Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 28, 1796, Image 3

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- —
Markted, last Monday evening, by the Rev. Dr.
S-.ving, Mr. Hugh Jackson, meichaat of this city, to
Mils Jane Cochran.
Died, at Northumberland, in thi« date, on the 21ft
lp.'tant, Mrs. Priestley, wife of the Rev. Dr. Prisftlty.
" Woes clatter—rare arq solitary Woes." Scarcely re
covered from the ftiocl: occasioned by the death of his
youiigeft son, the venerable philosopher has again to cx
ertife the virtues of patience, rcfignation and fortitude,
which he so eminently polTefles.
, on th'- 24th inft. Ac his feat in Buck's .county#
after a fljort illriefs, Captain John Green, ianior. He
w:!* a man oi- unblemiflaed integrity, os-great chearful
:ie(s and good nature; friendly, generous and
hoipitable, to an uncommon degree ; and' as lie was long
loved, so we doub; not he will jlong be remembered, by
his numerous friends and acquaintances; Ijnt by none
jaore than by his family and neighborhood, to whom
his death is a iofs that cannot be dslcribed.
From Paulson's Town and Country Almanac,
for the year 1797.
Jn Ike Jtveral Religious Satieties in'the City of Phila
delphia, from AuguJ 1, 1795, to AuguJ} I, 1796.
Births Deaths ts g_j of Societies* tSV.' QTfe. ft 11
-S .if $-.r, £«.
■2 f : . C M aryi 195 188 »° 9; 3*3 217
churches J Holy Irimty Si , >' ~c g,
lirtt PrclOyterian church 3-. .. „ ci m '« *' 26 24 S J
Third Presbyterian 00.- II g*'\\,£ . 4
Scotch Prefbytenan do. 22 . TT , 0 2?
The Associate Church , 19 f
Sor.erv of Ft«, Quakers j f ; * 3
Moravian church - - , f 9 o ■*&!
Swediih ditto . . « » 9 /
MWlmaft ditto - j. 39 ~ 9
Baptist ditto J % » * J
UniverlalUt s ditto - i 31344
Je.viih or Hebrew ditto 1 \ 3 , 3 3
African Episcopal ditto /j g c oJJ o
Cotter's") White people f2oj in, 20C 16 , 399 3 i 5
Field J Mick people f >57 16c 12 0 106 3'-7
Total number - 14.50 14l - 1188 ,05528472283
Several of these Societies admit the remains of Stran
gers to be deposited in their burying grounds: if this
were not the cafe, the deaths would leldom exceed half
the number of bifths.
t Births in thoi'e families who bury in Potter's Field.
We informed our readers on Monday, that the Ven
geance cutter, belonging to Capt. Barney, was arrived
at St. Croix with a. valuable prize—We have now to
add, that the prize is the (hip Cochran, from Liver
pool, bound to Martinique. from Boston,
puhlifhed the fame day, of the arrival at Barbados* o: :
a Brm(h frigate, from Gibraltar, i, confirmed hy .
Carson of the schooner Su&unik, arrived at the fort
from BarbadoeSi which he left the 31ft August. The
figate took three jpiaiih fntps on her paflage, and
• frni tin. 111 to-Jamaic?. until it ihould be determined
whether war has been actually declared between the
two nations : one of the*) was supposed to be worth"
125,000 i. Several privateers had failed from Barba
does to cruise- egamft the Spaniards.
a V V C K S.
Six perCcnt. - » - - - - .
Three per Cent. • . 10/5 / int. '
4s per Cent 14/' f off.
Si_ per Cent. . .. , % ... jifyj
Deferred Six per Cent. - - - -
BANK United States, - - l9toioprct.
f Pennfylvauia, ... . 26 to 27
——— North 'iinciica, ... - 45 to 46
Insurance Camp. North-America, 37 l-2per cent. adv.
Pennsylvania, par to 2 per cent. adv.
On London, at 30 days, per £.100 fieri.- par.
■ at 60 days, par to 162 1-2
at 90 days, / 161 a #82 1-2
Amsterdam, 60 per guilder, 42
■ 90 day 3, 4a
BOSTON, September jj.
MatrieS, yesterday, Mr. Samuel Myet's, Mer-
Ciianr, of Psterfburgh (Virginia) to Mist Hoys.
M. M- Myers, Merchant, of said place, to Miss '
Sally H«ys, daughters of Mr. M M. Haya, Mer. '
chant, of thi3>town.
Capt. Bennett, who arrived on Wednesday,
from Bayonne, in France, had a paflage of 44
days. The only paper that he brought out with (
Lira, and which was ef the 3d of August, he gave j
to the Lieutenant of a French frigate, which board
ed him. That paper contained aeceunts of the j.
capture of Frankfort—and mentioned, that after j
its firft capture, the Auftrians again got po/Tellion
of it ; but the French (dcceeded in racking and
holding the city. After the capture of Frankfort,
the siege of Mentz commenced—A war between
Spain and England was expected. An Englilh fti
gate had been taken by the Terrible, of ,74 guns, •]
and carried into a small harbor cailed'the PafTaget.
Provisions ot every kind were cheap ; and brandy
about fc/» n or eight livresper veit.
Ex'.raft of a letter from Chai'efton, S. C. Au
-4 gust 3y f
" It is impoflible to describe to rop the wretch
ed situation of this city.-—The fever rages with ac- '
cumulated ftry. For /everal days past the deaths
have exceeded thirty ; and tl>e average for a month
past will be twenty. Sufin#f6 isa stand.'' • 1
BALTIMORE, September 24. f
Extra& of a letter from a genntleman at Savannah, i
to his friend in Frederick-towr, dated August i
3 °A . V
'' Thereragei at present a malignant fever in the c
city of Chsilcfton, which carries off from 20 to \
? j 30 p«fon» daily : You may depend on this in»
telligcnce, a? I liave it frornveiy good authotity
Several veffcis are ;Ibw performing quarantine at ao
island ten miles diltam down the river from Charles
ton. It is supposed that it has originated from
the open cellars, occalioned by the late conflagrati
'r. on, in which the rains have fallen, the Itagnated
to watet together with the quantities of vegetables
and meat, which families had stored up previous to
ft tl ? 4 . fir , e ,'' P Bt,if >' in g» produced this direful Corn
y praint.
lis NE W-YORK, September ty.
Lxtraa of a letter from Bordeaux, 18 Mejjidor, +tb
year ef tbt Republic,
j. - 7." Amcri «." vessel has just arrived from the Isle
l e of I'rance. which place (he left the 27th of last
1- March, with half a cargo of colanial produce : not
Jd bavirig taken freight or Jrny letters : the people
S seemed to be in a ftatcof tranquility and abundance.
Ie A privateer with a 1 men, boarded and took pof
n session of an English (hip of goo tons, and ico
inert, under pretence of putting a pilot on board.
1 he i'reuch capt. quitted his vefTcl-to carry the ene
my to the coalt of Malabar. From thence he sha
ped hn course tn his prize to the Isle of France,
where he arrived without meeting any accident. I
hope this caption will prove as profitable as the ta
king of it was honorable. I conjecture from the
numbei of men who were on board of the Englifli
5 (hip, that it is a velTel ffom cither Surat or Bombay,
- armed with Lascars.
8 —
6 franjlated for the (New-York) MiNgRrA.
* £Rcm PARIS PjrSßi.
I R A T 1 S BO N, July s .
g The baron de Geurniengen, minister of the Duke '
4 of Brunfwick, has received orders fr«m his fove-
X reign, to notify, in,his name, conjointly w ; t h the
° amba£Tadors of the ekaor of Bran lcnSourg, Hano.
f j't- •n<i.Bruufwick. Ifiuhe.lmperial, minister re
y udent in this city, that it \Vas kis intention to untie
3 together in a body, a number of Prulfian and
7 Brmnfwisk 1 roops,« well as troops of the Empire ;
4 and that different states had charged themselves
o with the expenCe of maintaining this body 5 that
s this mea,fare had keen didated by ncccflity and the
6 principles of felf preservation ; that its obj.a had
- been to secure the northern part of ,Germany from
3 iiivafion and infme itis tranquility, and that as filch
1- s* organization, so far from being cdfitrary to the
is conftitotion, was even fcvored by it, his serene
lf hightw:fs flatters himfelf thar this step will meet
with his Imperial mnjefty's approbatius.
The affair of the Abbe Salabert, minister *of the
dnk« of Deiixponts ftili remains in Biicertalnty.
Ttre courts of Bradenbourg, Saxony, Hanover,
3 HefTe Ca£Tel and Wurtzbourg, have demanded a ter.
_ mination of it in an amicable manner, without its
, bein K laid before the Diet. On the 28th of last
f June, Baron du Huge], the Imperii commissioner,
- .tjic the court of Yicnna.
r gave the mmifters of the Claimants to undcrfttod
e " that in the present cafe the Emperor could not be
.j considered as The head of the empire, but as thr
e sovereign ot hie own dominions, and that confe
i' qaently he left the entire management of the afeii
- to tae Duke of Octix Pouts.
. VIENNA? July 3,
The intelligence received three days -ago from
the Rhine, of the success of his Royal Highnefe
the Archduke Charles, has caused much j iy in our
ifcourt. [One wonl i imagine that the mini'fters of
this poor deluded Emperor make him believe thai
his armies, by losing battles, are gsini?* vi&ories
over the Republicans. Should that be the cafe', we
confidently prom fe hir.i a continuance of-joy. R e
mark of the French Editor. J
If we give credit to a letter from Landlhrut, in
r, Bavaria, dated the Ift of July, there are a&ually in
Bavaria, and in the Upper Palatinate, upwards of
1200 emigrant priests.
Wc find by the letter, that particular notice was
taken of ono M. de la Galaifiire,a French Bilhop,
who had refidcd for several years past at Landfhut.
It appears that this prelate at different times ordei
ed all the French j*ieft»fecretly to buy up all kinds
of provision, which he intended to trai fpott ta the
army of the Piincv of Conde. This fliglu manoeu
vre having been difcoveied, the provifiom which yet
remained in (tore was confifcated, and the Bishop
. liimfelf was commanded by the government to de
. part from the city, withoat loss of time, which he ,
5 did instantly, but has since been arrcfted at Munich,
. being accused of other treasonable pra&Tces.
The' Prince of Cobourg is to put himfelf at tht j
head of an army of thirty thousand Ruffians, who ,
are to march towards the frontiers of Galiicia ; they
' are to be divided into two bodies, one of which is
' to cover tha ; province, and the ether to terminate
| the differences which always fubfjft between the
Prussian and Aullvian commissioners, rcfpe&ing the
debarkation of its limits. Although this news has
been handed to us as authentic, we venture to fay
it will not be confirmed.
* -
Translated for the Argus.
at Baden, 17 Meffidor
(July 6) 4th year of the French Republic.
The General in Chief, to the Executive Directory. ,
Citizen Dire&ors, „
IN my last report, I gave an account *®f my •
project for marching against and Frenden
At day break yesterday morning the troops be
gan to move ; that under the General Defaix to
aitaek all that it fin-is between the Rhine and the
mountains, and General St. Cyr to attack the "po
fitionsof Frend/nftadt.
This last affair was exceedingly brisk. The re
infyrcertient of the Auftrians had arrived j the arms '
of the troops, after the severe rains, were in a
frightful state, and could not be fired. General
La Roche, commanding this attack, ordered his
infantry to fix theit bayonets, and they carried the
works after a most vigorous on the part
of the enemy, whose loss, in killed and, wounded,
was very confid«rab!e. —We took about ioo pri
»> fattens, of whom feverai are cadets. Genera! Li
- Roche, whose bravery merits the greatest eulogies,
in was wounded in the haoil by a mufquet hall. The
f- firll brigade of light infautry, and the other troopi
in employed in this attack, conduced theoifelvei with ;
i- the grealcft bravery.
:d ■ The march of the lef' wing was attended by a j
-s continual combat, from Bulh to Olft. The ene* ,
o my, at this village in partirular, made the moflob
i- ilisate refinance: f"hcir position vvas excellent, its
left at Baden, its right at Olbach.—The left was
•finally forced by the mountains, the cb.irge beat at
the attack in front of the village of OKt, and we
h were rendered mallei of it. We took here a cap
iain and about 80 men. This attack was {banned
!e by General St. Suzanne and Adjutant-General De
ll ceau, under .the orders of General Defaix. Ge- ]
it neral Delmas has equally chafed a!i hp «ould find
e between (he Jihise and the Olbach.
r. The night and the great fatigue of the troops
f- forced jnc io poftponc the attack ofthe enemy's po- '
0 fiU9ns at Raftadt, Rupperh'im, and
I. untill the next day. The general officers and the
•- troops continue to give the greatelt proofs of ta
lents and courag'c. All the armies have distin
guished themfelvcs. I made on the field of battle
1 a lerjeant of a corporal of 17th half brigade of
- light infantry, who, himfeif made three prisoners. 1
e Gen. Farino, on the fame day canind the enemies
[) wotks at Bibrach, in the valley of Kintzig, Gen. '
, St, Cyp fapported this movement by cairflhg fora'e J
troops to marijh to Dppanau. . >
Salute and Refpeft,
(Signed) MOREAtX .
- (
JLONDQN, Jane 29.
The number of laws and decrees ena&ed in j
France, by the three firlt revolutionary afTcmblies, ,
amount to 24,00 c). Although they are nut alt in
forte, yet (he judges rnuil know them all. Iffo,
„ their memory miift be more rftenfive than even
• that of j Chinese Mandarin of the firll class. It
is a common faying, 1 hat the ipore fervatrts we
1 farefo the worse we ayeferred-~|f this truism ap
plies to the admintlUation of jufticc, it can be no
where worse that) in modern France.
' The French Minister at Genoa has just publithed 1
' a proclamau*on{addrefiid to tlie Frenchmen residing
in that Republic, and which begins thus, " Ttrc
l'.xccutivc Dire&ory has fixed the principles that
onjiht to be followed" rel/itive io Frenchmen ella
-1 blilhed in foreign countries.
N " France being a Republic, acknowledges as
Frcnch citizens those only who have accepted that
form 01 government, all the others will remain in
the liil of the piofcribed i'renchiiier. It is eflcutial
that France fbould be aflWed of the fidelity of its
citizens, who have only aiqoieatarily gone cut of 1
it* territory, end who are permitted to return. —
» Tlie tri-coloured cockjde is for the generality of
• French citizens, the figii of this fidelity. They
cannot dispense with wearing it in ariy place
wherever i hey are and "therefore ['declare
' 1 will not acknowledge as Frenchmen, any
• wtia shall not c.onftantly wear this cockade."
e 1 "Miwfiaiim ■■■
PUIL Ab E L Plkl A, Ssfitemier 28.
Ship American, Shalcrofs, T, ill and 25
Brig Lady Wafiiingtoo, Tremels, St. Thomas 1 7
Hannah, Keuney, 'St. Croix 14
Schr. Hetty, Mason, St. Tharaas 14
r f Sloop Sally, Busker, Cape Francois 20
1 Ship Union, Fraterna, J. Raga, Leghorn
® Brig Ruby, Mitchell, Marfcilles
Friendship, Davine, Bourdeaux
Schr. Lucy, Boftwick, Wilmington, n. c.
Minerva, Elkins, Alexandria
Ariel, Barren, Noifolk
j. Betsey, Bornet, do.
Betsey, Afhby, Washington
> Sbop Defiance, Kentec, Richmond
Harriott, MsvarOj New-York
Rebecca, Munro, Savannah
Nancy, Barker, 'Nantucket 1
" Patience, Willis, New-York
Sally, iotter, New-York
September 27.
" ARRIVED. Days.
' Schr. Nancy, Block, Richmond 8 ]
' Sloop Mary Ann, Wet more, St. Croix 23 1
Sloop Romeo, capt. Baker, 8 days from Charlcf.
! ton,
' Spoke the fchr. Nancy, of Noifolk, from Port
au-Ptinctr, who told him their capt. leaped over
: baard wittr the drafts. Capt. Baker grvc him a
' course to (leer f«i Charle3on, lat. 34, 7, long. r6.
' lit tie press, end tomorrow afternoon -will be pub
'■ li/hrd,
■, By Mathew Carey, 118, Market-llreet, f
A Diflertation on Slavery,
For the Gradual Abolition of it
In the State of Virginia.
Bj ST. Cr: O HOh T UCKER, • Profejfi>r cf Law in
the Uni-verjtty of William and Mary, and eue of 1
the yudges in tffe.General Court in Virginia. 1
" Slavery not only violates the Laws ef Nature and of
Civil Society, it atfo wounds the belt forms of govern*
" ment: in a Democracy, where all men are equal, slave
" ry is contrary to th» spirit of the conttirution."
, [ - VI
Sept. alf. 1 4 J
Dutch Goods,
Received by tie Pennfylvan'la, from Amjlerdam,
GIN, in pipes
Mcrlaix *\ ,
Ticklenburgs v In Bales
' Ofnaburgs j
Haerlcm } StrJ P"' in caf "
Katf } UUCK, in oitto
Bedticks, io ditto d
Bririaehes ) . fl
Platilles } 10 d,tto "
For Sale by THOMAS tp" JOHN KETL AND. si
Aug-*9 . 3 p
1 Loft this Morning,
Joseph in favor of, ?.nd J>y J hii
e Morton, for twenty two-hundred dollars, dated the 28th
s inft. payable at6o d iys light. All perfens are forwan «d
h again.l receiving the f.iid note, as payment i» flopped, and
it therefore can he ftf no life to any person hut the fubferi
ber, \s*Ho will thank th: finder for delivering it to hirti at
No. 116 South Front Street, or if required a realbcabi. re
& ward will be paid.
jolm Morion.
3 mo aßth, * *3t
-8 — i. _
1 This Day is Pubiiflied, -
e And to, be had of tlx BcohfeJlers, price one %th of t
dollar >
si An IntcrelUng r*mwh!ef, entitled
- Being observations on the late official address of George.
i W'afkiugto:), &c Sic.
£l • , ta the. People of th, l/fnted States.
8 sfptembef iS. —— —
Late tic property of ISAAC NEALE, printer*
deceased, und for fair by Ht.CRY Kammirep.,
jun. furvhing p,rtner, No. 24, North 'Third-
Jlreet, at 50 per cent, difsount from the retail pri
ces for cajh or approved notes at 30 and Go days.*
X. RURAL Economy; an effav on the praaical pant as
husbandry, Bvo. 299 pages 7s. 6d.
2. Travels of Cyrul, (a hind'orne edition) igrao 352 pa~ci,
7s. 6d.
C 3. Calvary; of the death of Christ, (an elegant edition on
fine paper) i2t«o. 340 pages-, 79-. 6s.
4. History of ihe Clergy, during the French revolution,
umi). 400 pago, 71. id.
5. Miscellanies, moral and inftruftive, in prose ind verlr,
urn 198 pages, 3% yd.
6. Select (lories, from the celebrated works of M. Bcrquin. '
nmo. 2'jß pages, 3s. gd.
7. Power of grace llluftratcd, ums. 142 pages, 3». #d.
n 8. Ladies literary companion, 18's, 152 pages, as.gij.
>, 9. Yorick's leiie-s 10 Eliza, iß'i, 't>» pages, is. <5d
n 10' Sportfraan's companion ;or an essay on fbjoting, iß's,
t 62 as. 9d
' 11. Jovial companion ;or a library of good humour, mirth
B and entertainment | bjing ach uc colleftioa of inodera
t foags, with an engraved fromifpTcce, 12.ui). >i 4,
e 2S - i *
u. Medley ; or Philadelphia songster, ttmd. tit pagci,
j». S H.
0 13- Feall of merriment; or new American jester. iam».
132 pages, as. gdfe.
1 : M- fho new America jester J Br migatrne of homr,
.1 f>no- 96 pig-i, 1?. todj.
S 55. Jovial fopgiter, 18's, nd.
f ifc- Dodfley's tables from (in German) with 150 euti,
t limo. 214 pages, 3s. , d.
Atjo, tj>! ftltrwuig Children*t BOOKS.
adorned with cuts.
I. The English Hermit; or the adventures of Philip Oaa 1 V
S 8 dollars per 100 in 111.ets.
t 2. Sinbad the sailor,
I, 3- New Year and Chnrtmos tales, 8 dollars do. do. *
, 4. Goody Two Shots, 5 dollars do. do. 3
5. Hill®ry of beasts, 4 do.
s 0. History of birds', 4 dollars do. do
f 1 7. The mountain piper, 3 dollars do. do.
- * fr ? m Philadelphia !0 Nev.-York, 3 dol. dd. d 6,
9. King Pippin, 3 dollars do do
,f 10 Jatky Idle and Dicky Diligent, 3 dollars do d>
y 11. New Year's gilt, « doliari do. do.
c '«• Louisa and her birds, 2 dollars do. do.
13. The b;td cage, « dollars d«. do.
14. Primers (sJew%q{lirrd) 3 dollar! db. do. -
)' H. Kar.,merer, jun. has gift, for J,ale,
A large vaiicty of METAL CUTS, handW'V
engia\ : ed, whidi he will dispose of »ery low for calb
Se l"- g8 - . ' §3,. '
Amphitheatre of Arts.
f MPRESSED With the mo.l lively gratitude foj- paA
/ X favours, Ml Rickets returns his most fi ß cre th^ka
4 to the people of Philadelphia, for the kind peonage ar.d
4 liberal encouragement they have hitherto fliewn him
5 fobcits their attention for the enfuin K season ' •
t J *"°PP°'r üßit r of informing the Ladic, and
Gentlemen of this City, that the Amphitheatre has tin*
" r § Bße / com P let « Plealmg alteration since the last
■ "" ongmal of his *«'n) to as to make it
X perfeaiy convenient for a numerous audience: and or- '
namcntcd, 11? the aloft superb style, with Scencry, DrelTe.
a and entirely new.
He allures the public, that no paink nor eitpenfe what
ever have been spared, to render it one of the most beau-
P lace ? o[ P ubllc amusement of the kind here, or hi
n any part of Europe.
d I 4 he P ub ' ic a " further informed, that the Amphitheatre
k 6f A , rts °P cn 0H th « evehing of the loth of
, 1796. Ihe particulars of the entertainments of that
evening will be announced in the different daily publica
tions. T R. p
k September it. * eo
k Eor Sale,
s A ™ re s or y BR.CIV HOUSE and Lot, in Otiefnut
<5 163r . • b «^; een I ? ront an<J Second Greets, in which
Mellrs. James Cajbraitl, & Co. have for many yeari (and
3 now do) carriea on bufmefs. 1
s PolTefEon will be given in one month, or sooner
F6r terms apply t« WILLIAM BEJ.L, or
April 11. '
For Sale,
'• ( ln an excellent situation for bufmefs,)
A three-story brick House and Lot of
Eighteen feet front and twenty-fivr feet in depth, on
the Smith fide of Market near Front-ftr*et, now mpoff.f.
fion of Samuel Read.
Apply to
Israel Pleafants, or
Charles & Joseph Pleafants.
, Sales of India Goods.
f Tte Cargo «f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingay, from Cal.
• cutta and Bengal,
r Consisting O?
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras
. AMQNfI WHirw ...
jine -worked and plain Muslins,
Doreas, tsV. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar y
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER
Ft>r Sale by
Willings & Francis,
' No- 21 Penn Street.
TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his
fcholan and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, to open a puhhc Aca
demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
flatter* himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
therto renders any promises of condufling his future
. schemes on the moil liberal and ftrifteft terms, of pro
priety, totally unrieceflary.