CAPTURE OF COLOMBO. f? Ttc following particulars are communicated by oki''* r ft raß ' i ' n l bc East India Compa ny's fcrviee, who dates his letters from Wolfendah, Februar/ 13, 1796— —\ . I "On 'he 7thof February, Major Petrie march- Re ed with 4 considerable detachment from Nigambo, Bal and eroded a river 10© yards broad, deep, but not rapid, the whole distance making about 11 nlilcs.j jetjt " The Bth, moved forward, and reached a deep Nullah, where had been a strong wooden bridge, 1 which the enemy destroyed on our approach. As cop the Nullah was not fordable, it was necessary to re- pen pair the bridge, which detained us some hours. em The Nullah was diltant about four miles from our former ground, and we encamped at Pafiibattal on her the large river Mallway two miles farther. On the opposite banks of this river, which is 170 yards broad, the enemy were potted in considerable force, t(j ; having with them fix pieces of light cannon. nlu " About two miles farther up, and nearly the tivi fame distance towards the fca, they had established cor themselves in the fame manner. We halted until we were joined by Colonel- Stuart with the line, mc ) and to allow time to provide rafts and boats. This ri»er is three miles from Colombo ; and every ap- g ta pearance threatened an obltinate refinance. to 1 "Ob the 10th, the enemy perceiving probably coi some of our parties, discharged 18 guns, but with- ing out doing us any damage. " On the nth, to our complete aftoniftiment, this formidable pass was discovered to be abandoned, and with the utmost expedition we crbflei almost t0 all the army in the course of the fame day. W V "On the 1 zth, the flank companies were at- th< tacked by 200 Europeans and 600 Malays. The flic line was ordered to advance for th.eir support ; but before any of the corps could render any effe&ual aid, they had charged and totally defeated the ene my.—This happened almost under the walls of Co lombo- _ _ Ei «« In rtfis gallahfana decifive~slfair, our loss Wa» two European grenadiers killed, and nine wounded. Volunteer Grant was severely wounded, aod Cap- s IC tain French flight!)'. The enemy loft about 170 C o killed and wounded, chiefly Malays. Some officers r y of rank fell, and Lieutenant-Colonel Raymond is p C dead of his wounds. rri "In the beginning of the action, the Malays as displayed their usual treachery, and appeared be hi fore our pods making signs of fubmiflion, laying de their dresses, &c. on the ground : a Dutch officer i s disgraced himfclf by a similar conduct. de '• We have now taken up our final position a- ed bout 3CO yards from the fort, in the flcirts of the 0 f Pettah, and all our are now to land our fp artillery and stores. This bofiiiefs will soon be de cided : they have given us no disturbance since the ev action, and all our accounts agree in their disunion w and defpundency." tr " Colombo, Feb. 16, 1796. a J " I have unfeig'ned pleafare in giving you the rl earliest intimation of our success.—Colombo this day capitulated to Colonel Stuart. " The disunion and want of exertion zmongft " tke enemy, Lugge&ftLlhe propriety of summoning P ! the fort; and Major Agnew, the Adjutant-Ge- 11 oeral, was accordingly dispatched with a flag of ~ truce. —This happened on the 14th, and towards 01 evening a cessation of hostilities was proclaimed fipr w 24 hours, when it was understood that articles of h; capitulation were agreed to. f " The 15th was employed in finally adjnfting lt the teims of the surrender ; and this morning, at ten o'clcek, the flank corps of the three regiments, 8 two companies of aitillery, the 52 regiment and grenadier battalion, took pofleffion of this import- B ant eonqueft. 31 " Since the affair of the 12th not one (hot had been exchanged, and every step of the enemy had n exhibited the molt apparent marks of imbecility b and indecision. " I am not informed of the particular articlea of capitulation ; but learn, that in general they are becoming the Britilh character—highly favorable to the besieged, jvithout doing any injustice to the interests of our honorable employers ; and that a bo«t £. 6q,0C0 of paper currency is to bear an in- tereft of 3 per cent, for which our government is p to become fecnrity. J " The public property of Colombo is immense, without noticing the great quantity of riches at P. a de Galle, included in the capitulation, as well as ( every other pod remaining with the Du:ch : four a companies of Madras Sepoys failed last night, to t take pofleffion of P. de Galle, which finifhes the j complete reduction of the Island of Ceylon. " The capture of Colombo may, without any j hazard of contradiflion, be deemed one of the rood valuable that has ever fallen to our arms:—the i 1 article of cinnamon alone is valued at a sum of no less magnitude than 26 fackd of pagodas. " The garrison consisted ef 800 soldiers, 500 j sailors, 1,100 Malays,' 300 Sepoys, and 700 Cin- . galefe, besides burghers." : ~ i Philip Nicklin & Co. i HAVE FOR SALE, Souchong Hyson Skin / ' Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS Hyson and \ Imperial J 1 Yellow Nankeens , 1 Chi*a Ware, assorted in Boxes and Chests Quicksilver Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in Market \ MADEIRA WINK , London particular >in pipes, hogfteads, & New-York Market ) quarter caflcs TenetifFe Wine in pip«s and hogfaeads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. i a 8 Lead in sheets 3 Caiks of Cutlery aflorted A few chests of Manchester Goods, assorted thick • fetl, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root.- Nails aflbrtcd in calks July 18 mw&f » * , r y Philadelphia, hcri 1- loa( I, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1796. I tha Married, by the Rev. William Marshall, Robirt con 1- Reed, of this city, to Miss Catherine Connor, of of 1 >, Baltimore. owl " Yesterday morning the Prcfident of the Unitad States j°", left this city for Mount-Vernon. p . pn: : > A correspondent has furnifhed us with the follcwing ' iei .s copy of a decree »f the Queen of Poitugal, for fuf- to 1 »- pending all intercourse with Holland, and laying an yoi s _ embargo On the Dutch vefTeli in her dominions : — ir THERE having beeh printed to her Majesty, by n her envoy extraordinary to the United States, in a n difpatcli dated the 15th of June last, ihe copy of a l 3 Letter he had received from the Committee of Foreign Si* Affairs of that Republic, in which is communicated Thi to him the resolution for fulpending all political com- 41 munication with the said minister, as the Reprefenta- 5) ie tive of her Majesty the Queen of Portugal, 'till the Def :d conclusion of Peace with the Republic of Erance —in- BA il timating by the abov'ementioned letter that all com- —r e mercial relations should also be suspended. • ' Under these circumstances her Majesty has judged 18 proper to suspend on her part, all commerce with the " ?' States General of the Low Countries, and to prohibit to her vassals, all and every commercial tranfa&ion and ly connexion With the fubje£U of the Republic, prohibit- On a- ing from this time all navigation to the ports of those — States. t And moreover her majesty has been pleafcd to fuf- ' pend in her dominions, all and every tranfaflion with v the a/orefaid United States of the Belgic Provinces, anal _ to forbid the transportation of their property, under whatever title, out; of the Kingdom ; and finally that . 3 it- the departare of the Dutch veflels in her dominions be fliould be entirely suspended, remaining under embargo Ut 'till further orders from her Majesty. j And that this may be known unto all and executed accordingly, the present has been made public. Lisbon, July 19, 1796. gj, Extras ef a leffrr, from an American Gentleman in g r ~ Havre, dated July 25. d. " Evety thing is quiet in this country.—Provi- P" fions in plenty and cheap which .being the greatelt 7° conlideration with the French especially bread, eve ■r" ry thing else is forgotten and they are the happjeft • s people in the world. fuccefles which afto- c rrifli Europe are considered in much the fame light ys as their.lofles, barely related and that is all—they > e have no effect whatever either in mush railing or n g dep re fling their fpiri'.s—ln fact it is well that such :«■ is their manner (jtherwife the gloom mult exceed description, for every body, more or less has fuftain a" ed a loss in property, family or friends—but nothing he of this kind is perceived, all appears lively and in 'Ur spirits. SI 1«- The government appears to be firmly established, he every domeltic disturbance is suppressed ana the on whole country from one end to the other enjoys tranquility—Liberty of speech and of the press A are allowed as freely as with us—Agriculture flou. f c he rifhes beyond conception—The police is so ftrift Jc hig that highway robberies are hardly known. fc Manufactories are encouraged by gifts from the N gft Nation—Schools are about eltablifhing in' every n g part—Religion is the fame as prior to the Revolu- rn ; e . tion. Liberty of religious opinions is held sacred di Q f —the arts are much encouraged and in general fach v< rE |3 measures are about taking to render the people as p; f or wife if poflible as they are brave—Latterly there V i of has been no great talk of a peace tho' from the C continued fuccefles of the French this Campaign S n g it cannot be far diftaat. w at Franckfort is in their hands and they are still pro- « ltß grefling in the enemies Country.—Buonaparte the md General in Italy has lent upwards of One hundred si irt . millions oflivresto Paris in specie ; ab6ut the fame '» amount to Genoa and has maintained his whole ar- v< lad my by the contributions he levied and the pay- £ , a( j ments he received as the pi ice of peace from a num- n "Jty b«r of princes." (Aurora.) « ri ire BY THIS day's MAIL. ble the NEW-YORK, September 19. , a " It is said that Lieutenant Cudworth was lately "?* killed in a duel by Lieut. Geddei, at Weft-Point. ■16 By Capt. Burnham, of the brig Dean, in 49 days from Havre-de Grace, French papers have Ji' been received from Paris to July 25, by which it , appeaVs, that success attends the French armies in ' as Germany. The duke of Wirtemberg has proposed our an armistice, which is acceded to. The fame by 1 to the Marquis of Baden, who has sent miuifters to l ' ie Paris to negociate a peace.— Capt. D. informs, that every thing in France is an y in a flourithing (late—a great crop of grain is ex l'le pedted. Flour was offered in Havre, July 29, for t^le 48 livres, cash. By a decree, mandats uo longer n0 pass as cash ; all agreements made in specie are paid in specie. Nothing but specie is pafling at Havre. Every thing low—good beef, two pence a pound. " in " Specie is plenty, since paper has ceased to circulate as money. Trade and manufactures begin to flou =- rifh. The French have imposed on the city of Frank fort a contribution of 37 millions of florins j about three millions and a half sterling. , Accounts from Genoa state, that the French go vernment has demanded of the Genoese govern, ment to shut all their ports against all English ships of war and merchantmen. It is added the fame demand is made ef Spain, and that the Court seem ed disposed t® comply. j n * BALTIMORE, September 17- But one thing more remains to be done by tha 1 goodly great man George Washington (should ' & he decline the prefidentialchair) to fill up the mV fure of his glory—and that is} to conciliate the jarring pafiions of convulsed Europe, and restore to that devoted quarter of the globe, what he has so wifely preserved te his own happy country, the INESTIMABLE BLESSINGS of a LAST iick- {NG PEACE If this, as EfchafTsriaux aflerts, is to be accomplifh'ed only by a congress of wife men, who so fit to preside, as he who has fh»wn to an admiring-world, that peace is a gem that he dares to prize, above the love of vulgar fame. I WILMINGTON, September 19. 1 The brig Sally, capt. Andrew Elerfon, arrived »-j- ( here on Thursday la ft, in 23 dayi from Jaetnsl loaded with coffee and cotton. of thi Mr. Warne, supercargo of the Sally, informs, ?f " that on the 14th ult. a proclamation i(Tued by the gj® 1 - comraiffiotiers at the cape, was publicly read in one s^( j, f of the muiicipal oificcs at Jacmel, addressed to the fuppe owners and captains of the French cruisers, to the puMi. following purport All American vessels taken, P l 'd j destined to any Englilh port in tins Iflaod i»>e good l( prizes; & for your encouragement they (hall be tried „ j- {v , fre« of cods, & after condemnation you are at liberty "far - to difpofecf them in any port, or in any manner " on: 1 you plcafe. - *' " " " the " on< 1 STOCKS. u ° h< 1 —7 " gk • Si* per Cent. - - - - - - tuft " ds; i Three per Cent. - -- -- - tofj " dti - 4A per Cent. - - none for sale. • - 14/ lafiprice "qu -si per Cent. - - 16,6 " tio e Deferred Six per Cent. ... - 13/6 to 7 ad - BANK United States, - - - JO pr. cent. Tnten - -7 P*nnfylTjriivi, ... - zj meat —-—- North America, - - - .46 feribi \ Insurance C»mp. North* America, 40 per ceat. adv powe e ». Pennlylyania, 5 per cent. credi r ■ is eft; i COURSE OF EXCHANGE. g"" . On London, at 30 days, per £.100 fteri. par. K e at todays, par to 161 1-1 —— at 90 days, 161 i 161 l-i r. Amfterdara, 60 days, per guilder, 41 h 9 o days, 40 - TrrKT—m—ll ftocV r book 1 GAZETTE OF THE VHI TED STATES MARINE LIST. whel 15 mem o —• attor PHILADELPHIA, September a©, nies t. d —-'*• • *iaruf ARRIVED, days. Ship Dominick Terry, Dehart, Kingston 47 t„ Richmond, Newell, Martinique 43 " Brig Sally, Jackson, Cape Foancois 15 o, Two Siflcrs, Easrlefdn, . s do. 17 i- Brandywine Miller, Culver, St. Croix li g ft Elizabeth, I'ullerton, Kingston 30 t fw c- Minerva, Quandrill, Jamaica 35 ft Snow Ceres, Mann, Havannah 20 his a Schr. Gen. Gieene, Pease, Cape-Francois li Melona, Burnet, St. Thomas 23 Hope, Pearfon, do. 15 T Lovely Lass, Cribbing, Port-au-Prince 19 I >r Maria, Cunnyngham, ' do. Ji :h Good Intent, Hathaway, St. Bartholemews 14 I :d • Arrived at the Fort. I q- Brigs, Flora, Stephins, Havanna I 'J Georgia Packet, M'Kever, St. Thomas J ~ •° Dianna, Gu;fe, Havanna 1 ; Schr. Eagle, Johnson, .La Borgnc I Sloops. Induflry, Wharton, v Antigua j 1C New-London, September j vc ys , Arrived (hip Hope, J. L. Bufwell, 16 days from I Si ■Is Anguijla, and 30 days from Martinico ; left there I ""*" u- fchr. Heroine, J.Smith, to fail in 14 days—fchr. I A John, Rice, tnalter. Left at §t. Bartholemews, I fchr Hope, H. Church, to fail in three days for I Jie New-York. V jTA ry Capt. Bufwell was informed at St. Barthole- J c i t) u- mews, by an Amencan captain of his acquaintance I 1 ?d dire&ly from Martinico, that a British vessel arri- j dai :h ved at the latter iiland on the 1 tth ult. jn a (hort I ton as passage from England, with dispatches for the Go-j re vernpr, containing the important intelligence of I be GREAT-B RITAIN having declared -war agatnji Jof I" SPAIN. The frigate lay off and on while a boat 1 W!l was sent on shore, when (he proceeded to the lee- j jJ 0- ward. t _ j ap] he Ship Independence, John Stockin'g, 59 days I : ed from Liverpool j flic was dismasted Monday the sth | pr ne inft. off Nantucket (hoals in a very heivy g»le of I >r- wind : The day before the gale, spoke the ship J y- Black River, Capt. Dobfon, bound to Nantz, who tej m- mufl have felt the gale, as it came from the Eaft-1 at ward. Capt. Stocking brings nothing from Eu- I rope of a later date than has been previously re- I ( h ceived. I re • , I ei New-York, September 19. I lai ARRIVED. hi , Brig Dean, Burnham, Havre de-Grace 49 f cl Eliza, M;Leod, Londonderry 56 ' Lucretia, Tabor, Port-au-Prince j _ ' Success, Stevenson, New-Orleans I iV Nancy, Barclay, Cape Nichola Mole 21 I j n Schr. Sophia, Roife, Turk's lfland 10 I £ e( j Sloop Dispatch, .Eafon, Guadaloupe jN Rising Sun, Warren, St. Bartholemews j C to " C THIS DAY PUBLISHED, fc :13 By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, b, ex " (Price it i.» Cents) ger The President's Address d laid To the People of the United States, JI ore. Announcing his intention of retiring from public life I n j at the expiration of the present constitutional term of I j " prefidcncy. . I tC September 10. d lou- I nk- JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. tout No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late vessels from Europe, &c. j go. AND HAVE lOR SALE, I \ »rn- A general affortraent of GOODS, fuitnble to the fcalbn— J j i,; DS Amo.t;ft whirh are, TJROAD and narrow Ct.OTHS, I t amc I> Plain and twili'd COATINGS, em " Rose striped and point BLANKETS, | c FLANNELS and B AISES, HATS assorted in cases, IRISH LINENS, i J | INDIA GOODS, generally, I ( tha' A Consigned Invoice of IRONMONGERY, |( auld Comprising a capital assortment to open a ftore—inelu- I v ding Thirty Calks of NAILS. This invoice will be fold I ' j'" entire on very advantageous terms. 'he September 20. d 1 tore ————— — I 1 ha, , WANTED, the Two JOURNETMEN BOOK-BINDERS, 1 ST- OOP steady workmen will meet- with constant em- 1 1 erts, vJ ployihent, and good wages ;by applying td JOHN j' wife CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-ftrcet. N. B. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches, I i n executed with neatness and.dispatch. Public and private I libraries repaired In the n«ateft ani best manner. September 10. ' lw | d- - / / * f ' Treasury of the United States. ' \TOTICE is hereby given to all persons who ?.rc "" I l\ may be Creditors of the United States, iyrany !j; of the Funded Debt, or Stock, beiring a frtjent intereji of J'* t f>er centum per annum. ill, That pursuant to an A6l of Congrcf; paiTsd on «ha 48th day of April, 1796, intitled an aCi in .-ufiition to ?.H : ail, intituled " An»£t making further pravjf 011 In- the : support of public cradit, and for iiie r.:'! .. lion bf tin: : public debt,"- the said debt or stock will be reimburse 1 a'.ld paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by divi.-lcrtdj j " to be made on the last days of Msrch, Juneand'Sei>ffn!- " ber for theprefent year, and from theyear ottethoularid " seven hundred and nincty-feveii, to the ye;ir one thou r •' sand eight hun fred Sc eighteen in luflve.ut thi: rate of ■ •' one and one half per centum upon the original capital. «' Secondly, by dividends to be madewi the lift diy of " December (or the present year, afcd from the y roni " theiifand seven hundred and nin> ty»fi:ven, to the y:-ar " one thoafand eight hundred and seventeen inchlfiVe, at " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori « ginalcapital;and by a dividends be ma c on the last " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun " dred and eighteen, of such futn, as will be then a mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to Continue) tuith power also an attorney or attor nies under him, for that purpose to make and do alt 'lawful a£ls requijitefor effe&ing tbepremifes, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or hisfubjlitute, Jhall lawful" ly do, by virtue hereof I In, iVitnefs hereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the ■' ! day of in the year 5 Sealpd and Delivered in prtfcnc^>f * BE IT KNOIVN, that on the day of O efire meperfonally came $ within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be O bis aft and deed. 6 In tefli mony whereof 1 have hereunto set my Hand and affix* 3 | ed Seal the day and year lafi aforefaid. 5 I Given under my Hand at Philadelphia-, this twen -9 I lie th day of July 1796, pursuant to dife&ion# ii I flirom the Secretary of the Treasury, 4 SAMUEL MEREDITH, 7rtafuter of tie United Staler. 13 *7% *3. w&rt ly. "I For NEW-YORK, lc Tht Ship LIGHT HORSE > I To fail in a few days* and will take freight I very low. Apply to, JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. ft* | September 20. d 4 re I 1 1 1 " 1 1 , r r - Samuel Rjchardet, ,J ; n ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen | *V. Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY 1 TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the e " J city of Philadelphia. ce j The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all ths [[. j daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- It I ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal coir { mercial cities of Europe—Tkey will be regularly filed I and none permitted to be taken away on any account. °f | Tea, Cofiee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety nfi } of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, >at I 'Will at all times be procured at the bar. I Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated Witlf [ the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moll I approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries, lys I xhe Larder will befupplied with the pHme and earliest ;th I produftlons of theSeafon. o f| Large and small Parties, or fingl&Gentlemeh, may be l; I accommodatM with Breakfafls, Dinners, or Suppers, at I hours mod convenient to thsmfelves—a Cold Collation is I regularly kspl for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had jft- 1 at ths bar; in- I The Lodging Rooms will be Completely furniftied, and te I the utmoil attention paid to cleatilinefs, and every other I requisite. I RicHAHOEr will behappyto.receive,and I execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at I large; apd with gratitude for their favours, he pledges j himfelf that nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre an I serve that patronage w]thwhioh he has been so diftinguifh r6 "igly fionored. f j Philadelphia, April 19. mwf ' 2I Brokers Office, and 10 COMMISSION, STORE. J No. 63 South Third ftr«et,oppofite the national new Bant. \ QAMUEL M FRAUNCES and JOHN VAN REED, I O have entered into co-partnerfliip, under the firm of — FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the bufmefs «f Brokers, J Conveyancers and Comrhiflion merchants. They buy and I fell on commission every species of stock, notes of hand, , I bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. Money procured on deposits, &c. &e. all kinds cf I writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatness anfl 'SS I dispatch; accounts adjuiled, and books fettled, in the most correift manner. Constant attendance will be given, life 1 fol'cit a lhare of the public favor ; they are deter c I mined to endeavour to deserve it. II 0 I N. B. The utmost secrecy observed. I, SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, { JOHN VAN REED —— I Philad. Augutl 17, 1796. m&wtf BRA N'D Y, &c. I P ro °f» equal in quality to that import ' I ed from Franft, may be had of the fubferiber at hit Dtftil- I lery, No. 115, Story or New-street, between Third and bn— I where the public, upon application, may I judge for themfelvej, and will find it an object well worm I their attrition. RUM and GIN in ?ny quantity, for exportation or home I consumption) and of superior quality—by I Thomas Cave.. P.S RYE, MALT, BARLEY, and MELASSES, will I be purchased, or taken in exchange for spirits* upon appli- I cation as above. Also any quantity of Clarfet or other wine I (it for di fliilation. ndu- I Auguftag.h, 1796. M4W : fold Mr. FRANCIS, d j ' (Of the New Theatre) —~~ nnAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to hisl I X scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends, I on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca t em- 1 demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He 3HN I flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi j therto renders any promises of conducing his future iches, j schemes on the most liberal and ftridteft terms, of pro*- rivate j priety, totally unneceflary. I N. B. Private tuition as usual, »w J June 3 law