccs, .by l'undry raiafortunes, and being thersby
ear nuable to fatisfy his ju<t debts, hereby give, notice to his
al Creditors and to all pcrions concerned, that he intends to
>ri» a PP'T to the General (Terribly of Maryland at their next
last session *0 ,1C held pn the firft Menday of November neit.
un . fcr the benefit of an ad ef infolveney.
up- Ea'ftpn, id nf the .tb month. 171)6. tawttftMN 1
l obe fold,
J\ PLANTATION, in thetown of Woodbury, coun
ts L *y of Oloucßftt.-, aad lbte,of coniain
■alic ®R about one hundred a;>d fifty acres ; a fuiuble propor
rm l '° n wh,oh ,s wo,) dland and improved meadow. A
be B rea t P"t of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva
tion, and very natural to the prodli&ion of Red Clover.
'^ 3t fald plantation there is a genteel two<ftory brick house,
with lour rooms on a floer, and a good dry cc.llar under'
the whole ; together witk a barn, corn-cribsand carriagc
houfe. l iie garden -.3 large, and contains a good collec
uon of the belt lcinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees •
the' the orcharc '' conriftsoi aboMt three hundred grafted apple
tlie tr "' - Any person iadinc<llo purchase said premises, may
. be informed ef the terais by applying to
rof J ul T ''9 j
>aii To be Sold,
a "' At No. iz?, North Second-Street, and by fe-Vtr-al oj
' the Afotbeearies in this City.
' I RANST£RS o. the right to remove paitij and inflaroma
'"f 1 tiorn from the human body, as fecurcd to Dr. ELISHA
PFRKINS, by patent, with inftrumentsand directions nc
celfaiy for the practice. This mode of treatment is particu
larly ufeful in relieving pains in the head, face, teeth, brcalt,
lide, ftoniath, back, rheumnifms, recent gouts, &c. &e.
Natwiihllanding the utility of this practice, it is not pre
to tr fumed but there are cases in which this and every otbet
remedy may sometimes fail.
#*- ' une '• i.w
ven- . To be disposed of,
lions HPHF. time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
X lias between f«ur and five years to ferv« * She
can be recommended for her lobriety and honcfty .F 0 -
particulars enquire at No. 13a, Chefnut-flrcct
J. Aujuii 3. w-*( t f
Wafhiijgtoii Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
* "\T THEREA|the State of Maryland has tuthorifeu.
VV the unerwrittcn, to raise twenty-fix thoufau i
• two hundred, ad fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal throupthv City of Wafhmgnon, from th Po
* tomic to the Ealern Branch Haruour. %
The fobwiiin; is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -I Plzeoi dollars, 40,000
t <Vto 10,000 IcJ.ooc
6 dtto 1,003 6,000
10 ijtto 40a 4,000
ao litto 100 i,ooa
55 {«*«• J° 1.75°
5750 litto M 69,008
Fo be raised for the Canal, 16,250
5850 J rize«, 175,000
11650 Slants, not iwo to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
£3" The Conmiflioners liav'c taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefiid aA for the pun&ual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing »f dus Lottery will commence, without
delay, as/oon as thf Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will begivtn.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th»
drawing is, (ball be coitfidercd as relinquifted sos
ths benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
1 City of W'afliingtott, Feb. ii- $
- ■■ - ■-m-a.
Mordecai Lewis
WANKERS, long and fcort.
" China, well aflbrted.
c Quicksilver,
s Diapers
l » Xaftas.
f ColTa9, f
1 Bandano Hartfikercfcicfe.
• Roll BiVmftoae. -4
Y Sept. 6. tt&fjßi
» -. .. . . u
1 For Sale,
] ' Tiiee-'ftory Brick House,
8 (Tie late'refidence of General Walter Stewart)
i "ITTl'ffl a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging,
e VV the weft fide o: Third-ft reet, near Union*ftreet
■_ containing in front 31 feet, and iii depth 100 feet, to afl
alley lejding into Uiiiou-ltrect. Tlielioufe is 31 feet front
t) and 50feet deep ; the federal rdoms contained in it are
k large, conimodioHf, aidcompletie'y finilhedj thetwofirft
t . stories art? each 13 feet high J there ara »o mahogany
;>iOvk in flic house ; ajebstietriea.l staircase, With mahoga
(f ny rails and a g»od {kj-lqjht. The kitchen i* in the c«)l
---;e ar* which is fpaciofls aid'convenient, aad an
oven, stew-holes and juutrics, a l'ervants' hall and large
, wine-cellar adjoining tie kitchen, i» front of which is an
le area ih Which there is a plimp. The yard is vaulted,
j. Communicating with tie said building is a neat three-dory
brick house, on the noth fide of Union-street, contain'-
:e '- n g 30 feet front by it feet deep; thelowir part of whith
t6 is at prefeht occupied s a and the Upper
le part divided into well-inifhed lufge chambers. Thisr.oufr '
j may at a small eXpenf: be converted ii.-to a convenient 1
dwelling 1 The street ioor is very handsome, and the
e- and baek have Venctjanwindow-lhutters. Adjoining the
lallltoufc, upon the lot !e!o:ljrin» to the fifft, are creeled
0 bathitig-fooms, See. 'lhere are lildcwife very good
, lioafe and ftablesfini(h<d cijual (or nearly fo)with any id
j s the city, on a lot contfining on Union ftre'et 30 feet, and
in depth en the waft fde of said ai!. y 52 feet. There arc
good cellars tinde< tlv whole bf the buildings, and a wins
room over part of tie liable, with a hay-loft Oyer there
fiminder. For furtlfcr particulars enquire of
At their Office KT0.64 Dock-ilicet. between Waklut & i'tif
'• t:&f ftrceti.
6tb month 24th! 1796.
p A BOUT 11 miles from this City, Gtuite in Abing
il ton Toftnfhip, Montgomery-County ; containing
70 aares, a new ilone noufe, two ftoi ies hijh, 2 rooms 011 a
floor, tire places in i,ach, a itor.e kitchen and llone fprin'g
lioVe, ovrr an excellent spring of water, a barn, stable*.
t fliecls, barracks, See. A large apple ofcoard, and a variety cvf
o^hcrfruit, about i 2 ocrcs of good rncadow well wateredf
and wood luificieat for fire, and fencing the plate. Poffcffi
- on may be had the ift of April ne.y. Property in this city
will be taken in exchange cw MORRIS and
Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, rtrcti-Sirwer.
Philadelphia, September 13, 1796. ufif
.s * 1
l. Fof any term from one to four years,
A HOUSE, pleafentlv fixated in any of tbe principal
streets withm the pavettient, and not very diflant from
Si the iState-Houfc, capable of accommodating a small fami
ly ; the house mull have flab Its and coach-house, and
would be required to be ready by the firft week in
vcmbec »ext— £uquire of the printer.
Sept. 14. ttf
1- . . . , . j r *
T ' F 0 R SA I. E,
a; A veryi Valuable Eltate,
"e, p4 tLED riVITTENHAM, situate in flte
?r ' township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
c _ 7 i-a miles from Phiiadr lphia, and half a mile from the
c new Western road: containing- 230 acre* of excellent hind*
g. 45 are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood
land, and the reli arable the firfl quality. There are
. on the promises a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-wuR
oi excellent water in front; a larfre frame barn, /tables,
and other convenient
spring-house; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
cs. Ihe fields are ail in clover, except those immediate!)
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantij?
qj of water ineach of them, which renders ttb
venicnt for grazing.
a 1 he situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the'l^ l
,A cultivation t)f the land, the good neighbourhood, aarh
e- vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentler"' s
u- country feat.
Hi The foregoing is part of the e(late of Jacob Ha** n »
deceafcd, and offered for sale by
Mordecai Lewis
OA. 9. tfW Surviving Execute
he —No. HQ
or '
[Pricc Eight Dollars per Asnuw J