* A ftsted meeting of the Pennfylrania Sqcicty fnr pAimetinp the Abolition of Slavery, See. -.▼ill be held at the ufnal place THIS EVENING, the 3d infl. at i o'«loclt. / Benjamin Kjti, Sec'ry. , Trcafury Department, September 28, 1796. NOTICE is hereby given, that prop*fals will be rb ceived at the office «f the Secretary of-the TrealurJ until 'the «ipiration of the firft day of March next en suing, for tic ftpply of all ratiohs which may he required for the ufe'of thi United States, fram the firft day of June, 1797, 10 the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, b*th days inclusive, at the places and within the diftri&s here after'mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at Pjcfque lfle; at Sanduflcy Lake, and *n Sanduflcy River ; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank lin;, at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fo'rt-Harailton ; Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jefferfon ; at Grenville; at _ PicqUe Town and Loramiet Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Detiancc ; atafay place bslow Fort Defiance on the Miami River .ta Lake Eric; at Fort Steuben ; at FortMaffac ; at any place from Fort Maffac to the south boundary of the United States on the' Aver Miflilippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. If supplies fliallbe required for any posts or "placcs n*t mentioned in this notice, all fueh fuppliei Ihall be fur nilheVl at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the posts before recited, or as may be hersafter agr«ed *n between the United States arid the ContraAar., The rations to be supplied are to cfcnfift kf 'the fol lowing articles, riz. One pound two oubcei of (read «r Hour. One, pound two ounces *f beef, or fourteen ounces of pork or bacon. Half a gill of rum, brandy pr whilkey. One quart and half a piot 'of fait. A Two quarts tef Visecar," ( , , Two pounds *f Soap, (P cr hundrW rltl<sn »- -One pound of Candles, J The rations are to be furnilbed in such qtiantities, as that there ihall at all times during the said term, be fuflicient for the confumpti*n of the troops at Michilimickinnc, De troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, far the term of fix months in advance, and at each of she other ports, for the term of at lead three months in advance, in good and wbolefome provisions, if the fame Ihall be required. It is t© be un- J derftoud, that the Contra<S*r is to beat the expcnce and rife of iffuirgthe fuppli«6 to the troops at each post, and that alj lofTes fnftained by the depredations *f an enemy, *r by means of the troops of the United States, fliall be paid for at the price of the articii * captur«d or deftroyrd, on the depofitinns of two or tiaore persons of creditable cha radters, and the certificate *f a commiflioncd *flicer, af certainingthe circumstances of the loss, and the amoant of the ai tides for which compensation (hall be claimed. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. Valuable Real Eft ate, For fait at Auft'mn by Cafptr Thie\l,of Hamburg, late the property of James and IViUiam Kinnear. For sale by public auilion, on the 9th day of November next ensuing, at the sign of Gen. Wa&ington, Wood's tavern, borough of Reading, Berks county, the follow ing real estate, viz. ' r A TRACT of land containing 455 acres with XX allowance for roads, called the Purchase, filiated in Brunfwick townlhip, Berks county, patented, 18th ol Jan. 1788. This trail, of which about 15 acres are cleared, is p[ good foil, situated on the Tomatfja, *r Little Schuylkill, well watered and timbered, on which is erected a good log dwelling hpufe and flable. No. 1. A tfaft of unimproved land, containing 484 a cres, > ith allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented 18th ' October, 179®, situated in Brunfwick townllrip, Berks ' eoanty, foil jood. 1 No. j. A tradl of unimproved land, containing 376 a- 1 cres with allowance, &c. called Hillfburg, patented »Bth , October 1790, situation, &c. as No,a. No. 4. A tract »f unimproved land, containing 318 a tres, with allowance, &c. patented aSth of October, 1784, i fituatioh, 3cc,' as No. 2 and j. < No. .5. A trail of land, containing 168 acres, and 57 ( perches, with allowance, &c. situated in Ifrrunfwick town ship, Berks county, on Tomagua, or little Schuylkill, 5 taiiles above the town *f Hamburg, on which is eretSted a ' well unifhed two story fquaredlog dwelling haufe, 21 I feet by 35, within the distance ofieo perch»sfrem a forge, ( with the advantage of a ferry and .public h&ufe; these ad vantages render this trail very tillable. j No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, egciofed with apoll and rail, or board fence, containiig in front, 60 feet, and in depth i 8« feet, ftibjeft to a ground rent of iff)par an num. _ j No 17. A town lot in Hamburg, enclosed as no 16,t0 which it adjoins, being of the fame dimenSons, and fubjefl to t)te fame ground rent,on which is. erc&ed a log stable, • 16 by 18 feet No. 18. A to'.vn lot in Hamburg, adjoining to No. 17, I a corner lot, fronting on Main and Schuylkill streets, di- f menfions the sams as No. j6 and y, above defcrjb-d, sub- ( jefl to iq/o per annum ground rent. On this lot is er- ( edled a large 2 story dwelling house, 45 feet fr. Nt on Maih street, by 34 feet in depth on Schuylkill ftreem pleasantly and advantageously situated for a ftorev c N. B. The above described three town lots will he fold ( feparstely cr together, a.smay bed suit »h« purch: fers. Conditions ot sale—One third of the purchase money 1 to be paid to the fubfertbers, or either of them in Philadel phia, at or before the expiration of one month from the -day of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed ; r , the residue payable in jeqtial payments, at 6 and 1 z months c ■with intereft,the payment whereof to be secured by mort- j £age on the premises. _ f James Henderfmi, ~J Afligneesto . Frctkrick Montmgllin, I the estate of Thomas Rogers, f" James &Wm. JofephD. Drinler, ' J Kinnear. j September 16. m & th. NOTES LOST. [ WHEREAS two notes drawti by Benjamin Halkell and George W. Kirkland, dated Bolton, the 24th * February, 1796, payable to Joseph May, ©r order, in 18 months after date, one for One Thousand Dollars, the ll *>ther Fifteen Dollars, were stolen with some other papers C «us % a trunk on the Xancafter road. It is requeued that any y. 1 fen to whom fhey may be offered for negotiation, j will notrce thereof tp the ftibfcriber. OARREIT COTTRINGER. Sept. 30. ttstf B R A N by, b OF Ift and 4th prpof, ind coual in quality to that import- cd fjom France, may be I.ad of the fubfciiiicr as h-.6 Diftil lcry, No. 115, Story or New-ftrcet between Tbi.'d and n ytHitih-ilreets. where the public, 'upon application, may * ;uclge 't' tbemfelvts, and will find it an object weH worth J V"Kir aurnTion. i Kand GIN i» afty qiiantity. for exportation or home t) confump'.icn, a»d of fjpciior quality—by * ■ Thomas Cane. n P S RYE, MALT, BARLEY, a>,<! MELASSES, will be purcUaftdr or in cxrl..uijc for spirits, upon appli- - caticn as above. Alio any q .jiuity ot Chret or othyr wine '3 lit lor ctiftiilation. s , . _ CI i7f<6- M4W ai W A X T E JD, /in APPRENTICE to the Parting Buftnefs. C Enquire atthis OlF.&e. ,\ug $ tl ? List »f Pgizss and Blanks in the JVafklngter' Lottery Ng. 1. 1 *4th Day's Drawing, Sept. 24. ■A 7*. Dth. Nt. Vols, . Ac. Dots. .AY Dais. 30a i« 15298 ®49j6 10 3843 a ' i B S '• 4*B «st®4 »• 39 '«a *84 iC 6 25J 183 1 146? to 021 374 to 1557 o 713 I*l £8 t • 793 569 " i» *5°4 >98 974 '• ' 655 34 l »• 98 3 785 J «3» >• 361 4S'S« 4®6ij f 3473 553 27°®9 7«® «• 1 5°9 It 930 319 4146 a 4479 i 7006 5 6 5 676 t 54'5 •• 252 1° '8033 7*9 >• , §«S 37 s *»»?» 