Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 30, 1796, Image 4
BOOKS in SHEETS, Late (he prnp;rty of ISAAC NEALE, printer, dice/tjej, und for sale by Henry Kammeakr, £ jun. surviving partner, No. 24, North Third Jlreet, at 50 per cent, discount from the retail pri- A "s for cash or approved notes at 30 and 60 days. 1 RURAL Economy; or an efTay on the practical parts of I huftandry, Bvo. 299 pages, 7s. 6d. s. Travels of Cyrus, (a handsome edition) 19mo. 352 "pages, 7s. 6d.- 3. Calvary; or the death of Christ, (an elegant edition on fine paper) 1 amo. ~300 pages, 7s. 6s. 4. Hiflory of the Clergy, during the French revolution, tsrno. 40® pages, 7s. 6d. 5. Miscellanies, moral and inftm&ive, in prose and verse, I 2mo. 198 pages, 3s. gd: ' d . 6. Select ftorics, from the celebrated works of M» Berquin. e, i2mo. acß pages, 3s. gd. 7. Fowcr of grace illustrated, i2mo. 142 pages, 3s. 9<l. 8. Ladies literary companion, lS's, 152 pagas, g. Yorick's letters to Eliza, iß's, 62 pages, is. 6d. JO* Sportsman's companion ; or an essay ton shooting, lSts, 62 2s. 9 d*. . 11. jovial companion; or a library of good humour, mirth and entertainment; being a cheice colle&ion of modern songs, with an eugraved frontifpiece, i2ino. 114 pages, 28. gd{* 12. Medley; or Philadelphia songster, i2mo. 222 pages, 3s. 9 d. *3. Feast of merrimfnt; Or new American jeltcr, 12 mo. 132 pages, 2s. 9 dJ. J 4. The new American jester; or magaztne of humour, 2 a9mo. 96 pages, is. iod^. 15. Jovial songster, iß's, nd. 16. Dodfley'® fables from German) With 150 cats, a I a mo. 214 3s. o<l. Also, the following Children 1 s BOOKS, _ adorned with cuts. £ ' i. 'The Englilh H6rmit; or the adventures of Philip Quarle, 3 dollars per 100 infheets. 2. Sinbad the sailor, 8 dollars dcr. do. 3. New Year and Christmas tales, 8 dollars do. do. V 4 r Goody Two Shoes, 5 dollars do. do. 5. History of Weafls, 4 dollars do. do. 6. History of birds, 4 dollars do. do. 7. The mountain piper, 3 dollars do. do. ir 8. Journey from Philadelphia to New-York, gdol. do. do. 9. King Pippin, 3 dollars do. do* c< 10. Jacky Idle and Dicky Diligent, 3 dollars do. do. 1T 11. New Year"s gift, 2 dollars do. do. fc 12. Louisa and her birds, 2 dollars do. do. et 13. The bird cage, 2 dollars do. do. 14. Primers (New-England) 3 dollars do. do. //. Karn merer, jun. has also for ftlf, large variety of METAL CUTS, handfomcly. engraved, which he will dispose of very low for cefh. Sept. 28. ' §3t. North-Carolina—Hilljborvugh DiJlriß, -COURT OF EQUITY, April term, 1796. T John Willcox's heirs at law, n versus T Archibald Mactaine, James Morris, and others. C] TN 'his cause the death of James Morris being suggested, J. as also the deaths of Phoebe Morris and Martha Mifflin, d other defendants—leave is given to file a bill of revivor.t< But it is ordered, that the complainants firft give fecurky for 11 the cods. Oil the complainant's giving security for the celts, all and filing the bill of revivor, it is ordered, that publica tion be made in Fenno's Philadelphia Gazette for the space 0 of one week, and alfe that publication be made in Hodge's North Carolina Journal* for the space of two Weeks, that unless the defendants put iij their answers on or before the t j third day of the ensuing term, to wit, O&ober terra, a. o. 1796, that then the said bill will betaken, pro confesso against the defendants so failing, and a decree made accord ingly. F I certify, that the complainants have given fccurity for the tofts agreeably to the above : and I also certify the above to be a true copyof he minutes. W. WALTERS, Clerk, " Sept. 26. and mafterflin said court. Loft this Morning, t] Joseph Thomas's note in favor of, and indorfedby Jo Jin Morton, for twenty two-hundred dollars, dated the 28th inft. payable at 60 days fight. All persons are forwatned againil receiving the said note, as payment is Hepped, and j. it therefore can be of 110 use to any person but the lubfcri- ber, who will thank the finder for to him at No. 116 South Front Street, or if required a rcafonable re- ward will'be paid. John Morton. 9th mo 38th, 1796. *3t. Wanted to Rent, A convenient, welt furnifhed Bed Chamber, ~ With a good fire-place, in an airy and healthy part of . the city. The person wh© wants to rent such a chamber, would have no objc&ion to board, or breakfaft only, with , the family occupying the house, as may be moll agreeable. a Apply to the printer. ( September 29. taw Sales of India Goods. The Cargo «f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF ALarn-e and general affortmep.t of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOOdS. among which are A variety fine worked and plain Mujl'tru, Doreas, EsV. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and, baga—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Francis, No. a I Penn Street. Jv.n« 8 ' § For Sale, A Three flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftrcets, in which Messrs. james-Calbraith &Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on business. PolTeffion will be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM BEI.L, or HECTOR CALBRAJTH. April ai. S Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. No. 63 South Third ftreet,■oppofite the national new Bank. SAMUEL M FRAUNCES and JOHN. VAN REED, : hare entered into co-partnership, under the firm of ' FROUNCES & VAN RUED, in the bufinef* of Brokers, ' Conveyancers and Commifljon merchant j. They buy and ' fell on commiflion every fpecics of flock, notes of hand, ' bills of exchange, houses aud land', &c. procured on deposits, &c. See. all kinds c' writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsanri dispatch ; accounts adjußcd, and books^fettled, in the sioli correct manner. Constant attendance will be given They folidt a fharc of the public favor ; they are deter mined to endeavour to defcrve it. £i. B. The utmofl lecrecy observed. 1 SAMUKL M. fRAUN'CES, • JOHN VAN REED. Philad. Aiipift 17, 1796. m&wtf < W A N T E D, An AP f R AA' 7 ICE to tfic Prirting Business. Enquire atthis Office. • * " wi#v« »7* ~ * | JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. • No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Hsve Imported in the late veiTets frem Europe, &c. AND HAVE LOR SALE, d) A general assortment of GOODS, suitable to tlte fcafon— a Amongst which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, Plain and twili'd COATINGS, Rose ftriptd and point BLANKETS, FLANNELS and BAISES, HATS assorted in cases, IRISH LINENS, " INDIA GOODS, generally, A Config»ed Invoice of IRONMONGERY, 11 Comprifmg a capital assortment to open aftore—inelu- ding Thirty Calks of NAILS. This invoice will be fold eptire on very advantageous terms. - September 20. d Lottery £ FOR railing fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents, by a 4eduction of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz I Prize of 5060 dollars is dollars 500s I 1000 1000 i s°e> s°o 5 200 ' lOCO SO too 2000 99 50 4950 aoo , 2 j J 000 2600 10 10,000 5 Last drawn ncmbers ef icoc dollars each, 5000 2331 Prizes. 44,450 4018 Blanks. 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 By order of the Diredors of the Socicty for eftablifli ing WefulManufacJlures, the fuperintendants of the Pat erfon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the _ foregoing S«heme to the public, and have directed them to refund the money to those persons who have purchased in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in this Lottery. The lottery has actually commenced dfawing, and will continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64 j south Second street, who willgiveinformationwh'eretick- . ets may be procured. Dated this-i 7th day of- * J. N- CuMMING, ) JACOB R. HARDENBERG, {Managers. JONATHAN RHEA, ) v dtf eo j - — Samuel Rjchardet, i' RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he his this Jay opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the A city of Philadelphia; The Subscription Room will be furnifbed with all the w daily papers publiffied in Philadelphia, Bos- ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed (c aind none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety n! of French Liquors; together yirith the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. '' Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with thechoiceftof Wines, Spirituous Liquors, aiid the most " approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest 31 productions of the Season. oi Large and small Farties, or single Gentlemen, may be n: accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at honrs most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is '' regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at 016 liar. * The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other f' requisite. j« gj" Samuel Richardet will behappy to receive, and ectecute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at C large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges J} himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre-' $ serve that patronage with which he has been so distinguish- c: ingly l'ionor.:d. 1 tl Philadelphia, April 19. mwf Treasury of the United States. o NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or C may be Creditors of the United States, for any funis of the Funded Deit, or Stock, icjring a frc/c.u mtcrcjt of fix per centum per annum. ift, That pursuant to an Aft of Congress pafled on the 28th day of April, 1796, intitledan a<ft in addition to an A aft, intituled " An ac 4 making fuither provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt," the said debt or ftockwill fee reiirburfed and paid in manner following,to wit. " First, by dividends " to be made on the last days of March, June aniseptem- A " ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand •' seven hyndred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou- £ " sand eight hundred & eighteen incluive, at the rate of • " one and one half per centum upon the original capital. " Beeond!r, by dividrrris to be 111 or. tbe UP- —of " for the present year, and fkom the year one " thousand seven hundred .and ninety-* yen,'to the year " one thousand eight hundred and feveateen inclusive, at si " the rate of three and one cei turn upon the ori- _ " (final capital; and by a dividend to be ma !c'oa the last " day of December, in the yeat'one thjufand eight hun " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade- r " quate, according to the contrail", for the final redemp " tion of the said flock." n 2d. All diftinflion between payments on account, of Interefi and Principal being thus aboliftied by the establish- a ment of the permanent rule of reimburfemeut above de- f scribed, it:has become necessary to vary acc®rdingly .the <■ powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the "public creditors will .therefore observe that the following form is eftablilhed for all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgation of this notice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN Br THESE PRESENTS, tUat I »/ do make, tonfiitute aid appoint J of mi true audlanful jft' 11 torney,for me, etndin my name, to receive the dividends which tre, * or Jball be payabti according to taiv, oh the (here describing the £ stock) sanding in my name in the booh of (here describing the' ' books of the Treal'ury or the Commiflioncr of Loans, where the stock is credited) from (here insert the com- v mencement and expiration of time fur which the power of 1 attorney is to continue) fvith power also an attorney or attor- *' nies under him, forthat purpose to male and fnbjlitute,andto do all ' lawful a£ls requifitefor effecting thepremijh, b : chy ratifying and ' confirming all that my said Attorney or hisfuif!Uutr,JSiU lawful- 11 ly do, by virtue hereof. . . In Witness hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day of in the \ear Sealed and Delivered in pr'fencLof, BE IT KNOWN,that on She Jay of efore meperfonally came within named and ackr.tnt'leJjred the above letter of attorney to be f bis a£i and dt/ed. In tejiimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affix- j td Seal the day and year last afor said. c Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- j ticth day of July 1796; pursuant to directions { from the Secretary of the Treasury SAMUEL MEREDITH, f Treafurtr of the United Statu. 1 \ w&it I y. w- v - Turks-Island Salt, FOR SALE, Per the ship American, Capt. Shallcrofs—Will be rea dy to discharge at Pine-street wharf on the 2.7 th inll.— * Apply to tv Jehu HoMingfworth hf Co. a Sept. 43. mwf to A Manufactory FOR SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, fuuate in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost new, on an entirely original conftry&ion, and built of the best materials, and may be set to work immediately. Pecfons whowifhto purchase, are requcfted to apply at No. 273, South Second Street, September 13. tt f tf City of Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 t THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent 20,600 dollars, & dwelling-house, 5 calh 30,000, arc 5 0,000 r dittq 15,000 & cafo 45,000 40,000 I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 I ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 I ditto 5,000 & ca(h 5,000 10,000 nc I ditto 5,000 & ca(fc 5,000 10,000 1 ta(h prize of 10,000 d r ' 4 do. 5,000 each, are « , 10,000 th 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 jo do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - • 10,000 400 do. 50 - - 10,000 400 do. 4j - 10,000 1,000 do. 40 5 40,000 15,000 do. 10 • • 750,000 1?,739 Prizes. _ 33,161 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those whs may take a quantity of Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn > ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : - And approval notes, fcf vrr!.*i:r incitm-r mousy or prizes, in ten days atter drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30 tickets. ' This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Washington— Two beautiful designs are already selected for the entire — fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings it ispropofed to erect two centre and four c orner buildings, as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey theni, when complefc, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedudlion of five per cent, will be made to defray X the necessary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus \ will be made a part of the fund intended for the National OT] University, to be creeled within the city of Washington. a H The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are an fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days l ar after it is finifhad ; and any prizes for which fortunate fto numbers are not produced within twelve months after the d 0 drawing is closed, are to be confidcred as given towards n y the fund for the University; it being determined to fettle the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the draw- 0 v ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. w j The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, ar i are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank Cc of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- bi' mount of the lottery. in. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of i s the late Commiflioners aflifted in the management of the pa Hotel Lottery are requcfted to undertake this arduous talk m ; - a fucuud tiimrun behalf w! ilie'pnbli'L ;cr Ititlicleirc rnirn (Jy ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the an friends to a National University and the other federal ob- l a ( je&s may continue to favor the design. ba. By accounts received from the different parts of the ho Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets th< have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the in * Hifawing will speedily commence, and that the care and go taution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of roi the tickets, has rendered the short fufpe.nfion indifpenfabfc. ma SAMUEL BLODGET. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; o At James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, Boston of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells 1 Cooper's Ferry. eo ' Wats ox's Answer to Gibbon. JUST RECEIVED, . And for laic by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefriut-ftreet, £ Apology for Christianity, 5° In a feriet of Letters, addrejjed to ho Edward Gjbbon, £ht Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the ott Roman Empire: ani By R. WATSON, d. d. f. r. s. Bishop of Landaff. on . ' b (Price 75 cents bound.) Watson's Antker to. Paine T To be had at the fame place.- —~ The enemies of Religion are awake ! Let not her friends jleep. Sept. 1. . mw&ftf . NOTICE. „ THE Subscriber, having been reduced in bis circum itailct s, by sundry misfortunes, and being thereby ly nuable to fatisfy his just debts, hereby gives notice to his wi Creditors and to all pcrfons concerned, that hi intends to ve apply to the General Affcmbly of Maryland at their next feflion to be held on the firft Monday of November nest, for the benefit of an a<st of insolvency. WILLIAM EDMONDSON Eafton, ift of the 9th month, 1796. lawtiftMN ■> To be fold, ( A PLANTATION, in thetown of Woodbury, coun- - ty 6f Gloucester, and il'ate of New-Jersey, contain- nc ing about one hundred and fifty acres; a suitable propor tion of whieh is woodland and improved meadow. A ] a , . great part of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva- cr tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. or On said plantation there is a genteel two-Hory brick house, 0 f with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under ar r the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage- fp hsufe, The garden is large, and contains a good collec cs f tion of the best kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees ; U i I the orchard of about three hundred grafted app!e- n ) . trees. Any perfem inclined io-purchale said premises, may v< be informed ef the terms by applying^to ANDREW HUNTER. ei July 49 H vi — c( To be Sold, ' T At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by several oj tbe Apothecaries in this City. TRANSFERS of the right to remove pains and inflamma tions from the human body, as secured to Dr. ELISHA PERKINS, by patent, with mftruments and direst ions ne- 1 ceflary for the practice. This mode of treatment is particu " larly tifeful in relieving pains in the head, face, teeth, breast, E s Tide, ftotnach, back, rjicumatifms, recent gouts, &cc. &c. I Notwithstanding the utility of this practice, it is not prc -1 fumed but there are cases in which thU and every other I xemedy may fomctinjts fail. \ June t j law J