— #S?et te of the & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1796. * X. Nvmber 1260.] 7 - — ; ~~ t: c , I " The Merchants and Traders _ for Charter, The Ship Dominici Terry, c " Jacob Dc Hart, master an excellent vessel, of about' 3300 barrels burthen. j Ci , Jeffs . For NEW-YORK, Lm The Ship LIGHT HOUSn, J* T° f-*' l la * few ,n< * wlll uke fre 'S ht very low. Apply to, josEpH aNTH ONY, & Co. I \ September 20. | For Siie, Freight or Charter, }Jf jg-ZS?- The Ship General Wafhmgton, Mere Now discharging her cargo from Liver- he w; at Rofs's Wharf—She is a last fail ; (hip, and may be lent to sea at a small Sor cnclThiviJTbwn'docked and refitted fe Liverpool. Sn, APP ' V '° Kearny Wharton. s«n Who has for fair on board said ship, A few thousand Bushels Salt and Coa.. I En d 6 I r)., Sept -' 9 - Sll JCZ For charter ' l\ The Danilh Barque Beneventura I p r Samuel Stub, master, _J" (rood vessel, of about two -hnfidre d , tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. Sept. 17. 1 For Boston, The Schooner Olive, Th Perer. Drinkwater, mafler, will P'' - 1 lively lail on TueHay the 20th inft hTving part of her cargo engaged. For freight orjwflagc aP S;pt to l6. No- 7°. North water-flrcet J " ~ZZ FOR LONDON, [ '^' ls ea P ,la l "*'P CERES, fail soon For freight or paffagc S to DAVt, ROBERTS & Co. br j** John Vaughan, _s September 10. Front-llreet. FOR SAL E, V'-'E-fSwT'* The Schooner LAR K» ° ne Hundred and twenty tons burthen. . \ A new vessel well found, well built, & J ;__4 fails extremely fall. Fotf terms apply « to the,n\after onboard, or to I 1 Jofcph Anthony ts Co. the If the. above vessel 'is not fold in a few days, fee will tr o take freight on very low terms for Bolton. I Sept. io. | lot* , v FOR SALE, 1 _ The (hip STAR, £aVw-"4*J Johk.Vankim.ik, Master, j . T YING at Walrmt-ftr-et wharf, Philadel- in *5«55.'133 lJ phia built, of live oak and cedar, will j can/about 3100 barrels, is two years old, and in com pleat order to receive a cargo—'-'or terras MppJf «P ' TMOS. & JOHfS KEI LAND. Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—confiding ol— Wine and Porter bottles, I , Window G ass, 6 by 8 to 16 by 12. Pipes in boxes I Eartben-Ware in crates. Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c. & - AUg. 29 * •John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, j p C Venetian Red, I fti Sjianifh Brown, _ I mi White Lead, ground in oil. Slict, Ko. I, 3, 3, 4» 5* j Londow Porter, in casks and bottles. Green Copperas. , . ,* , r . Several crates of Queens Ware, in setts, with desert j ditto c«mpl:'at. Blistered Steel, | - ' German ditto. I ht Sept vai." •' QUV - ™ To be disposed o£, rr-iHE time of a healthy NEtJRO WOMAN, who I JL has between four and five years to ferre: She | dan be recommended for her sobriety and honesty. For I r pai'ticul4rs enquire at No. lj3, Chefnut-l.rett. Anguft 3. I ti NAN O E N S, L Of the firjl quality, LOR SALE BT, llj J RD. and JAS. POTTER. ti For any, quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li- I betal credit will be given. R- &J- P- e September 13. " I INDIA SALES. h ON Tburfday the 2ld inft. at io o'clock, A. M. will j 5 be fold at the stores of Willings and Franeis, a large . quantity of INDJA GOODS, imported in the Ganges, | from Bengal, confiding of -j . 3OQO pieces Gurrahs ' 2000 do. Baftas, different kinds J 3500 do Coflas, do. j •VSO do. Hiitnhumsdo. boo do. Patna hdkfs. for women 100 ho. Addacies 80 do Table cloths 300 do. F.nierties 8a do. Pmijuras S 3to do. Fine Mu'imuls soo do. l'ine Dacca hdkfs. xoo do. worked Mufiins ' 100 do.* Doreas 100 do. Book Mufiin a r 100 do. black and colored PerfiSns or Taffeties i J Bandannoes, chocoiate, red and blue r l.'.a do. Choppa Romals id quarter ca&s of Hyson Tea of'goad quality 40 Souchong The coarse goods will be fold by the bale, the taffetas aaj.bandannoesin lots to fait the purch:uers, the teas by the chc'fl. The whole is entitled so the drawback, and will oc fold for approved n»te.'. on a liberal credit. r Tl.'-■j:cKj,dsmsy be seen lrom the 15th inft. to the day < •" previous to the sale. 1 JOHN CQNXIiLLYi Aftioneer. , September 8. * d French Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-Je- ' Grace, 20 Trunks *> Ladie t SHOES of all colors forts ancl sizes I Cafe \ Eig! 1 1 Ditto white arjd colored Silk STOCKINGS g O , 1 1 Ditto Fine LAWN {ion of | 1 Ditto bed fine CA,\IBRIC Apf . I Ditto Ladies' best liiafr.my and Grenoble Gloves I For Sale by THOMAS 3c JOHN KETLAND. I *«g. V * - , ——— — Sept Win. HOLD CRN ESSE, No. 76 High Street, 1 - T TAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 1~1 the Eaft'lndies, a well felefted assortment of Silk Me( f r , Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods ; which nQW j he Will fell, Wholesale and Retail, 911 the lowest terms; p o f AMONGST WUICII ARE, f Some fine India mullins embroi.lered with gold and (fiver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and MCilmul ditto r ( Do do de do Handkerchiefs — I Some extra black taffetics.lUttftringsand colored Pcrfiatis Bandano Handkerchief* _ Long and short Nankeens \ ) janglifh Mantuas of the firft quality , Damask table linen and napkins,-very fine abl^- I Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment , I Thead and cotton do Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine P_ e Irish Lineiis, do. Sec. &c. , June 14 § , 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, j Of the bejl quality and on reasonable terms, , 1 fox Sale by Philip Nicklin Iff Co. j 26. The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, FAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- I bon, landing at the fublcribers wharf— : I 28 Pipes of Brandy ° I 18 Bales of Spanith wool . J 3 do, of Annifeed - I 7000 Bulhels of best Lilbon Salt So Boxes of Lemons The For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. , ALSO, c| Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, A r I received by the Ihip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, —J -1 from Kingston. . Septi 13. d A 1 C A' B L E S, From 16 to 9 \ inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warder, M July 21 S No 12 north Third-flreet. •' Washington Lottery. jt 1 THE Twentieth and Pwenty-firft Days' Drawing of the Waftiisgton Lottery, No. 2, are received nt the office J 1 No. 234, Market-ftrect, where tickets may be examined. J N. 13. Inlormation given where tickets in all the other j lotteries may be procured. > - September 15, 1796. y .df " . FOR SALE, WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, ■1- I in pipes and hogsheads —u ill ' Claret, genuineold, in cases a- Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthin Ware, in crates Balket Salt,.in hogsheads ' - Shnt, Nos. 6, 7, I and 9 "Q I, Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead lS I Steel, German ond tfuffia, in barrels beii Anchors,, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canTas, of Tin plates —An invoice Stationary, by. inti THOMAS Sc JOHN KETLAND. cor j 7>rtv 19 ■ ' ' ? p rc " THE PUBLIC t0 ; I S hereby cautioned, n'ot to trust any person or — j persons on my account, under any pretext whatever, s 1 I (hall not pay such debts as may have been, or hereafter j may be contr.idted without my knowledge. THOMAS HOGGARD. j Sept. >13. ttfcfl " INFORMATION, ' J ert |"S give?! daily of the drawing of tbe WASHINGTON G f I i LOTTERY, attheOfiice anC I No. 147 Chefmt-jlreety po I between Fourth and Fifth streets. Also, where Tickets all I may yet be had. Sept. 15. ttf e ! J The 20th and 21 fl Days drawing is arrived °.' J| ;h<- j Lottery and Broker's Office, Fo l ll ' A r o. 64, South StCCNO STREET. L 'or 1 r -p ICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a J. Check Book for exarnryiatian—■-and prizes paid in I the late lottery. j Check Books kept .for examination and raftering, for I the City of Waftiingttin, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, I both of which are now drawing—information where I tickets arc to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tn_ I tickets. A complete lift of all Chs prizes in the ldte New -1 Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public ScKool Lottery, for J: J examination. I The fubicriber foficits the application of the public j and his friends, who wish to pur chafe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates.. Bill's of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, ■* j Si.c. 1 or to obtain mopey on deposit of property Wm. Blackburn. a 'l Philadelphia, i%. 1796. mth c 1 FOR SALE, A Complete Font of Brevier, D j new , and yet unopened. The weight of this ol JLi font is about 3121b. It is from the FounJery of C Wilson & Sons,Glafgow,andwillbefold at cost & charges, c/ Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Uftitde h Statse, 119 Chjfnut-ftreet. Aug. 19 $4\v 1: Diflblution of Partrierfhip. THE Partnership between ROBERT ANDREWS and ti D AVID MEREDITH, undei the firm of ANDREWS c and MEREDITH, being diflolvcd All persons who are li indebted to, or who have claims against the bid house, are 1 requested to apply for fcftlement to the fubicriber. q ROBERT ANDREWS, a No. 86, So. Whaivcs. f 5ept.6,1796. d tf • ct by s WA N T E D, will A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who c. n be well|rtcom- . mended, to take charge of the entire management of day children—Such a peflon/will meet with fuitabje encou tagement, and rpay. hear of a platre, by applying to the . -r. p,-li ter of this Gazjtte, i Sept. 14. mwf For Sale, • m ((ti an excellent situation for business,) publi A thrEe-story brick House and Lot cf to m< Ground, 1j Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on the South fide of MarketJiear Fronf-ftreet, now in pofle:- fion of Samuel Read. Apply to , Ifratl Pl.eafants, or B Charles Sc Jcfcpli Pleafantv. \rn »ept.T3. J For Sale, A Three ftofy BRIQK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Serond ftrsets, in which Messrs. James Calbraitli Ji Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on business. Poffefiion will be given in one month, or foo'her. _ For terms apply to WILI.IAM BEI.L, HECTOR CAI.BRAITH. b ' April 21. ' I A Book-Keeper,. OR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quali fied, and whole charadler will be found UnexCeption- Am able. Apply to the Printer. . A Aug. il I 111- Dutch Goods, Received by the Punnfylyania, from Amjlerdam. GIN, in pipc^ Morlaix *S Ticklenburgs > In Bales Ofnaburgs j t J_ German *> Stripes, in cases Hacr}em j Hollands \ DUCK, in ditto Ravens 3 , Be-iiti'-ks. in di"o A f- ?■ ;ntUtto Platuie* S A^ For Sale by THOMAS V JOHN ZETLAND. Arf Aug. 29 ; Sales of India Goods. By The Cargo of the Clip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF ,! ; \ Laree and general assortment of Bengal and Madras t ' A CO ITON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain -NLuflins, Doreas, luV. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings y Francis, - No. il Penn Street. _ June 8 § 0 £ , , — — ———A. ce JUST A RRIVE D, from Lisbon, t ' And for Sale by th'j Subscribers, i t Lilhon Wine, 1' In pipes and quartcr-calks ; pc 5000 Bushels Lisbon Salt. fefl'e iS Robert i'udn. Id) " At a special meeting of the Board of Di reß ,*s f'ir ejlabhfoing ufeful Manufactures, ha.den at Paterfon, July B_, 1796, T> ESOL.VED,'That a special meeting of the. Sfock- f< holders of the Society be called.on the firft Monday, o being the third ay of Odober next, at Paterfon,.by ten U a3, of the clock cf tbe fany day ; tlien and there tot ke into confidcration the propriety ol diifolving the said , - corporation, agreeably to tlu.' law iti such cafe made-and 1 provided—and the Stockholders are earneftl'y refuelled to attend the.said meeting in person or by proxy. AuguO 2: dt,othO or . —Ht— '1 '' ■, —*— - '' 1" 1 ' fter DUTY ON CARRIAGES. l $ Notice is hereby Given, | —' AT agreeably to an ail of Congrcfs of the United I Slates of \merica, n iffed at Philadelphia, the 28th day ON 0 f Mav, 17q6 yljyin: duties 00 Carnages, for the convey- | J ance of periods, and 'repealing the former a6ls for that pur- . pore.—'Thai thdre (hall be levuS, colleaed and paid, upon - bets all carriages f/r the conveyance of persons, which thall be -tf "kept by or lor any person, for his or her ownuie, or to let o'Jt to hire, orfor the conveying of palTengcrs, the several du. - ties and rates following, to wit. For and upon every Coaph, doh. apo.i eveTy Chariot, 12 dols. uponeve;y Poll Chariot, it dolJ; f - a upon every PoA Chaise, 1a dqjs. j i a upon every Phacion, with or without top, 9 doli Upon every Coachee, 9 dols. f or upon other Carriages, hiving pannei work above, V with blinds, glallesor cUrtains, 9 dols. . ' upon four wheej carriages, having trained pofls and tops vvith steel springs, 6 dols. • upon lour wheel toj» Carriages, with wooden or iron J l ' * springs 01 jacks, 3 dob. ior upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. upon chai tes with idps, •) dols. 'hliC upon chairs with tops, 3 dolS, ock, tipon sulkies witfi lops, 3 dols, tnds, upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dolj. upon two wheel carriages, with ficel or iron springs, . 3 dols, " for and upon all other two'wheel carirages, a dols. . upeiT ' vtry lour wheel carriage, hiving tramfd pods and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, z ( dols. The Colli ftors of the Revenue of th.c firft turvey of the Dillriftof Pernifylvania. will attend daily, until the 30th d»y ' this of September next, for the purpose of 1 ece iviiy; rh<: duties on ■y of Carriages, at No. 11;. in Race or Saffafras flreet, in the City of Philadelphia, at the hotife ol Daniel S. Ctair, tf<) in the | Cburtty of Montgomery ; and at the house ol Abraham Du tiitde ' b6iS, tfq. in the County of Bucks; of whieh all persons pol }w lefled t>! f»tb Carriages are defued to take notice. -— Notice is also given, TO all retail dealers i" WiY.es, and foreign diftiUed fpiri i> and tuous liquors, thai licences will be granted io them ; ane li EWS cence for carrying on.th* business oi retailing ot Wind, in a >o are left quantity* or in Icis quantities than 30 gallons—and one e. are , licence for carrying, on the boftnefs of retailing Spirituofts li quors in lefsquantities than 20 gallons, at the latne time and at the fame places, by the officers legally authorised to grant 's. fuck licence*. t f Wll4-1 AM NICHOLS, i Infpcftof of the Revenue ot the firft survey of the dillrift of Pennsylvania. Irtfp?£iion,at ) j 3® :com- phllacMphid. 21ft July, 1796. ) rjlt of • tHhe . *E D \ An APPRENTICE to the Printing Business. iwf Enquire at thia Office. Aug. 9 1 y The Merchants and Traders OF thij City, who have claims upon the Frcuch ■Re public, either irt the Weft-Indies, or Europe, ar-. reoueJ-a to meet at the Coffec-Kotf., on Tucfday the sftth in-t ---at I a o'clock, Sept. 19, F O R SA L E. PORT WINE, and HOI-LAND GIN;of -he firft fltiafitiesin Pipes. PRAOKC23 tad V.»N REED, Eroktrs ami CCTttirnilfu;". VC-' c!K :.t», N"©.63, *>0 3 I St, \Vn" KCTES r.«*». N. B. An a'pPRENT!C£ Wanted. September 14. rnwf Rofs arid fnmfon Have for Sale, A few calks Bees-Wax, Of an excellent quality* Ana a parcel of Lampblack. Sept. 14. d Great is Truth and micft prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for fait at No• 41 Cbefnut-ftreet by J. ORM'IODr, ■An Apology For tire Jiible, By R. WatsoK. d. v. f. jr. s. Bijhop of l.cndef,. rfct Being a complete refutation of Pairte's Age of ReH/on, An! the only aijfuer to the Second fart. August 30. ■! THIS DAY IS PUBLISH 1 !' $ By W. Young, Mills and Son, [Price 10 cts. in boards, 62 i-i neatly bound] An Apology for* the Bible, In a fries of Letters, ' Addrefled to Thomas Paihe, author of a book entitled Tlx Age *f Reason, part the second, being an in veShation of true and fabulous theology. . By R. WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lo.d Bifliop of - Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. .Sept. 16. ,u&f6 IS " For sale by the fublcribers, IN PtNN-STREET, 5 quarter Chests trefh Hyson ica ; 100 ditto *0. frelh Souchong Tea ; 300 Boxes China, containing irnall tea ietts of 41 pieces; 400 pieces Bandinoef. Willirh Is? Francis. January 30 One Hundred' Dollars Reward. Q OME villainous perfoii or pcrfons having, in the night , oof the 7th ir.ft. broken and rmich injured the Marble Steps at Mr. Piercb Butler's door in High-ftfvCt, No; the above sum of 100 dollars will be paid iinrrjecU" *tely to any one who will discover the perpetrator or perpetrators, so that he or they may be apprehended. Apply to FiERf. E Or SAM. MAGAW. Sept. 15. *tffcm3 . . I * TAKE NOTICE. '/- "J"HE fubfcrlber intends to make application sos a re r, newa' of the following certificate, supposed to bs e " loft on the passage to England in April 1794: Certificate No. 10335, dated Ijth November, 1 ■k- for 1830 dollars and 91 cents—Six per cent, domeftife debt, on the books of the Treasury of the United rUI in the name of the Hon. John 1 rcvor. ' ke ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's, aid Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. «tu&f6w' ted India Tamboured Muslins. L A finally handforne affortmeni of Mujlins^ viz. Pine tamboured Mafda and Safitiptre Muslins, .Various patterns and prices. Plain 6-4 Jaconet. , j Corded and cross-barred Muslin Shawls. j. Ditto ditto 6-4 and Dorcas, Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine arid coarse. iur- ' Japan Muslins, and □on I A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. k c i FOR SALE BK let 1 jThomas Tingeys ■ u " J No. 111, South Third-ilreet. Sept. is. tu&itf TO BE SOLD, That Neat and Convenient- Plouse, . j "TT THEREIN the fnbferiber now lives. There are loaf I W rodtus on a floor : the house is two (lories high ove, j with a good garret above : under the whole js an excell ent cellar, with a dry well, m which is a convenient and J framed chamier f6r prefetving meat, butter, &c. in warm ' weather. Attached to ,he house is a> Stable for three iron horffis, hay-los , granary, and carriage- houf-', a wood- S yard paved with (tone, and a garden with foil of a fine (quality. An indlfptftable title will be made to the pur- I chafer. For farther particulars apply to the fubferitjer in I Princeton, or, in her abfencc to Thomas D. jOTinfon, Esq. - 1 or the rev. Samiel S. Smith. . ANN WITHERSPOON. in S s ' I Princeton, Aug 14. aawtO posts Plans of the city of Philadelphia, d°ls. I including the N*oßthern LißEtTi es and diftrid of f the I 0 SoUTHWARK , * M I PubHfhed, and fold by BENJAMIN D/IVIES, 11 the I 68, High street, 1 Du- j Price one dollar.) pof» j THIS plan is ih incite fqua.-c, and has been enl I graved by or.e of the firft artists In the city, from a late I and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam fpiri- I pblet with each plan, giving " forrle account of the re li 1 city, its population, trade, government, &c. ,in a j July 19 tij&ftf i one I ' J FQR SAL 1, £ By N and J. FRAZIER i 1 No. 9J, S. Front-street, • I Prime Boston B«ef, in barrels. luvvey I ijeorgia Cctton. 1 Carolina Rice arid Ir.digo. j Sherry and Teneriffe Wines, of excellent quality. ■ I laveris Duck. I . n dio BaadanOo's. 1 iewing Silks, various colours, ess. I l offahs and Gurrahs. $ I Sspt, 17. ttJ4W.