Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 24, 1796, Image 4

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From on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Divine,
V '*?afier, at PhiHiS Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the ]
' Subibribcr,
~ London Particular Madeira WINE, ,
In Pipes, Hqgfheids and Quarter Calks.
There are in the above parcel 10 Hhds. of CHOICE
OLD WINE, fit for immediate life.
Robert Andrews,
Sept. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves.
Ey J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
(Price 12 i-2 Cents) c
The President's Address e
To the People of ths United States,
Ann6unclng his intention of retiring from public life
at the; expiration of the present CQnftitutionar term of -i
presidency. fJ
September 20. d c
From the Press of MOREAU DE ST. MERY,
And to be had at the principal Bookfellefs in the city,
(Price five iive-penny bits)
A Humourous Pamphlet y entitled
The Political MafTacre; »
Or, Unexpected Obfet-vations on the' Huttings of our
present scribblers.
By JAMES QUICKSILVER, Author of the Bine Shop.
Emtyelliihed with a curious Caricature.
Sept. 19. dtf
Brokers Office, and
No. 63 South Third street, opposite the national new Bank. t(
.have entered into co-partnerlhip, under the firm of j,
VRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the bufinejs of Brokers,
Conveyancers and CommifTion merchants. They buy arid Cl
fell on commiflion every species of stock, notes of hand, n
bills of exchange, hctafes and lands, &c. f c
Money procured on jlepofits, &c. &c. all kinds cf v
vWlttßgs in tnc convcyancingllne, aone with neatnelsanrt
dispatch; accaunts adjusted, and books fettled, in the
most correct manner. Constant attendance will be given.
They solicit a (hare of the public favor ; they are deter
mined to endeavour to deserve it.
N. B. The utmost secrecy observed.
Philad. August 17, 1796. m&wtf
OF jft and 4th proof, and equal in quality to that import- ci
cd from France, may be had ot the fubferiber at his Diftil
2ery, No. 115, Story or New-street, between Third and d;
"Fourth-streets, where the public, upon application* may
, s"dge for themselves, and will find it art object well worth
their attention. aj
RUM and GIN in any quantity, for exportation or home
consumption, and of fuperioc. quality—by
Thomas Cave. w
he purchased, or taken in exchange for spirits, upon appli- tl
cation as above. Also any quantity of Claret or other wine a j
fit (or diflillation,
August 29 h, 1796, M4W p
No to Publi/birig by the Printer, a<
At No. 3, Laetitia Court, delivering to Subscribers, ' ll
and to be had at the different Book-Store's in this City,
Befriman & Co's
Containing the Old and Naw ei
Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re- la
erences. An Index ; or aYi account of the most remarkable hi
padagesin the old and new Testament, pointing to the places fe
■wherein thoy happened, and to the places of fcriptuie where- ir
in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip
ture measures, weighuand coins : with an appendix,contain
ing the method oi calculating its measures of surfaces
hitherto wanting in Treat if adn this fubj{Q. A Table of Ofjius
and Conditions of men. 1
conditions J
1, "t he size of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO, o.
printed on a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par- p,
ticularly for it, It will be published in Numbers, not to ex
ceed 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubfcrib-
ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubferibers who prefer a ,
receiving the work will be attended to by fignifying
the fame on any of the fubfeription papers in rhe Bookftorfes
-in thiscity. *
2» There will be an advance in the price, on fubferibing J
after the firft of Augtift next. <t
3. In the course of the Work will be g?yea an elegant
Trontifpiece—From an Engraving of the celebrated artist,
Be rr i man & Co. gratefully acknowledge the very liberal "
encouragement they have met with; and havereafonto believe "
that the execution of their edition will aniwer every expec- "
v tat ion, and speak its own praxfe. ' "
May 26 3aweoM. 4<
i u
Philip Nicklin & Co. ;;
Souchong 1 -v
Hyson Skin )
Young Hyson S- FRESH TEAS {
Hyson and \
Imperial J
Yellow Nankeens-
China Ware, aflorled in Boxes and Chcfts
Qriickfilver Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in
ehefts 1 j
London Market MADEIRA WINE
Lorudon particular >in pipes, hogfteads, &
New-York Market ) quarter calks <
Teiwriffe Wine in pipes and hogftiead» »
Sugar Candy by the Box 1
Sail Canvas No. i a 8 !
L<-ad in (heets '
3 Calks of Cutlery assorted '
A few clieftsof Manchester Goods, assorted thick- 2
sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. *
3 Small packages of black fcwing-filks 1
8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root. '
assorted in caS.s -
July i 8 mw&f '
Mr. FR A NCIS, ~~
(Of the New Theatre)
TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his
fr'nolars ami to tlie public. Mr. Francis intends, *
on hi? return from Maryland, to open a public aca- 1
demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
«! erto renders any promifts of c onducing his Fusure
fchcmc; on the moll liberal ar.d IVritfictt terms, of pro
priety, totally unnecessary.
N. B. tci:ian as vfual.
June j law |
Have Imported in the late vessels from Europe, &c.
A general assortment of CVOODS, fu,itable to the feafon —
Amongst which are,
IE TJROA'D and narrow CLOTHS,
-D Plain and twill'd COAXINGS,
Rose ftripcd and point BLANKETS,
HATS aflortsd in cases,
INDIA GOODS, generally,
A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY,
Comprising a capital assortment to open a (lore—inclu
ding Thirty Calks of NAILS. This invoice will be fold
jg entire on very advantageous terms.
September 20. d
& Lottery
°' raising fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven
A dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction df fifteen per
cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars jooo
1 TOOO 1000
I 500 560
y, 5 100 10 CO
20 103 4000
99 JO 495°
200 25 5000
2000 10 -20,000
J Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, jooo
233 a Prizes. <4,4J0
4018 Blanks.
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45^
By order of the Directors of the Society for eftabl idl
ing Ufeful Manufactures, the l'uperintendants of the Pat
erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the
foregoing Saheme to the public, and have dire&ed them
I - to refund the money to those persons who have purchased
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery.
s > rhe lottery has a&ually commenced drawing, and will
"1 continue until finished. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
-> may be feefl at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second street, who will giveinformation where tick
—i— —- —
'' Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
,e < 7. N• CUMWINC, ")
' dtf eo
Samuel Rjchardet,
- ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
* Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelj hiai
1- The Suhfcription Room Will be furniflied with all the
d daily papers publiffied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bof
y tan, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com-
mcrcial citiis of Europe—They will be regularly filed '
and none permitted to be faken away on any account.
e Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, |
will at all times be procured at the bar.
II Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with i
i- the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
e approved Malt Liquors from London and'other breweries. !
The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest J
productions of the Season.
~ Large and finall Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be !
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
. hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is 1
r -tegwlarly k*ptf»e eomtniuntyi th« Forc latt had '
' at the bar. 1
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniftied, and
the utmost attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other
Samuel Ricuardet will be happy to receive, and '
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at 1
large; and with gratitude fer their favours, he pledges
;e himfelf that nothing on his part Ihallbe wanting to pre
■l serve that patronage with whieh he ha» been so diftinguilh
ingly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
1- _
* Treasury of the United States.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or
may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums
), of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a present intenjl of fix
per centum per annum.
<- rft, That pursuant to an AS of Congress passed on the
> 28th day of April, 1796, intitled an ait in addition to an
:r aft, intituled " An a (ft making further provision for the
'S support of public crsdit, and for the redemption of the
" public debt," the said debt or flock w.ill he reimbursed and
paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends
Ig " to be made on the last days of March, June and Septeni
nt " ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand
" seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou
' " sand eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at the rate #f
a] " one and one half per centum upon the original capital.
vc " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of
c- " December lor the present year, and from the year one
" thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year
" one thousand eight hundred and fewenteen inclusive, at
_ " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
" ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma leo» the last
" day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun
" dred and eighteen, of fucli sum, as will be then ade
" quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp
-44 tion of the said itock."
2d. All diftinition between payments on account of
Interefl and Principal being thus aboliflied by the cftablifh
ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement abovs de
scribed, it has become necessary to vary accordingly the
_ powers of attorney for receiving dividends'; the public
creditors will therefore observe that the following firm
iseftablifhedfor aitpewers of attorney which may be
granted after the due promtjration 0,l this notice, viz.
I of
do tnaie, constitute and appoint
& ■ 6 f my true tn ' At
torney, forme, andirt my mime, to receive the dividends 'Mich are,
or fball be payable according to law, on the (here defcribisv the
ftoch) fending in my name in the booh of (here defcribmg tile
books of the Treasury or the Commiilioncr of Loanss
where the stock is credited) from (here insert the com
mencement and expiration-os t«ne for which the power of
attorney is to cofttintte) -with power also an attorney or.attor
nia under him, for that purpose io make andfiebjiit v tc,andti do all
lawful aSs requisite for effecting the pre wife, hereby ratifying and'
confirming all that my said Attorney or bitfubflitu'.e,fball lawful
ly do % by virtue hereof.
