' : • ■ 7 <6ajcttr of the t&nittti States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. hvMSiit 1266.] THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1796. ~ [>*•' wr X. •*■■ ■ -i For Sale, The' Brig DIANA, th« Lying at Chefnut-ftreet wharf; a stout No well vefTel, ®ne hnndred & fifty-eight tons burthen ; I well found, and bat four years old. Apply to oti fofeph Anthony & Co. Sept. 26. d 6 • For Sale, ~ j jlfiii' 1N ® U S°T RY, * "•"St- Burthen about 700 bbls. a good vest „ — fel, and will be ready to take ill a car go in two or three days. Also, FOR SALE, ft. few hhds. ANTIGUA. RUM, received by t0 i'.iid sloop, and now landing at Morton's wharf. Apply to tat THOMAS GREEVES,' Sept. 14. d6t. ND.73, Walnut-street. jy{ ,jl tor Charter, The Ship Dominick Terry, < Jacob De Hart, raafter :an excellent . >0 veflel, of about 3000 barrels "fourth n. I - V Jefe Iff Rbbert Wiiln.. September aI. d t For Charter, The Danifti Barque j Samuel Stub, mailer, Sc3oli= J ii-"=£i§.A good veflel, of about two hundred ■ ■ toris burthe'l. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. ■ ' Sept. 17. dtf . l : ■-".»■ yp< FOR JMNDON. r^"'le ea P ,ta ' CERES, soon :—For freight or paffajfe t 9 DAW, ROBERTS & Co. or yohn Vaughan, Septembei lis. Front-street. ' FOR SALE, The Chip STAR, VSjßfeSrj John Vanweman, Mailer, T YING at Walnut-street wharf, Philadel- !_J phia built, of live oak i»d cedar, will ca" a"bout 3100, barrels, is two years old, and in cora plea- order to receive a cargo —For terms apply to * THOS. & JOHN ZETLAND. Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—confiding ef—' . Wine and Porter bottles, Window Glass, 6 by 8 to 16 by li. Pipes in boxes Earthen-Ware in crates. -C Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &e.- Aug. 19 * " BRAND Y, OF lit and 4th proof, and equal to thjt import ed from Franc?, may be had ot the fubferiber at nii Diltil lerv, No- I»5, StpVy or New-street. between Third ant Fourth-Greets, v/hcrt the public, upoa S?Pj' c;1 "°"' judge for themselves, and will find it an objt& well worth their attention. , • -* RUM*and Gftt i* any quantity, for exportation dr nome-j h eonfumotion, and of superior quality —bv , Thomas Cave- 5 P.S. RYE, MALT, BARLEY, and MKLASSES, will be purchased, or taken irt exchange for spirits, upon appli cation as above. Also ai.y quantity of Claret or other wine fit (or distillation. Auaxugh, 1796- M ' 4W • landing, From on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Divine, Master, at Philip Care'. Wharf, and for Sale by the Subfcrib-er, j London Particular Madeira WINE, In Pipes, Hoglheads and Quarter Caflcs. There are in the above parcel 10 Hhds. of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. Robert Andrews, Sept. 6. mw&f No; 86, So. Wharves. New-lingland Rum, In hogfhesds, ' Welfli's best Boston Chocolate, —7 V__ HYSON-SKIN TEA, in quarter chests, FOR SALE, BY A. MARPLE V ISR.W. MORRIS, No. 60. Dock-street. Sept. 84- co6t. ~ John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, "Venetian Red, Spanish Broyrn, , White Lead, ground in oil: Shot, No. I, 2, 3, 4> 5- Xondon Porter, in caflcs and bottles. Green Copperas. Several crates of Queens Ware, in fet&s, with desert ditto campleat. Blistered. Steei, German ditto. Sept. 21- t 2 '" ' ~ To be disposed of, '"P'HE time of a Wealthy NEGRO WOMAN, who Ji. has between fsur and five years to fervs: She can be recommended for her sobriety and honesty. For particulars enquire at No. 13s, Che(nut-ftreet. Anguft 3. ■ At a special meeting cf i the Board of Di rectors for efiabVifhif.S ujefil Manufactures, holden at Pater [in, July 8, 17516, ' RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be called on the firlt Monday, being the third ay of Oaober next, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take i«to conlidcraticm the propriety qf diiTolvmg the said corporation, agreeably to the law >n fucn cafe made and ' provided—■ - i the Stockholders are earnettly requested to attend the said meeting in per'fon or by proxy.- August 27 <it 3 g,th ° For Sale, A Complete Font of Brevier, TT'-Nrirely nev ,'and yet unopened. The weight qf tins Jb font is about 312 lb. It is from the W'ilfoij'St Sons,Qlafgow, and will be fold at cost & eharg . Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes- Jtmjuirp at the Office of the Gwctte cf the United State--, 119 Chefnut-flreet. a;. 88 ' l * 1 • • *• . . Washington Lottery. i The Twcntf-fecond & Twenty-third Days' Drawing of jj. the Wafliington Lottery, No. 2, are received, at the office No. 134, Market-street,, where tickets may he examined. N. B. fnlormation given where tickets in all the other ( otteries may be procured. to Scp.eraber 23, df the r—- S Thomas Ryerlon T HAS just received, by the ships Molly and Hamburgh a Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from Bl iftol, and is now opening for sale, at his ftyre No. 177, Market-ilTeet, an extensive afibrtment 6f Ironmctngery, Cutlery, Hardware J and Saddlery. The ship Caroline, now on htr paflage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor tation. - N. B. At the aboye store may be had, a few elegant , Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture 5 also, a good as- er , iortment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks. ! Sept. 13. d French Goods. ** Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, A 1 1 Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and fizei X Ditto white and colored-Silk STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine LAWN I Ditto best fine CAMBRIC rr , I Ditto Ladies'beft lhammy and Grenoble Gloves i For Sale by THOMAS Sc JOHN KETLAND. 1 •. $ An Wm. HOI;i>ERNJBSSE, 3 AV. 76 JJi-h Stoutt , . — TTASixeei -edj hr --fce Wft*arrival? /."ertr. Europe and "TXTEeTTstrindies, a >vcll fele<sicd affhrtntet of-Sitt Mercery, Linen Drapery andiialx :- flitry Goods; rrhich | he will fell, Wholel'ale and Retail, su the lowest terms; : AMONGST WHICH ARE, r »l 1 Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and frlver °' Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto th< Do do do do Handkerchiefs o'c Some extra black taffei-ies.latcfttingsaiiUcolored PerGans Bandano Handkerchiefs to Long and Ihort Nankeens Euglilh Mantuas of the firft quality bh Daiualk table linen and very fine j Silk Hosiery, /an degaut affortntent p r , Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green 51k, oil'd do. and do cleth c ;j French cambrics, very fine Iri(h iiinens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § ,m; For Sale, t0 (In an excellent situation for buSnefs,) A three-story brick Houfc and Lot of Ground, Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on c j e the' South fide of Market near Fron*-ftr«et, now inppflef fion of Samuel Read. r Apply to a Israel Pleafants, or r ; * Charles & Joseph Pleafants. 1 13. dtf •''' ,e The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, < CATHCART, from Alicant and Lii- b* ... VJI bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf- — 18 Pipes of Brandy nt . lZ Bales of Spanilh wool R 3 do. of Annifeed . tl 7000 Bulhels of best Lilbon Salt — 80 Boxes of Lemons L For sale by #"ILLINOS «t FRANCIS. . at ' ALSO, th 1,2 Seventy Hogflieads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the feip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, th from Kingston. Sejit. t3- d :E FOR SALE, b- WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, '' >n pipes and hogsheads al Claret, genniae old, in cases _ — Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Baflcet'Salt, in hoglheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Le?d, Red and white dry lead r Steel, German andßuffia, in barrels Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin s&nvas, Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by ar THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. p , July If) $ _ al — Lottery and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second street. " TICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. a, for falc—a \ Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in . the late lottery. . Check Books kept for examination and registering, tor the City of Wafh'ington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lottener., both of which are now drawing—information where tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn ' ert tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Pors Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lot Wry, for examination. . ... The fubferitoer foHcits the application of the public _ and his friends, who with to purchase or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, ,v,„ &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property^ ? he Wm. Blackburn. ?or Philadelphia, jlugu/l 18, 1796. mt^„. __ " For bale, 1 The Time of a Negro Man, den Who is a good Cook. Enquire at No. 109, South Water-Street. , 0 ck- Sept. 13- 010 - < ten ~IVA NT ED, ; alee A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well recom- > raid mended, to take charge of the entire management 0$ ( and children—Such a perfor. will meet with Tunable encou *«d ragement, and may hear of a place, by applying to the printer of this Gazette. m wf ' I Sept. 14- 1 Dissolution of Partnerfliip. nnHE Part •'lbip between ROBERI ANDREWS and this 1 DAVID MEREDITH, under ihc firm of ANDREWS of and MEREDITH, beirtg ditfolved. All prrfons who artr S es - indebted to, or who have claims againlt the lair, houie, are reouefted toappVy for rettlcment in the (üblcr.bcr. rtqueltea toappvy ROBERT ANDREWS, No 86, Su. W.harvrs, Sept.Si 1 "gS» d ' !■!!,, 1 • For Sale, f By J. WARDER, PARKER fef Co. , An Invoice of Cordage, p - r|tr ConCOiig of different sizes, from 1 z inch cables down y t(> . tn rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in c aru the Clip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. g|, er Sejjt. 17. dtf RaV( T weinty Caft.s excellent Claret and ; A few pipes choice Bordeaux Brandy, c ' For sale by Joseph Anthony Co. September d 6 NA N; KEEN S, : -»■ [ Of the jirjl ouatiiy, FOR SALE BT, „ ' RIJ. ana JAS. POTTER. For any quantity above Five Thpufand Piccts, a li- 4( _ beral credit will be given., •R. & J. P. Septembej 13. T. tf j a 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, — Of the beji quality and on reajonahhi terms, FOR SALE BY -i Philip Nicklin Es 5 Co. A-ue,uft q6. dtf I THIS D/tr PUBLISHED, By -J. OR.MROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftrect, \ Price i a i-a Ceuts) " The President's Address 2 ' To the People of the United States, _ Announcing bis intention of retiring from public life at 'tbe expiration of the present canftitutional term of prefider.xt',, Septcmltr 10. J d public Notice is Hereby Gi-u~n y j, the Freemen ofthcCjty rrtt Cotrnty of Pljila- The 1 (idphia, and tlie Cdunty of Delaware, that a gene- » r»l elation will beheld on Tuelday the eleventh day h ;r of Ofiobei next. —The tle&ion to be opened between L the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one o'clock in the afternoon. is When the fre;men of the City of Philadelphia, are to meet at the State-hotffe ia the fi'd city, to elect Six Representatives for fayl city in General Assem bly, An One Representative for said city in .be House of Rc- j\ prefentatives ef the United States. * Twenty persons for members of the Common Coun cil. _ ' Twelve pcifons for members of the Scleft Com- T , . mittee. , Bt The Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia to cleft One person for Governor i f Two persons for Coroners — One person for County Conwnifiioner The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to £ elea Six Representatives for said County in General As- . fembly. l\ for said county in the Hjufe of Representatives of the United Stated. "l'he Freemen of the City and County of Philadel phia, aad County of Delaware, to eledl - One Senator for the State g v The Freemen of the township of the Northern Li f- be'rtits are tn hold their ele&ion at the town-house in Second Street continued, above Coats's Street. The Freemen of the townihips of Germantewn, — Roxborough and Bristol, are to hold their election at the Union Srljiool Hotife in Germantown. The Freemen of the townihips of Oxford, Byberrf, » Lower Dublin and More-land, are to hold their elt&ion •" ■ at the house-os the late Johti tSarnfley in Bufsletown, in the tnwnfhip of Lower Dublin. p:, S, And the Freemen of the Diitricfi of Southwark, and t, the townfh'.ps of MoyamcnGng, PalTyunk, and King- pj felling, aTe to hold their eleSion at the State-House in Cc the City Philadelphia. Di The Con Cables of each Ward, Diftriff, #cc. are to M hold their elefiion, in the different <ii(trif(s to choof? Ja J their iitfpedkors for the ensuing year, and to give their A attendance at the time atid refpeilive places. Sept. z6. JOHN BAKER, Sheriff. DUTY ON CARRIAGES. ' Notice is hereby Given, THAT agreeably to an b£t of Congress of the United X Slates of America, pafled at Philadelphia, the #Bth day of May, X7<J6 ; laying duties on Carriages,, tor the convey anee qf persons, and repealing the former adits for that pur- en pose there (hall be levied, collected and paid, upon r; all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which fiiall be w kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let -out to hire*or stir the conveying of paffewgers, the fe'verai du ties and Tates following, to wit. 4 For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. !• upon every Chariot, 12 dels. £j upon every Poil Chariot, 12 dols* ' " , upon every Poll Chaise, 12 doJs. 01 upon every Phaeton, with or withottttop, gdols ier '' upon every Coachee, 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panned work above, wn with biinds, glafles or 9 dols. w " upon four wheel carriages, having framed pods and for topj withfteel fpiiogs, 6 ttbon four wheel top Carriage!, with wooden or iron )Hc springs or jacks, 3 doks. ck, upon curricles with tops, g dolfc ids, upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. upon with tops, 3 dols. upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. J upon two wheel carriages, with ftcel or iron springs, g 3 dols. a Foratw! upon all other wheel carriages, « dols. p upon every four Wheel carriage, having framed ports c and tops, and reftiug upon wooden Cpars, 2 dols. uth The ColleftoTS of the Revenue of the fiTft (urvev of the Diftri&of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day of September next, for the purpoft of receiving the duties on /• Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Safofraj ftrcet, in theCit^ of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. CWir, Efq in the j County of Montpomqry ; and at the house oi Abraham Du >m- bois, Esq. in the County of Rucks; of which all persons pof- . c oS feired ot i*ch Carriages are desired to take notiee. Notice is also given, i TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri r tuous liquors,that licences will be granted to them j one li cence for carrying on the bufjnefs of retailing of Wines, in a tefs quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one licence for carrying on the bufinels of retailing Spirituous li- * and quors in less quantities than 90 gallons, ac the lame time and WS at the fame places, by the officers legally authoriied to grant | > art- fucW licences. >are WILLIAM NICHOLS, 1 lofpeftor of the Revenue of the firft purvey . of tfce dirtri&oi P&onlylvania. OfHcc at > 30 -f | Ph. UcMi.f i*. hi A July, 17960 FOR SAL E, By N. and J. FRAZIER, No.'Of, S. rrolH-lirect, Prlfne Boston Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice and Indigo. Sherry and i'eneriffe Wines, cxcelfcet quality- Ravens -Duck. tndi« 3if.daii*o*s. J Sew in £ >iiks various cokmriw } an-- 1 Gurrahs. 17. tts4V^«_ For sale by fublcribers, IN PtNN-STREET, 13© quarter Clefts frtfti Hyfoh Tea ; 100 ditto do. frefh SouchOng Tea ; 3CO Boxes China, containing ffiiall tea setts of 4* pjeces i ( 400 pieces Bindanoes. Willings, y Francis. January 30 tt&f FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND OlN.flf the f.rft qualities in Pipe?. FRAUNCES and VAN REED. Brokers and Commiflion Merchants, No. 63,50. 3d St. Who discount approved NO TES oj hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September 14. mwf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, ~ ; By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Secot/d and Ch.fnut Jlrcets, = Price is 1-1 cents, The President's AdHrcfs - To the People of the United States, - The rcfalution he has formed to decline bcirj coirfirfefed the number of those cut of vv ?. choice is to Y "be made, at the'enfuing ale&ion of a l'tefidcr.t of the u United States. c Sapt. ao. . w.-6 . Great is Tavvh and mult prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for fate at No- 41 Chcfnut-flreet by J. OR A? ROD, An Apology for the Bible, By R. Watson, d. d. f. k. s. Bijkop of Landoff, c. Being a complete refutation of Paine's a Age of Reafan, A«d ♦>e only answer to the Second Part. Avgttic 30. dtf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, 0 By W. Young, Mills and Son, '[Price ?o cts. in boards, 62 1-2 neatly bound] r An Apology for the Bible, f> In a fries of Letfers, Addrefied to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled '* The Age sf Reason, fart the feconi, being a>i in vefligation tif true and fabulous tMeologf. Bv K. WATSON, 0. D. i ; . R. S. Lord Bi<hop of • LandafF, and Regius ProfefTor of Divinity n in the University of Cambridge. Sept. 16. tu&f6_ at India Tamboured Muslins. f n ' A J hall, handfme ajfortment cf Muslins, in viz. Fine tamboured Malda aud Santipere Muslins, vaiioui id patterns and priccs. g- Plain 6-4 Jaconet. in Corded and cross-barred Muslin Shawls. Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas. to Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. fe Japan Muflina, and ;ir A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. ton i.ut «v Thomas Tingcf, No. ill, South Third-ftrcct. Sept H. tutf&f_ TO BE SOLD, That Neat and Convenient House, cd "\T7"HEREIN the fubferiber now lives. There are tour ay W rooms on a floor : the house is two stories high : Y" with a good garret above : under the whole is an exccll cnt cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient on framed chamber for preserving meat, butter, &c. in warm bc weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three , horses, hsy-lof , .granary, and carriage-house, a wood ,U" yard paved with Hone, and a garden with foil of a fine quality. An indisputable title will be made to the pur chaser. For farther particulars apply to the fuhferiber in 1 Princeton, or. in her absence to Thomas D. Johnson, l.fy. or the rev. Samxel S. Smith. ANN WITHERSPOON. Princetos, Aug 14. aawtO J Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and diftriit of roB D Southwark, PubliOied, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 36 inches square, and has been en igs, graved bv one of the firft artifls in the city, from a late and accyrate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam phlet with each plan, giving " forne account of the ofts citv, its population, trade, government, &c. July 19 day ~ "TAKE NOTICE. '-r"ijJ[E fubferiber intends to make application for a re- J[ newal of the following certificate, supposed to be ' hc loft »o the passage to England in April 171)4 ; r" Certificate No. 1033.5, dated IJth Novcmber > J 793r >0 for 1830 dollars and 01 cents—Six per cent, domcftic debt, on the books of the Treasury of the United States, in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. ,iri. ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's. •li Philadelphia, August 30fh, 1796. *tufcf6w 'one WANT E D, 131; " rrncKE JOURNEYMEN BUOK-BINDERS r inc " OOD steady workmen will meet with constant em ;ri°t payment, and good wages ; by applying to JOHN CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-street. rvev Ni I}. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches, ■ executed with neatness and di/patch. Puhlic and private libraries repaired in the neattft andbtfl manner. J September JO. ,t it aw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers