Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 24, 1796, Image 1

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    #afette ofthe Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
■ Nuxiz* "62.] __ SAIF,
' «-» < « t rr r« T? \T C I h rvt« VO I 1 • *
tor Charter, 1 .
7*fe Dominick Terry,
/• ! ' ; ] aC ob De Hart, matter: an excellent - For a
s&|lgSSS2«iS'vcffcl, of about 3000 barrels burth:n. beral cr
JeJfe If? Robert Wain. Se f t<
Sentember »I- .
—For NEW-YORK, .
■ To faila few da y'' and wl " uke fmght »o Trur
very low. Apply to, JQSEpH A „ XH ONY, & Co.
September *0. d * I Ditt
— -W- — I Ditt
For Sale, Freight or Charter, iDi«
The Ship General Wafhiugton, For t
Now difcWging her cargo from Liver- _ AUg l
pool at Rofs's Wharf-She is » tail fail-
Xging ship, and may be Cent to sea at a lmall # V
cxpence, having teen docked and refitted in Liverpool.
Kearny Wharton. j-J A t :
Who has for sale on board (aid (hip, Mercei
few thousand Bushels Salt and Coal, he W ui
Sept - '9- Son,
For Charter, d?'
The Danilh Barque BenEventura, Som
Samuel Stub) nwfter » Lon
good vessel, of about two hundred Ellg
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. Da[l
Sept. 17. dtf Silk
fail soon -For freight or paflsge
a; j ß l v tQ DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or "J
, John Vaughan, 1
September 10. Frent-dreet.
~ F 0 R S A L E, Am
The Schooner L A R K, The
M^ll^° ne Hundred and twenty tons burthen. f
A new vessel well found, well built, & Vj
v | fiiU extremely fad. For terms apply
to tha mailer on board, or to
Joseph Anthony Iff Co.
If the above vessel is not fold in a few days, Ihe will 7°
take freight on very low terms for Boston.
Sept. 10. d *°
The ship STAR, ££
John Vanneman, Mailer, _ Se
T YING at Walnut-ftraet wharf, Philadel
-1 ' phia built, of live oalt and cedar, will
carry about 3100 barrels, is two years old, and in com
pleat order to receive a cargo—For ter ms apr'y'o
Who have also for sale said vessels c.irgo—confiding of— j ul ,
WlnJ aTtJ-fonrr^.tclc^,'-
Window G'afs, 6 by 8 to 16 by 11.
Pipes in
Earthen-Wape in crates.
I Grinddones, Coals, Whiting, &c. >n p
Aug. 19
Johrv Whitefides & Co.
Have for SaU,
Venetian Red,
Spanilh Brown, /
White Lead, ground in oil;
Shot, No. I, 2, 3, 4> 5-
JL-ijndon Porter, in casks and bottles.
Green Copperas. _ . 1
Several crates of Queens Ware, in setts, with desert _j>
ditto compleat.
Blistered Steel,
German ditto.
Sept. at. . . d * w
\Vafhington Lottery. fh =
7lie Twenty-second & Twenty-third Days' Drawing of
tha WaAi»gton Lottery, No. 2, are received at the oihee
No. 134, Market-street, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries fn :y be procured. Po
, -* Septembe- 13, 1796- ex;
Thomas Ryerfon
HAS tuft received, by the ships Molly and Hamburgh
Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from
Briifcol, and is now opening for sale, at his store No,
iy7, Market-ilrtet, an exteniive assortment of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware
a:nd Saddlery.
The ship Caroline, now on htr paflage from Liverpool
Philadelphia, brings the remainder jl his 'fall impor-
N. B. At the above store may he had, a few elegant
Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture ; also, a good as
sortment of the bed kinds of Knives and Forks.
Sept. 2j. :
Wants a Place, J
A healthy YOUNG WOMAN, with a Fresh Bread
of AI ilk. Apply at the Office No. 234, Market-(erect.
Kept. »3-
Turks-Island Saltj r
Per the (liip Amei'ican, Capt. Shallcrofe Will be rea- j,
dy to discharge at Pine-flreet wharf on the 47th ind. r
'' 5 Jehu HoUingpivortb C3 5 Co.
Sept. 43. mwf
Waftington Lottery, No. a.
THE twenty-second and twenty-third days drawing y
are arrived at thi> olEce No. 147» Chefnut-ftreet, (
between Fourth and Fifth streets, where they will con- ]
tinue regularly to arrive, during the term ol the drawing. ,
This is mentioned to the public, t* preclude the neceflity
of adverti&ng daily, as usual, with great
cxpence. , . , ,
Caunl and other Lottery 1 ickets may be liad at the
above ofiice, w,here all transactions in the line of a bro
ker art; piomotly attended to.
Thomas Noble.
Sept. 13. d
I .