9^9 ClOj I* 418 409 16 982 !' +>° 1® 743 4'3 10 4"73 J . ®44 to >8045 ybi !• 43061 7*5 10 »4* 8°553 H <?* 7°44 '• »94°* <° 31*58 fBo t* . *•»> 459 '• 588 «o 1 3«74 779 3» a ®B *18 476 880 788 to 44101 7*4 9«t »• "88j rt 571 7*7 to ioto 3 9 ,6 593 75 l *«7 33'58 861 t* '•»>! 433 V 5 459" •8b 21099 100 231 46143 114*6 173 i* 3441 t J« 341 i* 514 !'• m'4l BS7 681 9 5 4 54® 97 s 68 3 iaai» 726 i* 35665 fit 5* 59a 755 737 t«- 862 8«5 857 852 t* 47748 1* 984 )• 2]o§B 9(9 1« g23 IO 'J47' 5 43'9 36274 4 8# 49 10 14008 359 «83 *»5 t>«7 10 68j 37*28 495®° 15031 itg jo ll* '94 79* 20 < 748 •sth Day's Drawing—Monday, September 26. JV». Z>,/i. N.. jO»Ar. A r o. DS/a at,. A/,, t*g 10 12708 10 « 5 7 5 1 391(8 4°4 lo *3*l® 16361 10 4«8 5* 598 10 922 » 868 «c 7 791 19 14842 i* 91a lif '465 l s4®i *8336 4 e si° 3*64 10 9 c« 2gcß6 gij 158 1706 a 1 • in yto8« a 75 * 67s 140 141 J* 45°' 3? ■ 9°® 799 6«r 77S »• 18486 -gj' 57'4 7*7 30080 * 4a S 6279 >° «9°oi 3,7,5 ' 35® i°7 »» 32468 to 643 !• 479 10 494 i3sl2 <3048 10. 7652 10 648 to 544 «,9 2* 9'4 954 . 15719 1 <4489 lo B*l4 2*795 j JO 9454 10 881 36464 <IC4 5 'J "*'* 967 237 ,BO " 943 37121 43 o 789 21967 ,8, I 0 ,^ ss , ll>4l 10 220J8 >• 38265 1* 675 , 4® 1 7i 6 *5 3*4 4"4® 847 1304s 679 392 863 »4°4> 984 53® 1 Errors in the lift of the, soth Daya Drawing— 3 8ag* ftisuld ke 10 dollars; 45.333 a blank; n M)lf ,„ M „ . COMMENCEMENT. \ ' PRINCETON, September 28. Thii d»y bemgiht annivsrfary of the conmence- 1 ment in the college «f New Jersey, the loari of trustees and the faculty of the cellege met the fe- 1 ni®r class at 10 o clack in the afternoon, in the public hall, from whence they u«m (fe prpceflian to- ( the church. , ?. 1 The business of the day was introduced with prayer by the President—Then followed the exer-* ' cifea of the young gentlemen wh» w.cre candidates ! for degrees. 1. A Latin salutatory oration on the fupCriority ' of man, at Tufceptible of improTemeiit, «ver the J brute creation—by William Gallon, of North- 1 Carolina. 2. An Engli<h salutatory oration on the necessi ty of energy in the Executive of the United States, ' "—by Philip C. Pendleton, of Virginia. 2 3. An oration on the lotc os-same—by Mofcs 1 J. Cantine, of New York. t An oration on the ilnpohcy of sanguinary punilhmentt—by John Fitzgerald, of Virginia. 1 5. A debate cn the following qucftion Are £ brutes in any degree poffefled of a faculty of rear ion M. Berrien, of Georgia, iefpoadent George Barbir, of New-Jersey, opponent—Ceorge f C. Ludlow, of New-York, replicator. f 6. An oration on our attachment to the place 1 of our education—by Joseph Littlejohn, of North. . Carolina. ■ —™ 7. An oration on the duties of a citizen by Nathaniel Venable, of Virginia. 8. A debate on the following question—l. che mtftry a science fufcep ible of clear principles and I ought it to form an dfcntial part of public educa tion ? Trench M'Mullen, of Delaware, refpoiid eut William Anderfon, of New-Jerfcy, opponent —John Starks Edwards, of Contiedlicut, repli cator. _9. An oration on despotism— by Wilhelmus Eltinge, of New-York. f 10. An oration on the excellency of the Ame- ti rican governments—by Ifaae Lee Guian, of North Carolina. 11. An oration on the following question, viz, u On the principles ol the law of nations, is priva teering a jultifiable mode of h»ftiliiy_by William t Gatton, ot Nortn Carolina. c 12. An curium on M. La Fatettf, by Elias c B. Caldwell, of New-York. t The degree of batchelor of arts was then con- h ferred upon the young gentlemen above mentioned, c and upon Henry A Well, Benjamin Beaubien, Ro- h bert M. Forfyth, John Moody, Henry W. Og den, and Joseph Reed, of the fame class. b M«flVs. Joshua Maddox Wallace, Charles Ten- h nent, Charles W. Hatris, Nichplas Van Dyke, o Jam<?» Gibfon, Aaron Condift, and John Henry o Hobart, alumni of this college, were admitted to their degree of matter of arts. t' Naihao Cole, A B. in Queen's college, was ad- t mitted ad cuna'cm in this college. I George Scott, A B. in the university of Penn- b fylvania, and Ebrnezer Grant, A. B. in Queen's tl college, were admitted to the degree of mailer of b atts. w Jofiah Qut'ncjr, Esq. A. M. in the college of t; Cambridge and of Yale, was admitted adeundem in fl this college. : £ n' The degree of dodlor cf divii.ity was conferred on the Rev. Themtts Reed, of the.state of Dela ware, and on the Rev. Andrew Fuller, of Britain. The decree of doctor of laws was conferred on the-honorable William Smith, member of Congress xor So'tith-Carolina, and on the honorable Fiiher Ames, member .of Coßgrefs for the Rate of Maf ~ faehufetu. The valedi&ory oration on the profpeft oT the universal exteufion of liberty, science and religion, was then pronounced by Robert M. Forfyth, of Georgia ; and the exercise* of the day were olofed with a prayer by the president. On the evening preceding 1 the .commencement, young gentlemen, Joseph Allien, James Clark, Heniy W. Edwards, Benj arain ). Hop. kins, Peter Le Conte, Cliarl«s F. Mercer, John Stoops and John Vaneleve, delivered orations. BOSTON, September' 24. A dinner wasyefterday given by a number of the moil refpc£tahle citixetis, to his Excellency Citizen Adet, French Minister, near the United States.— At which were drank the following toasts :— J. The President. 2. The Republic of France—The energy ot her councils—the liberality of her policy, and the unparalelled splendor of her arms. 3. Tha Vice-President and Congress of the Uni ted States. 4. .The Governor and Commonwealth of Mas sachusetts. , 5. The Minister of Franee near the United States. [1 he Minister here took eccafion to make the following pathetic address to the company ; " The marks of friendftiip with which yon overwhelm me, 1 receive, not so much on my own account, as on that of the cation I have the honor of represen ting—whilst I teftify at this moJnent the extreme fatisfaftion I feel in finding-myfelf beside those ci tizens who firft raised the standard of liberty on this continent, and who* have knownTo well how to defend it — I feir.e the lame inilant to aiTure you of the affeflion I bear to the Republic of the Uni ted States, being assured that the Americans will ex ert every effort to cement-with the people of Fiance ah union, formed under the aufpicies of vidtory, and which the bleifings of liberty will fruin day to day covfolidatc. * Being near Gq-j. Adam, and Gen. Lincoln. 6. The 'Batavian Republic— May the united ▼oice of her citizens soon give (lability to her go vernment and perpetuity to her liberties. 7. Uninterupted Peace and Friendlhip between the three great Republics. 5. The Powers friendly to the United States. 9. The Columbian Fair. 1 10. Our University and all sources of informa tion. 11. The liberty of the press and the sacred right of private opinion. 12. Commerce—Mjythatof the United States be asextenfive as interesting. 13. Agriculture—That source of independence and palladium of freedom. 14. The Arts and Sciences—Those lumiraries of national glory--Mayxhcy-hg new fplentfor to the weilern constellation. 15. The Temple of Freedom—May its Portals be the Pules, its Canopy the Heavensand itsVota ties mankind. >16. The nations of the globe—May their en lightened policy, unclouded wisdom and unsullied jufliee, give peact, liberty and happiness to all the world. VOL UNTEERS. The American, French and Batavian Republics — May they, by the virtues which they praiftife, and the happiness which they exhibit, attach all na tions to thecaufe of social liberty.—Liberty—mav the mirror of troth be her JEgis, and the hydra of falfe politics her Medusa's head.—May the Buck ler of freedom cover the opprefTed,and her fpearbe emblazoned in humbling the opprefTor.—Peace to the scntendijig nations of the earth—May the flames of War serve but to light the calumet "of P c2< f* —A" mankind—May the exalted virtue of patriotism itfelf be finally loft in universal philan throphy. / . / CO NT TNUJTIOK OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, By the ship FANNY, Captain Braine, arrived at New-York, in 49 days from Greenock, and the 1 ELIZA, Captain Wilson, from London. I. CONSTANTINOPLE, June 10. A conspiracy has been made to dethrone the sultan ; and fediiious writings have been polled up in the mofejues. The camps in <he neighbourhood of Adrianople , am&unt to 300,000 men, with a so; midable train x>f artillery, exem'fed in the European way. The Ottoman squadron, cor.fifting of 6 ships of the lice, 2 frigates, and a corvette, is not to be commanded by c?pitana bey, or sice-admiral ; the captain pscha himfelf will command, who now thinks himfelf fufficlcntly firm in the good graces of his royal mailer, to venture an absence from the court, and fail into the White sea, regardless of , his domeflic enemies 7. he French ambafiador found His court infultcd by an omission of the captain paeh a , who , when | he l.oifted his flag, and, out of compliment, ihofe , of all the principal maritime powers of Europe omitted thareeremony only to the flag of France' Verninac piefented a very spirited memorial upon' i the subject, which thS minister of Kate afTetfed to treat with levity > but finding it insisted on by the I French ambassador, the Ottoman Porte declaimed ! by the admiral himfelf, any intentional difrefpedl to , the republic, and ordeied the captain 0 f the (hint* be pot in irons. The-Trench amb.fTador ' went lumfrff on board to, keg .he captain', Ijben.- i tion, and he was falutedl with 9 guns by the * hole ' fleet, which betog unusual, furnifhtrd a rctu-r of jealeufy to the other atnbafiadurs. Ed The Allele lqusdron is equipped completer in a- the European stile. The commander himfeW 14 not it- acquainted with his dedication, not being to open ' his hi» difppjchcs till he arrives at the Dardanelles. >n j It is imagined that he will either remain in the Ar tfs I chipelago, to exa<*l the annual contributions of the er i (lands; qr he may be ordered 011 feme expedition if- j agaiuft the rebel pacha of Acri, who has extorted i great sums of money from the fahjt&s of the Porte, lie «f which, in the present jundlure, they hive great i), need. What particularly points to this obj-dt ij, >f the quantity of land and ordnance ammunition, :d which it would n«t be neceflary to fend on bo*rd a fleet destined only to crsife in the Archipelago, t, Councils ef state fit hers frequently and long, tip es on •ccaliou of a family alliance between Russia and . p. : Sweden, either concluded or ready 10 be so, which in hat deranged the interest of this empire extretnely —we having teckuned upon the completion of the treaty of subsidies opened lad year with that power. Another obje£ of icfle&ion is, the progress of the war between the Ruffian*-and Perhain, uniformly in favour of the former power : also the affuranca that the Poles were disposed to make a new and vi ~ goretis reliftancf, with the aid of the Turks, which would certainly be given, If the negeciations were j. completed with other powers—events which cannot fail to operate this most important changes in the I politics of the Ports. . The Cenfeur, French frigate, is failed for the Archipelago, to cruise againfl the enemv, which P indeed (he may e;tfily do, there being no Euglifh (hip ef war there at prcfent. The Mai-efe make , us pay dearly for the veflcls we captured belonging to that state. » e ITALY, July 6. « e The French pr/ivateers, which swarm in the Me diterranean, having greatly deranged the trade of that sea, twenty (hips have been fitted out at Corsi ca, and the Viceroy has offered a eonfiderable re ward forcveiy French privateer