Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 23, 1796, Image 1

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    mm y* mm&tAUS,* Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
___ ■ For Sale-, i 8 ,.4" , .P
---1 i IT I r 'v.r„-,r. \ l t-xoj t awn ntN.of thefirft otialrfsc? fn - .pe««
lor Charter, I
ijgkto .. 1 er Recetvet
7*& Domtnick Terry,
J3 - yacob De Hart, matter :an «<£ Ucnt »o Trunks
of about 3000 barrels burthctt. t Cafe
•y-,/7i y Robert Wain. x Ditto -
J j I Ditto I
gpptftnber «T. t: ~ I Ditto t
—prr For NEW-YORK, . «
- To rsi in . few day, — -»
very low. Apply to, QSEPH ANT HONt, & Co. V\
September 10. _ „A_- - TJAS I
Vnr Sale. Freight or Charter, the
The Ship General Washington, MercerT ,
Now discharging her cargo fromU«r- he W ' U f '
" Rof j' S be sent to sea at a small Some I
" . Kearny Wlurton. J~;
Who has for fate on board faidl <b"P> hon g
& .few thottfand Bulhels Salt and Coal.
Sept- '9- • Silk i
j-— For Charter, ™ e b a :
The Danilh Barque Bsneventura, Fren,
Samuel Stub, mailer,
Rood vessel, Of about two ta® ll J (
tons burthen. J dtf •
Sept. 17.
OhJ&fishtr The capital ship CERES, '"fiTT
fe: -■••;-]V T o &a.b»&:-ror freight or passage ™
&JE.O. Si- C 7
John Yaughan, a
September 10. Front-street. x
F 0 R S A L E, _ 7°°
The Schooner LARK, For
Hundred and twenty tons burthen.
A new vessel well found, well built, & g
. fails extremely fad. For terms apply
to the mailer on board, or to f rom
joseph Anthony tff Co., £cp
If the above vefTel is not fold W»f« d^s ' fte W:U
take freight on very low terms for Bolton.
Sept. 10.
for sale,
ffa. The (hip STAR, Hi
wMMrj John Vannimak, Matter
T YING at Walnut-ftrset wharf, Philadel
-1 j phia built, of Eve oak and cedar, will v
!*7^7 3 aOG barrels, is two years old, and m com- .
carry rnuui 0 . care0 —For terms-apply to
pleat order to receive & j - JHN ZETLAND. £.
Who have also for sale said vessels eargo-cbnfifting of- 1
Wine and Porte/ bottles, —.
Window Glass, 6 by 8 to 16 by *».
Pipes in boxes
~ iSne»M*-
•Gi'indftones, Cods, Whiting, fee. , n p;
Aug. 29
..'J ■■■-
John Whitefides & Co.
Have for Sale,
Venetian Red,
Snanilh Brown,
White Lead, ground in oil.
% shot, No. I, 2, 3, 4, 5-
London Porter, in casks and bottles.
Several^ Queens Ware, in setts, with desert _J
ditto compleat.
Blillered Steel,
German ditto. per]
Sept. xt. d "! Ll
To be disposed of, mr
nPHE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who f
X has between four and five years to fervs: h»»e
can be recommended for her sobriety and honelly. For
particulars enquire at No. 132, Chefnut-ftrcet. j'
Ai.guft 3. w&ttf A
NANKEEN S, _ bet
Of ihe fi.rjt quaTtty, FOR SALE l>? , ln '
J R]). and JAS. POTTER. _
Fui .niy tjuaiiiil} Jbu»<- I'Vtv TUuuf«uJ ll- gj
beral credit will be given, R- J-
September 13. 1 ■ t;
Tbrkk journeymen book-binders, 1
/^IOOD (leady workmen will meet with constant em- th
ijjr ployment.and good wages; 'y applying to JOHN bt
CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-street. tii
14. B. BOOK-BINDING in all it» different branches,
executed with neatnel's and dispatch. Public apd private P
lib'■arics repaired in the neatest and heft manner. e>
September 20. 1 k—
ON Thurfdav the 22d inft. at TO o'clock, A. M. will &
be fold at the (lores of Willings and Franeis, a large
quantity of INDIA GOODS, imported in the Ganges,
from Bengal, confuting of _
3000 pieces Gur'rihs
2000 do. Baftas, different kinds
3500 do. Coffas, do.
1430 do. Humhums, do.
630 do. Patna hdkfs. for women J
iod ho. Addaties
go'do Tablecloths
300 do. Emerties
80 do. Funjumr . £
300 do. Fine Mnlmuls
300 do. Fine hdkfs. •
100 do. worked Muslins '
TOO do. Dorcas
, 100 do. Book Muslin
TOO do. black colored Fcrfians or Taltetics i
jioo do. B.mdannoss, chocolate, red and blue . 1
110 do. Choppa P.omaK
40 quarter casks of Hyson Tea of goad quality
40 Souchong
TJhe coaife goods will be fold by the bale, the taffetas
and bandwmoes in lots to suit the purchasers, the teas by
thc-ctxfl. The whale is entitled to ike drawback,and will .
h£( r olil for approved notes, on a liberal credit.
Tlie goods nuy bs fcen from the ijthinft. to the day
pgevious to the sale.
Septcrribci' 8.
. ' - ....
I French Goods.
Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-it-
»o Trunks "> Ladies . SHOES of all llors forts and sizes Eightccn
r i Ditto white and colored Silk the South I
I Ditto Fine LAWN
I Ditto be! fine C\MBRiC , App ,
I Ditto Ladies' 6eft fhamr.r/ and Glo\«;
For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN ivEI LAND.
■"fr* 4 Sept- }j
Nv. 76 H't;h S"ee!, a Thr<
HAS received, by the Uteft arrivals' from Europe and , ft rc «
the East Indies, a well feleaed affortmtat cf SiU MetTrs. Ja
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haherdafhery Goods, whic now do y t
- he will fell, Whole We and Retail, on the .ovf eft terms , Pofle!?i<
amongst which are. For t
II Some fine India msflins embroidered with gold and ver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and j
Some (ixtra black taffeties.luuftringsand colored Pcrfiatos
Bandano > CI
. Long and Siort Nankeens U fied
'• English Mantuas of thefirftquality Ai
Damask table linen and napkins, very fine Au
Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflortment —
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas— green lilk, oil'd de. and do c.ath
A French cambrics, very fine Recei 1
' i,iih Linens, do. &c. &c. lune74 S Glf
e d ""70,000 Pieces Nankeens, t!c
Of the bell quality and or. reofonable terms, Ofn
Philip Nicklin & Co.
AagufV 26. — Ra'
3(r . The Cargo of the Poiacre Independent, Bee
g ' T /CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alleant and Lif-
ftwwHnr *t wharf— c
28 Pipes of tSi-»rt(3y AU „
18 Bales of Spanifli wool
— 3 do. of Annifeed J
nooo Bushels of bell Lifbnn Salt
8o Boxes of Lemons - A „_ TO The Ca
For sale by WILLINGS & FRAN Cls.
icn. ALSO, „ ,
' ? Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, A
received by the fliip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, X X
from Kingston. ,
Sept. 13. * A V 0
will '
From 15 to 9 i inches, for sale by U
Jeremiah Warder,
j u l y tl g No 12 north Third-flreet.
Washington Lottery. jum
ide -M THE Twentieth and rwenty-firfl: Days' Drawing of - ---
W1 the Washington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office "J [
C ° m " No. 234, Market-street, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
'r lotteries may be procured.
September 15, 1796. di
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
in pipes and hogsheads 1 —-
5 Claret, genuine old, in rafrs 1 At 1
Gin, in pipes, from Holland I
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hoglheads
' ' Shot, Nos, 6, 7, 1 and 9 TJ I
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead IV
Steel, G/trtnan and Raffia, in barrels beins
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, of tb
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by into
desert July 19 ——
The public a
IS hereby cautio»ed not to trull any person or
persons on my sccount, under any pretext whatever, a* I
Z Ihall not pay such debts as may have been, or hereafter
may be contracted without my knowledge.
' w!,( ' Serf 17. • "* f 3
;.|o e r INFORMATION " T
rs given daily of the drawing of the WASHINGTON 0 f }
tf A LOI TERY, at the Office ance
No. 147 Chefnut-Jlreet, pole
between Fourth and Filth flreets. Also, where Tickets all c
may yet be had. Sept. 15.
R gr The 20th and 21ft Days drawing n arnvei.
*=''r-- Lottery affd Broker's Office, For
r ( % No. 64, South Second stxhat.
TICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for fait—-a
Check Book for examinatian —and prizes paid in
17TP? the late lottery. .
' Check Books, kept for examination and for
ant em- the City of Washington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
JOHN both of which are now drawing—information where
tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
ranches, tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New
! privatep po t Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
2w The fubferiber foticirs the application of the public
and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
Certificates. Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
M. will &c Qr t0 o btain money on deposit gf property
•Sip, Wm. Blackburn. u
Philadelphia, Aufujl-ti, 1796.
A Complete Font of Brevier, Di
ENtirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this 0 f
font is about 312 lb. It is from the Foundery of C
Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and will be fold at cost & charges, of
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. C'
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unitde be
Statsc, 119 Chefnui-ftreet. Aug. 19 §4 W e
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE Partnership between ROBERT ANDREWS and tl
DAVID MEREDITH,under the firm of ANDREWS ci
and MEREDITH, being diflolved. All persons who are 1<
eticj indebted to, Or who have claims againfl the laid house, are li
Sue requrfled to apply for [ettlement to the fubferiber. q
lality No. 86, So. Wharves. f
?ept.6,1796. d if
e'tetby WANTED,
t,and will . A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well recom
mended, to take charge of the entire management of
o the day children—Such a person will meet with fuitablc encou
ragemcnt, and may hear of a place, by applying to the
lioneer. printer of this Gazette.
d Sept. 14. mwf
( For Sale, port
(I» an exteilent situation for hVlf.nefs,) HOL. .1
A three-story brick House and Loo Bre . K=rsa
Ground, difcoun
Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth. on B . At
the Scuth fide of Market near Fron;-llreet, now m poficl j bepterm
fton of SamiJel Read* | —■ 7^]
A?F ' ° Israel Pleafants, or By W.
Charles & Joseph Pleafants*
Sept. i» — rpj ic
For Sale, T
A Three fiory BRICK HOUSE and _ Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second streets, in w 1 p ,
Mefirs. James Qattraith & Co. have Tor many yew. (and ThejeWut
ch . now do) carried on business.
poffeffieva will be givep in ooe orToon URited j
For terms apply to Sept. 20.
; —7Z L Great
** A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is waßtcel by a person properly quali
fied, and whose character will be found unexception- I / in^for f c
able. Apply to the Printer. (f I /
A"g- 11 n
Dutch Goods, J )
Received h the Pennfyhania, from Amflerdam. g eing ,
L_ GIN, in pipes
Morlaix T |
Tickleiiburgs > In Baics I And
Ofnaburgs J J August
German 7 Stripes, in cases
Hacrlem j j
Hollands DUCIv, in ditt» j
Ravens i I [Pr
nt, Bedticks, in ditto 1 A D /
Lif- Brittagnei } in ditto I *
To l 'ilu by W«pf& V 10BN KSTLfiM.
*us »9 —2— j The A,
Sales of India Goods. JByr. \
The Cargo of thefhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from CaU 1 Lan
g_ cutta and Bengal,
IRS, A Large and generalaffortmeht of Bengal and Madras I
among which ake _ I
A variety jine worked and -plain Mujlins, I c
Dorcas, Vfc. Also, 1 100 t
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, 300 I
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, I I
For Sale by I 4 op j
Willings & Francis,
I—l— jjo. ji Penn Street. I J 3o ' l,
June ? I
"office yu sT A R RIVE D, from Lifion, S°h
nined. J An( j fer g a i e i,y the Subscribers, 1 bteps at
ot,ier Lisbon Wine, :^;fo
[f \n pipes and quarter-calks; I
cooo Bushels Lisbon Salt. 1
Jefe iff Robert Wain. '
rSoltl ' Sert. io.
At a fpccial meeting of the Board of Di- TH
j reflots for eftabl'i filing ufefal Manufactures, hoiatn I
at Paterfon, July 8, 1796, J Cerl
RESOLVED! That a fpccial meeting of the 9®!ck- j for iS
holdsrs of the Society be called on the firlt Monday, j debt, 1
Being the third ay of Odober next, at Paterfon, by ten the
ranvas, of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take I
into consideration the propriety ot the said _Phi
ND. icorporation, agreeably to the law m such cafe made and
6 provided—and the Stockholders arc earnestly rcqucfted J r
— 2 — to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy.
August 27 dt 3° th ° A ,
rfon or ______ — ——— ————j si J
Notice is hereby Given, phin
' TPH 4T ajrecablv to an aft of Congress of the United lor
1 Slates of America, oaffed at Philadelphia, the £ Bth day Djtto
JGTON of May, l?q6 ; tayin - duties on Carriages, tor the convey- Mufl
ance of persons, and repealing the former acts for that pur- | Japa,
pose.—Tim there (hall be lev isd. coilefted and paid, upon [A fc
Tickets all carriages fjr the conveyance of persons, which shall be
•tf kept by or for any person, for his or-Jvr own rife, or to let
out to hire, or for the conveying ot pafTcngen, the ft.eral du- j
■ . ties and rates following, to wit. j
a for and upon every Coach, »5 dols. I n —
c > upon evc'i'y Charitn, I 2 dols.
upon every Post Chariot, w dols; I n
r fal«-—a upon every Post Chaise, 12 dols. j __
paid in Upon every Phae'on, with or without top, 9 doll ITT
upon every Coachee, 9 doh. I V"
rin? for upon other Carriages, having pannei work above, I wltl
nttrrits with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols. lent
" , ' upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and 1 f rat]
u y ieIC • top: wiib fleet springs, 6 dols. | wea
undrawn u p o h four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or tron I
ate New- • fpri , )gs r,r j-'.cks, 3 dols.- I yar(
ttery, tor upon Curricles with tops, 3 dols. 1 a
upon Chaises with tops, 3 dols. 1
he public upon chairs with tops, 3 dols, 1 p
nk Stock, Ufon.fulkies with tops, 3 dols. I n
s, Lands, upon other two wheel top carrijiges, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriages, with fleel or iron springs, I
UTTI* 5 dols.
*, For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 dols. I
n ' ,ta upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posts 1
and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, x dols. I | n| ,
The-Colleftors of the flevenue of the firft furvev of the 1
Diftriftof Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day I
tht of this of September next, for the purpose of receding the duties on I
undery of Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or SafTafras flreet, in the City I
6c charges, of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Cl»ir, Efq in the 1
° County of Montgomery; ond ot the house of Abraham Du- j
he Unitde bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all perfonspof- I
§4W felled of f»ch Carriages arc desired to take notiee. Ig r
■: Notice is also given, lan
ip. TO ill retail dealer in Wines, and foreign diflilled fpiri- Iph
REWS and tuous liquors, that licencej will be granted to them ; one li I oil
NDREWS cence for carrying on the bufinefs.of retailing of Wines, in a I
ins who are lefsquantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one I —
house, are licence for carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li- I
r . quors in less quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and I
iWS, at tie fame places, by the officers legally authorised to grant I
/hatves. fuck licences.
Infpeftor of the Revenue ot the firft survey 1 q
of the dillriflof Pennsylvania. J
Office of Infpc£lion,at ) *j 3* I S
cell recom- Philadelphia, aift J'dv, 1796. $ (□
agement of ' j ,
able encou |
yini' to the WAITED, [S
An APPRENTICE to the Prirting Business. j (
mwf Enquire at this Office. 9
PORT WINE, and . . j
HOLLAND GIN. of fhefcrft qusU.if? >n P 'P<£
Btekcrs nod Commiflion Merchants No. 63, So. jd St. .
Who discount approved NOTES of hand. ,
j SnptemSer .4- '
I ~ THIS DAY ts Pi)aLisfi?T)T
By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son,
Corner of Second and Chifnut Jlrcettf
' Price t X l-i cents* . j
The Prefidimt's Address
To the People of the United States,
I The resolution he has formed to decline being conCdercd
among the number of those cut of whom a choice is t»
be made, at the enl'uing election of a Prcfidcnt 01 the
United States.
Sept. so. wS
Great is Truth and mult prevail.
And for/ale at No- 41 Chrjmit-fircci by J. QR-rl«.OD f
An Apology for the Bible,
By R. Watson, b* jd. f. s. s.
Eijbop of Landaff, &t. -
Being a complete refutation ox Fame s
Age of Reafoti,
Aid the only anf#er to the Second Part.
August 30. 1 —
By W. Young, Mills and Son,
[Price JO cts. in boards, 6* «-» neatly bound]
An Apology for the Bible,
t, In a series of Letters,
' Addressed Paine, author of a book entitled
— The Age of Reajon, fart tbe second, bang at in
'utilization of true and fabulous theology.
Bv R. WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of
aU Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity
in the University ot Cambridge.
For sale by the fublcribers,
jquarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;
100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea ;
3 co Boxes China, containing foall tea ietts ot 4>
400 pieces Bandanees.
Willings & Francis.
t. j January 30 tt&f
§ 1 One Hundred Dollars Reward.
! c OME villainous person or pcrfons having, in the night
>n, Oof the 7th mft. broken and much injured the Marble
I Steps at Mr. Pierce Butiir's door in High-street, No.
t y,e above sum ef 100 dollars will be paid immedi»
I atel* to any one who will discover the perpetrator or
r. h, 0,
Sept. 15. *tf&m;j —„
])l- J r>HE fubferiber intends to make application for a re<-
Men «- newal of the following certificate, supposed to be
1 loft on the passage to England in April 1794 =
I Certificate No. 10335. dated 15th November 1793,
mSck- for 1830 dollars and ox cenw—bi* per cent, domeilic
nday, debt, on the books of the Trelfury of the United States,
>y ten j in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. ,
/take ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder s.
e raid Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. «tu&f6w
utfted I India Tamboured Muslins.
I A small, handsome assortment of fylujlins,
Fine tamboured Malda and Santlpcrc Mufiins, vaiiou*
patterns and prices.
Plain 6-4 Jaconet. ,
United Corded and cross-barred Muslin Shawls.
th day I Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas.
:onvey- Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse.
at pur- [Japan Muslin!, and
, upon J few pi*ce* extraordinary fine Long Cloths.
iall be for • ale *Y
r to let Thomas Tingey,
:ra 'd"* I No. I*l, South Third-street.
Sept. i». tu&Lltf , T
That Neat and Convenient House,
dolt I TTTHEREIN the fubferiber now lives. There are lour
YV rooms ou a floor 1 the house is two stories high
above, | w ; t h a good g»rr«t abave : under the whole is an excell- ,
ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient
ids and J f rame d chamber for preserving meat, butter, &c. in warrri
I weather 1 . Attached to the house is a Stable for three
lor iron horf<jS) hay-los , granary, and carriage-house, a wood-
I yard paved with (tone, and a garden with foil of a fine
J quality. An indifpuwble title will be made to the pur-
I chafer. For farther particulars apply to the fuhferiber is
1 Princeton, or. in her absence to Thomas D. Johnson, Ef*.
I or the rev. Samuel S. Smith.
,lpnne ' 1 Princeton, Aug >4. »™to
B«d posts Plans ot the city of Philadelphia,
s,sdols. J j nc i u ding the Northern Libkrties and diftrift of
sv of the 1 SOUTHWARK,
3° th d »y Puhlilhed, and fold bv
fq in the J No. 68, High street,
iham Du- I ( Price one dollar.)
fonspof- THIS plan is i 6 inches square, and has been en
graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a late
1 and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a Dam
ned fpiri- phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the
1; one li 1 city, its population, trade, government, &c.
'inei, in a I J u |y jg t'l&ftf
—and one I ' 1 J
rituous li- 1 FOR SALE,
idtogram By N. and J. FRAZJER,
No. 95, S. Front-street,
OLS, J p r j me Boston Beef, in barrels.
firft (urTey 1 Q eor gj a Cotton.
t Carolina Rice and Indigo.
3* I Sherry and Teneriffe Wines, of excellent quality.
1 Ravens Duck.
1 Indio Bandanno's.
1 Sewing Silks, various colours.
lufineft. | CofTahsar.d Gurraht.
; 9 j Sspt. 17- "MV/.