Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 21, 1796, Image 1

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    #a?ette ./v& ®Httrt>£>taW,t? Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nombsx i259.J ■ • _ ~t- . T>l „ Merchants andTrtiders
— — « 1 » >, AT Sn If* I . .. » r_ Vi C
r-a_ ' For NEW-YORK,
The ship LIGHTmRSE ' R<"
JggGa&r- To fail in a few days, «nd will take freight
very low Apply to, i Q jgpH ANTHONY, & Co. C af
September *o. d «__ — J
~ For Sale. Freight or' Charter, 1
_ The Ship General Washington, *
N«»- K " 1 , *ug
pool H3SPVnrf-*«ir 1"V u !
mg and may r>e lent to sea at a small
Mjxrni*i having been docked and refitted lu Liverpool. >
ApF * Kearny Whafton.
Who has for fate on bard faid (hip, ll
A few thousand Bulheljs Salt and Coal. m«c.
d 6 ne Wi
Sept. 19* •
j~~ For Charter,
| Su i
The Danilh Barque BineventuM, Do
Jc^fYjr Samuel Stub, rnifter, j Bal
eood vessel, of about two hundred Lo
tons burthen. ■ JESSE & ROBERT WALN. En
Se P l - J7 ~ . . Sil
- I xt
For liofton, ur
I&g&s The Schooner Olive, Jh
Drinkwater, matter, will pefi- I ,
tively fail en Tuesday the loth inft. /
having part of lier cargo engaged, for freight s pilUgc j
aP S^rt to lfi. No. 70, North water-ftrcet. J
u—e. FOR LONDON, j
t&St&MEk __Thf '-'r' |al n»if. t CLtvLS». i
To flil looK :—r °" r flight or pall.geT
to DAW, Co. or
"John Vaugbtin, I
' September 10. l-ront-ftreet. I 7 i
" for SAL ET W f
The Schooner LARK, j
One Hundred and twenty tons burthen. v
Jwi A new vessel well found, jvell built, & |
. fcils extremely fad. s For terms apply ,r ° s r
to the matter on board, or to —
Jvfepk Anthony t? Co.
If the above vessel is not fold in a few days, file will J
tale freight on very low terms for Boston.
Sept. 10. _ d I
for sale, ] Z
The {hip STAR,
SfiSPraW John Vannxman, Mailer,
T YING at Walnut-street wharf, Philadel- I e
" Lj pbia built, of live oak and cedar, will
eTrry about 3100 bawels, is two years old, and in com-
WKo have also for sale said vdiel6 of— I
Window Giafs, 6by 8 to >6 by IZ.
Pipes in boxes | i n
Earthen-Ware in crates.
Grindstones, Coal*, Whiting, &C.
AUg. 19 * j
"• At South-street wharf,"
WILL BE LAUDED, Friday. 19th inft Augufl, j
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and fioop Sa "y> I
from Port-au-Prince,
•ioo Hhds. COFFEE,
-70 Hhds.SUGAR.
Also, the cargo of the Swcdijh brig Gujtaf Jdolphc,
eapt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar,
ift and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. I
Hazle Nuts in sacks 7 I J,.
St. Übes SALT, far faleby .
jf* For Charter,
Gustaf Adqlphe, r
A Swede, with a Maditerranean piss, J
a very fine yeffd, about 100 tons bur- j
then. A«g. '8 i'iweoiu-_ b;
Of the firji quality, FOR SALE BT,
For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a li- r
beral credit will be given. & J , p -
September 13. 1• " tl
ON Thursday the 22d inft. at 10 o'clock, A. M. will
be fold at the store's of Willings and Franeis, a large, t
' qaafttity of INDIA GOODS, imported in the Ganges, <
from Bengal, confiding of
3090 pieces Gurrahs
>000 do. Baftas, different kinds
3500 do. Coffas, do.
450 do Hnmhums, do. ,
600 do. Patna hdkfs. for women '
100 ho. Addaties
80 do Table cloths
300 do. Emmies
go do. Punjums
380 do. Fine Mulmuls
•soo. de. Fine Dacca hdltfi
joo do. worked Mullinj
100 do. Dareas ■
100 do. Book Mullin
joo do. black and colored Perfhni or Taffetie*
1200 i}«. Bandannoes, chocaiate, red and blue
leo do. Choppa Romals
40 quarter caflts of Hyson Tea of goad qaality
40 Souchong
The coarse goods will be fold by the bale, the taffetas
andbsndannoeo in lots t» fait the purchasers. the teas by
the eheft. The whole is entitled to tke drawback,and will ,
be fold for approved notes, on alibcral credit.
The goods may be seen 15th inft. to the day
previous to the sale.
r ' JOHN CONNELLY, ASioneer.
September 8. d
To-be disposed of,
THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who
his between four and five yeavs to serve r She
can be recommended for her sobriety and honesty. For
particulars enquire at No. 131, Chefnut-ftreet.
Auguft3. s w&ftf
French Goods.
Received ly the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-Je
t Grace, A tn
40 Trunks 1 Ls( i; es ' SHOES of all colors forts and foes
I j J
1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS So*
I Ditto Fine LAWN ton of
I D.ittobeft fine CAMBRIC App
I Ditto Ladies 1 bell ftiammy and.Orenoble Gloves
: — Sept
No. 76 High Street, » -
HAS received, by the bteft arrivals from Europe and f\
the East Indies, a well feleftcd assortment of Silk Mc £ r .
1. Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which now j
he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowest terms; p o fl
amongst wuich are, p
Some fine India muslins emoroidered with gold and IHver
Superfine Book, Jacooct, and Mulmul ditto r
l Do do do do Handkerchiefs —
' Some «xtra black colored Petfiarrs
Bandano Handkerchiefs „
:d I Long and lhort Nankeens I J .
Englilh Mantuas of the finlquality
I Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine aD '
— j Silk Holiery, an elegant assortment __ -, AU
I Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd da. and do clsth
French cambrics, very fine si
Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 » (
;jn 70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
•gc 1 Of the bejl quality and on reajonable terms,
1 i FOR SALE BY jf
et - j Philip Nicklin & Co. j
I August lb. !
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
"V c ; rhm
bon, landing at the lubfqnbers wbart—
or 1 ' 28 Pipes of Brandy °
18 Bales of Spanilh wool
3 do. of Ar.nifeed
7000 Bulhels of best Lisbon Sil'
80 Boxes of Lemons , The
j For sale by & FRANCIS.
j Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA Sl> GAK.S,
J received by the Ibip Dominick Terry, Capt. DeHart, JTX
"> 2_ A
Ffom 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by
_ Jeremiah Warder,
~ J j u ly 21 S No 12 north Third-flreet.
Washington Lottery. ji
I THE Twentieth and I'wenty-firft Days' Drawing of - —
,l_ 1 the Waikijigton Lottety, No. 2, are received at the office y
wil j j No. 2J4, Market-ilreet, where tkkets may be examined. J
I N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other ,
I lotteries may be procured.
j j September 15, df
Jf ~ ; — FOR SALEy —
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, $
[ in pipes and hoglheads —
I Claret, genuine old, in cases yf/
a J Gin, in pipes, from Holland (
I Earthen Ware, in crates
I Balkct Salt, in hoglheads
I Shot, No«. 6, 7, 1 and 9 T)
gust, j Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead t\
ally,! Steel, German and Raffia, in barrels btii
Anchors, ciblei, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, of
Tiu plates —An invoice Stationary, by iat<
. . ( July •"> ? . P rc
P hc * THE PU BLIC to ;
1 IS hereby cautioned na{ to trust any person or —
j persons on my account, under any pretext whatever, as I
I (hall not pay such debts as may have beeu, or hereafter
I may be contradled without my knowledge.
I Sept. 13. ttkfj
> J I*S given daily of the drawing of the WASHINGTON c f
piss, I LOTTERY, attheO'ffice an ,
bur- j A r t>. 147 Chef nut-Jlreet, ■ po
lw - between Fourth and Fifth ftreats. Also, where Tickets all
1.. j. Sent, re. ' _ tiff kc
Jfv The 20th and lift Days drawing it artivef. 00
— — —, tie
Lottery and Broker's Office, Ffl
"... No. 64, South Second stkest.
'p '* 'T'ICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a
V 1 Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
' Check Books kept for examination and rejiftering, for
the City of Washington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
. w iU both of which arc now drawing—information where
1 largo, tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
anges, tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New-
Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
The fubferiber fofieits the application of the public
and his friends, who with to purchase or fell J?snk Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
&c. or to obtain money on deposit of property.
Wm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia. Augufl 18, 1796. mth
A Complete Font of Brevier, I
T7Ntirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this o
Lj font is about 31 lib. It is from the Foucdery of C
Wilson & Sons.Glasgow, and will be fold at cost & charges. 0
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes.
w Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unitde k
Statse, 119 Aug. 19 $4 W 1
ty Dissolution of Partnership.
taffetas T*HE Partnerlhip between ROBERT ANDREWS and t
V A DAVID MEREDITH,under the firm of ANDREWS c
ndwiU an< ' MEREDITH, being cliffolved. All peifons who are I
indebted to, or who hive claims against the laid house, are I
, . requefled to apply for settlement to the fubferiber. 1
No. 86, So. Wharvei. 1
leer. 5ept.6,1796. d tf
~~ WANr ED,
A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well recom
, who mended, to take charge of the entire management of
e r She children—Such a person will meet with suitable encou
For ragement, and may hear of a place, by applying to thd
printer of this Gazettfw
ftf Sept. 14. mwf
for Stilcj oFti
' ■ an excellent situation for business,) public, 1
A three-story brick House and Lot of to meet
Ground, till
E : ehteen feet front »«d twenty-five feet in depth, ch
the Soilth Cde of Market ne»Froi*-ftreet, now in pofiel-
fioa of Samuel Read.
Appiy ta
Israel Pleafants, or
Charles & jufeph Pleafants. j who a-.
<r. dtf I H. E
Sept. Tj. I C pj
For Sale,
AThre; story BRICK HOUSE and L.t, in Chefnut J
| p -■••.t, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which I
K Meffr- - .es Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and i A
now do , carried on bufm'efs. I •
Poffeifior. will be given ib one month, or sooner. j
For terms apply to WII,LIAM BELL, or J
April 21. j
" i A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quali
fied, and w'lcfe ch jradcr will be found unexception- I And ft
able. Apply to the Printer. ■ rf An
• Aug. ir " I
Dutch Goods,
Received by the Pcntjyhania, from Amjlerdam. | g c Ju
_ GIN, in pipes
Morlais ")
Ticklenburgs > tn Bales I '
Ofnaburgs J I Att t
German "J Stripes, in cases I
Haerlem j I Ri
Hollands DUCK, in ditto
_ Ravens J (
t, Bed:ii.Vs, in ditto J An
*1 sr } r n
Aug. 19 $ j Tix
Sales of India Goods. By K
The Cargo of the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal-j ]
cutta and Bengal,
consisting of I Sej
-S, A Large and general assortment os-Bengal and Madras j
llt , J\ " COTTON and SILK GOODS. j
A variety fine worked and. plain Muslins, 1 *31
Doreas, &c. Also, 1 X® l
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, I 3® 1
In boxes and bags—and SLACK PEPPER, J
For Sale by I 40
Willings Francis,
— . No. 31 Pcna Street. 1 —
June 8 § j C
JUST A RR-IVE D, from Lisbon, B°<
And far the Subscriber., | Steps
Lisbon Wine, i'Jy
In pipes and ijuarter-calks; I perp
— cjtxio Buihels Lisbon Salt. 1
'fejfe W 'Robert \>aln. f Sc
old > c dtf ~
Sept. to. ' I
At a special meeting of the Board of Di-1 p
nSuts for ejlablifhing ufefjil Manufactures, holJsn loft
at Paterfon, July 8, 1 C
RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock- for
hulders of the Society be called on the firit Monday,
bVing the third ay of O£lober next, at Paterfon, by ven m t
ivas, of the clock of the fame day; then and there to take
• into consideration the propriety of diffolvmg the said
5. corporation, agreeably tp the law *1 such cafe made and
« provided—and the Stockholders are earr.eftly requested j
-■— to attend "he said meeting in person or by proxy.
August dt3Cth° A
Notice is hereby Given,
-i — T'H AT agreeably lo an aft of Congress of the United .
A Suiesot America, passed at Philadelphia, the «Bth day •
TON of Mav> IJg S; laying duties on Carriages, for liie convey. »»
ance of oerloos, anrj'i; pealing the former acts for that pur- J t
p o f c . That there shall k«4pvied, col letted and paid, upon A
ickets all carriages for the conveyaace of persons, which lhall be I
-tf kept by or for any person, for his or h*r own u.e K or to let I
: oat to h»e,orf»r the conveying of palfengers, the several du. I
" ties and rates following, to wit. I
For and upon every Coach, I —
upon eviTy Chariot, 12 dols.
upon every Poll Chariot, li dolfj
lie—a Upon every Port Chaise, 12 dols. I
Lid in upon every Phaetop, with or without top, 9 dols I A
upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
g for upon other Carriages, having psnnei work above, 1 w
, e ' r ; c9 with blinds, glaljesor curtains, 9 dols. I en
where u P on lour wheel carr!a ges, having framed polls and I f r ;
, ' topi with Heel springs, 6 dols. I w
upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron j
springs or dol6. j ya
tor upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. I q,
uponchaifes with tops, 3 dols. I
public upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. 1 p
Stock, upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. I 0[
Lands, upon other two wheel top carriages. 3 dols.
upon two wheel caniages, with it eel or iron springs, j
n. 3 dols. ■ j
h For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 1 dols. I
m upon every four wheel carriage, having framed polls I
and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. | J]
The Colkflors of the Revenue of the firft survey of the 1
Diftrift of Penofylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day I
of this of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on I
ery of Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffafras street, in the City I
barges, of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. CJ»«r, in the I
County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du- I
Unitde bois, Esq. in the County of Hucksi of which all persons pof- I
r! w feffed o! f»ch Carriages are desired to take notice. I g
Notice is also given, a
1 1 TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign diflilled fptri- J p
IVS and tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li 1 c
IREWS cence for carrying on tHe business of retailing of Wines, in a j
vho air less quantity, or in lets quantities than 30 gallons—and one J "
use, are licence for carrying on the business of ;etailing Spirituous li- I
quors in-less quantities than *0 gallons, at the fame time and I
5, at the fame places, by the pfEccrs legally authorized to grant I
ve«. fuck licences. ft
Infpeftor of the Revenue ol the ftrft survey | |
of the diftriftof Pennsylvania. I ,
Office of Infpeftion, at ) I;
Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1796. {
,ZZ ■ ir A N T E p, I
An APPRENTICE to the Prirtwg Business. I
mwf Enquire at this Office. Aug. 9
The Merchants and Traders
OF this CityJ who have claims upon the French R'-
rnblk, either in the WefVlndies of f.ufopc, are requeued
to meet at the Coffee-Hocfe, on Tuefdiy the acth mil.
„t it o'clock. Stft. 19.
PORT WINE, and <-
HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in Pipes 1
BroVcrn pMtis%i£uS.Mtu 3^
Who d:{conm approved NOTES of hand.
1 N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted.
September 14. mw '
Rofs and Simfon • L
Have for Sale,
A few calks Bees-Wax,
I Of an excellent quality,
1 And a parcel of Lampblack.
Sept. i - i
Great is Troth and mult prevail.
I And for fate at No- 41 Chefnul-Jlreet bj/ J. ORMROD,
An Apoiogy for the Bible,
By R. Watson, d. b. f. s. s.
BiJJ:op of Landaff, (Sfc. >
Being a complete refutation of JPaine's
Age of Reason,
Asd the only auf»er to. the Second Part.
1 Augult 30. .
By W. Young, Mil'ls and Son,
[Price jo cts. in boards, 6a 1-1 neatly bound]
lAn Apoiogy for the Bible,
( In a series of Letters,
| Addressed to Thomas Paine," author of a booltentide*
Tlx Age of Reason, fart the JtconA, being an in-
I ve/lijation If true and fabulous theology.
By R. *. VATS ON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of
Landaff, and Regios Profeffor of Divinity
in the University of Carnoridge.
Sept. 16. , tu4 #_
For sale by the fublcribers,
, I 130 quarter Chests frefn Hyson Tea;
J ibo ditto* do. ffelh Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes China, containing fin all tea setts of 4>
pieces; }
j 400 pieces Bandanoes. ,
Willings & Francis.
I January 30 r
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
I Q OME villainous p«rfon or pcrfons having, in the night
j O of the 7thinft. broken and nruch injured the Marble
I Steps aj Mr. Pierce Butier's door in High-street, No.
j 315, the above sum of 100 dollars \v;/. be paid immedi
j itely to any one whp will dif cover* the perpetrator
I perpetrators, so that he or they may be apprehended.
" Apply to PIERCE BUTLER.,
-4- : r U~ 0r BAM. MAGAW.
I Sept. if. *tf&m3
i I "THE fubferiber intends to mite apfnr—•» «»
1 new*! of the following cirtificate, supposed to be
loft on the passage to England in April X 794 • ,
Certificate No. 10335, dated Ijth November, 1793.
k- I for 1830 dollars tind 91 cents—Six per cent, domcitic
y I debt, on the books of the Treaiurv Of the United States,
-n I in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. .
ie 1 ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's.
lid Philadelphia, Aufcuft <oth, 1796. «tu&f6w^
ed I India Tamboured Mufiins.
__ I A small, handsome ajfortment of
I • viz.
Fine tamboured Malda and Santipere Muslins, virion*
patterns and pricc*.
I Plain 6-4 Jaconet.
Corded and cross-barred Muslin Shawls.
, Ditto - ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas. •
_ Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarfc.
ur- Japan Muslins, and
50 n A few piaccs extraordinary fine Long Cloths.
let Thomas Tingey >
u - I No. lit, South Third-street.
Sept. it. ~
I That Neat and Convenient House,
ITT THEREIN the fnbfcriber now lives. There are four
W rooms on a f100r..: the house is two flories high
jve, I with a good garret above : under the whole is an excell
ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient
and framed chamber for preserving meat, butter, dcc.inwarm
weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three
iron horses, hay-los , granary, and cariiage-houfe, a wood-
I yard paved with ftpne, and a garden with foil of a fine
I quality. An indisputable title will he made to the pur-
I chafer. For farther particulars apply to the fubferiber in
I Princeton, or. in her abfenee to Thomas D. Johnson, Esq.
I or the rev. Samnel S. Smith.
in g s i J Princeton, Aug 14. aawtO
poib Plans oi the city of Philadelphia,
dols. J Including the Northern Liberties and diftrift of
f the I SoDTHWARK ,
1 day 1 Published, and fold by
a the I No. -68, High street,
Du- I (Price one dollar.)
pof- j THTS plan is 16 inches square, and has been en s ,
I graved by one of the firft artists In the city, from a late
I and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled t» a pam
fpiri- J phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the
ie li I city, its population, trade, government, itc.
,in a j July 19 tu&ftf
>us ii- J FOR ,b A L E, .
graift By N. and J. FRAZIER.,
1 No. 95, E. Front-street,
> j Prime Boston Beef, in barrels.
Jurve> I Georgia Cotton.
I Carolina Rice and Indigo.
1 Sherry and Teneriffe Wines, oP excellent quality.
I Ravens Duck. - .
~™" I Indio Bandanno^s.
j Sewing Silks, various colours.
.ft I Coffahs and Gurrahs.
1 Sspt. 17- & «i»w