bißugut in. Se. ven have already been taken. Lorretto, in the Pope's territory, is already oc cupied by the trench. Thcrc~sTid at Aucona, they have seized all the valuables, and sent the heavy ordnance against Mantua. The Pope is to cede Avignon for ever to France. The large English magazines, which the French found at Leghorn, are worth many millions. CARLSRUHE, July ,5. Ext raft of a le'.ter from the Head Quarters of the I army .of the Rhine and Moselle, at ifarlfruhe. " The inhabitants of this fine city having learnt that the Auftiians, after an obHinate* conflidl, had 1 101 l their intrcnchni\fnts near Raftadt, fupplicaiing them to spare their eity, and assuring them thaf the Princes Castle and Court (hfluid be at their dispo sal, even to remove thither the sick and wounded, on account of the good air it affords ; these offer* have been and the head quaiters are eila bli/hed, and will remain there till the furreoder of the f»rt 1 esses of Manheiir, and Philip/burgh. " It appears that the Freach have matie a gene ral attack on all the Aufttian intrenchments be tween Heiderg, Winfen, and Philiplburgh. A dreadful cannonade began yesterday aiternoon in all those diredlions • it laded till very late at mVIiL. & ~ ml icwt-weh 1111s morning ; a great number of wag gons with wounded French and Auftrians arrived here, which induces us to believe that the former have carried the intrenchments. " P. S. This moment ail Imperial Commiffiry and a Courier are conduced hither, decorated with the double faced eagle (embellished with black and yellow ribbands, the emblems of pain and giief ;.) they comefrrim the head quarters of the Archduke Charles, with difpatche» for Citizen Barthelemi, ' Ambassador of the French Republic at Bade." t . ; FRANKFORT, July 18. ' Dcfertion is general in the Aullrian army. With ' in these thret days more than 2000 men have fur ; r s" dcred 16 tbc The ; S giment of royal ALemand, which they fay had obtained its difmifli ' on, has defertcd in great part with arms and bacx. , E»Re. r . P'f e ' c<^or Palatini has re-demanded the troopt he had with the Austrian army. July 19. Bonnard, general of the division of reserve cf the army of the S.mbre and Meufe, to ike magiC. trates of the city ef Frankfort. " 'Head Quarters, Frankfort, July g. give you advice, gentleman, that in enfe quence of the will of the general in chief, Jourdan, you will have no req Ul fitions to fulfil, beyond thufe . signed by the cammiffary in chief of the said army I infarm you also, that nobody will force you to receive mandau : good will (hall be the rule of all our operations. (Signed) ,« BONNARD." ■ A magistrate as the eity Frankfort t. hi, fellow citizens. The commandant of our city, M. Darnaud, W tranlmuted to us several papers, of which we have theught proper to communicate to ycu the follow • J', cmsD > j?" hlve the complaifaßce no to deliver any billet for lodging, without a iye ctal order being prefentcd to you, sig ne d by me or ; c.n.en Muffchot, whole fignL re iu my abii nce, will be valid. , 2 " Y ° u are quelled to publish 2B d Sick up chiefly in the public squares, coffee-houfes and ''a' verns, the order not to be received after the ret e any penons, either soldiers or bL, g i„ g t0 ES my, under any pretence whatever : you will be I lporifible for the disorders committed after this hour. 3. No inhabitant of ti )c city, whoever he be, p,e,cne " hav 4 e Jmni? 11 , 13 ! me ?]l whq lcaft inf-lf f" t °r l|j1|j '° r w,lo ' bavf icceivej the east mfdt from a fold,er, or any P „fon belo„ K ,„. I" ttm r m : ei, ! S;. aßd hsi - ai ™ ii,a " Lc *° ne In communicating to our fellow citizens the pood intentions of the French geoera!, we enga^fhem h«f 'T r U 'T IO fsCOnd thcrj ' 0.Ur.0 avoid r eqU ; !IC ," that from tLs "V.uft effenre 0 f whlch tfcf y m y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers