CONTINUATION OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, '■-B; 1 the Brig Drnn, Capt. Burnham, arrived p.t Ne~w -Tork, in 49 dnyj from Havre-de-Grace, and other late arrivals. PLACENZA, June 15. 1 • Tht garrison of this town, confiliing of 4000 men, marched from hence on the Bth inft. for the siege of Mantua. Seven thousand men from Tor tona, with a great truaiber of heavy cannon, are to pass through this town for the fame place. ST. GALL, June 28. A colu-mn of Kellerman's army has parted thro* the territory of the Grifoas, and carried the town of Bregentz, after some refinance. [Tr»nfhted for the (N. Y.) MINERVA.] PARIS, July 11* They talk of a conliderable armament preparing at Brest for an expedition, the obje£l of which is not positively known. A citizen just arrived from thence, and wh® staid 'twere 6 days afTures lis that there is no less than 90,000 men engaged in it. The pacification in La Vendee, and in the country 1 of the Chouans, gives to the government thousands 1 of men, of whom theyr are resolved to make a good use. They are determined to flr'thc tuhti-e the iron's hot. Eiigliftimen, we will havp revenge !. It is without doubt, for (he purpose of being at lead orice faithful to its title, that the Journal of Patriots of '89, reports with interest the homage paid to La Fayette, at the entertainment which took place F the haughty Bretons of Morbihan, are in our ar/enals. More than 2000 fufils, 30 pair of sabres, *o pistols, 2 culverins, 3 barrels of powder, and 5000 cartridges, have been given up in my circle. ft " 1 collect here all the deserters and emigrants, i to fend them uader convoy to Rennes, there to await your ultimate orders. Of the latter there if are very few. £ '• The war is finifhed, I may dare to fay. These d, fixdayspaft, fince, the difarrning commenced, our ft foldieis and citizens travel singly tipoa the rpads. N All the refugees are gone home, and not a single tl accident lias occurred. w " Thepriefts, not emigrant arid banished, pro- ft tell to me, that they will inceffaiit'y preach peace w in the country : they, as well as the former native leadsrs of the chooaws, allure me, that if any wretches shall present themselves in the country, up on view*of ravage, they will have them seized, and conduced here, boHnd upon waggons: (Signed) » AUG. MERMET." July 19 ( ;k 'i'hetmidor.) I A part*of the camp of Crenelle having mani- y fefted some fympturas of meeting, especially by ic- d fufing to ree; the name of a committee of seven, « » » ™ reported on the inftitutlon of a court of jufticc for trial of members of the Diic&ory an l Lejgjf lative Body. He proposed that this court (hauld consist of 16 members and 14' jurors. Th« ac cused to.have the right of challenging 30 jurors, w- within 24. hours after the lift (hould be presented to them. The Rational acccfers (attorneys gene ral) not to have a right of challenge, without as signing their reasons of the fufficiency of which the court is to judge. The accused to designate 30 their witnesses, within three days after their inter lic rogatory. The decisions of this court not to be ir - fubjedt to appeal to any o % .her tribunal; and to be to attended neither with a substitute nor comnnfiary of the Dire&ory. Ordered to be printed and ad journed. BoifTy d'Anglas was chosen prcTiJent ; Ruclle o* Paftoret, Baraiilon and Borne, fecrijtsric*. 'n The council decreed, that provilioiialljr one half of the maintenance of the public turi&ionaries (hould be paid in corn at 10 francs (livres) the quin tal, or the reptefentative value. They have refolvcd also, thafl the officers of the ig customs (hall reccive specie for duties, or their re is prefentative value. But the firft resolution wa» re tn je&ed by the Council of Elders, as placing their st officers in a worse iituation. t. The Council of Elders, admitting urgency, pafT ■y ed unanim mfly the lefolution, dimmilhing the tax is on the conveyance of Journals and other papers, id ' — 's '■ The ambafladorof Tunis to the coutt of London, pafied through Paris, and was treated with great it civility, as well as pomp, by the minilter of the in s interior. On his visit to the miniiter, he was re e ceived in the gallery of the hotel of the interior, h ,and with his fuit'e seated cm fophas in the midst of e the minister's family. Vases and flower boxes were arranged around the roam, all glowing with per 1. fumes. The banquet daerbets, fruits. 1. ice-creams, See. Many tables were fpi.ead for the i- ladies, who embelliflicd the"company. Attheclofir t of the entertainment, the minitler presented to the a ambaflador a box containing a collection of arms, e manufactured at Versailles, a carbine, elegantjy v mounted pistols, holflers, See. 1, This manufafliire of arms at Versailles, eftab!i(h« i ; ed by the minister when couimiflloner of arms, ex ceeds any other fabrick of the kind in Europe. The arms unite perfection and baauty with the richness of the East, and the ambaflador declared he had f, never seen any thing more per fed than the articles , e ptefented him. The gates of the garden were open, and bands of music entertained the company, who took a walk in the garden. Or.e might read on the eountenance d of the ambafTador, whose phyliognomy is mild aud > indicative of genius, a most lively isriprefiion of - pteafure and fcnfibili'.y, He then entered the mi s nifter's cabinet, where were exhibited pictures, fta , tuary, vases, and other monuments of the arts. s — n The Council of Elders have approved and con e verted into a law, a resolution granting to every 1 entire freedom of contratting and receiving what he pleases in payment, without however ena bling him to tefufe rpandats, according t» their cuv . rent value, on the day and at the place, where the ; payment (hall be made. 1 This refolu'ion admits the depreciation of man . Dats indefinitely, which are abandoned to their fate e like other paper currencies. These measures are . a consequence of the flood of specie poured into France from the dates of Italy, collcfted by Buon aparte's exadliuns. A free trade has also received confidence there, as formerly iti America, and the f gold and silver which had been concealed during the existence of lender laws, again appear in circula tion. . Extof a letter from citizen Hauflman, commif fioner of the government near the army of the Rhine and Moselle, to the Executive Directory. Head-Quarters at Bichelle, 20th 1 Mcludor, (July 9.) I I have just seen the cammander in thief, who ftopt with me litre but a moment, and returned to , Baden. 1 Nothing of consequence h'as taken place the : important affair which made us maflers of Raltadt. General Feijno has occupied the residence of Car dinal Rohan. General St. Cyr occupies Frender ftatt. His patrolcs go to the banks of the.ii*er Necker. Prince Charles of Austria, who was at ; the affair of Raitadi with a numerous reinforcement, was not saved by the fuccourshe brought, from the - fhanu of being beaten. He hardly knows which : way to turn his head. HAUSSMAN. r '*mmm A letter from the fame to the fame. I Head-Quarters at Bit-belle, zzi Mefiidor, (July 11.) Citizens Direflors, The divisions under the command of generals Defatx and St. Cyr, had a battle with the enemy - yesterday on the plain beyond Raftadt, and in the - defiles 111 advance of the Guerfbatk. The enemy ) had sent thither all their forces ; our troops have vanqmftied them—have killed and wosnded a great t many men, taken 1300 prisoners, and one piece of I artil^ry. The enemy had received confiderabk reinforce , sients, and it even seems 1 hat they had ordered some of the troops to the Tyrol j notwithftandino this, t they have been obliged to fall ba.k behind Dour t lacn. e Onr troops w ill not give the enemy a moment's t quiet. -I he commander in chief is indefatigable. s Health and refpeO, HAUSSMAN. C ,S AL/^ I§ ''3 th J u 'y (Jjth Meffidot.) ... -The Commiflary of tl»c Executive D.reaory with a the Municipal Admintfration of the Canton of ■, Ca id is, to citizen Canuit, President of the Fx ccutive DiicClory of the French Republic. II Citizen President, - I have ju(t obtained certain proof that the En glim government, to pay its fub/idies to Au(tr : a , to the rebels of La Vendee, aad the faAions of the interior, tas been fabricating an immense quantity , 01 couaterfeit Louis, worth col/ j 1 liviei. They • ' • are .well made ; the alloy is the fame as in tb •-. u<\ • • and the only difference- is in the size of tjie coin, I whfch is {matter by an eighth. I have procured one of thrfe pieces to use for j , comparison ; 1 have recommended to the Cultqni houfe to guard against receiving anv of them ; I have written to the Miniflet of the Police j but it would be very ufefu) to give the public official no tice, to be oti their glldtd against this falfe money. Health and refpeit, (Signed) PIGAUL I' MAUBAILLAY. HOLLAND. MIDDLEBURG, June O. A Fast Day, to he kept in this place, having been relieved on, a proclamation to that purpnfe was yeftetday issued, and is thus fmgularly prefac ed ; The Prefijent and Council of Middleburg to their Fellow Citixccs *' Health and brotherhood ! " If we attempt to persuade you that our city and land were not in a precarious lituation ; that the fundamental dodtrines of liberty and equality had not icraught us to a piuacle of lustre, which might fiuitlefs be fought for in our annual chronicles ; that the difficulties which the citizens have encountered, being temoved, their prosperity was liuw become perfect ; would you not fufpeft that we lirovc to coi!- eal the aflual (late of things ! Would Hot the confidence that jou have in U6, quickly change in to suspicion and diftrult ? " Although conquered by a powerful neighbour, through whose geneiofity, and the bh flings of God, we remain % people, is not » review of the present circUanftanees diftjeartening and mournful ? The warn >>to which we have been surprized ; the inter- ' nal difientions, iiill v.oife than war ; the loss of many valuable poffeffioi;s in the Eaft»lndies ; the critical lituation ofthofein the Weft ; the sources of fubfiitence obflru&ed ; the inhabitants impovc ii!h!d by contributions ; the decline of commerce ; the diminution of the manufactures ; all tend to exhibit out too true and too melancholy a pidture of our failen country !—And the incomputable ex actions, the extraordinary exertions bellowed on the marine, uncommon addition made to the land forces, the solemn summoning of all burghers to defend their country; js it not so many tokens of dijlrefs ? so many proofs sf danger ; so man- e vident signs of the ehaftifiiig hand of Godlike juf-j tice ? " But 'torn whence came these mifeiies ? and where m\ifl we enquire for the foutces? In our selves, brethren ! They originate in our punifhahle ambition, in fordid interefl, or dcteftable voluptu ousness, in despising all the virtues that contribute" to render society happy, in degenerating from re ligion and morality; and, more than all, to our disunion and party-rancour, that, like an eating cancer, has uaftnewed thejjody of our State, and brought it to a skeleton. "Snould we, then, remain indifferent fpe&ators of these accumulating evils, and not Endeavor to remove them J Always, feeing a friend or telation in dangerous circnmflances, do we not, in spite of our reliance on medicinal aid, diredt our eyes and ■;cur hearts tow-atds heaven, beseeching Qodto com municate the means of recovery? And, burghersj .ftioukl we not then, to preserve our country, which is the mend of 413 all, that is our mother, who has the molt faefed claim to our love, offer up, unani | mcufly, our. prayers to the Almighty Deliverer, imploring his aid and protefiii>n ? NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. FiftyJiflh Silting. The Prcfiaeut announced, that the Commiffijn for foreign affairs had received an official coramu rncation from Admiral Lucas, confirming the re port of the capture of 25 English ships by' the Bataviafl fleet. The PiefiJent next announced to the afTembly the departure of the fetond battalion ps the 7th 1 demi-brigade, and likcwife that the Commission for, foreign had piop.jfcil, iJiat the gariifon of the Hague should 111 fiitute cohfil of one battalion ol Efench tioops, two .battalions of Dutch infan try, a detachment of Ft-Mich hussars, aid a corps of artiikry, fo.ming a force of 22,000 men.'' LONDON, .June 4. I Thursday, according to annual cußom, all the 1 charily chiidien, in and loujid the metropolis, to 1 the amount of gooo, of both sexes, afTembled in c St. Paul's Cathedral, a:vi heard divine feivice.— 1 I he fpeftacle was truly exquifiie and sublime. On \V ednefdav an ■action was brought in the j: court of common pleas, to recover 1001. being the deficiency and expences upon the re-sale of an estate 1 purchased by Mr. Cattle the defendant, from Mr. c Howard the plaintiff, which he refufed to complete, aliedging that he had been imppfed upon at the firft f sale. It appeared, that different puffers had been c employed by the feller to keep up the price. Up- L on this, the court weTe unanimously of opinios, x that pbffers being employed on the behalf of the ' feller to keep up the price, was a fraud upon the 1 public, and therefore renderetf the sale void alto gether. In the court of cimnura picas on Thnrfday,' an action was tried, Herbert versus Hervey, of tome importance to the trading world. It was brought by the afiignees of a bankrupt to recover a large 1 sum of money, being the amount of a debt due from the bankrupt to defendant, and which he ] had paid him a few days priyr to his bankruptcy. The rounfel for the plaintiff contended, that if any debt was paid by a tradesman, in contemplation of his becomming a bankrupt, v.ith a view to bestow an undue preference to a pirticular creditor, fnch payment, according to the spirit and meaning of the bankrupt laws, was an illegal payment, and the isffigiier* had a right to reewver the sum so paid foi i the be«rfit of all the creditois. i. being piovtJ, f that the dtfbt had been paid a few dij pc. .iom to, ' aiid in contemplation of the taokrupn-j, tit j iry, under the direction of the learned j . 'ge, fy. c a veruidl foi the plaintiff,for the whole lam, J«'y *5- A fiugular circumllaqcehappeißd off the Isle of Wight last Monday, The Dolphin pilot cutter, of ! Hailing* with nine men, obirrviiig » Ftench priva teer eapturj; a trading veflel, bore down upon tiicm, on which the privateer (not likingher appearinocj lload oir, and the Dolphin coming along lide the veflcl, the men, (having neither aims noi ammuni tion) armed themselves with mop flicks, and a fire poker ; immediately grappled tlie vcfl'el, boiided her, overcame the Frenchmen whom they had feea put on board, seized and.carried her into Rye.-—- She turned out to be the Caenarvon. Tlie Cap tain, his wife, child, and fiftci, who were oh boaid, heartily thanked their deliverers. It is a fr.4;, fc rioully to be regretted, that the Admiralty refill's letters of manjne to the vcfiels on this coast, which, if granted, v. cnl! greatly contribute to theprof«e~ tion of the coa(!i„ t < and' keep off the pViva teeis which infett it. There is rto dofbt, br't i.nd the Dolphin a few m'ufkets only, die would Uav* la ken the privateer also. T he Emprefsof Rufiia's declaration to the king of Piuffia and the Emperor, that to prevent their Jidnfhiuius disputes about the fetilement of the fron tiers of Weil Gallicia and South Phtffis, fte will be forced to march an army to tske'poffeffioo of the disputed places, merely to keep tie W remind* us of the fable, where a monkey arbitrate* between two cats, who had doleo a quantity of ch.-efr, and after greatly dimiiiifliitig the lump, by eating alter nately from either iesle, in order to dift(ibu;e im partial ju(Jlce, at length retains the remainder for tb£ trouble of fettling the 1 ju!v 25. lady jEßsr.r. The following is hooded about as a copy of a Utter sent by the Cmtntefs of Jersey to the Prin cess of Wales, on the occifion cf her Ladyfh'p's resignation : Z\ H r': Rcy - ! the Prh.eefs of Wafts. , " ! ze the eailicft opportunity in my power to have the houpii£<^v»fo r^n^ your Hieh nets, that 1 have this day obtalntfe permifiion \>f his Royal Highness the Prince of Wrtles to rcfigu into his hands the situation of Lady of the Bed-cham ber in your Royal Highnefs's family ; a fituatiou which I had the honour of being appointed to by him at the fame time with the reft of those ladies who coroprife your Royal Highnefs'e household. " The fame duty and attachment which 1 (hall eVer \ie proud in profefliig for his Royal Highneft, arid which induced'me to accept of that appoint rtient, urged me to obey his commands 'fa retain ing it a long time after the infamous and ui judic able paragraphs in tlie public papers lendered it rm poffi'ble for a person of the rank aod station I hold in this country, indeed for any woman, polTcfiing the honest pride of an English woman, to fuhmit to hold a station which was to make her the obj:it of a dark and defigtirng calumny. Upon mentioning my carneft requed to his Royal Highness fur rcy instant resignation, he rtprefentcd to me that faeh a step would not only be legarded as a confirmation of every absurd and abominable faKhood that had been so indudrioufly fabiieated for the present purposes, but that it would be further promoting the views of those who had so wickedly laboured to • injure his Royal Highness in the public mind, and, through him, to degrade the Royal Family." But the moment is now arrived when I can with pro priety withdraw myfelf from ftich per-fecotiofi and injudice, with the conscious fatisla&ion of know ing that, by my silence and forbearance, I Inve ven the ftiongcft proof of my duty to the Royal family, and of that attachment and gra titude to his Ri>ya! Highness the Prince of Wales, which can never end but,with my life. " I am, Madam, with all pofiible tefpcf>, your -Royal Highnefs's moll hunibL fuvent, &c. DUB-LIN, June 20. This age was very unaptly called hy Mr. Butke an age of mediocrity ; for it seems to be remarka ble for extraordinary things; and aaipngft them, fur nothing so much as the production of human phe nomena. Dum.iurier has been foliowed_ fry hun. dreds of the f.ime damp 011 the Continent ; poor Ireland furcifties but one unprecedented man, but his excellence lies in the arts of peace, which may be accepted as fame atofiement for cur t»arrer.nef* in other rcfpeQs. This is no other than Couut Rumlord. He is a fort of noble mechanic, or.mechanic noble ; cuftpm gave him a title, and nature inquifitivenrlj; which lad has induced him to look into the mod minute tliingß. He has taught the beggars in Channel low how h-fs meat will make more broth j and that one third of the fire used in the process is more thanenough. He has coritiibuted to the wealth of our cottagers also, in diminidiifig their cxperces, by (hewing them how to manage with a third lels fuel, that is, one sod of turf wftead of three on their hearth ; and to their comfoit by his plan for curing smoky cliimnies, when they (hall build them, for at present mod of them have none. Govern ment have alreadv rftvarded his exertions with an office in the Cadle, although the r.ecefiary appen dage of a place remains yet to be added it, which renders liirn dill more a singular man ; for however there'may be placemen without offices, there is no i.iftance of oEice without place. WANTED, Three JQJJR NET ME N BOOK-BINDERS, GOOD iteady workmen will meet with err.- | ' ployment.and good wages ;"By applying to JOHN I CURTIS, No. 43, North 1 o.irlh-dreet. N. B. BOOK BINDING in all its different branches, I capeuted with neatness and dispatch. PuUlic and private lis rafief repaired in the neatest and bed mann :r. I September 20. ~ t k iw rll is i) Jrls'puis lis he 17, ' By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Corner cf Second and Chefnut Jlreels, Price 11 i-a cente, The President's Address iTo the ; People of # the United .States, IftTIMATINd the rxfuluiion he hn< f«rmed to decline being among the number of tliofe out of whom a choice ii fa Iz made, at the er.fuir.f, election of a Pttfidcnt of th' United States. j ** ws6