In IVitnefi hereof, I Lave hereunto set mi Hand and Seal the
day of in tie year >
" Sealed and Delivered
in prtfcnct^f,
BE I T KNOWN, that o« the day of
,j g cfbre me personally xanie
I within rusmed and actno-ailedged the above letter of attorney to he
his and died.
lc t'fiwny irfjcreof 1 bare hereunto set my Hand and affix
- ScnJ the day and year lafi rforefaid.
Given ur.der my ii'and ar Philadelphia, thistwen
tieth of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions
from, the Secretary of the Treasury
I 1 reafurer ef the United States.
( J"'i a?. ** XTtt IJ.
» , / ' /
• A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufa&ory, situate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works aimoft new,
on an entirely original conftruftion, and buih of the belt
materials, and may be set tt> work immediately.
who with to purcha(e, are requested to apply at No. 273,
South Sccond Street.
September 13. - t
City' cf Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
federal city.
A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, & 7 000
dwelling-Ktmfe, J caih are j
I ditto 15,000 & cash 25,000 40,000
I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000
I ditto ip,ooo & cash 10,000 20,000
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
I dittp 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,000
1 cash prize of 10,000
2 do. 5,000 each, are • 10,000
10 do, ijooo - - 10,000
20 do. 500 - - 10,000
00 do. 100 - - 16,000
200 do. 50 10,000
400 do. 25 » - 10,000
1,000 do.' 10 - 20,000
15,000 do. 10 - - 150,000
rfi,739 Prizes.
50,000 Tickets, a,t 400,000
N. B. To favour those who, may take A quantity of
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the i,ast but one :
And approved notes, securing payment in either money
or prizes, in ten days after drawing, will be received for
any number not less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri
vate buildings to be erected in the City of Washington—
Two beautiful designs are already feleited for the entire
fronts on two of the public fcjuares; fromthefe prawings
it isprofiofed to erect two centre!and four corner buildings,
as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when comple*,. to the fortunate adventurers, in
the manner described in the fchefnc for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett dedudion of five per cent, will be made to defray:
the necerfary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus
will be made a part oT the fund intended for the National
University, to be erected within the city of Washington.
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
fold off.—The ivioney prizes will be payable in thirty day*
after it is finifhad ; and any prizes for which fortunate
numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the
drawing iaclcfed, are to be considered as given towards
the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle
the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real fecuritres given for the payment of the Prizes,
are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at snore than half the a
mount of the lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commiflioners aflifled in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous task
a second time on behalf ef the public ; a fufficient num
her of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
fri«tids to a National University and the other federal ob
je&smay contisueto favor the design.
By accounts received from the different parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public ace assured that the
drawing will speedily commenae, and that the care and
thetickets,''has'renderedthe fhorf
Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; o
James Weft: &Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, 3ofton
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells
Cooper's Ferry. eo
Watson's Answer tc Gibbon.
-And for iale by J. OH.MROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet,
Apology for Christianity,
In a ferie< of Letters, addrejfed to
Edward Gisbqn, Esq.
Author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman E/npire:
Bv R. WATSON, u. d. f. k. s. Bishop of Landaff.
(Price 75 cents bound.)
Watson's Anfwcr to Paine,
To be had at the lame place.
The enemies of Religion are awake 1 Let not her
friends Jleep.
Sept. I. mw&ftf
Music Professor,
Nq. 96, North-Sixth Street.
RESPECTFULLY informs his Scholars, that he has
re-commenced his attendance alter the fumrner va
cation ; and, as usual, teaches Ladies Singing and the
Piano Forte. Sept. 3. *38
THE Subscriber, having been ieduced in bis circum
fiances, by sundry misfortunes, and being thereby
nuable to fatisfy his just debts, hereby gives notice to his
Creditors and to all persons concerned, that he intends to
apply to the General Assembly of Maryland at their next
fcflion to be held on the firft Monday of November next,
for the benefit of En a<st of insolvency.
Eafton, Ift of the 9th month, 1796. iawtiftMN
To be fold,
APLANTATfON, in the town of Woodbury, coun
ty ef bloucefter, and slate of New-Jersey, contain
ing about one hundred and fifty acres; a suitable propor
tion °f which is woodland and improved meadow. A
great part of the arable land is in a high slate of cultiva
tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover.
On Ctid plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house,
with four rooms on a floor, and a good cellar under
the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and
hsufe. The garden is large, and contains a gAod collec
tion of the belt kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees ;
the orchard confifts.of about three hundred grafted apple- |
trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premifee, may
be informed of the terms by applying to
J"'y 2 9 &
To be Sold,
At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by federal q/
the Apothecaries ■_ in this City.
r T" , RANSFERS of the right to remove pains and infizmma
- 1 - tions from the human body, a> secured to Dr. ELfSHA
PERKINS, by patent, with intlruments and directions ne
ccliaiy for ibe praaice. This mode of treatment is particu
larly ufeful in relieving pains in the head, face, teeth, Lrcait,
i fide, ftonia-h, back, rheumatiftns, recent gouts, Sec. & c .
Notwithstanding the utility ot this practice, it is not pre
fumcd but there are cases in which this and every othei
remedy may fometime»feil.
J aae *i u v
Washington Canal Lottery,
Nf ° . I. 1
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
twohnndrpd, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Waihington, froxi th Po
tomac to the Eaftcrn Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -i Prize.of 30,000 dollars, 20,c00
I ditto 10,000
7 lall drawn 7
Tickets, each j <*'° 30 3J ' OOO
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
40 ditto roo a,OOO
55 ditto 50 5,750
J 750 ditto II 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prises, 175,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTenDollars, - 175,000
The Commissioners have taken the Securities re .
quired by the aforefaid ait for the punilual payment of
the prizes. 1
The drawing of tins Lottery will commence, without
delay, .vs soon as thf Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice given.
Such prizes as are not demanded ir fix months after th?
drawing is finilhed, ihall be cenfidercd as relin<juifhcd for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
City of Waihington, Feb. 11. §
Mordecai Lewis
NANKEENS, long and ihort.
China, well affortcd.
Diapers __
Bandano Handfcgrghiefs.
Roll Brimstone.
Sept. 6. > tt&flm
For Sale,
Three-story Brick House,
(The lateTefidence of General Walter Stewart)
A\7"llH a LOV »f GROUND thereunto belonging.
VV the weft fide of Thim-ftrect, near Union-ftrceC v
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to art-,
alley leading into Uriian-ftrcet. The houf« fs 32 feet front
and 50 feet deep ; the fcfveral rooms contai'. d in it yt
large, commodious, and completely finilhed; the twodrft
stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 ma'n<>gany
door. in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with <nahoga
ny rails and a g«od Iky-light. The kitchen iv<6 the cell
ar, which is spacious and convenient, and fviilhed with an
oven, flew-holca and pantries, a fervip<s' hall and large
wine-callar adjoining the kitchen, front of which is an
area in which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said bitilding isa neat three-dory
brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain
ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which
is at present occupicd as a compting-hoofe, and the upper
part divided into w«ll-fmMhed large chambers. This house
luinii'ted into a-eoirvrnrent
dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the frout
and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the
lall house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, arc creelcd
bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewifev«ry good coach"
howfe and stables finilhed equal (or nearly €o) with any in
the city, on a lot containing on Union ilreet 30 feet, and
in depth on the wall fide of said alley 52 feet. There arc
good cellars undei the whole of the buildings, and a wine
room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over there/
mainder. For further particulars enquire of
At their Office No. 64 Dock-ilrect. between Walnut & Pear
t'*f ftrects.
6th month 24th, 1796.
ABOUT 12 miles from thi« City, lituate in Abii.g
ton TownMjj, Montgomery County ; containing
70 a new stone hoofe, two stories high, a roomt on a
floor, lire placue in each, a (tune kitchen and Hone si ling
house, over 111 excellent spring of water, a barn, liable.',
iheds, barracks, &c. A large apple orchaid, and a variety of
othcrlruit, about la acres of good meadow well watered,
and wood fufficient for fire, and fencing the place. PolfclTi
on may be had the rft of April next. Property in this citv
will betaken in exchange or MORRISand NiCHOtSOK'i -
Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Aich-Strce:.
Philadelphia, September 13, 1790, ttTtF
For any term from one to four years,
A HOUSE, pleasantly situated In any of tbe principal
flreets within the pavement, and not very dillant from
the State-House, capable of accommodating a small fami
ly ; the house mull have stables and coach -houfr, and
would be required to be ready by the firft- week in No
vfmber next — of the printer.
Sept, 14. tt f
■ ; 1
A very Valuable Eltate,
CALLED TJVITTENHAip, iituate in the
towinihip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
7 1-2 npiles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the
new Western road: containing 230 acres of excellent land,
4.5 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood
land, and the reil arable of th« firft quality. There arc
on the premises a good two story brick house, \\ith 4 rooms
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, llaljks,
and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and Itone,
1 spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of pontil
es. Ihe fields are all in clover, except those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, v, hick renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing. ,
1 he situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high
cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it is very fuitablc for a gentleman's
country feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
, dcceafed, and offered for falc by
Mordecai Lewis,
Oil. 9. tt&l Surviving Executor.
—No. 119 —
_ [Price tight Dollars per Arm