I Of the jirjl quality, FOR SALE l>
RD. and JAS. POTTER. A thi
- For any quantity above Five Thoutand Pieces, a li
beral credit will be given. R: & i
September 13- the Sou
— Con of
French Goods. Appi
Recdvcu kg the Mb*. Jrom Havre-de- ?
to Trunks ") La( j; e5 > shOES of all colors forts, and Gzes _ S ' l ' t '
I Cafe \
I Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS
I Ditto Fine LAWN A T
I Ditto bed fine CAMBRIC ix f
I Ditto Ladies' he ft fhitnmy and Grenoble Gloves , Mef j- r ,
• For Sale by THOMAS % JOHN KETLAND- now d(
Ang. 14 Pofft
No. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the lated arrivals from Europe and
the Ead Indies, a well fele<ftcd assortment of Silk R
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Hnberdalhery Goods; which j.
• he will fdl, Wholesale and Retail, en the lowed terms ; abJc
amongst which are, .
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and frlver i_
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aiid Mulinul ditto
Do do do . do Handkerchiefs
> Some sxtra black colored Pcifians Rec
Bandano Handkerchiefi C
Long and short Nankeens P
d Englilh Mantuas of the fird quality 1
Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine C
Silk H<-ji cry, an elegamt assortment C
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd de. and do deth
IrifK Linens, do. &c. jimu 14 f> ■1 1" ri
jr 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, s
Of the, bejl quality and on reasonable terms,
Philip Nick/in & Co.
August 16. j
The Cafgo of the Polacre Independent,
n. /~iAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif
& bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— A
>y 18 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales of Spanish wool
3 do. of Annifeed A 1
ill 7000 Bulhels of best Lisbon Salt
So Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
received by the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart,
from Kingston.
Sept. 13. J u
From 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by ' •
yeremiah Warder,
1 — July IT § No li northThird-ftreet.
- YORYale,
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years eld, g
in pipes ami hoglheads —
j Clarft, genuine old, in cases yfc
— Gin, in pipes, from Holland (
Earthen Ware, in crates
Baflcet Salt» in hoglheads
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 T>
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead iS
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels _ beii
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolia canvas, of
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by inti
fert J"'y L to'
Lottery and. Broker's Office, _
No. 64, South Second street.
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a
Check Book for examinatien— prizes paid in
the late lottery. .
r Check Books kept for examination and rcgiftering, ior
1 I: 0 the City of Washington, No. », and Pattel'on Lotteries, H
■ J C both of which are now drawing—information where •
in , tickets are to be had, and prices for undrawn of
r tickets. A complete lid of all the prizes in the late New- an
Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lotfery, for j
examination. . k e
The fubferjber foficits the application of the public | ou
and his friends, who with to purchase or fell Bank Stock, | tie
Certificates. Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, j Fc
mrgh &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property
from Wm. Blackburn.
,0 * Philadelphia. 18, ■ 79 fe -
ire For :ale,
The Time of a Negro Man,
xpool who is a goo d Cook. Eliquire at No. 109, South
n P or * Water-Street.
s <f ■
3d as " FOR SALE,
A Complete Font of Brevier,
ENtirdy new , and yet unopened. The weight of this
font is about 31a lb. It is from the Foundery of
Wilson & Sons,Glafgow,and will be fold at cost & char,ges.
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. . | f
Bread Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unitde
reet. Statse, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug 19
3 ' ' T~. ! 1
Dissolution of Pa,rtnerlhip. 'U
THE Partnerlhip between ROBERT ANDREWS and '
0 'VID MEREDITH,under the firm of ANDREWS '
and MEREDITH, being diHolvi d All per lons who are '
5C rea " indebted to, or who have claims against the laid house, are
ind.— requcfted to apply for lettlement to the fublcriber.
- No. 86, So. Whaives.
v f 5ept.6,1796. d lf
W A N T E D,
A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well* recom
rawing mcn( Jed, to take charge of the entire management of
-llreet, children Such a person will meet with suitable encou
II con- jagement, aind may hear of a place, by applying to the
rawing. p r j n ter of this Gazette.
leceffity Sc t _ i 4. nrwf
h great ■ .
To be disposed of,
l at the r-piy£ time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
a l!ro- |j 3S between four and five years to serve: She
r can be recommended for her sobriety and hnnefly. For
ne. par;i, u!ars enquire at No. 132, Chefnut-ftreet.
d 3 August 3. w&ftf
For Sale,
(Ibt an excellent fitualion lor business,)
A threc-ftory brick House and Lot or Prfcneß
Ground, Georgia
Eiglitc a- feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on Carolina
the South fide of Market near Front-dreet, now in poffcl- Sherry s
Con of irnucl Read.
Appl t» ' Bdl ° B '
' e, . israel PlejCmts, or gffi,
Charles & Jofepn Pleafants. s ap t.
Sept. 13. • ■
For Sale,
A Three dory BRICK. HOUSE and Lot, it) Chefnut 13 0 1
street, between Front and Second streets, in which i OO ,
! MelTrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many (and 300
now do) carried on business. will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April «. i J!" U _
A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is wasted by a person properly (Juali- PC
fied, and whose ehara&er will be found unexception- H(
able. Apply to the Printer.
Dutch Goods, n.l
s Received by the Pennsylvania, from Amjlerdam.
GIN, in pipes
Morlaix 15y
Ticklenbargs > In Bales
Ofnalmrgs J
German \ Stripes, in cases »T
Harlem j 1 1
Uollaiids J3UCK. iu Sum . r"
—"r .-i-dticks, in ditto
Brittagnes ") .in ditto The re
AUg. 19 . —— Uni
Sales of India Goods. —!_
The Cargo sf the ffiip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cat- Q
, cutta and Bengal,
f. coNSisriNO or
A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked ctndplain Mujhns,
Doreas, yfc. Alio,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, r» •
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PfcPPER,
For Sale by
\Vtilings Francis,
JJo. ai Penn Street.
_ June 8 — '
7 US T ARRIVED, from Lijbon,
- A n,l far r.nlg by the Subferibers, .
Liibon Wine, /vr
In pipes and quarter-calks ;
cooo Bufliels LifbtifrSalt. A . r
Je/fe & Robert Wain.
id, „ J M dtfr By
Sept. xo.
At a special meeting of the Board of Di
retl vs fir eflabli/hing ufeful Manufeclures, holdcn .
at Pdtcrfon, 'July S, ' 79^'
TT) ESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock
tv holders of the Society be called on the firit Monday,
b'eV the third ay of Odober next, at Paterfon, by ten A
us, Of the Clock of the fame day; then and there to take
into coh(idcration the propriety of dissolving the said
.. corporation, agreeably to the law in inch cafe made and
J proviJ»d-and the Stockholders are earr.eftly requ.ded
L_ to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy.
Augnftay dt,oth ° n?t
—— ~ ;; ~ ~ Mt
1 in A
for Notice is hereby Given,
ries T*H AT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United
We L States of America, passed at Philadelphia, the 28th day ,
of May, .796 •• layin-duties on Carnages, for the convey- _
r, w ance of perlons, and repealing the former a£ls for that pur-
T" pose.-That there lhall be levwd, collected and paid, upon
' i all carriages for the conveyance of perforis, which lhall be
, kept by or for any person, for his or hjr own use, o. to let \
' c j out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the several du
:oc ' i ties and rates following, to wit. W1
mds, j jr or lnc | U p o n every Coach, 15 dols.
upon eveTy Chariot, 12 dols.
upon every Post Chariot, li w
*. upon every Poll Chaise, 12 dols. he
1 , upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols ya
upon every Coachee, 9 dols. ' ■ qi
upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, c (.
with blinds, curtains, 9 dols. j p,
upon four wheel carriages, having framed pods and q[
South topj with steel lprings, 6 dols.
upon four wheel top arriages, with wooden or iron
springs or jacks. 3 dols.
upon curricles with tops, 3 dols/
upon ct<aifes with tops, .3 dols.
upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. Il
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
f this upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
r y 0 f upon two wheel carriages, with ftcel or iron springs,
arget. , 3 dols.
' For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 dols.
Initde U P°° every four wheel carriage, having fiamed polls
and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols.
The Collectors of the Revenue ot the fird lurvev ol the e
Diftriflof Pennsylvania. will attend daily, until the 30th day a
; ofSeptember next, for the purpose of rece". ti>g the duties on i
K Carriages, at No. 117, in Kace or Saffafras dreet, in the City t
• FWS of Philadelphia, at the houte ol Daniel S. Ctair, E!q in the
1 „ County ot Montgomery ; »nd at the houle of Abraham Du
f bois, Esq. in the County oi Bucks; of which all persons pol
' are felled ot f«ch Carriages are defited to take notice.
Notice is also given,
,cs * TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled spin- '
1 tuous liquors,that licences will be granted to them ; one li
cence for carrying on the business ol retailing ol Wines, in a
less quantity, or in leis quantities than 30 gallons—and one
recom- licence for carrying on the bufsneis of letailing Spirituous li
lent of quors in less quantities than iO gallons, at the fame time and
encou at 'he fame places, by the orficers legally authorised to grant
. ,luck licences. _ _
. Infpeftor of the Revenue qf the fird lurvey
nnvt 1 of the dillrift of Pennsylvania.
Office of InfpeOion,at > , 3°.
Philadelphia, eid July, 1796. )
•f, who
e: She ~~ ' ——
ly For WANTED,
An APPRENTICE to the Prirting Business.
its 1 Enquire at this {Jflice. Aug. 9
By N. and J. FRAZIER,
No. 95, S. Front-dreet,
Prfene Boflon Beef, in barrels.
Georgia Cotton. 1
Carolina Rice and Indigo.
Sherry and Teneriffe Winqs, of eicellent quality.
Ravens Duck.
Indio Bandauno's.
Sewing Silks, various colours.
Cof.ihs w4 Gttri - i. <* - >-■'
Sspt. x 7. ■ ■ v '3 - W 4w.
For sale by the fubicribers,
130 quarter Chefls frefh Hyson Tea;
100 ditto do, frcfli Souchong I ea;
300 Boxes China, containing lipall tea setts of 4*
400 pieces Bandanoes.
Willing.s y Francis.
January 30
PORT WINE, and .
HOLLAND GIN, of 'he fird qualities in Pipes.
Brokers and CommifTion Merchants. No. 63, So. 3d St.
'ho discount approved NO PES o. hand.
N. B. An APPRENI ICE Wanted.
September 14. . _ mv ' f
By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son,
Corner of Second and Chefnut Jit eels %
Price ia 1-2 cants,
The Prefid nt's "ddrefs
n - .1_ fv l. "**.'Tir 11'. 11 LP*
•he resolution he has formed to decline being conftdered
among the number of those out of whom ach°u<;« 'to
be made, at aledion of a Prefidcnt of the
United States. w , 6
Sept. 10.
Great is Truth and mult, prevail.
tust published,
And for sale at No- 41 Chtfwi-flreet by J.ORMi<OD,
An Apology tor the Liible,
By R• Watson, o. d. f- R> s.
Bifkop of handaff, &c. ,
Being a complete refutation of Paine s
Age of Reason,
Ami the only answer to the Second Part.^
Augud 30. ■ ■—
' By W. Young, Mills and bon,
[Price 50 cts. in boards, 62 i-» neatly bound|
An Apology for the Bible,
In a ferits of Letters,
Addrefled to Thomas Paine, author of a book entit.ed
The Age 'of Reason, part ihe second, being an m
vefligaUon of tru* and fabulous theology-
Bv R. WATSON, D. D. V. R. S. Lotd Bilhop of
- Landaff, and Regius ProfefTor of Divinity
m the University of Cambridge.
i, _Sept. 16.
India Tamboured Muslins.
'ten A small, handsome assortment of Muslins,
Fine tamboured Malda and Santipore Muslins, various
(led patterns and prices.
Plain 6-4 Jaconet.
rx Corded and erofs-barred Muslin Shawls.
j)ttto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas.
Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse.
Japan Muslins, afld .
A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths.
for sale by
Thomas Tingey,
lited No. HI, South Third-street.
da >' Sept ... ' tutf&f
ivey- — ""
pur- TO BE SOLD,
jpon That Neat and Convenient House,
0 h TTTHEREIN the fnbfcriber now lives. There are lout
Idu VV rooms on a floor : the house is two dories high
with a good garret above : under the whole is an excell
ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient
framed chamber for preferring meat, butter, &c. in warm
weather. Attached to ths house is a Stable for three
horses, hay-los , granary, and cariiage-houfe, a wood-
Is yard paved wjth done, and a garden with Ipil of a fine
• qual ty. An indisputable title will be made to the pur
bovc> chafer. For farther particulars apply to the fubfenber in
1 Princeton, or, in her absence to '1 homas D. Johi son, Efq,
1 and or the rev. Samnel S. Smith,
c,ron Princeton, Aug 24- aawtO
Plans of the city ot Philadelphia,
Including the Northern Liberties and diftridl of
Southwark ,
Publilhed, and fold by
No. 68, High street,
1 pods (Price one dollar.)
2 dols. THIS plan is 26 inche square, and has been en^
of the g rive( j |,y one of the firft artists in the city, from a late
th d av ln( J accurate survey. Purchasers Jre entitled to a pam
ll" ." n j phlet with each plan, giving " some account" of the
" n ,' h e city, its population, trade, government, &c.
m Du- July *9 tu&ftf
rHE fubferiber intends to make application for a re
newal of the following certificate, supposed to be
d fpiri- loft 011 the parage to England in April 1794 : •
one li Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 1793,
es in a for 2830 dollars and 92 cents—Six per cent, domtdic
nd one debt, on the.books of the Treasury of the United States,
uous li- in the name of the Hon John 1 i evor.
me and ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's.
to grant Philadelphia, Augud 30th, 1796.
ls, W ANTED,
GOOD fleady workmen will meet with conflant rm
ployment, and good wages; by applying to JOHN
CURTIS, Kh>- 43, North Fourth-dreet.
g BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches,
executed with neatness and dispatch. Public and private
inefs. libraries repaired in the neatcll and bed manner.
. Septfnl.« \ 1 * * ,T