Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 17, 1796, Image 4

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    A FOR SALE. fed
♦ Vfttiubie SO- - P and CANDLE Manufactory, fiiuate '
•; 2 c'>oveiUent part*-of the citi the works alfliott new, J
oci Za entirely original conftru&ion, and buiii ot ibe Left,
piatc-rials, and nuv b? to work immediately. Persons * aic
who wiili to requeued to apply at No. 2.735 f^ 1 ]
South Sccond Street. l * a
September 13. t t f tf pui
Treasury of the United States. de,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or dit
may be Creditors of the United States, for any lamb me
of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bcirtrfe a present interefl vf fix
P"r centum per annum.
i ft, That pursuant to an Ad. of Congrefc pafled on the
28th day of 1796, intitied an ait in addition to an
*A, intituled " An aft making further pro vision tor the
f-ipport of public credit, and for the redemption of the
public debt," the faid'debt or (lock will be reimbursed and " tl
paid in manner following,to wit. " First, by dividends
to-be made" a:; the lalt days of March, June and Scptem
" ber for th-iprefent year, and from the year one thousand
"' seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou- _
44 sand eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at the rate of
u one and one half per centum upon the original capital.
" Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last. day of
" December for the present year, and from the year one
44 thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year
" one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at -
il the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori
-4t ginal cajjital; and by a dividend to be ma e on the last
44 day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun
" dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade
**. quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp
-14 tfion-of the said ftofck."
ad. All diftin&ion between payments on account of
Intercfl and Principal being thus aboliflied by the eftiblifh
jnent of the permanent rule of reimbursement abova de
scribed, it has become necefiary to vary accordingly the
.powers of attorney for receiving dividends ;th public
creditors will therefore observe that the following form
is eftabiifhed for all powers of attorney which may be
granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz.
I of ln
do make, conjlitute and appoint
of my true and lawful At
torney, for pic, and in my name, to receive the dividends wb-cb are,
or fiall be payable according to law, on the (herfe dcfcribing the
{lock)- flanding in my name in the books of (here describing the
books of the Treasury or the Commiflloner of Loans,
where the (lock is credited) from (here insert tfie com
mencement and'expiration of time for which the power of
attorney is to continue) with power ulfo an attorney or attor
nies under him, for that purptfe to male andfubflitute,and t» do all
lawful ails requifitefor effecting tbe prtmifes, hereby ratifying and
confirming all that my said Attorney tr hisftbflitute,fhal I lawful
ly do, by virtue hereof.
In Witness hereof \ I have hereunto fit my Hand and Seal the
day of in the year
Sealed and Delivered
in prefenc\of\
BE. IT KNO WN, that on the day of
efore meperfonally came
within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be
bis. a6l and deed.
In teflimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affix
ed Seal the day and year la (I aforefaid.
Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen
tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions
from the Secretary of the Treasury.
Ireafurer ef the United States.
July w tg* st I J.
For Sale,
Three-story Brick House,
(The late residence of General Walter Stewart)
WITH a LOT ef GROUND thereunto belonging,
the weft fide ef Third-street, near Union-ilreet
containing in front 34 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an
alley leading irto'Union-ftreet. The house is 32 feet front
and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are
large, commodious, and completely finifked; the twofirft
■stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany
doors in the house ; a geometrical llaircafe, with mahoga
ny rails <iad a good Iky-light. The kitchen is in the cell
ar, winch is fpacioijs and convenient, and finilhed with an
oven, slew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an
area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story
brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain
ing 30 feet front by 40 feet deep; the lower part of which
is at present! occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper
part divided into w«U-finiflied large chambers. This house
may at a small expense be converted into a convenient
dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front
and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the
last house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are ere&ed
bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach
lioiife and ftablrs finilhed (or nearly so) with any >ri
the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and
in depth 011 the waft fide of said alley 54 feet. There are
good cellars undej the whole-os the buildings, and a wine
room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over the re
mainder. For further particulars enquire of
At their Office No 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear
t &1 (Ireett.
6'.h momh 24th, 1796.
Lands ot the United States
Treasury Department, slugujl 3, 1796.
Public Notice is hereby Given, .
TN of an ail ofCongrefs, pafled on the 18th
A day.of May, 1796, entitled " An ail providing" for
the sale of the lands of the United States, in the Territo
ry Horth weft of the river Ohio, and above the ihouth of
Kentucky river," that the fcftions or lots of land defcri
feed in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven ranges of
townships, which were surveyed in pursuance of an ordi
nance of Congrefs,paffed on the twentieth day of May,
in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five,
wil! be exposed for sale at Public vendue, in the town ol
Pittsburgh ia Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of
October next, and thenceforward, from day to day until
the firft day of December enfuiag, unless the laid lots {hall
be sooner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con -
ditions herein after mentioned, to wit:
ill. The said fe&ions or lots fhill be fqld under the di
reflion of the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter
ritory, and such person as the President of the United
States may specially appoint for that purpose.
2(1. The said fe&ions or lots ftr.U be fold to the
bidder, but no sale can be made for less than two dollars
fer acre of the quantity of land contained in such lot or
3. Thehigheft bidder as before mentioned, mufl depo
■Ct at the time of sale, one twentieth part of thepurchafe
money, in the hands of such perfoo as the President of the
United States lha!l appoint to attend the sales for that pur
pose, which wilt be forfeited, if a moiety of the sum bid,
including the said twentieth part, shall not be paid within
thirtydays from the time of sale.
4th. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchafc money
in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser will be
entitled to or.e year s credit for - the remaining moiety ;
W ilialj receive frem the Governor «r Secretary of the
Western Territory, ana the perl'on who {hail be appointed
by the President of the United States, todiroi trie CUei,a
certificate describing tha lot or f vlion purchafed,and de
claring the sum paid onaccount, the bs lance remain in 5; due,'
the time when luch balance becomes payable, and th?t i
th whole land therein tter.tioned ,wiil b j fcrfeiicd, if 'Jte j
kid balance is not then paid ; bvt if the CaiA balance
"be duly difchirged,by paying' - - fa?ne tothe rreafurer o*
the United States, the pu'rchaftr or his affignce or other
legal representative, 9iall he entitled to a patent for the
said lands, on his producing to the State a re
ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the ceffncate. But
if any purchaser (hall make payment of the whole of the
purchase money, at the time when ,the payment of J
firft moiety is diretfled to be made, he will be en' itled to a
deduction of ten per canrum on the part for which a ere-
dit Uauthorised to be given ; and his patent shall be >m-
mediately iffuad. _ ( | e [
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and
year above mentioned. -
Secretary of the Tfeafury
Schedule of feßions of townjliips, or fractional parts da
of town/hips, to be fold at P'ntjburgh, inpurfuance
of the 6th feaion of an aft of Congress, pajfid on
the 18lb day of May, 1796.
—• hi;
0" i 1 i dc
J 8 » Jl B J
■s S3 •« •t so o|o
«5 < O o < 2 o < 2 O.
Z . 2 Z I Z t
— • • - St
iftRAJfGF. 6t h Township. 6th Range. in
ift Townfiiip. f!ai2 64o!each iftTownlhip. t {,
a 8 J65 14 ' 17 3| 10
29 256 95 17320 f»4ojeach 18 270 n<
30 250 75 15336 640 each : 21 gSO b<
34 240 90 BthTown(hip. 11 166 40 ar
35136 64ojeach 3ai4 64o|each 23 427 fh
2d Townlhip 17320 64c each £4 - 640 f ' !
19 140 23 640 !27 iji 80 b<
»o 170 70 253301640 each 28330640 each ti
-11 185 33 a -^ 6 640 each j33 58 P;
22 2 30 iothTownfhip. '34136 640 each
15 488 80 xa2 1640 each 2d Townlhip. Vj
a6a27 640 each ,sai4 i 64oeach 1 126
28 5*60 i7aio-|640 each 2
29 551 60 233361640 each 3 44 g
30 564 i2thTownlhip. 4 456 t ;,
640 each iai4 64c[each 5 464 | 1(
4thTown(hip. 17320 640|e3ch 6 472 ce
19 64 23836)640 leach 7 340 g i
2 l ''X f, B^464oeach
26 38760 lftTo^nfhr 1732064? each
2 ' 36 a.C 2 S a 3<> 640 each
21332 64oeath a'l°(, . 0 3<i Tovnftip.
33 616 39 640 1 470
34 445 20 34 615 4 478
2 "l .55336 640 each 3 4
jlhTonulhip. rfTownllip. * «J 0
4■» ,1 Siih ■» „ s
12 479 so \ I 7 ai 4 640 each
17 3°4 IS o ' 17320 640'cach
ll 9a 12 each
®3 450 ?5 ~. jthTownlhip.
24 64Q , * I rtg 1
29 I«4 14 40 , 2 26 I
on 17320640 each 4 a
3 , 12 g 0 23336 54oeach 3 J34 0
36 640 3dTown(hip. 4 54 ° 1
3 = 1 ar 4 6 4 0 each { 548
j ad Range. 17320 64c-jeach >% $$ .
j iftTownfhip. 640 each 7*14640-^
28 I 7120 s thTownlhip. I " il ° 640 esch
34 6150 iai4]64oleach * 3 , a i. 4c«ac
-3d Townlhip. f732oj64o'each
34»»6 64°-sch 23236:640 each 1
28 499 16 7thTownftiip. 1 40
j' 29 640 132 64o(e3ch 3 S7 °
37333 640 each ja7 64o'e3ch 4 60
4thTown(hip. 12.373 640 each •' 593
11 26 40 18319 640 e3ch CTI • .
1 li 397 50 25 640 each
E 13 Ji 5° 30336 640 each '7 az °64:each
: 15 2/ 5° 9thTownlhip. 23336 64« each
t 16 259 20 iai4|64oje3ch" i ovnlhip.
17 524 178120 64oe3ch i3i4 64ojeach
18 64c " -23336 64cteach ?7 aj ° 64c?jeach v
19 635 nth Townlhip. i3 a 36 6 4 oeach
1 20 584 80 i3i4k)4oe3ch' nth Townlhip.
: 21 63611 17320 64o'e3ch] !3i4 64o;each
i[ 52336 640 e3eh 23336:640 esch i7 a i0640 each
sthTswnfhip. 131hTownfhip. 2 3 a 36,640 .tacli
f I 5 636 1 ai4l64oleach JthTownlhip.
617 64©e3ch 17320:640 each 131464 c each
1 23325 64c each i3a36|64o}each 64C|each
r 27318640 each 23336 640, each
e 32136''64c each 5 n i AN^ F " tst>'Townlhip.
' 7thTownfhip. I" iowjiihip. iai4|64o , each
1 3. 1640J 18 ' 2 74 40 I7ato|64oieach
BthTownAip. 22 •5® 23a36!640e3ch
d l 135 640 each 23 417 50 7thR = GF .
n 6 440 lb - Q xfl Townhip.
d 7a 14 640 cach 20 7° , D .
J 17320 640 each 11 W*o
£ IthfoMp. *9330640 each idTowsfiip.
f.r.r, 3* 18 3 35i
8 312 30 32 '-< 84 80 4 a L
11 640 3333664 c cach 536 640 each
i?aii 6ac-3ch 2< lTownfliip. 9 *96
3d Range. 5 456 14
id Townlhip. 6 464 80 20
15 640 7 250 13314 640 each
li 16 600 8 618 2 5 38c
r l 20 557 5° 93i4 64oeach 16337 64o|eich
2X221 640 each 17320 640 each 4thTownfhip.
f »3 609 2333616401 each lal4 6 4oje»ch
i-I 640 e3ch 4th t ownlhip. 6 4 oeach
)f 3d Townlhip. 1314 640 esch 2 3 a 3 6 64cleach
9 188160 17320 64oeach 6thTownlhip.
" I 10 344 23336 640|e3ch 1314]640.e3ch
=' " 267 6thTownlhip. I 1 ?3201640 each
14 152 tai4 6 4 oJeach *3336 6 4 o|each
j. J 14 20250 17a20 64cb3ch | SthTownftup.
II .1 *5 630 23336 64 o[ ;ach ; 1314 640 e3oh
; j *6318 640 each «thTo\vnfhip. , 1 7 a ic 64c each
19 117 50 1 314164 C eavh 13336 640 each
j. 1 . 10 616 75 17120 6*o each lothTownfcip.
T . I aiaj6 640 each 13336(640 each 13 14 640 esch
:dl 4th Townlhip. lothTownlhip. x 7320 6 4P esch
1 170 lai4l64oleict« 2 3336 64c esch
:ft| 4 544 :732c 640K\ch iithTowrilhip.
irs] 3 340 23a36164c1eac1i | Ilr 4 6 4 o,each
or! 4 450 1 zth Townlhip. il?»4c. 640 each
5 Il<? 13i4j6401e3ch *3 a
c-1 6 64c 1732c|54c4e3ch I4, hTownftip.
lfe I 7 563 i3a36l64o!eSch ] la M|64o]each
he J 829 64c each MthTownfhip. i7320'6 4 o | !each
>r-I 10 54c 80 , zsi4|s/joie3ch i 2 3 a 36 64c each
id, J II 529 7 o I 7 S2C 64c!esch i^hTownlhip.
Jin J *2314 640 each 43a361640|eac1i | la i4 64olesch
I 17340 640 each : ji7S2o 64ojeach
I 33336 640 each 1 1143336 64o|each
DC 1
r;J f note.
THEquantides ol Lands in th» several townlhip,'be-
Tl "L To£ the Lots « served !>y the
i Un "f State « alfo v of formerly fold -The ag-
th. several tow„lhir s or fraAional
W1 P °L taw n&'ps, save been ascertained by afiual fur
-4 I ~ZL ; 2 Baa^ ,CT ; n P art 'cilar iots or fedior.., have
1 hcca 00 oWKTTvife afcerra'mpd ihan by calculation
Lands of tHe United State;-.
Treafary Department,'
August B', 179^-
'Public hereby gfren,
: TN pursuance of anna of Con-reft patted on the iMh
L dar of Vlav 1796, entitled "-n a& providing _ fox
1 the sale of 'the Lands of the United States, in the terr.torj
north-weft of the river' Ohio, and above " t:.= mou 1 .
' K • ltucky river," that the Quarter 1 of lan,
t deVcHbed'in the Annexe,! fchcdulc, lying>* theleven rang
es ot tow" (hips which were surveyed in pursuance ot at towamipj d tvrentiet h day o
until the tenth day of February tnfuing. tolcfs the. fai
' quarter townrtiips !hall be fosnsr fold in the manner an.
1 t [, c tcriss and condition? hereinafter mentioned . viz
ift. The said tjuarter townlhips ihall be fold to .h
- h'-.'iell bidder, but no sale can be made for less than tw
dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in fuc
Id The highell bidder as before mentioned, must dt
oofit'a* the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur
chare money, in the Hinds of the Treasurer of the Unite
= States, which will be forfeited if a moiety of the sum b,
including the said twentieth part, Ihall not b« paid with.
thirty days from the time of sale;
id Upon payment of a moiety of the purchafe-mt
ney in the manner befor-mentioned, the purchaier wi
be entitledto one year's credit for the remaining moiety
and shall receive a certificate defcribmg the quarter towr
(hip purchased, and declaring the fun. paid on accoun
the balance remaining due, the time when such balam
becomes pavable, and that the whole Land therein mei
tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not the
paid ; but if the said balance shall be duly discharged, b
paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United State
the purchaier or his affign-e or other legal reprcfentat.v
Ihall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pre
to th- Secretary of a receipt for such balanc
endorfedupqn the certificate. But if any purchaser fha
make payment of- the whole of the purchaft money at tl
time wlvn the payment of the firft mowty is direded 1
be made, he v 1 be entitledto a dedutfion of ten pi
centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to 1
given ; andhia patent shall be immediately issued.
GIVEN under my hand at Philadelphia, tha d;
and year abovementioned.
Secretary of the Treasury.
Of Quarter-Townships to be fold at Philadelphia, in pu
fuaiKe of the 6th fed ion of an ail of Congrcfs passed <
the x Bth day of May, 179 6.
o cx
00 2 c:
A S c
• u. ~ >
<u •- r; y >
r~ 19 O
= c 5 H
«! O » u ~
<3 5 I 5
o 0 Z - < g.S
£oS ~ «
£o I 3
2 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5129
North Weft 5120
s*— : ' XC)ifOe
3 5 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
j 20,480
7 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
9 South East y 129
North Ealt 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
11 S&uth East 5120
North East 5120
South Weil 5120
North Weft 5120
4 4 South* East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft
5 120 I
6. South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft j 120
NortfyWeft 5120
8 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120
10 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft; 5120
| 20,480
12 South East J 120
North Eaftj j 120
South Weft 5120
North Welti 512s
5 3 South East! 4602
North East 4654
South Weft 5120 ■*
North Weft 5 20
19,49 6
5 South East 5120
North East 5120
• South Weft 5120
North Weft JI2O
—— 253,480
7 South Eas Jl2O
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
NorthWeA 5120
be- j 20,480
the £> South East 5120
North East 5120
Sjuth Weft Jl2O
have North Weft 5120
j 20,480
J ts ~
± i's j\ H
£- -s « I ; ill
*" C . Q • J
It i j
3 H £! J! —
U- > y "5 " J 1
9 Ji • C rt
. r° S < s u
or" 1 j- £ ,s"» 1
' "ij i
I —■* J * i
, ~~c II ISoutb Eafl|sl2o
f ' iNorth EaHJy(2O
South W-ft 5 12,0j
North Weft 5 i zo }
-—' 20,480
( 13 South East 5120;
1 jNoith £.1(15120'. ■ i
(South Wefi j 120, i
North Weft j.i 20' |
I —t-; 20,480 !
6 4 South East 4630:
North East 4620'
South Weft 5 1 20' j j
I I North Weft 15 120' 1
n 1 I ! 9.490
6 South East 4730 i
North East 4715
" Sou h Weft ? 120
' iNerth Wcft|s 120
t, ■ j. | —!' 19.585
:e 8 South East 5120
1- [North East 5120
n South Weft 5 120
y .North Weft 51 20
9 ' D
c, | 20,480
>- 10 South East 5120
=> North Eajl|s!2o
" South Weft'sl 20
North Welt 5120
:r . | 20,480
ic 12 South '
,y South Weft 5 1 20
North Weft 5t20
14 South Eafi ji 20'
North East 5 120
South Weft 5 1 20
r _ North Weft 5 120
in 20,480
7' 3 South East 5 120
= North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120 v
f South East 5 12c
North East 5 [20
South Weft 5 12©
North Weft 5 120
7 South East 5 120
North' East 5120
South Weft 5 120
Nofth Weft 5 120
9 South East et 20
~ ""North LaH 5 iToT
South We'' 5:1 20
i North Weft j 120
11 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft y 1 20
, 20,480 '
13 Somth Eaftji2'o
North East 5 120
South We!! j 120
North Weft 5
120 I
' 20,480
15 South Eafi y 120
North Eafi 5 1 2a
South We(' j 1 20
North Weft 5120 >
i I 20,480
'THE quantities of Lands in the feweraltownftips hi*
fore mentioned, are exclafive of the S;&:ons jeferved ' a Y
the United States. The aggregate quantities in the fevc
ral townihips, kave been afcertjjir.ed i>y a&ual survey ; but
the quantities in the quarter tewnfhips, have been no
otherwise afcertalned than by L_ —
Washington Canal Lottery,
NO. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has suthoriW
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
hundred, and fifty dollars, for the pytpofe of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, froHi th
tomacto the East em Branch Haruour. ,
The following is '.he SCHEME of No- '•
Viz 'I Prize of 10,000 dpliars, 40,000
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
7 lad drawn 7 „ , r^ n
Tickets, each j *' Co ° 35,00 °
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4>°°o
40 ditto zoo a,OOO
55 ditto jo i,7J°
J750 ditto 1 x 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, *6,450
,JESO Prizes,
Il6jc Blanks, not two to a prize.
17.T00 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - J7J.000 ,
The CommiHioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as loon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given,
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after ths
drawing is fir.ifhed, (hall be coniidert d as relinqulfted for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Wm. m. duncanson,
City of Waihingtoa, Feb. ii/ $ ' '
—No. 119 —
£?rjcc Eight Collars per AdjiCSS.J