Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 24, 1796, Image 3

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    • e for iiimfdf, to do *way the hurtful and hinder- larger
;.h? things, which, ye must be feofiMe, are yet to tained
t;t Tfoui)d*within our borders! longin
"Finally, dear Ftienda. remember the apostolic fpedtei
declaration, " f° un dation °f God llandeth captaii
f lI!e having this seal, The. Lord knoweth them Collin
that' are his." Strive therefore to become such, by ed in (
obedience to hia holy law. It hath been our uni- nies—
form sna constant testimony, that God ha 3 vouch- ble th.
fa'fed hia grace and goodfpirit unto the children of and gi
iii;n universally, as the means of our fatiafadtion.— ciiizer
May ye therefoie, in your several degrees of growth,. Th
evinee, and recommend your belief in it, by dwell- town,
Jng under its holy influence —Again, in Gospel as- ten pc
fedion, we salute you, and -bid you farewell. that ■
ed, at
Were any well meaning bookseller to reprint La- York
timer's Sermons, it is possible, nay, probable, he
would he laid hold of for libellous doctrine. .The
very title would terrify the Church and King men
of the present day,'foi\thus is it worded i bl *
» Publiflied for the benefit of the good people "d 1
of England,, all the discourses of that Right Re. wh,!ni
verendt and faithful Martyr of 'Jesus Chrill, Mas ™co
ter Hugh Latimer, the firft protestant Bilhop of Umt<
Worcester ; being an honest reprehension in life and y
manners, of carehfs Kings, prodigal Princes, cor■ We.t
- ,vbt Lords, unjuji Judges, time-serving Magnates, re -*
and backsliding chriftianj."
—■—j n },afc
\ _ „ - dates
Philadelphia, be j,
— " B
Married, on Saturday evening the loth inft. by the 1 4'^
Rev. Mr. Uitick, Mr. James ENEfER to Mils Mary on tl
Baskervilie. B
tOn Tuesday evening the sot'n mftant, Mr. Aux
Samuel Coo per to Mils Mauy Babe We
,On Thursday the 2ld inft- Mr. Thomas re 11 e
&»«» to Miil RA'cau E*v::< All of Uuicjgfc then
From a late Paris Paper.
The death of the brave Carouge, a naval lieuce- 27"
nant, and commander of the coerctte L'AtTembiee an
Nationale, is one of those events which ouj; t co g
be handed down to posterity. The following ac- ort
count taken from the proces verbaus of the ip
wreck of this corvette, arrived on the i6th rrutti
<jor in the 3d* year of the French Repu ie, a.i
rony be add.d to the numerous examples of generous ■
jntrtpidity in Frenchmen, and brutal ferocity in t e o
EnglifK. Carouge finding hitnfelf pursued by an the
Engtilh fixate of the largest tize, determined to that
Tun aground kontr'thaa become a prey to the eme- -
my. Th« corvette touches the recks which are u
the entry of the rive* 3e Treguier. Carouge pie
fervea the utmost composure, cats dowa hit malls, °'
and gives orders that the boats which had been put .'
to sea to take the veflrl in tow, (hould proceed im- lrn
mediately to land the "ships crew. He is earnetUy
requested to land himfelf, but in vain, "Jjjyduty
and honor, replied he oblige me to remaw "the talt ,
on board ; save yourfclves, Lamat my pod. Ihe
boats pick up a part of the By and by the , r «
corvette founders, and the brave Carouge, with the
few brave companions who were \eft behind, tunk . ■
to the bottom. Every effort was put in practice to •
save them. Ensign Rogeiie tried to fectire the
captain. 1 have done fays he, in his declaration, all
in my power to prefervehim ; I held him a cOnlidet r
able time by the hair, while he eontinuedf aft to
one of my legs. But perceiving his strength tailing '
he let me go, faying, " you will penfn with, me,
save yourfelf my friend, 1 will not be.the caule of
your death." t | ( ]
And what were the English doing all this time ?
they fired upon these unfortunate wietches, and up- 0
on the boats which went to pick them up ; a num-
ber of bullets having fell among 1 the lailors
who wtre swimming. The dispatched
three boats to t'ake pofffflion of the corvette and
her crew, who discovered nothing but the wrecks
of the vefTel and the dead coiples of a few unfor- m
tu iate men, whom their brave comrades were una- th
„V ble to carry off. The remainder reached Ihore in Fi
spite of the English musketry. ap
' Vi
CHARLESTON, September 5. j 0
In Saturday's paper we mentioned, that it ap
pearert by a Philadelphia paper that General Pinck- jj
ney was spoken of there as minister plenipotentia
ly to the French Republic, in the place of Mr.
• ' Monro, who is recalled. Wa are since informed n|
by gnod authority, that the general received notice u
of his nomination to that important station from
the President of the United States, as early a", the. jj
27th of July last, and that he has gone to Pliila- C(
ladelphia in eotifequence of the nomination. p
As the latest accounts from Europe hold out the | {
profpeA of a peacc beitfg near at hand, between t j
the French Republic, and the continental powers - s
Rill at war with her, it is more than probable, on r ;
this event taking place, that new regulations res- w
pefting commerce will be brought forward, and it j- (
may be neceiTary sot America to renew her trea- j
tics with the French Republic and ttu: other pow- j
srs. Should this be the cafe, it murf be highly fa- t
tkfadlory to the citizens of the United States that c
the negoctations are tobe entrusted to so able a ctvjl- £
ian, and one who has always evinces that he has c
the honof and interest of his country finctrely at a
HARTFORD, September 19. [
Lad Tuesday was brought to trial before, the fu- 2
premecoui;t in this city, Richard Done, a native of :
Ireland, for the murder of Daniel M'Evers. On t
the following was found guilty by the Jury,
and has Tcceived fcntence of 1 rl, which is I
to be executed oh the 14.h day ci December next.
' - ' I
Vv >IITESTOWN, Sept em per .
T«<lvc years Whitelttown was then .
* ''
larger than the whole state of Cocnefticat) con- feif
tained only two families—Yefkrdsy the tioops be- eren
longing to_colonel Doohttle's regimeat, were iii- . i- c
fpeited by generaL Van Home. They confided of ed by \
captain Piatt's company of light horse, and captain polite,
Collin's company of light infantry, which appear- throuil
ed in complete uniform, and four infantry compa- 'he
nies—-amaunting i« jhe whole to 400 men, and dou- al f. iec
ble that numbe.' of fpeftators. Their appearance that hi
and good behaviour merit the thanks of ever'y good but th,
citizen* . , Ir
The part of the state which compriied Whitel- " e
town, twelve years ago, and then eonfifted of about anew
ten persons, can now produce as many regiments, Cre^,;
that contain 400 men each, and better organix /
ed, armed and equipped, than the ,city 01 New- gnculi
York can produce. , f" 3
it is u
ALBANY, September 16. people
A number of bales of goods, m«rked, »' For the nelghl
Six Nations." h<»ve been lately received in this city, hauflil
a«d transmitted by land to Scheneftady, from wtaltl
whence they will be lent in large boats to the In'di- nature
an country. These goods ire on account of the nefsj
■ United States. .
The electioneering campaign ha® opened in the public
Western diftrid.' A large meeting in Oi fego, judge slaver;
Peck in the chair, rcfolve to support Willinm Coj- Ar
per for their representative in This dif- to be
tnft is very cxtenlive, and contains nearly 100,000 the 3
- inhabitants. There will probably be several candi- tons t
dates ; but the principal competitors, it is said, will local
be judge Cooper, and J.rmes Cochran, Esq. 11.
with (
NEW-YORK, September 22. into <
' But two persons died at Newbury port from the £[
e 14th tothe 17th inft. of the malignant fever ; and t h e f
r on the latter date, only one perfou was sick. the n
By the ship Diana, arrived on Saturday fiom all ci
:. Aux Cayes,,whieh place (heleft the 28th ot Aug. beat
We are informed that the delegates there had ar- ; Q wr ,
3 retted Pierre Ganon, formerly civil ordonnatewr
there, fenthjro and Pierre Duval, formerly ceun
comptroller of the piarin?, on boaad the corvette, ] eaV e
the African, .without doubt tp be sent to Cape or o;
Francois, to render an account of their condud proc!
whilfl in office. * flia 11
By the fariie vefifcl we are informed that on the hand
•. 27th uit. La Franc, a man of colour, command- i D g 1
■ e antcf St. Louis was arretted by order of the dele- < uC ( 0;
o gates, but cfcaped from the hands, of two officers, by ;
ordered by General DeFourneau so conduct him f rom
>. on board the Aftican. mem
j. After making his escape, he called out, to arms! burs
d to arms ;by whieh means a number of his friends c'nik
i S were-foon assembled, with which he took polTtffion imp]
ie of the fort and battery, at L'lflett, fiom wticnte s o l
,n they tired upon a party of the regiment of Berwick, bons
o that had been fetit to ftize him, killed one or two V
e . men, and wounded the commanding officcr and two t ) ia t
re men. , dele
e . The delegates, desirous to avoid greater mitchief, g ell .
8 thought it proper to order Gen. RigauJ to execute w bu
llt ' their order', and therefoie sent off an.exprefe to p rc
n . him at the camp before Iroij, which poll he had \
for some time been laying siege to; and u vv»s tho't bon
, , that on this account he had abandoned the attack, {
aj,aTcVuiiriJ Aiili u. Thsy l,yn
are confirmed in this opinion by the ii.ence that tiy,
he 'ergned in the fort and works at Irois, at the time ~v ,
they palled, and by the burning of what they sup- 1
posed to be works and bufli, conllrudied by Rigaud c ; tl
, 0 on an eminence commanding the East fide ot Irois HII
he k a y* ' lU '
~ The delegates finding themfclvcs unable to get
3 poffiffion of Jeremie, either by force, fraud, or their p r(
£Cr proffered amnetty, had detached a party oi' 209 pic- an(
U ' ked men towards the settlement of Plymouth, i.i
" S possession of the Biitith, with orders to burn,' def- e j
llC r vroy and carry off every thing from the deffticelifs «h (
° plantations, and we have reason to believe that in
, this species of savage warfare, they have been but
too fuccefsful. _ _ fqi
Two BritiHi frigates were lying at anchor in Irois wl
lm " bay, and an armed brig got under way as the Diana t h,
was passing, and Hood along (hore towards Jeremie ,b,
without taking any notice of him. pr<
cks A gentleman, yesterday arrived from Jamaica, p e
for- informs, that belides thp La Renommee, of 44 guns,
ina- there were lying in Kingston harbour, three other _
:in French frigates, lately taken by the men-os war
and frigates on station. The prizes aic said c
to be of considerable force—alfo, that Gencial
Whytej lately arrived, and now commander in chief
at St. Nicholas Mole, had sent the Leviathan,
Hannibal and Canada of 74 guns, to Monto
Chrifti, where they fo»n arrived, and the Spaniards S.
surrendered the town to the British commissioners.
a ?" The inhabitants took the oath of allegiance to the S>
ick- JJing of Great-Britain, they have deputed commif- E
ltla " fioners to the Mole, requeuing to become fubjett to
r " his Majefiy's government : There were a great v
m . number of Spairilh troops at Monto Chrifti, ready vi
IIICC to defend their country against any attempts from
rom Sonthonax and his partisans, to invade or ditturb
the- the peace of the colony. The town of Cape.Fran- rr
cois, which is the residence of Sonthonax, and ca- h
pital of French St. Domingo, is 011'y fourteen E
;t h e leagues from the Mount, and plainly vifihle from F
veen t bence in a cleat day. The town of-Monto Chrifti b
w e fs is situate about sixteen hundred yards from the sea, ft
', on r jf eß as an amphitheatre on the fide of the "coast,
re s" which, 'round the bay, is very high ground ;ft is b
IC * '' four hundred yards fquare—forty years ago was 3 I
trea ' free- port of gicat moment, in time of war, valily a
)0W " frequented by enterpriting traders, chiefly from the t
Y American continent, who had unremitted inter- 1
th*' course with the merchants, then in great numbers
fettled at this place, which clearly evinced its pre- f
:ha 6 eminence to all others for the residence of spirited a
ly at and speculative advcßturers. 1
Di.' Barrett, an eminent physician of Charleston,
in a late publication fays, " For my part I have 1
been uniformly ot opinion, that the epidemic which
e fu- afflidi the Northern slates, originated in the South, i
ve &f and is now, by re-action, vibrating so that point, 1
—On from an efTential sympathy inheient in nature.''
Jury, Last Wednesday morning fe-'nnighr, a most i
is (hocking and truly lamentable affnir t«ok place in
next. New-Haven. A Mr. Benjamin Haywood, a young
gentleman belonging to Charleston (South Caroli
aa) who had received his education at Yaie-Col
then lege, put an ctid to Lis cxtfttuce by (hooting hiro-
feif -with * pistol through tf:e Head : he lay in tlw Havre,
greatest distress for (We.:)! hoyrsbeforehe expired, conceal
He was a \oung man who was very much elteem- Mi ■
ed by all who kww him. He was graceful and fliip, h
polite, affable and engaging ; arid a true philac fend jn
tbropiiK . J 1 " 1 0 '
Though he left 'feverai letters wuh a confideftti- Lapt I
al f: iend of hit, we have not been able to learn iordied
that he gave any particular reasons for his rashness , tron,
but that he had been long determined upon it. Cochra
Trinflated for the Minerva. given t
Weobferved that the Direflery hid announced <he Un
a new feftjval to*the Parisians. The following ce- vid Pat
Cree has been publVfl)& relative to this fubjeft. Virgin
The Executive Dirc&ory, considering that if a- he is di
griculture fee the Si ft of arts, it is more efpeciaily <;nd gi
so in a republic, covering a va!t estnut of territory f t,.e pr
it is that alone which can insure the liberty of a taking
people, and fuppoit it, when at the dependence of time tc
: neighboring nutans, it is the primary and inex
, hauftiklc source of public prosperity and national
i wealth ; that in substituting the veal enjoyments of Ship I
- nature to the h&itious wants of luxury and idle- Brig I
: ness; it heaps up a Gmplicily and purity of man- /
nets; confideiing, in fhoit, a forgetfulnefs ef the 1'
t public honors due to agriculture, as sure marks of Snow
e slavery, and corruption of the people, do decree On
Art. 1. The feftival of agriculture, appointed Eiiglif
- to be kept on the loth Thermidor, by the law of Jamau
3 the 3 ! (hairbe cefebrated in a'l the Can- fleet,
i- tons of 'the Republic, with all the fplendpr *vhich bound
11 local circumltances may permit. her m
11. The municipal adminidrations are charged t'.amag
with the r.eceffary dispositions to carry the fame fleet v
into effect. . * °[} h <
e 111. The adminidrations, the commiffioner_ of whieh
** the executive power, the condituted authorities, vanna
the national guard in ai'l out of duty ; in (hjrt, been 1
® all citizens and their refpe£live wives aflembled by receiy
I beat of drutp snd trumpet, (hall arrange themfeives fitting
r " in order upon the public fquaie. * j two t
ar IV. About a few dtps from the altar of the drawi
II country, a plough ft-.alltc placed, <i«eor»ttd witl. I fleet i
e » leaves of trees and flowers, snd drawn by hoifesjand c
[ ,e or oxen. In the communes where a car may be I This
ft procured, -it (hall Mow the plough, upon which capta
-fliall be mounted a flattie of liberty, holding in one ihe fl
he hand the horn of plenty, and with the other point- coast
d" ing to the implejnciUs husbandry, heaped up I fail
le- u tfore it in the car. The plough (halfbe preceded any -
r5 » by a group of twenty four husbandmen, cholen Ito th
im from among the mod aged of the Canton, com- He 1
mendable by the conllancy and fuccefjs of their la- J turet
s! burs t they (hall be prectded by their wives and
>ds children. Every person shall hold in one hand an Y<
on implement of f.ufbandry, and in the other a band- trow
ice f u i 0 f flowers, ears of corn and tn-coloured rib
bons. '. . . &
no V. The municipal adminiftvation (nail point out J mon
iv® tliat individual among the huibar.dmea who moil j g t
deserves to be set up as an example by his intelh- St
gence) activity and good condutt, and during the J Pbi
jte whole ceremony he (hall be featcd by the fide of the J mal
to President. . J
lad VI. The President (hall deliver a difcourie in I
o' l honor of the object of the _ J ,
ck, VII. With the found of music intermixed with«
rey WJnns. iffi pro ,cffio.V tiuli advance into t!te cSUn- T Slot
hat ty, and anange themfeives in a field which the j
iltlc i; ; unieipaliiy lhall dilpote for ihat-purpolr. I
jp- VIII. i'he (hall mix with the armed S
aud citizens: and upon afigjval given, they (hall makr j Brc
ruiS <tn immediate exchange of their tmpleme.its ot theiv J '•
liufbandry for their firelocks. i I ]
g et IX. Tu the of liyrnns and trumpets, the I
heir p re Gdcnt (ball fmk the plough(harc in .the ground, j ha ,
P' c " 3r.d turn up a furrow. Ifift
.in X. TIW laborers (hall return the firelocks deck ca]
del- cd with flowers and ears of coin, and take back I
tkfs ifceir utensils, upsn the top of which shall appear j Q
t in til colored ribbons flying J
but XI. The procession (hall return to the public I
fqqarc : tht president pud the liufoandmeo honored j
Irois wlL h t hc reward, shall depbfit upon the altar of j(h
iana t hc countrv, all the agricultural utensils, and covet Icc
:mie ,htm with ears of corn, flower* and the various J T
produalons of the earth) this ceremony (hall be at
a i ca performed to the founds of trumpets and songs. tc
XII. The fefti.yal (hail conclude with dances. fc
ither p
neial — j n
chief PHILADELPHIA, ScptemUr 24.
oto ARRIVED, . days,
iards Sloop Industry, Wharton, Antigua 19
Betsey, Lloyd, V.rgm.a 6 .
> ihe Schr: Three Sillers, Smith, f-.ew York 8
imif- Bug Diana, South worth, _ B f ßn 1, J
:«to Ship Clerimont 01 Wilmington, (N. L.) arn-
ved at Liverpool from Hull, before the S.vift,arri
•eady ved here, failed from thence.
f rom Portsmouth, (n. h.) Sept. 15. '
(turb Arrived fch'r Zilpha. from Tobago, }. Flagg,
Fran- msder, 23 days passage. Aft# days previous to
i ca- his leaving the ipni, Wlent in there by the Fury,
rteen Britilli floopDt war, the (loop Independence, John r
from Prince mailer, of Philadelphia, from Cayenne, (
Irifli bound Trinadad. Captain and crew turned on
e sea, (hore,-Cargo f<rid to be very valuable. _
coast, Arrived here lad evening, the Friendftnp oflNew
-lit is b"ary-Port. captain Thomas Smith, in 9 days from
was a Halifax, having been sent in there for adjudication,
vastly and after paying cost and charges, which amounted
M the to near 2000 dollars, was permitted to proceed
inter- Brings nothing new. ,
mbers A number of paffeugers came in the Friend (hip
s pre- from Halifax, who had their vessels sent in there
lirited and condemned with the-ir cargoes, without any la
lisfa&ory trial, or even prt»f.
[efton, Among the pafftnger. are, Mr. Leonard Smith,
have Newbury-Port; Mr. Sanger, of Baltimore; Mr.
which Bonner and Mr. Arthur Jones, of _ Philadelphia ;
Jouth, Mr. Holfwilders, «f Amllerdarn, lait from Sun
point, Ha] j f>x> (! , e g th ; n ft. the following vef
-1 mod feis sent in for adjudication, viz. _
ice in Ship Carlisle, of Baltimore, tor Rotterdam, a
voting brig trom the lde of France, for Baltimore; a
faroli brig from Surinam for Philadelphia, was cleared,
Col- afjer paying cofi* and charges, which Amounted to
; hire- > 2,000 dollv; *he (hip irir, of New-Vork, fiom
** > \
■ Havre, witfi (Sit. T godds. to b*
concealed among jke hlr, • .
Mr. Jones, a gentlemen pafTenger in the fnend
fhip, hij a-ltd of perfuns names in America, who
. fend information to Halifax of all the veflels they
hear of, which fail from the United State*, that
Cant Cochran, of. the Thetis frigate, may be in
i fonhed of the {ame, and fend them in for auju,.iea
: tvoit. Paper* have been intercepted from Captain
Cochran, containing a multiplicity of information
given to.him by persons styling themftlves au/.ensot
i the United States. Among the informers are D*.
■ vid PatHrfon and Samurl Fleming, of Norfolk, in
Virginia. When Mr. Jones reaches Phtl.idelpb'a,
- he is determined to-puHiiftt all their names at
f and give fume inteiefti.ig information relatiA t»
; the proceedings of the counts of juftke; in*
a taking paffcg? immc^iirciy - in ihc .stage, had net
f time to furnilh us with it.
Charleston, Sept. 5. j
f . Ship Butler, Jones, St. i homzs a
- Brig Beaver, Cook, Wilmington
1- Amfterdarn, Scott, Amfteidam
e Fame, Izath, Made"-*
,f Snow Polly, Reilly, PhiladelpUi*
On Saturday latt anchored at Fort John.-on, .the
d Erfiglilh brig Henry, captain Fox, in 40 days from
>f Jamaiaa. She failed with the aonreward boanu
1- fleet. She is a return transport in balljft, and was
h bound t« Portsmouth, England, but having fprunj
her mainmast, has come to tlu« port to repau Iter
d damage. Captain Fox informs, that when the
te fleet was off the Havannah, the Brinfh commander
of the convoy was spoken to by a Spa*ilh
as whieh informed, that there were then off the Ha
1, vannah, three French 74 gun (hips ; that he had
t, been boarded by the the day before. Oa
>y receiving this information, the Bruifh convoy, con
es fitting of thtf Intrepid, a 64, the Sovereign of 50,
I two frigates, and two armed Eatt India ships, were
le 1 drawn together, & did not pay tliejattention to the
tv> j il-f t tHay ItaJ UKe ; in eonfpquence of ' rip
es J and contrary winds, it became much Scattered.—
be This was about the zad of August ; on the 23d, -
ch I captain Fox wa3 much to leeward ot the body of
ne I the fleet which appea/:d to be (landing along the
nt- coast of Cuba ; he then saw fixteeri or twenty
up I fail of the fleet to leeward of him, and without
led any veflel of war being with them ; he fiood over
fen I to the Tortugas and has not fcen any of them since.
m-1 He knows nothing of any of the fleet being cap
la- I tured.
mu j Baltimoiu, September 22.
an I Yesterday arrived brig Eliza Johnt'on, C.tjit. Clozicr,
ad- from Rochelle, which place he left on the nth or
< August. Captain Closer brings nq news, nor any
' J j yapert later than the 12th ef Jnly.
Sunteniber loth, spoke the ship Eag:am of Balti-
BUt | more.
lolt | September 14, spoke sloop President of Bolton.
:l!i September 18, spoke brig Peggy, Capt. Baker, from
the I Philadelphia, out days—all bound to Cowes and a
■he maiket.
j New-York, Sept. 2.3. •
.• ARRIVED. Days.
Brig Elefla, Clark, Petit Trau, 19
... Jchr. Tryal, Hand, Richmond, 7
" Ub I Mercury, Norfolk, 4
I Sloop Rliabow, Hording, Savannas, 16
the I ' Experiment, Loten, Vurk's-I.fiand, ax
Kingston, (Jam.) August 15.
med j Saturday his majesty's sloop of war Jamaica, Capt.
lake j Brooking arrived at Port Koyal, ia 8 days from Cape
heir | Nichola Mole.
Major Gillefpie and Mr. C. Cole came down in her.
, t Before the Jamaica quilted the Mole, a veflel arriv
j ed there wilh the pleasing information of Adm. Mann
| having fallen in with Adm. Richery't fquaSron, cori
j filling of fix fail of the line, the whole of which he
leek J captured.
iblic j Mv. Fen no,
ored I A MEETING of the Freemen of the town
ir of J {hips of Germantown, Roxborough and Briftoi,
cover! conipofing this Diftridl, is.requelted to be held oil
irious j Thurfdsy next, the 29th inft. at 3 o'clock, P. M«
all be j at the sign of General Washington in German
gs. j town, to fix on a ticket to be run in this Diftrift
rs. for the County of Philadelpßia, in the choice of
I Governor, and of Elc&ors of a President and Vice
President of the United States, one Reprefenta
tST. ,; ve Congress, and a Representative in the Ge
neral Afiembly of the State.—The accafion is im
portant, and it is hoped the meeting will be nume«
rotis and refpe&able.
ua 19 September 24.
inia 6
on k i6 On Monday morning next will be pub
) arri- liflied,
t,arri- ]V Ih LtA M COBBETT,
Opposite CJirift Church,
10U8 to containing,
Fury, The LIFE of THOMAS PAINE, interspersed with
!, John remarks and reflexions; and
yenne, Observations on the Pamphlets lately pub
ned on lifted, against P. Porcupine.
September 84. 3
fNew- 11 ——r"
New-England Rum,
ou'itcd h©gfl>e»ds r
cttd— Wclfh's best Boston Chocolate,
■ndfhiD HYSOK-SKIN TEA, in quarter thefts,
'" a ' m P FOR SALE, xr
n lhere A. M-RPLii iSR.W. MORRIS,
any fa- No. 60. Dock-street.
Sept. 14. eo4t>
Smith, " —^—■
V^ r : . For Sale,
ins vef- Burthen about ;c» bbls, a good vef^
f e '> Wl 'l he ready to take in * car
dam, a S° two or thret
n f s; , a A few hhds. ANTIGUA RUM, received by
cleared, sloop, and now landing at Morton's wharf. Apply te
k, fiom| Btft. 14. d6t. No. 73) Walnut-ftrect.