Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 26, 1796, Image 3

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, The very rational amufemeet of gamUing t may
here be enjoyed in all its delightful variety. Per
-3 have often the exquisite fatisfa&ion, after pass
i r two or t'nrf?r sleepless nights to find themselves
tbjlurthehed of fix, eight, ten, or twelve hundred
dollars, according to a man's purse or refutation.
The loofers at times taife the cry of cheats, fhar
pers, Sec. There are to be sure no laws even jn
the Common-wealth of Virginia that compel a mah
to risque his money in this way; but the law» of i
cuftera, and the inebriating charm* of play, bind, i
-fediice, and lead captive. I
Ypurs, See. I
Yesterday failed for France, Gen'. Pinckney, Mi.- '
)ii£W Plenipotentiary from the United State 3, to the ]
French Republic, in the room of Mi. Monroe, who
has been recalled.
Th-appointment of Gen. Pinckney to that import- <
ant tlation must afford (incere pleasure to all those who '
ar« acquainted with his patriotic virtues andeminent a
bilitits. While his dcrelidlion of a molt lucrative_prac- ,
ti:e in the profeffion of ihe law, evinces his patriotism 1
in facrificing pr.vatt a ivantagee and domestic ease to '
the public goo 1; the feledlion of luch a Jit character !
by the Prelident, manifefu his judicious, vigilant, and
unceafirig care of the public good.
' Ihe friends of American Independence, and of a
cordhl friendihip with f i anc e, may now congratulate* f
themfelve , that at the fame time that our minister will 1
exert his belt and fincerefl endeavors to tighten the J
bonds of friemifh p betwecnthe tworcpublics, onliberal
and honourable principles, having a ways manifefted a
lively inrercfl for the Fiench fevolutipn, and a warm (
attachment to the nation, he will never lose fight of /
those national principles Which have ever characterized i
him in his military and political career, and which
wiil never fufi'er him to be either the dupe of Foreign in
trigues, or the tool of domejlic faction.'
A Comnl?llCrnlriii"fcfrccmferrtnjj Degrees in the
College of N\-w-Jeif«y, is to be held at Princeton 1
next Wednesday. ,
— t
Mr. Chalmers has lately made his firft appear- 1
ance on the Bolton Theatre, in the part of Vapid, c
in the Draiflatift. In ihe Columbian Centinel it ia li
said to have been " tbe mod splendid display of f
Theatric talent ever witnessed by a Boston audito- a
TJ." It is generally allowed that #n Puff, Vapid, d
Goldfinch, and many other chara&ers in thii line,
* Chalmei sis without a rival. 3
~ . C
A few days'finre a small brig was launched at
Kensington, with all her malls, yards and spars (lan
ding, fails betat, Sec. Having a considerable distance
to run before (he (truck the water, the fpetlacle
was rendered very pleasing. The novelty of the
fight, attracted fcveral hundred fpe&ators.
— t
One day last week, as a gunner near the middle "
ferry, knocking the flint of his gun, laying
over a rail, it went off aud wounded a child who
was paffi >g the road, very dangerously 4 the charge
being duck (hot. - ..Jet •.—B—tM if
— f
A Frrtiih gentleman is in town, from New- [
Yoik, w oleft Si. Croix the 4th inft. He informs si
that he dined on b<v'd the Vengeance Cutter, be- g
longing to Cap't. Barney, the day beftrc he left a
the Island. The Captain of the Cutter informed n
him, that he failed from Cadiz bay, in company
with the French and Spanish fleets, on the fourth n
of August, and that he kept company with them i.i
two days. . f<
A letter from St. Croix of the 4th inft. menti- ' c
on» that the Vengeance Cutter had arrived there a
with a very valuable prize.
September 19, 1796. ci
THE Stockholders are informed that the Di- 11
vidend for the half year ending this day, is at the a
rate of nine per cent, per annum, (being one do! c
larand eighty cents on each share) and that the
fame will be paid to them.or their legal reprefenta'
tives on the 28th instant.
S. Hanfon of Sam. Cajhier.
. - P
The votes for Federal RepresentativeS', cast up, I
from all the towns we have been able to obtain ac
counts from—ftand thtis.
Abi 1 Foster 1657 C(
Jeremiah Smith 1635
William Gordon '283
4 Woodbury Langdon 549
Jonathan Freeman J2O tt
Thpmas Cogfwell • 464 f>
John Prentice 428 di
Nathaniel Peabody 37 1 tl
Nathaniel Rogers 336 S
Joseph Ciiley 236 at
John Bellows • 167
Peleg Sprague ill
Timothy Walker 103
James Sheafe 103 /
Edward S. Livermore' 74
Israel Evans, 67
Nicholas Qilman 27
James Hill" 25 (J
Oliver Peabody 22
Paine Wingate 18 ac
Thomas Thompson 10 ; n
Atthur Livetmore 9
Aaron Hutchinfon 7
Charles Walker ~ 7 th
William Plummer 5
' Nathaniel Gilman 3
~ of
SALEM, (Mad".) Sept. 20. ' v\
We are happy to fee the prefr,,, the sermon mi
of the reverend E. Hubbard, of Marblehead, upon
the death of colonel Ome. We know how falfe F<
f'.irlerarpanegyrips commonly are. But the modelly
cf our pteachcr could not be file # :t the praise ol uii
who wa» aa honour tv.iiuman nature. His ya
we alfr I n that that
Tur chS" l and - vve prefcre for
sln r A'ft' 1 "?' 3nd tcftilnony
We tha.i read it ro
our chiMren, when we inftruft them to be g oo d
- men. To urge their v.rtues, wo fnall tell them to
- be a, good as colonel Orne, as diligent, a, public
i fp-nted, and a, fincerp a friend t 0 th'r country.
h By a letter from Newbury-Port, from the health
f commute, on Saturday Utf, we are .ffured, that'
,»» P nf ™ was then sick of a malignant fever, and
health. Wn W3B 0 7 knOW " to be in g r « ICI
» '■—mi ,
gazette of THE UK,TED states marine list.
p H I L A D I L P nI A, SepavMr s6.
q, . ~ , • CLEARED.
. Ship Mancheder, Shewell,
■ B,ig M Fa ; r , AmC ;' Ca "' Richards, Je rem ,e
Malabar, Renyon Hifpaniola
Governor Brook Ehrenfcrom, N. Orleans
> Schoo ««Mary Foulke, Aux-Cayes
1 hree Sifters, M'Known* Beaufort
- w Arrived at tbe fort.
» Ship Nancy Dill Montego-Bay
, Schooner Snfannah, Carson, Rarbido/.
- Sloop Robert, Hefs,
. Newbedford, September 8.
I • Arrived fh,p Hudson, M. Gardner, 76 days !
j from Dunkirk—Left there, (hip Indullry, G.
, Lawrence of ip Eliza, Phippsof New- i
j \ ork—and the fohonnerjeremiah, Stevens, of Mar.
1 n d T Ju ' y Zd ' ,he En « lifll eh»"noe!, spoke '
, (hip Bristol, of New-York, bound from thenee to :
: Amflerdam July 27th, in lat. <u, long. 30, fell '
I m 4 French frrgates, one of which boarded i
I the Hudlon, and after examining her papers permit' '
!cd her to proceed on her voyage.
1 Tr • . Salem, Sept. 20.
: Yesterday armed the Ketch Ehia, Capt. Phil
-1 hps, in 1:6 days fr®m Calcutta.
June ift, was spoke tbe briut. Equality, of Bal
timore, capt. Pick, from the Isle of Franoe, bound
home, out 23 days, all well. Was afterwards in
, company close off the Cape of Good Hope, m a
I heavy gale of wind from the westward which laded
for seven days, (hip laying to all that time, was not
able to fpe.k her after the gale, flie being a lone
dittance to the Eaflvvard.
lal ' 5> 3°- S. long. 90, 15, E. spoke
3 kHghfli homeward bound Indiamen which left
Calcutta River March 19.
Bo.ston, September 20.
From India—the latest.
By *n arrival yesterday at Salem, in 1 [5 days
from Calcutta, papers were received to the 14th of
May. In the following note, which accompanied
the papers when forwarded to us, is a good lum
inary of their contents.
Messrs. Young & Minns,
1 herewith fend you several Calcutta papers, this
day received by the Keteh Eliza in 115 days pas- "
faac. You will find in them, the conditions ofhSc
surrender of Colnmbo, in the Island of Ceylon,
[which however exhibits nothing,interefting to A
mericans ;J An account of a fleet'having failed a
gain ft the Spice islands ; and information, that yith -
a little coerfion, the difputej between the eompa .
ny's troops had b.eeri put an end to.
To shew the great improvemeots made in the
navigation of our may not be amiss to
inform the public, That the Krtsh Eliza hasVr
formed two fuccellive to Calcutta, in
less time than has heretofore been thought
and bo v h thefc voyages eniively against the Monsoon
hr.ring to beat imo the bay of Bengal, and out fit
like manner, the season changing while she lay in
Port She hard also to pass tlfr Cupe of Good Hope
each voyage, on her return in tbe middle of win
ter. Thg fiift voyage was effedled in g months '
and i4days—r-the la ft, in 9 months and 6 days, in
cluding a ftoppageat thejfland of Bourbon I
Calcutta, May 14, 1796. I
The Kensington, an American (hip, arrived from 1
Madras on Wednesday.
The Insurance is now To high in Calcutta, tho'
perhaps not more than adequate to the different I
risks, that it must be avety profitable, which i <
can afford to pay it.
Madras, April 2. ' I
On Thursday evCSog arrived and anchored in •
thv roads, the American Ih'ip, John of Boston, capt. 1 '
Folger : She left the Dojvns, the 19th of Ofto- j ■
ber, and the island of Madeira, the loth of De- I
cember. f
Boston, September 21.
Far tie CentiNel. '
The public have before been informed of the cap
ture of the brig Friendship, captain Smith, from j
Aux Cayea, for The following is'the '
decree of the vice admibf.-y court at Halifax ; and.
though apparently fair, is pronounced by captain
Smith, to contain as much vice as coald iflue ftopi .
aoy vice court in Bermuda. <
-*><»■ i
WE Richard Bulkeley, Esq. Judge and
(L. S.) commiffaryof his roajeity's coui>t of vice- „
admiralty, for the province of Nova Seo
tia aforefaid, and the maritime parts thereof, . a
Having maturely considered vhe merits of a cer.
tain exhibited to risit «ourt- by Sampson Sal
ter Blowers, Esq. his majefly'sattorney gentral and
advocate in the laid court, who prosecutes for' apd
in behalf as well as of his majefly, as the honour
able Alexander Forester Cochran, captain and com q
mander of his majefly's ship of war Thetis, -and £
the other officers and crew of the said (fcip.and Hen- Q
ry Wemyfs, Esq. captain and commander of his
majesty's fliip of war Pievoyante, and the other .
■officers and crews cf the-faid fliips, refpeftively :—
Wherein the said attorney-general, among other
matters, alledges and sets forth :—
the said Henry Wemyfs and Alexander
Foreiler Cochran, being cruiling in concert and to
uciher, in and wrth his majfliy's said (hips of wfr> C
under their refpedive c ommands a« aforefaid, being t(
; v art of the under the #f'vice- c
it | admiral Murray, on the fourteenth das of July lafl,
>' i on the h'r(h fe;s, sboutjhree leagues to the eaft
y j war.d of Cape Henry, on the coast of North-Ame
° j ilea, they fell in with and seized as prize, a certain
» j lirigantwc called the Fricndfhip, of the burthen of
0 one hundred End fifty-five tons, under the cum
c raand of one Thomas Smith, and being loaded
with a cargo on board, confiding of fugais, coffee,
h cotton, molaffts and other merchandizes, and hav
t ing sent the fimi briganlini and cargo into the
d harbour of Halifax aforeTaid, for adjudication.—
r And further Rating, that thefaid brigantine Friend
ship, and all and lingular the goods and merchan
dize, her cargo on board at the time of herfeizure
afortfaid, belonged to France, or to some. perftn
or persons being fubjetts of France, or inhabiting
with?# some of the territories of France. Andall
the papers and writings fount' on board said (hip, at
th'c time of capture, having been read and confiiier
td» trjgtthcr \YHh the claims filed in this cause, and
S taken in preparatory, under the
e Handing interrogatories, and-every othir nutter
3 and thing requifitc and neceffaiy for a (air and im
partial hearing and tiial of the [Sremifes, having du
ly attended to, We do pronounce this our delini
tive lenience and decree thereon, as follows: —
We do order; adjudge and decree, ail and fingu
' jar, that part of tlx cargo on board.said brigantine
( 'h'pped by Edward Hall,and Denton, or eitliCr of
them, as also the goods Hated to be the property of
» s eter Borton, to be lawful prize to his mijetty ;
, f nd we do hereby condemn the lame as such accord
ingly: and we do further adjudge and decree, That
; all and lingular, that part of the cargo, t-leimed in
behaifor Petti'ngill and Smith, together with that
. that part of the cargo claimed by Thomas Smith,
) as his private adventure, and also thi private ad- ,
1 venture of the maie; and one ol the other crew' 6
| fdveutuie, and also that part of the cargo claimed. .
in behalf of Seth Sanger, together with the said -
brrgant-ne Frienddtip, her boats, (lores, tackle, ap- !
parel, and furniture, to be restored, and delivered
up to the claimants, such cults in the
premises, as may be taxed and allowed by this court. I
And we do order and decree, That all and Angular
j the remainder of the catgo on board, be unloaded,
from the said brigantine, and depofitcd in fdme
1 fafe and convenient warehouse, under the joint cuf
| tody of the marljiall of' this court, or hit deputy,
' and the colledor a»d comptroller of his rmjelty's
cuftoirw, and under the infpe&ion of the agent for
I the captors and claimants, fobjefl to ourfurthet or
der and decree thcrron, or further proof of the
■ property be produced, either on the part of the
1 captors or claimants, or otherwise as the court may
decrtr right and jufton the pretnifes.
Given urulet otir hand, and the seal of the said
court at Halifax, t.hc 20th day of August, 1796,
t and in the 36th year of his Majesty's reign. '
C. Morris, jun. D. Regilier.
A true copy.
Ou the above truly formal, and as it would ap
pear from the caption, sacred St ate-Paper {which
1 the aboriginals of our country very pointedly call
Potu-Mam) the following obfervat'ons may be
made; — - h»l that part of the cargo shipped by
, Hall and Denton, was 'bona fide the property of
Stewart and Son, of Baltimore; and the' follow
ing extrsds from intercepted letters of Capt. Co
chra" to hi agents Foreman and Gfafftf, wififhew
ou v. hat groitrids it has been condemned
" On board htsMajelly's (hip Thetis, at sea,
Augufl 6, 1796.
" On tne 14:11 of lall month, being in company
with his M:jetty, s (hip Prevoyante, we detained and
(ent into Halifax, the brig Friendship, of Newbu
; ryport, from Aux-Cayes, bound to Baltimore.
, laden with fug-tr, coffee, &c. &c. all of ivhiifh it.
1 on freight, and the greatefl part said to belong to
Stewart and Soris, of Baltimore, who from being
Biitijh fuhjt'dfg and trading, with the enemies of
Grew-Bi i.ain, make their property liable to confif
1 cation; this do£bine has bees cbnfirmed by the
Lords of Appeal, in the cafe of the schooner Ro
bert, cordemned at Bermuda, taken on her passage
from Guadaloupe, and belonging to Messrs. Pat
terfons, of Baltimore.
" I fufpedi that the remainder of the cargo is
1 French property, covered or belonging to Briiilh
ftiljjefls resident at Aux payes, which would e
qu'aliy make it attachable.
" The besrer will jjive you every particular in
formation,which should be lodg«d in the Court of
1 Admiralty, and a copy of that or any other you 1
1 may procure, you wiii oblige me by forwarding to
Capt. Cochran thendfcfers to certificates and in
formations enclosed in his letters, which art necef
fary to be communicated to the pcrfons concerned
■only, and concludes—
" I beg you will communicate this, and the en
closed to Messrs, * Blowers and Uniache. I hope
foan to fend you some cettifieates of confequcnce,
and am, &c.
I Extracl from the information.
; Den ton and Hall, of Aux Cayes, the former ' ,
English ; Stewart and of Baltimore, are
" The certificates to be produced in evidence,
and the bearer to be mojl pointedly interrogated."
* One iiAttorney-General, the other Solicitor-Ge
Mr. Sanger, of Baltimore, who ha ded us the
above, had ou board the Friendship a confidcrable
quantity of coffee proceeds of a copper bottom
schooner and cargo fold at Aux-Cayes. His pro
perty would have been condemned, he supposed,
had he not arrived at Halifax, vety opportunely,
on the day of trial ; the informers have given Capt.
Coc.'.ran a falfe ttatement, on which the Solicitor-
General did not fail to vociferate in a declamation I
of two hours and an half. Mr. Sanger is a native
of Bollon, and committed n» other misdemeanor, 1
than to have parted with his schooner ior a price J
with which he was pleased. t
■ i
PARIS, 19 Mefiidor (Ju)y 7.)
By letters from Stralbourgh, we arc affured,tha l
General' Wurmfer, has ordered the aimy of Condei
to marcto into Auth'ian Brifgau, because he per
ceives the desperate condition of the emigrants/'
r y\
fl, who have nothing but death t» Lope far from our
ft- troops, and lie Jhioki they but artimate »h<-m. The
e fame letter (peaks of the army of Conde being 6f«
in teen or (ixteeu thousand itrong, but we hive never
of thought them'more than eight or nine thoufsnd.
n- Lejteri from the North, are filled with the ex«
-d trenic tuibairaffinent of the Au hduke Ciktli-j. be
e, injr obliged to abandon us part of his polfefilan*
v- near DulTeldorf, to return to the Upper Rhine,
le fearing to fee Jourdan repafs again that river, while
— he has bee:t obliged to detach a part of his army
to Hop t)ie progress of Moreau, all the plant of th*
Li- Auflrian generals are deranged.
r e July 14.
11 E\tra& of a letter frorh " HildcfTeun (GerminyJ
g dated joih Jonr.
d " Fifteen thoilfa'd the combined army*
U for. the defence of the line <.£ neutrality, ate arriv.
r- ed 011 the Kordcrs of the Wrfer, whtre they 'tave
d already had an-uppoituniiy to prove 1 heir ufcful
e nefs^
:r ""A fee corps of 500 men in British pay, and
1 recruited at Pyrmont, wanted to pass the Wefer ;
l- but the President of the Congrefsof this place has
i given notice to the tommandant of the corps that
htf could not, reminding him of the articles of
i- neutrality. The commandant despising tIA advice
e of the President, bcgen during- the night, to cm
if b-t k Ir.s troops ; before the embarkation was com
if plete, a detachment of 5,000 men a-refted the
; whole of the o»rpB and difnrmed them, after which
they conduced them.out of the terri.ory by th#
t order of. tli* Cong'refi."
;• 1 ■ " ■■ • ——
S ID a S.
Six per Cent. - * .... .
s Three per Cent 10/ -; ) !nt
!' 4 P ef Cent 14/ ("off.
i J* per Cent. - - - ,Z- \
Deferred Si* per Cent. .... jy6
BANK United States, - - . . i 9 to2oprct.
Punnfylvariia, ... .x 6 to' 27
e Nprth \meiica, ... _ 4J t o 46
. Insurance Comp. North-America 37 1-2 per ccnt. adv.
r *~~~ Pcnnfylvania, par to 2 per cent. ady.
On London, at 30 days, per £>*00 fterlJ par.
' at 60 days, par to 161 1-4
' " ~ at 90 days, 161 a 162 1-2
3 AmJterdani, 6p days, per guilder, 42
r : 9° days, 40
- : — -Mm 1 in n
C ~ 7~ " r— —
e This Day is Published,
y By William Cobhelt, oppofi'e Chriit Church,
The Pditical Censor,
1 For September, 1796.
I, Sept. 26.
Narth-Card\na-—HWJhorough Dijlrtd.
COURT OF EQUITY, April term, 1796.
John Wtllcox's heirs at law,
> Versus
Archibald Machine, James Morris, and others.
) '
fN this cause the death of James Morris being fu»,refted.
I as al<o the drathi of Phcebe Morii» and Martha Mifih.
y other defendants—leave is given to file a bill ol reviv -r
) But it is ordered, that the con.plainanti firli give fecuritv lor
the cofl<. On the complainant's eiving fccuritv tor the c«l| 4 ,
' d mg the bi'fjV revivrtr, it is ordered, that pubiica
■ tion be made in Femio'i Philadelphia Ga ette for the f ( Mce
v jf one week, and alls that pub icaiion be made in Hqclge't
S'erih Carotin* Jouinal, foi the space of two weeks, that
urilefs the defendants put in their anl weri on or before the
' third day of the ensuing term, to wi-, Oflober term. a.o.
1796, that then the said bill will be taken, pro conkho
) the defendants so failing, and a deciee made a- cord
"4i- I
1 certify, that the complainants have given security for
thecofyi agiccjbly to tho ab»ve : and I also certify the above
0 be a ttuccopy oi the minutes.
• W. WALTERS, Clri-k,
j Sept. iG- and fr.aftcr in said court*
r Valuable Real Eflate,
For fate at Außion by 'Cafptr Thirl!, of Hair.bwg,
c late the property of James and William Kinnrur
For sale by public auction,on the 9th day of November
. next ensuing, at the lign'of Geh. Washington, Wood's
tavern, borough of Reading, Berks county,the-follew
ing real eflate, vi*.
No j A TRACT ofland containing 465 acres with
s XX allowance for roads, cailed the Purchase
ftuated in Brunfwick townfh p, .county, patented'
Bth o Jan 1788. This tradi, oTwhich.auout 25 acres*
are cleared, is of good foil, situated on the Tomaijua, or
Tittle Schuylkill, well watepd and timbered, on which is
creeled a good log dwellingliouf. and liable.
f No. 2. A trail of unimproved I;nd, containing 284 a
u cres, with allowance, &c. called Hopewell, patented 28th
Oflober, 1790, situated iu Brunfwick -townfltip, Berks
conKty, loil good.
No. 3 A trad of unimproved land, containing 376 a.
1- cres with allowance, &c. c-iljed Hillfburg, patented 28th
OtJlober 1790, situation, &c. as No, 2.
J No, 4. A trail «f unimproved land, containing 388 a
crcs, with allowance, &c. patented 28th of Oiftober, 1 -g6
situation, &c. as No. 2 and ' 1
No. «. A tratA of land, containing 268 and 57
e perches, with allowance, &c situated in Brunfwick town
:, ihip, Berks county, on 1 ornagua, or little Schuylkill, 5
miles above the town »f Hamburg, on which it ere&ed a
well finilhed two (lory fquaredlog dwelling huufe, 22
1 feet by 35, within the distance of 100 pcrcheslrom a io'rre,
r with the advantage of a feri y and public houfc; thefc ad-'-
e vantagns randcr this trad very valuable.
No 16. A town lot in Hamburg, cnclofed with « post
and rail, or board fence, containi g in front, 60 teet, and
1 in depth 18s feet, fubjedt to a ground rent of 7/6 per an
No 17. A town lot in Hamburg, enclosed asno *&,to
which it adjoins, being of tile fame dimensions, andfuhlcA
to the fame ground rent, on which is ere&ed a loe liable
16 by i 2 feet 6 '
: No. 18 A town lot in H .mburg, adjoining to No 17,
1 ' a corner los, fronting on Main and Schuylkill ftrcets di
. menfions the (amc as No. j6 and tj7, above defcrib-d iub
jetft to Icfo per annum ground rent. On this lot Is cr
eAed a large 2 story dwelling house, 45 feet fr nt on Main
• street, by 34 feet in depth on .Schuylkill street, pleafantiy
• asd advantagcoufly situated for a (lore.
N. B. The above defenbed three town lots will be fold
1 separately or together, as may best lu.t the purch ,ferj.
„ Conditions ol sale—One third of the purchafs money
to be paid to the lubfcribers, or either of them m Philadel
' phia, at or bef ire the expiration of one month from the
c djy of sale, when a deed of conveyance will be executed ;
the refiduepayr ble in equal payments, at 6 and 12 mocthi
with interell.fhe payment whereof to be lecured by niort*
gage on the premifei.
I J t?Z S H^ d : rjun ',r 1 A/Bgneest.-
/ Frederick Muntmollm, (the ellats of
» Thorn,is Rogers, fJ'mesicWm.
Joseph D. Ut inker, J Kinnj»r.
September 36. m t h,