.•' / / of the tEtutctjfbtatts, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. E * A"" ■\ t umbex ia«3-3 . MONDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1796. _ X, For Sale, ( The SLOOP industry, For Burthen about 700 bbls. a good vef- 1 fel, and will be ready to take in a car- g e j ■j in two or three days. Also, FOR. SALE, A few hMs. ANTIGUA RUM, received by if id oop, and now landing *' Norton's wharf. Apply to Rec, | ' 'fptOMAS GREEVES, Seyt. »4- Walnut-street. aO Tr t or Charter, idi Jpk. The Ship Dominick Terry, JDj J*M» De Hart, niafter: an excellent iDi «3J£iSAiS£S£Jvefrel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. Fot Jefe & Robert Wain. September it. l!_ 1 " For NEW-YORK, Tbc Sh 'f LIGHT HOItSE, XT' V 3 few days, and will take freight i- A very low. Apply to, jqs£PH ANTHONY, & Co. hew September 40. For Sale, Freight or Charter, sa The Ship General Walhington, So Now discharging her cargo from i-ivcr- Ba uool at Rod's Wharf—Site is a iaft fail- L< > n g Ihipi 3n d may be sent to sea at a small jj, CXpence, having been docked and refitted in Liverpool. D Apply to Si Kearny Wharton. x I Who has for sale on board said (hip, U A few thousand Bushels Salt and Coal. j' r Sept. rg- <6 — j-~ ' For Charter, The Danifo Barque Besevsntura, Samuel Stub, mister, !' jSs3Sui£i£sssA good vessel, of about two hundred JL tons burthen. JF.SSE & ROBERT WALN. 11 I~— — C FOR LONDON, The capital (hip CERES, ! fail foonFor freight or passage pply t0 DAVY, ROBERTS Sc Co. or John Vaughan, 1 September I®. Front-Erect. . ; FOR SALE, wee The ftiip STAR, "j VjlcSh&frJ John Vannxman, Master, T YING at Walnut-street wharf, PhiUdel- I ' phia built, of live oak and cedar, will srrv about 3100 barrels, i. two years old, and in corn pleat order to receive a cargo—For terms apply to ' THOS.& JOHN KETLANIV j, tykp-hh"*- said veittlt cargo—rrmfiftißg-Of.— _ Wine and Porter bottle*, Window G!afs, 6 by 8 to 16 by IS. Pipes in boxes Eprthea-Ware in crate-. "» Grindftoncs, Coals, Whiting, &e. Aug. 29 — New-England Rum, In hogfhesds, Welfo's best Boston Chocolate, And HYSON-SKIN TEA, in quarter chests, FOR SALE, £T A. MARPLE tfISR. W.MORRIS, No. 60. Dock-street. _ Sept. X - co6t ~ . John Whitefides & Go. Have for SaU, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, White Leid, ground in oil; t ] Shot, No. I, », 3• 4, 5- !) London Porter, in caflcs and bottles. ( - Green Copperas. L : Several ernes of Queens Ware, in setts, with delert ditto c«mpleat. e Blistered Steely- —- German ditto. , , Sept- »I. dlw „ r .....' — ■ ) Waftiington Lottery. The Twenty-second & I'wenty-third Days' Drawing of the Walhington Lottery, No. 3, are received at the office No. 134, Msrket-ftreet, whfre tickets miay be examined. N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other lotteries may be procured. Sep member 13. 1796. dt Washington Lottery, No. 2. THE twenty-second and twenty-third days drawing are arrived at th« office No. 147. Chefnut-ftreet, between Fourth and Fifth ftr-ets, where they will con tinue reguhrly to arrive, during the term of the drawing. This is mentioned to the public, t« preclude the neceiiity of advertifnig daily, as usual, being attended with great "cTunl and other I.ottery Tickets may be had at the above office, where all tranfa&ions in the line of a Bro ker are promptly attended to. Thomas Noble. d \ Sept. 13. Thomas Ryerion HAS ]uft reteiveij, by the ffiips Molly and Hamburgh Packet from I.iverpool, ard tne L.Mit norse from Bristol, and is now opening for fat", at his store No. 177, Market-street, an cxtenfive aflortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. The &ip Caroline, now on htr pafiage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor- m N n B At the above store may be Kad a few elegant Mahogany Cr.fes for Table Furniture; alio, a good af for.ment of the best kinds of Kmves ana Fonts. Sept. 13- — Wants a Place, AS A WET NUR&E, A healthy YOUNG WOMAN, with a Freft Breast rf Milk. Apply at tUe Office No 134, Marktt-^reet. Sept; 23. nankeens, Of the firfi quality, FOR SALE BT, ' R.D. and J AS. POTTER. A t h r For ariy quantity above Five Thouland Piec-s, a !i ---beral credit will be given. R. & J. p. September 13. T. tf Eigh't 1 — — . , the Sour r French Goods. * Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, * -— -'l Cafe"' * 4^es * SHOES of all colors forts and fucs Sept. 1 Ditto v7hite and colored Silk STOCKINGS 1 Ditto Fine LAV.'N I Ditto best fine CAMBRIC A it I Ditto Ladies'beft shammy and Grenoble Gloves For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. Melfrs. Aug. »4 S r - on- "° . ° 1 PofTei ' Wm. HOLDERN ESSE, No. 7 <5 High Street, j * pnl HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and j the East Indies, a well felefted aflortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberclafftery Goods; >vhkh 1 he will lell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; —' AMONGST WHICH ARE, able. , — Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and fflver Aug Superfine Book, Jaconct, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffeties,luuftringsan<i p.., r- Bandano Handkerchiefs ( , Long and Ihort Nankeens Engiifh Mantuas of the firft quality rp Damask table linen and napkins, very fine q Silk Hosiery, an elegant afforttnent q Thead arW cotton do Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cleth t French cambrics, very fine Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § jj 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, r Of the left quality and on rtafonable ttrms, For LA * > rOR SALE BY AUg Philip Nicklin Iff Co. re( j -Aupuft 16. dtf_ The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, rhe c CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubfciibers wharf— \ 18 Pipes of Brandy '/l 18 Bales of Spanilh wool ■.„ e 3 do. of Anaifeed v 7000 Buihels of best Lisbon Salt or io Boxes of Lemons For sale by . * WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, J - Seventy Hogfhcads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, by the fbip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Ilart, from Kingston. Sept. 13. , d j u . » CABLES, J 0 a _ From 16 tof £ inchee, for sale by "Jeremiah Warder, Jttly jr § No ri north Third-street. F&R SALE, j WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, I in pipes and hogfhea Is ' _£ s Claret, genuine old, in cases j § Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Basket Salt, inhogfheads I a Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 ta Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead iX , Steel, German and Riiflia, in barrels bein Anchors, cables, junk, hunting, tarpolin canvas, .of t Tin plates—An invoice Stationarv. by ■ into THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. ' cor f A, July $ pro ' ■■■— to a Lottery and Brokers Office, Nt>. 64, Smith Skccnd stxket. •""PICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for fait— l X Check Book for examinatiou —and prizes paid in the late lottery. .„ . Check Books kept for examination and regiftermg, for the City of Wafliington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, Jy hoth of which are liow drawing—information where £ tickets are to be had, and pr.i;s exchanged lor undrawn 0 f , . ; .Jckets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- anc , ic ' en Port Lpug-Wharf, Hotel and Public-School Lottery, lor poll examination. , ® ,lc The fubferiber foHcits the application of the public kep and his friends, who wish to pnrchafe or fell Bank Stock, out " Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, ties &c. or to obtain money on depolit of property. in of Wm. Blackburn. ■ office Philadelphia, Augu/! 18, 1796- mth ts For bale, jf The Tipie of a Negro Man, "Who is a good Cook. Enquiie at No. 109, South Water-Street. . ■awing fc'on-' FOR SALE, iwing. A Complete Font of brevier, :ceffi;y fT'N't-rely new , and yet unopened. The weight of this 1 great XL font is about 3li">- is from the of Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and will be fold atcoit & charges, at the Also for Sale, a pjir of Super Royal Chafes. Fo a bro- Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Lnitde Statse, H9 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug. 19 §4W (g m , „——— Diflfolutiori of ° Partncrfhip between ROBERT c , I D AVID MEREDITH, undei the fi r m of AN DREWS „( lburgh and MEREDITH, being d.ffolved. All pcifon. who are c , s from indebted to, or who have claims agamft ibe said houfe,.are re No. requested toapply forfe«le^ ft No. 86, So. Whaivet. ' are Sect.6.l UL tl WANTED, « rerpooi Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well recom- ; ,mP ° r * mended, to take charge of the entire management of 1 . /hiUrer— Such a person will jneet with suitable encou- 1 ITS- '-ar of a place, by applying to the f , printer ot tlvis Gazette. mwf ' Sept. 14- - < To be disposed of, THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who 1 1 has between four ami five years to ferye: She can be recommended for her lobricty and honcfly. For particulars enquire at No. 1.32., CliefiiUt-fti:Mt r d 3 Augusta. - - For Sale, (In an excellent Ctuation for buftnefi,) A three-Hory brick House and Lot of p )h)e Ground, Georgia Eighteen ftet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on Carolina the South fidi of Market near Front-ftrtet, nbvv inpoflef- Sherry ? fion of Samuel Read. Ravens 1 Apply to ludioSa Israel Pleafants, or sewing : Charles & Joseph Pleafants. j .s >P t. Sept. 13. dtf j "" For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnnt I 13s , street, between Front and Second streets, in which j 100 ( MelTrs. James Calbjaith & Co. have for many yean £and ! ?oo ] now do) carried on business. j ] — PoifeHion will be given in one month, or sooner. j ■ For terms appl} to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. j aprll n. § J an " ; A Book-Keeper, z \ x Clerk's place is wanted by a permit properly quali- J Vv fitd, and whose charatSer will be found unexception- 1 HC able. Apply to tie Printer. - Aug - 11 —— Lot Dutch Goods, n b 108 Received by the Pennsylvania, from Aaflerdam. I [[_ GIN, in pipci J Morlaix* J By Ticklenburgs > , In Bales Ofnaburgs J S, } Stripes, in cafe, J Hollands \ DUCK, in ditto jT n , Ravens 3 i x u i t Bedticks, in ditto S itl >Ut[o , 1 Tl« re Platilles 5 1 amo! For Sale by THOMAS W JOHN KETLAND. be „ Aug 19 1 linii Sales of India Goods, J _!!!! ~ The C»rgo of the ftiip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal-j G. catta and Bengal, Lif- CONSISTING OF I A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras I > , . COT TON and SILK GOODS. , J AMONG WHICH AiE I Al A variety fine worked and plain Mit/lins, i Doreas, ts'c. Also, • A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, g • In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEFPERi nq For Sale by Willings & Francis, Au No. II Penn Street. j —- June 8 5 1 — g JUST A RRIVE D y from Lisbon, And ffcr Salt by the Subscribers, j « Lisbon Wine, r. :t. j In pipes' and quarter-calks; I / ddi 1 riXio iiufheJs Lilbon Salt. I" ri I " 7effe & Robert Wain. old, I J M If By 1 | Sept. 10. fl v- j 7 iAt a special meeting of the Board of Di- . c \ rear-1 for ejlablijhing uses d Manufactures, holden __ c j at Paierfon, 'July 8, 1 • j II RESOI.VED, That a special meeting of. the Stock- 1 holders of the Society be called on the firit Monday, A being thi third ay of OAober next, at Paterfcfti, by ten - nvas, of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take I into coufideration the propriety of dissolving the said Fine D. '• corporation, agreeably to the law in such cafe snade and $ provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly rcquefted 1 Plai .— to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy. Cori ■. Augufl 47 dtjothO I Ditt 1 Mui dc—a DUTY ON CARRIAGES. I A p fi lid in g, for Notice is hereby Given, teries, •-r-'HAT agreeably to an aft of Congreft of the United s where I's t at e t of America, paired at Philadelphia, the 28th day drawn G f , 7 q6 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey- j New- ance'of perloos, and repealing the former acts tor that pur- j y, for pose.—That there (hall be levied, dSlkfted and paid, up° n j— -- all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which lhall be j \f< public kept by or for any person, sot his or h*r own use, or to let Stock, out to hire, or for the conveying of palfengers, the feveraldu. . Lands, tics and rates following, to « n For and upoß every Coach, 1 j dols. j «rai upon cvCTy Chariot, 1 a doU. j we: n. upon every Post Chariot, 12 dols,* j hoi mth " upon er<ry Poll Ciiaife, 1 a dais. I yar uport every Phaeton, with or without top, g dols I qu: upon every Coachee, 9 dols. | cha upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, I p r : with binds, glalfesor curtains, 9 dols. j or c upon four wheel carriages, having framed post. and j * topi with fteelfpiings, 6 dols. upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron _ ' fp»ings or jacks, 3 dob. upon curriclcs with tops, 3 dols.- upon cliaifes w.th tops, 3 doll. I I n upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. . dron sulkies with tops, 3 dols. ° r upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. I lery of u (wr) wheel carriages, with (Icel or iron fprmgs, j har S"' 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel carnages, • dols. Unitde up,>n everyfour wheel carnage, havingfiamed posts 1 J4W 2nd tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 1 dols. 1 The Coiuaors of the Revenue of the firft hirvey of the K DiftriaofPeunfyWania, will attend daily, until the 30th day of September next, for the purpose of .he du .«. on p WS and r. rr ia?cs. atNo. 1 i?*in Race or SafTafraa street, in the City Ici )REWS 0 f Philadelphia, at tlie house of Daniel in t e I who are c ounlvo f Montgomery; ai.d at the house of Abraham Du- I >ufe,.are , ijis £(■,, i n t he Coixity of Bucks; of which all perfobspof- I felled of f«ch Carriages are desired to take notice. t s v '„ , ' Notice is also given, it 'd 'tf TO .11 retail Iraler. in Wines, and foreign distilled spiri tuous liquors, that licence, will be granted to tbemt<>ne li f, ccnce for carrying on the business of retailing of W wes, in 4 1 d fefs auantiiy, or in lefi quantities thi;i 30 gallons—and one recom- . (<jf ca , r% , 1)? on the buOnels M letailtng Spirituous li ™ent of auors in less quantities than «o gallons, at the fame time and e encou- J. , he f amc 'pi a ces, by the officers legally authorued to grant I , gto the (ucl, licences. WILLIAM NICHOLS, I mwf - lnfpeftor of the Revenue of the firft survey J — < of thediftriaof Pennfjlvama. | | office of Ipfpeaion,at ? N,. who Philadelphia, 2.lft July, 1796. 5 j nV v' e ~ w J ,v -T E 7 " - 0r La A" APPRENTICE to the Prirting Bufinef:. | feltf *P Ennjuire.at this Office. Au 2- 9 • •: FOR SALE, By N. and y. FRAZIER, No. 95, S. Front-street, Prkne Boston Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice and Indigo. Sherry ?nd Teneriife Wines, ef excellent tjualiiy. Ravens Duck. I Indio iia idanno's. | Sewing Silks, various colours. | Coftahs and Gurrahs. &«Dt. I 7. «***• I _ . ———- For sale by the fubkrihers, IK P£hN-STREET, J quarter Chests frelh Hyson Tea; ISO ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing fmau tea setts of 4» pieces; 4©o pieces Bandanoes. Wiilings Iff Francis. I January 30 FOR SALE. . I PORT'WjNE, and . 1 HOLLAND-GIN,of the firft qualities ra Pipes. FRAUNCES and VAN RUED, Brokers and Commission Merchants, No. 63,.50. 3d St. Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N: B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September t 4 . mwf ~ THIS DAT IS FUBLIStiSD, By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Che/nut firetts. Price ix l-» cents, , The President's Address To the People of the United States, INtIUATIKO 1 Tlie rcfoluiion he h?s formed to de{Jiae being confide/ed among the number of tixofc.rue v-;ru>ni a choice is ts I be made, at the ensuing eleSiofl of _a Prgi'vdcM oi the United States. Sept. it). ws6 1-1 Great is Truth and mult prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, " And for sale at No- 41 CkeJ'iutflreet by J. OR V ROD, An Apology for the Bible, f ' By R. Wjtsox, d. t. f. jr. s. Bifkop of Limdajf, &c. _ # I Being a complete refutation of Paine s Age of Re of on, Aid the only anf«er to the Sccond Part. . August 30. j dtf I THIS BAY IS PUBLISHED, By W. Young, Mills and Son, *3 I [Price 50 cts. in boards,,62 i-» neatly bound] lAn Apology for the Bible, In a feri:S of i.etters, Addrefled to Thomas P-fine, auihorof a book entitled The Age ef Reason, part the ftcoUd, being an tf -jTftization of true and fabuhuj fueologj. V . By R. WATSON, D. D. Jt R. S. Lord Bishop cj — Lar.iafT, 'and Regius ProfcfFor of Diviujty in-U»e University of Cambridge. den \J& " — ' U s - India Tamboured Muflina. \7n A f ma ' ! > hand A me ajfortmcnt of Muftins, lake I VrZ. said J Fine tamboured and Santipore Mullins, vai and I patterns and prices, fled plain 6-4 Jaconet. Corded and cross-barred Muslin Sbawft. 0 Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcat, I Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. I Japan Muslins, and A few picces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. VOR SALE BY Thomas Tingey, , ■ No. 111, South Third-llrcet. " ,ca I Sept. 19. tutf*f_ day £ ivey- TO BE SOLD, P ur - That Neat and Convenient House, ! P h" "\T7"HEREIN th ~ inbferiber now lives. There are tour 0 let *V rooms on a floor : the house is two stories hieh 1 du. I with a good garret above : under the whoht is an excell ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient framed chamber for prefervingmeat, butter, &c. in warm I weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three horses, hay-los , granary, and carriage-houfc, a wood yard paved with stone, and a garden with foil of a fine I» quality. An indisputable title will be made to the pur- I chafei. For farther particulars apply to the fchferiber in bove, I Princeton, or. in her absence to Thomas D. Johnfon,Ef<l. , I or the rev. Samnel 9. Smith. i and ANN WITHERSPOON. ! Princeton, Aug 14. lawtO r iron | — Plans of the city of Philadelphia, j Including the Northern Liberties and diftrift of South war k , Publilhed, and fold by .rings, . BENyAMIN DAVIES, No. 68, High street," I '■ (Price one dollar.) 1 posts THIS plan is 16 inches square, and has been en"! 2f h graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a late th dav » nd accurate survey. Purchasers a/e entitled to a pam ties on phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the ic City j city, its population, trade, government, See. in the 1 July 10 tu&ftf ■ - Da- TAKE NOTICE. 0 * I s u bscriber intends to make application for a re- I L newal of the following certificate, supposed to be j loft 011 the passage to England in April 1794 •• i fpiTi- I CerfHicate No. 10335, dated Ijth November, 1793, one li I for i®jo dollars and 91 cents—Six per cent, domcftic ts, in a j debt, a n the books of the Treafuryof the Unit«d States, nd one in t [, c name 0 f the Hon. John Trevor. uousli- I ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's, me and j Philadelphia, August JOth, 179.6. *tu*f6w to grant I -— 1 — WANTED, Hurvev JOURNEYMEN BOOK-BINDERS, I OOD ft«ady workmen will-tneet with cpnftant tm- I U ployment.and good wages; by applying to JOHN CURTIS, No. 43, North F.urth-ftreet. ——— J N. B. BOOK-BINDING in all iti different branches, j CX ecutcd with neatnef® aQd dispatch. Public and private ingfi I libraries repaired iathe ncatcA in 4 best mannrr. , 1 September a©. 1 & 2-w l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers