Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 23, 1796, Image 3

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    proves to me that they themfelws ere under the in* 5?5
rtoenrt of terror. Gentlemen, 1 am hippy that ,
the ingenuity of the Miniftcr was not exhausted
here, for he, to carry on hi* plan, has invented a
tax on houses. lam glad he has—by this tax you I
will know hove many houses there are in the coun- ,
try, apd if Mr. Pitt will give us a register of the M
house-keepers, who support. him, we (hall be able
to tell to a unit how many fools there are in this
country." Mr
A speedy removal of the (linking Rubbish of the j ) j r
present adminiflration.
The Chairman said, he had been desired to give j) :
a toast— ,n §>
The Right Hand of the People. amla
An effe£tual flop to the National Leak. g
In the eolirfe of the evening Mr. Tooke said,
thnt the Chairman (who, from his exertions, was e ]
ahttle hoarse) had desired him to give to the com- Mas
pany the following toafy ; it was the sentiment of hue,
Mr. Fox ; he fbould give it in the words of that choi
gentleman— ,
Dtflruflion to that Admiaijlration -who havt de- _
Jroyed more lives in foreign eonquefls, than Louis
the XlVth, and attempted mare lives at home than.
Harry the Vlllth. f ron
This being drank with three times three, and lhl "
Iwith rapture.
An Ele&or, whose name we do not know,- said '
that as they had drank the univeifal cause of Li- at 1
feerty, he (hould be glad if Mr. Home Tooke wet
would Rate to the meeting, whether it is confident ln - :
or within the bounds of a member of Parliament rec<
to explain his opinion upon the fubjett of Parlia- hng
mentary reform. He underflood Mr. Fox did not lvas
like universal fuffrage and annual Parliaments; and he
if Mr. Fox continued an enemy to reform he would " e y
remain in a minority. And it Mr. Tooke was an bur
enemy to reform, he would remain in a minority
also. He wished Mr. Tooke to inform the people c° R
how to rerain their rights, and expel these mini- 3 }
fters. .
k Mr. Tooke said, nothing in the world ever gives » la
me more-pWafure tlian to be called upon as the gen- rlf )
tleman has done. It is the manner in which gen- ten
tlemen (hould c<dl upon those perfong who are their 0 c
Representatives, or who offer to become their Re
presentatives, and scrutinizing every sentiment they
hold which relates to public Liberty. lam called " a
upon for two things, one which I can answer, and e
one which I cannot. As far as relates to myfelf,
lam able to do it,' and I am glad to do it ; but J' ,u
when lam called upon to explain the sentiments of lie
a gentleman who is ahfent, I mnft beg to be ex- g°
cufed. I thirk the heft, and Hope the belt of
Mr. Fox, although there are some things unex- '■
.■plained by him.-—However it is possible the mo- nl
ment may arrive when you and I, and all of us, ,r
----may compel him to explain himfelf, even if he
were not inclined to do so.
# The gentleman has supposed, that if I were in
Parliament, I too (hould have continued in a mi- mi
nority. I believe not, for both the majority and
Minority would have been unanimous to hang me.
For the means which the people ought to pursue th
to obtain a reform in Parliament, I fay, they ought foi
to pursue any effe&ual means in their power. In
dividuals cannot do much ; but, though the means gr
tfeey pursue produce the mod sanguinary m
nteafures oh the part oFfhe minider, they ought til
rot defid, for liberty may arise out of their blood.
Tl;e privates in the ranir. The convifttd pa- in
/riots of New South I'/ales, and the tried patriots ns
ell over the world. 0) hi
Several songs were sung, and the evening ended ta
in a very convivial manner.—The company appear re
ed to be very well fatisfksl with all the occurences »i
of the day. tl
The society of Arts, Manofaftures, and Com- '1
tnerce, have adjudged their gold medal to James w
Denton, Esq. of Brandon, for having planted 38 tl
acres with acorns They have also adjudged a pre- di
inium of 20 guineas t& Lewis Majeudie, Esq. of r<
Cadlc Hedir.glvam, for dibblisg 15 acres with beans p
and sowing the land the fame year with wheat.
. ' ti
' ; c
Washington Lottery, No. 2.
f I I HE twenty-second and twenty-third days drawing p
X arc arrived at the office No. 147, Chefnut-ftreet, j
Between Fourth and Fifth-ftreets, where they will con
tinue reguhrfy to arrive, during the term of the drawing.
.This is mentioned to the public, to preclude the necessity P
6i advertifijig ended with-great t
Canal and other Lottery Tickets may be had at the
above* officc, where all transactions in the line of a bro
ker arc promptly attended to.
Thomas Noble.
Sept. 23. d 3
Turks-Island Salt,
F0 K SALE, r
Per the {hip American, Capt. Shallcrofs—Will be rea- c
iy to discharge at Pine-street wharf on tht: 27th inft.— i t
Apply to-
Jehu Hollingfivortb & Co. '
Sept. 13. mwf j
Thomas RyerJon
HAS just received, by the (hips Molly and Hamburgh '
Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from '
Bristol, and is now opening for sale, at his store No. [
177', rift, an extensive aifortment of t
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware 1
and Saddlery.
The ship Caroline, now on her palTage from Liverpool
so Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor
tation. 1
N. B. At the above store may be 1i;k1, a few elegant t
Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good af
fetrtment of the belt kinds of Knives and Forks.
Sept. 23.
Wants a Place,
A healthy YOUNG WOMAN, with a Frcfh Breast
of Milk. Apply at the Office No. 234, Matktt-llreet.
Sept. 23. dj l
-..- ~ ' j
For i c ale, 1
The Time of a Negro Man,
Who is a good Ccok. Ei quite -at Ko. 109, South
Sept. 23, - dio
saw 1
Philadelphia, w h et
■ Q
Married, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr.
Abercrombie, Jamis CnesXDT, F.fquire, of the State of
South-Carolina, to Miss Maev Cox of this city. or /
' , last evening, by the Rev. BiCiop White, with
Mr. William Reeb to Miss Ann M Call, daughter o. CL»/
Mr. Archibald M'Call, merchant, of this city. SP/
— priv;
Death's alleviating hand terminated, yederday morn
ing, the long and painful fufferings of the
amiable, Mil's Mas? Berry of this city.
' even
By returns in the Boston pipers, it appears, that Lit
.Samuel Sewall, and Ephraim WiHiarrid, £fq'rs, are B
1 elected Representatives in Congress fram the lta'e ot
MafTachufetts —the former in the room of Mr. Good-
" hue, and the latter in that of Mr. both
chol'en Senators of the Uniied States.
On the 14th. inft. there was a violent storm, with weri
• thunder, lightning and hail, near Flemington,
, New-Jersey. Many of the hi»il stones measured n!
from fix to seven inches round, which indented the ' e
| finngles and boards of the houfei and fenees, and otn
destroyed a quantity of grain, &c. in the ground.
) About half a mile from the town on the h»ll,
at the cooper's shop, Thomas Jobs and lus wife s
- were killed on the spot. Fhe child which fhc had c 8
t in he;-arms, was a little burnt, but is expected to
t recover. A woman laving in bed, had her hair
. singed and was otherwise hurt ; and a little boy ec
i was much hurt in the fame house, and it io feared _ * J1
he will not recovet the life of his limbs. Thechim
-3 neys at both ends of the house are burfted,and the 1
a building was left a me-e wreck.
y" The above Thomas Jobs and his wife having I
e company, gave up their bed to their gueils, and M'.
. lay on the floor with'their heads toward the c'lim- of 1
ney stack, when the accident happened. Those
3 that were not injured lay on a bedllead. This tei
rifyiisg temped lalted from the early part ot the as den
ternoon with lit'le inteinnflion untit elevenor twelve con
. o'clock at nipht. wh
— flee
In a late, article it was surmised, that Buonaparte is 1
q was to .penetrate to Vienna through the Hates of
j Venice. But though this mute will be nearer tl an Of
f by Frankfort, yet the Frrtfcn-wiU here have a long
, t jourrrey of 250 miles to take, through countries
,f the mod favourably disposed towards the Aullrian
government. Besides, when nun are Sghling for
,f their liberties, pro aris & focis, the French will Le
find their conquelts not so easy as those they have Le
j. hitherto made ; these having been in detached coun. L<
5) iries difaffecied to the Austrian government. L;
in To give a jufl. idea of the situation of St. Do-
i- mingo, wepublilh the following leiter: —
id , Cape, 6 Fruftidor, ( Aug. 23, »79^-)
e. Since my fir It Jctt?;, which accompanies this,
re th »r his occurred, and there is (till occurring, what St
at follows:— ,
n- At Port-au-Prinee, and in the environs, the ne*
ns gfvCß arc in a Itate of inlurrettion ; tbey iiave blunt y
ry many habitations, which had remained untouched ■ 3!
hi till this day. The negroes will uo* Avoik.
d. On this fide Grande Riviere, there is a giSRI ri r - A
j- itlg'J the Brigand negroes have killed a negro thicl "
'its named Garnet, who commanded for the republic,
his family and et»t-*isjor. . fiiteen thoulatid men "
ed taken (rum the principal posts, are to go ajjainlt the
ir revolteis; they doubt much the fticcefs of these
res new republicans. 1 deplore the uniispp-v fate 01 l
the inhabitants of St. Oumingo. It is impossible
for them to come with fecuriy" 10 their habitations.
m- 'i'he necroes who have returnedto their habitations
les will not absolutely attend t» fpeakt» t.heir masters :
38 they are v. illinjf enough to be republicans, bu: 0
re- dc travail, (no work) —they think it'is contrary to
of republican rights—By this title, they are to bs sup-
rns plied with all tfiat is necessary.
The made is thrown off—The negroes fay, haugh- *
tily, that St. Domingo belongs to them : on this
condition they will work, otherwise not, &c. &c. r
. Here follows a letter of the Directory, and a
ing protlamatKin of L. F. Sonthonax, dated AugMft 1
ect ' 18, relative to this infurreflion.
on " This proclamatiou declares, that the Northern
part of St. Domingo, is in danger. It orders,
reat that »ltTnTmaYi;ie<tciti/ensfrom 161025, whoaie f
not employed in agrictilturc or in the offices of tKe 1
commiißoners' be considered in a state of requifi- )
tion —Those whofhall not obey these orders with- c
out affigciing a legitimaje reason, aie to be declared
J and treated as traitors, and tried by marti'ai law.
Emigrations are foibidden, Sic. 1
A letter appears in the Csurier Francois of this '
morning from Henry I'erroud, former Ordonnnteur
ga " jof-St. Domingo, &c. &c. in whfcii,' after faying '
, that tht accounts of the distressed situation of that '
if] nd are fabricated by interetted, evil minded per-' '
sons, enemies of republicanism, Sic. goes 011 to ! :
- flaw, that Gonaives, i'Artbonite, la Petite Riviere,
and their dependencies, enjoy, under the orders of c
, general Touffaint Louvertare, the grcateit tran
rom : the plantations near the enemy's camps
No promise a tine harvelt. The cultivators rej .4ce in
the sweets of liberty,'and woik coriftantly for the
■g houses to which they are attached, &c. 6cc. j
On this the Editor of the French paper oblervcs, ,
I —We shaH not permit ourselves fe judge 011 cir- ,
ior _ cumftances so important. We leave.our readers to
decide between the accounts given yesterday, and
jam the letter we have published to-day.
Ul- l.llillMlll l IM.I
- • bY THIS' DAY's MAIL.
SALEM, September 16.
ct . Captain Samuel Cook, who arrived here on Wed
nesday, from the Wt fl-Indies, via Charleston, was
~ informed by a pilot from the Vineyard, that there
had been an engagement between a French Jvd an
English frigate, off Gay-Head, in which the latter
out j l had her main and mizen mart carried away, and was
otherwise much damaged ; so much so, that (he
went into the Vineyard to refit. The a£tion was
only ai>out a mile from the land. Captain Cook Extra
saw the English but it was not known fch.
where th« Ffeach frigate was. ■
BOSTON, September 19. near
From Biirlarlocs.
Capt. Bacon, arrived here yefterdny, left bar
badoes, August 24 ; he inform*, that on the 19th j- a y e j
oF August, a frigate arrived there from Gibraltar .
with the intelligence of WAR BEING DE
SPAIN, and that previous to his failing, fevera! .
privateers were fitting out, and cn? had a&ual y ran J e
failed on a siuize. It was luppofed that the Dutch ,
fleet would soon make an attack ok that place, an
event which-fecmed confideiably to alarm ths iuha- era j
bitints. (Bafion LTarint Lifi.) hands
By an arrival vefterday from Barbadoes, wv> are
informed,that a packet arrived there the 19th An
euft, d reft from Gibraltar, with dffpatches that f
ENGLAND. In consequence of which, they ft
were fitting out privateer''at Barbadoes with the
greatest expedition, to cruize ajjainft '-he Spaniards. an j ve
One privateer had already tailed on a crui/.* before came
the above vefTel left Barbadoes. ihe day oi>f f(i-
formant left Barbadoes, signals were fired a< all the p ren£
forts in the island, »s notiee of the approach of a
fltct, but whether English, or that of an enemy, rpj
ttns not known, as they were under apprehensions aUac j
of a visit from the Dutch fleet at butinam. fucce
(Federal Orrery.) bcfid(
Prices Current at Barbadoes, August 24. triflir
Beef and pork no f a '* T erer
Flour „ 16 dollars.
Bread 6 do
: Fish 61-Z
NEW-YORK, September 22.
;! Died, on Monday the 16th inil. Mrs. Maiy
i M'K'night, wit)i>w of Dr. Charles M'Knight, late
- of this city, in the 44th year of her age.
The following lift was handed to our correfpon- " r 'S
dent by an officei of the privateer La Vengeance,
e commanded by the lieuter.aut of vessel L'Eveille,
who failed from Cadiz in company with the said
fleet, was failing with them during three days, and
e is since arrived at St. Croix. Argus.
,f - LIST
g WAR, who fct fail from Cadiz on the lßth
:s Thermidot, (August 5, 1796.) Sloe
11 Le Jupiter 74 Le Cenfcur S n °
e Le Barras 74 Le Berwick 74 n *
1. La Viftoire 80 Le Duquefne 74
La Revolution 74
La Felicite 40 La Friponne 44
j. L'Ambufcade 44 „.
3, 1 Divjfien. p .
;it St. Tnnidada 136 Firme 74 "
Mexico 112 Orianta 74
e . St. Nicholas 80 Attalanta '74 r ,
n£ Neptune 80- Terrible 74
rc j St. T-cluio 74 Glariofo 74
COftVKTS. ( q
;f. Atrevis I 20 Defcobierla 20
; c f fri-ler., 22 Cio 18 rlv
ell Attocha 21 Tartars 18 ,
h( . ad Dbv'ifion.
-f e MEN OF WAR.
0 f Le Prince des Afturies Pclayo 74 gj
3 [ c ,112 Cunecijtada 74
, 1S St. 43«rW- 94 Arragaata , 74
)ps Bahama 74 Galordo, 74
8 . San Vincents 80 St. Darajfo 74
■ [nt SuH>erano 74
Dian 34 Thetis 34 g
Cecilia 46 Ceres 40
jj,. Flora 34 Helena 36
37 Men of War, 9 Frigates, 6 Coivets.
Translated frdm hite French Papers fsr the Argus. G
. i'J Exrraft of a letter from the commandant of the
navy at Toulon, to the minillfter of marine and
esn of the colonies, dated at Toulon, June 29.
„ r} " The officer of the gun-boat Le Nivofe, has re-
ported to me, that he saw the Britanuia, British *
t p e three into Leghorn to repair her main
yards and shrouds, which were cut ty the-36 potin*
jjjj del® from our battery on Cape Sepet.
red " x, y commercial veffela eatered thi'3 port oft
the 2d and 3d decadc of Przirial, and sixty-nine ,
failed thence. 0
" Citizen Bouvrsr, brevet ensign, commandant of 0
the advice-boat la Soudre, writes me, that he has taw
, eur ken ail English vessel of 500 tons, loaded with '
; I)rr grain, I think it my dutv to transmit a copy of
his letter. The conduct of this officer forthelaft
, two years, has always been followed with happy
' to success, owing to his prudence, adfivity and abi-
ere ! lity ; the nomination of him to the rank of captain ?
!-l comaiandaflt, will be lecompence andjuflice.
Signed, THEVENARD. *'
mps Extract of a letter from citizen Bouvier, to vice- a
: in admiral Thevenard. /
the Two days after my departure from Algiers, I r
fell in with the Bridgette, English transport, loaded f
V( f s > with grain on account o: the British government,, /
Clr " of 500 tons, armed with 6 cannon and 6 swivels,
Bto —Too strong fer me ; but determined to take her,
and I Hudied to iubrtitute stratagem for force. I hois- '
ted in consequence, the Algerine flag, and mafic- I
ed all my crew in Turkish habits, myjfelf giving the
example. By the aid of moustaches and whiikers, ]
with a little red on the face, and a rolled towel on
the head, in the form of a turban, our disguise
proved tffeftual. I approached the vefTc'l, which had
the politeness to in ttays for me. At this
fed- moment, hoisting the Republican flag and pendant,
was and firing a gun with fliot, to afTure it, I called out
here in good Freiuh, for the enemy to Hrike their co
-lan lours or 1 wmild fink them—they preferred 10 strike. I
itter Having manned ti'iy prize, I failed for Cafthagena, i
was from whence 1 wri:e you. I hope it will not be 1
she the lad rime that 1 shall give msfqued balls to the :
was Eng'ufh.
Extra&s from laie Jamaica p»per.«, rrc'?vfd the
schooner Delaware, arriwd here this morning.
KINGSTON, Augu.l i+.
The Quebec frigate h.-.s diiven on ihore and buint^
near Gonaives, citizen Olonisr s privateer—l 6 ;
her crew were killed.
Bv letters from perfonson board the fleet, vvhu n
failed from this island in Juiks l at - -9' °> *' e
aie informed, .tltaj the whole on taking theii c.e
partnic frbm Negril Point, amounted to 136 fail,
and on the 30th of Jil»e, were only 127 tail i'«
company, the Jolliers, (among which is the O
range Valley, captain Wade, far Briltol) have ei
ther brcn taken or parted with convoy. The let
t te.r# mention, that the crews of the fleet v.eie in ge
neral vety sickly, and some vefle.s had :n(t many
hands. On the 24.(11, to the of xiavau
nah, they law three fail of French f'nips, one two
decker, and two heavy frigates, which the Phoenix
was sent to reconnoitre ; they bore away, however,
without attempting any thing, our force beirg ton
ftroryj. . *
His majelly's ship Albicore, Captain \\inthrop,
arrived yelterda.y from a cruize. I'ndci convoy
came down the Dan;fh brig Alexander, prise to
his Majelty's (hip Hannibali She was taken by a
French (hip of war, and re-captured by the Hauri
bal off Capi-Francois. ,
The Brigands have lat-ely made three cuTcrent
' attacks on, in all which they have becnun
fuccefsfui. Their Commander (a white man) fell,
besides many others. The loss on our fide was but
trifling, only two were killed, and a few wotitide ..
Jeremie is now in perfect tranquility.
■ —-T'Tffia'*'"""
» % *
f PHILADELPHIA, Slimier 23.
ARRIVED, day 3,
Ship Swift, Norwood, Hull 63
Brig Flora, Stephens, Havannah 11
Maria, Mason, Cape-Francois 17
Georgia Packet, M'Keever, St Thomas 16
j John, Marner, St. Croix 17
j Diana, Guifir, Havannah IJ
Lydia Sc Polly, Jenkini, Bolton 13
Eagle, Johnson, Port-au Prince 17
p Nancy, M'Dougal, . Peterfbargh 10
Nancy, Traves, Virginia 6
Sloop May-Flower, Lord, Richmond 6
Sehr. Catharine, Woglom, Viiginia 4
gnow Guftavus Adolphus •, Marfeillei
,"t Brig Swallow, Dorfoa Martinique
Cruger, Tinker, C. N. Mole
Schr. Mary Ann, Swai!, Norfolk
Patfey, Hugene, Frederickfburg
do. do. • ,
" Louisa, Sheitr, Edenton
Sloop Sally, Dickey, Richmond
dunce, Woglem, Suflofk
Arrived at the Fort.
Brig Hannah, Kenny, St. Croix
Lady Wafljington, Tremels, St. Thomas
Schr. Hetty, Mason, do.
Sloop Saily, Buflier, Cape-Francois
The brig Richard & James, and schooner Pen
dletwn, both from Philadelphia are airived it New*
2o Orleat s. The fchr. Frederickfburg packet is ar
j g rived at Gibraltar.
Providence, September 16.
c Schooner Nancy, Potter, Turk's Island
Orange, Baley, Jamaica
Abigail, Bates, Savanuah
IS* Sloop Hancock, Davis, New-York
Clementina, Anthony, do.
L Leopard, Farnum, Newport
Lydia, Gladding, Bristol
Mary Ann, Giaves, Jamaica
Lark, Godfrey, New-York
. Nancy, Child, Baltimore
' J ' Brig Rebecea, Feaner, Surinam
Ship Mary, Barton, Jamaica
Halcyon, Taylor, Ifl« of Francc
Oo Tburfday arrived the Ihip Halcyon, captain
itiii Gultavus Taylor, in 125 days from the Isle of
France.—Left there Ships Washington, Sigour
ncy ; Confederacy, jencks, Grand Turkj'Malaby j
Georgia Packetj Chipman ; North 1 ,iberty, Ged
dis ; Brig Betsey, White ; and schooner Flora,
ra j n Same day arrived the (loop Mary Ann, Capt.
n]n Graves, from Jamaica. Provilions low 5 fold some
Beef at 8 dollars, and brought back a quantity.
t on Boston, September 18.
n j' ne Arrived, fchr. John Jay, Captain Bacon, 27 *
days from Barbados. Left there, capt. Church
it of London, and capt. S. Barbe, of this town,
whole vessel had been tried and cleared, but from
w j some information that one of the paffrngers gave,
j she was again libelled, and was to be tried the next
* lalt day after capt. B. (ailed. Spoke in lat. 4.1, 11,,
brig Atalanta, capt- Whitefield of New-London,
whoinformed him that in lat. 33 1-2, as he was
jtain to the Welt-Indict, he experienced a very
severe gale, which carried away his malts decks,
load, Bcc. and that having crafted jury malts, he
was 011 his return to port, Capt, B. offers*! him
wee- afliftance, tut he laid he flood in nt» need thereof.
Aug. 31, spoke a brig. capt. Oiam, from Porif
rs, I mouth for the Weft-Indies, who informed that a
aded few days .before, he had lolt his mate, by oamc
ient,, Andrews.
ivek, Ne v-York, Sept. 21.
her, ARRIVED. Days.
hois- Schooner Delaware Packet, Wood, Jamaica 31
naflc- American vessels failed from Havre-de-Grace, July
;the 15— 2 3-
kers, Brig Moses, Meyer, Couper, Loaded lor Cadiz. t
el on Fame, Wiifon, in bailatt, do.
guise Franklin, Shaffer, do. Beurdeawc.
1 had Diana, Rofliter, do. do.
this Minerva, Rathburn, loaded, Liftwn.
dant, Apollo, Hahbet, in ballast, do l
d out Havre, July *3.
ir co- The vessel Sally, capt. Chipman, en
trike. teted this port yesterday in 35 days from Chatlef
gsna, 'on, with 79 French citizens from the Wett-In*
ot be dies. Fell in with 3 Briiifh Frigate 9 off Baifleur,
o the and was visited by one of them. —[The captain in
forms of the rire at Chailelton.J
1 » •*